
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki


Title How to obtain Added
10-Tentacled Shop 0
100% Shop 1
24-Hour Shop 1
333x Shop 5
5-Year-Planning Shop 1
8-Tentacled Shop 0
A Complex Shop 1
A Real Shop 1
A Simple Shop 0
Abandoned Shop 5
Absentminded Shop 1
Absolute Shop 5
Abstract Shop 5
Abyssal Shop 5
Academic Shop 5
Ace Other 4
Acrobatic Shop 5
Actual Shop 1
Adept Shop 5
Adored Other 6
Advanced Shop 5
Affable Shop 5
Aged Shop 1
Ageless Shop 5
Aggressive Shop 5
Airborne Shop 5
Airy Shop 5
AKA Shop 1
Alabaster Shop 1
All-Natural Shop 0
All-New Shop 1
All-Out Shop 5
All-Purpose Shop 1
Almighty Shop 5
Aloof Shop 1
Alternan Other 0
Always-in-Our-Hearts Shop 5
Amateur Shop 0
Ambidextrous Shop 0
Ambiguous Shop 1
Ambitious Shop 5
amiibo-Collecting Shop 1
Ammo Knights Shop 0
Amped-Up Shop 1
Amusing Shop 5
Anachronistic Shop 1
Anarchy Battle Shop 0
Ancient Shop 1
Angelic Shop 5
Antarctic Ocean Shop 0
Anticipated Shop 5
Apparent Shop 5
Apprentice Shop 0
Aquarium-Bound Shop 1
Arcade-Hopping Shop 1
Arctic Ocean Shop 0
Artsy Shop 1
Ascending Shop 5
Assertive Shop 0
Assisting Shop 5
Astonishing Other 5
Astute Shop 5
At-Home Shop 5
At-Work Shop 0
Athletic Shop 0
Attacking Shop 1
Attention-Seeking Shop 0
Auspicious Shop 1
Authentic Shop 5
Automated Shop 5
Avant-Garde Shop 1
Avaricious Shop 0
Awe-Inspiring Shop 1
Awesome Shop 1
Awkward Shop 5
Badlands Shop 1
Barbed Shop 1
Barely Shop 5
Bargain-Binned Shop 1
Barnacle & Dime Shop 4
Basic Shop 0
Battering Other
Beachy Shop 0
Bearded Shop 1
Beloved Shop 1
Better-Than-You Shop 1
Big Shop 1
Big Honkin' Shop 1
Big Run Shop 4
Big-Hearted Shop 5
Big-Money Shop 0
Big-Sky Shop 1
Big-Time Shop 1
Birthday-Celebratin' Shop 0
Bland Shop 5
Blaster-Using Shop 5
Blatant Shop 5
Blissed-Out Shop 0
Blue Shop 5
Bluefin Depot Shop 6
Blustery Shop 5
Bohemian Shop 1
Bomb-tastic Shop 1
Bonerattle Arena Shop 7
Booming Shop 1
Bourgeois Shop 5
Brand-New Shop 0
Brazen Shop 5
Break-Time Shop 5
Breakin' Shop 1
Breath-Holding Shop 5
Brella-Using Shop 5
Bright Shop 5
Bright-Blue Shop 1
Brinewater Springs Shop 2
Brisk Shop 5
Bronzed Shop 5
Brush-Using Shop 5
Brute Shop 1
Buoyant Shop 1
Burly Shop 5
Bursting Shop 1
Calamari Shop 0
Camera-Facing Shop 1
Candid Shop 5
Captivated Shop 5
Captivating Shop 0
Carefree Shop 5
Careless Shop 0
Carnivorous Shop 1
Cash-Stacking Shop 1
Casual Shop 1
Catch-of-the-Day Shop 1
Celestial Shop 1
Central Shop 1
Challenge Shop 4
Challenging Shop 5
Champion Shop 0
Chaotic Shop 0
Charger-Using Shop 5
Charmed Other 7
Charming Shop 5
Chatty Shop 1
Cheeky Shop 5
Cheerful Shop 1
Cheery Shop 5
Cherished Shop 8
Chic Shop 5
Childish Shop 1
Chill Shop 5
Chilled-Out Shop 0
Choosy Shop 5
Clamorous Shop 5
Clandestine Shop 5
Classic Shop 5
Classy Shop 5
Clean Shop 5
Clever Shop 0
Climactic Shop 1
Climbing Shop 5
Clocked-Out Shop 0
Clockwork Shop 1
Closed-Off Shop 5
Cohock-Chargin' Shop 0
Collab-Loving Catalog 3
Comfy-Cozy Shop 1
Comic-Lovin' Shop 1
Comical Shop 5
Commanding Shop 0
Commencing Shop 5
Common Shop 5
Competitive Shop 0
Completing Shop 5
Composed Shop 5
Comprehensible Shop 5
Confident Shop 1
Conspicuous Shop 5
Convenient Shop 5
Cool Shop 0
Cooperative Shop 1
Cordial Shop 5
Cosmic Shop 1
Country-Born Shop 0
Courageous Shop 5
Covering Shop 5
Covert Shop 5
Crab-N-Go Shop 1
Crableg Capital Shop 5
Crafty Shop 5
Creative Shop 5
Crimson Shop 1
Crush Station Shop 0
Crusty Other 0
Cryptic Shop 5
Currently Obsessed with Shop 5
Cushy Shop 5
Custom Shop 5
Cute Shop 5
Cutting-Edge Shop 1
Cyber-Brainiac Shop 5
Dandy Shop 0
Dangerous Shop 0
Dapper Shop 1
Daredevilish Shop 5
Daring Shop 0
Dark Shop 1
Dauntless Shop 5
Dawning Shop 1
Day-Seizing Shop 0
Daybreaking Shop 5
Daydreamin' Shop 0
Daylit Shop 1
Daytime Shop 1
Dazzling Shop 1
De Facto Shop 5
Dead-Tired Shop 1
Deadeye Shop 0
Decade-Experienced Shop 1
Deep Shop 5
Deep-Red Shop 1
Deep-Sea Shop 0
Defensive Shop 0
Delicate Shop 5
Delightful Shop 5
Deluxe Shop 5
Dense Shop 5
Dependable Shop 5
Designer-Label Shop 1
Destined Shop 0
Determined Shop 5
Die-Hard Shop 1
Dignified Shop 5
Dim Catalog 5
Direct Shop 5
Discerning Shop 5
Discreet Shop 5
Diving Shop 1
DJ Shop 1
Dodge-Rolling Shop 0
Dogged Shop 5
Double Shop 5
Downtown Shop 0
Drab Shop 5
Drained Shop 1
Drenched Shop 1
Dried-Out Shop 5
Drizzling Other
Dry Shop 1
Dualie-Using Shop 5
Dutiful Shop 5
Dynamic Shop 5
Dynamite Shop 1
Early-Bird Shop 0
Early-Morning Shop 0
Early-Summer Shop 1
Earnest Shop 5
Easy-Peasy Shop 1
Easygoing Shop 1
Ebullient Catalog 6
Eccentric Shop 5
Economical Shop 1
Eeltail Alley Shop 0
Eggstra Work Shop 4
Elegant Shop 1
Elusive-Bounder Other
Endangered Shop 1
Endlessly Ringing Shop 5
Enduring Shop 5
Energetic Shop 5
Enigmatic Shop 1
Enlightened Shop 1
Enlivened Shop 5
Enterprising Shop 5
Enthusiastic Shop 5
Ephemeral Shop 5
Esoteric Shop 1
Essential Shop 1
Esteemed Shop 5
Eternity's Shop 1
Ever-Present Shop 1
Everyday Shop 1
Everyone's Shop 5
Evil Shop 1
Exceptional Shop 5
Excited Shop 5
Exciting Shop 5
Exemplary Shop 3
Exhausted Shop 1
Existing Shop 5
Experienced Shop 5
Expert Shop 5
Explosive Shop 0
Exquisite Shop 5
Extraordinary Shop 5
Exuberant Shop 5
Fair Shop 5
Faithful Shop 0
Fall-Lovin' Shop 0
Fall-Themed Shop 0
Fame-Seeking Shop 1
Fan-Favorite Shop 1
Faraway Shop 1
Fashionable Shop 1
Fated Shop 1
Faux Shop 5
Fearful Shop 1
Feral Shop 0
Fierce Shop 1
Fiery Shop 1
Fightin' Shop 1
First-Rate Shop 5
First-Wave Shop 1
Fish-Lovin' Shop 1
Fishy Shop 0
Flashy Shop 1
Fledgling Shop 5
Fleeing Shop 1
Flexible Shop 5
Floaty Shop 0
Flounder Heights Shop 2
Flower-Shaped Shop 5
Flowy Shop 5
Fluffy Shop 1
Fluid Shop 0
Fluttering Shop 1
Flying Shop 1
Foggy Shop 0
Forevermore Shop 5
Forgetful Shop 1
Formidable Shop 5
Fortunate Shop 1
Forward-Plunging Shop 5
Fragrant Shop 1
Frank Shop 5
Freewheelin' Shop 0
Fresh Shop 0
Fresh-Catch Shop 0
Frizzy Shop 5
Front-Line Shop 1
Frosty Shop 1
Fruit-Lovin' Shop 1
Full-Throttle Shop 0
Fully Shop 1
Fully Automatic Shop 1
Fully Charged Shop 5
Fully Committed Shop 5
Fun Other 0
Funky Shop 5
Fuzzy Shop 0
Gallant Shop 5
Gaming Shop 1
Genius Shop 5
Genteel Shop 5
Gentle Shop 1
Genuine Shop 5
Ghastly Shop 5
Giant Shop 5
Gifted Shop 5
Gigantified Shop 1
Glam Shop 1
Gleaming Shop 1
Glimmering Shop 1
Glistening Shop 1
Glorious Shop 5
Glory-Hogging Shop 5
Go-Gettin' Shop 0
Gold Shop 5
Golden Egg–Like Shop 5
Gone Fission Hydroplant Shop 1
Gone-Fishin' Shop 1
Good-Humored Shop 5
Gorgeous Shop 5
Gossip-Loving Shop 5
Goth Shop 1
Gothic Shop 1
Graceful Shop 1
Grateful Shop 5
Greedy Shop 0
Groundbreaking Shop 0
Growing Catalog 1
Grown-Up Shop 1
Grunge Shop 1
Gullible Shop 0
Gushing Other
Gutsy Shop 5
Hagglefish Market Shop 0
Half Shop 1
Half-Hearted Shop 0
Hammerhead Bridge Shop 0
Haphazard Shop 5
Hard-Workin' Shop 0
Headstrong Shop 1
Healthy Shop 5
Heart-Thumping Shop 5
Heartfelt Shop 1
Hearty Shop 1
Heavy-Duty Shop 5
Heroic Shop 5
Hibernating Shop 1
Hidden Shop 1
High-Calorie Shop 5
High-Earning Shop 5
High-End Shop 1
High-Performing Shop 1
High-Rolling Shop 0
High-Spirited Shop 5
High-Tide Shop 0
Highly Nutritious Shop 5
Hiking Shop 1
Hip Shop 0
Hip-Hop Shop 1
Hoary Shop 5
Homebound Shop 1
Homecoming Shop 0
Hometown Shop 5
Homing Other
Honest Shop 5
Honorary Shop 1
Hopeful Shop 5
Hotlantis Shop 0
Howling Shop 1
Humpback Pump Track Shop 4
Hungry Shop 0
Hungry, Hungry Shop 0
Hyped Shop 5
Ice-Cold Shop 5
Iced Shop 1
Idiosyncratic Shop 5
Immediate Shop 5
Imperative Shop 5
Imperfect Shop 5
Impish Shop 1
Important Shop 1
Improved Shop 5
In-Season Shop 5
Incandescent Shop 1
Incredible Shop 1
Indian Ocean Shop 0
Individual Shop 5
Indomitable Shop 5
Indoor Shop 0
Inexorable Shop 5
Infinite Shop 1
Inflexible Shop 5
Influential Shop 5
Ingenious Shop 5
Ink-Covered Shop 0
Ink-Dripping Shop 0
Ink-Sloshing Shop 0
Inkblot Art Academy Shop 0
Inkless Shop 0
Inkopolis Square's Shop 0
Inkopolis's Own Shop 0
Inkopolitan Shop 0
Inkslinging Shop 0
Innocent Shop 1
Insider Shop 5
Instant Shop 1
Instantaneous Shop 1
Intellectual Shop 5
Intensifying-Harmony Other
Introverted Shop 5
Intuitive Shop 1
Invigorating Shop 5
Jammin' Salmon Junction Shop 4
Jelletonal Other
Jet-Black Shop 1
Job-Lovin' Shop 1
Jumbo Shop 1
Junior-Grade Shop 1
Just Another Shop 1
Just-Right Shop 5
Keen-and-Nimble Shop 5
Lackadaisical Shop 5
Laid-Back Shop 5
Last Shop 5
Last Year's Shop 1
Late-Night Shop 1
Late-Summer Shop 1
Lavish Shop 5
Law-Breaking Shop 0
Lax Shop 5
Layered-Rotator Other
Leaping Shop 1
Learned Shop 5
Legendary Shop 0
Legit Shop 0
Lemuria Hub Shop 8
Lethal Shop 1
Lifelong Shop 1
Light Shop 1
Lightly Seasoned Shop 5
Lightly Snacking Shop 1
Lightning-Fast Shop 1
Limited-Edition Shop 1
Listless Shop 5
Little Shop 1
Lively Shop 1
Livestreaming Shop 0
Lobby-Bound Shop 0
Local Shop 1
Logical Shop 1
Lonely Shop 0
Long-Awaited Shop 5
Long-Sleeved Catalog 2
Lost Shop 1
Lost-and-Found Shop 1
Lovable Shop 1
Lovely Shop 1
Low-Battery Shop 5
Low-Calorie Shop 5
Low-Key Shop 0
Low-Rolling Shop 0
Low-Tide Shop 0
Lucky Shop 1
Lunchtime Shop 5
Made-to-Order Shop 1
Magical Shop 5
Magnanimous Shop 5
Magnetic Shop 5
Magnificent Shop 5
Mahi-Mahi Resort Shop 1
MakoMart Shop 1
Man-o'-Wardrobe Shop 0
Maniacal Shop 5
Manta Maria Shop 3
Marching Other
Marlin Airport Shop 7
Marooner's Bay Shop 2
Massive Shop 1
Meaty Shop 1
Meditative Shop 0
Meek Shop 5
Memversal Other
Merciless Shop 1
Merry Catalog 7
Mesmerizing Shop 5
Metallic Shop 5
Methodical Shop 5
Meticulous Shop 5
Microscopic Shop 1
Mid-Rush Shop 0
Midday Shop 1
Midnight Shop 1
Midsummer Shop 1
Midwinter Shop 1
Mighty Shop 5
Mild-Mannered Shop 1
Mincemeat Metalworks Shop 0
Mind-Blowing Shop 1
Mind-Changing Shop 5
Miraculous Shop 1
Mischievous Shop 0
Misplaced Shop 5
Mod Shop 1
Modern Shop 1
Modest Shop 5
Mold-Breaking Shop 5
Monochrome Catalog 2
Most Popular Shop 5
Mostly Shop 1
Mountain-Dwelling Shop 1
Movable Shop 5
Movie-Lovin' Shop 1
Moving Other 8
Muddy Shop 1
Multifaceted Shop 5
Multiplying Shop 1
Museum d'Alfonsino Shop 1
My Very Own Shop 5
Mysterious Shop 1
Nameless Shop 1
Narrowly Shop 5
National Shop 0
Natural Shop 5
Nature-Loving Shop 5
Naut Couture Shop 0
Neighborly Shop 1
New Shop 5
New Year's Shop 5
Newish Shop 5
Newly Released Shop 5
Next Year's Shop 1
Next-Generation Shop 1
Nice Shop 1
Nimble Shop 5
Nonchalant Shop 5
Nonexistent Shop 5
Nonstop Shop 5
Noontime Shop 5
Normal Shop 5
Normcore Shop 0
North Atlantic Shop 0
North Pacific Shop 0
Nostalgic Shop 0
Nosy Shop 1
Not-So-Fresh Shop 0
Not-Streaming Shop 1
Notable Shop 0
Noteworthy Shop 5
Nourishing Shop 5
Novel Shop 5
Novice Shop 1
Now-Stronger Shop 5
Numb Shop 1
Occasional Shop 1
Occasionally Shop 5
Oceanic Shop 1
Of-the-Moment Shop 5
Official-Grizzco Shop 0
Old-Fashioned Shop 0
Old-School Shop 5
On-the-Job Shop 5
On-the-Rise Shop 5
One-in-a-Million Other 3
Optimistic Shop 0
Orderly Shop 0
Organized Shop 1
Original Shop 5
Originally from Shop 5
Orthodox Shop 5
Ostensible Shop 5
Otherworldly Shop 1
Out-of-Options Shop 1
Outdoorsy Shop 1
Outstanding Shop 5
Overachieving Shop 0
Overall Shop 1
Overdone Shop 5
Overflowing Shop 1
Overheated Shop 1
Overpowering Shop 1
Painful Shop 5
Painted Shop 1
Pampered Shop 5
Panicking Other
Parallel World's Shop 5
Part-Time Shop 0
Partying Shop 1
Passionate Shop 5
Peaceful Shop 5
Peak-Condition Catalog 8
Peerless Shop 5
Peppy Shop 0
Perfect Shop 1
Perpetual Shop 5
Persistent Shop 1
Persisting Shop 5
Phantasmagoric Shop 1
Phantom Shop 5
Phoenix-Like Shop 5
Picture-Taking Shop 1
Piercing Shop 5
Pitch-Black Shop 1
Plain Shop 5
Playful Shop 5
Plucky Shop 5
Pointy Shop 1
Pool-Frequenting Shop 5
Pool-Ready Shop 1
Poser Shop 1
Positive Catalog 5
Power-Concealing Shop 5
Powerful Shop 5
Praiseworthy Shop 1
Praying Shop 5
Precocious Shop 1
Preposterous Shop 5
Prestigious Shop 5
Pretty Good Shop 1
Prickly Shop 5
Private Battle Shop 0
Prized Shop 5
Pro Shop 0
Proactive Shop 5
Processed Shop 0
Procrastinating Shop 1
Profreshional Shop 0
Promising Shop 0
Proper Shop 5
Protecting Shop 5
Protective Shop 1
Prototypical Shop 5
Puffed-Up Shop 0
Punk Shop 1
Pure Shop 1
Pushy Shop 5
Quiet Shop 5
Rampaging Shop 5
Rare Shop 5
Rational Shop 5
Raw Shop 1
Ready-to-Go Shop 1
Realistic Shop 1
Really Shop 5
Reasonable Shop 5
Recently Shop 5
Recently Graduated Shop 5
Reckless Shop 0
Reclusive Shop 5
Reflective Shop 5
Refreshing Catalog 4
Regal Shop 5
Regular Battle Shop 0
Reincarnated Shop 1
Relaxed Shop 5
Reliable Shop 1
Relieved Shop 5
Reminiscent Other
Repeating Shop 5
Replete with Shop 5
Research-Conducting Shop 0
Resilient Shop 5
Resolved Shop 5
Resourceful Shop 5
Restless Shop 5
Retirement-Age Shop 5
Retro Shop 0
Revived Shop 5
Rich Shop 5
Ridiculous Shop 5
Right-Handed Shop 0
Rise-and-Shine Shop 0
Rising Shop 1
Roaming Shop 1
Robo ROM-en Shop 6
Robust Shop 5
Rockabilly Shop 1
Rockin' Shop 0
Roller-Using Shop 5
Rookie Shop 5
Royal Shop 0
Rugged Shop 6
Rule-Breaking Shop 5
Running Shop 1
Sacred Shop 1
Saddle-Straddlin' Other 2
Salmon Run Shop 0
Salmonid Smokeyard Shop 5
Salty Shop 0
Same-as-Ever Shop 5
Sandy Shop 1
Sanguine Shop 5
Sappy Shop 0
Satiating Shop 5
Savvy Shop 1
Scheduled Shop 5
Scientific Shop 0
Scintillating Shop 5
Scorch Gorge Shop 0
Scorching Shop 1
Seafaring Shop 0
Sealed Shop 5
Seasick Shop 1
Seaside Shop 1
Seasoned Shop 1
Second-Generation Shop 1
Secret Shop 1
Self-Centered Shop 5
Self-Identified Shop 1
Self-Proclaimed Shop 1
Self-Taught Shop 0
Selfie-Snapping Shop 1
Sensational Shop 1
Sentimental Shop 1
Serious Shop 1
Shadowy Shop 1
Sharp Shop 5
Sharp-Edged Shop 0
Sharp-Eyed Shop 1
Shell-Out Other 8
Shining Shop 1
Shipshape Cargo Co. Shop 5
Shooter-Using Shop 5
Shortcut-Taking Shop 0
Shrouded-in-Mystery Shop 5
Shy Shop 0
Side Orderly Other
Silent Shop 0
Silver Shop 5
Simmering Catalog 4
Simplistic Shop 5
Simulated Shop 5
Sincere Shop 5
Single-Minded Shop 5
Sizzlin' Catalog 0
Sketching Shop 1
Skilled Shop 5
Skyrocketing Shop 5
Slacking Shop 5
Slapdash Shop 0
Sleepy Shop 1
Sleeved Shop 5
Slender Shop 5
Slim Shop 1
Slippery Shop 1
Slosher-Using Shop 5
Smooth Shop 1
Snazzy Shop 5
Sneaky Shop 1
Snowy Shop 1
So-Called Shop 1
Sociable Shop 5
Social Shop 5
Sockeye Station Shop 0
Soft Shop 0
Soft-and-Fluffy Shop 1
Solid Shop 1
Somehow Shop 5
Sometime Shop 5
South Atlantic Shop 0
South Pacific Shop 0
Southpaw Shop 0
Sparkling Shop 1
Spawning Other
Spawning Grounds Shop 1
Speciality Shop 5
Spicy Shop 1
Spineless Shop 1
Splatana-Using Shop 5
Splatfest Battle's Shop 5
Splatfest's Shop 5
Splatlandian Other 0
Splatling-Using Shop 5
Splatoon Shop 1
Splatsville's Shop 0
Splendid Shop 1
Sporty Shop 1
Sprightly Shop 5
Spring-Fresh Shop 0
Spring-Lovin' Shop 0
Springing Other
Stable Catalog 7
Stale Shop 0
Stalwart Shop 5
Stand-Up Shop 0
Starchy Shop 5
Stark-White Shop 1
Steadfast Shop 5
Steady Shop 1
Stealthy Shop 1
Steampunky Shop 1
Stewed Shop 5
Stoic Shop 5
Stormy Shop 0
Story Mode Shop 0
Straightforward Shop 5
Streamlined Other 3
Strict Shop 1
Stringer-Using Shop 5
Strong-Willed Shop 5
Struggling Shop 5
Stubborn Shop 5
Studious Shop 1
Sturdy Shop 5
Sturgeon Shipyard Shop 1
Stylin' Shop 0
Stylish Shop 5
Suave Shop 1
Submersible Shop 1
Subterranean Shop 1
Summer-Breaking Shop 0
Summer-Fun Shop 1
Summer-Lovin' Shop 0
Sun-Dried Shop 1
Super-Duper Lucky Other 0
Super-Rare Other 2
Super-Scary Shop 0
Superhuman Shop 1
Supernatural Shop 5
Supersonic Shop 1
Surreal Shop 5
Surviving Shop 5
Swaggering Shop 5
Swaggy Catalog 3
Swanky Shop 0
Swarming Other
Sweet Shop 1
Sweet-Toothed Shop 0
Swift Shop 7
Swishy Shop 5
Swole Shop 0
Swoon-Worthy Shop 1
Tableturf Battling Shop 1
Tagalong Shop 1
Tailwind-Riding Catalog 6
Tasteful Shop 5
Tasteless Shop 1
Tear-Stained Shop 1
Tech-Minded Shop 1
Temporary Shop 5
Tenacious Shop 1
Tender Other 7
Terrestrial Shop 1
Thank You for Catalog 8
The Shop 0
The Best Shop 1
The City's Own Shop 0
The Crater's Shop 0
The Eternal Shop 1
The Final Shop 1
The First Shop 0
The Genuine Shop 5
The GOAT Shop 1
The Great Shop 0
The Lone Shop 0
The One and Only Shop 1
The Original Shop 1
The Real Ultimate Shop 1
The Shoal's Own Shop 0
The Strongest Other 0
The True Ultimate Shop 1
The Usual Shop 1
The Very First Shop 1
Theoretically Possible Shop 5
Third-Eye-Opened Shop 1
Third-Gen Shop 0
This Century's Best Shop 1
This Year's Shop 1
This Year's Final Shop 5
Thoughtful Shop 5
Three-Star Shop 5
Thrilling Shop 5
Thunderous Shop 1
Tidy Shop 1
Time-Traveling Shop 1
Today's Shop 1
Tonight's Shop 5
Toon-Lovin' Shop 1
Top-Notch Shop 5
Top-Ranked Shop 1
Topical Shop 5
Total Shop 5
Towering Other
Traditional Shop 0
Trailblazing Shop 5
Traveling Shop 1
Treasured Shop 5
Trending Shop 0
Trendsetting Shop 0
Trendy Shop 0
Tricolor Battle Shop 2
Triple Shop 5
Triumphant Shop 5
True Shop 5
Turbo Shop 1
Turn-of-the-Century Shop 1
Twilight Shop 1
Twin Shop 5
Ultimate Shop 5
Ultra Shop 0
Um'ami Ruins Shop 3
Unadorned Shop 5
Unaffected Shop 5
Unalloyed Shop 5
Unarmed Shop 1
Unavailable Shop 5
Unblemished Shop 1
Uncommon Shop 5
Undefeated Shop 5
Underground Shop 1
Undertow Spillway Shop 0
Undiscouraged Shop 5
Undying Shop 5
Unfettered Shop 5
Unflappable Shop 1
Unique Shop 5
Unknowing Shop 5
Unnamed Shop 5
Unnoticed Shop 1
Unperceived Shop 1
Unprecedented Shop 1
Unrivaled Shop 0
Unruly Shop 5
Unstoppable Shop 1
Unswerving Shop 5
Unthinkable Shop 5
Unwavering Shop 5
Unyielding Shop 1
Up-and-at-'Em Shop 0
Upright Shop 5
Upstanding Shop 5
Urbane Shop 5
Vacationing Shop 0
Veggie-Lovin' Shop 1
Veiled Shop 5
Vertebrate Shop 5
Very Shop 5
Vindictive Shop 1
Vintage Shop 1
Virtual Shop 1
Vivacious Shop 5
Vivid Shop 5
Vulnerable Shop 1
Wahoo World Shop 0
Wandercrust Other 6
Wandering Shop 1
Wannabe Shop 0
Warm-and-Cozy Shop 1
Watchful Shop 1
Water-Breathing Shop 1
Watered Shop 5
Watery Shop 1
Wave-Riding Shop 0
Well-Behaved Shop 5
Well-Mannered Shop 5
Well-Rounded Shop 5
Whimsical Shop 0
Whirling Other
Wibbly-Wobbly Shop 1
Wicked-Fresh Shop 0
Wild Shop 1
Windy Shop 1
Winter-Breaking Shop 1
Winter-Lovin' Shop 0
Winter-Ready Shop 1
Wiped-Out Shop 0
Wise Shop 5
Wistful Shop 5
Witty Shop 5
Wizened Shop 1
Won't-Lose Shop 1
Wonderful Shop 5
Woodsy Shop 1
World-Wise Shop 5
World's Best Shop 0
World's First Shop 5
X Battle Shop 2
Yesterday's Shop 1
Young Shop 1
Zealous Shop 5
Zesty Shop 5
Zipped-Lips Shop 1



Title How to obtain Added
.52 Gal User Shop 0
.96 Gal User Shop 0
Accelerando Other
Accordo Other
Accountant Shop 5
Ace Shop 5
Ace in the Hole Shop 5
Actor Shop 1
Adventurer Shop 1
Adviser Shop 1
Aerospray User Shop 0
Aficionado Shop 5
Afro Shop 0
Agent Shop 1
Agent 1 Shop 1
Agent 2 Shop 1
Agent 3 Shop 0
Agent 4 Shop 1
Agent 8 Shop 1
AI Shop 1
Alchemist Shop 5
Alien Shop 5
All-Arounder Shop 0
Alla Mambo Other
Alliance Catalog 5
Alter Ego Shop 5
Ammo Knights Regular Shop 0
Andante Other
Android Shop 1
Angel Shop 1
Angle Shooter User Shop 0
Angler Shop 1
Annaki Model Shop 0
Announcer Shop 5
Apprentice Shop 1
Arbiter Shop 5
Archdemon Shop 1
Architect Shop 5
Army Shop 5
Arpeggio Other
Artisan Shop 1
Artist Shop 0
Artiste Shop 5
Assistant Shop 1
Assistant Manager Shop 1
Astronaut Shop 1
Asynchronous Rondo Other
Athlete Shop 1
Atlantean Shop 1
Author Shop 1
Authority Shop 5
Autobomb User Shop 0
Avocado Roll Shop 1
B-Boy /
Shop 1
Backer Shop 5
Ballpoint Splatling User Shop 0
Bamboo Shoot Shop 5
Bamboozler 14 User Shop 0
Bandleader Shop 5
Bank President Shop 5
Barazushi Model Shop 0
Barber Shop 0
Bard Catalog 5
Base Shop 5
Bass Dropper Shop 0
Batter Shop 5
Bear Shop 0
Beast Shop 5
Beautician Shop 1
Beginner Shop 1
Benchwarmer Shop 5
Bento Box Shop 5
Berserker Shop 1
Beta Tester Other
Bifocal Wearer Shop 1
Big Boss Shop 1
Big Brother /
Big Sister
Shop 0
Big Bubbler User Shop 0
Big Curls Shop 0
Big Deal Shop 1
Big Man Fan Shop 0
Big Mouth Shop 1
Big Name Shop 5
Big Shot Shop 5
Big Swig Roller User Shop 2
Bird Shop 1
Bivalve Shop 1
Blacksmith Shop 5
Blade of Grass Shop 1
Blaster User Shop 0
Bloblobber User Shop 0
Blogger Shop 5
Board Gamer Shop 1
Board Member Shop 1
Bodybuilder Shop 5
Bodyguard Shop 1
Bookkeeper Shop 5
Bookworm Shop 1
Booster Other 6
Boot Model Shop 0
Booyah Shop 1
Booyah Bomb User Shop 0
Boss Shop 1
Bottom Feeders Fan Shop 0
Bounty Hunter Shop 5
Bowl Cut Shop 0
Boxer Shop 5
Boy /
Shop 0
Braid Bearer Shop 0
Brain Shop 5
Brainiac Shop 1
Brand Loyalist Shop 1
Brave Warrior Shop 5
Breeze Shop 5
Bro /
Shop 1
Brother /
Shop 1
Buddy Shop 5
Buffoon Shop 5
Bug Shop 1
Bungee Jumper Shop 5
Burst Bomb User Shop 0
Butler Shop 1
Butterfingers Shop 1
Buzz-Cut Shop 0
C-Side Superfan Shop 0
Cabinet Member Shop 1
Caller Shop 1
Callie Fan Shop 0
Camper Shop 1
Capriccioso Other
Captain Shop 5
Carbon Roller User Shop 0
Card Collector Shop 0
Card Gamer Other 0
Caretaker Shop 5
Carpaccio Shop 1
Cartoon Character Shop 5
Cast Shop 5
Castanet Shop 5
Cat Shop 1
Catcher Shop 5
Catfish Shop 1
Caveman Shop 1
Celeb Shop 1
Celebrity Shop 1
CEO Shop 1
Cephalopod Shop 1
Challenger Catalog 1
Champ Shop 0
Champion Shop 5
Chaos Catalog 7
Chaperone Shop 5
Chauffeur Shop 5
Cheer Team Shop 5
Chef Shop 1
Chirpy Chips Fan Shop 0
Chorus Shop 5
Chosen One Other 3
Chow Hound Shop 1
Cinematographer Shop 5
Circle Shop 5
City Boy /
City Girl
Shop 1
Clam Blitz Enthusiast Shop 0
Clam Blitz Legend Shop 0
Clash Blaster User Shop 0
Classic Shop 0
Clerk Shop 0
Client Shop 5
Clock Puncher Shop 0
Clubgoer Shop 1
Clump Shop 5
Coach Shop 1
Coconut Crab Shop 5
Cohock Shop 5
Cohozuna Shop 5
Cold Chill Shop 1
Collector Shop 5
Collegian Shop 5
Comedian Shop 1
Comic Artist Shop 1
Comic Relief Shop 1
Commander Shop 4
Comrade Shop 1
Concierge Shop 5
Conductor Shop 5
Consultant Shop 5
Contender Shop 1
Content Creator Shop 1
Contractor Shop 5
Contributor Shop 5
Controller Shop 5
Cool Guy Shop 5
Cooperator Shop 5
Coordinator Shop 1
Cornrows Shop 0
Costumier Shop 5
Coterie Shop 5
Counterfeit Shop 5
Crab Shop 1
Crab Tank User Shop 0
Craftsman Shop 5
Creator Shop 1
Crew Shop 5
Critic Shop 5
Crowd Shop 5
Crush Shop 5
Crush Station Regular Shop 0
Cub Shop 1
Cupid Shop 1
Curling Bomb User Shop 0
Curly Hair Shop 0
Curry Shop 5
Custodian Shop 5
Cuttlegear Model Shop 0
Cyborg Shop 5
Cyclist Other 2
Cymbals Shop 5
Czar Shop 5
Dad /
Shop 0
Damp Socks Fan Shop 2
Dance Master Shop 1
Dancer Shop 1
Dapple Dualies User Shop 0
Daredevil Other 7
Dark Horse Shop 5
Decavitator User Shop 8
Deck Shop 5
Dedf1sh Fan Shop 0
Deep Cut Fan Shop 0
Deer Shop 5
Deity of Destruction Shop 1
Demigod Shop 5
Demon Shop 1
Descendant Shop 5
Designer Shop 1
Detective Shop 1
Determined Spirit Shop 5
Devil Ray Shop 5
Dignitary Shop 5
Dinosaur Shop 1
Director Shop 1
Disciple Shop 5
Dislike Shop 5
Diss-Pair Fan Shop 0
DJ Shop 1
Doctor Shop 5
Dodge Roller Shop 0
Dog Shop 1
Doll Shop 5
Dolphin Shop 1
Door Guard Shop 5
Double-Bun Shop 0
Douser Dualies FF User Shop 7
Dragon Shop 1
Dread Wringer User Shop 5
Dressing Shop 5
Dried Fish Shop 1
Driver Shop 1
Drizzler Shop 5
Drum Shop 5
Drummer Shop 1
Dualie Squelchers User Shop 0
Duke /
Shop 1
Dynamo Shop 1
Dynamo Roller User Shop 0
E-liter 4K Scope User Shop 0
E-liter 4K User Shop 0
Eel Tamer Shop 0
Egg Shop 1
Elder Shop 5
Elegance Shop 1
Elephant Shop 5
Elite Shop 5
Emberz Model Shop 0
Emperor Shop 5
Employee Shop 1
Encore Shop 5
Energy Shop 5
Engine Shop 5
Engineer Shop 5
Enperry Model Shop 0
Entertainer Shop 1
Enthusiast Shop 1
Entity Shop 1
Entrepreneur Catalog 3
Equation Shop 1
Event Organizer Shop 5
Executive Shop 1
Expert Shop 1
Explorer Shop 5
Explosher User Shop 0
Extra Shop 5
Extrovert Shop 1
Eye of the Storm Shop 1
Facilitator Shop 5
Factotum Shop 5
Fade Shop 0
Fairy Shop 5
Fam Shop 1
Family Shop 5
Family Tree Shop 5
Fantasy Lover Shop 5
Fashion Designer Shop 4
Fashionista Shop 0
Father /
Shop 0
Ferocious Fighter Shop 5
Festivalgoer Shop 1
Fighter Shop 1
Fillet Shop 1
Finale Other 8
Finger Painter Shop 5
Firecracker Shop 1
Firefin Model Shop 0
Fish Shop 1
Fish Ball Shop 1
Fish Eggs Shop 5
Fish Finder Shop 1
Fish Print Shop 1
Fish Stick Shop 5
Fisherfolk Shop 1
Fist Shop 1
Fit Shop 1
Fizzy Bomb User Shop 0
Flavor Shop 5
Fledgling Shop 1
Flingza Roller User Shop 0
Flipper-Flopper Shop 5
Float Shop 5
Flock Shop 5
Flotsam Shop 1
Flower Shop 1
Flyfish Shop 5
Focal Point Shop 5
Follower Shop 1
Forehead Shop 1
Foreman Shop 1
Foremost Figure Shop 5
Forge Model Shop 0
Form Shop 1
Fortune Teller Shop 5
Fossil Shop 5
Founder Shop 5
Free Spirit Shop 1
Freebie Shop 1
Freelancer Shop 1
Freshman Shop 1
Freshwater Fish Shop 1
Fried Chicken Shop 1
Friend Shop 1
Front Roe Fan Shop 2
Frye Fan Shop 0
Fuzzball Shop 1
Gadabout Other 4
Gallery Shop 5
Gamer Shop 1
Gathering Shop 5
Geek Shop 1
Gelatin Shop 1
Generation Shop 5
Genius Shop 5
Ghost Shop 1
Giant Shop 1
Giraffe Shop 5
Glasses Model Shop 0
Globe-Trotter Shop 5
Glooga Dualies User Shop 0
Glowfly Shop 5
Gofer Shop 1
Goldfish Shop 5
Goldie Shop 5
Golfer Shop 5
Goo Tuber User Shop 0
Good Person Shop 5
Gourmet Shop 5
Governor Shop 5
Graduate Shop 5
Grand Master Shop 1
Grandchild Shop 0
Grandpa /
Shop 0
Grappler Shop 5
Grease Shop 1
Greaser Shop 0
Great Regent Shop 5
Griller Shop 5
Groom /
Shop 1
Groove Shop 1
Group Shop 5
Group Member Shop 1
Guardian Shop 0
Guest Shop 5
Guide Shop 5
Guild Shop 5
Guitar Shop 5
Guitarist Shop 1
H-3 Nozzlenose User Shop 0
H2Whoa Fan Shop 5
Hairstyle Shop 5
Hamster Shop 5
Hard Worker Shop 5
Harlequin Shop 5
Hat Model Shop 0
Head Shop 1
Head Honcho Shop 1
Head of the Class Shop 5
Headbanger Shop 0
Headliner Shop 1
Heart Shop 5
Heart Valve Shop 5
Heat Hater Shop 1
Heavy Edit Splatling User Shop 5
Heavy Splatling User Shop 0
Heel Shop 1
Helper Shop 5
Hero Shop 1
Higher-Up Shop 1
Hightide Era Fan Shop 0
Hippie Shop 0
Hipster Shop 0
Hole Cards Shop 5
Honor Student Shop 5
Hope Shop 5
Horrorboros Shop 5
Horse Shop 5
Horse Mackerel Shop 5
Horseshoe Crab Shop 5
Hot-Spring Enjoyer Shop 1
Hothead Shop 1
Hotlantis Regular Shop 0
Housekeeper Shop 5
Human Shop 0
Humanity Shop 1
Hunter Shop 1
Hydra Splatling User Shop 0
Iconoclast Shop 1
Idea Person Shop 5
Illusion Shop 1
Illustrator Shop 5
Imitation Shop 5
Imp Shop 1
Impractical Theory Shop 5
Influencer Shop 1
Information Shop 5
Ingenue Shop 5
Ink Shop 1
Ink Mine User Shop 0
Ink Storm User Shop 0
Ink Theory Fan Shop 0
Ink Vac User Shop 0
Inkantation Shop 1
Inkbrush User Shop 0
Inkjet User Shop 0
Inkline Model Shop 0
Inkling Shop 0
Intellectual Shop 5
Intermediary Shop 5
Intern Shop 5
Introvert Shop 1
Inventor Shop 5
Island Dweller Shop 1
Item Collector Shop 0
Jacket Model Shop 0
Jazz Shop 5
Jellyfish Shop 0
Jet Squelcher User Shop 0
Joke Teller Shop 5
Jokester Shop 1
Jukebox Shop 5
Jumper Shop 0
Kelp Shop 5
Ketchup Shop 5
Key Figure Shop 5
Keyboard Shop 5
Kid Shop 1
Killer Wail 5.1 User Shop 0
King /
Shop 1
Kingpin Shop 1
Knight Shop 1
Knit Model Shop 0
Knowledgeable Person Shop 5
Koala Shop 5
Krak-On Model Shop 0
Kraken Royale User Shop 3
L-3 Nozzlenose User Shop 0
Lad /
Shop 5
Languendo Other
Laugh Shop 5
Lawyer Shop 5
Layabout Shop 1
Lead Shop 1
Leader Shop 1
Leading Actor /
Leading Actress
Shop 5
Leadoff Hitter Shop 5
Learner Shop 5
Legend Shop 1
Legendary Warrior Shop 1
Lento Other
Librarian Shop 5
Lieutenant Shop 5
Life Shop 1
Life Itself Shop 1
Life of the Party Shop 1
Lifestyle Shop 1
Lion Shop 5
Litterateur Shop 5
Little Brother /
Little Sister
Shop 0
Locker Rock Star Shop 0
Lofty Dream Shop 5
Lone Wolf Shop 1
Luck Pusher Shop 5
Lucky Duck Other 0
Luminary Catalog 8
Luna Blaster User Shop 0
Lyricist Shop 5
Machine Shop 5
Macho Shop 5
Maestro Shop 1
Magician Shop 1
Main Character Shop 5
Mainstay Shop 5
Mammal Shop 0
Man-o'-Wardrobe Regular Shop 0
Manager Shop 1
Maniac Shop 1
Manila Clam Shop 5
Manta Ray Shop 0
Marathon Shop 5
Marie Fan Shop 0
Marina Fan Shop 0
Marinade Shop 1
Marine Snow Shop 5
Mariner Shop 4
Mascot Shop 5
Mask Shop 1
Mastermind Shop 5
Material Shop 1
Maws Shop 5
Mayonnaise Shop 5
MC Shop 5
Mediator Other
Megalodontia Shop 6
Meister Shop 5
Member Shop 1
Memory Shop 1
Mentor Shop 1
Mercenary Catalog 4
Mermaid Shop 1
Merperson Shop 1
Middle Manager Shop 1
Millionaire Shop 5
Mincemeat Shop 1
Mini Splatling User Shop 0
Mirage Shop 1
Mirror Shop 1
Model Shop 1
Monarch Shop 1
Monk Shop 5
Mood Shop 1
Moon Shop 1
Moray Eel Shop 1
Mothership Shop 5
Mountaineer Shop 1
Mountaintop Guru Shop 1
Mudmouth Shop 5
Muscle Shop 1
Mushroom Shop 5
Musical Instrument Shop 5
Musical Performer Shop 5
Musician Catalog 3
Musketeer Shop 5
Mystery Shop 1
N-ZAP User Shop 0
Narrator Shop 5
Natural Enemy Shop 5
Naut Couture Regular Shop 0
Nautilus Shop 5
Nautilus User Shop 0
Navigator Shop 5
Newcomer Shop 5
Ninja Shop 1
Nobilmente Other
Noble Shop 5
Noble Scion Shop 5
Nomad Shop 5
Noob Catalog 6
Novice Shop 1
Nuance Shop 5
Number One Shop 5
Object of Affection Shop 1
Objet d'Art Shop 5
Observer Shop 5
Octarian Shop 0
Octo Life Shop 1
Octobrush User Shop 0
Octoling Shop 0
Octoling Soldier Shop 1
Octopus Shop 0
Octopus Ink Shop 1
Oden Bowl Shop 1
Off the Hook Fan Shop 0
Office Chief Shop 5
Office Drone Shop 0
Offspring Shop 5
One-Hit Wonder Shop 5
Operator Shop 5
Optimist Other 6
Order of Knights Shop 5
Ordinary Person Shop 1
Ore Shop 5
Organization Shop 5
Origin Shop 5
Otaku Shop 1
Otherworldly Being Catalog 7
Outfit Shop 1
Outlaw Shop 1
Owner Shop 5
Pack Leader Shop 1
Painbrush User Shop 4
Painter Shop 1
Paladin Shop 5
Palette Shop 1
Panda Shop 5
Paradigm Shop 1
Paradox Shop 5
Paragon Shop 5
Parallel Canon Other
Part-Timer Shop 1
Partner Shop 5
Party Shop 5
Party Animal Shop 1
Party Lover Shop 1
Party Star Catalog 4
Patron Shop 5
Pauper Shop 1
Pearl Fan Shop 0
Penny-Pincher Shop 1
Pepper Shop 5
Performer Shop 5
Person of Culture Shop 5
Person of Influence Shop 5
Person of Note Shop 5
Personnel Shop 5
Pet Shop 0
PhD Candidate Shop 5
Philosopher Shop 5
Photographer Shop 1
Physician Shop 5
Pianist Shop 5
Piano Shop 5
Pigtail Pro Shop 0
Pilot Shop 1
Pinch Hitter Shop 5
Pinging Marciale Other
Pitcher Shop 5
Plankton Shop 1
Planner Shop 1
Player Shop 5
Playing Catalog 8
Playmaker Shop 5
Plumber Shop 1
Plushie Shop 5
Podium Finisher Shop 5
Point Guard Other 5
Point Sensor User Shop 0
Polyglot Shop 1
Pond Snail Shop 5
Ponytail Shop 0
Pop Shop 5
Pop Star Shop 0
Portal Other
Possessor Shop 5
Postdoc Shop 5
Power Egg Shop 1
Prankster Shop 5
Predator Shop 1
President Shop 1
Prime Cut Shop 1
Prime Minister Shop 5
Prince /
Shop 1
Prix Fixe Shop 5
Prizewinner Other 8
Pro Shop 1
Pro Wrestler Shop 5
Process Shop 5
Prodigy Shop 1
Producer Shop 1
Professional Shop 5
Professor Shop 1
Programmer Shop 1
Project Manager Shop 5
Prominent Figure Shop 5
Prosperous Merchant Shop 5
Protagonist Shop 5
Protected Species Other 2
Protector Shop 5
Prototype Shop 5
Proxy Shop 5
Psychic Shop 5
Pudding Shop 5
Pugilist Shop 5
Punk Shop 0
Pupil Shop 5
Puppet Master Shop 5
Quartet Shop 5
Rabbit Shop 5
Raider Shop 0
Rainmaker Enthusiast Shop 0
Rainmaker Legend Shop 0
Range Blaster User Shop 0
Ranger Shop 5
Rank Shop 5
Ranker Shop 5
Rapid Blaster Pro User Shop 0
Rapid Blaster User Shop 0
Rapper Shop 1
Rebel Shop 1
Recollection Catalog 2
Recorder Shop 5
Recycled Brella 24 Mk I User Shop 7
REEF-LUX 450 User Shop 0
Reefslider User Shop 0
Referee Shop 5
Regular Customer Shop 5
Remote Worker Shop 1
Repeat Customer Shop 5
Representative Shop 1
Researcher Shop 1
Resilience Other 7
Reveler Other
Rice Ball Shop 5
Rice Bowl Shop 1
Right Arm Shop 5
Ringleader Shop 0
Riot Act Fan Shop 7
Ripple Shop 5
Risk-Taker Shop 1
Rival Shop 5
Robot Shop 1
Rock Shop 5
Rock 'n' Roller Shop 5
Rock Climber Shop 5
Rockenberg Model Shop 0
Romanticist Shop 5
Ronin Shop 1
Rookie Catalog 1
Rookie of the Year Shop 1
Ruffian Shop 1
Ruler Shop 5
Runner Shop 5
S-BLAST '92 User Shop 4
Sage Shop 5
Salad Shop 5
Salmon Shop 0
Salmon Life Shop 1
Salmon Run Legend Shop 0
Salmon Runner Shop 0
Salt Shop 5
Saltwater Fish Shop 1
Samba Shop 5
Samurai Shop 1
Sashimi Shop 1
SashiMori Fan Shop 0
Sauce Shop 5
Schemer Shop 5
Scholar Shop 5
School Principal Shop 5
Scientist Shop 1
Scrapper Shop 5
Scrivener Shop 5
Sea Anemone Shop 5
Sea Creature Shop 0
Sea Otter Shop 5
Sea Slug Shop 5
Sea Urchin Shop 5
Sea-Cucumber Phone Shop 5
Seafood Shop 1
Seasoning Shop 5
Seaweed Shop 5
Secretary Shop 1
Security Detail Shop 5
Security Guard Shop 1
Seeker Shop 5
Senior Shop 1
Sensei Shop 1
Settler Shop 5
Shadow Commander Shop 5
Shark Shop 1
Shark Tamer Shop 0
Sharp Dresser Shop 0
Shield Shop 1
Ship Captain Shop 5
Shirt Model Shop 0
Shiver Fan Shop 0
Shoal Shop 5
Showstopper Shop 5
Shrimp Shop 5
Sidekick Shop 1
Sidestepper Shop 1
Sightseer Shop 1
Simmered Food Shop 5
Singer Shop 1
Skalop Model Shop 0
Skater Shop 1
Slammin' Lid Shop 5
Sleeve Collector Shop 5
Slosher User Shop 0
Sloshing Machine User Shop 0
Slow Starter Shop 0
Smallfry Shop 5
Snacks Shop 1
Snatcher Shop 5
Sneaker Model Shop 0
Snipewriter 5H User Shop 2
Snowperson Shop 1
Snowstorm Shop 1
Soldier Shop 5
Soliloquy Shop 5
Solo Shop 5
Son /
Shop 0
Soul Shop 5
Soup Shop 5
Soup Stock Shop 5
Sous-Chef Shop 5
Sparkler Shop 5
Special Attack Shop 5
Special Space Shop 5
Specialist Shop 5
Specialty Shop Shop 5
Speedrun Shop 5
Spiccato Other
Spice Shop 5
Spider Crab Shop 5
Spiked Hair Shop 0
Spirit Shop 5
Splash Mob Model Shop 0
Splash Wall User Shop 0
Splash-o-matic User Shop 0
Splat Bomb User Shop 0
Splat Bomber Shop 0
Splat Brella User Shop 0
Splat Charger User Shop 0
Splat Dualies User Shop 0
Splat Roller User Shop 0
Splat Zones Enthusiast Shop 0
Splat Zones Legend Shop 0
Splatana Stamper User Shop 0
Splatana Wiper User Shop 1
Splattercolor Screen User Shop 6
Splatterscope User Shop 0
Splattershot Jr. User Shop 0
Splattershot Nova User Shop 2
Splattershot Pro User Shop 0
Splattershot User Shop 0
Sploosh-o-matic User Shop 0
Sponsor Shop 5
Sprinkler User Shop 0
Sprinter Shop 5
Spy Shop 1
Squeezer User Shop 0
Squid Shop 0
Squid Beakon User Shop 0
Squid Ink Shop 1
Squid Jerky Shop 1
Squid Life Shop 1
Squid Ring Shop 1
Squid Roller Shop 0
Squid Sisters Fan Shop 0
Squid Squad Fan Shop 0
Squid Surger Shop 0
Squid, Inc. Shop 1
SquidForce Model Shop 0
Squiffer User Shop 0
Squirrel Shop 5
Staff Shop 5
Stan Shop 1
Stand-Up Comic Shop 1
Star Shop 5
State of Mind Shop 5
Steel Body Shop 5
Steel Eel Shop 5
Steelhead Shop 5
Stew Shop 5
Stinger Shop 5
Stir-Fry Shop 1
Store Manager Shop 5
Storm Shop 5
Story Mode Hero Shop 0
Story Mode Legend Shop 0
Storyteller Shop 5
Streamer Shop 1
Striker Shop 1
String Puller Shop 5
Student Shop 1
Stunt Performer Shop 5
Style Shop 1
Style Icon Shop 1
Stylist Catalog 2
Subordinate Shop 1
Success Shop 5
Successor Shop 5
Such and Such Shop 1
Suction Bomb User Shop 0
Suggestion Shop 5
Sumo Wrestler Shop 5
Sun Shop 1
Super Chump User Shop 3
Superhero Shop 1
Superperson Shop 5
Superstar Shop 1
Supervisor Shop 1
Supporter Shop 1
Surfer Shop 1
Survivalist Shop 1
Sushi Shop 1
Sweetheart Shop 5
Swimmer Shop 1
Switch-Hitter Shop 1
Symbol Shop 5
Synth Player Shop 1
System Shop 1
Tabletop Gamer Shop 1
Tableturf Battler Other 0
Tactician Shop 5
Tacticooler User Shop 0
Takoroka Model Shop 0
Talented Person Shop 5
Target Shop 1
Taste Tester Shop 1
Teacher Shop 1
Team Shop 5
Teardrop Shop 1
Tee Model Shop 0
Temp Shop 5
Tempura Other 3
Tenderfoot Shop 5
Tenta Brella User Shop 0
Tenta Missiles User Shop 0
Tentacle Shop 5
Tentatek Model Shop 0
Test Taker Shop 5
Tetra Dualies User Shop 0
Theme Park Shop 5
Therapist Shop 1
Thespian Shop 5
Thoroughbred Shop 5
Tiger Shop 5
Time Killer Shop 5
Time Traveler Shop 5
Timeline Jumper Shop 5
Title Holder Shop 1
Tofu Shop 1
Toni Kensa Model Shop 0
Topknot Knight Shop 0
Tornado Shop 1
Torpedo User Shop 0
Tournament Competitor Shop 1
Tower Control Enthusiast Shop 0
Tower Control Legend Shop 0
Toxic Mist User Shop 0
Trader Shop 5
Trailblazer Shop 5
Trainee Shop 1
Trainer Shop 1
Trapper Shop 5
Traveler Other 0
Trendsetter Shop 0
Tri-Slosher User Shop 0
Tri-Stringer User Shop 0
Trionfale Other
Triple Inkstrike User Shop 0
Triple Splashdown User Shop 6
Trizooka User Shop 0
Truth Teller Shop 1
Tuna Tataki Shop 1
Turf War Legend Shop 0
Turf Warrior Shop 0
Turquoise October Fan Shop 0
Turtle Shop 1
Tutor Shop 5
TV Personality Shop 5
Type Shop 5
Ultimate Weapon Shop 1
Ultra Stamp User Shop 0
Umibozu Shop 1
Uncle /
Shop 0
Undercover Brella User Shop 0
Underling Shop 1
Unit Shop 5
University Student Shop 5
Vagabond Shop 5
Value Shop 5
Vanguard Catalog 6
Vice President Shop 1
Victor Shop 5
Viewer Shop 1
Viking Shop 1
Village Leader Shop 1
Villager Shop 5
Villain Shop 1
VIP Shop 5
Virtuoso Shop 5
Vitamin Shop 1
Vocalist Shop 1
Voice Actor Shop 5
Voyager Shop 5
VP Shop 1
Wall Shop 1
Wallflower Shop 1
Wanderer Shop 0
Wandering Hermit Shop 5
Warden Shop 5
Warrior Shop 1
Wave Breaker User Shop 0
Wave Rider Shop 0
Weakness Shop 5
Weapon Shop 1
Wellstring V User Shop 8
Wet Floor Fan Shop 0
Wet Hair Shop 0
Whale Shop 5
Wiz Shop 5
Woodcutter Shop 5
Worker Shop 1
Workhorse Shop 1
World Champ Other 0
Writer Shop 1
Yoko & the Gold Bazookas Fan Shop 4
Young Leader Shop 5
Youngster Shop 0
Youth Other 0
Z+F Model Shop 3
Zekko Model Shop 0
Zink Model Shop 0
Zipcaster User Shop 0
ω-3 Fan Shop 0
