
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Page deletion can be performed by administrators to get rid of pages that are no longer needed on the wiki. Common deletion reasons include vandalism, an incorrect title, a redirect that is no longer needed after a page move, or a duplicate file. Deleted content is unavailable to the general public, but can still be viewed and restored by admins.

Requesting deletion

To request the deletion of a page, editors may use Template:Delete. To use it, place the template at the top of the page and fill in the first parameter with the reason for requesting deletion, like so:

{{Delete|Reason here.}}

This will produce the following template:

This page has been marked for deletion.
No reason has been given.

Please use the article's talk page if you would like to discuss or contest deletion.
See Inkipedia's deletion policy for more details.

Admins: Please check the talk page for any discussions on the matter. Remember to remove all redirects, links and transclusions relating to this page if deleted.

The template will automatically place the page in Category:Pages pending deletion, where all pages pending deletion are located.

An administrator should swing by in due time, review the page and its deletion rationale, and then delete the page if appropriate. If the reasoning behind the deletion of the page is debatable, a discussion may be held on the page's talk page.