Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February
Tweets posted in February of 2019.
February 1
February 2
February 3
February 4

コロコロコミックコラボフェス「どちらかといえば自分は…? ボケ vs ツッコミ」の結果は……
Originally posted on February 4, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1092227460945465344
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1092227460945465344|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on February 4, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1092227721172643840
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1092227721172643840|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8

Prêt pour un délicieux festival cette fin de semaine? Préparez la table pour le déjeuner, c'est l'heure de l'affrontement pour deux types de pâtes!
Originally posted on Feb 8, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1093962419754348544
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1093962419754348544|@NintendoCanada on Twitter]]

Originally posted on February 8, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1093798289693011969
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1093798289693011969|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
February 9
February 10

Hot off the griddle, here's the #Splatfest results! #TeamWaffles brings home the big breakfast win, 3-0! Thanks to everyone who played, and don't forget to pick up your Super Sea Snails!
Originally posted on February 10, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094631961589510147
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094631961589510147|@NintendoVS on Twitter]]
February 11

Team Wafels heeft beslag gelegd op de overwinning in het Splatfest van afgelopen weekend! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094894259881295872
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094894259881295872|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Team Waffles won this weekend's Splatfest! Sorry pancake patrons, but you should never underestimate the power of tactical flavour pockets! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094917943207571456
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094917943207571456|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Любители вафель победили на прошедшем сплатфесте! Любителям блинчиков не стоило недооценивать силу и тактику аромата вафель! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094898872424546304
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094898872424546304|@NintendoRU on Twitter]]

Les fans de gaufres remportent le festival de ce week-end !
Dommage pour l'équipe Crêpes qui s'est gaufrée en beauté. #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094891819605872640
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094891819605872640|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]

Il team Waffle si è aggiudicato la vittoria! Spiacenti, fan delle frittelle, ma mai sottovalutare la potenza dello zucchero a velo! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094893051129012225
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094893051129012225|@NintendoItalia on Twitter]]

A equipa "Waffles" foi a grande vencedora do Splatfest deste fim de semana! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on February 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094904070052155393
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1094904070052155393|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]
February 12
February 13
February 14
February 15

どちらもよろしくお願いします(^^) #Splatoon
Originally posted on February 15, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1096432150348361728
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1096432150348361728|@hinodeya3 on Twitter]]
February 16
February 17
February 18
February 19
February 20
February 21
February 22

Nintendo Switch本体のゲームニュース「イカ研究所通信」にて、「週刊ギアパワー豆知識」が配信されることとなった。
Originally posted on February 22, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1098854743034621953
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1098854743034621953|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
February 23

📢Concours pour les calamars et poulpes ! 🎁
Pour participer : il suffit de RT ce tweet et de suivre @OctoboyYT et @Splatoon_FRA !
Voici les lots pour les trois gagnants tirés au sort :
1⃣Pack Amiibo Octalings (garçon, fille et poulpe) 🐙
2⃣3⃣Vinyle Splatune 2 💿
Originally posted on February 23, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1099325229715865601
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1099325229715865601|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]
February 24
February 25

Team Mako will represent the UK at the #SplatoonEC in Paris on 9th-10th March! You can watch the action live (with or without a cuppa) on YouTube or Twitch! @Sweeglie_ @itskaji_ @Lemon_and_Lime3 @neenjaaa_
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100047820596396032
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100047820596396032|@NintendoUKVS on Twitter]]

Die Teams "BackSquids", "?" und "Huitante" vertreten Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz beim #SplatoonEC in Paris am 9.-10. März 2019. 🏆🦑
🎥 Erlebt das Europäische Finale live bei uns auf YouTube & Twitch!
Mehr Infos:
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100047848899600385
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100047848899600385|@NintendoDE on Twitter]]

En France, on a des baguettes, mais on a surtout du talent dans l'encre !🥖🇫🇷
Tous derrière notre team Baguette, l'@AllianceRogueFR, pour le championnat d'Europe de #Splatoon2 ! 🦑🏆🐙 #SplatoonEC
🎥A suivre en direct les 9 et 10 mars sur @NintendoFrance et @JVTVofficiel !
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100050584223313922
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100050584223313922|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]

Team 'Polderlantis' vertegenwoordigt Nederland tijdens de #SplatoonEC in Parijs, op 9 en 10 maart! Je zult de actie straks live mee kunnen volgen via YouTube en Twitch! Zet hem op, jongens! 🦑🥇
Meer info:
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100056841902526464
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100056841902526464|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Team 'Overtime' vertegenwoordigt België tijdens de #SplatoonEC in Parijs, op 9 en 10 maart! Je zult de actie straks live mee kunnen volgen via YouTube en Twitch! Zet hem op, jongens! 🦑🥇
Meer info:
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100057548714070021
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100057548714070021|@NintendoBE_NL on Twitter]]

L'équipe 'Overtime' représentera la Belgique durant le #SplatoonEC à Paris, les 9 et 10 mars! Vous pourrez suivre l'action en direct via Youtube et Twitch! Allez les garçons! 🦑🥇
Plus d'infos:
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100061620296925184
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100061620296925184|@NintendoBE_FR on Twitter]]

Os @HexagoneEsports vão representar Portugal no Campeonato Europeu de #Splatoon2, em Paris, nos próximos dias 9 e 10 de março! Poderás acompanhar toda a ação (com ou sem pastéis de bacalhau) através dos canais oficiais YouTube ou Twitch da Nintendo Portugal!
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100063135564812288
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100063135564812288|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]

Every team in the #Splatoon2 European Championship Finals now have an official icon to represent them and it´s all about food! Our Nordic team Ämpäri Gang got the cinnamon bun icon!!! It looks very tasty doesn´t it? @plontro @A_Kaldemar @Nikkeli7 @Sendouc #SplatoonEC
Originally posted on February 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100084384512831489
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100084384512831489|@Splatoon_Nordic on Twitter]]
February 26
February 27

Nessun piatto poteva rappresentare l'Italia meglio della pasta. @NinPlayers, pronti a mangiare in testa agli altri team europei allo #SplatoonEC il prossimo 9 e 10 marzo a Parigi?
🦑 🐙
Originally posted on February 27, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100748382237274113
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/February#1100748382237274113|@NintendoItalia on Twitter]]
February 28