Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January
Tweets posted in January of 2019.
January 1
January 2
January 3
January 4
January 5
January 6
January 7

Replying to SplatoonJP
クリスマス&ニューイヤーフェス「年末年始はだれと過ごす? 家族 vs 仲間」の結果は……
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082108098116870144
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082108098116870144|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Vrienden laten elkaar nooit in de steek. Team Vrienden heeft het Splatfest van afgelopen weekend gewonnen! Bedankt aan iedereen die heeft meegedaan! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082208179180761088
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082208179180761088|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

Team Friends fought for their friends and won in this weekend's Splatfest. Thanks to everyone who took part. #Splatoon2
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082209713549426694
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082209713549426694|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Team Freunde hat das Splatfest der Woche für sich entschieden! Sorry, liebe Familie, aber heutzutage kämpft man wohl für seine Freunde. Danke an alle, die mitgemacht haben! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082200889153204224
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082200889153204224|@NintendoDE on Twitter]]

Le pouvoir de l'amitié a triomphé ce week-end : c'est l'équipe Amis qui remporte la victoire !
Merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à ce festival ! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082201697215234048
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082201697215234048|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]

A equipa "Amigos" foi a grande vencedora do Splatfest deste fim de semana! Obrigado a todos os que participaram! #Splatoon2
Originally posted on January 7, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082208720547966977
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1082208720547966977|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]
January 8
January 9
January 10
January 11

Originally posted on January 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083660159455358977
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083660159455358977|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to Splatoon_Nordic
🐙Husk - sidste kvalifikationsrunde finder sted online i morgen lørdag🐙
#Splatoon2 #Splatoon_Nordic
Originally posted on January 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083704928827248640
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083704928827248640|@BergsalaDK on Twitter]]

Vær hilset, #Inklings og #Octolings! Uanset om du er nybegynder eller veteran i #Splatoon2 til #NintendoSwitch, bør du kende til denne nye side:
Originally posted on January 11, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083725091077156864
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1083725091077156864|@BergsalaDK on Twitter]]
January 12
January 13

3月4日発売"第4回スプラトゥーン甲子園公式ファンブック"は、限定ギア"甲子園応援パーカー&バンダナ"シリアルコードなど3大付録つき! #スプラトゥーン2 #スプラトゥーン甲子園
Originally posted on January 13, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1084433649028612096
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1084433649028612096|@famitsu on Twitter]]

Originally posted on January 13, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1084528434057904128
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1084528434057904128|@black_nb_hksi on Twitter]]
January 14
January 15

Originally posted on January 15, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1085147705792286720
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1085147705792286720|@hinodeya3 on Twitter]]

Fun Fact of the Day (#29): The amiibo boxes in Splatoon 1 and 2 both have the text on the back translated into the Inkling language. In addition, the box texture in Splatoon 2 is an updated version of the Splatoon 1 texture.
Originally posted on January 15, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1085311164425195520
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1085311164425195520|@OatmealDome on Twitter]]
January 16
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20

We were delighted to welcome more than 140 teams to the first #Splatoon2 EU Community Cup! The next tournament will kick off on January 27th. Don't miss it!
Originally posted on January 20, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1087016951728230400
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1087016951728230400|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]
January 21
January 22

Pages 47-69 of the book have pictures of much of the gear in game with some brand new flavor text. Throughout this thread, I'll be translating a few batches of the text from those pages. Let's start off with some Grizzco gear!
Originally posted on Jan 22, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1087606700687802368
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1087606700687802368|@rassicas on Twitter]]
January 23
January 24

Replying to rassicas
A bit of info about a folk rock band from the 90s, from page 209.
Originally posted on January 24, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088511222926913536
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088511222926913536|@rassicas on Twitter]]
January 25

お題は「どちらかといえば自分は… ボケ vs ツッコミ」。
Originally posted on January 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088709904045490176
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088709904045490176|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on January 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088712155975712769
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088712155975712769|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on January 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088725758472683521
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088725758472683521|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

「闘会議2019」の物販ブースでは、これまでの甲子園応援グッズに加えて、テンタライブのオリジナ ルグッズも販売されるぞ!
Originally posted on January 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088730012792967168
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088730012792967168|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on January 25, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088730490754891776
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1088730490754891776|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
January 26

Concours pour les calamars et poulpes ! 🎁
Pour participer : RT ce tweet + suivre @SplatEvilSquid et @Splatoon_FRA !
Voici les lots pour les trois gagnants tirés au sort :
1️⃣Amiibo Perle et Coralie + Vinyle Splatune 2 💿
2️⃣Amiibo Fille Inkling 🦑👧
3️⃣Amiibo Garçon Inkling 🦑👦
Originally posted on January 26, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089177474469122049
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089177474469122049|@Splatoon_FRA on Twitter]]
January 27

Originally posted on January 27, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089441895783161857
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089441895783161857|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
January 28

Er komen nieuwe wapens aan! In een toekomstige update worden er tien van Krabberts favoriete wapens uit het originele Splatoon toegevoegd aan #Splatoon2!
Originally posted on January 28, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089810489020944384
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089810489020944384|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]

付録もとても豪華!くコ:彡 #Splatoon
Originally posted on January 28, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089866851247484928
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089866851247484928|@hinodeya3 on Twitter]]

New weapons inkoming! 10 weapons from Sheldon's Picks that appeared in the original Splatoon will be added to #Splatoon2 in a future update!
Originally posted on January 28, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089931622542180352
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089931622542180352|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Replying to rassicas
Some info on a toy in Splatoon that looks like the equivalent to those really tiny littlest pet shop houses. i love those little nudibranch dolls...
a sidenote: the book incorrectly states the station number as B03, but gives the right name.
Originally posted on January 28, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089987538125606912
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1089987538125606912|@rassicas on Twitter]]
January 29

Originally posted on January 29, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090173796017819648
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090173796017819648|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
January 30

Replying to SplatoonJP
Originally posted on January 30, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090542043431022592
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090542043431022592|@SplatoonJP on Twitter]]
January 31

Replying to rassicas
Some info about pencil cases and also an anime called "Sea School," found on page 224.
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090828850261458945
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1090828850261458945|@rassicas on Twitter]]

Which stealth dessert is the better breakfast food: Pancakes or Waffles? Fight for your fave when the next #Splatoon2 Splatfest kicks off on Saturday, February 9th!
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035128867053568
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035128867053568|@NintendoEurope on Twitter]]

Какой десерт лучше подходит для завтрака: блины или вафли? Сражайтесь за любимое лакомство в следующем сплатфесте #Splatoon2, который стартует в субботу, 9 февраля!
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035744167182337
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035744167182337|@NintendoRU on Twitter]]

¿Qué postre resulta ideal también para el desayuno: las tortitas o los gofres? ¡Defiende tu elección en el festival de #Splatoon2 que empieza el sábado 9 de febrero!
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035430919786496
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035430919786496|@NintendoES on Twitter]]

O que preferem comer ao pequeno-almoço: panquecas ou waffles?
Escolham uma fação e preparem-se para lutar por ela no próximo Splatfest de #Splatoon2, já no dia 9 de fevereiro!
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035661702967300
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035661702967300|@NintendoPT on Twitter]]

Welk ontbijt schuif jij 's ochtends het liefst naar binnen: pannenkoeken of wafels?
Vecht voor je favoriet in het volgende Splatfest in #Splatoon2, dat op zaterdag 9 februari begint!
Originally posted on January 31, 2019
Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035584158666754
{{TWI}} [[Inkipedia:Twitter archive/2019/January#1091035584158666754|@NintendoNL on Twitter]]