
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Produces a title header for an infobox.


text Unnamed. The infobox's title text.
color Optional. An RGB triplet to use as the base color for formatting. The default color is 0, 153, 255, defined in SiteColor as "Generic".
style Optional. A CSS property list to apply to the container.



{{InfoboxTitle|color={{SiteColor|Splatoon}}|Title Text}}


Title Text

local p = {}
local siteColor = require('Module:SiteColor')  -- Import the SiteColor module

function p.main(frame)
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    -- content is first unnamed argument
    local content = args[1] or ''
    -- color argument or default to Generic
    local color = args['color'] or siteColor.getSiteColor("Generic")
    -- Get any additional styles
    local style = args['style'] or ''

    return p.getTitle(content, color, style)

-- Function to render the div with styles
function p.getTitle(content, color, style)
    -- Start the HTML div string
    local result = '<div style="'

    -- Add the styles
    result = result .. 'padding: 10px; '
    result = result .. 'background: rgba(' .. color .. ', 0.3); '
    result = result .. 'border-width: 1px 5px 1px 5px; '
    result = result .. 'border-style: solid; '
    result = result .. 'border-color: rgba(' .. color .. ', 0.5); '
    result = result .. 'border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; '
    result = result .. 'text-align: center; '
    result = result .. 'font-size: 20px; '

    -- Add any additional styles
    if style ~= '' then
        result = result .. style

    -- Close the style attribute and add the content
    result = result .. '">' .. "'''" .. content .. "'''" .. '</div>'

    return result

return p