Satoru Iwata

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Satoru Iwata
Full name Satoru Iwata
Native name 岩田 聡(いわた さとる)
Born December 6, 1959
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Died July 11, 2015 (aged 55)
Occupation CEO
Role(s) Executive Producer
First game Splatoon
Latest game
Splatoon games worked on
On my business card, I am a corporate president.
In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.
— Satoru Iwata, [1]

Satoru Iwata was a video game programmer, designer, producer, and CEO at Nintendo. He was the executive producer for Splatoon

On July 11th, 2015, Iwata passed away due to a bile duct growth.[2] He was 55.

Work in Splatoon

External links

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