
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Species Human
Country Sweden
Hometown Stockholm
Languages Swedish, English
Russian, German

Goddagens, jag heter Raltseye eller Sabelöga på andra ställen.


  • Squidboards

Namn på flera språk

==Names in other languages==
{{Localized name
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==Names in other languages==
{{Localized name
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==Names in other languages==
{{Localized name
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Octo Expansion


Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Biljartbal Billiard ball
France French (NOE) Boule 8
Bille 8[1]
8 ball
Germany German Riesiger Kugel Big Ball
Italy Italian Biglia Ball
Russia Russian Шар
Spain Spanish (NOE) Bola 8 8 ball

Splatoon 2

425* of Pain

Language Name Meaning
Russia Russian Тостом в лоб!

Octo Oven

Language Name Meaning
Russia Russian Запеканище


Language Name Meaning
Russia Russian Осьмобосс

Cuttlefish Cabin

Language Name Meaning
Russia Russian Лачуга Кальмостара


Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Put Well
France French (NOE) Bouche d'égout Sewer mouth
Germany German Kanal Channel
Italy Italian Tombino Manhole
Russia Russian Люк
Spain Spanish (NOE) Alcantarilla Sewer


Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Zone Zone
France French (NOE) Zone Zone
Germany German Zone Zone
Italy Italian Settore Sector
Russia Russian Сектор
Spain Spanish (NOE) Sector Sector

Slimeskin Garrison

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Zeekat-kazerne Cuttlefish-barracks
France French (NOE) Garnison Siphon
Germany German Glibber-Garnison
Italy Italian Presidio Mollusco
Russia Russian Лагерь «Мантия»
Lager' «Mantiya»
Spain Spanish (NOE) Pabellón Manto

Cephalon HQ

Language Name Meaning


Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Glimvliegje Glow fly
France French (NOE) Insecte luminescent Glowing insect
Germany German Lichtfliege Light fly
Italy Italian Brillucciola From brillante (bright) and lucciola
Russia Russian Мух-жигалок
From мух mukh (fly)
Spain Spanish (NOE) Reflugecto From reflujo (ebb) and insecto (insect)

Sheldon Request

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ブキチリクエスト
Bukichi Rikuesuto
Bukichi Request
Netherlands Dutch Order van Krabbert Sheldon's Orders
France French (NOE) Requête de Cartouche Sheldon's Request
Germany German Vorgabe von Arty Sheldon's Guideline
Italy Italian Richiesta di Armand Sheldon's request
Russia Russian Посылка «Меч и Хвост»
Posylka «Mech i Khost»
Ammo Knights errand
Spain Spanish (NOE) Petición de Jairo Sheldon's request

Grizzco Points

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Punten op basis Basic points
France French (NOE) Points M. Ours Mr. Grizz's points
Germany German Bärenpunkte Bear points
Italy Italian Punti di Ursus Grizz's points
Russia Russian Очков от Потапыч Inc.
Ochkov ot Potapych Inc.
Grizzco's points
Spain Spanish (NOE) Puntos de Don Oso Grizz's Points


Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Prestaties Achievements
France French (NOE) Exploits Exploits
Germany German Übersicht Overlook
Italy Italian Riepilogo Summary
Russia Russian Статистика
Spain Spanish (NOE) Registros Records

Octarian realm

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Schuilplaats van de Octarianen The octarians shelter
France French (NOE) Repaire octariens Octarian lair
Germany German Verstecken der Oktarianer The Octarians hiding places
Italy Italian Covi octariani
Russia Russian Осьморянский логово
Os'moryanskiy logovo
Octarian den
Spain Spanish (NOE) Base octariana Octarian base


Department of Energy

Language Name Meaning
France French (NOE) Ministre de l'énergie Ministry of energy
Germany German Energieministerium Energy Department
Italy Italian Ministero dell'energia Ministry of Energy
Spain Spanish (NOE) Ministro de Energía Ministry of Energy

Paradise Lost

Language Name Meaning
France French (NOE) Le paradis perdu The lost paradise
Germany German Sündenfall und Vertreibung aus dem Paradies From Der Sündenfall und die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies a painting by Michelangelo
Italy Italian Paradiso perduto Paradise lost
Spain Spanish (NOE) El paraíso perido The lost paradise


Language Name Meaning
CanadaFrance French Puolpangelo From poulpe (octopus) and Michelangelo
Germany German Oktoangelo From okto (octo) and Michelangelo
Italy Italian Octangelo From octo and Michelangelo
Spain Spanish (NOE) Octolangelo From octo and Michelangelo

Kids' Folk Singing Contest

Language Name Meaning
France French (NOE) Concours de chanson junior Junior song contest
Germany German Nachwuchs-Gesangwettbewerb Decendants Singing competition
Italy Italian Concurso de musica popolare Folk music competition
Spain Spanish (NOE) Festival de Canción Folclórica Juvenil de Chipirona Calamari County Junior Folk Singing Festival

Anti-Octopus Weapon Prototypes

Language Name Meaning
France French (NOE) Prototypes d'armes anti-poulpe Anti-octopus weapons prototypes
Germany German Anti-Okto-Prototypen Anti Octo Prototypes
Italy Italian Prototipi de armi anti polpo Anti octopus weapons prototypes
Spain Spanish (NOE) Prototipos de armas de asalto antioctarianas Weapons for anti-octarian attack prototypes


Squid Beatz/Ika Radio

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Ika Radio -
France French (NOE) Calam FM From calamar (squid) and FM
Germany German Squid Beatz -
Italy Italian la radio the radio
Russia Russian Кальмар-Дэнс
Squid Dance
Spain Spanish (NOE) Jibia FM Cuttlefish FM

Squid Research Lab

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Laboratorium voor Inkvisonderzoek
Lab voor Inkvisonderzoek[a]
Laboratory for Squid research
Squid Research Lab
Lab for Squid Research
CanadaFrance French Laboratoire de recherche sur les calamars
Labo de recherch calamar[a]
Laboratory for the research of squids
Lab on Squid research
Germany German Squid Research Lab
Squid Research Lab
Squid lab
Squid research lab
Italy Italian Squid Research Lab
Squid Lab Inc.
Squid Research Lab
Squid Lab Inc.
Russia Russian НИИ[b] по изучению головоногих
NII po izucheniyu golovonogikh
НИИ по исследованию головоногих
NII po issledovaniyu golovonogikh
Science institute on the studying of molluscs

Science institute on the research of molluscs
SpainMexico Spanish Centro de Investigación de Cefalópodos Center of the Investigation of Cephalopods
Portugal Portuguese Laboratório de Investigação de Moluscos Laboratory of Squid Research

Translation notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Splatoon official site
  2. научно-исследовательский институт nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut (research institute)

Squid Researcher

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Inktvisonderzoeker Squid researcher
Germany German Tintenfisch-Forscher Squid Researcher
Italy Italian Ricercatore Researcher
Russia Russian Исследователь
SpainMexico Spanish Investigadore de cefalópodos Cephalopodos investigator

Splatoon European Championship

Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Splatoon European Championship -
CanadaFrance French Championnat européen de Splatoon Splatoon European Championship
Germany German Splatoon European Championship -
Italy Italian Campionato europeo de Splatoon Splatoon European Championship
Russia Russian Европейский чемионат Splatoon
Yevropeyskiy chempionat Splatoon
Splatoon European Championship
SpainMexico Spanish Splatoon European Championship -
Portugal Portuguese Campeonato europeo de Splatoon Splatoon European Championship
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