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Amiibo/quotes page reformat test:


Inkling Boy

USANorth America (English)

Inkling Girl

USANorth America (English)

Inkling Squid

USANorth America (English)


USANorth America (English)


USANorth America (English)

Splatoon 2

Inkling Boy


Yo! What's up? Talk about keeping it raw! You're the freshest fish I've ever seen! I bet you carry every team you play on, don't you? Wanna be friends? I feel like I could learn a lot from you. Plus, I could memorize your control settings and gear. That way you can equip gear super fast from the lobby or Equip menu. Pretty cool, right? You down, playa?
— When summoned for the first time.
Noice! Oh, and I got you a little friendship gift, homie! Battle some more, and I'll have some other presents for you!
— When you receive a reward for the first time.
Thanks! Now that I'm officially a part of your crew, let's snap a pic. There are some really dope spots around here. Let's do it, holmes!
— When the initial introduction is done.
What's going down?
— When summoned after the first time.
You're looking like the splatmaster out there, champ! Check it!
— When you receive a reward.

Inkling Girl


Whoa! You've got a super-fresh vibe coming off you right now! You must have seen a whole lot of battle, huh? Hey, wanna be friends? I feel like I could learn a lot from you. Plus, I could memorize your control settings and gear! That way you can equip gear super fast from the lobby or Equip menu! Pretty cool, right? So whaddaya say? Wanna be friends?
— When summoned for the first time.
Thanks, new friend! I've got a gift for you right off the bat! Do some more battling, and I'll have some other presents for you!
— When you receive a reward for the first time.
All right! Now that we're friends, let me take a pic with you! There are a lot of good spots around here, so let's go crazy!
— When the initial introduction is done.
Hey! How's life?
— When summoned after the first time.
I've seen you splatting it up out there! I've got something for you!
— When you receive a reward.

Inkling Squid


Greetings! I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. Well, well! Quite the fresh vibes on you, I must admit! I'd wager a bet that you get even cooler with every battle! I'm afraid I find myself quite dazzled by your brilliance! Would it be too much trouble to let me become your friend? That would allow me to memorize your controls and gear for you! Then you can quickly equip that gear in the lobby or Equip menu! Doesn't that sound handy? So will you grant me this request?
— When summoned for the first time.
My most humble thanks! Allow me to present you with this gift then. Gain more experience in battle, and I'll have other gifts to give!
— When you receive a reward for the first time.
Excellent! Since we're here, shall we take some pictures? There are many great places around here. What say you?
— When the initial introduction is done.
Well, hello! And how are we doing today?
— When summoned after the first time.
My, my. You've been busy. Take this top-shelf reward, friend!
— When you receive a reward.



