Eeltail Alley/Quotes

Deep Cut quotes

Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Ooo, Eeltail Alley is the perfect stage for a well-crafted surprise attack...” |
Shiver “If I know a surprise attack is coming, is it really a surprise?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I wonder if they still have those yummy food stands set up in Eeltail Alley...” |
Big Man “Ay! (Oh yeah, we stopped there every day after school! Best deep-fried tofu ever!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay! (Hey, I saw a bird's nest up in the scaffolding at Eeltail Alley the other day!” |
Shiver “How did you get up in the scaffolding?!” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Isn't Eeltail Alley the perfect stringer stage? I love sniping from the bridge!” |
Frye “Nah. I think you want a weapon that's good in tight spaces. Splatanas for life!” |
Big Man “Ay? (What about sloshers? I mean, I guess splashing buckets of ink is fun anywhere...)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “I don't know why, but I always feel like I'm being WATCHED at Eeltail Alley...” |
Frye “That's 'cause you're Shiver! It's the price of fame, baby. I say...lean into it!” |
Big Man “Ay! (But you used to tussle with hooligans there! It's not just paparazzi watching...)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Ugh. I wish all the shops at Eeltail Alley were open at night.” |
Shiver “Uh...I wish they were open, like, ever!” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「ゴンズイ地区の中央は死角が多い! 不意打ちや カベ裏のボムに要注意じゃ!」 (There are many blind spots in Eeltail Alley! Be careful of surprise attacks and bombs behind the walls!) |
フウカ 「ウツホが言うと 説得力あるわぁ」 (When Frye says it, it's very convincing.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「ゴンズイ地区の商店街には 学校帰りの買い食いで よく世話になったのう!」 (I often went to Eeltail Alley's shopping district to buy food on the way home from school!) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(あそこのコロッケ おいしいよね!)」 (Ay! (Their korokke is delicious!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エイ!(ゴンズイ地区でバトルしてたら 足場にトリの巣があって びっくりしたよ~!)」 (Ay! (I was surprised to see a bird's nest up in the scaffolding at Eeltail Alley during a battle~!)) |
フウカ 「トリはん、おさわがせして えらいすんません~」 (Dear bird, I am so sorry to have bothered you~) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ゴンズイ地区は 歩道橋から全体を見渡せるさかい ストリンガーにうってつけやね!」 (Eeltail Alley is perfect for Stringers because you can see the whole area from the pedestrian bridge!) |
ウツホ 「地上は接近戦に強いブキのもんじゃ! ワシのワイパーを止められるヤツなどおらん!」 (The ground is for the strong close combatants! No one can stop my Splatana!) |
マンタロー 「エイエイ!(有利な位置から スロッシャーで バシャバシャやるのも楽しいよね~!)」 (Ay! Ay! (It's also fun to slosh around with a Slosher at a vantage point~!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ゴンズイ地区に行くと アツい視線を感じひん?」 (Does anyone else feel like they're being watched when they go to Eeltail Alley?) |
ウツホ 「ワシもじゃ! 人気者はつらいのじゃ~~」 (Me too! It's hard being popular~~) |
マンタロー 「エイ…(それ、ふたりが昔ボコボコにした 不良のヒトたちの視線かも…)」 (Ay... (Or you could be being watched by those delinquents that the two of you beat up in the past...)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「夜は ゴンズイ地区に来ても 店が開いてなくて つまらんのじゃ」 (At night, when I come to Eeltail Alley, all of the shops are closed and it's boring.) |
フウカ 「その辺の店、昼間も閉まってんで」 (The stores around here are closed during the day too...) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ha, het Forelviaduct is de perfecte plek voor een verrassingsaanval...” (Ha, Eeltail Alley is the perfect place for a surprise attack...) |
Haya “Hoe kan het nog een verrassingsaanval zijn als je dat nu al verklapt?” (How can it still be a surprise attack if you give that away now?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik vraag me af of ze bij het Forelviaduct nog steeds van die leuke eetkraampjes hebben...” (I wonder if they still have such nice little food stands at Eeltail Alley...) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (O ja, daar kwamen we vaak na school- tijd! De kroketten knalden er de friteuse uit!)” (Ay! Ay! (Oh yes, we often came there after school! The croquettes burst out of the deep fryer there!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! (Ik zag laatst een kraaiennest op een stellage boven het Forelviaduct!)” (Ay! (I saw a crow's nest on a scaffold above Eeltail Alley recently!)) |
Haya “Wil je zeggen dat je daarop bent geklommen en het nog na kunt vertellen?!” (Are you saying that you climbed up on that and can still recount it?!) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Het Forelviaduct is gemaakt voor sluipschutters! Vanaf de brug kun je iedereen onder vuur nemen!” (Eeltail Alley was made for snipers! From on top of the bridge you can open fire on everyone!) |
Muriël “Nee joh, je kunt beter een zwieper gebruiken voor in de kleine ruimtes!” (No, dude, you're better off using a splatana for in the small spaces!) |
Ray “Ay... (Ik ga denk ik voor een morser, gewoon omdat emmers leegkieperen overal leuk is...)” (Ay... (I think I'll go for a slosher, just because dumping buckets empty is fun anywhere...)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Bij het Forelviaduct voelt het gek genoeg altijd alsof ik in de gaten word gehouden.” (At Eeltail Alley it oddly enough always feels as if there's an eye kept on me.) |
Muriël “Dat krijg je ervan als je beroemd bent. Iedereen heeft oog voor jou.” (That's what you get for being famous. Everyone has an eye for you.) |
Ray “Ay. Ay? (Of het zijn die lui waar je laatst tegenaan botste. Wat keken die kwaad, hè?)” (Ay. Ay? (Or it's those folks you bumped into recently. How angry they looked, eh?)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Bah, saai hier! Ik zou willen dat de winkels bij het Forelviaduct 's nachts open waren.” (Bah, it's boring here! I'd like it if the shops at Eeltail Alley were open at night.) |
Haya “Eh... Het zou al heel wat zijn als ze überhaupt een keer open waren...” (Eh... It would be a great deal if they were open once at all...) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ah, la banlieue Balibot, l'endroit idéal pour une bonne embuscade des familles ! » |
Pasquale « Mais si on sait qu'il y aura une embuscade, est-ce réellement une embuscade ? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Je me demande s'ils vendent encore ces trucs délicieux dans la banlieue Balibot... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ouais, on passait toujours en rentrant des cours ! Des virtuoses du bonbec !) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ! (L'autre jour, j'ai vu des oisillons sur l'échafaudage de la banlieue Balibot !) » |
Pasquale « Tu as escaladé l'échafaudage, Raimi ?! Mais... Mais comment ?! » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La banlieue Balibot, c'est parfait pour jouer du transperceur ! Et paf l'adversaire ! » |
Angie « Tu parles ! C'est parfait pour liquider dans les coins, oui. Un éclatana ou rien ! » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Et les seaux, vous en faites quoi ? Un bon coup de seau, c'est jamais perdu.) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Quand je suis dans la banlieue Balibot, J'ai toujours l'impression d'être épiée... » |
Angie « C'est la rançon de la gloire, Pasquale ! Il va falloir t'y faire ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Bien sûr... Rien à voir avec le fait que t'y rossais les caïds par grappes de douze.) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Pff... Les boutiques de la banlieue Balibot pourraient ouvrir de nuit, quand même... » |
Pasquale « Euh... Elles pourraient ouvrir tout court, surtout. » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ah, la banlieue Balibot, l'endroit idéal pour une bonne embuscade bien ficelée! » |
Pasquale « Mais si on sait qu'il y aura une embuscade, est-ce réellement une embuscade? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Je me demande s'ils vendent encore ces trucs délicieux dans la banlieue Balibot... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ouais, on passait toujours en rentrant de l'école! Des virtuoses du tofu frit!) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay! (L'autre jour, j'ai vu des oisillons sur l'échafaudage de la banlieue Balibot!) » |
Pasquale « Tu as escaladé l'échafaudage, Raimi?! Mais... Mais comment?! » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La banlieue Balibot, c'est parfait pour jouer du transperceur! Et paf l'adversaire! » |
Angie « Tu parles! C'est parfait pour liquider dans les coins, oui. Un éclatana ou rien! » |
Raimi « Ay? (Et les seaux, vous en faites quoi? Un bon coup de seau, c'est jamais perdu.) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Quand je suis dans la banlieue Balibot, j'ai toujours l'impression d'être épiée... » |
Angie « C'est la rançon de la gloire, Pasquale! Il va falloir t'y faire! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Bien sûr... Rien à voir avec le fait que tu y tapais les voyous par douzaine.) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Pff... Les boutiques de la banlieue Balibot pourraient ouvrir de nuit, quand même... » |
Pasquale « Euh... Elles pourraient ouvrir tout court, surtout. » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „In der Streifenaal-Straße lauere ich Leuten am liebsten auf! Ha, Überraschung!“ (Eeltail Alley is my favorite place to sneak attack in! Ha, surprise!) |
Mako „Aber gut planen, ja? Denn über-rasche Überraschungen können oft ins Auge gehen.“ (But plan it well, okay? Because sneak attacks can often backfire.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Leute, ob's in der Streifenaal-Straße noch all die Imbisse mit dem leckeren Zeug gibt?“ (Guys, are there still those snack stands with the yummy stuff in Eeltail Alley?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Ja, wie früher zusammen nach der Schule! Drei Seesterne für das tolle Tofu!)“ (Ay! AY! (Oh, like we used to do after school! Three Starfish stacked on the Tofu!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay! (In der Streifenaal-Straße, da haben neulich Vögel genistet! Oben im Baugerüst!)“ (Ay! (There are bird's nests in Eeltail Alley! Up in the scaffolding!)) |
Mako „Dort oben? Mantaro, bist du unter die fliegenden Fische gegangen?“ (Up there? Big Man, did you go flying?) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Die Streifenaal-Straße ist wie geschaffen für Stringer. Auf die Brücke und Tinte frei!“ (Eeltail Alley is the best place for stringers. Once you're on the bridge, you can ink free!) |
Muri „Quatsch, lieber unten rumwuseln und Leute im Nahkampf klecksen. Splatana-Power!“ (That's stupid, I'd rather scurry around on the ground splatting enemies! Splatana Power!) |
Mantaro „Ay? (Also, ich schwappe ja lieber. Eigentlich egal, in welcher Arena...)“ (Ay? (Well, I prefer sloshers. It doesn't really matter what stage...)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „In der Streifenaal-Straße fühlt man sich immer so... beobachtet. Ihr nicht auch?“ (In Eeltail Alley I always feel like i'm being... watched. Do you too?) |
Muri „Nö, nur du. Das ist der Mako-Effekt! Genieß deinen Ruhm als Superstar, Liebes!“ (Nope, it's just you. That's the Shiver-Effect! Enjoy your fame as a superstar, my dear!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wobei dich bei deinen Prügeleien früher vielleicht nicht nur Fans verfolgen...)“ (Ay! (Although, you may not be followed by just paparazzi because of your fights in the past...)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Boah! Wenn in der Streifenaal-Straße die Läden bloß auch nachts geöffnet wären!“ (Woah! If only the shops in Eeltail Alley were open at night!) |
Mako „Oder überhaupt mal. Wenn ich dort bin, ist irgendwie immer Pause oder Feierabend.“ (Or open at all. Whenever I'm there, they're always on break or closed.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Oooh, il Sobborgo Siluriano è lo scenario perfetto per gli attacchi a sorpresa...» (Oooh, Eeltail Alley is the perfect stage for a surprise attack...) |
Pinnuccia «Se so che sta arrivando un attacco a sorpresa, è ancora una sorpresa?» (If I know that a surprise attack is coming, is it still a surprise?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Chissà se ci sono ancora quelle bancarelle con il cibo delizioso al Sobborgo Siluriano...» (I wonder if there still are those stands with delicious food at Eeltail Alley...) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ah sì! Ci fermavamo sempre dopo la scuola! Il miglior tofu fritto della storia!)» (Ay! (Yeah! We always stopped there after school! The best fried tofu in history!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ieri ho visto il nido di un uccello sulle impalcature del Sobborgo Siluriano!)» (Ay! (Yesterday I saw a bird's nest on the Eeltail Alley's scaffolding!)) |
Pinnuccia «Come hai fatto a salire sulle impalcature?!» (How did you get up the scaffolding?!) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Il Sobborgo Siluriano è perfetto per il calamarco! Amo fare la cecchina dal ponte!» (Eeltail Alley is perfect for the stringer! I love to snipe on the bridge!) |
Morena «Nah, secondo me è meglio un'arma efficace negli spazi stretti. Splattalama forever!» (Nah, I think a weapon efficient in narrow spaces is better.) |
Mantaleo «Man? (Perché, i secchiostri? Sparare secchiate è divertente ovunque...)» (Ay? (And sloshers? Shooting bucketfuls is fun everywhere...)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Non so perché, ma mi sento sempre osservata al Sobborgo Siluriano...» (I don't know why, but I always feel like I'm being watched at Eeltail Alley...) |
Morena «È perché lo sei, Pinnuccia! È il prezzo del successo. Io dico... goditelo!» (Because you are, Shiver! It's the price of success. I say... enjoy it!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ma se facevi a botte con i teppisti laggiù! Non ti osservano solo i paparazzi...)» (Ay! (But you were coming to blows with the thugs down there! It's not just the paparazzi who watch you...)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Umpf. Vorrei che i negozi del Sobborgo Siluriano fossero aperti di notte.» (Umph. I would like the shops at Eeltail Valley to be open at night.) |
Pinnuccia «Io vorrei che fossero aperti sempre!» (I would like them to be always open!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Ох, Угрево-Скатово — идеальная арена для мастерских внезапных атак...» (Oh, Eeltail Alley is a perfect arena for the masterful sneak attacks...) |
Кулла «Если я предвижу внезапную атаку, то разве она может быть внезапной?» (If I foresee a sneak attack, then can it even be sneaky?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Интересно, а вкусняшки в Угрево-Скатово по-прежнему продают?..» (I wonder, are they still selling yummies on Eeltail Alley?..) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (О да, мы после школы всегда покупали их! Тофу в кляре был вкуснее всего!)» (Ay! (Oh yes, we always bought some after school! Battered tofu was the most delicious of all!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Я как-то видел птичье гнездо на строительных лесах в Угрево-Скатово!)» (Ay! (I once saw a bird's nest on scaffolding on Eeltail Alley!)) |
Кулла «А как тебе удалось забраться на леса?» (How did you manage to climb the scaffolding?) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Угрево-Скатово — идеальная арена для тетиваторов! Обожаю стрелять с моста!» (Eeltail Alley is a perfect arena for stringers! I love shooting from the bridge!) |
Мурия «Не-а. Оружие ближнего боя, вот что нужно! Сплатаны навсегда!» (Nah-uh. A melee weapon, that's what you need! Splatanas forever!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (А как же ведроганы? То есть, это же весело ведра краски расплескивать...)» (Ay? (But what about sloshers? I mean, it's fun to splash buckets of ink around...)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Не знаю, почему, но в Угрево-Скатово у меня всегда ощущение, что за мной наблюдают...» (I don't know why, but on Eeltail Alley, I always have a feeling that someone's watching me...) |
Мурия «Это все из-за твоего имени, Кулла! Ты слишком кул! Но это цена славы, смирись с этим!» (It's all because of your name, Shiver! You're too cool! But that's the price of fame, deal with it!) |
Notes: Shiver's Russian name "Кулла" Kulla sounds similar to the word "кул" kul (transliteration of the English word "cool"). | ||
Биг Ман «Ик! (Но я помню твои разборки с хулиганами! Не только папарацци за тобой наблюдают...)» (Ay! (And I remember your fights with hooligans! Not only paparazzi are watching you...)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Эх, жаль, что магазины в Угрево-Скатово ночью закрыты.» (Ah, too bad that the Eeltail Alley shops are closed at night.) |
Кулла «Погодите, а они вообще открываются?» (Wait, do they open at all?) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Para planear una ofensiva sorpresa, no hay escenario mejor que Callejones Crustáceo.» |
Megan «Pero... si se trata de algo planeado, ¿cómo puede llamarse «sorpresa»?» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «La de veces que habré pillado algo de comer en esos puestos de Callejones Crustáceo...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Los bocatas de algas que vendían en mi época de estudiante eran míticos!)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡El otro día vi un nido de pájaro sobre un andamio en Callejones Crustáceo!)» |
Megan «¿Por esas alturas andabas entintando?» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Cómo mola disparar con el arcromatizador desde el puente de Callejones Crustáceo!» |
Angie «Bah... Prefiero un buen azotintador para repartir tinta a corta distancia.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Y no es más divertido correr por ahí con un derramatic en ristre?)» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «No sé por qué, pero en Callejones Crustáceo siempre siento como si me observaran.» |
Angie «Es normal que los fans te sigan a cualquier sitio, Megan. ¡Es el precio de la fama!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (No sé yo si esos «observadores» estarán ahí para pedirnos autógrafos...)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Molaría que en Callejones Crustáceo hubiera tiendas que abrieran durante la noche.» |
Megan «Pero... ¿acaso hay alguna que esté abierta por la mañana, al menos?» |
Spanish (North America)
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鳗鲶区的中央死角很多! 得小心偷袭还有墙壁另一侧的炸弹!” |
莎莎 “这话从曼曼嘴里说出来,很有说服力啊。” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “我以前放学回家时经常去 鳗鲶区的商店街买东西吃呢!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(那里的可乐饼很美味!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼!(在鳗鲶区对战的时候, 发现立足处有鸟巢,吓了我一跳~!)” |
莎莎 “鸟儿们,非常抱歉打扰你们了~” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “在鳗鲶区的天桥可以望尽整个区域, 特别适合猎鱼弓发挥!” |
曼曼 “地面上就是擅长近身战的武器的天下! 我的刮水刀无人可挡!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(从有利的位置 用泼桶泼洒墨汁也很开心~!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “每次去鳗鲶区时,你们有没有感觉到炙热的目光?” |
曼曼 “我也感觉到了!作为人气王还真是辛苦~~” |
鬼福 “鲼……(我想,那应该是曾经 被你们两个痛揍的不良人员投来的目光……)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “就算在晚上来鳗鲶区, 也没有商店在营业,好无聊。” |
莎莎 “那附近的商店白天也没有营业。” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鰻鯰區的中央有很多死角! 必須防備奇襲或是牆壁後的炸彈!」 |
莎莎 「這話從你口中說出來還真有說服力呢。」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「以前放學回家時 經常會在鰻鯰區的商店街買東西吃呢!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(那裡賣的可樂餅真的很好吃!)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟!(在鰻鯰區對戰時還發現腳邊有鳥巢, 真是嚇我一跳耶~!)」 |
莎莎 「打擾到小鳥們了,實在是非常抱歉~」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「站在人行天橋上,整個鰻鯰區都能一覽無遺, 是個非常適合獵魚弓發揮的地點呢!」 |
曼曼 「在地面上就輪到近身戰較強的武器稱霸了! 我的刮水刀可是所向無敵的!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟!(拿著潑桶從有利的位置潑灑墨汁 也是很有趣的喔~!)」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「去鰻鯰區的時候感覺總是會被投以火熱的目光耶。」 |
曼曼 「我也有感覺到!人氣巨星還真是不好當呢~~」 |
鬼福 「魟……(那些目光搞不好是來自 以前被你們狠狠教訓過的小混混……)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鰻鯰區的商店晚上都沒有營業, 就算去了也是很無聊。」 |
莎莎 「那附近的商店白天也一樣沒營業啦。」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “메기 지구 중앙에는 사각이 많으니 기습이나 벽 뒤의 폭탄을 조심해야 하느니라!” |
후우카 “우츠호가 말하니 설득력이 있구마” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “방과 후, 메기 지구의 상점가에서 자주 군것질을 했던 기억이 나는구나!” |
만타로 “만타!(거기 크로켓 맛있었지!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만타!(저번에 메기 지구에서 배틀을 했는데 발밑에 새집이 있어서 깜짝 놀랐어~!)” |
후우카 “새 님, 소란을 피워서 죄송합니더~” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “메기 지구는 육교에서 전경을 둘러볼 수 있으니 스트링거가 딱 안성맞춤이다이가!” |
우츠호 “지상에서는 근접전에 강한 무기가 제일 아니겠느냐! 내 와이퍼를 막을 수 있는 녀석은 없느니라!” |
만타로 “만타만타!(유리한 위치에서 슬로셔로 잉크를 촤악촤악 뿌리는 것도 재밌지~!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “메기 지구에 가면 뜨거운 시선이 느껴진데이” |
우츠호 “나도 마찬가지구나! 인기인은 고되도다~~” |
만타로 “만타…(어쩌면 옛날에 두 사람이 곤죽을 만들어 놓은 불량배의 시선일지도…)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “해가 진 메기 지구는 가게들도 다 문을 닫아서 지루하더구나” |
후우카 “그 주변의 가게는 낮에도 장사 안 한다 안 카나” |
Big Run quotes

- Announcement
- Introduction
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver![]() “I've been hearing a lot of commotion in Eeltail Alley, thanks to the Big Run.” |
Big Man![]() “Ay! (If you want to help, head to Grizzco!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye![]() “I had to splat like 50 Salmonids on my way in here! Good luck, everyone!” |
Big Man![]() “Ay! Ay! (We'll all sink or swim together! Splatlandians unite!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man![]() “Ay. Ay. (The people must've left in a hurry. Their laundry's still hanging on the lines.)” |
Shiver![]() “Sure, but that's every day.” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver![]() “You hear how the hooligans of Eeltail Alley are all signing up at Grizzco?” |
Frye![]() “For real? Guess they got civic pride like anyone else. Let's team up, just this once!” |
- Results
- Big Man's unique quote
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man![]() “Ay! (The Salmonids that descended on Eeltail Alley have all been driven off!)” |
- Subsequent unique dialogue
- Announcement
- Introduction
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
- Subsequent dialogue #1
- Subsequent dialogue #2
- Subsequent dialogue #3
- Results
- Big Man's unique quote
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray![]() “Ay! (De Salmonietenopstopping op het Forelviaduct is weer opgelost!)” (Ay! (The Salmonid congestion in Eeltail Alley has been solved again!)) |
- Subsequent unique dialogue
Spanish (NOA)