Goby Arena/Quotes
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “At best, this Splatfest is mad fresh, a rad quest to add zest to math tests!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “We're doing the half-time show for the finals this year!” |
Marina “AAAAAH! I CAN'T WAIT! We should be rehearsing right now...” |
Pearl “Basketball would be cooler if you used clams instead of a basketball” |
Marina “There's already a sport for that.” |
Pearl “What are the three most embarrassing words in the Inkling language?” |
Marina “"Splatted by Sprinkler."” |
Pearl “Mistaking the hoop for the Clam Blitz basket would be a disaster!” |
Marina “I would have gone with "calamity."” |
Pearl “Yo, Marina! Go stand under the hoop!” |
Marina “How many times are you gonna Super Jump to me just so you can dunk?” |
Pearl “You think jellyfish can dunk?” |
Marina “I mean, they can do that weird arm-stretch thing, so maybe...” |
Pearl “Yo, this stage is straight up SLOPPY!” |
Marina “Are you STILL trying to make "sloppy" happen? It's not gonna happen.” |
Notes: "Sloppy" is a reference to Mean Girls. | ||
Pearl “"Pearl! I'm still equalizing my levels! Can you not rap right now?!"” |
Marina “Haha! Good one, Pearl. You're not annoying at all.” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「夜のスタジアムは アタシらのもんだ! 塗って塗って 塗りまくれー!!!」 (The stadium at night is ours! Ink it, ink it, ink it-!!!) |
イイダ 「センパイ! ゴールに立って歌うと バトルのジャマですよ~!」 (Senpai! If you stand at the goal and sing, you'll be in the way of the battle~!) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「イイダ、 今年のファイナルゲームも ハーフタイムショーに出られるってよ!」 (Marina, this year we're going to do the halftime show for the finals!) |
イイダ 「やった~! ここの音響設備 いつも最新なんで大好きなんです~♪」 (Yes~! The acoustic equipment here is always the latest, so I love it!) |
ヒメ 「バスケでも スライドできたほうが カッコイーと思うんだけどなー」 (I think sliding in basketball is so cool-) |
イイダ 「それは反則ですよ…」 (That's foul play...) |
ヒメ 「このステージのポイントは やっぱゴールだよなー!」 (The point of this stage is to score goals-!) |
イイダ 「バスケでもバトルでも 相手のゴールを うばうことが 重要なんですね~!」 (In both basketball and battles, it's important to score goals against your opponent~!) |
ヒメ 「バスケのゴールと ガチアサリのゴール、 まちがえやすいから 気をつけろ!」 (It's easy to mistake a basketball goal with a Clam Blitz goal!) |
イイダ 「全国のちびっこのみなさん! 気をつけてくださいね~」 (Please don't get it confused, all the small children nationwide~) |
ヒメ 「なー イイダ、またゴール下に立ってて くんねーかな?」 (Marina, can you stand under the goal again?) |
イイダ 「ワタシにスーパージャンプして ダンクごっこするの もう何回目ですか~?」 (How many times are you going to Super Jump to me so you can dunk again~?) |
ヒメ 「クラゲくんって ダンクできんのか?」 (Can jellyfish dunk?) |
イイダ 「ウデを伸ばしてゴールに入れるので 正確には ダンクではないような…」 (They could extend their arms to the goal, but I don't think its a legal dunk...) |
ヒメ 「ここってライブするたびに リニューアルするから 気合い入るよなー!」 (Every time we do a show here the place is renovated, it fires me up-!) |
イイダ 「センパイの歌声対策のために 一階の客席が 強化ガラスに変わってますね…」 (The first floor seating's glass has been replaced with reinforced glass to protect against Senpai's voice...) |
ヒメ 「センパ~イ、 機材セッティング終わる前に マイクテスト 入んないでください~!」 ("Senpai, please don't do a mic test before I'm done setting up my machinery~!") |
イイダ 「そっくりですけど~、 ホントに困ってるんですよ~」 (It's just like me, but really annoying~) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Op z'n best is dit Splatfest zo vers, raak niet gestresst van de ultieme test!” (At best, this Splatfest is so fresh, do not get stressed out by the ultimate test!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Mariana, ons optreden hier is uitverkocht!” (Marina, our performance here is sold out!) |
Mariana “OOOH! Wat staan we hier dan te staan, we moeten repeteren!” (OOOH! What are we still standing here then, we have to rehearse!) |
Notes: Staan with te forms a continuous aspect. Although it carries an implication of "standing", this is vague and is not strictly required or emphasized. The use of staan in a similar way to Marina's line creates a meaning along the lines of "just standing doing nothing". | ||
Lorelei “Basketbal zou veel stoerder zijn als je het met schelpen zou spelen.” (Basketball would be much tougher if you would play it with clams.) |
Mariana “Die sport bestaat al, Lorelei.” (That sport already exist, Pearl.) |
Lorelei “Wat zijn de drie meest gênante woorden in het Inklings?” (What are the three most embarrassing words in Inkling?) |
Mariana “Uitgeschakeld door: Inktsprinkler.” (Eliminated by: Sprinkler.) |
Lorelei “Het is belangrijk dat je de basket niet verwart met het net van Schelpenstrijd!” (It is important that you do not confuse the basket with the basket of Clam Blitz!) |
Mariana “Als je die dingen verwart, heb je niet schelp genoeg gekeken.” (If you confuse those things, you have not looked sharply at things enough.) |
Notes: Schelp genoeg gekeken is a pun on schelp ("shell"), or how Clam Blitz's clams are called in Dutch, and scherp kijken ("to look sharply at"). | ||
Lorelei “Mariana! Kun je even onder de basket gaan staan?” (Marina! Can you stand under the basket for a moment?) |
Mariana “Wil je naar me superspringen zodat je ook eens kunt dunken?” (Do you want to Super Jump to me so that you can dunk once too?) |
Lorelei “Denk je dat kwallen kunnen dunken?” (Do you think that jellyfish can dunk?) |
Mariana “Nou ja, ze kunnen hun tentakels zo gek uitrekken... Wie weet helpt dat...” (Well yes, they can stretch their tentacles so crazily... Who knows if that helps...) |
Lorelei “Dit level is zo ontzettend KIEUWL!” (This level is so incredibly GILLIO!) |
Mariana “Probeer je het nou nog steeds? Ik zeg het je, "kieuwl" gaat echt niet aanslaan.” (Are you still trying it? I am telling you, "gillio" is not going to catch on.) |
Notes: Kieuwl probably comes from kieuw ("gill") and cool. | ||
Lorelei “Lorelei! Ik ben het mengpaneel aan het instellen! Kun je even niet rappen?!” (Pearl! I am setting up the mixing console! Can you not rap for a moment?!) |
Mariana “Haha! Grappig hoor, Lore. Echt heel grappig. Echt totaal niet vervelend.” (Haha! How funny, Pearlie. Really very funny. Really not annoying at all.) |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « La nuit, le stade est à nous, les amis! Prêts à balancer la sauce? » (In the night, the Stadium is for us, friends! Ready to rock out?) |
Coralie « Reste ici, Perle! C'est pas le moment d'aller t'accrocher au panier! » (Stay here, Pearl! It's not the moment to go hang out at the basket!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « Quand je pense qu'on va jouer là-bas à la mi-temps de la finale! Le pied! » (When I think of playing there we will play over there at mid time of the final! Wicked!) |
Coralie « Je voudrais déjà y être! L'acoustique est dé-men-tielle! » (I would like to already be there! The acoustics are in-sane!) |
Perle « Le basket, ce serait bien plus marrant si ça se jouait avec des coquillages, non? » (The basket, it would be pretty funny if it was played with shells, no?) |
Coralie « Je me demande bien où t'es allée chercher ça, Perle... » (I ask myself where you find those ideas, Pearl...) |
Perle « C'est quoi les trois pires mots en langue Inkling? » (What are the three embarrassing words in Inkling language?) |
Coralie « « Élimination par Fontaine »... » ("Eliminated by Sprinkler"...) |
Perle « Ce panier, là... C'est le même que celui de Pluie de palourdes, non? » (This basket, there... It's the same as the one for Clam Blitz, no?) |
Coralie « En tout cas il y ressemble! Espérons que personne ne s'emmêle les pinceaux! » (In that case it has a resemblance! I hope that no one mixes them up!) |
Perle « Vas-y, Coralie! Va te mettre sous le panier! » (Go there, Marina! Go under the basket!) |
Coralie « Pour que tu nous refasses ton fameux Dunk par Super saut? Ça ira, merci. » (Just so you make us do your famous dunk by Super Jump again? I'm fine, thanks.) |
Perle « Tu crois que ça peut dunker, une méduse? » (You believe that it can dunk, a jellyfish?) |
Coralie « T'as des ces questions, Perle... » (Why do you have these questions, Pearl...) |
Perle « Chaque fois qu'on joue ici, ça me fait le même effet: je suis gonflée à bloc! » (Each time that we play here, it has the same effect on me: I get super focused!) |
Coralie « Ah bah ça explique nos « problèmes de micro »! C'est juste toi qui hurles... » (Ah bah it explains our "micro problems"! It's just you who yells...) |
Perle « « Tu veux bien te taire une seconde, Perle ? Je fais mes réglages ! » » ("Can you spare a second, Pearl? I'm regulating myself!") |
Coralie « Haha, décidément, c'est toujours aussi drôle après la dixième fois... » (Haha, decidedly, it's always funny after the tenth time...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Nachts gehört das Stadion uns! Haut die Tinte raus!“ (At night the stadium is ours! Get the ink out!) |
Marina „Aber geh unter dem Korb weg, Perla! Sonst stehst du nur im Weg!“ (But get out under the basket, Pearl! Otherwise you'd just get in the way!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Dieses Jahr machen wir die Halbzeit- Show im Finale, Marina!“ (This year we're doing the halftime show in the finals, Marina!) |
Marina „Ich kann's kaum erwarten! Wir sollten schon längst proben!“ (I just can not wait for it! We should have rehearsed a long time ago!) |
Perla „Basketball wäre viel cooler, wenn man es mit Muscheln spielen würde!“ (Basketball would be way cooler if played with seashells!) |
Marina „Die Sportart gibt es schon.“ (The sport already exists.) |
Perla „Was sind die peinlichsten Worte in der Inkling-Sprache?“ (What are the most embarrassing words in the Inkling language?) |
Marina „„Durch Sprinkler erledigt!"“ ("Splatted by sprinklers!") |
Perla „Wichtig: Nicht den Basketballkorb und den Muschelchaos-Korb verwechseln!“ (Important: Do not confuse the basketball hoop and the Clam Blitz basket!) |
Marina „Merkt euch das gut, das ist ein Fehler, den man echt nicht machen möchte!“ (Remember that, it's a mistake you really don't want to make!) |
Perla „Los, Marina! Stell dich unter den Korb!“ (Hey Marina! Stand under the basket!) |
Marina „Du kriegst nicht genug vom Dunken per Supersprung, was?“ (You can't get enough of the Super Jump dunk, can you?) |
Perla „Ob Quallen wohl dunken können?“ (Can jellyfish dunk?) |
Marina „Nun ja, zumindest können sie ihre Arme so komisch strecken. Also vielleicht...“ (Well, at least they can stretch their arms like that. So maybe...) |
Perla „Bei jedem Auftritt hier merke ich wieder, warum ich so gerne Musik mache!“ (Every time I play here, I realize why I love making music so much!) |
Marina „Dein Enthusiasmus ist spürbar... Wegen dir mussten sie das Glas verstärken.“ (Your enthusiasm is palpable... Because of you, they had to strengthen the glass.) |
Perla „„Perla! Ich justiere gerade mein Equipment! Kannst du kurz still sein?"“ ("Pearl! I'm just adjusting my equipment! Can you be quiet for a moment?") |
Marina „Das ist einfach immer wieder witzig, haha! Und nervt kein bisschen!“ (It's always funny, haha! And not annoying at all!) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «♪ Questo festival è proprio brutal! Lo stadio è nostro, tutto d'inchiostro! ♪» (This Splatfest is really brutal! The stadium is ours, all made of ink!♪) |
Nori «Alga, se resti sotto la rete, ti finirà addosso qualcosa!» (Pearl, if you stay under the basket something will fall on you!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Quest'anno dobbiamo esibirci per lo stacco di fine primo tempo alle finali!» (This year we have to make a show for the first half end break at the finals!) |
Nori «NON VEDO L'ORA! Questo posto dispone delle più moderne attrezzature audio!» (I CAN'T WAIT! This place has the most modern audio equipment!) |
Alga «Secondo me la pallacanestro sarebbe più divertente se si potesse scivolare.» (In my opinion basketball would be more fun if you could slide) |
Nori «Ma quello è un altro sport!» (But that's another sport!) |
Alga «Quali sono le parole più imbarazzanti del gergo Inkling?» (What are the most embarrassing words of the Inkling jargon?) |
Nori «Mannaggia al calamaravaggio!» (Damn that Inkbrush!) |
Alga «Scambiare la rete del Vongol gol per un canestro sarebbe un disastro!» (Confusing the Clam Blitz's basket for the basket hoop would be a disaster!) |
Nori «Io avrei detto calamità!» (I would've said calamity!) |
Alga «Ehi, Nori, puoi metterti un attimo sotto la rete?» (Ehy Marina, could you stay under the basket for a moment?) |
Nori «Vuoi fare un altro super salto e schiacciare?» (You want to do another Super Jump and dunk?) |
Alga «Secondo te le meduse sanno schiacciare?» (Do you think that jellyfish can dunk?) |
Nori «Beh, dipende da come sanno usare i loro tentacoli!» (Well, depends on how they can use their tentacles!) |
Alga «Ogni volta che suoniamo qui, mi ricordo il motivo per cui facciamo musica!» (Every time we play our instruments here, I remember why we make music!) |
Nori «E perché questo è l'unico posto dove ogni materiale è a prova della tua voce...» (And because this is the only place where everything is your-voice-proof...) |
Alga «Alga, sto ancora facendo il soundcheck, la smetti di fare rap, per favore?!» (Pearl, I'm still doing the soundcheck, could you stop rapping, please?) |
Nori «Ah ah, bella questa, Alga. Ma sei sempre una spina nel fianco!» (Ah ah, good one, Pearl. But you're still a pain in the neck!) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «А представляешь, как тут ночью? Никого нет, темно, крась не хочу!» (Can you imagine how it's like here at night? There's no one, it's dark, ink as much as you like!) |
Мариша «Ты только из-под садка не забудь уйти, а то не отмоешься.» (Just don't forget to get out from under the basket, otherwise you won't wash off.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Мы будем выступать в перерыве финального матча!» (We're gonna perform during the break of the final match!) |
Мариша «Ах, не могу дождаться! Надо срочно начинать репетировать!» (Ah, I can't wait! We need to start rehearsing immediately!) |
Жемчик «А представляешь, если вместо устриц забрасывать в садок мячи!» (Can you imagine throwing balls into the basket instead of clams!) |
Мариша «Ты представляешь, такой вид спорта уже лет сто как существует!» (This sport has existed for over a hundred years already, can you imagine!) |
Жемчик «Что может быть хуже, чем когда тебя плюхают?» (What could be worse than being splatted?) |
Мариша «Когда тебя плюхают еще раз... А потом еще раз и еще...» (When you get splatted again... And then again and again...) |
Жемчик «Не перепутайте баскетбольное кольцо с садком в Устроболе!» (Don't confuse a basketball hoop with a Clam Blitz basket!) |
Мариша «И устрицу с баскетбольным мячом!» (And a clam with a basketball ball!) |
Жемчик «Йо, Мариша! Встань рядом с садком!» (Yo, Marina! Stand next to the basket!) |
Мариша «Ты хочешь выполнить суперпрыжок для слэм-данка? Понимаю...» (Do you want to Super Jump for a slam dunk? I understand...) |
Жемчик «Как думаешь, медузы могут делать слэм-данки?» (Do you think jellyfish can do slam dunks?) |
Мариша «Ну, с их щупальцами они со своей половины поля слэм-данк сделают...» (Well, they probably can make a slam dunk from their half of the field with their tentacles...) |
Жемчик «Каждый раз, когда мы выступаем здесь, моя душа поет!» (Every time we perform here, my soul sings!) |
Мариша «И не только душа. Ты так орешь, что приходится арену ремонтировать...» (And not only the soul. You yell so much that we have to repair the arena...) |
Жемчик ««Жемчик, у меня тут саундчек вовсю идет. Ты не могла бы помолчать?»» («Pearl, I have a soundcheck with might and main here. Could you be quiet?») |
Мариша «Ох, Жемчик! Не умеешь ты выводить из себя. Учиться тебе и учиться еще.» (Oh, Pearl! You can't make anyone mad. You still have a lot to learn.) |
Spanish quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “Es un festival mental, deja el control parental: ¡mi estilo es brutal!” (It's a mental Splatfest, leave the parental control behind: my style is brutal!) |
NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “¡Por la noche, el estadio es nuestro territorio! ¡Que corra la tinta!” (At night, the stadium is our territory! Let the ink run!) |
Marina “Pero no te quedes ahí delante de la portería o te llevarás un balonazo.” (But don't stand there in front of the hoop or a ball will come towards you.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Pearl “¡Vamos a actuar en el descanso de la gran final este año!” (We're gonna perform in the grand final's half-time this year!) |
Marina “¡¿En serio?! ¡Los equipos acústicos que tienen aquí son la onda!” (Seriously?! The acoustic equipment they have here are off the hook!) |
Pearl “¿Sabes que quieren contratarnos para actuar en el descanso de la gran final?” (Did you know they want to hire us to perform in the grand final's half-time?) |
Marina “¡¿En serio?! ¡Qué pasada! ¡Los equipos acústicos que tienen aquí son lo último!” (Seriously?! Holy moly! The acoustic equipment they have here are the latest!) |
Pearl “El baloncesto ese sería más interesante si se jugara con almejas como balón.” (Basketball would be more interesting if it was played with clams like a ball.) |
Marina “Ya existe un deporte así.” (A sport like that already exists.) |
Pearl “El baloncesto ese sería más interesante si se jugara con almejas como balón.” (Basketball would be more interesting if it was played with clams like a ball.) |
Marina “Ya existe otro «deporte» parecido...” (Another similar "sport" already exists.) |
Pearl “¿Cuál es la frase más vergonzosa del idioma inkling?” (What's the most shameful phrase of the Inkling language?) |
Marina “"Te reventaron con: Aspersor."” ("Splatted by Sprinkler.") |
Pearl “¿Se supone que para los combates instalarán porterías, canastas o qué?” (For battles, are they supposed to install goals, hoops, or what?) |
Marina “¿Qué más te da? Lo importante es no dar tregua a los rivales en combate.” (What does it matter to you? The important thing is to not make a truce with the rivals in combat.) |
Pearl “Ojo: las canastas no funcionan igual que las redes de asalto almeja.” (Heads up: the hoops don't work like the Clam Blitz nets.) |
Marina “Lo sabes por experiencia, ¿verdad?” (You know that from experience, right?) |
Pearl “¿Las canastas de baloncesto no te recuerdan un poco al asalto almeja?” (Don't the basketball hoops remind you a little of Clam Blitz?) |
Marina “¡No son lo mismo que la red! Seguro que los espectadores captan la diferencia.” (They're not the same as the net! I'm sure that the viewers get the difference.) |
Pearl “Marina, ponte debajo de la canasta un momento.” (Marina, get under the hoop for a moment.) |
Marina “No puedes hacer clavadas sin usar sin usar el supersalto, ¿verdad?” (You can't slam dunk without Super Jumping, right?) |
Pearl “Marina, ponte junto a la canasta un momento, porfa.” (Marina, get under the hoop for a moment, please.) |
Marina “¿Ya quieres intentar otra vez un mate con supersalto por encima de mí?” (You already want to try to slam dunk with a Super Jump in front of me again?) |
Pearl “¿Tú crees que las medusas serán buenas jugando al baloncesto?” (Do you think jellyfish are good at playing basketball?) |
Marina “No creo que salten mucho, pero quizá esos tentáculos sirvan para defender...” (I don't think they jump a lot, but perhaps those tentacles can defend...) |
Pearl “¿Tú crees que las medusas serán buenas jugando al baloncesto?” (Do you think jellyfish are good at playing basketball?) |
Marina “No creo que tengan fuerza para lanzar el balón, pero tal vez poniendo tapones...” (I don't think they have the strength to throw the ball, but maybe blocking...) |
Pearl “Lo que me gusta de este escenario es que siempre están renovándolo.” (What I like about this stage is that they're always renovating it.) |
Marina “Como cada vez que actuamos tienen que reforzar los cristales contra tu voz...” (Like every time we perform, they have to reinforce the glass against your voice...) |
Pearl “"¡Perla! ¡Deja de gritar al micrófono mientras estoy ajustando el volumen!"” ("Pearl! Stop yelling at the microphone while I'm adjusting the volume!") |
Marina “Es que si no lo dejo perfecto, no va a sonar igual que nuestro disco.” (Well, if I don't leave it perfect, it's not gonna sound just like on our album.) |
Pearl “«¡Perla! ¡Deja de gritar al micrófono mientras estoy ajustando el volumen!»” ("Pearl! Stop yelling at the microphone while I'm adjusting the volume!") |
Marina “Tengo que reconocer que con esa imitación me has clavado tal cual.” (I gotta say that you nailed me pretty good with that imitation.) |
Social media
“ | Our tireless research has resulted in a thrilling discovery! Yes, today we learned that Inklings play basketball! The existence of a new stage, Goby Arena, indicates that Inklings may even play the sport competitively.
As you can see, the details of the sport have been fairly well preserved. The arena is complete with a full-size locker room, polished wooden court, concession stands, jumbotron, VIP seating, and memorabilia shop. Furthermore, it appears that the arena is converted into an ink-battle stage during the offseason, and this unique location should make for exciting battles indeed. We suspect that the mid-court area, along with the two basketball hoops on each side of the court, will be a focal point for all battle types. Gaining control of the hoop on your side of the stage will give your team the high ground you need to push forward. We'll continue to closely monitor this new development and will provide updates in due course. |
” |
“ | Goby Arena is a brand new stage set within a basketball court. It's a state-of-the-art stadium, complete with a huge overhead monitor, food court, VIP seating, and even a souvenir shop!
There's a hoop at each end of the court - no matter if you're playing Turf Wars or a fierce Ranked Battle, bringing these two hoops under your team's control can give you a serious strategic advantage. Goby Arena will be added to Splatoon 2 soon, and there are more stages on the way. Stay tuned... |
” |
— Squid Research Lab Bulletin (Nintendo Switch news channel for Splatoon 2)
“ | Goby Arena is a brand new stage coming to #Splatoon2 soon! It's a state-of-the-art basketball arena with a food court, VIP seating and more. | ” |