The Reef/Quotes
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< The Reef
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “The Reef at night is so beautiful. And all the shops are closed!” |
NOE, NOA[1] |
Pearl “The pigeons here are really aggressive!” |
Marina “They always try to bite my hair...” |
Pearl “Look at me! I'm Marina! BLAH BLAH BLAH!” |
Marina “Ahaha! Yeah, that's so me!” |
Pearl “My best friend took me to this amazing cake shop in The Reef the other day!” |
Marina “But I don't remember going to a cake shop...” |
Pearl “Just rush down the middle and smash 'em. Piece of crab cake!” |
Marina “Nah, it's all about the side routes if you ask me!” |
Pearl “A new shop just opened up here, Marina! Let's go this weekend!” |
Marina “I would, but this new game comes out this weekend, and I'm DYING to play it.” |
Pearl “I bought WAY too much here yesterday. Used up my entire allowance...” |
Marina “You...still get an allowance?” |
Pearl “I LOOOOVE using dualies here. I just dodge-roll nonstop!” |
Marina “I noticed. You might want to think about playing the objective once in a while...” |
Pearl “I dropped my cellphone in the water here while I was dodge rolling...” |
Marina “Ah, so that's why you have a new phone today.” |
Pearl “In Turf War, the bridge AND the area under the bridge are part of the turf!” |
Marina “Remember that, class-it WILL appear on the test!” |
Marina “"Doodle things"? It's called graffiti. Aren't you a rapper?” |
Pearl “I buy all my clothes at the shops here. They're crazy fresh, yo!” |
Marina “Huh, I didn't realize they carried XXS clothing.” |
Pearl “I LOOVE using dualies here. I just dodge-roll nonstop!” |
Marina “You should take a gymnastics class! Put your low center of gravity to use!” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「うおお! 夜のバッテラ! もう 店閉まってるー!!」 (Whoa! The Reef at night! The stores are closed!) |
イイダ 「じゃあ こころおきなく 塗りたくっちゃいましょ~!」 (Then let's paint it all over the place!) |
NOJ[1] |
ヒメ 「ここのハト、すっげーガン飛ばしてくんだよ!」 (The pigeons here always stare daggers before flying away!) |
イイダ 「え〜?!あのかたがたワタシを見るなりアタマに乗ってこようとするんですけど…」 (Huh?! But when they see me, they always try to sit on my head...) |
ヒメ 「イイダのマネっ!」 (This is my impression of you!) |
イイダ 「あははっ!そっくり〜!」 (Ahaha! That's spot on!) |
ヒメ 「ここを ガーッと行って バッと曲がったトコの 店のケーキ! チョーウメェ!」 (The cake at the store down and around there is so good!) |
イイダ 「どこですか… それ…」 (Where... is that?) |
ヒメ 「中央を ギュンッて トッパして ガンガン攻めたら ヨユウっしょ!」 (If you attack like crazy through the center, you can get the upper hand!) |
イイダ 「左右のルートも 気をつけないと うしろ取られちゃいますよ!」 (But if you don't watch the side routes too, you'll get taken from behind!) |
ヒメ 「あ! また新しいお店ができてるっ! イイダ! 今度のオフに行くか!」 (Oh! A new shop just opened! Marina! Let's go on our next day off!) |
イイダ 「センパイ! 次のオフは、 いっしょにテレビゲームするって 約束ですよ!」 (Pearl! You promised to play video games with me!) |
ヒメ 「ここで 買い物しすぎて おこづかい 全部つかっちゃった…」 (I shopped too much here and spent all my allowance...) |
イイダ 「センパイ、今も おこづかい もらってるんですか?!」 (Pearl, you still get an allowance?!) |
ヒメ 「ここ、マニューバーでバシュッとするの 楽しんだよね! ずーっと バシュバシュできちゃうモデル 出ないかなー」 (It's so awesome swishing around with dualies here! I wish they'd make a model that shoots foreeeever...) |
イイダ 「スライドしてるとき スッゴイ笑顔ですよね~」 (When you dodge-roll, you have the biggest smile!) |
ヒメ 「この前も、 ここらへんで ケータイ落としたの思い出した…」 (I remember I lost my phone around here a while ago...) |
イイダ 「そういえば、また新しいスマホでしたね…」 (Oh right, you got a new phone again, didn't you...) |
ヒメ 「レギュラーマッチだと、 橋の上も下も 塗りポイントになるぞー」 (In Turf War, both above and below the bridge count towards the score!) |
イイダ 「テストに出しますよ~♪」 (This will be on the test!) |
ヒメ 「ダレだよ! ここのカベに落書きしたヤツ!」 (Who did it?! Who's the guy that scribbled on the walls here?!) |
イイダ 「こういうの、落書きじゃなくて グラフィティって言うんですよ?」 (You know those "scribbles" are called "graffiti", right?) |
ヒメ 「ここらで売ってるフクとか、全部かっこいいな!」 (All the clothes sold around here are so stylin'!) |
イイダ 「でも、SSSサイズは売ってないですよ?」 (But they don't have anything SSS size, do they?) |
Notes: "SSS" is the Japanese equivalent of the Western "XXS" size. |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “'s Nachts is de Sushistraat zo mooi... Maar alle winkels zijn dicht!” (The Reef is so beautiful at night... But all the shops are closed!) |
Mariana “Laat ons vechten tot de winkels weer opengaan!” (Let us fight until the shops open again!) |
NOE[1] |
Lorelei “De duiven daar zijn echt megahatelijk! Ze halen altijd m'n kapsel overhoop!” (The pigeons there are really mega hateful! They always mess up my hairdo!) |
Mariana “Ik vind ze eigenlijk wel schattig...” (I think they are actually fairly cute...) |
Lorelei “Dit is mijn imitatie van Mariana! BLA BLABLA BLAAA BLA!” (This is my imitation of Marina! BLA BLABLA BLAAA BLA!) |
Mariana “Hahaha! Dat ben ik helemaal!” (Hahaha! That is totally me!) |
Lorelei “Mijn hartsvriendin en ik waren daar in 'n cafeetje met de BESTE TAART OOIT!” (My BFF and I were in a café there with the BEST PIE EVER!) |
Mariana “Maar... Ik ken daar helemaal geen cafeetjes...” (But... I do not know any cafés there.) |
Notes: Cafeetje is the diminutive form of café. | ||
Lorelei “Knal er gewoon vol op en geef ze van jetje! Makkelijk zat!” (Just shoot full on and beat them up! Easy enough!) |
Mariana “Volgens mij kun je de tegenstanders beter via de zijweggetjes besluipen...” (I think you can better sneak up on the opponents through the side routes...) |
Notes: "...geef ze van jetje!..." comes from 'm van jetje geven, a Dutch saying for "to do your best / to go strong / to beat someone up severely", and zijweggetjes is the plural diminutive form of zijweg ("side route"). | ||
Lorelei “Er is een nieuwe winkel geopend! Gaan we er van het weekend heen?” (A new shop has opened there! Are we going there this weekend?) |
Mariana “Ik zou wel willen, maar die nieuwe game komt net uit...” (I would like to, but that new game has just been released...) |
Lorelei “Ik heb daar gister veel te veel gekocht, dus ik ben door mijn zakgeld heen...” (I have bought way too much there yesterday, so I ran out of my allowance...) |
Mariana “Jij... krijgt nog zakgeld?” (You... still get an allowance?) |
Lorelei “Dit level is gemáákt voor Dubbelknallers! En vooral om de hele tijd te rollen!” (This level is MADE for dualies! And especially to roll all the time!) |
Mariana “Ik heb het gemerkt... Het zou ook leuk zijn als je zo nu en dan meevecht...” (I have noticed it... It would also be nice if you fight along every now and then...) |
Notes: Gemaakt ("made") is stressed and therefore written with an accent. | ||
Lorelei “O ja, daar heb ik mijn telefoon weer laten vallen tijdens het rollen...” (Oh yes, I have dropped my phone there while rolling again...) |
Mariana “Had je weer een nieuwe nodig?” (Did you need a new one again?) |
Lorelei “In Grondoorlog kun je zowel de brug als het gebied ónder de brug verven!” (In Turf War you can paint both the bridge as well as the area UNDER the bridge.) |
Mariana “Onthoud dat goed, want hier krijg je later een overhoring over!” (Remember that well, because you get a quiz about this later!) |
Notes: Onder ("under") is stressed and therefore written with an accent. | ||
Lorelei “Oké, geef het maar toe! Wie heeft er weer op de muren lopen kliederen?!” (Okay, just admit it! Who has made a mess on the walls again?!) |
Mariana “Kliederen? Dat is graffiti... Jij was hier de stoere rapper, toch?” (Made a mess? That is graffiti... You were the tough rapper here, right?) |
Lorelei “Ik koop al mijn kleren hier! Je kunt ze niet verser krijgen!” (I buy all my clothes here! You can't get them any fresher!) |
Mariana “O, ze hebben ook kindermaatjes?” (Oh, they also have children's sizes?) |
Notes: Kindermaatjes is the plural diminutive form of kindermaat ("child size"). |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Ces allées sont super jolies de nuit, surtout si les magasins sont fermés! » (These streets are soooooooo pretty in the night, especially if the shops are closed!) |
Coralie « Ça ne manque pas un peu de couleur? Cela dit, on peut aisément arranger ça... » (It's not missing even a teensy bit of color? That said, we can always arrange something...) |
NOE, NOA[1] |
Perle « Les pigeons sont vraiment agressifs, dans le coin! » (The pigeons are truly aggressive, in this place!) |
Coralie « Sans compter qu'ils visent plutôt bien... » (Without counting that they can't see rather well...) |
Perle « Hé, regardez-moi! J'imite Coralie! » (Heh, watch me! I'm imitating Marina!) |
Coralie « Hi hi, c'est réussi, j'avoue! » (Hee hee, it's successful, I must admit!) |
Perle « L'autre jour, ma meilleure pote m'a montré une pâtisserie top dans le coin! » (The other day, my best friend showed me a top bakery in this place!) |
Coralie « Je ne me souviens pas t'avoir parlé d'une pâtisserie... Oh. » (I don't remember having talked about a bakery... Oh.) |
Perle « Y suffit de foncer au centre et de dégommer tout ce qui passe. Fastoche! » (There's enough space to charge at the center and to knock off all who pass. Easy peasy!) |
Coralie « Bof, mieux vaut surveiller les voies latérales pour ne pas être pris à revers. » (Bof, it's better to monitor the main ways to not have the reverse happen.) |
Perle « Y suffit de foncer au centre et de dégommer tout ce qui passe. Fastoche ! » (There's enough space to charge at the centre and to knock off all who pass. Easy peasy!) |
Coralie « Bof, mieux vaut surveiller les voies latérales pour ne pas être pris à revers. » (Bof, it's better to monitor the main ways to not have the reverse happen.) |
Perle « Oh! Je viens de repérer une nouvelle boutique! On y va ce week-end? » (Oh! I'm going to a boutique I found! Want to go this weekend?) |
Coralie « Pas question! Ce week-end, c'est jeu vidéo, et c'est mon tour de choisir! » (Without question! This weekend, it's video game time, and it's my turn to choose!) |
Perle « J'ai fait plein de courses là-bas, hier. Tout mon argent de poche y est passé! » (I have done lots of shopping there, yesterday. All my pocket money is gone!) |
Coralie « Ton... argent... de poche...?! » (Your... pocket... money...?!) |
Perle « J'adore faire des roulades avec mon Double encreur dans ce stage! » (I like doing rolls with my Splat Dualies in this stage!) |
Coralie « J'ai remarqué... D'ailleurs, essaie de penser au match, la prochaine fois... » (I've noticed... Besides, try to think during the match, next time...) |
Perle « Tiens, ça me rappelle que j'ai encore égaré mon portable en traînant là-bas... » (Well, it reminds me that I have misplaced my mobile while training there again...) |
Coralie « Mais oui, c'est ça... T'as rien trouvé de mieux pour changer de téléphone? » (But yes, it's that... You've already found a better way to change your phone?) |
Perle « En match classique, il ne faut pas oublier d'encrer sous le pont... » (In Turf Wars, don't forget to ink under the bridge...) |
Coralie « ...Ni d'encrer le pont lui-même! » (...Nor to ink the bridge itself!) |
Perle « Qui a osé gribouiller sur les murs de ce stage?! » (Who dared to scribble on the walls of this stage!) |
Coralie « C'est pas des gribouillis mais des graffitis, Perle. Autrement dit : de l'art. » (It's not scribbles but graffiti, Pearl. Otherwise known as: art.) |
Perle « Toutes les fringues qu'on trouve dans le coin sont ultra classe! » (All the clothes that you find in this place are ultra cool!) |
Coralie « Rêve pas trop, Perle, je crois pas qu'ils fassent les tailles enfant... » (Don't dream too much, Pearl, I don't believe that they make kid sizes...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Nachts ist es im Korallenviertel so schön... Aber alle Läden sind zu!“ (In the night the Reef looks so nice... But all the shops are closed!) |
Marina „Dann lass uns kämpfen, bis die Läden wieder aufmachen!“ (Then let us fight, until the shops open again!) |
NOE[1] |
Perla „Die Tauben dort sind so aggro!“ (The pigeons there are so aggressive!) |
Marina „Mir fliegen die immer in die Tentakel!“ (They always fly into my tentacles!) |
Perla „Schaut mal, ich kann Marina imitieren! "Hihi, ich bin ja sooo verpeilt!"“ (Check it, I can imitate Marina! "Tee-hee-hee, I am sooo lost!") |
Marina „Hahahaha! Volltreffer! Moment mal! Wie jetzt, "verpeilt"?!“ (Hahahaha! Bull's-eye! Wait a minute! "lost", Like how?!) |
Perla „Ich war dort neulich mit meiner besten Freundin Kuchen essen... So lecker!“ (I was eating cake with my best friend there the other day... So yummy!) |
Marina „Aber ich war da noch nie Kuchen essen...“ (But I was never there to eat cake...) |
Perla „Einfach mitten rein und alle plätten! So einfach geht das!“ (Just straight to the middle and splat everyone! That's how easy it is!) |
Marina „Also ich finde die Seitenwege ja praktischer...“ (Well I think the by-ways are more practical ...) |
Perla „Da hat ein neuer Laden aufgemacht! Lass uns am Wochenende mal hingehen!“ (A new shop has opened there! Let's go there once on the weekends!) |
Marina „Ich würd ja gern, aber da kommt dieses neue Videospiel raus...“ (I would like to, but there's this new video game that comes out...) |
Perla „Da hab ich gestern im Kaufrausch mein ganzes Taschengeld verbraten...“ (I have spent my whole allowance in a shopping spree there yesterday...) |
Marina „Was? Du kriegst noch Taschengeld?“ (What? You still get an allowance?) |
Perla „Hier setze ich voll auf Doppler! Ich rolle die ganze Zeit nur herum!“ (I always use dualies here! I just roll around the whole time!) |
Marina „Ja, hab ich gemerkt. Kleiner Tipp: Es gibt auch so was wie Siegbedingungen.“ (Yes, I have noticed. Small tip: There is also something like win conditions.) |
Perla „Ich hab hier beim Rollen mein Handy ins Wasser fallen lassen...“ (I have dropped my phone into the water while rolling here...) |
Marina „Ich hab mir noch gedacht, dass du wohl ein neues hast.“ (I thought that you probably had a new one.) |
Perla „In Standardkämpfen kann man die Brücke und den Boden darunter färben!“ (In Regular Battle you can ink on the bridge or the ground underneath!) |
Marina „Merkt's euch, das wird abgefragt!“ (Remember it, that will be asked!) |
Perla „So, raus mit der Sprache! Wer beschmiert hier immer die Wände?!“ (So, out with the language! Who always smears the walls here?!) |
Marina „Das ist doch Graffiti, das ist Kunst! Na ja, vielleicht nicht alles...“ (That is graffiti though, that is art! Well, perhaps not everything...) |
Notes: Raus mit der Sprache means "to tell something important, to tell the truth". | ||
Perla „Die Klamotten, die sie hier verkaufen, sind alle superspritzig!“ (The clothes, that they sell here, are all super fresh!) |
Marina „Oh, die haben hier auch Kurzgrößen! Das ist doch was für dich!“ (Oh, they also have short sizes here! That is something for you!) |
Notes: Superspritzig is Splatoon's German equivalent of English's "fresh". |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Questa zona è così carina di notte! Peccato che i negozi siano chiusi...» (This zone is so cute at night! Too bad that the shops are closed...) |
Nori «Allora splattiamo a più non polpo fino a quando riaprono!» (Then let's splat as much as we can until they reopen!) |
NOE[1] |
Notes: A più non polpo is a pun on A più non posso ("As much as we can"). | ||
Alga «Qui i piccioni vogliono beccarmi di continuo. Non sono il loro cibo!» (Here the pigeons want to catch me all the time. I'm not their food!) |
Nori «Davvero? Eppure a me sembrano così carini!» (Really? Yet they look so cute to me!) |
Alga «Ciao, sono Nori. Guardate come sono stilosa!» (Hello, I'm Marina. Look how stylish I am!) |
Nori «Eh eh eh! Sono proprio io! Sei brava con le imitazioni!» (Eh eh eh! It's really me! You're good with imitations!) |
Alga «Io e la mia migliore amica siamo state in una pasticceria lì nei dintorni.» (Me and my best friend went in a pastry shop near there.) |
Nori «Eh? Non mi sembra di essere stata in nessuna pasticceria ultimamente...» (Eh? I don't seem to have been in any pastry shop lately ...) |
Alga «Una volta raggiunto il cuore della mappa, vincere qui è un gioco da pesciolini!» (Once I reach the heart of the map, winning here it's a little fish's game!) |
Nori «Io preferisco attaccare dalle zone esterne, sfruttando l'effetto sorpresa!» (I prefer attack from the outdoor areas, exploiting the surprise effect!) |
Notes: Un gioco da pesciolini is a pun to Un gioco da bambini/ragazzi ("A child's game"). | ||
Alga «Oooh! Apre un altro negozio! Nori, ci andiamo questo fine settimana?» (Oooh! Another shop is opening! Marina, are we going this weekend?) |
Nori «Ehm... vorrei, ma esce quel gioco che sto aspettando da mesi...» (Ehm...I wish, but that game that I've been waiting for months comes out ...) |
Alga «Ieri ho fatto un po' troppo shopping. Ho dilapidato tutta la mia paghetta...» (I did a little too much shopping yesterday. I squandered all my pocket money ...) |
Nori «Eh?! Ti danno ancora la paghetta?!» (Eh?! They're still giving you pocket money?!) |
Alga «Usare i repolper qui è un vero spasso! Farei capriole dal mattino alla sera!» (Using the Splat Dualies here it's a blast! I would flip from morning to night!) |
Nori «Ecco perché sembra che ti giri sempre la testa...» (That's why your head always seems to spin...) |
Alga «Ho perso un'altra volta il mio cellulare da queste parti...» (I lost again my phone around here...) |
Nori «Ed era un'altra volta un cellulare nuovo di zecca, eh?» (And it was another brand-new phone, eh?) |
Alga «Nelle partite amichevoli, si può inchiostrare sopra e sotto il ponte!» (During Regular Battles, you can ink above and below the bridge!) |
Nori «Poi ve lo richiedo, per vedere se ve lo ricordate!» (Later I will re-ask you, to see if you remember it!) |
Nori «Non sono scarabocchi... si chiamano graffiti... Ma non eri una rapper, tu?» (Those aren't scribbles... they're called graffiti... But weren't you a rapper?) |
Alga «Tutti i vestiti che vendono qui sono strabelli!» (All the clothes they sell here are amazing!) |
Nori «Ma non c'è mai la taglia abbastanza piccola per te, Alga...» (But there is never a size small enough for you, Pearl...) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Риф ночью такой красивый. И все магазины закрыты!» (The reef is so beautiful at night. And all the shops are closed!) |
Мариша «Покрасим Инкополь в наши цвета!» (Let's paint Inkopolis in our colors!) |
NOE[1] |
Жемчик «Там голуби наглые, просто мрак!» (The pigeons there are impudent, it's just a nightmare!) |
Мариша «Все время мои волосы клюют, поганки пернатые!» (These feathered scoundrels peck my hair all the time!) |
Жемчик «Все смотрите на меня! Я Мариша! Тру-ля-ля!» (Everyone look at me! I'm Marina! La-la-la!) |
Мариша «Ха-ха-ха! Да ты юмористка!» (Ha-ha-ha! What a comedian you are!) |
Жемчик «Мой лучший друг часто угощает меня в кондитерской на Рифе. Там классно!» (My best friend often treats me in the candy store on the Reef. It's cool there!) |
Мариша «А мне ты ее так и не показала...» (And you never showed it to me yet...) |
Жемчик «На этой арене все просто: хватаешь пушку побольше... и напролом!» (In this arena, everything is simple: you grab as huge gun as you can... and go right through!) |
Мариша «Нет-нет, Жемчик, обходные пути гораздо эффективней...» (No, no, Pearl, workarounds are much more efficient...) |
Жемчик «Ух ты! Там открылся новый магаз! Пойдем шопиться на выходных?» (Wow! A new store has opened! Shall we go shopping on the weekend?) |
Мариша «Жемчик, ну ты же знаешь, по выходным я играю в онлайн-игры!» (But Pearl, you know I play online games on weekends!) |
Жемчик «О-о-о! Я там вчера так закупилась, все карманные деньги просадила!» (O-o-oh! I bought so much stuff there yesterday, I squandered all my pocket money!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, тебе... все еще дают на карманные расходы?» (Pearl, do you... still get pocket money?) |
Жемчик «О-бо-жаю спуртометы на этой арене! Я только и делаю, что кувыркаюсь!» (I just love Splat Dualies in this arena! All I do is dodge roll!) |
Мариша «Я заметила. Но знаешь, иногда неплохо и команде помогать...» (I noticed. But you know, sometimes it's good to also help the team...) |
Жемчик «Я тут на днях снова на Рифе мобильник посеяла...» (I lost my mobile phone again the other day on the Reef ...) |
Мариша «Ты же в курсе, что они не прорастают? И да, я заметила, что у тебя новый.» (You know they don't sprout, do you? And yes, I noticed that you have a new one.) |
Жемчик «В боях за район нужно красить и мост, и территорию под ним!» (In Turf War battles, you need to paint both the bridge and the area under it!) |
Мариша «Запомните! Это будет на контрольной!» (Remember! It'll be on the test!) |
Жемчик «Что за безобразие?! Это приличный район — кто там все стены исписал?!» (What a disgrace! This is a respectable district, who painted all over the walls there?!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, это же граффити. Ты что, не знаешь? Ты ведь рэп читаешь!» (Pearl, this is graffiti. What, you don't know? But you're a rapper!) |
Жемчик «Похоже, туда новую коллекцию шмоток завезли! Свежачок!» (Looks like a new collection of clothes was brought there! Fresh!) |
Мариша «Думаешь, в этот раз у них будет размер XXS?» (Do you think they'll have the XXS size this time?) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «Este barrio es preciosísimo por las noches. ¡Pena que las tiendas no abran!» (This place is gorgeous at night. Too bad the shops aren't open!) |
Marina «¡Así tendremos más tiempo para combatir a nuestro aire!» (This way we will have more time to fight on our own!) |
NOE, NOA[1] |
Perla «Este barrio está lleno de palomas que siempre intentan picotearme. ¡Las odio!» (This district is full of pigeons who always try to peck me. I hate them!) |
Marina «Pues a mí me parecen adorables...» (I think they're adorable.) |
Perla «Hoy me apetece imitarte... «Bla, bla, bla. ¡Bla!»» (I'm in the mood for imitating you today... "Bla, bla, bla. Bla!") |
Marina «¡Qué bien te sale!» (You do it very well!) |
Perla «En este barrio está la tienda con las mejores tartas que he probado nunca.» (In this district there is a shop with the best cakes I've ever tasted.) |
Marina «No me suena de nada tal tienda.» (I don't know which shop it is at all.) |
Perla «Aquí lo mejor es avanzar por el centro e ir a por todas. ¡Repartiendo tinta!» (Here it is best to advance through the center and go for it all. Spreading ink!) |
Marina «Yo soy más de coger las rutas secundarias.» (I am more of taking the secondary routes.) |
Perla «¡Han abierto una nueva tienda en el barrio! ¿Y si vamos a verla?» (They've inaugurated a new shop in the district! What if we go to take a look?) |
Marina «¿No habíamos quedado para probar un videojuego? Siempre igual...» (Didn't we agree that we'd meet to try a video game? It's always the same.) |
Perla «Ayer estuve aquí de compras y me gasté toda la paga, jo...» (I went shopping here yesterday and I spent all my allowance.) |
Marina «¿Todavía te dan paga?» (Do they still give you an allowance?) |
Perla «Aquí lo mejor son los difusores duales. ¡Así se puede rodar sin parar!» (The best thing for this place are the Splat Dualies. You can roll non-stop!) |
Marina «Sabes que el objetivo del escenario no es ese, ¿verdad?» (You know that the stage's purpose isn't that, right?) |
Perla «Acabo de recordar el momento fatídico en que perdí el teléfono móvil aquí...» (I just remembered that fateful moment when I lost my phone here...) |
Marina «¿Seguro que no lo tiraste adrede para poder comprar uno nuevo?» (Are you sure you didn't intentionally throw it away in order to buy another one?) |
Perla «En los combates amistosos, también se puede pintar encima y debajo del puente.» (In Turf Wars, you can also paint above and below the bridge.) |
Marina «¡Como dirían vuestros profes, esto sale en el examen!» (As your teachers would say, this comes out in the exam!) |
Perla «¿Quién habrá sido el gracioso que ha pintado esos garabatos en los muros?» (Who's the one who has drawn all those doodles on the walls?) |
Marina «Pensaba que sabías más de arte... ¿No sabes lo que son los grafitis?» (I thought you knew more about arts... You don't know what graffiti is?) |
Perla «En las tiendas de ropa de este barrio venden cosas chulísimas. ¡Me encantan!» (In the clothing stores in this neighborhood they sell very cool things. I love!) |
Marina «La pena es que seguramente no tengan nada de tu talla...» (The pity is that they probably don't have anything in your size...) |
“ | This alley is nestled like a valley between the surrounding buildings. The Reef is constructed almost entirely of asphalt, ensuring that ink sticks to it well and making it a popular Turf War spot, but still retains a few pleasing splashes of greenery. | ” |
“ | The trend-sensitive Inklings have a habit of preferring places found just beyond the regular hustle and bustle. They line up in search of custom-built models in this neighborhood where independent boutiques stand wall to wall. Most of the shops don't even open before noon, so there isn't anywhere to kill time during the morning. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon 2