Tsubasa Sakaguchi

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Tsubasa Sakaguchi
Full name Tsubasa Sakaguchi
Native name 阪口 翼 (さかぐち つばさ)
Born Unknown
Occupation Director
Role(s) Director of Splatoon
First game Splatoon
Latest game Splatoon
Splatoon games worked on

Tsubasa Sakaguchi is a co-director for Splatoon. The game's producer, Hisashi Nogami, had the idea of making Inklings, and Sakaguchi had the idea to allow players to switch between human and squid form.

Other credits

Title Credit
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Character Design
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree Design
Wii Fit Screen Design
Wii Sports Resort Design Support
Wii Fit Plus Character Design
New Super Mario Bros. Wii Special Thanks
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Special Thanks
Nintendo Land Art Director
New Super Luigi U Character Design
Mario Kart 8 Special Thanks
Nintendo Labo Director