Undertow Spillway/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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==[[Deep Cut]] quotes==
== [[Deep Cut]] quotes ==
<!-- NOTE THAT the tables are in alphabetical order with the exception for English being first and Japanese being second. The quotes are ordered in the way as they are found on in the game's files with the exception for the Splatfest quotes being first -->
{{Translation needed|Translate Deep Cut.}}
=== {{flag|us}}{{flag|uk}} English ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=I'm still shocked that battle is allowed at<br>Undertow Spillway. It's an important utility!
|F1=Shiver, it's made of industrial concrete,<br>and we're shooting ink. It'll be fine.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Watch out when you lose the high ground<br>on the left side at Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ay! Ay! (Yeah! If you focus too much on<br>taking it back, everything else'll get inked!)

'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=There's something mystical about the way the moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ay. Ay. (I'm always a bit wary of Undertow<br>Spillway. I got lost there when I was little.)
|BM1=Ay! Ay! (Yeah! Who would have thought that a sewer could look so good!)
|S2=You were chasing a butterfly, right?<br>Or was it chasing you?!
|R1=NOA, NOE<ref name="Splatfest">Splatfest only</ref>
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Oh, I used to skip dance practice to spelunk<br>at Undertow Spillway with my little bro!
|BM1=Ay... (Your brother says it wasn't<br>spelunking so much as looking for loot...)
|F2=He would say that! He never found any loot!<br>That ungrateful little urchin...
|S3=Hey, I remember you when you were that<br>age. Maybe give him a break.
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=So, what's the deal with Undertow Spillway?<br>What's spilling and why?
|BM1=Ay. (It protects the city from flooding by<br>allowing water to drain.)
|S2=Yeah! Don't you remember learning in school<br>about how the Splatlands are flood prone?
|F2=Don't YOU remember me skipping most<br>of those classes?!
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=There's something mystical about the way<br>the moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ay! Ay! (Yeah! Who would have thought<br>that a sewer could look so good!)
=== {{flag|jp}} Japanese ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=マテガイ放水路は バンカラ地方の文化財やのに、<br>バトルなんかして壊れたりしぃひん?
|S1eng=Undertow Spillway is a cultural property of the Splatlands region, but<br>would it be destroyed in a battle?
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=マテガイ放水路は 左の高台を取られてしまうと<br>実にやっかいじゃな
|FL1eng=It would be really troublesome if the upper ground on the left of Undertow Spillway was taken.
|BM1=エイ…(取り返してる間に 他のトコ塗られちゃったりね…)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=エイエー(ボク、小さい頃に マテガイ放水路で<br>迷子になっちゃったことある…)
|BM1eng=Ayy (When I was little, I once got lost in Undertow Spillway...)
|S2=チョウチョ 追いかけてたんやっけ?
|S2eng=Were you chasing butterflies?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=小さいころは、こっそり家の修行をぬけ出して<br>マテガイ放水路を 弟と探検したもんじゃ!
|BM1=エイ?(付き合わされてメイワクしてたって、<br>この間 弟くんから聞いたよ?)
|F2=アヤツめ、昔はワシに ベッタリだったクセに<br>最近なんかちょっと冷たいのじゃ!!
|S3=弟はんも お年ごろやねぇ
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=マテガイ放水路の 「放水路」って何じゃ?
|BM1=エイ!(洪水が起きそうなときに 水をにがして<br>街を守るためのシセツだよ)
|S2=バンカラ地方は 洪水が起きやすい土地で…<br>って、学校で習ったやんか!
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=月の光が差しこむ マテガイ放水路…<br>なんとも神秘的やねぇ~
|BM1=エイ!(昼間とは またちょっとフンイキ変わるよね!)
=== {{flag|nl}} Dutch ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Het Baarsreservoir is belangrijk voor de stad.<br>Niet te geloven dat we daar mogen vechten.
|S1eng=Undertow Spillway is important to the city. It's unbelievable that we're allowed to battle there.
|F1=Het beton daar gaat heus niet kapot van onze<br>inkt. En onze inkt is milieuvriendelijk. Denk ik.
|F1eng=The concrete there really won't be destroyed by our ink. And our ink is environmentally friendly. I think.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Altijd een dilemma als je het hoge terrein aan<br>de linkerkant van het Baarsreservoir verliest...
|FL1eng=It's always a dilemma when you lose the high ground on the left side of Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ay! (Ja, want terwijl je dat terug probeert te<br>stelen, kun je snel ander terrein kwijtraken!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (Yes, because while you're trying to steal that back, you can quickly lose other ground!)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay. Ay! (Als kind ben ik bij het Baarsreservoir<br>een keer verdwaald. Dus let op je omgeving!)
|BM1eng=Ay. Ay! (I got lost at Undertow Spillway as a child one time. So pay attention to your surroundings!
|S2=Liep je weer achter een vlinder aan, omdat je<br>dacht dat het een vliegende soortgenoot was?
|S2eng=Did you run after a butterfly again, because you thought it was a flying congener?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Voor mijn broertje en mij was het vroeger een<br>avontuur om het Baarsreservoir te verkennen!
|FL1eng=It used to be an adventure to explore Undertow Spillway for my little brother and me!
|BM1=Ay... (Volgens je broer kwam jij er niet voor<br>het avontuur, maar vooral voor buit...)
|BM1eng=Ay... (According to your brother you didn't come there for the adventure, but mainly for loot...)
|F2=Dat zegt hij alleen maar omdat hij zelf nooit<br>iets vond. Terwijl hij toen nog handig klein was...
|F2eng=He only says that because he never found anything himself. While he was still conveniently small at the time...
|S3=Wacht, nam je hem dan alleen maar mee om<br>in de kleinste hoeken en gaten te zoeken?
|S3eng=Wait, then you only took him along to search in the smallest nooks and crannies?
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Waar is het Baarsreservoir nou eigenlijk<br>voor? Waarom slaan ze daar water op?
|FL1eng=What exactly is Undertow Spillway for? Why do they store water there?
|BM1=Ay. (Het water wordt tijdelijk opgeslagen om<br>te zorgen dat de stad niet overstroomt.)
|BM1eng=Ay. (Water is temporarily stored to ensure the city doesn't flood.)
|S2=Ja, ben je de lessen vergeten over het<br>overstromingsgevaar in de Splatlands?
|S2eng=Yes, did you forget the lessons about the risk of flooding in the Splatlands?
|F2=Nee, ik ben ze niet vergeten, ik had toen<br>gewoon geen zin om naar school te komen.
|F2eng=No, I didn't forget them, I just didn't feel like coming to school at that time.
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Er is iets mystieks aan de manier waarop het<br>maanlicht op het Baarsreservoir schijnt...
|S1eng=There's something mystical about the way the moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ay! Ay! (Ja! Wie had gedacht dat een riool<br>zo mooi kon zijn!)
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay! (Yes, who would have thought a sewer could be this beautiful!)
=== {{flag|fr}} French (France) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=C'est scandaleux qu'on fasse des matchs<br>dans le réservoir. C'est un bâtiment public !
|F1=Relax, Pasquale. C'est du béton et on tire à<br>l'encre. Il y aura pas de casse.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Faites gaffe si vous perdez du terrain dans<br>la partie gauche du réservoir Rigadelle...
|BM1=Ay ! (Ouais ! Pendant qu'on s'acharne à le<br>récupérer, on se fait chiper tout le reste !)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay. (J'ai toujours peur dans le réservoir.<br>Je m'y suis perdu quand j'étais petit.)
|S2=Tu poursuivais un papillon, c'est ça ?<br>Ou c'est le papillon qui te poursuivait ?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Je séchais toujours les cours de danse pour<br>explorer le réservoir avec mon petit frère !
|BM1=Ay... (Lui, il dit que vous étiez surtout<br>à la recherche d'objets à chiper...)
|F2=Ah, il dit ça ? Lui qui a jamais été fichu de<br>dénicher quoi que ce soit ! Quel ingrat...
|S3=Oh, arrête un peu ! T'étais pas mieux à son<br>âge, et je suis bien placée pour le savoir !
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Bon, c'est quoi ce réservoir Rigadelle ?<br>Il réserve quoi, d'abord ?
|BM1=Ay. (Il sert à éviter que Cité-Clabousse<br>se retrouve submergée.)
|S2=Oui ! Les profs répétaient sans arrêt que<br>la Contrée était exposée aux inondations !
|F2=Hmm... Faut croire que j'ai dû avoir<br>de rares moments d'inattention...
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Ah, le réservoir Rigadelle au clair de lune...<br>C'est d'une beauté presque surnaturelle.
|BM1=Ay ! (Qui aurait cru que des égouts<br>puissent être aussi beaux !)
=== {{flag|ca}} French (Canada) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=C'est scandaleux qu'on fasse des matchs<br>dans le réservoir. C'est un bâtiment public!
|F1=Relax, Pasquale. C'est du béton et on tire à<br>l'encre. Il y aura rien qui va casser.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Faites gaffe si vous perdez du terrain dans<br>la partie gauche du réservoir Rigadelle...
|BM1=Ay! (Ouais! Pendant qu'on s'acharne à le<br>récupérer, on se fait voler tout le reste!)

|S2=I'm still shocked that battle is allowed at Undertow Spillway. It's an important utility!
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|F2=Shiver, it's made of industrial concrete, and we're shooting ink. It'll be fine.
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay. (J'ai toujours peur dans le réservoir.<br>Je m'y suis perdu quand j'étais petit.)
|S2=Tu poursuivais un papillon, c'est ça?<br>Ou c'est le papillon qui te poursuivait?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Je séchais toujours les cours de danse pour<br>explorer le réservoir avec mon petit frère!
|BM1=Ay... (Lui, il dit que vous étiez surtout<br>à la recherche d'objets à voler...)
|F2=Ah, il dit ça? Lui qui a jamais été fichu de<br>dénicher quoi que ce soit! Quel ingrat...
|S3=Oh, arrête un peu! T'étais pas mieux à son<br>âge, et je suis bien placée pour le savoir!

|F3=Watch out when you lose the high ground on the left side at Undertow Spillway...
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|BM3=Ay! Ay! (Yeah! If you focus too much on taking it back, everything else'll get inked!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Bon, c'est quoi ce réservoir Rigadelle?<br>Il réserve quoi, d'abord?
|BM1=Ay. (Il sert à éviter que Cité-Clabousse<br>se retrouve submergée.)
|S2=Oui! Les profs répétaient sans arrêt que<br>la Contrée était exposée aux inondations!
|F2=Hmm... Faut croire que j'ai dû avoir<br>de rares moments d'inattention...

|BM4=Ay. Ay. (I'm always a bit wary of Undertow Spillway. I got lost there when I was little.)
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|S4=You were chasing a butterfly, right? Or was it chasing you?!
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Ah, le réservoir Rigadelle au clair de lune...<br>C'est d'une beauté presque surnaturelle.
|BM1=Ay! (Qui aurait cru que des égouts<br>puissent être aussi beaux!)

|F5=Oh, I used to skip dance practice to spelunk at Undertow Spillway with my little bro!
|BM5=Ay... (Your brother says it wasn't spelunking so much as looking for loot...)
|F6=He would say that! He never found any loot! That ungrateful little urchin...
=== {{flag|de}} German ===
|S6=Hey, I remember you when you were that age. Maybe give him a break.
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Dass man in einer wichtigen Anlage wie dem<br>Schwertmuschel-Reservoir kämpfen darf...
|S1eng=To be allowed to fight in an underground facility like Undertow Spillway…
|F1=Mako, das Ding ist aus Zement.<br>Da wird Tinte nicht viel ausmachen.
|F1eng=Shiver, it's made out of cement. Ink won't make a difference.

|F7=So, what's the deal with Undertow Spillway? What's spilling and why?
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|BM7=Ay. (It protects the city from flooding by allowing water to drain.)
|S8=Yeah! Don't you remember learning in school about how the Splatlands are flood prone?
|game=Splatoon 3
|F8=Don't YOU remember me skipping most of those classes?!
|FL1=Vorsicht im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir.<br>Immer schön die hohe Plattform schützen!
|FL1eng=Be careful in Undertow Spillway. Always watch out for the high platforms!
|BM1=Ay! (Wenn man die zurückerobern muss,<br>färbt der Gegner anderswo fröhlich weiter!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (But if you focus too much on those high platforms, you opponents will happily ink everything else!)

'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Wenn im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir der Mond scheint, ist es geradezu mystisch...
|BM1=Ay... (Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir hab ich<br>mich als kleines Fischlein mal verlaufen...)
|S1eng=When the moon shines in the Undertow Spillway, it’s mystical…
|BM1eng=Ay… (I got lost in Undertow Spillway when I was a little ray…)
|BM1=Ay! Ay… (Stimmt! Verrückt, wo's doch eigentlich bloß so was wie ein Kanal ist...)
|S2=Du wolltest einen Schmetterling fangen,<br>stimmt's? Oder er vielleicht dich?
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay… (Right! Crazy how this is just the sewers…)<ref name="Splatfest">Splatfest only</ref>
|S2eng=You wanted to catch a butterfly, right? Or maybe he wanted to catch you?

|S2=Dass man in einer wichtigen Anlage wie dem Schwertmuschel-Reservoir kämpfen darf...
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|S2eng=To be allowed to fight in an underground facility like Undertow Spillway…
|F2=Mako, das Ding ist aus Zement. Da wird Tinte nicht viel ausmachen.
|game=Splatoon 3
|F2eng=Shiver, it’s made out of cement. Ink won’t make a difference.
|FL1=Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir war ich immer<br>mit meinem Brüderchen Forscher spielen!
|FL1eng=In Undertow Spillway I used to play explorer with my little brother!
|BM1=Ay... (Deinem Bruder nach habt ihr vor allem<br>nach herrenlosen Wertsachen geforscht...)
|BM1eng=Ay... (Your brother says that you were looking more for abandoned valuables…)
|F2=Pffft! Würd ich nie tun! Und er ist bloß<br>neidisch, weil ICH die alle gefunden hab.
|F2eng=Pffft! I would never do that! And if I did, he's just jealous I found everything.
|S3=Aber, aber, Muri. Beim Stibitzen<br>hat jeder mal klein angefangen.
|S3eng=Right, right, Frye. When it comes to pilfering, everyone starts out small.

|F3=Vorsicht im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir. Immer schön die hohe Plattform schützen!
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|F3=Be careful in Undertow Spillway. Always watch out for the high platforms!
|BM3=Ay! (Wenn man die zurückerobern muss, färbt der Gegner anderswo fröhlich weiter!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM3eng=Ay! (But if you focus too much on those high platforms, you opponents will happily ink everything else!)
|FL1=Frage. Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir,<br>was wird da genau reserviert?
|FL1eng=Question. In Undertow Spillway, what is being preserved there?
|BM1=Ay. (Reichlich Wasser, das Splatsville<br>sonst zur Unterseestadt machen würde.)
|BM1eng=Ay. (They preserve Splatsville, to make sure the water does not make Splatsville an underwater town.)
|S2=Der ganze Distrikt ist flutgefährdet und so.<br>Haben wir doch früher in Erdkunde gelernt!
|S2eng=The entire town is prone to flooding. Didn't you learn that in Geography?
|F2=ICH lern erst mal nur, was mir passt,<br>wenn's mir passt. Und ich gerade da bin.
|F2eng=I only learn what I want to hear.

|BM4=Ay... (Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir hab ich mich als kleines Fischlein mal verlaufen...)
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|BM4eng=Ay… (I got lost in Undertow Spillway when I was a little ray…)
|S4=Du wolltest einen Schmetterling fangen, stimmt's? Oder er vielleicht dich?
|game=Splatoon 3
|S4eng=You wanted to catch a butterfly, right? Or maybe he wanted to catch you?
|S1=Wenn im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir der<br>Mond scheint, ist es geradezu mystisch...
|S1eng=When the moon shines in the Undertow Spillway, it's almost mystical…
|BM1=Ay! Ay... (Stimmt! Verrückt, wo's doch<br>eigentlich bloß so was wie ein Kanal ist...)
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay… (Right! Crazy how this is just the sewers…)

|F5=Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir war ich immer mit meinem Brüderchen Forscher spielen!
|F5eng=In Undertow Spillway I used to play explorer with my little brother!
|BM5=Ay... (Deinem Bruder nach habt ihr vor allem nach herrenlosen Wertsachen geforscht...)
=== {{flag|it}} Italian ===
|BM5eng=Ay... (Your brother says that you were looking more for abandoned valuables…)
|F6=Pffft! Würd ich nie tun! Und er ist bloß neidisch, weil ICH die alle gefunden hab.
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|F6eng=Pffft! I would never do that! And if I did, he’s just jealous I found everything.
|S6=Aber, aber, Muri. Beim Stibitzen hat jeder mal klein angefangen.
|game=Splatoon 3
|S6eng=Right, right, Frye. When it comes to pilfering, everyone starts out small.
|S1=Mi sconvolge che si possa combattere alla<br>Cisterna Cernia. È una struttura pubblica!
|F1=Pinnuccia, è fatta di cemento industriale<br>e noi spariamo inchiostro. Rilassati.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=È dura quando perdi il controllo della zona<br>elevata di sinistra nella Cisterna Cernia...
|BM1=Man! (Vero! E se ti concentri troppo sul<br>riconquistarla, ti splattano tutto il resto!)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Man. Man. (La Cisterna Cernia mi inquieta<br>un po'. Da piccolo mi ci sono perso.)
|S2=Stavi inseguendo una farfalla, no?<br>O era lei a inseguire te?!
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Ah, saltavo sempre danza per esplorare<br>la Cisternia Cernia con mio fratello!
|BM1=Man... (Tuo fratello dice che, più che<br>esplorare, cercavi tesori da sgraffignare...)
|F2=Ci credo! Lui non ha mai trovato un solo<br>tesoro! Quell'ingrato...
|S3=Ehi, mi ricordo com'eri tu alla sua età.<br>Forse dovresti essere meno dura con lui...
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Ma perché si chiama "Cisterna Cernia"?<br>È una cisterna piena di cernie?
|BM1=Man. (Evita gli allagamenti in città<br>consentendo all'acqua di drenare.)
|S2=Già! Non ti ricordi che a scuola spiegavano<br>che Splattonia è soggetta agli allagamenti?
|F2=E tu non ti ricordi che quelle lezioni<br>le saltavo quasi tutte?!
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Trovo che il chiaro di luna sulla Cisternia<br>Cernia le doni un che di mistico...
|BM1=Man! Man! (Sì! Chi l'avrebbe pensato che<br>una fogna potesse essere così bella!)
=== {{flag|ru}} Russian ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=С трудом верится, что бойцов пускают<br>в Приливослив. Это же важный объект ЖКХ!
|S1eng=It's hard to believe that fighters are allowed on Undertow Spillway. It's an important housing and communal services facility!
|F1=Кулла, он из бетона. Что ему сделается<br>от краски?
|F1eng=Shiver, it's made of concrete. What will ink even do to it?
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Кстати, в Приливосливе следует держать<br>позицию слева, на платформе повыше!
|FL1eng=By the way, on Undertow Spillway, you should keep the position on the higher platform on the left!
|BM1=Ик! Ик! (Ага! Пока ее отвоевываешь, враги<br>успеют закрасить все остальное!)
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay! (Yeah! While you win it back, the enemies will have time to paint over everything else!)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ик. Ик... (В Приливосливе мне всегда не<br>по себе. В детстве я там заблудился...)
|BM1eng=Ay. Ay... (I'm always uncomfortable on Undertow Spillway. I got lost there as a kid...)
|S2=Ты же бегал за бабочкой, верно? Или та<br>жуткая бабочка тебя преследовала?
|S2eng=You were chasing a butterfly, right? Or was that creepy butterfly chasing you?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=А я вот помню, как сбегала с танцев и играла<br>в Приливосливе в спелеологов с братишкой!
|FL1eng=Well I remember me escaping the dance classes and play speleologists on Undertow Spillway together with the little bro!
|BM1=Ик... Ик! (Если верить твоему брату, вы скорее<br>играли в пиратов... И искали сокровища!)
|BM1eng=Ay... Ay! (According to your brother, you rather played pirates... And looked for treasures!)
|F2=Завистливый ябеда проболтался только<br>потому, что все сокровища находила Я!
|F2eng=The envious sneak spilled the beans only because I found all the treasures!
|Notes2=In this quote, the word я ''ya'' (I, me) is uppercased to distinguish it phonetically.
|S3=В его возрасте ты была не лучше, Мурия.<br>Я-то все помню!
|S3eng=You were no better at his age, Frye. I remember it all for sure!
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Так что и зачем там сливают, в нашем<br>Приливосливе?
|FL1eng=So what and why are they spilling there, in our Undertow Spillway?
|BM1=Ик! Ик. (Воду! Это водоотвод, без него бы<br>Плюхтон давно превратился в Атлантиду.)
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay. (Water! This is a drainage system, Splatsville would've turned into Atlantis long ago without it.)
|S2=Плюхтония находится под постоянной угрозой<br>наводнения. Забыла уроки географии?
|S2eng=Splatsville is under constant threat of flooding. Did you forget the geography classes?
|F2=Те, что я прогуливала? Ага!
|F2eng=The ones I skipped? Yeah!
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Есть что-то таинственно прекрасное в том,<br>как лунный свет льется на Приливослив...
|S1eng=There is something mysteriously beautiful about the way moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...
|BM1=Ик! Ик! (Да уж! От вонючих водостоков<br>не ждешь таких видов!)
|BM1eng=Ay! Ay! (Yeah, sure! You don't expect such views from stinky gutters!)
=== {{flag|es}} Spanish (Europe) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=¡¿Celebran combates en una edificación de<br>utilidad pública como Cisterna Navajuela?!
|F1=Tranqui, Megan. Si ha resistido todos estos<br>años, no le hará daño un poco de tinta.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Si os arrebatan la zona alta de la izquierda<br>en Cisterna Navajuela, estaréis en un lío...
|BM1=Zasss. (Pues sí, porque, mientras intentáis<br>recuperarla, os caerá tinta por otro lado.)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Zasss... (Cuando era niño, me perdí una vez<br>en Cisterna Navajuela. Qué mal recuerdo...)
|S2=Andarías buscando gamusinos, ¿no?<br>¿O te perseguían ellos a ti?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Mi hermanito y yo solíamos jugar bastante<br>al escondite en Cisterna Navajuela.
|BM1=Zasss... (A mí me ha dicho un pajarito que<br>ibais más bien a saquear cosas de valor...)
|F2=¿Quién te ha contado eso? ¿Mi hermano?<br>¡Se suponía que eso era nuestro secreto!
|S3=Tranquila, entre compañeros de pillaje hay<br>confianza.
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=¿De dónde vendrá el nombre de Cisterna<br>Navajuela? ¿Y para qué servirá ese sitio?
|BM1=Zasss. (Supongo que para almacenar agua...<br>o para canalizarla... No estoy seguro.)
|S2=¡Protege Tintelia de inundaciones! Se nota<br>que no prestabais mucha atención en clase.
|F2=¿Eso lo enseñaban en el cole? Supongo que<br>me salté la clase... como casi siempre.
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=La manera en que se refleja la luz en<br>Cisterna Navajuela tiene algo de etéreo...
|BM1=¿Zasss? (¿Seguro? ¿Qué pueden tener de<br>etéreo las instalaciones de alcantarillado?)
=== {{flag|mx}} Spanish (North America) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=¡¿Celebran combates en una edificación de<br>utilidad pública como Desagüe Navajuela?!
|F1=Tranquila, Megan. Si aguantó todos estos<br>años, no le hará daño un poco de tinta.
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Si les arrebatan la zona alta de la izquierda<br>en Desagüe Navajuela, lo tienen difícil...
|BM1=Zasss. (Pues sí, porque, mientras intentan<br>recuperarla, les caerá tinta por otro lado).
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Zasss... (Cuando era niño, me perdí una vez<br>en Desagüe Navajuela. Qué mal recuerdo...)
|S2=Andarías buscando mariposas, ¿no?<br>¿O te perseguían ellas a ti?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=Mi hermanito y yo solíamos jugar bastante<br>a las escondidas en Desagüe Navajuela.
|BM1=Zasss... (A mí me dijo un pajarito que<br>iban más bien a saquear cosas de valor...)
|F2=¿Quién te contó eso? ¿Mi hermano?<br>¡Se suponía que eso era nuestro secreto!
|S3=Tranquila, entre compañeros de pillaje hay<br>confianza.
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=¿De dónde vendrá el nombre de Desagüe<br>Navajuela? ¿Y para qué servirá ese sitio?
|BM1=Zasss. (Supongo que para almacenar agua...<br>o para canalizarla... No estoy seguro).
|S2=¡Protege Tintelia de inundaciones! Se nota<br>que no prestaban mucha atención en clase.
|F2=¿Eso lo enseñaban en la escuela? Supongo<br>que me salté la clase... como casi siempre.
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=La manera en que se refleja la luz en<br>Desagüe Navajuela tiene algo de etéreo...
|BM1=¡Zasss! (¡Sin duda! Son las instalaciones de<br>alcantarillado más etéreas que he visto).
=== {{flag|cn}} Chinese (Simplified) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
=== {{flag|hk}} Chinese (Traditional) ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
=== {{flag|kr}} Korean ===
'''Regular dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=맛조개 방수로는 카오폴리스 지방의 문화재인데<br>배틀 같은 걸 하면 훼손되는 거 아이가?
|F1=뭐, 지금까지 별일 없었으니 앞으로도 괜찮지 않겠느냐<br>그런 걸 신경 쓰는 사람은 없는 것 같지만…
'''Regular dialogue #2:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=맛조개 방수로는 좌측 고지대를 점령당하면<br>실로 성가시기 짝이 없느니라
|BM1=만타…(맞아, 탈환하려는 사이에<br>다른 곳을 공략 당하기도 하고…)
'''Regular dialogue #3:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=마안타…(난 어렸을 때<br>맛조개 방수로에서 미아가 된 적이 있어…)
|S2=나비를 따라가다 그랬다 캤지?
'''Regular dialogue #4:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=어렸을 때는 가문 수행을 땡땡이 치고<br>동생과 함께 맛조개 방수로를 탐험했느니라!
|BM1=만타?(저번에 우츠호 동생이<br>끌려다니느라 골치 아팠다고 하던데?)
|F2=동생 녀석, 옛날엔 껌딱지처럼 붙어다녔으면서<br>요즘엔 어딘지 모르게 차가워졌느니라!!
|S3=우츠호 동생이면 한창 그럴 나이다 안 카나
'''Regular dialogue #5:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|FL1=맛조개 방수로의 「방수로」가 무엇이냐?
|BM1=만타!(홍수가 날 것 같을 때<br>물을 내보내서 마을을 지키는 시설이야!)
|S2=카오폴리스 지방은 홍수가 나기 쉬운 지형이라…<br>아니, 학교에서 배웠다이가!
|F2=절반 정도는 땡땡이를 쳤느니라
'''Splatfest dialogue #1:'''
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=달빛이 쏟아지는 맛조개 방수로…<br>참말로 신비롭데이~
|BM1=만타!(낮이랑은 또 분위기가 다르지!)

|F7=Frage. Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir, was wird da genau reserviert?
|F7eng=Question. In Undertow Spillway, what is being preserved there?
|BM7=Ay. (Reichlich Wasser, das Splatsville sonst zur Unterseestadt machen würde.)
|BM7eng=Ay. (They preserve Splatsville, to make sure the water does not make Splatsville an underwater town.)
|S8=Der ganze Distrikt ist flutgefährdet und so. Haben wir doch früher in Erdkunde gelernt!
|S8eng=The entire town is prone to flooding. Didn’t you learn that in Geography?
|F8=ICH lern erst mal nur, was mir passt, wenn's mir passt. Und ich gerade da bin.
|F8eng=I only learn what I want to hear.

Line 109: Line 954:
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=エエエイー!(シャケの大群が {{color|マテガイ放水路|orange}}に接近中!<br>つつついに、バンカラ地方がターゲットにー?!)
|S2=ほ~ん、そらまた シュミのよろしいことやねぇ?
|F3=こっそり地下からカチコミとは ヒキョウな!<br>来るなら どうどうと正面から来んか!
|S4=ま、今回は街の中とちゃうし 気ぃつかわんと<br>少しくらいハメ外しても よろしおすな?
|BM6=エイッ!(放水路を突破されたら街もあぶない!<br>なんとしても シャケを食い止めよう!)

Line 115: Line 992:
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Aaay! Ay! (Alarmfase Roodbaars! De Salmonieten vallen het {{color|Baarsreservoir|orange}} aan!)
|BM1=Aaay! Ay! (Alarmfase Roodbaars! De<br>Salmonieten vallen het {{color|Baarsreservoir|orange}} aan!)
|BM1eng=Aaay! Ay! (Redfish Alert! The Salmonids are attacking {{color|Undertow Spillway|orange}}!)
|BM1eng=Aaay! Ay! (Redfish Alert! The Salmonids are attacking {{color|Undertow Spillway|orange}}!)

|S2=Zijn die Salmonieten uit op Splatsville, of zo? Dan hebben ze in elk geval smaak.
|S2=Zijn die Salmonieten uit op Splatsville,<br>of zo? Dan hebben ze in elk geval smaak.
|S2eng=Are those Salmonids out for Splatsville, or something? Then in any case, they have taste.
|S2eng=Are those Salmonids out for Splatsville, or something? Then in any case, they have taste.

|F3=Willen die ons aanvallen door het riool? Kom, lafaards! Val ons gewoon boven de grond aan!
|F3=Willen die ons aanvallen door het riool? Kom,<br>lafaards! Val ons gewoon boven de grond aan!
|F3eng=Do they want to attack us through the sewer? Come, cowards! Just attack us above ground!
|F3eng=Do they want to attack us through the sewer? Come, cowards! Just attack us above ground!
|BM3=Ay... (Alsof een Salmonieteninvasie op straat niet ook een totale nachtmerrie is...)
|BM3=Ay... (Alsof een Salmonieteninvasie op<br>straat niet ook een totale nachtmerrie is...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (As if a Salmonid invasion on the streets isn't also a complete nightmare...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (As if a Salmonid invasion on the streets isn't also a complete nightmare...)

|S4=Nou ja, zolang ze hier niet door de straten marcheren, moeten wij maar naar hen toe!
|S4=Nou ja, zolang ze hier niet door de straten<br>marcheren, moeten wij maar naar hen toe!
|S4eng=Oh well, as long as they don't march through the streets here, we'll just have to go to them!
|S4eng=Oh well, as long as they don't march through the streets here, we'll just have to go to them!

|F5=Juist! We trappen ze terug het riool in waar ze uit zijn komen kruipen!
|F5=Juist! We trappen ze terug het riool in<br>waar ze uit zijn komen kruipen!
|F5eng=Right! We'll kick them back into the sewer they came crawling out of!
|F5eng=Right! We'll kick them back into the sewer they came crawling out of!

|BM6=Ay! Ay! (Als ze dat reservoir slopen, is de stad dadelijk een riool! Aan het werk!)
|BM6=Ay! Ay! (Als ze dat reservoir slopen, is de<br>stad dadelijk een riool! Aan het werk!)
|BM6eng=Ay! Ay! (If they demolish that reservoir, the city will very soon be a sewer! Get to work!)
|BM6eng=Ay! Ay! (If they demolish that reservoir, the city will very soon be a sewer! Get to work!)
===={{flag|ca}}French (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Aaay! (Alerte aux salmonoïdes au {{color|réservoir<br>Rigadelle|orange}}! Ils visent la Contrée Clabousse?!)
|S2=Comme quoi ils sont plus cools que je croyais.<br>La Contrée, c'est de la qualité.
|F3=C'est tout eux d'attaquer par en dessous...<br>Ils sont trop lâches pour un assaut frontal.
|BM3=Ay? (Parce qu'un assaut frontal serait<br>plus facile à gérer, à ton avis?)
|S4=Vu que c'est un endroit abandonné,<br>on va pouvoir sortir la grosse artillerie.
|F5=Ouais! Ces minus vont regretter d'avoir<br>pointé leurs sales écailles chez nous!
|BM6=Ay! (C'est nous qui le regretterons s'ils<br>franchissent le réservoir. À l'attaque!)
===={{flag|fr}}French (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Aaay ! (Alerte aux Salmonoïdes au {{color|réservoir<br>Rigadelle|orange}} ! Ils visent la Contrée Clabousse ?!)
|S2=Comme quoi ils ont plus de classe que je<br>croyais. La Contrée, c'est de la qualité.
|F3=C'est tout eux d'attaquer par en dessous...<br>Ils sont trop lâches pour un assaut frontal.
|BM3=Ay ? (Parce qu'un assaut frontal serait<br>plus facile à gérer, à ton avis ?)
|S4=Vu qu'ils débarquent à l'extérieur de la ville,<br>on va pouvoir sortir la grosse artillerie.
|F5=Ouais ! Ces tocards vont regretter d'avoir<br>pointé leurs sales écailles chez nous !
|BM6=Ay ! (C'est nous qui l'auront dans l'os s'ils<br>franchissent le réservoir. À l'attaque !)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Aaay! Ay! (Alarmstufe schimmelgrün! Salmoniden im {{Color|Schwertmuschel-Reservoir|Orange}}!)
|BM1eng=Aaay! Ay! (Mildew alert! Salmonids are at {{Color|Undertow Spillway|Orange}}!)
|S2=Wollen die Splatsville erobern oder so? Na, Geschmack haben die Gestalten ja.
|S2eng=Do they want to conquer Splatsville or something? If so, those salmonids have taste.
|F3=Alles Böse kommt von unten, wie? Trauen sich wohl nicht auf die Straße!
|F3eng=All evil comes from below, eh? Don't you dare go out on the streets!
|BM3=Ay... (Und falls es echt so weit kommt wäre das Gejammer sicher groß...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (And if they do come out onto the streets, there certainly would be a lot of crying...)
|S4=Na, unsere feinen Splatsville-Manieren können wir da ja schön hier oben lassen...
|S4eng=Well, we can just leave our Splatsville manner up here...
|F5=Gebongt! Die kicken wir zurück in die olle Röhre, durch sie hier angewuselt sind!
|F5eng=Bang! We'll just kick them back into the old pipe they came from!
|BM6=Ay! (Aber wenn sie's hier hochschaffen, schauen WIR in die Röhre! Los, ands Werk!)
|BM6eng=Ay! (But if they come up here, we'll be in the old pipe! Let's get to work!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Man! {{color|(I Salmonoidi stanno attaccando la|gray}}<br>{{color|Cisterna Cernia|orange}}{{color|! Puntano a Splattonia?!)|gray}}
|S2=E io che pensavo non fossero abbastanza<br>raffinati da prenderla in considerazione.
|F3=Un'imboscata dal basso? Sono troppo<br>codardi da affrontarci a muso aperto?!
|BM3=Man... {{color|(Come se un attacco diretto fosse<br>più gestibile per noi...)|gray}}
|S4=Dato che stavolta l'attacco non tocca la<br>città, direi che possiamo scatenarci, no?
|F5=Eccome! Quei teppisti rimpiangeranno<br>di essersi spiaggiati da queste parti!
|BM6=Man! {{color|(I rimpianti saranno nostri se<br>conquistano la cisterna. Fermiamoli!)|gray}}
Line 167: Line 1,172:

|F5=Мы загоним этих морских гадов обратно в трубы, из которых они повылезали!
|F5=Мы загоним этих морских гадов обратно в трубы, из которых они повылезали!
|F5eng=We'll drive those sea scoundlers back into the pipes they crawled out of!
|F5eng=We'll drive those sea scoundrels back into the pipes they crawled out of!

|BM6=Ик! ИК! (Как бы самим в трубу не вылететь, если они возьмут Приливослив! ЗА РАБОТУ!)
|BM6=Ик! ИК! (Как бы самим в трубу не вылететь, если они возьмут Приливослив! ЗА РАБОТУ!)
|BM6eng=Ay! AY! (We shoult try not to go down the pipes ourselves if they're going to take Undertow Spillway! LET'S GET TO WORK!)
|BM6eng=Ay! AY! (We shouldn't try not to go down the pipes ourselves if they're going to take Undertow Spillway! LET'S GET TO WORK!)
===={{flag|mx}}Spanish (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos invaden {{color|Desagüe<br>Navajuela|orange}}! ¿Pretenden asediar Tintelia?)
|S2=Y yo que creía que ignoraban nuestra región<br>por mal gusto.
|F3=Así que nos atacan por vías acuáticas<br>subterráneas... ¡Qué cobardes!
|BM3=Zasss... (Pues no sé si prefiero eso o que<br>nos ataquen por la superficie, la verdad...)
|S4=Lo bueno es que no es una zona poblada.<br>Así podemos combatir sin contenernos.
|F5=¡Eso! ¡Se arrepentirán de haber pisado<br>tierra tinteliana!
|BM6=¡Zasss! (¡Nos arrepentiremos nosotros si<br>capturan el desagüe! ¡Vamos a detenerlos!)
===={{flag|es}}Spanish (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡Zasss! (¡Aluvión de salmónidos en {{color|Cisterna<br>Navajuela|orange}}! No dan tregua a Tintelia...)
|S2=Y debo reconocer que no tienen mal gusto<br>a la hora de elegir escenarios para invadir...
|F3=Así que nos asaltan por vías acuáticas<br>subterráneas... ¡Qué pocas agallas!
|BM3=Zasss... (Pues no sé si es peor eso o que<br>nos ataquen por la superficie, la verdad...)
|S4=Por lo menos es un lugar poco transitado<br>y podremos zurrarles sin contenernos.
|F5=Eso es verdad. ¡Se arrepentirán de haber<br>venido a buscar bronca!
|BM6=¡Zasss! (Bueno, sin destrozar la cisterna.<br>¡Lo principal es expulsarlos de allí!)
===={{flag|cn}}Chinese (Simplified)====
|game=Splatoon 3
===={{flag|hk}}Chinese (Traditional)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=마아안타?!(연어 대군이 {{color|맛조개 방수로|orange}}에 접근 중이래!<br>마, 마, 마침내 카오폴리스 지방을 타깃으로 삼은 건가?!)
|S2=흐~응, 보는 눈은 있구마
|F3=살금살금 지하로 쳐들어오다니 비겁하구나!<br>올 거면 정정당당하게 정면으로 오거라!
|BM3=만타…(정면으로 와도 좀…)
|S4=뭐, 이번엔 마을 한복판도 아니니까<br>쪼매 날뛰어도 괜찮지 않겠나?
|F5=흠, 카오폴리스에 싸움을 걸면<br>어떻게 되는지 살짝 알려 주겠느니라!
|BM6=만타!(방수로를 돌파당하면 타운도 위험해!<br>어떻게든 연어를 저지하자!)
Line 183: Line 1,348:
|F1=We should make it off-limits to Salmonids too! How'd no one else think of that?
|F1=We should make it off-limits to Salmonids too! How'd no one else think of that?

===Introduction for second half===
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=ビッグラン発生中につき<br>マテガイ放水路は 関係者以外立ち入り禁止や
|F1=シャケの立ち入りは 禁止できんのか?
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Niemand mag naar het Baarsreservoir<br>vanwege de Big Run. Verboden toegang!
|S1eng=No one may go to Undertow Spillway because of the Big Run. Off-limits!
|F1=Hebben ze dat ook al uitgelegd aan die<br>Salmonieten? Misschien krassen ze dan op...
|F1eng=Have they already explained that to those Salmonids too? Maybe then they'll scram...
===={{flag|ca}}French (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Le réservoir Rigadelle est interdit d'accès<br>en ce moment pour cause de Big Run...
|F1=Il faut aussi en interdire l'accès aux<br>salmonoïdes! Personne y a pensé?!
===={{flag|fr}}French (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Le réservoir Rigadelle est interdit d'accès<br>en ce moment pour cause de Big Run...
|F1=Il faut aussi en interdire l'accès aux<br>Salmonoïdes ! Personne y a pensé ?!
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir gilt derzeit ja Zutrittsverbot wgen des Big Run.
|S1eng=There is currently a Big Run going on at Undertow Spillway, it is off limits.
|F1=Sag das mal einer den Salmoniden, dann hauen die sicher auch ab. Ich bin genial!
|F1eng=Tell those Salmonids, Undertow Spillway will be off limits soon for them too! I'm smart!
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Pare che al momento la Cisterna Cernia<br>non sia accessibile, per via della Big Run.
|F1=Dovremmo renderla inaccessibile anche ai<br>Salmonoidi! Perché nessuno c'ha pensato?
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Вход на Приливослив закрыт. И Big Run тому виной.
|S1eng=The Undertow Spillway entrance is closed. And Big Run is the reason for it.
|F1=Самонидам тоже надо показать на выход! Почему никто этого до сих пор не сделал?!
|F1eng=Salmonids need to be shown where the exit is too! Why hasn't anyone done this yet?!
===={{flag|mx}}Spanish (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Hay una alerta de Big Run ahora mismo y<br>se prohíbe el acceso a Desagüe Navajuela.
|F1=¿Y si les prohibimos el acceso a los<br>salmónidos también? Qué gran idea, ¿no?
===={{flag|es}}Spanish (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Hay una alerta de Big Run ahora mismo y<br>se prohíbe el acceso a Cisterna Navajuela.
|F1=Pero... ¿no habría que procurar que<br>los salmónidos tampoco entren allí?
===={{flag|cn}}Chinese (Simplified)====
|game=Splatoon 3
===={{flag|hk}}Chinese (Traditional)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=빅 런 발생 중인<br>맛조개 방수로는 관계자 외 출입 금지데이
|F1=연어 출입 금지는 어떻게 안 되겠느냐?
===Extended introduction===
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|F4=Pah! Those slimy slobs are messing with an important Splatlands revenue stream!
|S4=Pah! Those slimy slobs are messing with an important Splatlands revenue stream!
|S4=Yeah, it's weird how many tourists go down there. Call themselves "drainspotters."
|F4=Yeah, it's weird how many tourists go down there. Call themselves "drainspotters."
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=今はビッグランのせいで<br>マテガイ放水路が えらいコトになってんで
|BM1=エイ!(力を貸してくれる方は クマサン商会まで!)
|S3=放水路なんやし、ドバ~ッと水を流したら<br>一気にシャケと バイバイできるんとちゃうの?
|BM3=エイエー(放水するための設備は<br>ずーっと昔に 壊れちゃったらしいよ)
|S4=んも~、あそこはバンカラの大事な収入源やのに<br>何かあったら どないすんねん!
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Het Baarsreservoir is tijdens de Big Run nog<br>schadelijker voor de gezondheid dan anders.
|S1eng=Undertow Spillway is during a Big Run even more harmful to one's health than usual.
|BM1=Ay! (Mocht je interesse hebben: Beer & Co<br>zoekt nog vechtersbaarzen voor deze strijd!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (Should you be interested: Grizzco is still looking for hooliperches <ref group="note" name="hooligan">From ''vechtersbaas'' ("hooligan, brawler") and ''baars'' ("perch")</ref> for this battle!
|F2=De Salmonieten voelen zich vast als een<br>vis in het water daaro.
|F2eng=The Salmonids must be like a fish in water over there.
|BM2=Ay. (Vast wel, maar er zijn mooiere<br>plekken om te wonen dan het riool.)
|BM2eng=Ay. (Gotta be, but there are nicer places to live than the sewers.)
|S3=Er is daar trouwens ook een sluis.<br>Waarom zetten we die niet gewoon open?
|S3eng=There's also a sluice there, by the way. Why don't we just open that one?
|BM3=Ay. Ay. (Die is kapot, en de stad laat hem niet<br>repareren. "Puur decoratief", zeggen ze.)
|BM3eng=Ay. Ay. (That one is broken, and the city won't have it repaired. "Purely decorative", they say.)
|S4=Bah! Die slijmerds saboteren een belangrijke<br>inkomstenstroom voor de stad.
|S4eng=Bah! Those slimeballs are sabotaging an important revenue stream for the city.
|F4=Ja, maf hoeveel toeristen daarnaartoe<br>gaan. Een soort ramptoerisme!
|F4eng=Yes, mad how many tourists go to there. Some kind of disaster tourism!
===={{flag|ca}}French (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Le réservoir Rigadelle est devenu encore<br>plus insalubre avec ces histoires de Big Run.
|BM1=Ay! (Tu veux faire le ménage? M. Ours<br>cherche justement des volontaires!)
|F2=Les salmonoïdes doivent se sentir comme<br>des poissons dans l'eau là-bas, non?
|BM2=Ay! (Possible, mais il faudrait être toqué<br>pour vouloir vivre dans des égouts!)
|S3=Il y a une écluse là-bas, non? Pourquoi on<br>n'ouvre pas simplement les vannes?
|BM3=Ay. (Elles sont hors service. La ville les<br>considère comme de la déco urbaine...)
|S4=Pff! Ces sagouins s'en prennent à un<br>haut lieu de la Contrée Clabousse!
|F4=Oui, les touristes s'y précipitent : « Visiter<br>le réservoir : les vidoirs, c'est à voir! »
===={{flag|fr}}French (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Le réservoir Rigadelle est devenu encore<br>plus insalubre avec ces histoires de Big Run.
|BM1=Ay ! (Tu veux faire le ménage ? M. Ours<br>cherche justement des volontaires !)
|F2=Les Salmonoïdes doivent se sentir comme<br>des poissons dans l'eau là-bas, nan ?
|BM2=Ay ! (Possible, mais il faudrait être toqué<br>pour vouloir vivre dans des égouts !)
|S3=Il y a une écluse là-bas, non ? Pourquoi on<br>n'ouvre pas simplement les vannes ?
|BM3=Ay. (Elles sont hors service. La ville les<br>considère comme de la déco urbaine...)
|S4=Pff ! Ces sagouins s'en prennent à un<br>haut lieu de la Contrée Clabousse !
|F4=Oui, les touristes s'y précipitent : « Voir<br>le réservoir : les cloaques, ça claque ! »
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir fliegt derzeit wegen des Big Run die Tinte besonders tief.
|S1eng=The Ink is flying low<ref group="note" name="low">To fly low means to be under the radar.</ref> at the moment in Undertow Spillway since the Big Run started.
|BM1=Ay! (Wer in der Tiefe mitklecksen mag, einfach bei der Bär GmbH melden!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (If you want to fight in the deep, contact Grizzco!)
|S4=Pffft! Die Salmonidenparty kostet die Stadt sicher auc nicht zu knapp.
|S4eng=Pffft! This Salmonid invasion certainly does cost a lot to the city.
|F4=Aber die Touris wollen doch das Denkmal. Denk mal!
|F4eng=Yea but that's what tourists want, they want the memory. Just think for a second!
|S3eng=There's a sluice down there, right? Couldn't the place just be flushed out?
|S3=Dort war doch eine Schleuse, stimmt's? Ließe sich nicht einfach alles durchspülen?
|BM3=Ay. (Schon, aber das Kurbelrad steht unter Denkmalschutz. We es anfasst, zahlt.)
|BM3eng=Ay. (Yes, but the crank is listed as property. If you touch it, you pay for it.)
|F2=Die Strömung da unten ist schon ordentlich. Da freuen sich die Salmoniden sicher, oder?
|F2eng=The flow of water down there is pretty good. The Salmonids must feel really happy, right?
|BM2=Ay... (Aber durch Kanäle hinschwimmen, DAS sorgt bestimmt für schlechte Laune...)
|BM2eng=Ay... (But swimming through the sewers, THAT definitely would put you in a bad mood...)
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=A causa della Big Run, la Cisterna Cernia è<br>ancora più nociva per la salute del solito.
|BM1=Man! {{color|(Se vuoi contribuire a bonificarla,<br>la Ursus & Co cerca carne da salmone!)|gray}}
|F2=Scommetto che i Salmonoidi si sentono<br>come a casa con tutta quell'acqua.
|BM2=Man. {{color|(Già. Ma c'è da dire che è meglio<br>vivere in città che nelle fogne.)|gray}}
|S3=Sapete, laggiù c'è una chiusa. Perché non<br>apriamo semplicemente le paratoie?
|BM3=Man. {{color|(È rotta e la città non vuole ripararla.<br>La considera un "elemento decorativo".)|gray}}
|S4=Bah! Quei viscidi interferiscono con una<br>fondamentale fonte di reddito di Splattonia!
|F4=Vero. È incredibile quanti turisti visitino<br>la cisterna. Si definiscono "fognamatori".
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=В Приливосливе сейчас не поиграешь<br>в исследователей! Идет Big Run.
|S1eng=You can't play explorers now on Undertow Spillway! The Big Run's in progress.
|BM1=Ик! (И конечно, «Потапыч Inc.» опять<br>набирает команду для зачистки!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (And of course, «Grizzco» recruits the cleanup team again!)
|F2=Течение в Приливосливе ого-го! Это просто<br>идеальные условия для самонидов!
|F2eng=The flow is wild on Undertow Spillway! It's just the perfect conditions for Salmonids!
|BM2=Ик. (В городе есть сооружения<br>и поуютнее, чем наш водосток.)
|BM2eng=Ay. (There are buildings in the city that are much more cozy than our spillway.)
|S3=А почему бы просто не открыть ворота<br>шлюза? Самонидов смоет в море, и все!
|S3eng=Why can't we just open the gateway? The Salmonids will be washed away into the sea and that's all!
|BM3=Ик... (Механизм проржавел, но город не<br>торопится с финансированием...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (The mechanism got rusty, but the city's in no hurry with financing...)
|S4=Самонидские пляски точно обойдутся<br>им дороже, чем реставрация!
|S4eng=Salmonid parties will definitely cost them more than restoration!
|F4=Ага, все доходы от хобби-туристов тю-тю!<br>Ни один «сливаша» туда не сунется.
|F4eng=Yeah, all the incomes from the hobby tourists will go down the drain! Not a single «drainer» will go in there.
===={{flag|mx}}Spanish (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Desagüe Navajuela se enfrenta a problemas<br>de insalubridad a causa del evento Big Run.
|BM1=¡Zasss! (Si quieres ayudar, ¡Don Oso, S. A.<br>te espera con las garras abiertas!)
|F2=Con tanta agua circulando, los salmónidos<br>parecen sentirse como en casa.
|BM2=Zasss. (Pues yo preferiría una casa que<br>no huela a desagüe abandonado).
|S3=Si abrimos las compuertas de esa esclusa...<br>¿se irían los salmónidos con la corriente?
|BM3=Zasss. (Ya no funcionan, y el ayuntamiento<br>dice que son "ornamentales").
|S4=¡Ese lugar es parte del patrimonio cultural<br>de Tintelia! ¡Debemos protegerlo!
|F4=Y aparte es increíble la cantidad de dinero<br>que genera el turismo de alcantarillado.
===={{flag|es}}Spanish (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=Cisterna Navajuela se enfrenta a problemas<br>de insalubridad a causa del evento Big Run.
|BM1=¡Zasss! (Si quieres ayudar, ¡Don Oso, S. A.<br>te espera con las zarpas abiertas!)
|F2=Con tanta agua circulando, los salmónidos<br>parecen sentirse como en casa.
|BM2=Zasss... (A mí el lugar me huele un poco a...<br>cloaca. Preferiría vivir en un piso normal.)
|S3=Si abrimos las compuertas de esa esclusa...<br>¿se irían los salmónidos con la corriente?
|BM3=Zasss. (Habría que ver si funcionan. Hace<br>siglos que estas instalaciones no se usan.)
|S4=Un lugar tan valioso en cuanto a conducción<br>de aguas... y ahí lo tienen abandonado...
|F4=Además de los ingresos que podría generar<br>si se promocionara el «turismo de cloaca».
===={{flag|cn}}Chinese (Simplified)====
|game=Splatoon 3
===={{flag|hk}}Chinese (Traditional)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|S1=지금은 빅 런 때문에<br>맛조개 방수로가 엉망이다이가
|BM1=만타!(돕고 싶은 사람은<br>Mr. 베어 상회로 와 줘!)
|F2=역시 연어한테는 물이 흐르는 곳이 아늑하려나?
|BM2=만타…?(설마 거기에 이사 오려는 건 아니겠지…?)
|S3=방수로니까 물을 콸콸 틀면<br>단숨에 해치울 수 있는 거 아이가?
|BM3=마안타~(방수 설비는 옛날에 망가졌다나 봐~)
|S4=에잇~ 거기는 카오폴리스의 중요한 수입원인데<br>혹시라도 잘못되면 지들이 책임질 끼가!
|F4=은근히 팬이 많은 관광지거늘…
===Big Run ended===
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay! (The Salmonids that invaded Undertow<br>Spillway have been sent back to sea!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay! (De Salmonieten die het Baarsreservoir<br>hadden aangevallen, zijn weggespoeld!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (The Salmonids that had attacked Underdow Spillway, are washed away!)
===={{flag|ca}}French (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay! (Les salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient le<br>réservoir Rigadelle ont été repoussés!)
===={{flag|fr}}French (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay ! (Les Salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient le<br>réservoir Rigadelle ont été repoussés !)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay! (Das Schwertmuschel-Reservoir wurde<br>auch vom letzten Salmoniden befreit.)
|BM1eng=Ay! (Undertow Spillway was<br>washed of the Salmonids.)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Man! {{color|(I Salmonoidi che hanno invaso la<br>Cisterna Cernia sono stati bocciati!)|gray}}
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ик! (Самониды, заполонившие Приливослив,<br>отправлены обратно в море!)
|BM1eng=Ay! (Salmonids that flooded Undertow Spillway were sent back to the sea!)
===={{flag|mx}}Spanish (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos que invadieron<br>Desagüe Navajuela regresaron al mar!)
===={{flag|es}}Spanish (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos que invadieron<br>Cisterna Navajuela han vuelto al mar!)
===={{flag|cn}}Chinese (Simplified)====
|game=Splatoon 3
===={{flag|hk}}Chinese (Traditional)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=만타만~타!!(맛조개 방수로에 몰려왔던 연어들이<br>바다로 돌아갔대~!!)

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|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay?! (Are people really THAT good at this?!)
|BM1=Ay?! (Are people really THAT good<br>at this?!)
|S1=I bet the Salmonids were as surprised as you are.

|F2=Great job, everyone! The Salmonids never stood a chance.
|S2=I bet the Salmonids were as surprised<br>as you are.
|BM2=Ay! (And we saved Undertow Spillway! So it can keep...spilling? Is that what it does?)

|S3=Yeah, it spills money for the Splatlands. We definitely want it to keep spilling!
|S3=Don't worry, you two. All participants will<br>get a gift, regardless of score.
|F3=Wait...I just realized that Salmonids could probably invade ANY waterway!
|BM3=Ay... (Whew...)

|BM4=Ay. Ay! (And Splatsville is known for its waterways. They always creep me out!)
|F4=Great job, everyone! The Salmonids<br>never stood a chance.
|F4=EEE! Could the famous "Creepy Sewer Voice" of the Splatlands be Salmonids?!

|BM5=Ay? Aaay?! (Creepy Sewer Voice of the Splatlands? Why does that exist?!)
|BM5=Ay! (And we saved Undertow Spillway! So it<br>can keep...spilling? Is that what it does?)
|S6=Yeah, it spills money for the Splatlands.<br>We definitely want it to keep spilling!
|F7=Wait...I just realized that Salmonids could<br>probably invade ANY waterway!
|BM7=Ay. Ay! (And Splatsville is known for its<br>waterways. They always creep me out!)
|S8=EEE! Could the famous "Creepy Sewer<br>Voice" of the Splatlands be Salmonids?!
|BM8=Ay? Aaay?! (Creepy Sewer Voice of the<br>Splatlands? Why does that exist?!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|S2=相変わらず ハイレベルやねぇ!
|BM5=エイ!(マテガイ放水路は どこも壊れてないんだって!<br>またバトルもできるみたいだし、ひと安心だね!)
|S6=バンカラの大事な収入…やなかった、<br>文化財を守ってくれはって ほんまにありがとうね!
|F7=シャケが地上だけでなく 水路も通ってくるコトは<br>覚えといたほうが良さそうじゃな
|BM7=エイッ!(水路なら バンカラ街にもたくさんあるし、<br>気をつけなくちゃ!)
|BM8=エーーイ?!(えっ何? こわい話?!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay?! Ay?! (Pardon?! Kun je echt ZÓ goed<br>zijn in eieren verzamelen?!)
|BM1eng=Ay?! Ay?! (Excuse me?! Can you really be THAT good at collecting eggs?!)
|S2=Als jij er al van opkijkt, wat zullen die<br>Salmonieten dan wel niet zeggen!
|S2eng=If you're already surprised by it, what do you think those Salmonids will say!
|S3=Maak jullie maar geen zorgen. Alle deelnemers<br>worden beloond, wat hun score ook was.
|S3eng=You folks don't have to worry. All participants will be rewarded, no matter what their score was.
|BM3=Ay... (Gelukkig maar...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (Thank goodness for that...)
|F4=Goed gedaan, stelletje toppers! Dat<br>Salmonietentuig maakte geen schijn van kans.
|F4eng=Well done, you bunch of standouts! That Salmonid scum didn't stand a chance.
|BM5=Ay! Ay? (En het Baarsreservoir is gered!<br>Zodat het kan blijven... reservoiren?)
|BM5eng=Ay! Ay? (And Undertow Spillway has been saved! Such that it can remain... to reservoir?)
|S6=Dat ding zal wel ergens goed voor zijn. Voor<br>als je een reservebaars nodig hebt, of zo.
|S6eng=That thing must be good for something. For when you need to have a reserve perch, or something.
|F7=Eh... Kunnen die Salmonieten ons eigenlijk<br>via elke waterweg aanvallen?
|F7eng=Uh... Can those Salmonids actually attack us via any waterway?
|BM7=Ay! Ay! (En Splatsville staat bekend om zijn<br>waterwegen! Ik krijg er de kriebels van!)
|BM7eng=Ay! Ay! (And Splatsville is known for its waterways! It gives me the heebie-jeebies!
|S8=O jee! Zouden die akelige "Splatlandse<br>rioolkrijsers" misschien Salmonieten zijn?!
|S8eng=O gee! Could those eerie "Splatlandian sewer shriekers" perhaps be Salmonids!
|BM8=Ay!? Aaay! (Er krijst iemand in het riool?!<br>Waarom vertel je me dit, ik wil nog slapen!)
|BM8eng=Ay!? Aaay! (There's someone shrieking in the sewer?! Why are you telling me this, I still want to sleep!)
===={{flag|ca}}French (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay?! (C'est possible que le pointage<br>soit si élevé?!)
|S2=Je crois que les salmonoïdes ont été<br>aussi étonnés que toi.
|S3=Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit<br>une récompense, quel que soit le pointage.
|BM3=Ay... (Ouf...)
|F4=Bien joué, les amis! Les salmonoïdes<br>ont bu un sacré bouillon.
|BM5=Ay! (Et on a sauvé le réservoir Rigadelle!<br>Ça fait un réservoir en réserve, quoi!)
|S6=Un réservoir de revenus pour la Contrée,<br>surtout. Il s'agit pas de le laisser se tarir!
|F7=Par contre, ça prouve qu'ils peuvent<br>envahir n'importe quel plan d'eau, en fait!
|BM7=Ay. (Et je veux pas vous effrayer, mais <br>c'est pas ça qui manque à Cité-Clabousse.)
|S8=Vous croyez que la fameuse « voix étrange<br>des égouts » de la Contrée, c'est eux?
|BM8=Ay... (Une voix étrange dans les égouts?<br>Je me serais bien passé de cette info...)
===={{flag|fr}}French (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay ?! (C'est possible que le niveau<br>soit si élevé ?!)
|S2=Je crois que les Salmonoïdes ont été<br>aussi étonnés que toi.
|S3=Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit<br>une récompense, quel que soit le score.
|BM3=Ay... (Ouf...)
|F4=Bien joué, les amis ! Les Salmonoïdes<br>ont bu un sacré bouillon.
|BM5=Ay ! (Et on a sauvé le réservoir Rigadelle !<br>Ça fait un réservoir en réserve, quoi !)
|S6=Un réservoir de revenus pour la Contrée,<br>surtout. Il s'agit pas de le laisser se tarir !
|F7=Par contre, ça prouve qu'ils peuvent<br>envahir n'importe quel plan d'eau, en fait !
|BM7=Ay. (Et je veux pas vous effrayer, mais <br>c'est pas ça qui manque à Cité-Clabousse.)
|S8=Vous croyez que la fameuse « voix flippante<br>des égouts » de la Contrée, c'est eux ?
|BM8=Ay... (Une voix flippante dans les égouts ?<br>Je me serais bien passé de cette info...)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ay? Ay?! (Bitte? SO GUT sind die Leute<br>im Fischeiersammeln?)
|BM1eng=Ay? Ay?! (Sorry? People are THAT GOOD at collecting Golden Eggs?!)
|S2=Wenn du schon so ein Gesicht machst,<br>was sollen bloß die Salmoniden sagen?
|S2eng=You're already making a face, but guess how surprised the Salmonids were?
|S3=Keine Sorge. Alle Teilnehmer kriegen ein<br>Geschenk, unabhängig vom Highscore.
|S3eng=No worries. All participants get a gift, regardless of their score.
|BM3=Ay... (Puh...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (Phew...)
|F4=Top gemacht, Leute! Die Fiesfische sind<br>bis aufs letzte Schüppchen vertrieben!
|F4eng=Great job, folks! The nasty fish have been peeled away!
|BM5=Ay! (Genau! Das Reservoir ist unser Revier!<br>Reserviert sozusagen!)
|BM5eng=Ay! (Exactly! Undertow is ours! Reserved, so to speak!)
|S6=Und irgendienen Zweck erfüllt es für die<br>Stadt sicher auch, würde ich mal annehmen.
|S6eng=And it is certainly useful for the city, I suppose.
|F7=Äh, Leute? Könnten die Salmoniden nicht<br>einfach durch andere Kanäle angreifen?
|F7eng=Uh, guys? Couldn't the Salmonids just attack through other sewers?
|BM7=Ay. Ay! (Ui, und in Splatsville haben wir<br>viele davon. Die find ich immer gruselig!)
|BM7eng=Ay. Ay! (Wow, and they're everywhere in Splatsville. I always find it creepy!)
|S8=Huch! Ob das berühmte „Splatsviller<br>Kanalraunen" auch die Salmoniden sind?
|S8eng=Yikes! Could the famous "Splatsville Sewer Murmur" also be Salmonids?
|BM8=Ay? Aaay?! (Wer raunt wo?!<br>Leute, macht mir keine Angst!)
|BM8eng=Ay? Aaay?! (Who murmurs there?! Guys, don't scare me!)
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Man?! {{color|(Ma il livello è davvero così alto?!)|gray}}
|S2=Scommetto che i Salmonoidi erano<br>sorpresi quanto te.
|S3=Tranquilli. Tutti i partecipanti ricevono<br>un regalo, qualunque sia il punteggio.
|BM3=Man... {{color|(Uff, menomale...)|gray}}
|F4=Ottimo lavoro, gente! Quei Salmonoidi<br>erano spacciati fin dall'inizio.
|BM5=Man! {{color|(E abbiamo salvato la Cisterna Cernia!<br>Quindi continuerà a... fare da cisterna?)|gray}}
|S6=Sì, è un serbatoio di denaro per Splattonia.<br>E vogliamo che continui a esserlo!
|F7=Ora che ci penso, i Salmonoidi potrebbero<br>invadere qualsiasi corso d'acqua!
|BM7=Man! {{color|(E Splatville è nota per i suoi corsi<br>d'acqua. Devo dire che mi inquietano!)|gray}}
|S8=Argh! Che la famosa "Voce inquietante delle<br>fogne di Splattonia" siano i Salmonoidi?!
|BM8=Man?! {{color|(La "Voce inquietante delle fogne<br>di Splattonia"? Ma esiste davvero?!)|gray}}
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=Ик?! Ик! (Как можно собрать столько<br>икринок?! Невероятно!)
|BM1eng=Ay?! Ay! (How can you possibly collect so many Eggs?! Unbelievable!)
|S2=Думаю, самониды сейчас задаются<br>тем же вопросом!
|S2eng=I think Salmonids are asking the same question right now!
|S3=Можете не переживать, подарки дадут<br>всем — независимо от количества очков!
|S3eng=You don't have to worry, the gifts will be given to everyone regardless of the number of points!
|BM3=Ик... (Уф, пронесло...)
|BM3eng=Ay... (Oof, dodged a bullet...)
|F4=Молодцы, команда! Ни одной<br>самонидской чешуйки не уцелело!
|F4eng=Great job, team! Not a single Salmonid scale survived!
|BM5=Ик! Ик... (Приливослив может спокойно<br>сливать и дальше! Или не сливать...)
|BM5eng=Ay! Ay... (Undertow Spillway can continue spilling in peace! Or not spilling...)
|S6=Если речь о туристских денежках, пусть<br>сливает их в Плюхтон, все верно!
|S6eng=If it comes to tourists cash, let it spill it into Splatsville, that's right!
|F7=Стоп, ребята! А самониды не порвутся<br>в Плюхтон по другим каналам?
|F7eng=Wait, guys! Won't the Salmonids break into Splatsville through other channels?
|BM7=Ик! (У нас тут этих жутких каналов<br>на целый лабиринт наберется!)
|BM7eng=Ay! (We have a whole labyrinth of these terrifying channels here!)
|S8=Ой! Неужели голос Призрака плюхтонской<br>канализации – всего лишь самониды?!
|S8eng=Oh! Is the Splatsville sewerage Ghost's voice just Salmonids?
|BM8=Ик? И-ик?! ИК! (Голос Призрака?!<br>Он еще и поет?! МАМОЧКИ!)
|BM8eng=Ay? A-ay?! AY! (A Ghost's voice?! Does it also sing?! MY GOODNESS!)
===={{flag|mx}}Spanish (North America)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿En serio hay gente que<br>consigue esos resultados?!)
|S2=Si a ti te sorprende, imagínate los pobres<br>salmónidos.
|S3=Independientemente de las puntuaciones,<br>todos los participantes se llevan un premio.
|BM3=Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)
|F4=¡Bien hecho, compañeros! ¡Les dieron su<br>merecido a esos invasores salmónidos!
|BM5=¡Zasss! (¡Y Desagüe Navajuela ya puede<br>volver a... hacer lo que hacía antes!)
|S6=¡Cierto! La infraestructura de Tintelia<br>se mantiene a salvo. ¡Gracias a todos!
|F7=Oye... ¿será que los salmónidos pueden<br>invadirnos por cualquier vía acuática?
|BM7=¡Zasss! (¡Pues en Tintelia hay bastantes!<br>Ya me pusiste nervioso...)
|S8=Eso me recuerda a esa leyenda urbana de<br>"las tenebrosas voces subacuáticas"...
|BM8=¡Zasss! (¡Qué susto! ¿Voces de salmónidos<br>que acechan bajo el agua? ¡Ayyy!)
===={{flag|es}}Spanish (Europe)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿En serio hay gente que<br>consigue esos resultados?!)
|S2=Se te ha quedado cara de salmónido, ¿eh?
|S3=Independientemente de las puntuaciones,<br>todos los participantes se llevan premio.
|BM3=Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)
|F4=¡Bien hecho, currantes! ¡No habéis tenido<br>compasión de salmónido alguno!
|BM5=¡Zasss! (¡Y es un alivio saber que Cisterna<br>Navajuela no ha sufrido daños reseñables!)
|S6=¡Cierto! El patrimonio municipal de Tintelia<br>se mantiene a salvo. ¡Gracias a todos!
|F7=Pero más vale vigilar cualquier canalización<br>por la que puedan invadirnos los salmónidos.
|BM7=¡Zasss! (¡Pues en Tintelia hay bastantes!<br>Ya has conseguido que me preocupe...)
|S8=Eso me recuerda... a esa leyenda urbana<br>de «las tenebrosas voces subacuáticas»...
|BM8=¡Zasss! (¡No me asustes más! ¿Voces de<br>salmónidos que acechan bajo el agua?)
===={{flag|cn}}Chinese (Simplified)====
|game=Splatoon 3
===={{flag|hk}}Chinese (Traditional)====
|game=Splatoon 3
|game=Splatoon 3
|BM1=마안~타!!(우와, 이번에도<br>엄청난 스코어가 나왔어!!)
|S2=여전히 하이 레벨이구마!
|S3=이 스코어를 넘지 못해도<br>사례는 모두 받을 수 있으니까 안심하래이~
|F4=다들 수고 많았노라!<br>실로 깔끔한 일처리였느니라!
|BM5=만타!(맛조개 방수로는 멀쩡하대!<br>계속 배틀도 할 수 있다니까 안심이야!)
|S6=카오폴리스의 중요한 수입…이 아니라,<br>문화재를 지켜 줘서 참말로 고맙데이!
|F7=연어가 지상뿐만 아니라<br>수로도 지날 수 있다는 건 기억해 두는 게 좋겠구나
|BM7=만타!(카오폴리스에도<br>수로가 잔뜩 있으니 조심해야겠어!)
|S8=그러고 보니 카오폴리스 7대 불가사의 중 「수로에<br>울려 퍼지는 수수께끼의 목소리」라는 게 있다이가…
|BM8=만~~타?!(뭐야, 무서운 이야기야?!)
<references group="note"/>


Latest revision as of 05:49, 24 July 2023

Deep Cut quotes

Translation needed
Translate Deep Cut. edit

USAUnited Kingdom English

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“I'm still shocked that battle is allowed at
Undertow Spillway. It's an important utility!”
“Shiver, it's made of industrial concrete,
and we're shooting ink. It'll be fine.”

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Watch out when you lose the high ground
on the left side at Undertow Spillway...”
Big Man
“Ay! Ay! (Yeah! If you focus too much on
taking it back, everything else'll get inked!)”

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man
“Ay. Ay. (I'm always a bit wary of Undertow
Spillway. I got lost there when I was little.)”
“You were chasing a butterfly, right?
Or was it chasing you?!”

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Oh, I used to skip dance practice to spelunk
at Undertow Spillway with my little bro!”
Big Man
“Ay... (Your brother says it wasn't
spelunking so much as looking for loot...)”

“He would say that! He never found any loot!
That ungrateful little urchin...”
“Hey, I remember you when you were that
age. Maybe give him a break.”

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“So, what's the deal with Undertow Spillway?
What's spilling and why?”
Big Man
“Ay. (It protects the city from flooding by
allowing water to drain.)”
“Yeah! Don't you remember learning in school
about how the Splatlands are flood prone?”
“Don't YOU remember me skipping most
of those classes?!”

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“There's something mystical about the way
the moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...”
Big Man
“Ay! Ay! (Yeah! Who would have thought
that a sewer could look so good!)”

Japan Japanese

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
「マテガイ放水路は バンカラ地方の文化財やのに、

(Undertow Spillway is a cultural property of the Splatlands region, but
would it be destroyed in a battle?)

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
「マテガイ放水路は 左の高台を取られてしまうと

(It would be really troublesome if the upper ground on the left of Undertow Spillway was taken.)
「エイ…(取り返してる間に 他のトコ塗られちゃったりね…)」

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

「エイエー(ボク、小さい頃に マテガイ放水路で

(Ayy (When I was little, I once got lost in Undertow Spillway...))
「チョウチョ 追いかけてたんやっけ?」

(Were you chasing butterflies?)

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
マテガイ放水路を 弟と探検したもんじゃ!」
この間 弟くんから聞いたよ?)」

「アヤツめ、昔はワシに ベッタリだったクセに
「弟はんも お年ごろやねぇ」

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
「マテガイ放水路の 「放水路」って何じゃ?」
「エイ!(洪水が起きそうなときに 水をにがして
「バンカラ地方は 洪水が起きやすい土地で…

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
「月の光が差しこむ マテガイ放水路…
「エイ!(昼間とは またちょっとフンイキ変わるよね!)」

Netherlands Dutch

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Het Baarsreservoir is belangrijk voor de stad.
Niet te geloven dat we daar mogen vechten.”

(Undertow Spillway is important to the city. It's unbelievable that we're allowed to battle there.)
“Het beton daar gaat heus niet kapot van onze
inkt. En onze inkt is milieuvriendelijk. Denk ik.”

(The concrete there really won't be destroyed by our ink. And our ink is environmentally friendly. I think.)

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Altijd een dilemma als je het hoge terrein aan
de linkerkant van het Baarsreservoir verliest...”

(It's always a dilemma when you lose the high ground on the left side of Undertow Spillway...)
“Ay! (Ja, want terwijl je dat terug probeert te
stelen, kun je snel ander terrein kwijtraken!)”

(Ay! (Yes, because while you're trying to steal that back, you can quickly lose other ground!))

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Ay. Ay! (Als kind ben ik bij het Baarsreservoir
een keer verdwaald. Dus let op je omgeving!)”

(Ay. Ay! (I got lost at Undertow Spillway as a child one time. So pay attention to your surroundings!)
“Liep je weer achter een vlinder aan, omdat je
dacht dat het een vliegende soortgenoot was?”

(Did you run after a butterfly again, because you thought it was a flying congener?)

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Voor mijn broertje en mij was het vroeger een
avontuur om het Baarsreservoir te verkennen!”

(It used to be an adventure to explore Undertow Spillway for my little brother and me!)
“Ay... (Volgens je broer kwam jij er niet voor
het avontuur, maar vooral voor buit...)”

(Ay... (According to your brother you didn't come there for the adventure, but mainly for loot...))

“Dat zegt hij alleen maar omdat hij zelf nooit
iets vond. Terwijl hij toen nog handig klein was...”

(He only says that because he never found anything himself. While he was still conveniently small at the time...)
“Wacht, nam je hem dan alleen maar mee om
in de kleinste hoeken en gaten te zoeken?”

(Wait, then you only took him along to search in the smallest nooks and crannies?)

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Waar is het Baarsreservoir nou eigenlijk
voor? Waarom slaan ze daar water op?”

(What exactly is Undertow Spillway for? Why do they store water there?)
“Ay. (Het water wordt tijdelijk opgeslagen om
te zorgen dat de stad niet overstroomt.)”

(Ay. (Water is temporarily stored to ensure the city doesn't flood.))
“Ja, ben je de lessen vergeten over het
overstromingsgevaar in de Splatlands?”

(Yes, did you forget the lessons about the risk of flooding in the Splatlands?)
“Nee, ik ben ze niet vergeten, ik had toen
gewoon geen zin om naar school te komen.”

(No, I didn't forget them, I just didn't feel like coming to school at that time.)

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Er is iets mystieks aan de manier waarop het
maanlicht op het Baarsreservoir schijnt...”

(There's something mystical about the way the moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...)
“Ay! Ay! (Ja! Wie had gedacht dat een riool
zo mooi kon zijn!)”

(Ay! Ay! (Yes, who would have thought a sewer could be this beautiful!))

France French (France)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« C'est scandaleux qu'on fasse des matchs
dans le réservoir. C'est un bâtiment public ! »
« Relax, Pasquale. C'est du béton et on tire à
l'encre. Il y aura pas de casse. »

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Faites gaffe si vous perdez du terrain dans
la partie gauche du réservoir Rigadelle... »
« Ay ! (Ouais ! Pendant qu'on s'acharne à le
récupérer, on se fait chiper tout le reste !) »

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Ay. (J'ai toujours peur dans le réservoir.
Je m'y suis perdu quand j'étais petit.) »
« Tu poursuivais un papillon, c'est ça ?
Ou c'est le papillon qui te poursuivait ? »

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Je séchais toujours les cours de danse pour
explorer le réservoir avec mon petit frère ! »
« Ay... (Lui, il dit que vous étiez surtout
à la recherche d'objets à chiper...) »

« Ah, il dit ça ? Lui qui a jamais été fichu de
dénicher quoi que ce soit ! Quel ingrat... »
« Oh, arrête un peu ! T'étais pas mieux à son
âge, et je suis bien placée pour le savoir ! »

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Bon, c'est quoi ce réservoir Rigadelle ?
Il réserve quoi, d'abord ? »
« Ay. (Il sert à éviter que Cité-Clabousse
se retrouve submergée.) »
« Oui ! Les profs répétaient sans arrêt que
la Contrée était exposée aux inondations ! »
« Hmm... Faut croire que j'ai dû avoir
de rares moments d'inattention... »

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Ah, le réservoir Rigadelle au clair de lune...
C'est d'une beauté presque surnaturelle. »
« Ay ! (Qui aurait cru que des égouts
puissent être aussi beaux !) »

Canada French (Canada)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« C'est scandaleux qu'on fasse des matchs
dans le réservoir. C'est un bâtiment public! »
« Relax, Pasquale. C'est du béton et on tire à
l'encre. Il y aura rien qui va casser. »

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Faites gaffe si vous perdez du terrain dans
la partie gauche du réservoir Rigadelle... »
« Ay! (Ouais! Pendant qu'on s'acharne à le
récupérer, on se fait voler tout le reste!) »

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Ay. (J'ai toujours peur dans le réservoir.
Je m'y suis perdu quand j'étais petit.) »
« Tu poursuivais un papillon, c'est ça?
Ou c'est le papillon qui te poursuivait? »

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Je séchais toujours les cours de danse pour
explorer le réservoir avec mon petit frère! »
« Ay... (Lui, il dit que vous étiez surtout
à la recherche d'objets à voler...) »

« Ah, il dit ça? Lui qui a jamais été fichu de
dénicher quoi que ce soit! Quel ingrat... »
« Oh, arrête un peu! T'étais pas mieux à son
âge, et je suis bien placée pour le savoir! »

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Bon, c'est quoi ce réservoir Rigadelle?
Il réserve quoi, d'abord? »
« Ay. (Il sert à éviter que Cité-Clabousse
se retrouve submergée.) »
« Oui! Les profs répétaient sans arrêt que
la Contrée était exposée aux inondations! »
« Hmm... Faut croire que j'ai dû avoir
de rares moments d'inattention... »

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
« Ah, le réservoir Rigadelle au clair de lune...
C'est d'une beauté presque surnaturelle. »
« Ay! (Qui aurait cru que des égouts
puissent être aussi beaux!) »

Germany German

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
„Dass man in einer wichtigen Anlage wie dem
Schwertmuschel-Reservoir kämpfen darf...“

(To be allowed to fight in an underground facility like Undertow Spillway…)
„Mako, das Ding ist aus Zement.
Da wird Tinte nicht viel ausmachen.“

(Shiver, it's made out of cement. Ink won't make a difference.)

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
„Vorsicht im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir.
Immer schön die hohe Plattform schützen!“

(Be careful in Undertow Spillway. Always watch out for the high platforms!)
„Ay! (Wenn man die zurückerobern muss,
färbt der Gegner anderswo fröhlich weiter!)“

(Ay! (But if you focus too much on those high platforms, you opponents will happily ink everything else!))

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Ay... (Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir hab ich
mich als kleines Fischlein mal verlaufen...)“

(Ay… (I got lost in Undertow Spillway when I was a little ray…))
„Du wolltest einen Schmetterling fangen,
stimmt's? Oder er vielleicht dich?“

(You wanted to catch a butterfly, right? Or maybe he wanted to catch you?)

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
„Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir war ich immer
mit meinem Brüderchen Forscher spielen!“

(In Undertow Spillway I used to play explorer with my little brother!)
„Ay... (Deinem Bruder nach habt ihr vor allem
nach herrenlosen Wertsachen geforscht...)“

(Ay... (Your brother says that you were looking more for abandoned valuables…))

„Pffft! Würd ich nie tun! Und er ist bloß
neidisch, weil ICH die alle gefunden hab.“

(Pffft! I would never do that! And if I did, he's just jealous I found everything.)
„Aber, aber, Muri. Beim Stibitzen
hat jeder mal klein angefangen.“

(Right, right, Frye. When it comes to pilfering, everyone starts out small.)

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
„Frage. Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir,
was wird da genau reserviert?“

(Question. In Undertow Spillway, what is being preserved there?)
„Ay. (Reichlich Wasser, das Splatsville
sonst zur Unterseestadt machen würde.)“

(Ay. (They preserve Splatsville, to make sure the water does not make Splatsville an underwater town.))
„Der ganze Distrikt ist flutgefährdet und so.
Haben wir doch früher in Erdkunde gelernt!“

(The entire town is prone to flooding. Didn't you learn that in Geography?)
„ICH lern erst mal nur, was mir passt,
wenn's mir passt. Und ich gerade da bin.“

(I only learn what I want to hear.)

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
„Wenn im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir der
Mond scheint, ist es geradezu mystisch...“

(When the moon shines in the Undertow Spillway, it's almost mystical…)
„Ay! Ay... (Stimmt! Verrückt, wo's doch
eigentlich bloß so was wie ein Kanal ist...)“

(Ay! Ay… (Right! Crazy how this is just the sewers…))

Italy Italian

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Mi sconvolge che si possa combattere alla
Cisterna Cernia. È una struttura pubblica!»
«Pinnuccia, è fatta di cemento industriale
e noi spariamo inchiostro. Rilassati.»

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«È dura quando perdi il controllo della zona
elevata di sinistra nella Cisterna Cernia...»
«Man! (Vero! E se ti concentri troppo sul
riconquistarla, ti splattano tutto il resto!)»

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Man. Man. (La Cisterna Cernia mi inquieta
un po'. Da piccolo mi ci sono perso.)»
«Stavi inseguendo una farfalla, no?
O era lei a inseguire te?!»

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Ah, saltavo sempre danza per esplorare
la Cisternia Cernia con mio fratello!»
«Man... (Tuo fratello dice che, più che
esplorare, cercavi tesori da sgraffignare...)»

«Ci credo! Lui non ha mai trovato un solo
tesoro! Quell'ingrato...»
«Ehi, mi ricordo com'eri tu alla sua età.
Forse dovresti essere meno dura con lui...»

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Ma perché si chiama "Cisterna Cernia"?
È una cisterna piena di cernie?»
«Man. (Evita gli allagamenti in città
consentendo all'acqua di drenare.)»
«Già! Non ti ricordi che a scuola spiegavano
che Splattonia è soggetta agli allagamenti?»
«E tu non ti ricordi che quelle lezioni
le saltavo quasi tutte?!»

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Trovo che il chiaro di luna sulla Cisternia
Cernia le doni un che di mistico...»
«Man! Man! (Sì! Chi l'avrebbe pensato che
una fogna potesse essere così bella!)»

Russia Russian

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«С трудом верится, что бойцов пускают
в Приливослив. Это же важный объект ЖКХ!»

(It's hard to believe that fighters are allowed on Undertow Spillway. It's an important housing and communal services facility!)
«Кулла, он из бетона. Что ему сделается
от краски?»

(Shiver, it's made of concrete. What will ink even do to it?)

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Кстати, в Приливосливе следует держать
позицию слева, на платформе повыше!»

(By the way, on Undertow Spillway, you should keep the position on the higher platform on the left!)
Биг Ман
«Ик! Ик! (Ага! Пока ее отвоевываешь, враги
успеют закрасить все остальное!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Yeah! While you win it back, the enemies will have time to paint over everything else!))

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Биг Ман
«Ик. Ик... (В Приливосливе мне всегда не
по себе. В детстве я там заблудился...)»

(Ay. Ay... (I'm always uncomfortable on Undertow Spillway. I got lost there as a kid...))
«Ты же бегал за бабочкой, верно? Или та
жуткая бабочка тебя преследовала?»

(You were chasing a butterfly, right? Or was that creepy butterfly chasing you?)

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«А я вот помню, как сбегала с танцев и играла
в Приливосливе в спелеологов с братишкой!»

(Well I remember me escaping the dance classes and play speleologists on Undertow Spillway together with the little bro!)
Биг Ман
«Ик... Ик! (Если верить твоему брату, вы скорее
играли в пиратов... И искали сокровища!)»

(Ay... Ay! (According to your brother, you rather played pirates... And looked for treasures!))

«Завистливый ябеда проболтался только
потому, что все сокровища находила Я!»

(The envious sneak spilled the beans only because I found all the treasures!)
Notes: In this quote, the word я ya (I, me) is uppercased to distinguish it phonetically.
«В его возрасте ты была не лучше, Мурия.
Я-то все помню!»

(You were no better at his age, Frye. I remember it all for sure!)

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Так что и зачем там сливают, в нашем

(So what and why are they spilling there, in our Undertow Spillway?)
Биг Ман
«Ик! Ик. (Воду! Это водоотвод, без него бы
Плюхтон давно превратился в Атлантиду.)»

(Ay! Ay. (Water! This is a drainage system, Splatsville would've turned into Atlantis long ago without it.))
«Плюхтония находится под постоянной угрозой
наводнения. Забыла уроки географии?»

(Splatsville is under constant threat of flooding. Did you forget the geography classes?)
«Те, что я прогуливала? Ага!»

(The ones I skipped? Yeah!)

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Есть что-то таинственно прекрасное в том,
как лунный свет льется на Приливослив...»

(There is something mysteriously beautiful about the way moonlight shines on Undertow Spillway...)
Биг Ман
«Ик! Ик! (Да уж! От вонючих водостоков
не ждешь таких видов!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Yeah, sure! You don't expect such views from stinky gutters!))

Spain Spanish (Europe)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«¡¿Celebran combates en una edificación de
utilidad pública como Cisterna Navajuela?!»
«Tranqui, Megan. Si ha resistido todos estos
años, no le hará daño un poco de tinta.»

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Si os arrebatan la zona alta de la izquierda
en Cisterna Navajuela, estaréis en un lío...»
«Zasss. (Pues sí, porque, mientras intentáis
recuperarla, os caerá tinta por otro lado.)»

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Zasss... (Cuando era niño, me perdí una vez
en Cisterna Navajuela. Qué mal recuerdo...)»
«Andarías buscando gamusinos, ¿no?
¿O te perseguían ellos a ti?»

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«Mi hermanito y yo solíamos jugar bastante
al escondite en Cisterna Navajuela.»
«Zasss... (A mí me ha dicho un pajarito que
ibais más bien a saquear cosas de valor...)»

«¿Quién te ha contado eso? ¿Mi hermano?
¡Se suponía que eso era nuestro secreto!»
«Tranquila, entre compañeros de pillaje hay

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«¿De dónde vendrá el nombre de Cisterna
Navajuela? ¿Y para qué servirá ese sitio?»
«Zasss. (Supongo que para almacenar agua...
o para canalizarla... No estoy seguro.)»
«¡Protege Tintelia de inundaciones! Se nota
que no prestabais mucha atención en clase.»
«¿Eso lo enseñaban en el cole? Supongo que
me salté la clase... como casi siempre.»

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
«La manera en que se refleja la luz en
Cisterna Navajuela tiene algo de etéreo...»
«¿Zasss? (¿Seguro? ¿Qué pueden tener de
etéreo las instalaciones de alcantarillado?)»

Mexico Spanish (North America)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“¡¿Celebran combates en una edificación de
utilidad pública como Desagüe Navajuela?!”
“Tranquila, Megan. Si aguantó todos estos
años, no le hará daño un poco de tinta.”

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Si les arrebatan la zona alta de la izquierda
en Desagüe Navajuela, lo tienen difícil...”
“Zasss. (Pues sí, porque, mientras intentan
recuperarla, les caerá tinta por otro lado).”

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Zasss... (Cuando era niño, me perdí una vez
en Desagüe Navajuela. Qué mal recuerdo...)”
“Andarías buscando mariposas, ¿no?
¿O te perseguían ellas a ti?”

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“Mi hermanito y yo solíamos jugar bastante
a las escondidas en Desagüe Navajuela.”
“Zasss... (A mí me dijo un pajarito que
iban más bien a saquear cosas de valor...)”

“¿Quién te contó eso? ¿Mi hermano?
¡Se suponía que eso era nuestro secreto!”
“Tranquila, entre compañeros de pillaje hay

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“¿De dónde vendrá el nombre de Desagüe
Navajuela? ¿Y para qué servirá ese sitio?”
“Zasss. (Supongo que para almacenar agua...
o para canalizarla... No estoy seguro).”
“¡Protege Tintelia de inundaciones! Se nota
que no prestaban mucha atención en clase.”
“¿Eso lo enseñaban en la escuela? Supongo
que me salté la clase... como casi siempre.”

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“La manera en que se refleja la luz en
Desagüe Navajuela tiene algo de etéreo...”
“¡Zasss! (¡Sin duda! Son las instalaciones de
alcantarillado más etéreas que he visto).”

China Chinese (Simplified)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region


Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region


Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional)

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region


Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region


Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

South Korea Korean

Regular dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“맛조개 방수로는 카오폴리스 지방의 문화재인데
배틀 같은 걸 하면 훼손되는 거 아이가?”
“뭐, 지금까지 별일 없었으니 앞으로도 괜찮지 않겠느냐
그런 걸 신경 쓰는 사람은 없는 것 같지만…”

Regular dialogue #2:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“맛조개 방수로는 좌측 고지대를 점령당하면
실로 성가시기 짝이 없느니라”
“만타…(맞아, 탈환하려는 사이에
다른 곳을 공략 당하기도 하고…)”

Regular dialogue #3:

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“마안타…(난 어렸을 때
맛조개 방수로에서 미아가 된 적이 있어…)”
“나비를 따라가다 그랬다 캤지?”

Regular dialogue #4:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“어렸을 때는 가문 수행을 땡땡이 치고
동생과 함께 맛조개 방수로를 탐험했느니라!”
“만타?(저번에 우츠호 동생이
끌려다니느라 골치 아팠다고 하던데?)”

“동생 녀석, 옛날엔 껌딱지처럼 붙어다녔으면서
요즘엔 어딘지 모르게 차가워졌느니라!!”
“우츠호 동생이면 한창 그럴 나이다 안 카나”

Regular dialogue #5:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“맛조개 방수로의 「방수로」가 무엇이냐?”
“만타!(홍수가 날 것 같을 때
물을 내보내서 마을을 지키는 시설이야!)”
“카오폴리스 지방은 홍수가 나기 쉬운 지형이라…
아니, 학교에서 배웠다이가!”
“절반 정도는 땡땡이를 쳤느니라”

Splatfest dialogue #1:

Dialogue Dialogue Region
“달빛이 쏟아지는 맛조개 방수로…
참말로 신비롭데이~”
“만타!(낮이랑은 또 분위기가 다르지!)”

Big Run


USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man

“Aaay! (The Salmonids are hitting Undertow Spillway! Are they after the Splatlands?!)”

“And here I thought their tastes weren't refined enough to care.”


“An ambush from below? Really? Are they too spineless to come meet us head-on?!”
Big Man

“Ay... (Like a direct assault would be any less of a nightmare...)”

“Since it's not happening in the city itself, I say we start showing how we bite back.”



“Yeah! Those punks are gonna be sorry they ever washed up in Splatsville!”

Big Man

“Ay! (WE'LL be sorry if they break through the spillway. Let's stop those Salmonids!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region


「エエエイー!(シャケの大群が マテガイ放水路に接近中!

「ほ~ん、そらまた シュミのよろしいことやねぇ?」


「こっそり地下からカチコミとは ヒキョウな!
来るなら どうどうと正面から来んか!」


「ま、今回は街の中とちゃうし 気ぃつかわんと
少しくらいハメ外しても よろしおすな?」




なんとしても シャケを食い止めよう!)」


Dialogue Dialogue Region


“Aaay! Ay! (Alarmfase Roodbaars! De
Salmonieten vallen het Baarsreservoir aan!)”

(Aaay! Ay! (Redfish Alert! The Salmonids are attacking Undertow Spillway!))

“Zijn die Salmonieten uit op Splatsville,
of zo? Dan hebben ze in elk geval smaak.”

(Are those Salmonids out for Splatsville, or something? Then in any case, they have taste.)


“Willen die ons aanvallen door het riool? Kom,
lafaards! Val ons gewoon boven de grond aan!”

(Do they want to attack us through the sewer? Come, cowards! Just attack us above ground!)

“Ay... (Alsof een Salmonieteninvasie op
straat niet ook een totale nachtmerrie is...)”

(Ay... (As if a Salmonid invasion on the streets isn't also a complete nightmare...))

“Nou ja, zolang ze hier niet door de straten
marcheren, moeten wij maar naar hen toe!”

(Oh well, as long as they don't march through the streets here, we'll just have to go to them!)


“Juist! We trappen ze terug het riool in
waar ze uit zijn komen kruipen!”

(Right! We'll kick them back into the sewer they came crawling out of!)


“Ay! Ay! (Als ze dat reservoir slopen, is de
stad dadelijk een riool! Aan het werk!)”

(Ay! Ay! (If they demolish that reservoir, the city will very soon be a sewer! Get to work!))

CanadaFrench (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


« Aaay! (Alerte aux salmonoïdes au réservoir
! Ils visent la Contrée Clabousse?!) »

« Comme quoi ils sont plus cools que je croyais.
La Contrée, c'est de la qualité. »


« C'est tout eux d'attaquer par en dessous...
Ils sont trop lâches pour un assaut frontal. »

« Ay? (Parce qu'un assaut frontal serait
plus facile à gérer, à ton avis?) »

« Vu que c'est un endroit abandonné,
on va pouvoir sortir la grosse artillerie. »


« Ouais! Ces minus vont regretter d'avoir
pointé leurs sales écailles chez nous! »


« Ay! (C'est nous qui le regretterons s'ils
franchissent le réservoir. À l'attaque!) »

FranceFrench (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


« Aaay ! (Alerte aux Salmonoïdes au réservoir
 ! Ils visent la Contrée Clabousse ?!) »

« Comme quoi ils ont plus de classe que je
croyais. La Contrée, c'est de la qualité. »


« C'est tout eux d'attaquer par en dessous...
Ils sont trop lâches pour un assaut frontal. »

« Ay ? (Parce qu'un assaut frontal serait
plus facile à gérer, à ton avis ?) »

« Vu qu'ils débarquent à l'extérieur de la ville,
on va pouvoir sortir la grosse artillerie. »


« Ouais ! Ces tocards vont regretter d'avoir
pointé leurs sales écailles chez nous ! »


« Ay ! (C'est nous qui l'auront dans l'os s'ils
franchissent le réservoir. À l'attaque !) »


Dialogue Dialogue Region


„Aaay! Ay! (Alarmstufe schimmelgrün! Salmoniden im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir!)“

(Aaay! Ay! (Mildew alert! Salmonids are at Undertow Spillway!))

„Wollen die Splatsville erobern oder so? Na, Geschmack haben die Gestalten ja.“

(Do they want to conquer Splatsville or something? If so, those salmonids have taste.)


„Alles Böse kommt von unten, wie? Trauen sich wohl nicht auf die Straße!“

(All evil comes from below, eh? Don't you dare go out on the streets!)

„Ay... (Und falls es echt so weit kommt wäre das Gejammer sicher groß...)“

(Ay... (And if they do come out onto the streets, there certainly would be a lot of crying...))

„Na, unsere feinen Splatsville-Manieren können wir da ja schön hier oben lassen...“

(Well, we can just leave our Splatsville manner up here...)


„Gebongt! Die kicken wir zurück in die olle Röhre, durch sie hier angewuselt sind!“

(Bang! We'll just kick them back into the old pipe they came from!)


„Ay! (Aber wenn sie's hier hochschaffen, schauen WIR in die Röhre! Los, ands Werk!)“

(Ay! (But if they come up here, we'll be in the old pipe! Let's get to work!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region


«Man! (I Salmonoidi stanno attaccando la
Cisterna Cernia! Puntano a Splattonia?!)»

«E io che pensavo non fossero abbastanza
raffinati da prenderla in considerazione.»


«Un'imboscata dal basso? Sono troppo
codardi da affrontarci a muso aperto?!»

«Man... (Come se un attacco diretto fosse
più gestibile per noi...)

«Dato che stavolta l'attacco non tocca la
città, direi che possiamo scatenarci, no?»


«Eccome! Quei teppisti rimpiangeranno
di essersi spiaggiati da queste parti!»


«Man! (I rimpianti saranno nostri se
conquistano la cisterna. Fermiamoli!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Самониды атаковали Приливослив! Неужели и на сам ПЛЮХТОН пойдут?!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Salmonids attacked Undertow Spillway! Are they going to go after SPLATSVILLE too?!))

«Ничего себе, раскатали губу! Не могу сказать, что у них нет вкуса...»

(Fat chance, I should say! I can't say that they don't have a taste...)


«Снизу нападают одни трусы! В честном бою на улицах мы бы их размазали!»

(Only cowards attack from below! We'd smear them in a fair fight on the streets!)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Что-то сомневаюсь, что мы бы справились без помощи...)»

(Ay... (I somewhat doubt that we'd do it without help...))

«Ну, раз они не в центре города, можно действительно не церемониться.»

(Well, since they aren't in the center of the city, we can handle them without gloves.)


«Мы загоним этих морских гадов обратно в трубы, из которых они повылезали!»

(We'll drive those sea scoundrels back into the pipes they crawled out of!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! ИК! (Как бы самим в трубу не вылететь, если они возьмут Приливослив! ЗА РАБОТУ!)»

(Ay! AY! (We shouldn't try not to go down the pipes ourselves if they're going to take Undertow Spillway! LET'S GET TO WORK!))

MexicoSpanish (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


«¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos invaden Desagüe
! ¿Pretenden asediar Tintelia?)»

«Y yo que creía que ignoraban nuestra región
por mal gusto.»


«Así que nos atacan por vías acuáticas
subterráneas... ¡Qué cobardes!»

«Zasss... (Pues no sé si prefiero eso o que
nos ataquen por la superficie, la verdad...)»

«Lo bueno es que no es una zona poblada.
Así podemos combatir sin contenernos.»


«¡Eso! ¡Se arrepentirán de haber pisado
tierra tinteliana!»


«¡Zasss! (¡Nos arrepentiremos nosotros si
capturan el desagüe! ¡Vamos a detenerlos!)»

SpainSpanish (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


«¡Zasss! (¡Aluvión de salmónidos en Cisterna
! No dan tregua a Tintelia...)»

«Y debo reconocer que no tienen mal gusto
a la hora de elegir escenarios para invadir...»


«Así que nos asaltan por vías acuáticas
subterráneas... ¡Qué pocas agallas!»

«Zasss... (Pues no sé si es peor eso o que
nos ataquen por la superficie, la verdad...)»

«Por lo menos es un lugar poco transitado
y podremos zurrarles sin contenernos.»


«Eso es verdad. ¡Se arrepentirán de haber
venido a buscar bronca!»


«¡Zasss! (Bueno, sin destrozar la cisterna.
¡Lo principal es expulsarlos de allí!)»

ChinaChinese (Simplified)

Dialogue Dialogue Region












Hong KongChinese (Traditional)

Dialogue Dialogue Region












South KoreaKorean

Dialogue Dialogue Region


“마아안타?!(연어 대군이 맛조개 방수로에 접근 중이래!
마, 마, 마침내 카오폴리스 지방을 타깃으로 삼은 건가?!)”

“흐~응, 보는 눈은 있구마”


“살금살금 지하로 쳐들어오다니 비겁하구나!
올 거면 정정당당하게 정면으로 오거라!”

“만타…(정면으로 와도 좀…)”

“뭐, 이번엔 마을 한복판도 아니니까
쪼매 날뛰어도 괜찮지 않겠나?”


“흠, 카오폴리스에 싸움을 걸면
어떻게 되는지 살짝 알려 주겠느니라!”


“만타!(방수로를 돌파당하면 타운도 위험해!
어떻게든 연어를 저지하자!)”


USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“I hear Undertow Spillway is off-limits for the moment, thanks to the Big Run.”

“We should make it off-limits to Salmonids too! How'd no one else think of that?”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

マテガイ放水路は 関係者以外立ち入り禁止や」

「シャケの立ち入りは 禁止できんのか?」


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Niemand mag naar het Baarsreservoir
vanwege de Big Run. Verboden toegang!”

(No one may go to Undertow Spillway because of the Big Run. Off-limits!)

“Hebben ze dat ook al uitgelegd aan die
Salmonieten? Misschien krassen ze dan op...”

(Have they already explained that to those Salmonids too? Maybe then they'll scram...)

CanadaFrench (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Le réservoir Rigadelle est interdit d'accès
en ce moment pour cause de Big Run... »

« Il faut aussi en interdire l'accès aux
salmonoïdes! Personne y a pensé?! »

FranceFrench (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Le réservoir Rigadelle est interdit d'accès
en ce moment pour cause de Big Run... »

« Il faut aussi en interdire l'accès aux
Salmonoïdes ! Personne y a pensé ?! »


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir gilt derzeit ja Zutrittsverbot wgen des Big Run.“

(There is currently a Big Run going on at Undertow Spillway, it is off limits.)

„Sag das mal einer den Salmoniden, dann hauen die sicher auch ab. Ich bin genial!“

(Tell those Salmonids, Undertow Spillway will be off limits soon for them too! I'm smart!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Pare che al momento la Cisterna Cernia
non sia accessibile, per via della Big Run.»

«Dovremmo renderla inaccessibile anche ai
Salmonoidi! Perché nessuno c'ha pensato?»


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Вход на Приливослив закрыт. И Big Run тому виной.»

(The Undertow Spillway entrance is closed. And Big Run is the reason for it.)

«Самонидам тоже надо показать на выход! Почему никто этого до сих пор не сделал?!»

(Salmonids need to be shown where the exit is too! Why hasn't anyone done this yet?!)

MexicoSpanish (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Hay una alerta de Big Run ahora mismo y
se prohíbe el acceso a Desagüe Navajuela.»

«¿Y si les prohibimos el acceso a los
salmónidos también? Qué gran idea, ¿no?»

SpainSpanish (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Hay una alerta de Big Run ahora mismo y
se prohíbe el acceso a Cisterna Navajuela.»

«Pero... ¿no habría que procurar que
los salmónidos tampoco entren allí?»

ChinaChinese (Simplified)

Dialogue Dialogue Region



Hong KongChinese (Traditional)

Dialogue Dialogue Region



South KoreaKorean

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“빅 런 발생 중인
맛조개 방수로는 관계자 외 출입 금지데이”

“연어 출입 금지는 어떻게 안 되겠느냐?”

Extended introduction

USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Undertow Spillway is even more of a health hazard than usual, what with the Big Run.”
Big Man

“Ay! (If you want to pitch in, Grizzco is looking for Salmonid fodder!)”
“Betcha the Salmonids are right at home with all the running water down there.”
Big Man
“Ay. (I guess, but there's better real estate in the city than the sewers.)”
“You know, there's a sluice down there. Why don't we simply open the floodgates?”
Big Man
“Ay. (It's busted, and the city won't fix it. They consider it a "decorative" valve.)”

“Pah! Those slimy slobs are messing with an important Splatlands revenue stream!”

“Yeah, it's weird how many tourists go down there. Call themselves "drainspotters."”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

マテガイ放水路が えらいコトになってんで」

「エイ!(力を貸してくれる方は クマサン商会まで!)」



一気にシャケと バイバイできるんとちゃうの?」

ずーっと昔に 壊れちゃったらしいよ)」

何かあったら どないすんねん!」



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Het Baarsreservoir is tijdens de Big Run nog
schadelijker voor de gezondheid dan anders.”

(Undertow Spillway is during a Big Run even more harmful to one's health than usual.)

“Ay! (Mocht je interesse hebben: Beer & Co
zoekt nog vechtersbaarzen voor deze strijd!)”

(Ay! (Should you be interested: Grizzco is still looking for hooliperches [note 1] for this battle!)

“De Salmonieten voelen zich vast als een
vis in het water daaro.”

(The Salmonids must be like a fish in water over there.)

“Ay. (Vast wel, maar er zijn mooiere
plekken om te wonen dan het riool.)”

(Ay. (Gotta be, but there are nicer places to live than the sewers.))

“Er is daar trouwens ook een sluis.
Waarom zetten we die niet gewoon open?”

(There's also a sluice there, by the way. Why don't we just open that one?)

“Ay. Ay. (Die is kapot, en de stad laat hem niet
repareren. "Puur decoratief", zeggen ze.)”

(Ay. Ay. (That one is broken, and the city won't have it repaired. "Purely decorative", they say.))

“Bah! Die slijmerds saboteren een belangrijke
inkomstenstroom voor de stad.”

(Bah! Those slimeballs are sabotaging an important revenue stream for the city.)

“Ja, maf hoeveel toeristen daarnaartoe
gaan. Een soort ramptoerisme!”

(Yes, mad how many tourists go to there. Some kind of disaster tourism!)

CanadaFrench (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Le réservoir Rigadelle est devenu encore
plus insalubre avec ces histoires de Big Run. »

« Ay! (Tu veux faire le ménage? M. Ours
cherche justement des volontaires!) »

« Les salmonoïdes doivent se sentir comme
des poissons dans l'eau là-bas, non? »

« Ay! (Possible, mais il faudrait être toqué
pour vouloir vivre dans des égouts!) »

« Il y a une écluse là-bas, non? Pourquoi on
n'ouvre pas simplement les vannes? »

« Ay. (Elles sont hors service. La ville les
considère comme de la déco urbaine...) »

« Pff! Ces sagouins s'en prennent à un
haut lieu de la Contrée Clabousse! »

« Oui, les touristes s'y précipitent : « Visiter
le réservoir : les vidoirs, c'est à voir! » »

FranceFrench (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Le réservoir Rigadelle est devenu encore
plus insalubre avec ces histoires de Big Run. »

« Ay ! (Tu veux faire le ménage ? M. Ours
cherche justement des volontaires !) »

« Les Salmonoïdes doivent se sentir comme
des poissons dans l'eau là-bas, nan ? »

« Ay ! (Possible, mais il faudrait être toqué
pour vouloir vivre dans des égouts !) »

« Il y a une écluse là-bas, non ? Pourquoi on
n'ouvre pas simplement les vannes ? »

« Ay. (Elles sont hors service. La ville les
considère comme de la déco urbaine...) »

« Pff ! Ces sagouins s'en prennent à un
haut lieu de la Contrée Clabousse ! »

« Oui, les touristes s'y précipitent : « Voir
le réservoir : les cloaques, ça claque ! » »


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Im Schwertmuschel-Reservoir fliegt derzeit wegen des Big Run die Tinte besonders tief.“

(The Ink is flying low[note 2] at the moment in Undertow Spillway since the Big Run started.)

„Ay! (Wer in der Tiefe mitklecksen mag, einfach bei der Bär GmbH melden!)“

(Ay! (If you want to fight in the deep, contact Grizzco!))

„Die Strömung da unten ist schon ordentlich. Da freuen sich die Salmoniden sicher, oder?“

(The flow of water down there is pretty good. The Salmonids must feel really happy, right?)

„Ay... (Aber durch Kanäle hinschwimmen, DAS sorgt bestimmt für schlechte Laune...)“

(Ay... (But swimming through the sewers, THAT definitely would put you in a bad mood...))

„Dort war doch eine Schleuse, stimmt's? Ließe sich nicht einfach alles durchspülen?“

(There's a sluice down there, right? Couldn't the place just be flushed out?)

„Ay. (Schon, aber das Kurbelrad steht unter Denkmalschutz. We es anfasst, zahlt.)“

(Ay. (Yes, but the crank is listed as property. If you touch it, you pay for it.))

„Pffft! Die Salmonidenparty kostet die Stadt sicher auc nicht zu knapp.“

(Pffft! This Salmonid invasion certainly does cost a lot to the city.)

„Aber die Touris wollen doch das Denkmal. Denk mal!“

(Yea but that's what tourists want, they want the memory. Just think for a second!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«A causa della Big Run, la Cisterna Cernia è
ancora più nociva per la salute del solito.»

«Man! (Se vuoi contribuire a bonificarla,
la Ursus & Co cerca carne da salmone!)

«Scommetto che i Salmonoidi si sentono
come a casa con tutta quell'acqua.»

«Man. (Già. Ma c'è da dire che è meglio
vivere in città che nelle fogne.)

«Sapete, laggiù c'è una chiusa. Perché non
apriamo semplicemente le paratoie?»

«Man. (È rotta e la città non vuole ripararla.
La considera un "elemento decorativo".)

«Bah! Quei viscidi interferiscono con una
fondamentale fonte di reddito di Splattonia!»

«Vero. È incredibile quanti turisti visitino
la cisterna. Si definiscono "fognamatori".»


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«В Приливосливе сейчас не поиграешь
в исследователей! Идет Big Run.»

(You can't play explorers now on Undertow Spillway! The Big Run's in progress.)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (И конечно, «Потапыч Inc.» опять
набирает команду для зачистки!)»

(Ay! (And of course, «Grizzco» recruits the cleanup team again!))

«Течение в Приливосливе ого-го! Это просто
идеальные условия для самонидов!»

(The flow is wild on Undertow Spillway! It's just the perfect conditions for Salmonids!)
Биг Ман

«Ик. (В городе есть сооружения
и поуютнее, чем наш водосток.)»

(Ay. (There are buildings in the city that are much more cozy than our spillway.))

«А почему бы просто не открыть ворота
шлюза? Самонидов смоет в море, и все!»

(Why can't we just open the gateway? The Salmonids will be washed away into the sea and that's all!)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Механизм проржавел, но город не
торопится с финансированием...)»

(Ay... (The mechanism got rusty, but the city's in no hurry with financing...))

«Самонидские пляски точно обойдутся
им дороже, чем реставрация!»

(Salmonid parties will definitely cost them more than restoration!)

«Ага, все доходы от хобби-туристов тю-тю!
Ни один «сливаша» туда не сунется.»

(Yeah, all the incomes from the hobby tourists will go down the drain! Not a single «drainer» will go in there.)

MexicoSpanish (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Desagüe Navajuela se enfrenta a problemas
de insalubridad a causa del evento Big Run.»

«¡Zasss! (Si quieres ayudar, ¡Don Oso, S. A.
te espera con las garras abiertas!)»

«Con tanta agua circulando, los salmónidos
parecen sentirse como en casa.»

«Zasss. (Pues yo preferiría una casa que
no huela a desagüe abandonado).»

«Si abrimos las compuertas de esa esclusa...
¿se irían los salmónidos con la corriente?»

«Zasss. (Ya no funcionan, y el ayuntamiento
dice que son "ornamentales").»

«¡Ese lugar es parte del patrimonio cultural
de Tintelia! ¡Debemos protegerlo!»

«Y aparte es increíble la cantidad de dinero
que genera el turismo de alcantarillado.»

SpainSpanish (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Cisterna Navajuela se enfrenta a problemas
de insalubridad a causa del evento Big Run.»

«¡Zasss! (Si quieres ayudar, ¡Don Oso, S. A.
te espera con las zarpas abiertas!)»

«Con tanta agua circulando, los salmónidos
parecen sentirse como en casa.»

«Zasss... (A mí el lugar me huele un poco a...
cloaca. Preferiría vivir en un piso normal.)»

«Si abrimos las compuertas de esa esclusa...
¿se irían los salmónidos con la corriente?»

«Zasss. (Habría que ver si funcionan. Hace
siglos que estas instalaciones no se usan.)»

«Un lugar tan valioso en cuanto a conducción
de aguas... y ahí lo tienen abandonado...»

«Además de los ingresos que podría generar
si se promocionara el «turismo de cloaca».»

ChinaChinese (Simplified)

Dialogue Dialogue Region









Hong KongChinese (Traditional)

Dialogue Dialogue Region









South KoreaKorean

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“지금은 빅 런 때문에
맛조개 방수로가 엉망이다이가”

“만타!(돕고 싶은 사람은
Mr. 베어 상회로 와 줘!)”

“역시 연어한테는 물이 흐르는 곳이 아늑하려나?”

“만타…?(설마 거기에 이사 오려는 건 아니겠지…?)”

“방수로니까 물을 콸콸 틀면
단숨에 해치울 수 있는 거 아이가?”

“마안타~(방수 설비는 옛날에 망가졌다나 봐~)”

“에잇~ 거기는 카오폴리스의 중요한 수입원인데
혹시라도 잘못되면 지들이 책임질 끼가!”

“은근히 팬이 많은 관광지거늘…”

Big Run ended

USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man

“Ay! (The Salmonids that invaded Undertow
Spillway have been sent back to sea!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region




Dialogue Dialogue Region


“Ay! (De Salmonieten die het Baarsreservoir
hadden aangevallen, zijn weggespoeld!)”

(Ay! (The Salmonids that had attacked Underdow Spillway, are washed away!))

CanadaFrench (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


« Ay! (Les salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient le
réservoir Rigadelle ont été repoussés!) »

FranceFrench (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


« Ay ! (Les Salmonoïdes qui vandalisaient le
réservoir Rigadelle ont été repoussés !) »


Dialogue Dialogue Region


„Ay! (Das Schwertmuschel-Reservoir wurde
auch vom letzten Salmoniden befreit.)“

(Ay! (Undertow Spillway was
washed of the Salmonids.))


Dialogue Dialogue Region


«Man! (I Salmonoidi che hanno invaso la
Cisterna Cernia sono stati bocciati!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

Биг Ман

«Ик! (Самониды, заполонившие Приливослив,
отправлены обратно в море!)»

(Ay! (Salmonids that flooded Undertow Spillway were sent back to the sea!))

MexicoSpanish (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


«¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos que invadieron
Desagüe Navajuela regresaron al mar!)»

SpainSpanish (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region


«¡Zasss! (¡Los salmónidos que invadieron
Cisterna Navajuela han vuelto al mar!)»

ChinaChinese (Simplified)

Dialogue Dialogue Region



Hong KongChinese (Traditional)

Dialogue Dialogue Region



South KoreaKorean

Dialogue Dialogue Region


“만타만~타!!(맛조개 방수로에 몰려왔던 연어들이
바다로 돌아갔대~!!)”


USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man
“Ay?! (Are people really THAT good
at this?!)”
“I bet the Salmonids were as surprised
as you are.”


“Don't worry, you two. All participants will
get a gift, regardless of score.”
Big Man

“Ay... (Whew...)”


“Great job, everyone! The Salmonids
never stood a chance.”

Big Man

“Ay! (And we saved Undertow Spillway! So it
can keep...spilling? Is that what it does?)”

“Yeah, it spills money for the Splatlands.
We definitely want it to keep spilling!”


“Wait...I just realized that Salmonids could
probably invade ANY waterway!”
Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (And Splatsville is known for its
waterways. They always creep me out!)”

“EEE! Could the famous "Creepy Sewer
Voice" of the Splatlands be Salmonids?!”
Big Man

“Ay? Aaay?! (Creepy Sewer Voice of the
Splatlands? Why does that exist?!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

「相変わらず ハイレベルやねぇ!」







「エイ!(マテガイ放水路は どこも壊れてないんだって!

文化財を守ってくれはって ほんまにありがとうね!」


「シャケが地上だけでなく 水路も通ってくるコトは

「エイッ!(水路なら バンカラ街にもたくさんあるし、


「エーーイ?!(えっ何? こわい話?!)」


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Ay?! Ay?! (Pardon?! Kun je echt ZÓ goed
zijn in eieren verzamelen?!)”

(Ay?! Ay?! (Excuse me?! Can you really be THAT good at collecting eggs?!))
“Als jij er al van opkijkt, wat zullen die
Salmonieten dan wel niet zeggen!”

(If you're already surprised by it, what do you think those Salmonids will say!)


“Maak jullie maar geen zorgen. Alle deelnemers
worden beloond, wat hun score ook was.”

(You folks don't have to worry. All participants will be rewarded, no matter what their score was.)

“Ay... (Gelukkig maar...)”

(Ay... (Thank goodness for that...))


“Goed gedaan, stelletje toppers! Dat
Salmonietentuig maakte geen schijn van kans.”

(Well done, you bunch of standouts! That Salmonid scum didn't stand a chance.)


“Ay! Ay? (En het Baarsreservoir is gered!
Zodat het kan blijven... reservoiren?)”

(Ay! Ay? (And Undertow Spillway has been saved! Such that it can remain... to reservoir?))

“Dat ding zal wel ergens goed voor zijn. Voor
als je een reservebaars nodig hebt, of zo.”

(That thing must be good for something. For when you need to have a reserve perch, or something.)


“Eh... Kunnen die Salmonieten ons eigenlijk
via elke waterweg aanvallen?”

(Uh... Can those Salmonids actually attack us via any waterway?)

“Ay! Ay! (En Splatsville staat bekend om zijn
waterwegen! Ik krijg er de kriebels van!)”

(Ay! Ay! (And Splatsville is known for its waterways! It gives me the heebie-jeebies!)

“O jee! Zouden die akelige "Splatlandse
rioolkrijsers" misschien Salmonieten zijn?!”

(O gee! Could those eerie "Splatlandian sewer shriekers" perhaps be Salmonids!)

“Ay!? Aaay! (Er krijst iemand in het riool?!
Waarom vertel je me dit, ik wil nog slapen!)”

(Ay!? Aaay! (There's someone shrieking in the sewer?! Why are you telling me this, I still want to sleep!))

CanadaFrench (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Ay?! (C'est possible que le pointage
soit si élevé?!) »
« Je crois que les salmonoïdes ont été
aussi étonnés que toi. »


« Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit
une récompense, quel que soit le pointage. »

« Ay... (Ouf...) »


« Bien joué, les amis! Les salmonoïdes
ont bu un sacré bouillon. »


« Ay! (Et on a sauvé le réservoir Rigadelle!
Ça fait un réservoir en réserve, quoi!) »

« Un réservoir de revenus pour la Contrée,
surtout. Il s'agit pas de le laisser se tarir! »


« Par contre, ça prouve qu'ils peuvent
envahir n'importe quel plan d'eau, en fait! »

« Ay. (Et je veux pas vous effrayer, mais
c'est pas ça qui manque à Cité-Clabousse.) »

« Vous croyez que la fameuse « voix étrange
des égouts » de la Contrée, c'est eux? »

« Ay... (Une voix étrange dans les égouts?
Je me serais bien passé de cette info...) »

FranceFrench (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Ay ?! (C'est possible que le niveau
soit si élevé ?!) »
« Je crois que les Salmonoïdes ont été
aussi étonnés que toi. »


« Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit
une récompense, quel que soit le score. »

« Ay... (Ouf...) »


« Bien joué, les amis ! Les Salmonoïdes
ont bu un sacré bouillon. »


« Ay ! (Et on a sauvé le réservoir Rigadelle !
Ça fait un réservoir en réserve, quoi !) »

« Un réservoir de revenus pour la Contrée,
surtout. Il s'agit pas de le laisser se tarir ! »


« Par contre, ça prouve qu'ils peuvent
envahir n'importe quel plan d'eau, en fait ! »

« Ay. (Et je veux pas vous effrayer, mais
c'est pas ça qui manque à Cité-Clabousse.) »

« Vous croyez que la fameuse « voix flippante
des égouts » de la Contrée, c'est eux ? »

« Ay... (Une voix flippante dans les égouts ?
Je me serais bien passé de cette info...) »


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Ay? Ay?! (Bitte? SO GUT sind die Leute
im Fischeiersammeln?)“

(Ay? Ay?! (Sorry? People are THAT GOOD at collecting Golden Eggs?!))
„Wenn du schon so ein Gesicht machst,
was sollen bloß die Salmoniden sagen?“

(You're already making a face, but guess how surprised the Salmonids were?)


„Keine Sorge. Alle Teilnehmer kriegen ein
Geschenk, unabhängig vom Highscore.“

(No worries. All participants get a gift, regardless of their score.)

„Ay... (Puh...)“

(Ay... (Phew...))

„Top gemacht, Leute! Die Fiesfische sind
bis aufs letzte Schüppchen vertrieben!“

(Great job, folks! The nasty fish have been peeled away!)

„Ay! (Genau! Das Reservoir ist unser Revier!
Reserviert sozusagen!)“

(Ay! (Exactly! Undertow is ours! Reserved, so to speak!))
„Und irgendienen Zweck erfüllt es für die
Stadt sicher auch, würde ich mal annehmen.“

(And it is certainly useful for the city, I suppose.)

„Äh, Leute? Könnten die Salmoniden nicht
einfach durch andere Kanäle angreifen?“

(Uh, guys? Couldn't the Salmonids just attack through other sewers?)

„Ay. Ay! (Ui, und in Splatsville haben wir
viele davon. Die find ich immer gruselig!)“

(Ay. Ay! (Wow, and they're everywhere in Splatsville. I always find it creepy!))
„Huch! Ob das berühmte „Splatsviller
Kanalraunen" auch die Salmoniden sind?“

(Yikes! Could the famous "Splatsville Sewer Murmur" also be Salmonids?)
„Ay? Aaay?! (Wer raunt wo?!
Leute, macht mir keine Angst!)“

(Ay? Aaay?! (Who murmurs there?! Guys, don't scare me!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Man?! (Ma il livello è davvero così alto?!)»
«Scommetto che i Salmonoidi erano
sorpresi quanto te.»


«Tranquilli. Tutti i partecipanti ricevono
un regalo, qualunque sia il punteggio.»

«Man... (Uff, menomale...)»


«Ottimo lavoro, gente! Quei Salmonoidi
erano spacciati fin dall'inizio.»


«Man! (E abbiamo salvato la Cisterna Cernia!
Quindi continuerà a... fare da cisterna?)

«Sì, è un serbatoio di denaro per Splattonia.
E vogliamo che continui a esserlo!»


«Ora che ci penso, i Salmonoidi potrebbero
invadere qualsiasi corso d'acqua!»

«Man! (E Splatville è nota per i suoi corsi
d'acqua. Devo dire che mi inquietano!)

«Argh! Che la famosa "Voce inquietante delle
fogne di Splattonia" siano i Salmonoidi?!»

«Man?! (La "Voce inquietante delle fogne
di Splattonia"? Ma esiste davvero?!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

Биг Ман
«Ик?! Ик! (Как можно собрать столько
икринок?! Невероятно!)»

(Ay?! Ay! (How can you possibly collect so many Eggs?! Unbelievable!))
«Думаю, самониды сейчас задаются
тем же вопросом!»

(I think Salmonids are asking the same question right now!)


«Можете не переживать, подарки дадут
всем — независимо от количества очков!»

(You don't have to worry, the gifts will be given to everyone regardless of the number of points!)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Уф, пронесло...)»

(Ay... (Oof, dodged a bullet...))


«Молодцы, команда! Ни одной
самонидской чешуйки не уцелело!»

(Great job, team! Not a single Salmonid scale survived!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик... (Приливослив может спокойно
сливать и дальше! Или не сливать...)»

(Ay! Ay... (Undertow Spillway can continue spilling in peace! Or not spilling...))

«Если речь о туристских денежках, пусть
сливает их в Плюхтон, все верно!»

(If it comes to tourists cash, let it spill it into Splatsville, that's right!)


«Стоп, ребята! А самониды не порвутся
в Плюхтон по другим каналам?»

(Wait, guys! Won't the Salmonids break into Splatsville through other channels?)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (У нас тут этих жутких каналов
на целый лабиринт наберется!)»

(Ay! (We have a whole labyrinth of these terrifying channels here!))

«Ой! Неужели голос Призрака плюхтонской
канализации – всего лишь самониды?!»

(Oh! Is the Splatsville sewerage Ghost's voice just Salmonids?)
Биг Ман

«Ик? И-ик?! ИК! (Голос Призрака?!
Он еще и поет?! МАМОЧКИ!)»

(Ay? A-ay?! AY! (A Ghost's voice?! Does it also sing?! MY GOODNESS!))

MexicoSpanish (North America)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿En serio hay gente que
consigue esos resultados?!)»
«Si a ti te sorprende, imagínate los pobres


«Independientemente de las puntuaciones,
todos los participantes se llevan un premio.»

«Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)»


«¡Bien hecho, compañeros! ¡Les dieron su
merecido a esos invasores salmónidos!»


«¡Zasss! (¡Y Desagüe Navajuela ya puede
volver a... hacer lo que hacía antes!)»

«¡Cierto! La infraestructura de Tintelia
se mantiene a salvo. ¡Gracias a todos!»


«Oye... ¿será que los salmónidos pueden
invadirnos por cualquier vía acuática?»

«¡Zasss! (¡Pues en Tintelia hay bastantes!
Ya me pusiste nervioso...)»

«Eso me recuerda a esa leyenda urbana de
"las tenebrosas voces subacuáticas"...»

«¡Zasss! (¡Qué susto! ¿Voces de salmónidos
que acechan bajo el agua? ¡Ayyy!)»

SpainSpanish (Europe)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿En serio hay gente que
consigue esos resultados?!)»
«Se te ha quedado cara de salmónido, ¿eh?»


«Independientemente de las puntuaciones,
todos los participantes se llevan premio.»

«Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)»


«¡Bien hecho, currantes! ¡No habéis tenido
compasión de salmónido alguno!»


«¡Zasss! (¡Y es un alivio saber que Cisterna
Navajuela no ha sufrido daños reseñables!)»

«¡Cierto! El patrimonio municipal de Tintelia
se mantiene a salvo. ¡Gracias a todos!»


«Pero más vale vigilar cualquier canalización
por la que puedan invadirnos los salmónidos.»

«¡Zasss! (¡Pues en Tintelia hay bastantes!
Ya has conseguido que me preocupe...)»

«Eso me recuerda... a esa leyenda urbana
de «las tenebrosas voces subacuáticas»...»

«¡Zasss! (¡No me asustes más! ¿Voces de
salmónidos que acechan bajo el agua?)»

ChinaChinese (Simplified)

Dialogue Dialogue Region















Hong KongChinese (Traditional)

Dialogue Dialogue Region















South KoreaKorean

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“마안~타!!(우와, 이번에도
엄청난 스코어가 나왔어!!)”
“여전히 하이 레벨이구마!”


“이 스코어를 넘지 못해도
사례는 모두 받을 수 있으니까 안심하래이~”



“다들 수고 많았노라!
실로 깔끔한 일처리였느니라!”


“만타!(맛조개 방수로는 멀쩡하대!
계속 배틀도 할 수 있다니까 안심이야!)”

“카오폴리스의 중요한 수입…이 아니라,
문화재를 지켜 줘서 참말로 고맙데이!”


“연어가 지상뿐만 아니라
수로도 지날 수 있다는 건 기억해 두는 게 좋겠구나”

수로가 잔뜩 있으니 조심해야겠어!)”

“그러고 보니 카오폴리스 7대 불가사의 중 「수로에
울려 퍼지는 수수께끼의 목소리」라는 게 있다이가…”

“만~~타?!(뭐야, 무서운 이야기야?!)”


  1. From vechtersbaas ("hooligan, brawler") and baars ("perch")
  2. To fly low means to be under the radar.