New Albacore Hotel/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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==[[Off the Hook]] quotes==
==[[Off the Hook]] quotes==
{{translation needed| Add all expressions/faces.}}
<!-- NOTE THAT the tables are in alphabetical order with the exception for English being first and Japanese being second. The quotes are ordered in the way as they are found on [ ''Splatoon 2'' stage text datamine] with the exception for the Splatfest quotes being first -->

===English quotes===
===English quotes===
The stage quotes were data mined from the Version 3.1.0 update of ''[[Splatoon 2]]''.<ref>[ leanny on]</ref>
|game=Splatoon 2
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=The pool's all glittery at night! Let's take a pic, Marina!
|C1A=The pool's all glittery at night! Let's take a pic, Marina!
|M1A=Oh, you KNOW I brought my selfie stick for just such an occasion!
|M1A=Oh, you KNOW I brought my selfie stick for just such an occasion!
|R1A=NOE, NOA{{Explain|Splatfest only|*}}
|R1A=NOE, NOA<ref group="note" name="Splatfest">Splatfest only</ref>

|C2A=Yo, they put a pool on the roof of this place?!
|C2A=Yo, they put a pool on the roof of this place?!
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|C3A=Remember that time you tried to drown me here? Good times.
|C3A=Remember that time you tried to drown me here? Good times.
|M3A=For the last time, I was trying to help you get to the floating stage!
|M3A=For the last time, I was trying to help you get to the floating stage!

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|C5A=I get splatted by chargers every time I cross the middle! Even if I dodge-roll!
|C5A=I get splatted by chargers every time I cross the middle! Even if I dodge-roll!
|M5A=Well, maybe stop yelling out BOOYAH! between each roll? That might help...
|M5A=Well, maybe stop yelling out BOOYAH! between each roll? That might help...

|C6A=I heard the sand here was brought from the beach near [[Starfish Mainstage]].
|C6A=I heard the sand here was brought from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.
|M6A=Talk about sourcing locally!
|M6A=Talk about sourcing locally!

|C7A=♪Al-Al-Albacore, the hotel you've been waiting for!♪
|C7A=♪Al-Al-Albacore, the hotel you've been waiting for!♪
|M7A=NOOOOOO! Now that's going to be stuck in my head all week!
|M7A=NOOOOOO! Now that's going to be stuck in my head all week!

|C8A=The New Albacore Hotel! We're alba to the core!
|C8A=The New Albacore Hotel! We're alba to the core!
|M8A=Pearl, they've already got an official slogan...and that's DEFINITELY not it.
|M8A=Pearl, they've already got an official slogan...and that's DEFINITELY not it.

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===Japanese quotes===
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=夜景とプールがキラキラしてんなー! イイダ、 いっしょに写真とろーぜー!
|M1A=この日のために 自撮りクレーン運んできました~!
|C1Aeng=The night view and the pool are shining, Marina, let's take a picture together-!
|M1Aeng=I brought a selfie crane for this day~!
|R1A=NOJ<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>
|C2A=屋上にプールがあるって 新しーな!!
|M2A=ハイカラスクエアで いま1番ナウい デートスポットらしいですよ~
|C2Aeng=It's new that there's a pool on the roof!!
|M2Aeng=It seems to be the most trendy date spot in Inkopolis Square~.
|C3A=ここライブする時、 水上ステージまで移動すんのに バナナボート使うの ヤバかったな…
|M3A=ボートにしがみつくセンパイに がんばれコール、 起こってましたね…
|C3Aeng=When we had a life here, using a banana boat to move to the water stage was crazy...
|M3Aeng=I called the senpai who was clinging to the boat to do my best, and it happened...
|M4A=中央をわたるときは シェルターを構えて 安全確保です!
|C4Aeng='Rina, thank you for winning this stage!
|M4Aeng=When crossing the center, set up a shelter to ensure safety!
|C5A=中央わたろうとすると すぐチャージャーにやられる… スライドやってんのに なんでだよ?!
|M5A=センパイ、 スライドする前に「ヨッシャー!」って言うの やめたほうがいいかもです…
|C5Aeng=As soon as you try to cross the center, you'll be hit by the charger... You're doing a dodge, but why? !
|M5Aeng=Senpai, maybe you should stop saying "Alright!" before you dodge...
|C6A=ステージ中央の砂は ガンガゼ野外音楽堂の 近くのビーチから わざわざ運んでるらしーな
|M6A=こだわりが スゴイです!
|C6Aeng=The sand in the center of the stage seems to be carried all the way from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.
|M6Aeng=Your commitment is amazing!
|C7A=トロロン オートロ トロラリラーン♪ あのCMの歌 耳に残るよなー
|M7A=あのグルーヴ感… 負けてられませんッ!!
|C7Aeng=Albacore, Albacore, Albacore Hotel♪ The song from that commercial still sticks in my ears.
|M7Aeng=That groove feeling... I can't lose! !
|C8A=ホテルニューオートロで モテる You そこそこ!
|M8A=センパイ、 勝手にCMソング作っちゃ ダメですよ…
|C8Aeng=At New Albacore Hotel, you are so popular!
|M8Aeng=Senpai, you can't make commercial songs on your own...
|C9A=この前 クラゲくんたちが プールでイカスフィアやってんの見たぞ!
|M9A=おそらく ウォーターボールだと思います…
|C9Aeng=I saw jellyfish playing Squidsphere in the pool the other day!
|M9Aeng=I think it's probably a water ball...

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|game=Splatoon 2
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=Wat schittert het zwembad mooi! Kom op Mariana, samen op de foto!
|M1A=Ha, dan heb ik toch niet voor niks m'n selfiestick meegenomen!
|C1Aeng=The swimming pool shines beautiful! Come on Marina, take a picture together!
|M1Aeng=Ha, then I have not taken my selfie stick with me for nothing after all!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>
|C2A=Hé, sinds wanneer hebben ze hier een zwembad op het dak?
|M2A=Wist je dat niet? Dit is de hipste plek van Inkopolis op het moment!
|C2Aeng=Hey, since when do they have a swimming pool on the roof?
|M2Aeng=Did you not know? This is the hippest place in Inkopolis at the moment!
|C3A=Dat concert op een drijvend podium vond ik toch niet zo'n topidee...
|M3A=Vertel mij wat. We moesten dat zwembad leegpompen om je eraf te krijgen...
|C3Aeng=I think that concert on a floating stage was not such a great idea after all...
|M3Aeng=Tell me about it. We had to pump that swimming pool dry to get you off it...
|C4A=Yo, Mariana! Heb je nog een toptip voor ons trouwe publiek?
|M4A=Gebruik een uitgeklapte Plenzer om veilig door het midden te komen!
|C4Aeng=Yo, Marina! Do you have a great tip for our loyal audience?
|M4Aeng=Use a folded out brella to safely get through the middle!
|C5A=Zelfs als ik me een ongeluk rol, pakken ze me in het midden altijd met Laders!
|M5A=En als je eens probeert om niet hoppaaa! te roepen voordat je rolt?
|C5Aeng=Even if I cause an accident by rolling, they always get me in the middle with chargers!
|M5Aeng=And if you try it once without shouting booyaaah! before you roll?
|Notes5=''Ongeluk'' ("accident") in Pearl's line is used figuratively. Pearl means that she is trying so hard, that she might as well cause an accident by rolling, and even then it does not work out.
|C6A=Het zand hier schijnt uit de buurt van de Zeesterrenstage te komen.
|M6A=Ze hergebruiken andere levels? Goed voor het milieu!
|C6Aeng=The sand here seems to come from the area of the Starfish Mainstage.
|M6Aeng=They reuse other stages? Good for the environment!
|C7A=♪ Hoootel de Keizersvis, kom voorbij en vertrek weer fris... ♪ Aaah, nee!
|M7A=Neeee! Nu krijg ik die jingle de hele week niet meer uit m'n hoofd!
|C7Aeng=♪ New Albacore Hoootel, come by and leave fresh again... ♪ Aaah, no!
|M7Aeng=Noooo! Now I cannot get that jingle out of my head for a whole week!
|C8A=Hotel de Keizersvis! Yo, onze lakens zijn gladder dan 't binnenste van een oester!
|M8A=Ze hebben al een slogan, Lorelei. En deze gaat hem niet vervangen...
|C8Aeng=New Albacore Hotel! Yo, our sheets are smoother than the inside of an oyster!
|M8Aeng=They already have a slogan, Pearl. And this is not going to replace it...

|C1A=Hé, sinds wanneer hebben ze hier een zwembad op het dak?
|C9A=Hé, zag je die kwallen in het zwembad spelen met die Barstbubbel?!
|M1A=Wist je dat niet? Dit is de hipste plek van Inkopolis op het moment!
|M9A=Ach kom, dat was een doodnormale strandbal. Hoop ik toch...
|C1Aeng=Hey, since when do they have a swimming pool on the roof?
|C9Aeng=Hey, did you see those jellyfish in the swimming pool playing with that Baller?!
|M1Aeng=Didn't you know? This is the most trendy place of Inkopolis at the moment!
|M9Aeng=Oh please, that is a perfectly normal beach ball. So I hope...
===French quotes===
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=Oh, la piscine brille de mille feux la nuit ! On se prend en photo, Coralie ?
|M1A=T'inquiète, tu sais bien que je ne sors jamais sans ma perche à selfies !
|C1Aeng=Oh, the pool shines so bright at night! Wanna take a picture together, Marina?
|M1Aeng=Don't worry, you know I never go out without my selfie stick!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>

|C2A=Dat concert op een drijvend podium vond ik toch niet zo'n topidee...
|C2A=Eh ! Depuis quand on met des piscines sur les toits ?
|M2A=Vertel mij wat. We moesten dat zwembad leegpompen om je eraf te krijgen...
|M2A=D'où tu sors, Perle ? C'est l'endroit le plus branché de Chromapolis !
|C2Aeng=I think that concert on a floating stage wasn't such a great idea
|C2Aeng=Hey! Since when do we put pools on rooftops?
|M2Aeng=Tell me about it. We had to pump that swimming pool dry to get you off of it...
|M2Aeng=What planet you live in, Pearl? It's the coolest spot in Inkopolis!

|C3A=Yo, Mariana! Heb je nog een toptip voor ons trouwe publiek?
|C3A=Tu te souviens de notre concert sur la scène flottante ?
|M3A=Gebruik een uitgeklapte Plenzer om veilig door het midden te komen!
|M3A=Comment l'oublier ? Ta choré « Mal de mer » est dans toutes les mémoires...
|C3Aeng=Yo, Marina! Do you have a top tip for our loyal audience?
|C3Aeng=Remember our concert on the floating stage?
|M3Aeng=Use an unfold Brella to cross the middle safely!
|M3Aeng=How could I forget? Your "Seasick"-themed dance is engraved in everyone's memory...

|C4A=Zelfs als ik me een ongeluk rol, pakken ze me in het midden altijd met Laders!
|C4A=Yo, Coralie ! T'as pas une technique imparable pour ce stage ?
|M4A=En als je eens probeert om niet hoppaaa! te roepen voordat je rolt?
|M4A=Un seul mot : Para-encre. C'est l'idéal pour traverser le centre sans bobos.
|C4Aeng=Even if I cause an accident by rolling, they always get me in the middle with Chargers!
|C4Aeng=Yo, Marina! Got an unstoppable technique for this stage?
|M4Aeng=And if you try without shouting booyaaah! before you roll?
|M4Aeng=Only one word: brella. It's the best for getting through the center with no injuries.
|Notes4="Ongeluk" (accident) in Pearl's line is used figuratively. Pearl means that she trying so hard, that she might as well cause an accident by rolling, and even then it doesn't work out.

|C5A=Het zand hier schijnt uit de buurt van de Zeesterrenstage te komen.
|C5A=J'ai beau enchaîner les roulades, je me fais tout le temps arroser au centre !
|M5A=Ze hergebruiken andere levels? Goed voor het milieu!
|M5A=Peut-être que si t'arrêtais de beugler « YOUHOU » à chaque fois...
|C5Aeng=The sand here seems to be coming from the area of the [[Starfish Mainstage]].
|C5Aeng=Even though I keep rolling, I always get splatted in the center!
|M5Aeng=They re-use other stages? Good for the environment!
|M5Aeng=Well if you stopped yelling "YEEHAW" every time...

|C6A=♪ Hoootel de Keizersvis, kom voorbij en vertrek weer fris... ♪ Aaah, nee!
|C6A=Il paraît qu'ils ont fait venir le sable exprès de la Scène Sirène !
|M6A=Neeee! Nu krijg ik die jingle de hele week niet meer uit m'n hoofd!
|M6A=Le sable de chez nous, c'est le meilleur, le plus lisse ! Qualité Chromapolis !
|C6Aeng=♪ [[New Albacore Hotel|New Albacore Hoootel]], drop by and leave fresh again... ♪ Aaah, no!
|C6Aeng=They apparently had the sand brought directly from Starfish Mainstage!
|M6Aeng=Noooo! Now that jingle is stuck in my head for an entire week!
|M6Aeng=The sand from our land, it's the best, the smoothest! Inkopolis Quality!

|C7A=Hotel de Keizersvis! Yo, onze lakens zijn gladder dan 't binnenste van een oester!
|C7A=« L'Hôtel Atoll, l'Hôtel Atoll, ♪ l'hôtel dont on rafolle ! »
|M7A=Ze hebben al een slogan, Lorelei. En deze gaat hem niet vervangen...
|M7A=Aah, stop ! Cet affreux jingle va encore me vriller la tête pendant des heures !
|C7Aeng=[[New Albacore Hotel]]! Yo, our sheets are smoother than the inside of an oyster!
|C7Aeng="Albacore Hotel, Albacore Hotel, the best hotel to rest well!"
|M7Aeng=They already have an slogan, Pearl. And this isn't going to replace it...
|M7Aeng=>Aah, stop it! This awful jingle will again stick in my head for hours!

|C8A=, zag je die kwallen in het zwembad spelen met die Barstbubbel?!
|C8A=Bienvenue à l'Hôtel Atoll, l'hôtel qui est plus chic que la perle d'une huître !
|M8A=Ach kom, dat was een doodnormale strandbal. Hoop ik toch...
|M8A=Euh, Perle... Ils ont déjà un slogan. Et va savoir pourquoi, c'est pas celui-là.
|C8Aeng=Hey, did you see those jellyfish in the swimming pool playing with that [[Baller]]?!
|C8Aeng=Welcome to Albacore Hotel, the hotel classier than an oyster's pearl!
|M8Aeng=Please, that is a perfectly normal beach ball. I hope...
|M8Aeng=Uh, Pearl... They already have a slogan. And don't you know it, it's not that one.

|C9A=Wat schittert het zwembad mooi! Kom op Mariana, samen op de foto!
|C9A=, t'as vu les méduses qui faisaient joujou avec une chromo-sphère ?
|M9A=Ha, dan heb ik toch niet voor niks m'n selfiestick meegenomen!
|M9A=Euh... C'était juste un ballon de plage, Perle...
|C9Aeng=The swimming pool glitters beautifully! Come on Marina, together in the photo!
|C9Aeng=Hey, did you see the jellyfish that were playing with a Baller?
|M9Aeng=Ha, so I haven't taken my selfiestick with me for nothing!
|M9Aeng=Uh... It was just a beach ball, Pearl...
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|game=Splatoon 2
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=Seit wann haben die denn hier einen Pool aufm Dach?
|C1A=Der Pool glitzert ja nachts! Mach ein Bild mit mir, Marina!
|C1Aeng=Since when do they have a pool on the roof?
|C1Aeng=The pool glitters at night! Take a pic with me, Marina!
|M1A=Hast du das nicht gewusst? Das ist jetzt der angesagte Treffpunkt!
|M1A=Ha, genau für solche Fälle habe ich meinen Selfiestick dabei!
|M1Aeng=Didn't you know that? That's the hippest meeting point now!
|M1Aeng=Ha, I have my selfie stick with me for exactly such cases!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>

|C2A=Weißt du noch, als wir hier auf 'nem Floß zu unserer Bühne paddeln mussten?
|C2A=Seit wann haben die denn hier einen Pool aufm Dach?
|C2Aeng=Remember when we had to paddle to our stage on a raft?
|C2Aeng=Since when do they have a pool on the roof?
|M2A=Du hast dich so festgekrallt, dass wir dich zu dritt runterzerren mussten!
|M2A=Hast du das nicht gewusst? Das ist jetzt der angesagte Treffpunkt!
|M2Aeng=You latched onto it so tight that three of us had to pull you down!
|M2Aeng=Didn't you know that? That's the hippest meeting point now!

|C3A=Also, Marina, dann mal her mit den heißen Tipps für diese Arena!
|C3A=Weißt du noch, als wir hier auf 'nem Floß zu unserer Bühne paddeln mussten?
|C3Aeng=So, Marina, give us those hot tips for this stage!
|C3Aeng=Remember when we had to paddle to our stage on a raft?
|M3A=Nutzt einen aufgeklappten Pluviator, um heil durch die Mitte zu kommen!
|M3A=Du hast dich so festgekrallt, dass wir dich zu dritt runterzerren mussten!
|M3Aeng=Use an unfolded Brella to get safe through the middle!
|M3Aeng=You latched onto it so tight that three of us had to pull you down!

|C4A=Trotz Ausweichrolle ende ich hier in der Mitte immer als Konzentratorfutter!
|C4A=Also, Marina, dann mal her mit den heißen Tipps für diese Arena!
|C4Aeng=Despite dodge-rolling I still always end up as Charger fodder in the middle!
|C4Aeng=So, Marina, give us those hot tips for this stage!
|M4A=Vielleicht solltest du nicht vor jeder Rolle „Trefft mich doch!“ schreien...
|M4A=Nutzt einen aufgeklappten Pluviator, um heil durch die Mitte zu kommen!
|M4Aeng=Maybe you shouldn't yell „Just try to hit me!“ before every roll...
|M4Aeng=Use an unfolded brella to get safe through the middle!

|C5A=Der Sand hier soll aus der Nähe der Seeigel-Rockbühne kommen.
|C5A=Trotz Ausweichrolle ende ich hier in der Mitte immer als Konzentratorfutter!
|C5Aeng=The sand here apparently comes from near Starfish Mainstage.
|C5Aeng=Despite dodge-rolling I still always end up as charger fodder in the middle!
|M5A=Das nenne ich mal lokal gedacht!
|M5A=Vielleicht solltest du nicht vor jeder Rolle „Trefft mich doch!" schreien...
|M5Aeng=That's what I call locally thought!
|M5Aeng=Maybe you shouldn't yell "Just try to hit me!" before every roll...

|C6A=„Hotel Neothun: komm vorbei, dich auszuruh'n...“ Argh! Neiiiin!
|C6A=Der Sand hier soll aus der Nähe der Seeigel-Rockbühne kommen.
|C6Aeng=„New Albacore Hotel: come on by to rest...“ Argh! Noooo!
|C6Aeng=The sand here apparently comes from near Starfish Mainstage.
|M6A=Die Werbung geht dir nicht aus dem Kopf, was? Und mir jetzt auch nicht...
|M6A=Das nenne ich mal lokal gedacht!
|M6Aeng=Can't get that ad out of your head, huh? And me neither...
|M6Aeng=That's what I call locally thought!

|C7A=„Unsere Laken sind glatter als die Innenseite einer Muschel!
|C7A=„Hotel Neothun: komm vorbei, dich auszuruh'n..." Argh! Neiiiin!
|C7Aeng=„Our sheets are smoother than the inside of a clam!
|C7Aeng="New Albacore Hotel: come on by to rest..." Argh! Noooo!
|M7A=Die haben schon einen offiziellen Slogan. Und mit dem sind sie wohl zufrieden...
|M7A=Die Werbung geht dir nicht aus dem Kopf, was? Und mir jetzt auch nicht...
|M7Aeng=They already have an official slogan. And they're happy with that...
|M7Aeng=Can't get that ad out of your head, huh? And me neither...

|C8A=Hast du gesehen, wie diese Qualle hier mit 'ner Sepisphäre rumgekullert ist?
|C8A=„Unsere Laken sind glatter als die Innenseite einer Muschel!"
|C8Aeng=Did you see that jellyfish rolling around in a Baller here?
|C8Aeng=„Our sheets are smoother than the inside of a clam!"
|M8A=Das war doch nur ein ganz normaler Strandball... Will ich hoffen.
|M8A=Die haben schon einen offiziellen Slogan. Und mit dem sind sie wohl zufrieden...
|M8Aeng=That was just an ordinary beach ball... I hope.
|M8Aeng=They already have an official slogan. And they're happy with that...

|C9A=Der Pool glitzert ja nachts! Mach ein Bild mit mir, Marina!
|C9A=Hast du gesehen, wie diese Qualle hier mit 'ner Sepisphäre rumgekullert ist?
|C9Aeng=The pool glitters at night! Take a pic with me, Marina!
|C9Aeng=Did you see that jellyfish rolling around in a Baller here?
|M9A=Ha, genau für solche Fälle habe ich meinen Selfiestick dabei!
|M9A=Das war doch nur ein ganz normaler Strandball... Will ich hoffen.
|M9Aeng=Ha, I have my selfie stick with me for exactly such cases!
|M9Aeng=That was just an ordinary beach ball... I hope.
|R9A=NOE {{Explain|Splatfest only|*}}

===Italian quotes===
<references />
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=Uao! La piscina è tutta illuminata di sera! Facciamo una foto, Nori!
|M1A=Certo, ho portato apposta il mio selfie stick!
|C1Aeng=Wow! The pool is all lit up at night! Let's take a photo, Marina!
|M1Aeng=Of course, I brought my selfie stick on purpose!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>
|C2A=Quando hanno messo una piscina sul tetto?
|M2A=Non lo sapevi? È il posto più gettonato per gli appuntamenti romantici...
|C2Aeng=Since when did they put a pool on the roof?
|M2Aeng=You didn't know it? It's the most popular place for romantic dates...
|C3A=Ti ricordi quando abbiamo preso la zattera per raggiungere il palco?
|M3A=Come dimenticare... ti sei aggrappata così forte che mi hai lasciato un livido...
|C3Aeng=Do you remember when we took the raft to reach the stage?
|M3Aeng=How could I forget... you held on so tight you left a bruise on me ...
|C4A=Nori, dacci qualche consiglio per dominare in questo scenario!
|M4A=Aprite lo sparasole quando siete nella zona centrale, così state al sicuro!
|C4Aeng=Marina, give us some advice to dominate this stage!
|M4Aeng=Open the brella when you're at the center of the stage, so that you're safe!
|C5A=Quando attraverso il centro, mi eliminano sempre anche se faccio le capriole!
|M5A=Alga, prova a non gridare CARICAAA! ogni volta che fai una capriola...
|C5Aeng=When I go through the center, they always take me out even if I do a flip!
|M5Aeng=Pearl, try not to scream CHARGEEE! every time you do a flip...
|C6A=Pare che la sabbia sia stata portata da una spiaggia vicina al Palco Plancton.
|M6A=Da noi non si butta via niente!
|C6Aeng=It seems that the sand was brought here from a beach near Starfish Mainstage.
|M6Aeng=Nothing is thrown away in our house!
|C7A=Hotel-tel Tel-Tellina! ♪ Hotel-tel Tel-Tellina! ♪
|M7A=Non riesci a toglierti dalla testa il jingle della pubblicità, eh?
|C7Aeng=New Albaco-core Hotel! ♪ New Albaco-core Hotel! ♪
|M7Aeng=You can't get the commercial jingle out of your head, huh?
|Notes7=There is no translation quite similar to the original since the last syllable of the first word does not rhyme with the first syllable of the last word in the English name, as it does in Italian).
|C8A=Nessuno batte l'Hotel Tellina! Facci anche tu una capatina!
|M8A=Alga, ce l'hanno già uno slogan...
|C8Aeng=No one beats the New Albacore Hotel! Take a look at it too!
|M8Aeng=Pearl, they already have a slogan...
|C9A=Hai visto quelle meduse che giocavano in piscina con la cromosfera?
|M9A=Mmmh, credo fosse un normale pallone gonfiabile...
|C9Aeng=Did you see those jellyfish playing in the pool with a Baller?
|M9Aeng=Mmmh, I think that was just a normal inflatable balloon...
===Russian quotes===
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=У-у-у, как тут ночью все светится! Мариша, давай сфоткаемся!!!
|M1A=Ура!!! Обожаю селфи!
|C1Aeng=O-o-oh, look how everything glows here at night! Marina, let's take a picture!!!
|M1Aeng=Hooray!!! I love selfies!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>
|C2A=Каждый раз как вижу этот бассейн на крыше, в осадок выпадаю!
|M2A=Ага! Это сейчас самое модное место во всем Инкополе!
|C2Aeng=Every time I see this pool on the roof, I just get stunned!
|M2Aeng=Yeah! This is now the most fashionable place in all of Inkopolis!
|C3A=А помнишь, как мы в тот раз плыли к сцене на надувном плоту?
|M3A=Ага, такое забудешь! Ты так в него вцепилась, что он чуть не лопнул!
|C3Aeng=Do you remember how we floated to the stage on an inflatable raft that time?
|M3Aeng=Yep, how can you forget that! You clung to it so hard that it almost burst!
|C4A=Йо, Мариша! А дай-ка плотве полезный совет по этой арене!
|M4A=На открытом пространстве в середине защищайтесь зонтами!
|C4Aeng=Yo, Marina! Give the viewers some good advice about this arena!
|M4Aeng=Protect yourself with brellas in the open space in the middle!
|C5A=Меня тут каждый раз нагнетателями плюхают! Даже в кувырке, йо!
|M5A=Может, не нужно перед кувырками издавать свой боевой рев?
|C5Aeng=I'm getting splatted by chargers every time here! Even when I dodge roll, yo!
|M5Aeng=Maybe you don't need to let out your battle roar before dodge rolling?
|C6A=Говорят, песок сюда привезли с пляжа возле концертного зала «Иглокожий».
|M6A=Ну а что? Поддержи местного производителя, йо!
|C6Aeng=They say the sand was brought here from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.
|M6Aeng=Why not? Support a local manufacturer, yo!
|C7A=«Оте-е-ель «Прибой» — шик, гламур и поко-о-ой!» ♪ Тьфу, блин! А-А-А!
|M7A=Прилипчивый у них джингл, да?
|C7Aeng=«New Albacore Hote-e-el — chic, glamor, and pe-e-eace!» ♪ Ugh, dang it! A-A-A!
|M7Aeng=They have a haunting jingle, don't they?
|C8A=Йо, зацените: «Отель «Прибой»! У нас вы как в ракушке!»
|M8A=Жемчик, но у них ведь уже есть слоган! Ты немного опоздала...
|C8Aeng=Yo, check it out: «New Albacore Hotel! With us, you're like in a shell!»
|M8Aeng=Pearl, but they already have a slogan! You're a little late...
|C9A=Помнишь, как те медузы по бассейну на шарокате рассекали?
|M9A=Помню, но по-моему это был обычный пляжный мяч...
|C9Aeng=Do you remember how those jellyfish cut through the pool on a Baller?
|M9Aeng= I do, but I think it was just a regular beach ball...
===Spanish quotes===
|game=Splatoon 2
|C1A=Qué ambiente tan mágico hay aquí por las noches. ¿Nos hacemos una foto?
|M1A=¡Oh, no! ¡Justo hoy me he olvidado el palo de hacer selfis!
|C1Aeng=What a magical atmosphere there is here at night. Shall we take a picture?
|M1Aeng=Oh no! Just today I forgot the selfie stick!
|R1A=NOE<ref group="note" name="Splatfest"/>
|C2A=¡Esa piscina que hay en lo alto debe de ser nueva! ¡Nunca la había visto!
|M2A=¿No te has enterado? Es el lugar de moda para quedar con los colegas.
|C2Aeng=That pool at the top must be new! I've never seen it!
|M2Aeng=Haven't you heard? It is the trendy place to meet with friends.
|C3A=Dar aquel concierto aquí sobre una plataforma flotante no fue buena idea...
|M3A=Ya... Sobre todo por lo que te costó mantener el equilibrio sobre ella.
|C3Aeng=Giving that concert here on a floating platform was not a good idea...
|M3Aeng=Yeah... Especially because of what it took you to keep balance on it.
|C3B=¿Y ese concierto que dimos aquí, en el que quisiste ahogarme? Qué recuerdos.
|M3B=Ya te dije que solo intentaba ayudarte a llegar al escenario flotante.
|C3Beng=And that concert we gave here, in which you wanted to drown me? What memories.
|M3Beng=I already told you I was just trying to help you get to the floating stage.
|C4A=Marina, cuéntale a nuestra audiencia algún truco para este escenario.
|M4A=¡Si queréis cruzar por el centro, usad un buen paratintas para resguardaros!
|C4Aeng=Marina, tell our audience a trick for this stage.
|M4Aeng=If you want to cross through the center, use a good Splat Brella to protect yourself!
|C5A=Siempre me liquidan cuando atravieso por el centro. No lo entiendo...
|M5A=Tal vez deberías dejar de gritar «¡allá voooy!» justo antes.
|C5Aeng=They always splat me when I go through the center. I don't understand...
|M5Aeng=Maybe you should stop yelling "here I cooome!" just before.
|C5B=Siempre me revientan cuando atravieso por el centro. ¡Aunque vaya rodando!
|M5B=Tal vez deberías dejar de gritar "¡Genial!" todo el rato.
|C5Beng=They always splat me when I go through the center. Even if I'm rolling!
|M5Beng=Maybe you should stop yelling "Booyah!" all the time.
|C6A=La arena del centro la trajeron desde la playa del Auditorio Erizo expresamente.
|M6A=¡A eso lo llamo yo reciclar material de escenarios!
|C6Aeng=The sand from the center was brought from the beach of the Starfish Mainstage expressly.
|M6Aeng=That's what I call recycling stage material!
|C7A=¿Has visto el anuncio en la tele? «Ven al Gran Hotel Caviaaar...» ♪
|M7A=¡Sí, es superpegadizo! Hasta estoy pensando hacer un remix a mi estilo...
|C7Aeng=Have you seen the ad on TV? "Come to the New Albacore Hoteeel..." ♪
|M7Aeng=Yes, it's super catchy! I'm even thinking of doing a remix in my style...
|C7B="Gran Hotel Caaaviar, el favorito de cada caaalamar!"♪
|M7B=¡Ah, nooo!¡Voy a tener esa cancioncita en la cabeza toda la semana!
|C7Beng="New Albacore Hoootel, the favorite of every squuuid!"♪
|M7Beng=Ah nooo! I'm going to have that little song in my head all week!
|C8A=«¡En nuestro hotel la comodidad de los huéspedes es siempre lo primero!»
|M8A=Déjalo, Perla. No creo que te vayan a contratar como publicista...
|C8Aeng="In our hotel, the comfort of our guests always comes first!"
|M8Aeng=Leave it, Pearl. I don't think they will hire you as a publicist...
|C8B=¡En el Gran Hotel Caviar, la diversión es lo primero, y la seguridad, lo último!
|M8B=Perla, ya tienen su eslogan... y no es ese
|C8Beng=At the New Albacore Hotel, fun comes first, and safety, comes last!
|M8Beng=Pearl, they already have their slogan... and it's not that.
|C9A=Acabo de ver a varias medusas jugando con una esfera tintera en la piscina.
|M9A=Estarían disputando un partido de «tintapolo».
|C9Aeng=I just saw several jellyfish playing with a Baller in the pool.
|M9Aeng=They would be playing an "ink polo" match.
{{quote|This upcoming new stage is called the New Albacore Hotel, which will be added to the game through a future update. Battles take place poolside on the rooftop of a luxurious hotel, which lets Inklings enjoy a skyscraper view of the city while they compete.|[[Squid Research Lab]]<ref>{{SRL}} [ Live from Squid Research Lab — This upcoming new stage is called the New Albacore...]</ref>}}
{{quote|We hope you enjoy your stay at New Albacore Hotel, complete with a luxurious, rooftop swimming pool. Of course, pools are a terrifying hazard to Inklings and Octolings…but at least it's still luxurious to look at! This stage is quite spacious, so please don't get lost in the luxury when it joins the rotation tomorrow night on 6/30.|[[Squid Research Lab]]<ref>{{SRL}} [ Live from Squid Research Lab — We hope you enjoy your stay at New Albacore Hotel,...]</ref>}}
<references group="note"/>
* {{GH}} [ Stages Database]

Latest revision as of 17:44, 9 August 2024

Off the Hook quotes

Translation needed
Add all expressions/faces. edit

English quotes

Pearl's dialogue Marina's dialogue Region
“The pool's all glittery at night! Let's take a pic, Marina!”
“Oh, you KNOW I brought my selfie stick for just such an occasion!”
NOE, NOA[note 1]
“Yo, they put a pool on the roof of this place?!”
“Uh, yeah! It's only the hottest spot in Inkopolis Square right now!”

“Remember that time you tried to drown me here? Good times.”

“For the last time, I was trying to help you get to the floating stage!”
“Yo, Marina! Hit 'em with a hot tip for this stage!”
“Use an expanded brella for extra safety when moving across the central area!”

“I get splatted by chargers every time I cross the middle! Even if I dodge-roll!”

“Well, maybe stop yelling out BOOYAH! between each roll? That might help...”

“I heard the sand here was brought from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.”

“Talk about sourcing locally!”

“♪Al-Al-Albacore, the hotel you've been waiting for!♪”

“NOOOOOO! Now that's going to be stuck in my head all week!”

“The New Albacore Hotel! We're alba to the core!”

“Pearl, they've already got an official slogan...and that's DEFINITELY not it.”

“Yo, did you see those jellyfish riding around the pool in that Baller earlier?”

“Are you sure that was a Baller?! I thought it was a regular beach ball!”

Japanese quotes

ヒメ's dialogue イイダ's dialogue Region
「夜景とプールがキラキラしてんなー! イイダ、 いっしょに写真とろーぜー!」

(The night view and the pool are shining, Marina, let's take a picture together-!)
「この日のために 自撮りクレーン運んできました~!」

(I brought a selfie crane for this day~!)
NOJ[note 1]
「屋上にプールがあるって 新しーな!!」

(It's new that there's a pool on the roof!!)
「ハイカラスクエアで いま1番ナウい デートスポットらしいですよ~」

(It seems to be the most trendy date spot in Inkopolis Square~.)

「ここライブする時、 水上ステージまで移動すんのに バナナボート使うの ヤバかったな…」

(When we had a life here, using a banana boat to move to the water stage was crazy...)

「ボートにしがみつくセンパイに がんばれコール、 起こってましたね…」

(I called the senpai who was clinging to the boat to do my best, and it happened...)

('Rina, thank you for winning this stage!)
「中央をわたるときは シェルターを構えて 安全確保です!」

(When crossing the center, set up a shelter to ensure safety!)
「中央わたろうとすると すぐチャージャーにやられる… スライドやってんのに なんでだよ?!」

(As soon as you try to cross the center, you'll be hit by the charger... You're doing a dodge, but why? !)
「センパイ、 スライドする前に「ヨッシャー!」って言うの やめたほうがいいかもです…」

(Senpai, maybe you should stop saying "Alright!" before you dodge...)

「ステージ中央の砂は ガンガゼ野外音楽堂の 近くのビーチから わざわざ運んでるらしーな」

(The sand in the center of the stage seems to be carried all the way from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.)

「こだわりが スゴイです!」

(Your commitment is amazing!)

「トロロン オートロ トロラリラーン♪ あのCMの歌 耳に残るよなー」

(Albacore, Albacore, Albacore Hotel♪ The song from that commercial still sticks in my ears.)

「あのグルーヴ感… 負けてられませんッ!!」

(That groove feeling... I can't lose! !)

「ホテルニューオートロで モテる You そこそこ!」

(At New Albacore Hotel, you are so popular!)

「センパイ、 勝手にCMソング作っちゃ ダメですよ…」

(Senpai, you can't make commercial songs on your own...)

「この前 クラゲくんたちが プールでイカスフィアやってんの見たぞ!」

(I saw jellyfish playing Squidsphere in the pool the other day!)

「おそらく ウォーターボールだと思います…」

(I think it's probably a water ball...)

Dutch quotes

Lorelei's dialogue Mariana's dialogue Region
“Wat schittert het zwembad mooi! Kom op Mariana, samen op de foto!”

(The swimming pool shines beautiful! Come on Marina, take a picture together!)
“Ha, dan heb ik toch niet voor niks m'n selfiestick meegenomen!”

(Ha, then I have not taken my selfie stick with me for nothing after all!)
NOE[note 1]
“Hé, sinds wanneer hebben ze hier een zwembad op het dak?”

(Hey, since when do they have a swimming pool on the roof?)
“Wist je dat niet? Dit is de hipste plek van Inkopolis op het moment!”

(Did you not know? This is the hippest place in Inkopolis at the moment!)

“Dat concert op een drijvend podium vond ik toch niet zo'n topidee...”

(I think that concert on a floating stage was not such a great idea after all...)

“Vertel mij wat. We moesten dat zwembad leegpompen om je eraf te krijgen...”

(Tell me about it. We had to pump that swimming pool dry to get you off it...)
“Yo, Mariana! Heb je nog een toptip voor ons trouwe publiek?”

(Yo, Marina! Do you have a great tip for our loyal audience?)
“Gebruik een uitgeklapte Plenzer om veilig door het midden te komen!”

(Use a folded out brella to safely get through the middle!)
“Zelfs als ik me een ongeluk rol, pakken ze me in het midden altijd met Laders!”

(Even if I cause an accident by rolling, they always get me in the middle with chargers!)
“En als je eens probeert om niet hoppaaa! te roepen voordat je rolt?”

(And if you try it once without shouting booyaaah! before you roll?)
Notes: Ongeluk ("accident") in Pearl's line is used figuratively. Pearl means that she is trying so hard, that she might as well cause an accident by rolling, and even then it does not work out.

“Het zand hier schijnt uit de buurt van de Zeesterrenstage te komen.”

(The sand here seems to come from the area of the Starfish Mainstage.)

“Ze hergebruiken andere levels? Goed voor het milieu!”

(They reuse other stages? Good for the environment!)

“♪ Hoootel de Keizersvis, kom voorbij en vertrek weer fris... ♪ Aaah, nee!”

(♪ New Albacore Hoootel, come by and leave fresh again... ♪ Aaah, no!)

“Neeee! Nu krijg ik die jingle de hele week niet meer uit m'n hoofd!”

(Noooo! Now I cannot get that jingle out of my head for a whole week!)

“Hotel de Keizersvis! Yo, onze lakens zijn gladder dan 't binnenste van een oester!”

(New Albacore Hotel! Yo, our sheets are smoother than the inside of an oyster!)

“Ze hebben al een slogan, Lorelei. En deze gaat hem niet vervangen...”

(They already have a slogan, Pearl. And this is not going to replace it...)

“Hé, zag je die kwallen in het zwembad spelen met die Barstbubbel?!”

(Hey, did you see those jellyfish in the swimming pool playing with that Baller?!)

“Ach kom, dat was een doodnormale strandbal. Hoop ik toch...”

(Oh please, that is a perfectly normal beach ball. So I hope...)

French quotes

Perle's dialogue Coralie's dialogue Region
« Oh, la piscine brille de mille feux la nuit ! On se prend en photo, Coralie ? »

(Oh, the pool shines so bright at night! Wanna take a picture together, Marina?)
« T'inquiète, tu sais bien que je ne sors jamais sans ma perche à selfies ! »

(Don't worry, you know I never go out without my selfie stick!)
NOE[note 1]
« Eh ! Depuis quand on met des piscines sur les toits ? »

(Hey! Since when do we put pools on rooftops?)
« D'où tu sors, Perle ? C'est l'endroit le plus branché de Chromapolis ! »

(What planet you live in, Pearl? It's the coolest spot in Inkopolis!)
« Tu te souviens de notre concert sur la scène flottante ? »

(Remember our concert on the floating stage?)
« Comment l'oublier ? Ta choré « Mal de mer » est dans toutes les mémoires... »

(How could I forget? Your "Seasick"-themed dance is engraved in everyone's memory...)
« Yo, Coralie ! T'as pas une technique imparable pour ce stage ? »

(Yo, Marina! Got an unstoppable technique for this stage?)
« Un seul mot : Para-encre. C'est l'idéal pour traverser le centre sans bobos. »

(Only one word: brella. It's the best for getting through the center with no injuries.)
« J'ai beau enchaîner les roulades, je me fais tout le temps arroser au centre ! »

(Even though I keep rolling, I always get splatted in the center!)
« Peut-être que si t'arrêtais de beugler « YOUHOU » à chaque fois... »

(Well if you stopped yelling "YEEHAW" every time...)

« Il paraît qu'ils ont fait venir le sable exprès de la Scène Sirène ! »

(They apparently had the sand brought directly from Starfish Mainstage!)

« Le sable de chez nous, c'est le meilleur, le plus lisse ! Qualité Chromapolis ! »

(The sand from our land, it's the best, the smoothest! Inkopolis Quality!)

« « L'Hôtel Atoll, l'Hôtel Atoll, ♪ l'hôtel dont on rafolle ! » »

("Albacore Hotel, Albacore Hotel, ♪ the best hotel to rest well!")

« Aah, stop ! Cet affreux jingle va encore me vriller la tête pendant des heures ! »

(>Aah, stop it! This awful jingle will again stick in my head for hours!)

« Bienvenue à l'Hôtel Atoll, l'hôtel qui est plus chic que la perle d'une huître ! »

(Welcome to Albacore Hotel, the hotel classier than an oyster's pearl!)

« Euh, Perle... Ils ont déjà un slogan. Et va savoir pourquoi, c'est pas celui-là. »

(Uh, Pearl... They already have a slogan. And don't you know it, it's not that one.)

« Hé, t'as vu les méduses qui faisaient joujou avec une chromo-sphère ? »

(Hey, did you see the jellyfish that were playing with a Baller?)

« Euh... C'était juste un ballon de plage, Perle... »

(Uh... It was just a beach ball, Pearl...)

German quotes

Perla's dialogue Marina's dialogue Region
„Der Pool glitzert ja nachts! Mach ein Bild mit mir, Marina!“

(The pool glitters at night! Take a pic with me, Marina!)
„Ha, genau für solche Fälle habe ich meinen Selfiestick dabei!“

(Ha, I have my selfie stick with me for exactly such cases!)
NOE[note 1]
„Seit wann haben die denn hier einen Pool aufm Dach?“

(Since when do they have a pool on the roof?)
„Hast du das nicht gewusst? Das ist jetzt der angesagte Treffpunkt!“

(Didn't you know that? That's the hippest meeting point now!)

„Weißt du noch, als wir hier auf 'nem Floß zu unserer Bühne paddeln mussten?“

(Remember when we had to paddle to our stage on a raft?)

„Du hast dich so festgekrallt, dass wir dich zu dritt runterzerren mussten!“

(You latched onto it so tight that three of us had to pull you down!)
„Also, Marina, dann mal her mit den heißen Tipps für diese Arena!“

(So, Marina, give us those hot tips for this stage!)
„Nutzt einen aufgeklappten Pluviator, um heil durch die Mitte zu kommen!“

(Use an unfolded brella to get safe through the middle!)
„Trotz Ausweichrolle ende ich hier in der Mitte immer als Konzentratorfutter!“

(Despite dodge-rolling I still always end up as charger fodder in the middle!)
„Vielleicht solltest du nicht vor jeder Rolle „Trefft mich doch!" schreien...“

(Maybe you shouldn't yell "Just try to hit me!" before every roll...)

„Der Sand hier soll aus der Nähe der Seeigel-Rockbühne kommen.“

(The sand here apparently comes from near Starfish Mainstage.)

„Das nenne ich mal lokal gedacht!“

(That's what I call locally thought!)

„„Hotel Neothun: komm vorbei, dich auszuruh'n..." Argh! Neiiiin!“

("New Albacore Hotel: come on by to rest..." Argh! Noooo!)

„Die Werbung geht dir nicht aus dem Kopf, was? Und mir jetzt auch nicht...“

(Can't get that ad out of your head, huh? And me neither...)

„„Unsere Laken sind glatter als die Innenseite einer Muschel!"“

(„Our sheets are smoother than the inside of a clam!")

„Die haben schon einen offiziellen Slogan. Und mit dem sind sie wohl zufrieden...“

(They already have an official slogan. And they're happy with that...)

„Hast du gesehen, wie diese Qualle hier mit 'ner Sepisphäre rumgekullert ist?“

(Did you see that jellyfish rolling around in a Baller here?)

„Das war doch nur ein ganz normaler Strandball... Will ich hoffen.“

(That was just an ordinary beach ball... I hope.)

Italian quotes

Alga's dialogue Nori's dialogue Region
«Uao! La piscina è tutta illuminata di sera! Facciamo una foto, Nori!»

(Wow! The pool is all lit up at night! Let's take a photo, Marina!)
«Certo, ho portato apposta il mio selfie stick!»

(Of course, I brought my selfie stick on purpose!)
NOE[note 1]
«Quando hanno messo una piscina sul tetto?»

(Since when did they put a pool on the roof?)
«Non lo sapevi? È il posto più gettonato per gli appuntamenti romantici...»

(You didn't know it? It's the most popular place for romantic dates...)

«Ti ricordi quando abbiamo preso la zattera per raggiungere il palco?»

(Do you remember when we took the raft to reach the stage?)

«Come dimenticare... ti sei aggrappata così forte che mi hai lasciato un livido...»

(How could I forget... you held on so tight you left a bruise on me ...)
«Nori, dacci qualche consiglio per dominare in questo scenario!»

(Marina, give us some advice to dominate this stage!)
«Aprite lo sparasole quando siete nella zona centrale, così state al sicuro!»

(Open the brella when you're at the center of the stage, so that you're safe!)
«Quando attraverso il centro, mi eliminano sempre anche se faccio le capriole!»

(When I go through the center, they always take me out even if I do a flip!)
«Alga, prova a non gridare CARICAAA! ogni volta che fai una capriola...»

(Pearl, try not to scream CHARGEEE! every time you do a flip...)

«Pare che la sabbia sia stata portata da una spiaggia vicina al Palco Plancton.»

(It seems that the sand was brought here from a beach near Starfish Mainstage.)

«Da noi non si butta via niente!»

(Nothing is thrown away in our house!)

«Hotel-tel Tel-Tellina! ♪ Hotel-tel Tel-Tellina! ♪»

(New Albaco-core Hotel! ♪ New Albaco-core Hotel! ♪)

«Non riesci a toglierti dalla testa il jingle della pubblicità, eh?»

(You can't get the commercial jingle out of your head, huh?)
Notes: There is no translation quite similar to the original since the last syllable of the first word does not rhyme with the first syllable of the last word in the English name, as it does in Italian).

«Nessuno batte l'Hotel Tellina! Facci anche tu una capatina!»

(No one beats the New Albacore Hotel! Take a look at it too!)

«Alga, ce l'hanno già uno slogan...»

(Pearl, they already have a slogan...)

«Hai visto quelle meduse che giocavano in piscina con la cromosfera?»

(Did you see those jellyfish playing in the pool with a Baller?)

«Mmmh, credo fosse un normale pallone gonfiabile...»

(Mmmh, I think that was just a normal inflatable balloon...)

Russian quotes

Жемчик's dialogue Мариша's dialogue Region
«У-у-у, как тут ночью все светится! Мариша, давай сфоткаемся!!!»

(O-o-oh, look how everything glows here at night! Marina, let's take a picture!!!)
«Ура!!! Обожаю селфи!»

(Hooray!!! I love selfies!)
NOE[note 1]
«Каждый раз как вижу этот бассейн на крыше, в осадок выпадаю!»

(Every time I see this pool on the roof, I just get stunned!)
«Ага! Это сейчас самое модное место во всем Инкополе!»

(Yeah! This is now the most fashionable place in all of Inkopolis!)

«А помнишь, как мы в тот раз плыли к сцене на надувном плоту?»

(Do you remember how we floated to the stage on an inflatable raft that time?)

«Ага, такое забудешь! Ты так в него вцепилась, что он чуть не лопнул!»

(Yep, how can you forget that! You clung to it so hard that it almost burst!)
«Йо, Мариша! А дай-ка плотве полезный совет по этой арене!»

(Yo, Marina! Give the viewers some good advice about this arena!)
«На открытом пространстве в середине защищайтесь зонтами!»

(Protect yourself with brellas in the open space in the middle!)
«Меня тут каждый раз нагнетателями плюхают! Даже в кувырке, йо!»

(I'm getting splatted by chargers every time here! Even when I dodge roll, yo!)
«Может, не нужно перед кувырками издавать свой боевой рев?»

(Maybe you don't need to let out your battle roar before dodge rolling?)

«Говорят, песок сюда привезли с пляжа возле концертного зала «Иглокожий».»

(They say the sand was brought here from the beach near Starfish Mainstage.)

«Ну а что? Поддержи местного производителя, йо!»

(Why not? Support a local manufacturer, yo!)

««Оте-е-ель «Прибой» — шик, гламур и поко-о-ой!» ♪ Тьфу, блин! А-А-А!»

(«New Albacore Hote-e-el — chic, glamor, and pe-e-eace!» ♪ Ugh, dang it! A-A-A!)

«Прилипчивый у них джингл, да?»

(They have a haunting jingle, don't they?)

«Йо, зацените: «Отель «Прибой»! У нас вы как в ракушке!»»

(Yo, check it out: «New Albacore Hotel! With us, you're like in a shell!»)

«Жемчик, но у них ведь уже есть слоган! Ты немного опоздала...»

(Pearl, but they already have a slogan! You're a little late...)

«Помнишь, как те медузы по бассейну на шарокате рассекали?»

(Do you remember how those jellyfish cut through the pool on a Baller?)

«Помню, но по-моему это был обычный пляжный мяч...»

(I do, but I think it was just a regular beach ball...)

Spanish quotes

Perla's dialogue Marina's dialogue Region
«Qué ambiente tan mágico hay aquí por las noches. ¿Nos hacemos una foto?»

(What a magical atmosphere there is here at night. Shall we take a picture?)
«¡Oh, no! ¡Justo hoy me he olvidado el palo de hacer selfis!»

(Oh no! Just today I forgot the selfie stick!)
NOE[note 1]
«¡Esa piscina que hay en lo alto debe de ser nueva! ¡Nunca la había visto!»

(That pool at the top must be new! I've never seen it!)
«¿No te has enterado? Es el lugar de moda para quedar con los colegas.»

(Haven't you heard? It is the trendy place to meet with friends.)

«Dar aquel concierto aquí sobre una plataforma flotante no fue buena idea...»

(Giving that concert here on a floating platform was not a good idea...)

«Ya... Sobre todo por lo que te costó mantener el equilibrio sobre ella.»

(Yeah... Especially because of what it took you to keep balance on it.)

«¿Y ese concierto que dimos aquí, en el que quisiste ahogarme? Qué recuerdos.»

(And that concert we gave here, in which you wanted to drown me? What memories.)

«Ya te dije que solo intentaba ayudarte a llegar al escenario flotante.»

(I already told you I was just trying to help you get to the floating stage.)
«Marina, cuéntale a nuestra audiencia algún truco para este escenario.»

(Marina, tell our audience a trick for this stage.)
«¡Si queréis cruzar por el centro, usad un buen paratintas para resguardaros!»

(If you want to cross through the center, use a good Splat Brella to protect yourself!)

«Siempre me liquidan cuando atravieso por el centro. No lo entiendo...»

(They always splat me when I go through the center. I don't understand...)

«Tal vez deberías dejar de gritar «¡allá voooy!» justo antes.»

(Maybe you should stop yelling "here I cooome!" just before.)

«Siempre me revientan cuando atravieso por el centro. ¡Aunque vaya rodando!»

(They always splat me when I go through the center. Even if I'm rolling!)

«Tal vez deberías dejar de gritar "¡Genial!" todo el rato.»

(Maybe you should stop yelling "Booyah!" all the time.)

«La arena del centro la trajeron desde la playa del Auditorio Erizo expresamente.»

(The sand from the center was brought from the beach of the Starfish Mainstage expressly.)

«¡A eso lo llamo yo reciclar material de escenarios!»

(That's what I call recycling stage material!)

«¿Has visto el anuncio en la tele? «Ven al Gran Hotel Caviaaar...» ♪»

(Have you seen the ad on TV? "Come to the New Albacore Hoteeel..." ♪)

«¡Sí, es superpegadizo! Hasta estoy pensando hacer un remix a mi estilo...»

(Yes, it's super catchy! I'm even thinking of doing a remix in my style...)

«"Gran Hotel Caaaviar, el favorito de cada caaalamar!"♪»

("New Albacore Hoootel, the favorite of every squuuid!"♪)

«¡Ah, nooo!¡Voy a tener esa cancioncita en la cabeza toda la semana!»

(Ah nooo! I'm going to have that little song in my head all week!)

««¡En nuestro hotel la comodidad de los huéspedes es siempre lo primero!»»

("In our hotel, the comfort of our guests always comes first!")

«Déjalo, Perla. No creo que te vayan a contratar como publicista...»

(Leave it, Pearl. I don't think they will hire you as a publicist...)

«¡En el Gran Hotel Caviar, la diversión es lo primero, y la seguridad, lo último!»

(At the New Albacore Hotel, fun comes first, and safety, comes last!)

«Perla, ya tienen su eslogan... y no es ese»

(Pearl, they already have their slogan... and it's not that.)

«Acabo de ver a varias medusas jugando con una esfera tintera en la piscina.»

(I just saw several jellyfish playing with a Baller in the pool.)

«Estarían disputando un partido de «tintapolo».»

(They would be playing an "ink polo" match.)


This upcoming new stage is called the New Albacore Hotel, which will be added to the game through a future update. Battles take place poolside on the rooftop of a luxurious hotel, which lets Inklings enjoy a skyscraper view of the city while they compete.
We hope you enjoy your stay at New Albacore Hotel, complete with a luxurious, rooftop swimming pool. Of course, pools are a terrifying hazard to Inklings and Octolings…but at least it's still luxurious to look at! This stage is quite spacious, so please don't get lost in the luxury when it joins the rotation tomorrow night on 6/30.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Splatfest only
