Bluefin Depot/Quotes
Squid Sisters quotes
English quotes
Callie's dialogue | Marie's dialogue | Region |
Callie “Hey, it's a boat! I wanna take a trip somewhere...” |
Marie “If we get more famous, we can go on a world tour!” |
Callie “Hey, it's a boat! I wanna take a trip somewhere...” |
Marie “Let's go on a world tour when our album drops!” |
Callie “I thought I saw a ghost here! But it was just Judd.” |
Marie “Something about this place sets me on edge...” |
Callie “Judd throws some killer secret parties down here!” |
Marie “Shhh! What about 'secret' do you not understand?!” |
Callie “It looks like it could collapse at any moment...” |
Marie “I wonder if anyone is keeping it maintained?” |
Callie “The depot looks like it could collapse any second!” |
Marie “No kidding! Glad I don't own a condo around there.” |
Callie “Marie! Tell us your strategy tips!” |
Marie “Um... Try and shoot opponents? Don't miss?” |
Callie “All right, Marie! Hit me with a hot strategy tip!” |
Marie “Yeah! Uh... Stay in school.” |
Callie “Really brightly colored boats pass through here at night... I wonder what they're doing... Do you know?” |
Marie “No, but I do get this weird urge to follow them...” |
Callie “Watching all the ships sail by totally floats my boat!” |
Marie “...” |
Callie “That big iron bridge really defines this battleground.” |
Marie “It gets in the way when I snipe with my charger...” |
Callie “That big iron bridge really defines this battleground...” |
Marie “It's always in my way when I'm gettin' my snipe on!” |
Callie “There use to be a train station here... But now there's not.” |
Marie “Fascinating.” |
Callie “So, there used to be a train station here... But now there's not.” |
Marie “Cool story.” |
Callie “This place is haunted by a strange glowing orb...” |
Marie “Are you sure that isn't just Jelonzo?” |
Callie “I heard there's a glowing ghost haunting this place...” |
Marie “Um...are you sure that's not just Jelonzo?” |
Callie “This place use to be heaving with people!” |
Marie “Yeah, Gramps was saying he used to battle here!” |
Callie “Man, this place is such a ghost town these days!” |
Marie “Totally! I've heard Gramps say he used to battle here.” |
Callie “We shot a music video here one time, right?” |
Marie “That was a grueling day!” |
Callie “Remember when we shot a music video down here?” |
Marie “How could I forget?” |
Callie “What do me and Bluefin Depot have in common?” |
Marie “When it comes to Turf War you're both pretty rusty...” |
Callie “What do you and Bluefin Depot have in common?” |
Marie “When it comes to Turf War we're both pretty rusty...” |
Japanese quotes
アオリ's dialogue | ホタル's dialogue | Region |
アオリ 「あっ!船だ!海外旅行、行きたいなー」 (Hey! A boat! I wanna go on an overseas vacation.) |
ホタル 「ウチらも世界展開すれば、経費で行けるっしょ」 (Once we get really famous, paying for it'll be nothing.) |
アオリ 「ここ、昔は 人がいっぱい 居たんだよね」 (This place used to be full of people.) |
ホタル 「おじいちゃん世代の人らは ここで よくバトルしてたらしいよ~」 (I heard there were a ton of battles here in Gramps' time.) |
アオリ 「ここって、くずれそうで くずれないよね!」 (This place always seems like it's about to collapse, but it never does!) |
ホタル 「だれかが 直してくれてんじゃね?」 (Do you think someone's maintaining it?) |
アオリ 「ここって、オバケ出るらしいよ! 夜中に光るんだって!」 (I heard there's a ghost that shows up here here! They say it glows in the dark!) |
ホタル 「それ、フク屋の エチゼンくんじゃね?」 (Isn't that just Jelonzo from the clothes shop?) |
アオリ 「ここは夜 すごいまぶしい船が 走ってるけど、何してんのかな?」 (There's these super glittery boats that come through here every night, what are they doing?) |
ホタル 「アレ見ると、付いて行きたくなるよね~」 (Making us to want to follow them~) |
アオリ 「オバケ出たーー! と思ったら、ジャッジくんだったよ」 (I saw a ghooost! But then I realized it was just Judd.) |
ホタル 「フンイキたっぷりだかんね、ココ…」 (This place has quite the spooky atmosphere...) |
アオリ 「ネギトロ炭鉱とかけて ナワバリバトルと解く、そのココロは?」 (What do Negitoro Coal Mine (Bluefin Depot) and Turf War have in common?) |
ホタル 「スミを確保するのが重要です」 (It's important to get sumi.) |
Notes: Sumi can mean "Corner" or "Coal". | ||
アオリ 「ホタルちゃん、ここの攻略ポイント 教えてー!」 (Marie, tell me a strategy point for this place!) |
ホタル 「え~と、ショットを正確に! とかじゃね?」 (Umm, shoot accurately! Or something?) |
アオリ 「昔、この近くに 駅があったらしいよ」 (I heard there used to be a train station here.) |
ホタル 「へ~」 (Uh-huh~) |
アオリ 「私たち ここでPV撮ったことあるよね?」 (Didn't we shoot a promotional video here once?) |
ホタル 「あんときゃ、体 張ってたな~」 (That was a rough time~) |
アオリ 「鉄橋下のバトルが チョーアツい!」 (Battling under the iron bridge gets super intense!) |
ホタル 「アレのせいで、チャージャーが 向こうまで届かんのよね…」 (But it's just the right height to get in the way of my charger...) |
French quotes
Ayo's dialogue | Oly's dialogue | Region |
Ayo « Cet endroit serait hanté par une drôle de bestiole. Une sorte de globe spongieux et iridescent... » (This place is haunted by a funny critter. Some sort of spongy and shimmery sphere...) |
Oly « Euh... G.Latineux ? » (Huh... Jelonzo?) |
German quotes
Aioli's dialogue | Limone's dialogue | Region |
Aioli „Früher war das hier ein blühender Ort voller Leben.“ (In the past this was a blooming place full of life.) |
Limone „Zu Opas Zeiten fanden hier oft Kämpfe statt.“ (In grandpas time they often had battles here.) |
Aioli „Nachts sind hier oft hell erleuchtete Schiffe!“ (At night there are often brightly lit up ships!) |
Limone „Ich würde zu gern wissen, wohin die wohl fahren...“ (I'd love to know where they might be going...) |
Aioli „Hier soll es nachts ja spuken, habe ich gehört!“ (This place gets haunted at night, or so I've heard!) |
Limone „Und das waren nicht die Neonlichter aus der Stadt?“ (And that weren't just the city lights?) |
Aioli „Limone, verrate uns deine Strategie für diese Arena!“ (Marie, tell us your strategy for this stage!) |
Limone „Äh... Immer ordentlich zielen!“ (Um... Always aim properly!) |
Aioli „Passt gut auf, wo ihr hintretet, hier bröckelt alles!“ (Watch your step, this place is crumbling apart!) |
Limone „Es wäre mal Zeit für eine Generalsanierung!“ (It's about time for a complete renovation!) |
Aioli „Weißt du, was hier früher mal stand? Ein Bahnhof!“ (Do you know what used to be here? A train station!) |
Limone „Na so was.“ (Oh my.) |
Aioli „Diese Brücke ist ein echter Blickfang in dieser Arena!“ (The bridge is a real eye-catcher on this stage!) |
Limone „Die versperrt meinem Konzentrator die Sicht...“ (It blocks my view with a charger...) |
Aioli „Neulich erschien mir da 'ne unheimliche Gestalt!“ (I saw a creepy silhouette there the other day!) |
Limone „Das ist aber auch voll die unheimliche Arena!“ (That is a creepy stage, after all!) |
Aioli „Hier haben wir doch mal ein Musikvideo gedreht!“ (We filmed a music video here that one time!) |
Limone „Erinnere mich nicht daran... Das war voll anstrengend!“ (Don't remind me of it... That was really exhausting!) |
Aioli „Was haben diese Arena und ich gemeinsam?“ (What do this stage and me have in common?) |
Limone „Ihr habt beide ziemlich viel Patina angesetzt?“ (You've both collected quite a lot of patina?) |
Aioli „Ein Schiff! Ich würde gern irgendwohin fahren...“ (A ship! I'd love to go somewhere...) |
Limone „Vielleicht schaffen wir ja mal 'ne Welttournee...“ (Maybe we could do a world tour one day...) |
Italian quotes
Stella's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Stella «Combattere sotto un ponte di ferro? Intrigante!» (Fighting under an iron bridge? Intriguing!) |
Marina «La visibilità ridotta rende le armi a carica inutili...» (The reduced visibility makes charger weapons useless...) |
Stella «Credevo di aver visto un fantasma. Era Giudigatto.» (I thought I've seen a ghost. It was Judd.) |
Marina «C'è qualcosa qui che mi mette i brividi...» (There's something about this place that makes me quiver...) |
Stella «Ehi, una barca! Voglio fare un giro in mare!» (Hey, a boat! I want to have a sea trip!) |
Marina «Se diventiamo famose, faremo un tour mondiale!» (If we become famous, we'll have a world tour!) |
Stella «Marina, quale strategia useresti qui?» (Marie, what strategy would you use here?) |
Marina «Io... sparerei ai nemici cercando di colpirli!» (I... would shoot at the enemies trying to hit them!) |
Stella «Ogni notte parte sempre una strana nave da qui...» (Every night a strange ship sails from here...) |
Marina «Non sai quanto vorrei andare a dare un'occhiata!» (You have no idea how much I want to go take a look!) |
Stella «Qualcuno ha visto una strana sfera luminosa qui...» (Someone sighted a strange glowing ball around here...) |
Marina «Sicura che non si trattasse di Meduso?» (You sure it wasn't Jelonzo?) |
Stella «Questo posto cade a pezzi...» (This place is falling apart...) |
Marina «Mi chiedo se qualcuno si occupi della manutenzione.» (I wonder if anyone is keeping it maintained.) |
Stella «Una volta qui c'era una stazione ferroviaria.» (There used to be a train station here.) |
Marina «Interessante...» (Interesting...) |
Stella «Una volta qui pullulava di gente!» (This place used to be heaving with people!) |
Marina «Il nonno mi ha raccontato che ha combattuto qui.» (Gramps told me that he fought here.) |
Stella «Una volta abbiamo girato un video qui.» (We once shot a video here.) |
Marina «Che fatica quel giorno!» (What a grueling day!) |
Spanish quotes
Mar's dialogue | Tina's dialogue | Region |
Mar «¡Mira, barcos! ¡Hagamos una gira mundial en barco!» (Look, boats! Let's do a world tour on boat!) |
Tina «Primero hay que terminar nuestro álbum.» (First we should finish our album.) |
Mar «Justino arma unas fiestas buenísimas por aquí.» (Judd throws some great parties around here.) |
Tina «¿Y tú cómo sabes? ¡A mí no me han invitado!» (And how do you know? They've never invited me!) |
Mar «Estas ruinas están casi a punto de caerse.» (These ruins are almost to the point of collapsing.) |
Tina «Y sí... Seguro por eso están abandonadas.» (Yeah, I'm sure that's why they're abandoned.) |
Mar «Danos algún consejo para este escenario, Tina.» (Give us any tip for this stage, Marie.) |
Tina «¡Disparad con cuidado! ¿Os vale ese?» (Shoot carefully! It's okay?) |
Mar «Danos algún consejo para este escenario, Tina.» (Give us some advice for this stage, Marie.) |
Tina «¡En poca tinta, poco se navega!» ([When you're] low on ink, don't move around too much.) |
Mar «Por la noche puedes ver un barco luminoso muy raro.» (You can see a very strange lit-up boat at night.) |
Tina «Brilla tanto que dan ganas de salir tras de él...» (It shines so much that it makes you want to go after it...) |
Mar «El puente es lo que más destaca de este escenario.» (The bridge is what stands out the most at this stage.) |
Tina «Siempre me estorba cuando uso el cargatintas.» (It always gets in the way when I use my charger.) |
Mar «Antiguamente habia hasta una estación aquí.» (Long ago there was even a train station here.) |
Tina «¿En serio?» (Really?) |
Mar «Antes había una estación de trenes aquí... Pero ya no existe.» (Before, there was a train station here... but now it doesn't exist.) |
Tina «Si no me dices, ni me entero.» (Gee, I would have never guessed if you hadn't told me.) |
Mar «Cuentan que un fantasma luminoso vaga por aquí.» (They say that a luminous ghost roams around here.) |
Tina «¿No será M. Duso?» (Wasn't that Jelonzo?) |
Mar «Ya hace tiempo que este lugar está abandonado.» (It's been a long time since this place was abandoned.) |
Tina «Pero nuestros antepasados también combatían aquí.» (But our ancestors battled here too!) |
Mar «Este lugar está en total abandono...» (This place is totally abandoned...) |
Tina «Y sí... El abuelo solía venir a combatir aquí.» (Yep... and Gramps used to come here to battle.) |
Mar «¿Te acuerdas del video musical que hicimos aquí?» (Do you remember the music video that we did here?) |
Tina «Me acuerdo de la vacuna antitetánica...» (I remember the tetanus shot...) |
Mar «¿Sabes qué tengo en común con este escenario?» (Do you know what I have in common with this stage?) |
Tina «¿Que los dos están un poco oxidaditdos?» (That you both are a little rusty?) |
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Did you know that the elevators at Bluefin Depot are automatic? Just step in and go!” |
Shiver “All elevators are automatic if you have an assistant push the button for you...” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I always wanted to work in a coal mine like Bluefin Depot so I could ride the coasters!” |
Big Man “Ay?! (Coasters?! There's so much wrong with that, I don't even know how to start.)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Did you know that Bluefin Depot used to be a bit dilapidated?” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (Well, now it's practically a tourist attraction! The remodel really worked.)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Pro tip for Bluefin Depot—always attack from the right side first!” |
Shiver “Actually, I prefer to attack from the left.” |
Frye “I bet Big Man goes right up the middle.” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay? (The...what? We are talking about Bluefin Depot, aren't we?)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “I heard that Bluefin Depot doesn't meet the ORCA standards for safety.” |
Big Man “Ay? (You mean the Occupational Regulatory Commission for Accidents?)” |
Frye “Yeah, them! There are supposed to be rails near the edges. Ask me how I know.” |
Shiver “Just do the opposite of whatever Frye's doing, and you'll be in ORCA compliance...” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Bluefin Depot is quite beautiful at night. The lights from the boats twinkling away...” |
Frye “The more I look at them, the more I feel like stealing a boat... OK, OK! I mean buying one.” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「ネギトロ炭鉱のエレベーターは、 なんと乗るだけで 勝手に動くのじゃ!」 (The elevators at Bluefin Depot move on their own if it senses anything in it!) |
フウカ 「上へ参りますえ~!」 (Coming up!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「炭鉱といえば トロッコ! トロッコといえば コースターじゃろ!」 (When I think about coal mines, I think about minecarts! And when I think about minecarts, I think about rollercoasters!) |
マンタロー 「エエイッ!(本物のトロッコでやっちゃダメだからね!)」 (Aayy! (Don't do it with a real minecart!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「少し前まで ネギトロ炭鉱ゆうたら さびれとるイメージやってんけどなぁ」 (Until recently, Bluefin Depot's image was a bit deserted.) |
マンタロー 「エイ~(修復工事が終わってから 観光客増えたよね~)」 (Ay~ (I know the tourism has gone up since the restoration work was completed~)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「ワシは ネギトロ炭鉱は右から行く派じゃ!」 (I like to take the right on Bluefin Depot!) |
フウカ 「ウチは 左から攻めるんが好きやわ」 (I prefer to attack from the left.) |
ウツホ 「なら、マンタローは真ん中からじゃな」 (Then, Big Man probably goes up the middle!) |
マンタロー 「エイッ?!(真ん中って ドコ?!)」 (Ayy?! (Where's the middle on Bluefin Depot?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「昔 ネギトロ炭鉱では、バトル中に足をすべらせて 海に落ちるイカが続出したらしいで」 (Apparently in the old days, a lot of squids would slip and fall into the sea during battles at Bluefin Depot.) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(だから今は フチで囲まれてるのかな?)」 (Ay? (So now they've added safety railings around the edges?) |
ウツホ 「今もフチのないトコがあるから 落っこちないよう 気をつけるんじゃぞ!」 (Be careful not to fall off the edge, because there's still parts now without railings!) |
フウカ 「ケイケン者は語る、やな」 (Sounds like daredevil talk.) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ネギトロ炭鉱から出とる観光船、 夜はライトアップして運行してんで~」 (The sightseeing boats at Bluefin Depot operate at night with their lights on~) |
ウツホ 「見てると ムショーに追いかけたくなるのじゃ」 (When I look at it, I want to chase after it.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Wist je dat de liften van het Blauwvin-depot automatisch zijn? Je stapt in en daar ga je.” (Did you know that the elevators at Bluefin Depot are automatic? You step in and there you go.) |
Haya “Als je niet in mijn team zit, hoop ik dat je ermee naar de haaien gaat...” (If you are not on my team, I hope you go down the drain with it...) |
Notes: Naar de haaien ("down the drain") is the equivalent of the English's "WIPEOUT!" |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik heb altijd in een mijn als het Blauwvin-depot willen werken om in een mijnwagen te rijden!” (I have always wanted to work in a mine like Bluefin Depot to ride in a minecart!) |
Ray “Ay?! Ay? Ay! (Mijnwagen?! Over zo'n gammel spoortje? Nee, bedankt!)” (Ay?! Ay? Ay! (Minecart?! Over such a rickety little railway track? No, thanks!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Wisten jullie dat het Blauwvin-depot voorheen een bouwval was?” (Did you guys know that Bluefin Depot used to be a ramshackle building?) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Dat hebben ze dan mooi opgeknapt. Het lijkt nu wel een toeristenattractie!)” (Ay. Ay! (They have fixed that up nicely then. It looks like a tourist attraction now!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Tip voor het Blauwvin-depot: begin je aanval altijd vanaf de rechterkant!” (Tip for Bluefin Depot: always begin your attack from on top of the right side!) |
Haya “Ik ga aan het begin van het gevecht juist naar links...” (On the other hand, I go to the left at the beginning of the battle...) |
Muriël “Wedden dat Ray altijd door het midden gaat?” (Wanna bet Big Man always goes through the middle?) |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (Huh, wat? We hebben het toch nog steeds over het Blauwvin-depot, hè?)” (Ay? Ay? (Huh, what? Surely we are still taking about Bluefin Depot, eh?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Schijnbaar vielen er bij het Blauwvin-depot vroeger vaak Inklings in zee.” (Inklings seemingly used to often fall into the sea at Bluefin Depot.) |
Ray “Ay? (Hebben ze daarom overal barrières geplaatst?)” (Ay? (Is that why they placed barriers everywhere?)) |
Notes: Before version 7.0.0, Inklings was written as Inklingen. | ||
Muriël “Hoezo overal?! Er zijn nog steeds plekken waar je naar beneden kunt donderen!” (What do you mean everywhere?! There are still places where you can plummet downwards!) |
Haya “Iets zegt me dat je daar ervaring mee hebt...” (Something tells me you have experience with that...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Blauwvin-depot is best mooi 's nachts. Die fonkelende lichtjes van de boten in de verte...” (Bluefin depot is quite beautiful at night. Those twinkling little lights of the boats in the distance...) |
Muriël “Hoe langer ik daarnaar kijk, hoe liever ik een boot wil stelen... Kopen! Ik bedoel kopen.” (The longer I look at that, the more I want to steal a boat... To buy! I mean to buy.) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Les ascenseurs de la mine marine sont automatiques ! On y entre et zou ! » |
Pasquale « Tous les ascenseurs sont automatiques si un assistant les actionne à ta place... » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai toujours rêvé de bosser à la mine marine et de faire un tour en chariot ! » |
Raimi « Ay ?! (Un tour en chariot ?! Rien que d'y penser, je me sens malade.) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous saviez que la mine marine était désaffectée, avant ? » |
Raimi « Ay... (Dire que maintenant, c'est devenu une vraie attraction touristique...) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Conseil de pro : dans la mine marine, attaquez toujours du côté droit ! » |
Pasquale « À vrai dire, j'ai une préférence personnelle pour le côté gauche... » |
Angie « Je parie que Raimi jure que par un assaut passant par le milieu. » |
Raimi « Ay ?! (Que... quoi ?! On parle bien de la mine marine, là ?) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il paraît que la mine marine ne remplit même pas les C.R.A.B. » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Tu parles des Conditions de Régulation des Accidents Banals ?) » |
Angie « Elles-mêmes ! Vous voyez des rambardes au bord des plateformes, vous ? » |
Pasquale « En fait, il suffit de faire tout le contraire d'Angie et les C.R.A.B. seront respectées... » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La mine marine est magnifique de nuit, avec les lumières des bateaux qui scintillent. » |
Angie « Plus je les vois, plus j'ai envie d'emprunter un bateau pour aller faire un tour. » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Les ascenseurs de la mine marine sont automatiques! On y entre et zou! » (The elevators at Bluefin Depot are automatic! You just step right in and woosh!) |
Pasquale « Tous les ascenseurs sont automatiques si un assistant les actionne à ta place... » (Every elevator is automatic as long as an assistant presses the buttons for you...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « J'ai toujours rêvé de bosser à la mine marine et de faire un tour en chariot! » (I've always wanted to work at Bluefin Depot and catch a ride in a minecart!) |
Raimi « Ay. (Un tour en chariot?! Rien que d'y penser, je me sens malade.) » (Ay. (A ride in a minecart? Even thinking about it makes me sick.)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Vous saviez que la mine marine était désaffectée, avant? » (Did you guys know Bluefin Depot used to be kind of a wreck?) |
Raimi « Ay... (Dire que maintenant, c'est devenu une vraie attraction touristique...) » (Ay... (Look at it now, a huge tourist hub...)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Conseil de pro : dans la mine marine, attaquez toujours du côté droit! » (Pro tip: When at Bluefin Depot, always attack from the right side!) |
Pasquale « À vrai dire, j'ai une préférence personnelle pour le côté gauche... » (To tell ya the truth, I prefer the left side...) |
Angie « Je parie que Raimi jure que par un assaut passant par le milieu. » (I bet you Big Man swears by barreling straight through the middle.) |
Raimi « Ay? (Que... quoi?! On parle bien de la mine marine, là?) » (Ay? (H-huh?! We ARE talking about Bluefin Depot, right?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Il paraît que la mine marine ne remplit même pas les C.R.A.B. » (It seems that Bluefin Depot doesn't meet the standards for ORCA.) |
Raimi « Ay? (Tu parles des Conditions de Régulation des Accidents Banals?) » (Ay? (You're talkin' about the Occupational Regulatory Commission for Accidents?)) |
Angie « Elles-mêmes! Vous voyez des rambardes au bord des plateformes, vous? » (Yup, them. Notice the lack of railings on the platforms?) |
Pasquale « En fait, il suffit de faire tout le contraire d'Angie et les C.R.A.B. seront respectées... » (To be fair, all you have to do is the opposite of whatever Frye's doing and you'll be good to go with ORCA...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La mine marine est magnifique de nuit, avec les lumières des bateaux qui scintillent. » (Bluefin Depot is gorgeous at night, with all the boat lights shimmering.) |
Angie « Plus je les vois, plus j'ai envie d'emprunter un bateau pour aller faire un tour. » (The more I see the view, the more I'm tempted to rent a boat and look around.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Gewusst? Die Blauflossen-Depot-Aufzüge sind automatisch! Aufsteigen und abheben!“ (Guess what? The elevators on Bluefin Depot are automatic! Get on, and take off!) |
Mako „Abheben, emporschweben und von oben Saures geben!“ (Take off, soar upwards, and take a good look at the view!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Im Blauflossen-Depot hätte ich ECHT gern mal gearbeitet! Ob's da auch Loren gibt?“ (I would have REALLY liked to work in Bluefin Depot! I wonder if there are any lorries?) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay...? (Loren? Wo soll man da mit dem Erklären nur anfangen...?)“ (Ay? Ay...? (Lorries? Where do I start explaining to you...?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Das Blauflossen-Depot war einst komplett ruiniert, wenn ich mich recht erinnere...“ (The Bluefin Depot was once completely deserted and neglected once, if I'm correct...) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Bis es zur Touristenattraktion umgemodelt wurde. Hat super geklappt!)“ (Ay. Ay! (Until it was converted into a tourist attraction. Everything worked out!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Tipp fürs Blauflossen-Depot! Wer von der rechten Seite angreift, hat den Vorteil!“ (Tip for Bluefin Depot! Whoever attacks from the right has the advantage!) |
Mako „Ähem. Ich persönlich greife viel lieber von links an.“ (Ahem. I personally like to attack from the left.) |
Muri „Pffft. Und Mantaro geht garantiert voll durch die Mitte, oder?“ (Pffft. And Big Man is guaranteed to go through the middle, right?) |
Mantaro „A-ay? Ay? Ay?(B-bitte? Worum geht's? Blauflossen-Depot-Strategie?)“ (A-ay! Ay? Ay? (S-sorry? What are we talking about? Bluefin Depot strategies?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Im Blauflossen-Depot soll die Bausicherheit ja allerhand zu beanstanden haben...“ (In Bluefin Depot, building safety has said that there is a lot to complain about...) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay? (Huch! Was ist dem Inspekteur denn wohl zu schwör?)“ (Ay! Ay? (Yikes! What is the inspector having to swear about?)) |
Muri „Na, irgendwie kann wegen fehlender Sicherung wohl jeder runterfallen!“ (Well, anyone can fall off because of the lack of safety!) |
Mako „Puh... Damit ist der Fall wohl klar...“ (Phew... that means that the case is clear...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Im Blauflossen-Depot ist es nachts besonders schön. Hach, all die Boote...“ (Bluefin Depot is particularily pretty at night. Oh, all those boats...) |
Muri „Könnte man voll klauen, so eins! Und dann... ...Na gut, vielleicht kauf ich's mir auch.“ (We could totally steal them! Or also......we could buy them.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Lo sai che i montacarichi del Molo Mollusco sono automatici? Sali sopra e parti!» (Did you know that the Bluefin Depot's lifts are automatic? Step on and take off!) |
Pinnuccia «E noi facciamo su e giù, su e giù!» (And we go up and down, up and down!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Ho sempre sognato di lavorare al Molo Mollusco per correre sui carrelli da miniera!» (I've always dreamed of working at the Bluefin Depot to ride the mine carts!) |
Mantaleo «Man?! Man? (I carrelli da miniera?! Hai idea di quanto sia pericoloso?)» (Ay?! Ay? (The mine carts?! Don't you know how dangerous it is?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Sai che il Molo Mollusco era caduto quasi in rovina?» (Did you know Bluefin Depot almost fell into disrepair?) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man. (Beh, adesso è un'attrazione turistica! La ricostruzione ha funzionato.)» (Ay! Ay. (Well, now it is a tourist attraction! The renovations worked.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Consiglio per il Molo Mollusco: attaccate sempre prima da destra!» (A tip for Bluefin Depot: always attack from the right!) |
Pinnuccia «Io preferisco attaccare da sinistra...» (I prefer attacking from the left...) |
Morena «Scommetto che Mantaleo allora attacca dal centro.» (I bet Big Man attacks from the center, then.) |
Mantaleo «Man? Man? (Da... dove? Stiamo parlando del Molo Mollusco, no?)» (Ay? Ay? (From... where? We're talking about Bluefin Depot, right?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Ho sentito che il Molo Mollusco non è in regola con i requisiti dell'ORATA.» (I've heard Bluefin Depot is not in order with ORCA's parameters.) |
Mantaleo «Man? (L'Organo di Regolamentazione Accidenti, Tragedie e Altro?)» (Ay? (The Accidents, Tragedies and Other Stuff Regulation Organ?)) |
Notes: The Italian name is a pun on the word orata, meaning "sea bream". | ||
Morena «Proprio quella! Le rotaie non sono ben protette e si rischia di cadere!» (That one! The rails are not well protected and you can fall down!) |
Pinnuccia «Basta fare tutto il contrario di quello che fai tu per rispettare le regole dell'ORATA...» (It only takes doing the exact contrary of what you do to follow ORCA's rules...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Il Molo Mollusco è bellissimo di notte. Le luci delle navi che sfavillano da lontano...» (The Bluefin Depot is so beautiful at night. The ship lights that sparkle from afar...) |
Morena «Più le guardo, più mi viene voglia di rubarne una... ehm, cioè, prenderla in prestito!» (The more I look at them, the more I want to steal one... erm, I mean, borrow it!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Вы знали, что в Тунцовом депо лифты автоматические? Запрыгивай и все!» (Did you know that the elevators at the Bluefin Depot are automatic? Hop on them and that's all!) |
Кулла «Все лифты автоматические, если за тебя кнопку нажимают...» (All elevators are automatic if someone presses the button for you...) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Интересно, в Тунцовом депо есть вагонетки? Вот бы покататься на таких!» (I wonder if there are trolleys at the Bluefin Depot? I wish I could ride those!) |
Биг Ман «Ик?! (Вагонетки?! Тебе бы на горки в луна-парк, а не в депо...)» (Ay?! (Trolleys?! You better go to the slides at the amusement park, not to the depot...)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Вы знали, что еще недавно Тунцовое депо было обветшавшим и заброшенным?» (Did you know that the Bluefin Depot was dilapidated and abandoned until recently?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. (Помню, до ремонта! Сейчас это достопримечательность для туристов.)» (Ay! Ay. (I remember, before the renovation! Now it's a tourist attraction.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Совет для Тунцового депо от профи — всегда нападайте справа!» (An advice for the Bluefin Depot from a pro — always attack from the right!) |
Кулла «Справа? Я предпочитаю нападать слева.» (From the right? I prefer to attack from the left.) |
Мурия «Значит, Биг Ман остается посередине?» (So Big Man stays in the middle?) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик? (Вы о чем? О лучшей стратегии для Тунцового депо?)» (Ay? Ay? (What are you talking about? About the best Bluefin Depot strategy?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Я слышала, Тунцовое депо не совсем... соответствует стандартам безопасности.» (I heard that Bluefin Depot doesn't fully... meet safety standards.) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (Не знаешь, что не понравилось инспектору?)» (Ay? (Do you happen to know what the inspector didn't like?)) |
Мурия «Не везде есть ограждения! Там когда-то упал и ушибся кто-то очень гламурный!» (The fences aren't everywhere! Someone very glamorous once fell and hurt themself there!) |
Кулла «Ага, кто-то, кого мы знаем. Просто смотри на Мурию и действуй наоборот!» (Yeah, someone we know. Just watch Frye and do the opposite!) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «В Тунцовом депо ночью так красиво! Эти подмигивающие огоньки с лодок...» (It's so beautiful at the Bluefin Depot at night! Those flashing lights from the boats...) |
Мурия «Да уж! Чем больше я на них смотрю, тем больше хочется стащ... купить лодку!» (Oh yeah! The more I look at them, the more I want to stea... buy a boat!) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Sabíais que los ascensores de la mina se activan con solo montarse en ellos?» |
Megan «¡Al último piso!» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Siempre he querido currar en un sitio como la mina costera para subirme en vagonetas!» |
Rayan «¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿Vagonetas?! ¡Eso tiene mucho de peligroso y poco de divertido!)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¿Sabíais que hasta hace poco la mina costera estaba hecha unos zorros?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Y ahora es una atracción de lo más turística! Menuda remodelación...)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Un truqui para la mina costera: ¡siempre atacad primero desde el flanco derecho!» |
Megan «Pues yo prefiero atacar desde la izquierda.» |
Angie «Y seguro que Rayan, desde el centro.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Cómo? ¿Pero se puede ir por el centro? ¿En la mina costera?)» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «He oído por ahí que la mina costera no cumplía con la normativa vigente...» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Y por eso ahora tiene barreras de seguridad alrededor?)» |
Angie «¡Exactamente! Hay que tener cuidado, porque puedes escogorciarte a la mínima...» |
Megan «Habló la «cuidadosa»...» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «La mina costera está preciosa de noche, con las luces de los barcos en lontananza...» |
Angie «Cuanto más los miro, más ganas me entran de asaltar uno... ¡digo de comprar uno!» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Sabían que los ascensores de la mina se activan con solo montarse en ellos?” |
Megan “¡Al último piso!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¡Siempre he querido trabajar en un sitio como la mina costera para subirme en los carritos!” |
Rayan “¡¿Zasss?! (¡¿Carritos?! ¡Eso tiene mucho de peligroso y poco de divertido!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “¿Sabían que hasta hace poco la mina costera estaba casi en la ruina?” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Y ahora es una atracción de lo más turística! Vaya remodelación...)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Un truquito para la mina costera: ¡siempre ataquen primero desde el flanco derecho!” |
Megan “Pues yo prefiero atacar desde la izquierda.” |
Angie “Y seguro que Rayan, desde el centro.” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (¿Cómo? ¿Pero se puede ir por el centro? ¿En la mina costera?)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Escuché por ahí que la mina costera no cumplía con la normativa vigente...” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (¿Y por eso ahora tiene barreras de seguridad alrededor?)” |
Angie “¡Exactamente! Hay que tener cuidado, porque te puedes fracturar con una caída...” |
Megan “Habló la "cuidadosa"...” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “La mina costera es preciosa de noche, con todas las luces de los barcos alumbrando...” |
Angie “Mientras más los miro, más ganas me dan de asaltar uno... ¡digo de comprar uno!” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “葱鲔鱼煤矿场的电梯, 只要乘上去,它就会自己启动耶!” |
莎莎 “要上去咯~!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “提到矿场,就会想到矿车! 提到矿车,那肯定就会想到过山车啦!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!!(可不能用真的矿车来坐过山车啊!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “不久前提起葱鲔鱼煤矿场, 还给人一种萧条的印象。” |
鬼福 “鲼~(修复工程结束后,游客也增加了吧~)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “在葱鲔鱼煤矿场我喜欢从右边走!” |
莎莎 “我喜欢从左边进攻。” |
曼曼 “那鬼福就从中间吧。” |
鬼福 “鲼?!(中间在哪里?!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “据说以前在葱鲔鱼煤矿场, 一直会有鱿鱼在对战时不慎滑倒掉进海里。” |
鬼福 “鲼?(所以现在边缘才会被围起来?)” |
曼曼 “现在也有没围起来的地方, 小心别掉下去哦!” |
莎莎 “看来这是经验之谈啊。” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “从葱鲔鱼煤矿场开出来的观光船, 到了夜晚会点亮灯光行驶~” |
曼曼 “看着它有一股想要追上去的冲动。” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「蔥鮪魚煤礦場的電梯 光是搭乘在上面,就會自己動耶!」 |
莎莎 「要上去囉~!」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「提到礦坑就會想到礦車! 而提到礦車就會想到雲霄飛車!」 |
鬼福 「吼吼魟!(不能真的用礦車去玩那個喔!)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「不久前提起蔥鮪魚煤礦場, 總是給人一種沒落的印象。」 |
鬼福 「魟~(修復工程結束後,觀光客也增加了吧~)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「在蔥鮪魚煤礦場我喜歡從右邊走!」 |
莎莎 「我比較喜歡從左邊進攻。」 |
曼曼 「那鬼福就是從中間吧。」 |
鬼福 「魟!?(中間是哪裡呀!?)」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「據說以前在蔥鮪魚煤礦場, 一直會有魷魚在戰鬥中不小心腳滑掉進海裡。」 |
鬼福 「魟?(所以現在邊緣才會被圍住啊?)」 |
曼曼 「現在也有沒圍起來的地方, 要小心別掉下去喔!」 |
莎莎 「看來已經有人經歷過了。」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「從蔥鮪魚煤礦場開出來的觀光船, 到了夜晚會點亮燈光行駛~」 |
曼曼 「看著它會有一股想追上去的衝動。」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “참치 탄광의 엘리베이터는 올라타기만 해도 저절로 움직이는 거, 알고 있느냐?” |
후우카 “위로 올라갑니데이~!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “탄광 하면 광차! 광차 하면 롤러코스터 아니겠느냐!” |
만타로 “마안타!(진짜 광차로 그러면 안 돼!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “요전까지 참치 탄광이라 카면 낡고 녹슨 이미지가 있었다이가” |
만타로 “만타~(복원 공사가 끝난 뒤로 관광객이 늘었지~)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “나는 참치 탄광에 가면 오른쪽부터 공략하는 타입이니라!” |
후우카 “내는 왼쪽부터 공략하는 타입이데이” |
우츠호 “그럼 만타로는 중앙부터 공략하거라” |
만타로 “만타?!(중앙이 어딘데?!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “옛날의 참치 탄광에서는 배틀 중에 발이 미끄러져서 바다에 빠지는 오징어가 속출했다이가” |
만타로 “만타?(그래서 테두리로 둘러쌌나?)” |
우츠호 “지금도 테두리가 없는 곳이 있으니 떨어지지 않도록 조심해야 하니라!” |
후우카 “경험자의 한마디구마” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “참치 탄광발 관광선 알제? 밤이 되면 조명을 켜서 운행한다이가~” |
우츠호 “보면 괜히 따라가고 싶어지더구나” |
“ | Tonight at 7 PM PT, a new stage called Bluefin Depot will enter the rotation. The valley" in the middle is separated into two islands, making it difficult to come and go as you please. You'll have to do some wall climbing to make it into your opponent's side of the map. Keep an eye on the tide of battle, and choose your attack route wisely! | ” |
“ | This abandoned coal mine is like a fortress. Its decaying structures and pathways have become a location for Turf Wars. The salt air in this manmade cove is said to cause the ink to dry faster. | ” |
“ | Before the Great Turf War, the coal mine at Bluefin Depot flourished. Fifty years ago, it was closed down and abandoned. For a while, it became part of the Octarians' turf, but it was eventually sealed off due to potential dangers. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon