Humpback Pump Track/Quotes
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “The acoustics here are the bomb! My voice sounds amazing here!” |
Marina “Yeah, the reverb makes it easier to ignore how off-key we are!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “The acoustics here are the bomb! My voice sounds amazing here!” |
Marina “Yeah, the reverb makes it easier to ignore how off-key you are!” |
NOE, NOA[note 1][note 2] |
Pearl “Man, I wanna ride around here on a motorcycle!” |
Marina “First you'll need to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels.” |
Pearl “Swimming around this place makes me kind of dizzy.” |
Marina “Well, if you're gonna ralph, just try to aim it at the enemy team.” |
Pearl “I like to dualie dodge-roll off ledges and splat fools in midair, then win the game!” |
Marina “I also like to make believe!” |
Pearl “Here's some advice—don't rent the bikes here. They're falling apart.” |
Marina “That just makes for a more exciting ride!” |
Pearl “I just LOVE Humptrack Pump Back... Er... Thumbtack Bump Pack... ARRRGH!” |
Marina “You'll get it one day, Pearl.” |
Pearl “Marina! You bought a new motorcycle recently, yeah? You gotta let me ride it!” |
Marina “I don't think your feet would reach the pegs...” |
Pearl “Remember when I pulled off that sick trick with the dualies the other day?” |
Marina “Yeah. And it only took you 4,000 attempts!” |
Pearl “I like to assault the central hill with the dualies, dodge-rolling this way and that!” |
Marina “That's cool and all, but I'd rather roll up with the brella like-BLAMMO!” |
Pearl “Marina, don't tell anyone, but I got a new pair of training wheels for my bike!” |
Marina “You know we're still live, right?” |
Pearl “I was hoping they'd let me drive my go-cart on the track, but they said no!” |
Marina “You have a go-cart?!” |
Pearl “What's up with the jellyfish that run this place? They never take a day off!” |
Marina “It's a jellyfish thing. Jelfonzo and the staff at The Shoal are the same way.” |
Pearl “"Yo, I'm Marina, and I'm here to say, I lose at Turf War every time I play!"” |
Marina “Cool song...” |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「ここって 予想以上に 声がひびいて サイッコーに 歌いやすいんだよなー! マ~♪」 (My voice travels way more than I expected here, so it's way easy to sing! La~♪) |
イイダ 「うぅ… ヒメセンパイ、いつも以上に ノッちゃうから 機材のセッティング 苦労してるんですからね!」 (Oh... Pearl-senpai, you always get so into it that I have to struggle with the audio settings!) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「ここでバイク乗り回すとチョー気持ちいんだろーなー!」 (It'd feel good to ride around on a motorcycle here!) |
イイダ 「まずは自転車をホジョ輪なしで乗れないと…ですネ」 (First you have to be able to ride your bike without training wheels... right?) |
ヒメ 「ここ見てたら目が回ってきた…」 (I get dizzy looking around here...) |
イイダ 「コースがグルグルしてますからネ〜…」 (The course keeps going round and round~...) |
ヒメ 「マニューバーのスライドでカベの横からスチャ!ドドドド!」 (I suddenly slide out of the wall with my dualies! Pew pew pew pew!) |
イイダ 「カベにかくれてるときのセンパイ、キュートすぎます〜!」 (You're too cute when you're hiding in the wall!) |
ヒメ 「ここでレンタルできるチャリ サドルが高すぎんだよね…」 (The saddles on the rental bikes here are too high...) |
イイダ 「ずっと片足でケンケンしてるのに、自転車を追いこしてくセンパイ カッコ良すぎます〜!」 (It's too awesome how you pass other bikes even though you're riding yours while pushing on one leg.) |
ヒメ 「ポンプトラップの…げっ!まちがえた!ゴンブトダンクの必勝法!イイダ、よろしく!」 (Humpback Pomp Trap's... whoops! I messed up! Humpback Gonbuto Dunk's secret to victory! Marina, if you please!) |
イイダ 「センパイ、カミかたが異常すぎます…」 (Senpai, the way you tripped over that is just too weird...) |
Notes: Gonbuto is a type of Japanese udon. | ||
ヒメ 「イイダ!この前 新しいバイク注文してたよな?!今度乗らせてよ!」 (Marina! You ordered a motorcycle recently, right?! Let me ride it!) |
イイダ 「で、でもたぶん足 届かないと思います…」 (B-but you probably won't be able to reach the pegs...) |
ヒメ 「この前 マニューバーで メチャカッコイイ トリック決めたの見てた?」 (Did you see that super-cool trick I did with the dualies?) |
イイダ 「センパイ、さんぽで そればっかり 練習してましたよね~」 (Senpai, you've been practicing that like crazy, haven't you?) |
ヒメ 「マニューバーのスライドでカベの横からスチャ!ドドドド!」 (I suddenly slide out of the wall with my dualies! Pew pew pew pew!) |
イイダ 「そうはいきません!シェルターでドーン!です!」 (That's not how you do it! You gotta use a brella and go 'SPLAT!' on them!) |
ヒメ 「イイダ! ここでホジョ輪外す 極秘の特訓するぞ!」 (Marina! I take off my training wheels here for super secret training!) |
イイダ 「番組で言ってる時点で 極秘じゃないですよ…」 (It's not a secret when you say it on live TV...) |
ヒメ 「ちびっこ諸君! トラックと言っても、 デカイ車の事じゃないからな!」 (Kids! Even though it's called a track, it's not for big vehicles!) |
イイダ 「えっ…! ワタシ、てっきり…」 (Eh...! I... obviously knew that...) |
ヒメ 「ここの店員さんも みんなクラゲだっけ? 働き者だなー」 (The staff here are all jellyfish too, right? They're workaholics!) |
イイダ 「ビゼンさんと言い、イカッチャもそうですよね~」 (Jelfonzo and the staff at The Shoal are the same way!) |
ヒメ 「イイダ、こことのタイアップの話 どうなったんだっけ?」 (Marina, what happened to the cross-promotion we were gonna have with this place?) |
イイダ 「センパイのホジョ輪が取れたら タイアップ来るはずです!」 (You should take off your training wheels before we do that cross-promotion!) |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “De akoestiek is hier echt waanzinnig. Mijn stem klinkt fantastisch hier!” (The acoustics are really crazy here. My voice sounds fantastic here!) |
Mariana “Ja, door de echo hoor je het BIJNA niet als je vals zingt...” (Yes, because of the echo, you ALMOST do not hear it when you sing off-key...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Ik zou hier weleens met een motor willen rondrijden!” (I would like to ride around with a motorbike here sometime!) |
Mariana “Leer eerst maar eens overeind te blijven op een fiets zonder zijwieltjes, goed?” (First learn to stay standing on a bike without training wheels, okay?) |
Lorelei “Ik word een beetje duizelig van dit level.” (I get a bit dizzy from this level.) |
Mariana “Als je misselijk wordt, richt je dan op de tegenstander en niet op mij, graag.” (If you become nauseous, then focus on the opponent and not on me, please.) |
Lorelei “Met Dubbelknallers van de rand rollen en iemand dan in de lucht raken is de bom!” (To roll off the edge with Splat Dualies and then to hit someone in the air is the bomb!) |
Mariana “Of met een bom. Bommen zijn de bom.” (Or with a bomb. Bombs are the bomb.) |
Lorelei “Nog even een tip: ga geen fiets huren, want die blijven niet lang heel.” (Just one more tip: do not rent a bike, because those do not last long.) |
Mariana “Dat maakt de fietstocht alleen maar spannender!” (That only makes the bike ride more exciting!) |
Lorelei “Ik ben gek op de Lekkerbrektack! Eh... Bekkentreklek... Grrr!” (I love the Humpback Prump tack! Eh... Bumbtrack Bump lack... Grrr!) |
Mariana “Ooit lukt het je, Lorelei.” (Someday you will succeed, Pearl.) |
Lorelei “Mariana! Jij hebt toch laatst een motor gekocht? Mag ik er 'n keer mee rijden?” (Mariana! You recently have bought a motorcycle, right? Can I ride it once?) |
Mariana “Kun je bij de voetsteunen dan?” (Can you reach the foot-rests than?) |
Lorelei “Wauw, weet je nog dat ik laatst die coole move deed met de Dubbelknallers?” (Wow, do you remember that I recently did that cool move with the Splat Dualies?) |
Mariana “Ja. Mocht ook wel, na 4000 pogingen...” (Yes. Might as well, after 4000 attempts...) |
Lorelei “Het liefst rol ik met Dubbelknallers over de rand en splet ik iedereen voor ik land!” (I prefer rolling with dualies over the edge and splatting everyone before I land!) |
Mariana “Nee, joh. Blocken met een Plenzer, en dan BAM! Zo doe je dat.” (No, dude. Block with a brella, and then BOOM! That is how you do that.) |
Notes: Splet comes from spletten, a corruption of the English verb "to splat". | ||
Lorelei “Mariana! Niet verder vertellen, maar ik heb nieuwe zijwieltjes voor m'n fiets!” (Marina! Do not tell anyone, but I have new training wheels for my bike!) |
Mariana “Eh... Je weet dat we live zijn, hè?” (Eh... You know we are live, right?) |
Lorelei “Hé, maatjes! De Lekkerbektrack is niet bedoeld voor de lekkere trek!” (Hey, buddies! The Humpback Pump Track is not meant for your appetite!) |
Mariana “Niet? O, dat had ik dan verkeerd begrepen...” (Not? Oh, then I had misunderstood that...) |
Notes: Lekkerbektrack comes from lekkerbek ("gourmand", "deep-fried battered fish") and track, with it having the same pronunciation of trek ("appetite"). The joke is that the name apparently made viewers and Marina think that this was some sort of place to satisfy their hunger. | ||
Lorelei “Is het je al opgevallen dat alle verkopers hier kwallen zijn?” (Have you noticed that all vendors here are jellyfish?) |
Mariana “Zeg, je hoeft niet onbeleef... O ja, het zijn echt allemaal kwallen!” (Say, you do not have to be rud... Oh yeah, they really are all jellyfish!) |
Notes: Kwal ("jellyfish") also means "an annoying person" with Marina thinking that Pearl meant that at first. | ||
Lorelei “Zeg, Mariana, die tent hier zou toch onze sponsor worden?” (Say, Marina, that business here would be our sponsor, right?) |
Mariana “Ja, maar dat was voordat ze jou langs zagen komen met je zijwieltjes...” (Yes, but that was before they saw you pass by with your training wheels...) |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « L'acoustique de ce stage est top, ma voix sonne trop bien là-bas ! » (The acoustics of this stage are great, my voice sounds so good there!) |
Coralie « C'est surtout que l'écho cache à peu près tes fausses notes... » (It's more like the echo kind of hides when you are off-key...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « C'est décidé : mon prochain match ici, je le dispute à bicyclette ! » (It's decided: I'm playing my next battle here on a bicycle!") |
Coralie « Tu vas avoir l'air fine avec tes roulettes... » (You're going to look smart with your training wheels...) |
Perle « À chaque fois qu'on dispute un match dans ce stage, j'ai le tournis... » (Every time we battle in this stage, I get dizzy...) |
Coralie « Faut dire que tu t'obstines à faire des tours de piste au lieu de combattre... » (Must say that you keep doing laps instead of fighting...) |
Perle « Ici, c'est Double encreur, roulade depuis une planque et BAM ! J'ai gagné ! » (Here, it's Splat Dualies, rolling from a hideout and BAM! I won!) |
Coralie « C'est beau de rêver éveillée ! » (It's beautiful to dream awake!) |
Perle « Un petit conseil : ne louez pas de vélo là-bas. Ils tombent en miettes. » (Small tip: don't rent bikes here. They're falling apart.) |
Coralie « Bah quoi ? Ça pimente les tours de piste ! » (So what? It makes the laps more spicy!) |
Perle « Coralie ! Ta stratégie pour la piste Rémoule... euh... Léroume... GAAAH ! » (Marina! What's your strategy for the Bumphack... uh... Humkbap... GAAAH!) |
Coralie « Bah alors, Perle ?! Respire un bon coup. » (Are you ok, Pearl?! Take a deep breath.) |
Perle « Alors, Coralie, il paraît que tu t'es offert une nouvelle moto ? » (So, Marina, I heard you got a new motorcycle?) |
Coralie « Si tu voulais l'essayer, oublie, tu toucheras jamais les repose-pieds... » (If you wanted to try it, forget it, you'll never reach the footpegs...) |
Perle « T'as vu le saut de dingue que j'ai fait l'autre fois avec le Double encreur ? » (Did you see that crazy jump I did the other day with the Splat Dualies?) |
Coralie « Franchement, j'ai arrêté de regarder après ta vingtième tentative... » (Honestly, I stopped watching after your twentieth attempt...) |
Perle « Ici, c'est Double encreur, planque derrière un mur, roulade, et BIM ! » (Here, it's like Splat Dualies, hiding behind a wall, dodge-roll, and BAM!) |
Coralie « Qui a besoin de murs quand on peut manier un Para-encre ? PAS MOI ! » (Who needs walls when you wield a Splat Brella? NOT ME!) |
Perle « J'ai attaqué mon entraînement secret pour apprendre à rouler sans roulettes ! » (I started my secret training to learn riding without training wheels!) |
Coralie « Maintenant que tu l'as dit à l'antenne, tu peux rayer la mention « secret »... » (Now that you've said it live, you can omit the word "secret"...) |
Perle « Je préfère préciser : en match, pas besoin de faire des tours de piste. » (I should specify: in a battle, no need to do laps.) |
Coralie « QUOI ?! T'aurais pu le dire avant... » (WHAT?! You could've said it before...) |
Perle « Ici, tous les employés sont des méduses, et ils bossent dur. » (All the employees here are jellyfish, and they work hard.) |
Coralie « Tout comme Gégé Latineux et l'équipe de Calamarcade. Que ferait-on sans eux ? » (Just like Jelfonzo and the team at The Shoal. What would we do without them?) |
Perle « C'en est où les négociations pour le partenariat avec cet établissement ? » (How is the negotiating for the partnership with this place?) |
Coralie « On attend tout simplement que tu sois capable de rouler sans roulettes... » (We're simply waiting for you to be able to ride without training wheels...) |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Die Akustik hier ist der Wahnsinn! Meine Stimme klingt fantastisch!“ (The acoustics here is the insane! My voice sounds so fantastic!) |
Marina „Ja, das Echo glättet das Ganze etwas...“ (Yes, the echo smooths the whole thing a bit...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Hier würde ich gern mal mit 'nem Motorrad rumbrettern!“ (I would like to drive around with a motorcycle here!) |
Marina „Vielleicht wäre es besser, wenn du erst ohne Stützräder Fahrrad fährst...“ (Maybe it would be better if you ride a bicycle without training wheels first...) |
Perla „Irgendwie wird mir von dieser Arena total komisch im Kopf...“ (Somehow my head gets totally weird inside from this stage...) |
Marina „Also wenn dir auch im Magen komisch wird, stell dich bitte in Richtung Gegner.“ (If your stomach gets weird also, place yourself in the direction of the enemy, please.) |
Perla „Mit Dopplern von der Kante rollen und Gegner in der Luft erledigen! Der Hit.“ (Rolling from the edge with dualies and defeating enemies in the air! The hit.) |
Marina „Sich etwas vorstellen und es tatsächlich machen sind zwei verschiedene Sachen!“ (Imagining something and actually doing it are two different things!) |
Perla „Insider-Tipp: Hier auf KEINEN Fall Fahrräder leihen. Die fallen auseinander!“ (Inside tip: DO NOT borrow bicycles here. They fall apart!) |
Marina „Aber das macht die Fahrt doch nur viel spannender!“ (But that makes the ride much more exciting!) |
Perla „Ich mag die Schnuckelwal-Piste... Äh... Nuckelwal-Piste... Boah, also heute...“ (I like the Shumpback Pump Track... Um... Numpback Pump Track... Man, so today...) |
Marina „Irgendwann merkst du es dir, Perla.“ (Someday you will remember, Pearl.) |
Perla „Marina, du hast dir ein neues Motorrad gekauft, oder? Ich will auch mal fahren!“ (Marina, you bought a new motorcycle, did you not? I want to drive it once!) |
Marina „Äh, ich glaube, deine Füße kommen gar nicht bis an den Boden...“ (Um, I think your feet do not even reach the bottom ...) |
Perla „Hast du meinen coolen Trick mit den Dopplern hier neulich gesehen?“ (Did you see my cool trick here with my dualies recently?) |
Marina „Du hast ja auch wirklich lang dafür geübt! Das erzählst du nur nie...“ (You have really practiced for a long time! You just never mention that...) |
Perla „Mit Dopplern von der Kante rollen und Gegner in der Luft erledigen! Der. Hit.“ (Rolling from the edge with dualies and defeating enemies in the air! The. Hit.) |
Marina „Nicht so meins. Ich blocke lieber mit einem Pluviator und dann BÄMM!“ (Not for me. I rather block with a brella and then BAM!) |
Perla „So, ich werde jetzt heimlich üben, um meine Stützräder loszuwerden!“ (So, I will now secretly practice to get rid of the training wheels!) |
Marina „Aber wenn du das im Fernsehen sagst, ist es vorbei mit der Heimlichkeit...“ (But when you say it on TV, it is over with the secret...) |
Perla „Ich wollte hier mal mit meinem Go-Kart fahren, aber ich durfte nicht!“ (I wanted to go here with my go-kart, but I was not allowed!) |
Marina „Wie? Aber dafür ist die Piste doch da, oder?“ (How? But that is why the track exists, right?) |
Perla „Sind alle Angestellten hier Quallen? Die arbeiten ja rund um die Uhr!“ (Are all the employees jellyfish? They really work around the clock!) |
Marina „Das ist wohl ein Quallending. Jo-Q und die Quallen in der Inkcade sind auch so!“ (That can be a jellyfish thing. Jelfonzo and the jellyfish in The Shoal are like this too!) |
Perla „Hatten wir nicht mal mit denen über Sponsoring verhandelt? Was ist damit?“ (Did we not talk with them about the sponsoring? What about it?) |
Marina „Sobald du ohne Stützräder fahren kannst, sind wir im Geschäft!“ (As soon as you can ride without training wheels, we are in business!) |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Qui l'acustica è incredibile! La mia voce è ancora più bella!» (The acoustics here are incredible! My voice is even more beautiful!) |
Nori «Proprio vero! Il riverbero copre tutte le tue stecche!» (So true! The reverb covers all your cracks!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Con tutti quei curvoni dev'essere uno spasso andare in moto qui!» (With all those big curves, it must be fun riding a motorbike here!) |
Nori «Mi sa che con la tua moto a rotelle non sarebbe poi così elettrizzante...» (I think it wouldn't be that exciting with your training-wheeled motorbike…) |
Alga «A nuotare su e giù per questo scenario mi viene la nausea...» (Swimming up and down around this stage makes me nauseous…) |
Nori «Per forza! Ti abbuffi da Gamberto prima di ogni battaglia...» (Of course! You stuff your face at Crusty Sean's before every battle…) |
Alga «Con i repolper, mi nascondo e sorprendo i nemici uscendo in capriola!» (With my dualies, I hide and then I surprise my enemies by going out with a flip!) |
Nori «Sei così carina quando fai tutte queste acrobazie!» (You're so cute when you do all those tricks!) |
Alga «Le moto che girano qui mi piacciono, ma hanno la sella troppo alta...» (I like the motorbikes going around here, but their saddle is too high…) |
Nori «O magari sei tu che sei troppo bassa...» (Or maybe you're the one who's too short…) |
Alga «Adoro il Montodromo Tintocarp... ehm, il Carpodromo Montetint... uff...» (I love Humptrack Pump Bac… erm, Pumpback Hump Trac…) |
Nori «Tutto a posto, Alga? Chiedo alla regia di mandare la pubblicità?» (Are you okay, Pearl? Should I ask the directors to air the ads?) |
Alga «Nori, è vero che ultimamente hai comprato una moto? Voglio provarla!» (Marina, have you really bought a motorbike lately? I want to try it!) |
Nori «Sì, però... mi sa che non arrivi al manubrio...» (Yeah, but… I think you can't reach the handlebar…) |
Alga «Ti ricordi il numero incredibile che ho fatto l'altro giorno con i repolper?» (Do you remember the incredible trick I made these days with my dualies?) |
Nori «Come no! Hai solo fatto due o trecento tentativi!» (Why wouldn't I! You have only had two or three hundred tries!) |
Alga «Adoro fare le capriole con le armi duplo e splattare i nemici nascosti!» (I love doing flips with my dualies and splatting hidden enemies!) |
Nori «Ti assicuro che piallarli con lo sparasole dà molta più soddisfazione!» (I assure you that squishing them with a brella gives much more satisfaction!) |
Alga «Nori, qui ci vuole un allenamento segreto per togliere le rotelle dalla bici!» (Marina, here I need some secret training to remove the safety wheels from my bike!) |
Nori «Beh, non c'è più bisogno del segreto, visto che l'hai detto in diretta...» (Well, there's no need for the secret anymore, since you told it on air…) |
Alga «Questa pista non è per le auto. Ci si corre a piedi o a tentacoli!» (This road is not for cars. It should be ran over on foot or on tentacles!) |
Nori «Ma come?! Pensavo ci fosse la nuova modalità su kart!» (How come?! I thought there was this new kart-riding mode!) |
Alga «Qui tutti i negozianti sono meduse. Che gran lavoratori!» (All the shop owners here are jellyfish. What hard workers!) |
Nori «Si danno da fare anche Cnidario e le meduse della sala giochi Il Branco.» (Jelfonzo and the jellyfish in Shoal's playroom work their socks off too.) |
Alga «Ehi, Nori. Non si parlava di una collaborazione con questo posto?» (Hey, Marina. Weren't we talking about a collaboration with this place?) |
Nori «Sì, appena togli le rotelle alla bici possiamo firmare!» (Yes, we can sign when you're done removing the training wheels from your bike!) |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «В этом зале акустика — просто шик! Я там всегда так отпадно звучу!» (The acoustics in this gym are simply great! I always sound so amazing there!) |
Мариша «Это все реверберация. Из-за нее не слышно, когда певица фальшивит.» (It's all reverb. Because of it, you can't hear when the singer is out of tune.) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Эх-х, здесь бы на крутом байке прокатиться!» (Ah-h, I wish I could ride a cool motorbike here!) |
Мариша «Но... ты же еще на велосипеде не умеешь...» (But... you still don't know how to ride a bicycle...) |
Жемчик «Когда я плаваю там в виде кальмара, меня вечно мутит... странно!» (When I swim there in the squid form, I always get seasick ... weird!) |
Мариша «Ох, бедная... но я, пожалуй, буду держаться подальше.» (Oh, poor thing... but I guess I'll stay away.) |
Жемчик «Со спуртометами тут можно так круто кувыркаться с платформ!» (With Splat Dualies, you can do such cool somersaults from the platforms here!) |
Мариша «Да, мне тоже очень нравится!» (Yes, I like it very much too!) |
Жемчик «Не советую брать в этом зале велики напрокат. Они заезженные вдребезги.» (I don't advise you to rent bikes in this gym. They're beaten to smithereens.) |
Мариша «Ну, в этом и суть! Это же экстрим!!!» (Well, that's the point! This is extreme!!!) |
Жемчик «О, классно, зеловал «9-й вел»... тьфу, веловал «9-й зал»! А-А-А!!!» (Oh, cool, Bumphack Trumb Pack... I mean, Humptrack Pump Back! U-U-UGH!!!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, не расстраивайся. Мы любим тебя такой, какая ты есть.» (Don't worry Pearl. We love you the way you are.) |
Жемчик «Кстати о транспорте! Когда ты дашь мне покататься на своем мотоцикле?» (Speaking of transportation! When will you let me ride your motorcycle?) |
Мариша «Ну я же говорила, у тебя ноги до педалей не достанут...» (Well, I told you, your feet won't reach the pedals...) |
Жемчик «А помнишь мой шикарный трюк со спуртометами на этой арене?» (Do you remember my sick Splat Dualies trick in this arena?) |
Мариша «Помню, помню. Сколько было попыток? 100? 500?» (I do, I do. How many attempts were there? 100? 500?) |
Жемчик «Со спуртометами тут можно так круто кувыркаться с платформ!» (With Splat Dualies, you can do such cool somersaults from the platforms here!) |
Мариша «Знаешь, зонтган здесь гораздо полезней!» (You know, Splat Brella is much more useful here!) |
Жемчик «В этом зале я тайком учусь ездить на велосипеде без страховочных колес...» (In this gym, I secretly learn to ride a bicycle without safety wheels...) |
Мариша «Жемчик, мы в прямом эфире...» (Pearl, we're live...) |
Жемчик «Я так хотела здесь покататься на своем карте, но мне не разрешили!» (I wanted to ride my kart so badly here but they didn't let me!) |
Мариша «Что, опять?» (What, again?) |
Жемчик «Надо же, там одни медузы работают! Это ж надо, какие усердные!» (Wow, so many jellyfish work there! They must be so diligent!) |
Мариша «Денди и другие продавцы в «моле» тоже из своих магазинов не выходят.» (Jelfonzo and other sellers of the «mall» also don't leave their stores.) |
Жемчик «Мариша, так что там насчет нашего сотрудничества с этим велозалом?» (So what about our collaboration with the Pump Track, Marina?) |
Мариша «Ты забыла? Они за, если ты снимешь с велосипеда страховочные колеса...» (Have you forgotten? They're all for it if you take the safety wheels off the bike...) |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «Lo mejor de actuar aquí es que mi voz reverbera de maravilla.» (The best part about performing here is that my voice reverberates really well.) |
Marina «¡Así no se nota tanto cuando desafinas!» (When you're out of tune, it doesn't show it as much!) |
NOA[note 1] |
Perla «Lo mejor de actuar aquí es que mi voz reverbera de maravilla.» (The best part about performing here is that my voice reverberates really well.) |
Marina «Así no se nota tanto cuando desafinas...» (When you're out of tune, it doesn't show it as much...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla «¿No te encantaría recorrer este escenario en moto?» |
Marina «Primero deberías aprender a ir en bici sin ruedines, ¿no crees?» |
Perla «Siempre que combato aquí acabo medio mareada» (Whenever I battle here, I end up feeling dizzy) |
Marina «Será porque te dedicas a deslizarte por la pista en vez de atacar a los rivales...» (That's because you just slide through the track instead of attacking rivals...) |
Perla «Tengo la técnica perfecta: usar el Difusor dual, rodar, ¡y disparar volando!» (I've got the perfect technique: use the Splat Dualies, slide, and shoot quickly!) |
Marina «¡A mí también me gusta imaginarme cosas que nunca haré!» (I also like to imagine things that I'll never do!) |
Perla «No me gustan las bicis que se pueden alquilar aquí. Son demasiado altas...» (I don't like those bikes that you can rent here. They're too big...) |
Marina «¡Pero así es todo más emocionante!» (But it's more exciting that way!) |
Perla «La primera vez que combatí aquí pensé que se llamaba <<Tiburródromo>>.» (When I battled here for the first time, I thought this place was called "Humpbuck Pump Truck".) |
Marina «¿No te habías puesto las lentillas?» (Didn't you wear contact lenses?) |
Perla «Ya que te has comprado una moto hace poco... ¿me dejarías probarla?» |
Marina «No creo que llegues a los pedales.» |
Perla «¿Te acuerdas del truquito que hice aquí el otro día con el Difusor dual?» |
Marina «Sí, y solo tuviste que intentarlo ciento quince veces hasta que te salió.» |
Perla «¡A rodar por los bordes con un arma doble! ¡Ta-ta-ta-ta! ¡Sin piedad!» |
Marina «¿Qué dices? Donde esté un Paratintas para rematar, que se quite lo demás.» |
Perla «Toca entrenar en secreto. Dentro de poco no necesitaré más los ruedines.» |
Marina «¿En secreto? Si lo cuentas por aquí en directo, lo sabrá todo el mundo...» |
Perla «Que no os engañe el nombre de esta sede. No se celebran carreras en él.» |
Marina «¡¿Entonces dónde compiten los tiburones?!» |
Perla «¿Te has fijado en que los encargados de las tiendas son todos medusas?» |
Marina «Es verdad, tanto M. Duardo como los que llevan El Remolino, ahora que me fijo...» |
Perla «Creo que había negociaciones con este local para ser nuestro patrocinador.» |
Marina «Mientras sigas usando ruedines, creo que la cosa va para largo...» |
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “The secret to winning at Humpback Pump Track? Go clockwise.” |
Frye “No! The secret is going counterclockwise!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Alright, Big Man... You're in a battle at Humpback Pump Track. What's your move?” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (Hmmm. I'd bring a blaster to flush out any enemies hiding behind the hill! [sic] [note 3]” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Humpback Pump Track is a legendary bike course. But wait...can Big Man even ride?” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay... (Only if someone else pedals! My feet don't reach...)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Supposedly there's a great bike shop on-site at Humpback Pump Track!” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (Yeah, I heard they'll match ANYONE to a bike. Can't wait to see if it's true!)” |
Shiver “Custom bikes, eh? Do you suppose I could get one with a giant dorsal fin?” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay?! (That's so cool! But...where would you sit?!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “There's no feeling like pumping pedals with all your might at Humpback Pump Track...” |
Big Man “Ay? (Didn't your parents say that riding was too dangerous when you were a kid?)” |
Shiver “Yes. Too dangerous for OTHER PEOPLE.” |
Frye “Yeah, I can definitely imagine getting obliterated by Shiver on a ten-speed...” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Don't run the opposite way of the arrows at Humpback Pump Track at night...” |
Frye “Why? What's the worst that could happen? I didn't know you were superstitious!” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「コンブトラックは 右回りに攻めると 勝ちやすいねんなぁ」 (It's easier to win on Humpback Pump Track if you go clockwise.) |
ウツホ 「いやいや、ゼーッタイ左回りじゃろ!!」 (No, no, you should go counter-clockwise!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マンタローなら、コンブトラックで どう動く?」 (Big Man, what do you do at Humpback Pump Track?) |
マンタロー 「エイ!(とりあえず、坂の裏にかくれた相手を ブラスターで あぶり出すかな~)」 (Ay! (First of all, I'd use my Blaster to flush out any opponents hiding behind the hill~)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「マンタローがチャリに乗っとんの、見たことあらへんな」 (I've never seen Big Man ride a bike.) |
マンタロー 「エイ…(ペダルに足が届かないんだよね…)」 (Ay... (My feet can't reach the pedals...)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「コンブトラックのチャリ屋は 評判が良いらしいのう!」 (I hear the bike shop at Humpback Pump Track has a good reputation!) |
マンタロー 「エイ~!(ウデ利きのご主人が、お客さんに合わせて 自転車をカスタマイズしてくれるらしいね!)」 (Ay~! (I heard the owner's an expert who customizes bicycles to fit each customer's needs!)) |
Notes: Big Man puns on イカす ikasu (to be cool) and イカ ika (squid). | ||
フウカ 「ほな、車体に「バトル上等」っちゅうペイントを 入れてもろたりも できるんやろか?」 (I wonder if I could get a bike with "First-Class Battler" painted on the body?) |
マンタロー 「エエ~イ!(イカす~!!)」 (Aayy! (So cool~!!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「コンブトラックで バイクをフカすんは、 さぞかし気分がええやろなぁ♪」 (It must feel good riding around Humpback Pump Track on your bike ♪) |
マンタロー 「エイ?(バイクは あぶないからダメって、 親が うるさいんじゃなかったっけ?)」 (Ay? (I thought your parents didn't allow you to ride bikes because they were dangerous?) |
フウカ 「フン! あんヒトらが心配なんは ウチやなくて 巻きこまれる周りのほうや!!」 (Pshaw! They weren't worried about me, they were worried about the people around me caught in the middle of it!) |
ウツホ 「たしかに、暴走したフウカに ふっ飛ばされる 未来が見えるのう…」 (I can definitely see a future where we get blown off our feet by an out-of-control Shiver...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ウワサやけど、夜のコンブトラックで ユカの矢印とは 逆向きに走り続けると おそろしいコトが…」 (There's a rumor that if you keep running in the opposite direction to the arrows on the floor of Humpback Pump Track, something terrible will happen to you...) |
ウツホ 「それならもう試したが、何も起こらんかったぞ?」 (But I've already tried that and nothing happened?) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “De beste aanpak op de Lekkerbektrack is om met de klok mee te werken...” (The best approach on Humpback Pump Track is to work clockwise...) |
Muriël “Nee, je moet tegen de klok in werken, anders krijg je met mij te maken!” (No, you have to work counterclockwise, otherwise you'll have to deal with me!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Oké, Ray. Stel dat je op de Lekkerbektrack bent... Wat is dan je aanpak?” (Okay, Big Man. Suppose you're on Humpback Pump Track... What's your approach then?) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Hmmm. Ik sluip met een blaster om de heuvel om iedereen te laten schrikken! [sic] [note 3]” (Ay. Ay! (Hmmm. I sneak around the hill with a blaster to startle everyone!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Nu we het over de Lekkerbektrack hebben... Kun jij eigenlijk wel fietsen, Ray?” (Since we're talking about Humpback Pump Track... Can you even ride a bike, Big Man?) |
Ray “Ay! (Ja, als ik niet hoef te trappen, kan ik heel goed op een tandem fietsen!)” (Ay! (Yes, if I don't have to pedal, I can ride a tandem very well!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Bij de Lekkerbektrack staat een super- specialistische fietsenwinkel!” (At Humpback Pump Track there's a superspecialized bike shop!) |
Ray “Ay! (Ja, ze zeggen dat je daar een compleet naar wens gemaakte fiets kunt krijgen!)” (Ay! (Yes, they say you can get a bike made completely to your liking there!)) |
Haya “Oeh! Dan wil ik er een met achterop zo'n spoiler die raceauto's hebben!” (Ooh! Then I want one with such a spoiler on the back that race cars have!) |
Ray “Ay! Ay. (Dat klinkt cool! En dan is iedereen gewaarschuwd voor wat voor fietser jij bent.)” (Ay! Ay. (That sounds cool! And then everyone is warned about what kind of cyclist you are.)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Er gaat niets boven in de hoogste versnelling rondscheuren op de Lekkerbektrack...” (There's nothing like tearing around Humpback Pump Track in top gear...) |
Ray “Ay? (Vonden je ouders het niet altijd te gevaarlijk als jij als kind ging fietsen?)” (Ay? (Didn't your parents always think it was too dangerous when you went cycling as a child?)) |
Haya “Ja. Te gevaarlijk VOOR ANDEREN!” (Yes. Too dangerous FOR OTHERS!) |
Muriël “Ah, dus deze indoor-fietsbanen zijn er vooral om de buitenwereld te beschermen.” (Ah, so these indoor velodromes are there mainly to protect the outside world.) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Ren op de Lekkerbektrack 's nachts niet tegen de richting van de pijlen in...” (Don't run against the direction of the arrows on Humpback Pump Track at night...) |
Muriël “Waarom? Wat kan er dan gebeuren? Ik wist niet dat je zo bijgelovig was!” (Why? What can happen then? I didn't know you were so superstitious!) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Le secret à la piste Méroule, c'est d'avancer dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre. » |
Angie « Non ! Ça, c'est la clé de la défaite ! Il faut y aller dans le sens inverse ! » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « OK, Raimi. T'es en plein match à la piste Méroule. Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Je dégaine mon blaster et j'allume les adversaires planqués derrière la colline !) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La piste Méroule est un célèbre circuit cycliste. Mais tu sais faire du vélo, Raimi ? » |
Raimi « Ay... (Oui, mais il faut pédaler à ma place ! J'arrive pas à les atteindre, les pédales...) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Il paraît qu'il y a une boutique de vélos de classe mondiale à la piste Méroule ! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Même qu'ils font des vélos sur mesure pour tout le monde ! Je veux voir ça.) » |
Pasquale « Des vélos personnalisés ? Tu crois qu'ils m'en feraient un avec nageoire dorsale ? » |
Raimi « Ay ?! (Ça serait stylé ! Mais... où est-ce que tu t'assiérais, du coup ?!) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Rien ne vaut une virée à vélo à fond la caisse sur la piste Méroule... » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Tes parents te disaient pas que c'était dangereux de pédaler trop vite ?) » |
Pasquale « Si, si. Mais c'était trop dangereux seulement pour les autres gamins. » |
Angie « Il fallait mettre des panneaux sur la piste : « Aux abris, Pasquale est de sortie » ! » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La nuit, évitez de courir dans le sens inverse des flèches sur la piste Méroule... » |
Angie « Et alors ? Qu'est-ce qu'on risque ? Qu'est-ce que tu peux être superstitieuse ! » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Le secret à la piste Méroule, c'est d'avancer dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre. » |
Angie « Non! Ça, c'est la clé de la défaite! Il faut y aller dans le sens inverse! » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « OK, Raimi. T'es en plein match à la piste Méroule. Qu'est-ce que tu fais? » |
Raimi « Ay! (Je dégaine mon blasteur et j'allume les adversaires planqués derrière la colline!) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La piste Méroule est un célèbre circuit cycliste. Mais tu sais faire du vélo, Raimi? » |
Raimi « Ay... (Oui, mais il faut pédaler à ma place! J'arrive pas à les atteindre, les pédales...) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Il paraît qu'il y a une boutique de vélos de classe mondiale à la piste Méroule! » |
Raimi « Ay. (Même qu'ils font des vélos sur mesure pour tout le monde! Je veux voir ça.) » |
Pasquale « Des vélos personnalisés? Tu crois qu'ils m'en feraient un avec nageoire dorsale? » |
Raimi « Ay?! (Ça serait cool! Mais... où est-ce que tu t'assiérais, dans ce cas?!) » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Rien ne vaut une virée à vélo à fond la caisse sur la piste Méroule... » |
Raimi « Ay? (Tes parents te disaient pas que c'était dangereux de pédaler trop vite?) » |
Pasquale « Si, si. Mais c'était trop dangereux seulement pour les autres jeunes. » |
Angie « Il fallait mettre des panneaux sur la piste : « Aux abris, Pasquale est de sortie »! » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « La nuit, évitez de courir dans le sens inverse des flèches sur la piste Méroule... » |
Angie « Et alors? Qu'est-ce qu'on risque? Qu'est-ce que tu peux être superstitieuse! » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Der Siegertrick auf der Buckelwal-Piste? Immer im Uhrzeigersinn manövrieren.“ (The trick to winning on Humpback Pump Track? Always walk clockwise.) |
Muri „Blödfug! GEGEN den Uhrzeigersinn, so wird ein Tanzstrumpf draus!“ (Idiot! COUNTERCLOCKWISE, otherwise I will fight you!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Sag mal, Mantaro! Wie scheuchst du Gegner auf der Buckelwal-Piste aus der Deckung?“ (Say, Big Man! How do you scare opponents out of hiding on Humpback Pump Track?) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Ha! Gegen den Knallradius eines blasters helfen weder Buckel noch Wall!)“ (Ay. Ay! (Ha! The hit of the blaster make neither hump or wall useful!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Apropos Buckelwal-Piste. Sag, Mantaro... Kannst du überhaupt Fahrradfahren?“ (Speaking about Humpback Pump Track. Big Man... Can you ride a bike?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay. (Ich kann ganz toll FahrradSITZEN! Aber zum Fahren sind meine Beine zu kurz.)“ (Ay! Ay. (I'm great at SITTING on a bike! But my legs are too short to reach the pedals.)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Gleich bei der Buckelwal-Piste soll ein Weltklasse-Fahrradladen sein!“ (It is said there is a world class bike shop just off Humpback Pump Track's slope!) |
Mantaro „Ay. Ay! (Ja, dort soll wirklich JEDER das maßgeschneiderte Modell bekommen!)“ (Ay. Ay! (Yea, there, EVERYONE can get a tailor made bike model!)) |
Mako „Maßgeschneidert? Kann ich dann auch ein Fahrrad mit schicker Rückenflosse kriegen?“ (Tailor made bike model? Can I get a fancy bike with a dorsal fin?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay... Ay?! (Coole Vorstellung! Aber... Wo genau würdest du dann sitzen?!)“ (Ay! Ay... Ay?! (Cool idea! But... where exactly would you sit?!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Sich auf der Buckelwal-Piste die Flossen kaputtradeln ist ein TOLLES Gefühl.“ (Pedaling your fins off in Humpback Pump Track feels GREAT.) |
Mantaro „Ay? (Hat man dir nicht beigebracht, dass zu schnelles Fahren gefährlich ist?)“ (Ay? (Weren't you taught that speeding is dangerous?)) |
Mako „Doch. Für die ANDEREN!“ (Yes. Dangerous for EVERYONE ELSE!) |
Muri „Urks. Ja, vor Mako auf Mach 3 würde ich mich ebenfalls in Sicherheit bringen...“ (Yikes. Yup, I should hide before Shiver hits mach 3[note 4]...) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Man soll ja nachts auf der Buckelwal-Piste nicht entgegen der Pfeile laufen, heißt es...“ (They say you shouldn't run opposite of the arrows in Humpback Pump Track...) |
Muri „Wow, du und abergläubisch? Na ja, ich sag dir, falls was passiert.“ (Woah, you're superstitious? Well, I'll come to you if anything happens.) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Il segreto per vincere al Tintodromo Montecarpa è muoversi in senso orario.» (The secret to win at Humpback Pump Track is moving clockwise.) |
Morena «No! Il segreto è muoversi in senso antiorario!» (No! The secret is moving counterclockwise!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «OK, Mantaleo... Stai combattendo al Tintodromo Montecarpa. Cosa fai?» (OK, Big Man… You're battling at the Humpback Pump Track. What shall you do?) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Userei un blaster per far uscire allo scoperto i nemici dietro la collina!)» (Ay! (I'd use a blaster uncover the enemies behind the hill!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Il Tintodromo Montecarpa è un ciclodromo mitico. Ma... Mantaleo, sai andare in bici?» (The Humpback Pump Track is an epic cyclodrome. But… Big Man, can you ride a bike?) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man... (Solo se qualcun altro pedala! Non ci arrivo, ai pedali...)» (Ay! Ay… (Only if someone else is pedaling! I can't reach the pedals…)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Pare ci sia un ottimo negozio di bici al Tintodromo Montecarpa!» (It seems like there is a nice bike store at the Humpback Pump Track!) |
Mantaleo «Man. Man! (Sì, dicono che trovano la bici più adatta a te. Chissà, forse anche a me!)» (Ay. Ay! (Yes, they say they can find the most fitting bike for you. Who knows, maybe even for me!)) |
Pinnuccia «Bici personalizzate, eh? Pensate che ne troverei una con un'enorme pinna dorsale?» (Customized bikes, huh? Do you think I would find one with a huge dorsal fin?) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man?! (Che ideona! Ma... dove ti siedi, poi?!)» (Ay! Ay? (What a great idea! But… where will you be sitting, then?)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Non c'è niente di meglio che spingere a tutta sui pedali al Tintodromo Montecarpa!» (There's nothing better than pushing the pedals off at the Humpback Pump Track!) |
Mantaleo «Man? (I tuoi genitori non ti hanno mai detto di fare attenzione in bici?)» (Ay? (Did your parents ever tell you to be careful on your bike?)) |
Pinnuccia «Sì. Dicevano di fare attenzione AGLI ALTRI.» (Yeah. They told THE OTHERS to pay attention.) |
Morena «È facile immaginare Pinnuccia da piccola che ti fa mangiare la polvere su un triciclo...» (It's easy to imagine a little Shiver that makes you eat her dust on a tricycle…) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Meglio non andare in direzione opposta alle frecce al Tintodromo Montecarpa di notte...» (It's better not to go in the opposite direction of the arrows in Humpback Pump Track at night…) |
Morena «Perché? Cosa potrebbe mai succedere? Non sapevo fossi superstiziosa!» (Why? What could ever happen? I didn't know you were superstitious!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Ключ к победе в велозале «9-й вал» — всегда двигайтесь по часовой стрелке.» (The key to victory at Humpback Pump Track is to always move clockwise.) |
Мурия «Кулла, ты что! Не по, а против!» (Shiver, what's with you! It's not clockwise, but counterclockwise!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Биг Ман, а что ты рекомендуешь в велозале?» (Big Man, what do you recommend at the Pump Track?) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! Ик! (Хм-м. Против бластера нет приема! Ни один враг не усидит в укрытии!)» (Ay. Ay! Ay! (Hm-m. There's no technique against a blaster! No enemy will be able to sit in cover!)) |
Notes: Big Man's quote comes from the Russian phrase "против лома нет приёма" ("there's no technique against a crowbar"), which means "when someone acts against the rules", "bringing a knife to a gunfight". |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла ««9-й вал» — легендарная велотрасса... Биг Ман, ты вообще ездишь на велосипеде?!» (Humpback Pump Track is a legendary bike track... Big Man, do you even ride a bike?!) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Я могу на нем усидеть, но до педалей ноги не достают...)» (Ay... (I can sit on it, but my feet don't reach the pedals...)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Говорят, в велозале есть просто потрясающий магазин велосипедов!» (They say that there's an amazing bicycle shop at the Pump Track!) |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (Да, я слышал, они ЛЮБОМУ клиенту подбирают нужную модель. Скоро проверю!)» (Ay. Ay! (Yes, I heard that they pick the right model for ANY client. I'll check it soon!)) |
Кулла «Индивидуальный сервис, значит? Мне бы велик с шикарным спинным плавником!» (Custom service, you mean? I'd like a bike with a gorgeous dorsal fin!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик?! (Свежо! Но... где ты сама сядешь?!)» (Ay! Ay?! (Fresh! But... where will you sit yourself?!)) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Обожаю это ощущение в велозале, когда крутишь педали изо всех сил и летишь...» (I love that feeling at the Pump Track when you're pedaling as hard as you can and flying...) |
Биг Ман «Ик? (Тебе в детстве никто не говорил, как опасны большие скорости?)» (Ay? (Didn't anyone tell you as a child how dangerous high speeds are?)) |
Кулла «Говорили. Они опасны для ДРУГИХ, не для меня!» (They did. They're dangerous for OTHERS, not for me!) |
Мурия «Когда Кулла на дороге, мне путь туда явно заказан!» (When Shiver's on the road, I'm clearly forbidden from going there!) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Говорят, ночью в велозале «9-й вал» нельзя двигаться против стрел на полу...» (They say that at night at Humpback Pump Track you can't move against the arrows on the floor...) |
Мурия «Откуда такие суеверия, Кулла? Я вот пример тому, что это ерунда!» (Where are these superstitions from, Shiver? I'm the example of what nonsense this is!) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «El truco del Tiburódromo es atacar girando en sentido horario. Nunca falla.» |
Angie «¡Al revés, Megan! ¡Si no vas en sentido antihorario, te darán la del pulpo!» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «A ver, Rayan... ¿Qué estrategia especial nos recomendarías para el Tiburódromo?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Escondeos con un devastador tras un montículo y, cuando pase alguien...)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «El Tiburódromo es un circuito de motos. Rayan, ¿tú puedes agarrar un manillar?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Más o menos, pero nunca consigo alcanzar los pedales con los pies...)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Me han dicho que en el Tiburódromo también hay una tienda superespecializada de bicis.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (Ah, ¿sí? ¡A ver si tienen algún modelo que se adapte a mi forma corporal!)» |
Megan «Oye, pues a mí me molaría una bici que lleve aletas de tiburón. ¿Las tendrán así?» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Y yo pensando que las aletas eran un incordio para ir en bici...)» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Lo suyo en el Tiburódromo es dar gas a tope y pelear sin pensar en las consecuencias.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿No te enseñaron de pequeña que las imprudencias se pagan?)» |
Megan «Sí, pero yo siempre trato de que las paguen quienes se me pongan delante.» |
Angie «Conociendo a Megan, no me acercaría a menos de un kilómetro.» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «En el Tiburódromo, procurad no ir en sentido contrario a las flechas durante la noche.» |
Angie «¿Y eso? ¿Te has vuelto supersticiosa a estas alturas de la vida?» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “El truco del Tiburódromo es atacar siguiendo la pista hacia la derecha. Nunca falla.” |
Angie “¡No, Megan, a la izquierda! Espera... ¿Hacia dónde miras?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “A ver, Rayan... ¿Qué estrategia especial nos recomendarías para el Tiburódromo?” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Escóndanse detrás del montículo y usa un lanzamotas para sembrar el caos!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “El Tiburódromo es un circuito para bicicletas. Rayan, ¿tú sabes andar en bici?” |
Rayan “Zasss... (En teoría, sí, pero... nunca consigo alcanzar los pedales con los pies).” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Me dicen que en el Tiburódromo también hay una tienda superespecializada de bicis.” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (Ah, ¿sí? ¡A ver si tienen algún modelo que se adapte a mi forma corporal!)” |
Megan “¿Bicis personalizadas? ¡Yo quiero una con una aleta dorsal enorme!” |
Rayan “Zasss... (¡Sería la onda! Pero entonces... ¿Dónde te vas a sentar?)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Para ganar velocidad en el Tiburódromo, lo mejor es bajar la cabeza y pedalear fuerte.” |
Rayan “Zasss. (Yo creí que tus padres te decían de pequeña que andar en bici era peligroso).” |
Megan “Sí. Para los demás.” |
Angie “Ah, eso sí tiene sentido.” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “En el Tiburódromo, procuren no ir en sentido contrario a las flechas durante la noche.” |
Angie “¿Y eso? ¿Te volviste supersticiosa de repente?” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “在昆布赛道对战时, 沿赛道的顺时针方向进攻更容易获胜。” |
曼曼 “不不不,肯定是沿逆时针方向更容易获胜吧!!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “鬼福在昆布赛道会采取什么行动?” |
鬼福 “鲼!(我应该会先用爆破枪 把躲在坡后的敌人逼出来吧~)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “我好像从没见过鬼福骑单车啊。” |
鬼福 “鲼……(毕竟我的脚连踏板都踩不到……)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “据说昆布赛道的单车店还挺受好评的!” |
鬼福 “鲼~!(老板是个能工巧匠, 会根据客人的需求定制单车!)” |
莎莎 “那能不能请老板帮我 把“有胆来战”四个字涂装在车体上?” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼~!(真鱿型~!!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “在昆布赛道骑车飞驰 一定会很爽快吧♪” |
鬼福 “鲼?(你父母不是一直叮嘱你, 骑车很危险,所以不让你骑吗?)” |
莎莎 “哼!他们担心的才不是我, 而是受我波及的人!!” |
曼曼 “的确,我都能想象出 未来自己被莎莎飙车撞飞的情景了……” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “我听说过一个传闻,如果在夜晚的昆布赛道 照地板上的箭头方向一直逆行,就会发生可怕的事……” |
曼曼 “我已经按照那个传闻试过了,可是没发生任何事哦?” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「在昆布賽道以順時針方向進攻 會比較容易獲勝喔。」 |
曼曼 「不不不,逆時針方向才比較容易獲勝吧!!」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「鬼福,你在昆布賽道會怎麼行動?」 |
鬼福 「魟~(我應該會先用爆破槍 把躲在坡道後面的對手逼出來吧~)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「我好像從來沒看過鬼福騎單車的模樣耶。」 |
鬼福 「魟……(畢竟我的腳踩不到踏板嘛……)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「聽說昆布賽道的單車店評價還不錯喔!」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(聽說老闆技術高超, 還能配合顧客需求客製單車呢~!)」 |
莎莎 「既然如此,可以請老闆幫我在車體 塗上「有膽就來戰」這幾個字嗎?」 |
鬼福 「吼魟~!!(很魷型喔~!!)」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「騎著車在昆布賽道上全速衝刺, 感覺肯定相當暢快吧♪」 |
鬼福 「魟?(我記得你爸媽不是擔心騎車危險, 所以一直不准你騎嗎?)」 |
莎莎 「哼!他們擔心的才不是我, 而是怕我騎車會波及到別人啦!!」 |
曼曼 「確實,我已經可以想像出 自己被莎莎飆車撞飛的景象了……」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「根據傳聞,晚上在昆布賽道 往地板箭頭的反方向一直奔跑就會發生可怕的事……」 |
曼曼 「那個傳聞我已經試過了,什麼事都沒發生啊。」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “다시마 트랙은 오른쪽으로 돌아야 이기기 쉽데이” |
우츠호 “무슨 소리, 꼭 왼쪽으로 돌아야 하니라!!” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “만타로는 다시마 트랙에서 어떻게 움직일 것이냐?” |
만타로 “만타!(일단 언덕 뒤에 숨은 상대를 블래스터로 적발할 것 같아!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “만타로가 자전거 타는 모습을 본 적이 없구마” |
만타로 “만타…(페달에 발이 안 닿거든…)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “다시마 트랙의 자전거 가게는 평판이 좋다는구나!” |
만타로 “만타~!(실력 좋은 사장님이 손님에 맞춰서 자전거를 커스터마이즈해 준다나 봐~!)” |
후우카 “그럼 프레임에 「배틀왕」이라는 문구를 넣어 달라 카면 들어주는 기가?” |
만타로 “마안~타?!(좋은데~?!)” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “오토바이로 다시마 트랙을 돌면 틀림없이 기분이 끝내줄 끼다♪” |
만타로 “만타?(오토바이는 위험해서 안 된다고 부모님 걱정이 이만저만이 아니시라며?)” |
후우카 “흥! 부모님이 걱정하는 건 내가 아니라 사고에 휘말릴 주변 사람들이데이!!” |
우츠호 “확실히 폭주한 후우카에게 받혀서 날아갈 미래가 보이는구나…” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “해가 진 다시마 트랙에서 화살표와 반대 방향으로 계속 달리면 무서운 일이 벌어진다는 소문이…” |
우츠호 “내가 시험해 봤는데 아무 일도 없더구나” |
“ | Introducing Humpback Pump Track. This new stage is an indoor BMX track, but Inklings use it as a stage for Turf War. It features many curvy ups and downs, and the bike track surrounds a small hill in the middle. You'd think the openness makes for great visibility, but the hump abundance creates a surprising amount of blind spots. Inklings can employ multiple strategies, including frontal breakthroughs or attacking from the side.
Oh… and we just realized that jellyfish can ride bikes? What!? |
” |
“ | The twisted, undulating Humpback Pump Track is built around shops selling BMX bikes and specialty gear. Apparently, the rift between those who go around clockwise and those who go counterclockwise is getting deeper. | ” |
“ | This giant warehouse was remodeled as a BMX practice track. A lot of Inklings with no after-school clubs to go to come here, making it an important community hub outside of school. | ” |
— The Art of Splatoon 2