Inkipedia:Poll selection
Polls were select questions that were shown on the main page. Those were questions that were related to the Splatoon series and could've been answered by anyone.
View poll suggestions from the Google form here.
Previous poll nominations can be found in the archives.
Thank you everyone who submitted polls, nominated them in the polls selection, and swapped them. The journey is over. Shahar (talk) 21:34, 9 October 2022 (UTC)
Nomination process
Any user can propose polls in the section below. Up to two pending proposals per user. If a user wants to submit another proposal, but two are already pending selection, they could retract one of their proposals and archive it. If a user re-submits a retracted proposal, voting must start as a blank slate for that proposal.
Proposals can be voted on once by each user. Nominations may stay up for up to five voting periods before they are removed. A poll may not be featured more than once a year.
The poll question with the highest difference of those in favor minus those who oppose will be featured. One poll will be featured at any time, comprising of the winner of the previous voting period.
In case of a tie, the user who swaps first will have their poll featured.
Nominations can be made in the following format:
=== Poll Question === Nominated by [[User:YourUsername|YourUsername]] * Answer 1 * Answer 2 * Answer 3 ==== Support ==== #~~~~ ==== Oppose ==== ==== Comments ====
Swapping Polls
Polls are swapped on the first week of every month. The user whose poll was elected will archive the old poll, the nomination, and will put the newly elected poll.
Instructions how to swap polls:
- Archive the last poll to Inkipedia:Polls with its order of the answers and not by most votes. Change who nominated, date, and image with link.
- Archive the winning proposal to archives.
- Make the poll in
- Take the ID number of the poll which is seen in its URL and put the newly created poll in Main Page/Poll with a fitting image and link.
Nominations that stayed five voting periods will be removed and archived.
In case the user whose poll was elected doesn't swap in the first week, the user whose poll is the closest second has a week to swap their poll.
Poll Nominations
Poll nominations are closed.