Ranked Battle

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Revision as of 01:15, 6 June 2015 by Slate (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 7952 by Kjhf (talk))

Ranked Battle is a mode of modes in Splatoon. It is accessible by Level 10 players. The modes included in this category will require a higher level of strategy compared to regular modes, and wins and losses will be counted toward players' ranks. Players begin with a 'C' rating, but are able to improve and regress based on how well they perform. Ranked Battle was released when a large amount of players reached Level 10, on June 1st, 2015.

List of Modes

  • Splat Zones - Plays similarly to the King of the Hill mode from other video games. It revolves around a central "zone," which players must attempt to cover in ink. Whoever retains the zone for a certain amount of time wins.
  • Tower Control - An Inkling must take control of one tower and ride it towards the enemy base. The first team to get the tower to their enemy's base wins.
  • Rainmaker - No information as of yet.

Rank Table

Winning in Ranked Battle grants points based on the players's current rank. Achieving 100 points in any rank will allow for a rank up. However, dropping below 0 points on a rank will drop the rank by one. Upon gaining a rank, the player is started at 30 points and, conversely, when losing a rank, the player is started at 70 points. Below is the information table for all ranks:

Rank Points per win Penalty per loss Penalty per loss below 20 Knockout Bonus
C- 20 -10 -10 1000
C 15 -10 ? 1500
C+ 12 -10 -8 2000
B- 12 -10 -8 2300
