
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Here at Inkipedia, we do not tolerate unapproved advertisements of any sort.

Unapproved advertisement is any act that involves promoting an external website or entity without express admin permission. Inkipedia has a very high standard to maintain, and advertisements and spam do not reflect this standard. If you see any unapproved advertisements, please remove them and notify an administrator immediately.

Acceptable advertisement

  • Inkipedia has many partnerships. Occasionally, we will advertise interesting posts or threads for our users to enjoy. This form of advertisement will not detract from your enjoyment of the wiki, because every partner that we have promotes or discusses Splatoon in some way.
  • Self promotion on user pages only, as long as all linked content adheres to the inappropriate content and personal information policies. Staff members can remove links they deem inappropriate at their own discretion.

Examples of unapproved advertisement

  • Spammy messages advertising an external website
  • Accounts being created simply to advertise external products
  • Asking community members to visit a website that is not related to Splatoon to vote or participate in a poll or thread
  • Any other act that an administrator finds harmful to the wiki, its appearance, and its relevance

Consequences of unapproved advertisement

Administrators have the right to block any user for any amount of time. They may also determine if an account of unapproved advertisement counts as minor or major. The block times listed below are merely suggestions.

Minor offenses

  • 1st offense: 1-day block
  • 2nd offense: 3-day block
  • Any further offenses: add 2 days to previous block

Major offenses

  • 1st offense: Indefinite ban