Wahoo World/Quotes
Off the Hook quotes
English quotes
Pearl's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Pearl “Yo, at night, the Ferris wheel's all... like...sparkly and junk.” |
Marina “You're so adorable, Pearl.” |
NOE, NOA[note 1] |
Pearl “Yo, how rad was that show we played on the beach here?” |
Marina “Super rad! Until the wind blew you off the stage...” |
Pearl “Did you see that Crusty Sean opened a shop in the food court here?” |
Marina “PLEASE tell me he takes cash. I'm all out of tickets!” |
Pearl “Remember when we rode the roller coaster for six hours straight?” |
Marina “That was nothing compared to the eight hours we spent on the Death Drop!” |
Pearl “What's with the Death Drop ride? It doesn't drop fast enough!” |
Marina “Maybe it's busted?” |
Pearl “ARRRGH! I can NOT get the timing down for the bridge in the middle.” |
Marina “Pearl, the signs near the spawn point and the center show you the timing...” |
Pearl “The floor in the middle moves whenever my team is losing! HOW DOES IT KNOW?!” |
Marina “Ah, so that's why it never stops moving...” |
Pearl “My dad gave them to me. They make me tall enough to ride the rides...” |
Marina “Hey, Pearl. Why do you always wear those thick-soled boots to this park?” |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first | ||
Pearl “Hey, kids! If you get lost in the park, go to the main office and ask for help!” |
Marina “Sounds like you speak from experience!” |
Pearl “Fresh Fish III: Revenge of the Fish. I always cry at the end.” |
Marina “Hey, Pearl. What's your favorite Fresh Fish movie?” |
NOE, NOA[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Japanese quotes
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「見ろよイイダ! 観覧車、キラキラしてっぞ!」 (Look, Marina! The Ferris wheel is shining!) |
イイダ 「ヒメセンパイの目、 観覧車以上に キラキラしてます~♪」 (Pearlie, your eyes are more brilliant than the Ferris wheel~♪) |
NOJ[note 1] |
ヒメ 「ここでやった ビーチサイドライブは スゲー気持ちよかったなー!」 (The beach show we did here was really nice-!) |
イイダ 「ヒメセンパイ、 風で飛ばされてましたよね…」 (Pearlie, you were blown away by the wind...) |
ヒメ 「フードスペースにロブの店があるぞっ!」 (There's a Crust Bucket in the food court!) |
イイダ 「ここもチケットが必要なんですかね~?」 (Do you need tickets here too~?) |
ヒメ 「この前 6時間連続ジェットコースターやったし 次は 8時間連続フリーフォールやるか!」 (I rode a roller coaster for 6 hours straight last time, and next time I rode the Freefall for 8 hours in a row!) |
イイダ 「ジェットコースターの次は 12時間 観覧車に乗るって約束ですよ!」 (After the roller coaster, you promised to ride the Ferris wheel for 12 hours!) |
ヒメ 「フリーフォールが なかなか落ちてこねー…」 (Freefall doesn't fall easily-...) |
イイダ 「あれって気になり出すと バトルに集中できませんよね~」 (If you start worrying about that, you can't concentrate on the battle, can you~) |
ヒメ 「中央に橋がかかるタイミングが ぜんぜんわかんねーーー!!!」 (I have no idea when the bridge will cross the center-! ! !) |
イイダ 「スタート地点と中央あたりに タイミングを 教えてくれるカンバンがありますよ~」 (There is a sign that tells you the timing at the starting point and around the center~) |
ヒメ 「中央のデカイ地面、 回り出しても 静かだから 気付かない時あんだよなー…」 (The big ground in the center is quiet even when it turns around, so sometimes you don't notice it...) |
イイダ 「ゼッタイ、 いい静音ベアリング使ってます! ああいうのって強度出すの 難しいんですよ~」 (Absolutely, it uses good silent bearings! It's hard to bring out the intensity of something like that~) |
ヒメ 「よくわかんねーけど、 パパが遊園地行く用に プレゼントしてくれたんだよなー」 (I don't really know, but my dad gave me them as a present for going to the amusement park.) |
イイダ 「そういえば何でセンパイは ここに来る時だけ 超厚底のブーツはくんですか~?」 (Come to think of it, why does senpai wear thick-soled boots only when she comes here~?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
ヒメ 「全国のちびっこ諸君! 園内で迷ったら コインロッカー横の迷子センターへ GO! だぞ!!」 (Little kids all over the country! If you get lost in the park, GO to the lost child center next to the coin locker! That's it! !) |
イイダ 「やけにくわしいですね…」 (That's awfully detailed...) |
ヒメ 「「劇場版ひれおくん フーセン王国のマイゴ姫」 かな! 最後が泣けるんだよなー」 ("Princess of Fish Kingdom"! I cry at the end-) |
イイダ 「センパイが 「ひれおくん」で 好きなシリーズって なんですか?」 (What is Senpai's favorite series in Fresh Fish?) |
NOJ[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Dutch quotes
Lorelei's dialogue | Mariana's dialogue | Region |
Lorelei “Ooo, Mariana! Kijk toch eens hoe dat reuzenrad blinkt en schittert!” (Ooh, Marina! Look at how the Ferris wheel glitters and shines!) |
Mariana “Maar het blinkt en schittert niet zo als jouw ogen... ♪” (But it does not glitter and shine like your eyes... ♪) |
NOE[note 1] |
Lorelei “Yo, weet je dat concert hier op het strand nog? Dat was zo stoer!” (Yo, do you remember that concert here on the beach? That was so tough!) |
Mariana “O ja, dat weet ik nog. En weet je nog hoe de wind je van het podium blies?” (Oh yes, I remember that. And do you remember how the wind blew you off the stage?) |
Lorelei “Heb je gezien dat Pelle hier ook een kraam heeft?” (Have you seen that Crusty Sean also has a stall here?) |
Mariana “Ik hoop dat je hier wel met cash kunt betalen... Ik heb geen coupons meer!” (I hope that you can pay with cash here... I no longer have tickets!) |
Lorelei “Zo, dat waren zes geweldige uren in de achtbaan! Nu acht uur in de botsauto's!” (So, that were six awesome hours in the rollercoaster! Now eight hours in the bumper cars!) |
Mariana “Maar je had me twaalf uur in het reuzenrad beloofd!” (But you had promised me twelve hours in the Ferris wheel!) |
Lorelei “Waarom valt die valtoren niet... Dit bevalt me maar niks.” (Why does the drop tower not fall... I do not like this.) |
Mariana “Het lijkt me duidelijk: de valtoren is uitgevallen.” (It seems clear to me: the drop tower broke down.) |
Notes: Bevallen ("to please/to satisfy"), uitvallen ("to stop functioning/to become out of order"), and valtoren ("drop tower") are puns on vallen ("to fall"). | ||
Lorelei “Ik krijg de timing voor die brug maar niet onder de knie! Zooo irritant!” (I just do not get the timing for that bridge down! Sooo irritating!) |
Mariana “Maar er zijn toch genoeg aanwijzingen in het midden en bij de basis...” (But there are enough clues in the middle and at the spawn...) |
Notes: Onder de knie is a Dutch idiom for "learned, mastered, (having something) down". | ||
Lorelei “Ze zeggen dat de vloer in het midden 's nachts draait. Hoe eng is dat?!” (They say that the floor in the middle rotates at night. How scary is that?!) |
Mariana “Eh, dat doet die vloer overdag ook...” (Uh, the floor is doing that during the day too...) |
Lorelei “Die heb ik van m'n pa gehad zodat ik groot genoeg ben voor alle attracties.” (I got them from my dad so that I am tall enough for all rides.) |
Mariana “Zeg Lorelei, waarom draag je hier altijd die laarzen met die dikke zolen?” (Say Pearl, why do you always wear those boots with those thick soles?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first | ||
Lorelei “Attentie! Als je familie je kwijtraakt, roepen ze je naam om via de intercom.” (Attention! If you lose your family, they call your name via the intercom.) |
Mariana “Of als ze je na vijf uur uit de achtbaan proberen te krijgen, natuurlijk...” (Or if they try to get you out of the rollercoaster after five hours, of course...) |
Lorelei “"Vismaatje redt uienprinses Piccalilly"! Moet er altijd bij janken.” ("Fresh Fish saves onion princess Piccalilli"! Always have to cry.) |
Mariana “Hé Lorelei, wat is je favoriete deel uit de Vismaatje-serie?” (Hey Pearl, what is your favorite part of the Fresh Fish series?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
French quotes
Perle's dialogue | Coralie's dialogue | Region |
Perle « Tu as vu la grande roue, Coralie ? Comme elle scintille ! » (Have you seen the big wheel, Marina? It's like it sparkles!) |
Coralie « T'es trop mignonne, Perle ! ♪ » (You are so cute, Pearl! ♪) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perle « Classe ou classe le concert qu'on a donné sur cette plage, Coralie ? » (The concert that we had on this beach, was it cool or cool, Marina?) |
Coralie « La classe totale ! Surtout quand tu t'es fait emporter par une bourrasque... » (Totally cool! Especially when you were carried away by the wind...) |
Perle « Nan ? Je rêve ou Omar a ouvert une filiale de Crustassiette dans le parc ? » (What? I'm dreaming or Crusty Sean has opened a Crust Bucket in the park?) |
Coralie « J'espère qu'on peut payer en liquide ! Je suis toujours à court de tickets... » (I hope that we can pay in cash! I'm always out of tickets...) |
Perle « Tu te rappelles de notre défi, Coralie ? Six heures sur les montagnes russes ? » (You recall our challenge, Marina? Six hours on Rush Mountain?) |
Coralie « Ne fais pas ta maligne, Perle ! N'importe qui aurait été malade ! » (Do not try to be smart, Pearl! Anyone would have been feeling sick!) |
Perle « Je sais pas ce qui se passe à la tour de la chute libre, mais ça chute pas fort... » (I don't know what's going on with the drop tower, but it's not dropping much...) |
Coralie « Elle est en réparation, non ? Ne me dis pas que tu n'avais pas vu le panneau ? » (It's under repair, right? Don't tell me that you haven't seen the sign?) |
Perle « Pas moyen de trouver le bon timing avec ce pont mobile ! J'abandonne ! » (I can't find the good timing with this moving bridge! I give up!) |
Coralie « Dis pas ça ! Y a des instructions devant les points de déploiement ! » (Don't say that! There are instructions at the spawn points!) |
Perle « Tu savais que la zone du milieu bougeait toute seule, la nuit ? » (Did you know that the middle zone moves by itself, in the night?) |
Coralie « Euh, mais... le jour aussi, tu sais. » (Uh, but... in the day as well, ya know.) |
Perle « Mon père me les a offertes la première fois qu'on est venus ! C'est sentimental. » (My dad gave them to me the first time we came here! It's sentimental.) |
Coralie « Tu portes toujours tes chaussures compensées quand on vient ici, Perle ! » (You always wear your taller shoes when we come here, Pearl!) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
Perle « Si vous perdez vos parents, les enfants, rendez-vous au centre d'information ! » (If you lose your parents, kids, meet at the information center!) |
Coralie « Ma pauvre Perle, ne me dis pas que ça t'est arrivé ? » (My poor Pearl, don't tell me that happened to you?) |
Perle « Rêve pas, Coralie ! Tu sais bien qu'il est toujours entre deux tournages... » (Don't except too much, Marina! You know that he's always busy with filming...) |
Coralie « T'imagines si Scott la mascotte faisait une apparition dans un de nos clips ? » (Imagine if Fresh Fish was featured in one of our music videos?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
German quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla „Ooooh, Marina! Schau mal, wie das Riesenrad blitzt und funkelt!“ (Ooooh, Marina! Look how the Ferris wheel flashes and sparkles!) |
Marina „Aber es kommt nicht an deine Augen heran!“ (But it doesn't compare to your eyes!) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla „Das Konzert, das wir hier am Strand gegeben haben, war unglaublich!“ (The concert we gave here at the beach was amazing!) |
Marina „Total! Bis dich der Wind von der Bühne geweht hat.“ (Totally! Until the wind blew you off the stage.) |
Perla „Hast du mitgekriegt, dass Shrimpson hier eine Filiale aufgemacht hat?“ (Did you notice that Crusty Sean opened a branch store here?) |
Marina „Bitte sag mir, dass er da Bargeld nimmt! Ich hab keine Coupons mehr!“ (Please tell me he takes cash! I don't have any more coupons!) |
Perla „Weißt du noch, als wir sechs Stunden Achterbahn gefahren sind?“ (Remember when rode the roller coaster for six hours?) |
Marina „Das war nix gegen die acht Stunden im Freifallturm!“ (That was nothing compared to the eight hours in the free fall tower!) |
Perla „Was ist mit dem Freifallturm? Dazu will mir nix einfallen...“ (What about the free fall tower? I can't think of anything for that...) |
Marina „Klarer Fall, der ist ausgefallen...“ (Clear case, it malfunctioned...) |
Notes: Pearl and Marina make puns on fallen ("to fall"). | ||
Perla „Ich krieg das Timing für die Brücke in der Mitte nicht hin! Das nervt mega!“ (I can't get the timing right for the bridge in the middle! That sucks mega!) |
Marina „Dafür gibt es doch die Signale in der Mitte und an den Startpunkten!“ (That's what the signals in the middle and on the spawn points are for!) |
Perla „Hast du gesehen, dass sich der Teil in der Mitte bei Nacht bewegt?“ (Did you see that the part in the middle moves at night?) |
Marina „Äh, das macht er auch bei Tag...“ (Uh, it does that during the day too...) |
Perla „Die hat mir mein Papa gegeben, damit ich groß genug zum Mitfahren bin...“ (My dad gave me them so I'd be big enough to ride...) |
Marina „Hey Perla, warum trägst du hier immer diese Schuhe mit den dicken Sohlen?“ (Hey Pearl, why do you always wear those thick-soled shoes here?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
Perla „An alle Kinder! Wenn ihr euch verlauft, meldet euch am Infostand!“ (To all kids! When you get lost, report to the information stand!) |
Marina „Sprichst du da etwa aus Erfahrung?“ (Do you speak from experience?) |
Perla „„Flosso und die verlorene Prinzessin des Ballonlands"! Da muss ich immer weinen!“ (Fish and the Lost Princess of Balloon Land! I always cry!) |
Marina „Hey, Perla, welchen Film von Flosso magst du am liebsten?“ (Hey Pearlie, what Fish Film do you like most?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Italian quotes
Alga's dialogue | Nori's dialogue | Region |
Alga «Guarda come luccica la ruota panoramica!» (Look how the Ferris wheel glitters!) |
Nori «Mai quanto i tuoi occhi! ♪» (Not as much as your eyes! ♪) |
NOE[note 1] |
Alga «Ti ricordi il concerto che abbiamo fatto qui?» (Do you remember that concert we did here?) |
Nori «Certo... c'era così tanto vento che stavi per volare via!» (Of course... there was so much wind that you were about to fly away!) |
Alga «Hai visto che Gamberto ha aperto un chiosco anche qui?» (Did you see that Crusty Sean opened a kiosk here too?) |
Nori «Non mi dire che accetta solo coupon anche in questo!» (Don't tell me he only accepts coupons here too!) |
Alga «Otto ore di fila sull'ottovolante: fatto! Adesso sei ore di caduta libera!» (Eight hours in a row on the roller coaster: done! Now six hours of free fall!) |
Nori «Avevi promesso di accompagnarmi dodici ore sulla ruota panoramica!» (You promised to accompany me for twelve hours on the Ferris wheel!) |
Alga «La caduta libera... non cade!» (The free fall... doesn't fall!) |
Nori «Concentrati sulla battaglia, invece di stare a guardare lo sfondo...» (Focus on the battle, instead of standing and watching the background...) |
Alga «Hai visto quel ponte mobile al centro? Non lo trovo mai collegato!» (Did you see that mobile bridge at the center? I never find it connected!) |
Nori «Alga, devi guardare le indicazioni al centro del campo e davanti alle basi!» (Pearl, you need to watch the indications at the center of the field and in front of the spawn points!) |
Alga «Pare che di notte la parte centrale cominci a muoversi da sola... Brrrr!» (It seems that at night the central part start moving on its own... Brrr!) |
Nori «Guarda che lo fa anche di giorno...» (Looks like that it does it even during the day ...) |
Alga «Questi sono stivali da parco giochi, me li ha regalati papino!» (These are my playground boots, daddy bought them for me!) |
Nori «Alga, perché ti metti sempre stivali con la suola spessa per venire qui?» (Pearl, why do you always wear boots with thick sole to come here?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
Alga «Bambini, se non trovate più i vostri genitori, correte al centro informazioni!» (Kids, if you can't find your parents anymore, run to the information center!) |
Nori «Pensavo dicessi: Andate a scatenarvi!...» (I thought you would say: Go go wild!...) |
Alga «Fresh Fish - Il Film: La Principessa del Regno Palloncino mi commuove sempre.» (Fresh Fish - The Film: The Princess of the Balloon World always moves me.) |
Nori «Ehi, Alga... qual è il tuo episodio preferito della serie di Fresh Fish?» (Hey Pearl... what's your favorite episode of Fresh Fish's series?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Russian quotes
Жемчик's dialogue | Мариша's dialogue | Region |
Жемчик «Йо-хо! Мариша, смотри, как колесо обозрения сверкает! Отпад!» (Booyah! Marina, look how the Ferris wheel sparkles! Amazing!) |
Мариша «Ага. У тебя у самой аж глаза засверкали! Ми-ми-ми!..» (Yeah. Your own eyes are sparkling now! Me-me-me!..) |
NOE[note 1] |
Жемчик «Помнишь, как круто мы тут в первый раз выступили?» (Do you remember how cool we performed here the first time?) |
Мариша «Ну как такое забудешь! Тебя еще со сцены ветром сдуло...» (Well, how can you forget that! The wind blew you off the stage...) |
Жемчик «Так здорово, что Ракки здесь тоже своими вкусняхами торгует, йо!» (It's so cool that Crusty Sean sells his snacks here too, yo!) |
Мариша «А плату до сих пор только талонами принимает? Консерватор!» (Does he still only accept coupons? What a conservative!) |
Жемчик «Помнишь, как мы шесть часов на американских горках катались?» (Remember how we rode the rollercoaster for six hours?) |
Мариша «Это еще что! Помнишь восемь часов на Башне падения?» (It's nothing! Remember eight hours at the Death Drop?) |
Жемчик «Я все смотрю на эту Башню падения... Чего она не падает-то, йо?!» (I keep looking at this Death Drop... Why it's not dropping, yo?!) |
Мариша «Может, барахлит?» (Maybe it's acting up?) |
Жемчик «Никогда не могу понять, когда мост в середине выдвигается! Бесит!!!» (I can never figure out when the bridge in the middle extends! It pisses me off!!!) |
Мариша «Жемчик, по пути к нему и рядом даже специальные табло есть...» (Pearl, there are special scoreboards on the way to it and next to it...) |
Жемчик «Пол посередине крутится, когда моя команда проигрывает! Как назло!» (The floor in the middle spins when my team loses! As luck would have it!) |
Мариша «Так вот, почему он всегда крутится...» (So that's why it's always spinning...) |
Жемчик «Ну, как тебе сказать... Так надо! А вообще это папина идея была.» (Well, how should I tell you... It's necessary! Actually, it was my dad's idea.) |
Мариша «Жемчик, а почему ты здесь всегда носишь туфли на высокой подошве?» (Pearl, why are you always wearing high soles here?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
Жемчик «Йо, плотва! Если вдруг потеряетесь, идите к информационной стойке!» (Yo, kids! If you suddenly get lost, go to the information desk!) |
Мариша «Очень хочется спросить, откуда ты знаешь, но ладно...» (I really want to ask how do you know it, but okay...) |
Жемчик «Плавнишка-Фильм: пропавшая принцесса. В конце я всегда плачу.» (Fresh Fish the Movie: The Lost Princess. I always cry at the end.) |
Мариша «Жемчик, что тебе больше всего нравится из коллекции Плавнишки?» (Pearl, what do you like the most from the Fresh Fish collection?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Spanish quotes
Perla's dialogue | Marina's dialogue | Region |
Perla «¡Fíjate cómo gira la noria, Marina! ¡Cuántas lucecitas dando vueltas!» (Look how the Ferris wheel turns, Marina! How many little lights going around!) |
Marina «Lo que veo es que los ojos te hacen chiribitas mientras la miras...» (What I see is that your eyes make sparkles while you look at it...) |
NOE[note 1] |
Perla «¿Te acuerdas del conciertazo que dimos aquí una vez?» (Do you remember the concert we gave here once?) |
Marina «Ya lo creo. Hacía tanto viento que casi salió volando nuestro equipamiento...» (I think so. It was so windy that our equipment almost blew off...) |
Perla «¡Fíjate! ¡Hasta Adolfrito ha abierto uno de sus puestos ahí al lado!» (Look! Even Crusty Sean has opened one of his stalls here!) |
Marina «¿Crees que venderá gofres de piraña aquí?» (Do you think he'll sell piranha waffles here?) |
Perla «Una vez estuve seis horas en la montaña rusa y ocho en el tren de la bruja.» (I once spent six hours on the roller coaster and eight on the witch train.) |
Marina «¡Y no fuiste capaz de sacar tiempo para subirte conmigo a la noria!» (And you weren't able to find the time to get on the Ferris wheel with me!) |
Perla «¿Por qué todos los coches de choque tienen que acabar chocando con el mío?» (Why do all bumper cars have to end up crashing into mine?) |
Marina «¿Ves? Te distraes con esas preguntas y así te va luego en los combates...» (You see? You get distracted by those questions and that's how it goes later in the fighting...) |
Perla «Nunca consigo subirme a ese puente del centro en el momento justo.» (I never manage to get on that downtown bridge at just the right time.) |
Marina «¿No has visto las señales que hay en el centro y al lado del punto base?» (Haven't you seen the signs in the center and next to the base point?) |
Perla «La parte del centro gira con tanta suavidad que casi ni se nota.» (The center part rotates so smoothly that it is hardly noticeable.) |
Marina «Ya lo he investigado. Usa amortiguadores hidráulicos de última generación.» (I've already researched it. Use latest generation hydraulic shock absorbers.) |
Perla «Son un regalo que me hizo mi papi la primera que ver que me trajo aquí.» (They are a gift that my dad gave me the first time he brought me here.) |
Marina «Oye, Perla, ¿por qué siempre te pones esas botas de suela extragruesa?» (Hey, Pearl, why do you always wear those extra thick-soled boots?) |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. | ||
Perla «¡Atención! Si os perdéis, vuestra familia intentará localizaros por megafonía.» (Attention! If you get lost, your family will try to locate you through the public address system.) |
Marina «¿Cómo sabes eso? Seguro que ya te has perdido varias veces...» (How do you know that? Surely you have already gotten lost several times...) |
Perla «¡Eso espero! Me encantó su disco «A ritmo de muñecote».» (I hope so! I loved his album "to the rhythm of a puppet".) |
Marina «¿Crees que la mascota de Pirañalandia querrá grabar un tema con nosotras?» (Do you think the Wahoo World mascot will want to record a song with us?) |
NOE[note 2] |
Notes: Marina's line is spoken first. |
Deep Cut quotes
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Sometimes I get totally turned around by the rotating floor at Wahoo World...” |
Shiver “Oh, is that why you blasted ME with ink?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Forget battling. I go to Wahoo World for the ice cream!” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay! (Yeah...didn't you buy an annual ice-cream pass? Who knew THAT existed!)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “I can never get the timing of the bridges at Wahoo World quite right...” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay! (Really? Because there are multiple signs explaining the schedule!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Remember the last time we went to Wahoo World? Big Man got mobbed by fans!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (That was so cool! I even got to sign an autograph.)” |
Shiver “...That was just the lunch bill. Thanks for treating, by the way!” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “You know, we ought to play a show at Wahoo World one of these days...” |
Big Man “Ay! (Hey, that's a great idea!)” |
Frye “Now you're talking! But which ride should we be riding when we perform?” |
Big Man “Ay! (I don't do my own stunts!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay! Ay! (Ooo! The ferris wheel at Wahoo World is all lit up for the Splatfest!)” |
Frye “YES! That makes me so hyped!” |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「スメーシーワールドの回るユカに乗っとると、 自分がどっち向いとるか わからなくなるんじゃ…」 |
フウカ 「それであのとき、味方のウチに ぶっ放したんやね?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「スメーシーワールドのアイスは めちゃめちゃウマいぞ! みんなも食うがよい!!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(ウツホちゃん、アイスのために 年間パス買ったんだっけ)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「スメーシーワールドて、いつ中央に橋がかかるんか 全然わからへんのよ…」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(橋の前と スタート地点のあたりに タイミングを教えてくれる カンバンがあるよ!)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「こないだスメーシーワールドへ行ったときは マンタローがファンに囲まれて 大変じゃったな!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエ~!(ファンのみんなと写真とれて うれしかったよ~!)」 |
フウカ 「アレ、絶対なんかのキャラと まちがえられとったで…」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「そのうち スメーシーワールドでもライブしたいわぁ」 |
マンタロー 「エ~イ!(いいね、盛り上がりそう!)」 |
ウツホ 「フリーフォールで落ちながら 歌うのはどうじゃ?!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(それ、バラエティー番組みたいになっちゃわない?)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エイ!(スメーシーワールドの観覧車が ライトアップされてる!)」 |
ウツホ 「テンション上がってきたのじゃー!!」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Soms raak ik helemaal doorgedraaid van de draaivloer van Waterwonderland...” (Sometimes I get totally berserk from the revolving floor of Wahoo World...) |
Haya “O, is dat de reden waarom je je laatst tegen je teamgenoten keerde?” (Oh, is that the reason why you turned against your teammates recently?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “In Waterwonderland kunnen de gevechten me weinig schelen. Ik kom er vooral voor het ijs!” (I couldn't care less for the battles in Wahoo World. I come there mostly for the ice cream!) |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (O ja, heb jij niet een ijsjaarkaart? Bestond die al of is die voor jou uitgevonden?)” (Ay? Ay? (Oh yes, don't you have an ice cream annual pass? Did that one already exist or was that one invented for you?)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Ik heb in Waterwonderland altijd moeite om de timing van de bruggen te bepalen.” (I always have difficulty to determine the timing of the bridges in Wahoo World.) |
Ray “Ay? Ay? (Echt? Er staan toch aan beide kanten enorme tekens die je waarschuwen?)” (Ay? Ay? (Really? There are enormous signs on both sides that warn you, right?)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Weten jullie nog dat de fans in Waterwonder- land alleen maar oog hadden voor Ray?” (Do you guys still remember that the fans in Wahoo World only had eyes for Big Man?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Ja, ik stond helemaal te blozen! Iemand wilde zelfs mijn handtekening!)” (Ay! Ay! (Yes, I was totally blushing! Someone even wanted my autograph!)) |
Haya “Dat was om de lunch te betalen. Nog bedankt dat je daarvoor getekend hebt!” (That was to pay for the lunch. Thanks again that you had signed for that!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Wanneer zullen we eens in Waterwonderland optreden?” (When will we ever perform in Wahoo World?) |
Ray “Ay! (Je hebt gelijk, dat moeten we echt eens doen!)” (Ay! (You're right, we really should do that sometime!)) |
Muriël “Oké, dan moeten we alleen nog de gevaarlijkste attractie kiezen voor de show.” (Okay, then we just have to choose the most dangerous attraction for the show.) |
Ray “Ay! (Eh, alleen als iemand anders dan mijn stunts doet!)” (Ay! (Uh, only if someone else does my stunts then!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Ooo! Het reuzenrad in Water- wonderland is verlicht voor het Splatfest!)” (Ay! Ay! (Oooh! The Ferris wheel in Wahoo World is lit up for the Splatfest!)) |
Muriël “JAAAA! Daar ben ik ook weg van!” (YEEEES! I love that too!) |
French (France)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Quand je reste trop longtemps sur le sol rotatif du parc, je chope un de ces tournis ! » |
Pasquale « C'est pour ça que tu m'asperges d'encre à chaque fois ? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Au parc Carapince, c'est d'abord les glaces, et ensuite seulement les matchs ! » |
Raimi « Ay. (C'est vrai que t'as un abonnement annuel pour les glaces du parc ? Dingue.) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Je n'ai jamais compris comment fonctionnaient les ponts du parc... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oh ? Y a pourtant plein de panneaux qui expliquent quand ils sont déployés !) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Vous vous rappelez la dernière fois, au parc ? Raimi s'est fait alpaguer par des fans ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (C'était génial, même que j'ai pu signer un autographe !) » |
Pasquale « ... C'était la facture du resto, Raimi. Mais merci pour l'invitation, hein ! » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « On devrait organiser un concert au parc Carapince un de ces quatre... » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ouais, c'est une super idée !) » |
Angie « Je signe tout de suite ! Mais on fera le concert dans quelle attraction ? » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Je vous préviens, je fais pas mes cascades moi-même !) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oh ! La grande roue du parc Carapince est illuminée la nuit !) » |
Angie « Oui ! Moi aussi, j'adore ! » |
French (Canada)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Quand je reste trop longtemps sur le sol rotatif du parc, je chope un de ces tournis! » |
Pasquale « C'est pour ça que tu m'asperges d'encre à chaque fois? » |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Au parc Carapince, c'est d'abord la crème glacée, et ensuite seulement les matchs! » |
Raimi « Ay. (C'est vrai que t'as un abonnement annuel pour la crèmerie du parc? Malade.) » |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Je n'ai jamais compris comment fonctionnaient les ponts du parc... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oh? Y'a pourtant plein de panneaux qui expliquent quand ils sont déployés!) » |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Vous vous rappelez la dernière fois, au parc? Raimi s'est fait attraper par des fans! » |
Raimi « Ay! (C'était génial, même que j'ai pu signer un autographe!) » |
Pasquale « ... C'était la facture du resto, Raimi. Mais merci pour l'invitation, hein! » |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « On devrait organiser un concert au parc Carapince un de ces quatre... » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ouais, c'est une super idée!) » |
Angie « Je signe tout de suite! Mais on fera le concert dans quelle attraction? » |
Raimi « Ay! (Je vous préviens, je fais pas mes cascades moi-même!) » |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay! (Oh! La grande roue du parc Carapince est illuminée la nuit!) » |
Angie « Oui! Moi aussi, j'adore! » |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Auf dem Karussellboden im Flunder-Funpark verlier ich manchmal total die Orientierung!“ (Sometimes in Wahoo World, I become careless while on the carousel!) |
Mako „Deswegen also hast du mich neulich mit Tinte zugekleckst. Hmpf.“ (So that's why you attacked me the other day. Hmph.) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Kämpfen ist im Flunder-Funpark für mich nur Nebensache. Das Beste dort ist das EIS!“ (Fighting in Wahoo World is the side attraction for me. What I really love is the ICE CREAM!) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay... (Du hast dort auch ein Eiscreme- Jahresabo, oder? Dass es SO WAS gibt...)“ (Ay? Ay... (You also have a subscription for the ice cream, right? Now that is SOMETHING...)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Das Aus- und Einfahrtiming der Stege im Flunder-Funpark macht mir zu schaffen...“ (The timing of the bridges in Wahoo World really annoys me...) |
Mantaro „Ay? Ay! (Echt? Gleich davor stehen doch riesige Anzeigetafeln, die einen warnen!)“ (Ay? Ay! (Really? There are huge signs next to the bridges warning you though!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Wisst ihr noch, neulich im Flunder-Funpark? Der große Fan-Ansturm auf Mantaro?“ (Do you remember the other day at Wahoo World? Everyone rushing to see Big Man?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay. (Das war himmlisch! Es wollte sogar jemand ein Autogramm von mir.)“ (Ay! Ay. (Hey! That was heaven for one of my fans! They even asked for an autograph.)) |
Mako „...Das war nur der Kellner mit der Rechnung. Danke noch mal fürs Restaurantmenü!“ (...That was just the waiter for our bill. Thank you again for the meal, again!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Wir sollten wirklich bald mal einen Auftritt im Flunder-Funpark planen...“ (We should really plan a concert at Wahoo World...) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Klasse Idee!)“ (Ay! (Good idea!)) |
Muri „Jawoll! Aber spielen wir auf der Achterbahn oder der Schiffschaukel?“ (Yes! But do we sing on the roller coasters or the swinging boats?) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Gefahrenzulage, sonst singt ihr allein!)“ (Ay! (Give us danger pay, or sing alone!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Das Flunder-Funpark-Riesenrad erstrahlt in voller Festbeleuchtung!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Wahoo World's Ferris wheel shines, decked with all the festival lighting!)) |
Muri „Und ich mit ihm um die Wette! Ich LIEBE Partylichter!“ (And the fighting in it! I LOVE party lights!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Ogni tanto il pavimento rotante di Soglioland mi confonde completamente...» (Sometimes the spinning floor in Wahoo World totally confuses me…) |
Pinnuccia «Ah, è per quello che hai inchiostrato ME?» (Ahh, that's why you inked ME?) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Altro che combattere, io vado a Soglioland per il gelato!» (Talk about battling, I go to Wahoo World for the ice cream!) |
Mantaleo «Man... (Già, non hai l'abbonamento annuale dal gelataio? Incredibile che esista...)» (Ay… (Yeah, don't you have a year subscription to the ice cream parlor? The fact it exists is incredible…)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Sbaglio sempre il tempismo quando affronto i ponti di Soglioland...» (I always miss the timing when I face Wahoo World's bridges…) |
Mantaleo «Man? Man! (Davvero? Ma se è pieno di cartelli che spiegano gli orari!)» (Ay? Ay! (Really? But if it's full of signs telling the times!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Ricordate l'ultima volta che siamo stati a Soglioland? I fan hanno assalito Mantaleo!» (Remember last time you've been to Wahoo World? The fans assaulted Big Man!) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man. (Sì, che bello! Ho anche firmato un autografo.)» (Ay! Ay. (Yes, how cool! I've even signed an autograph).) |
Pinnuccia «... Quella era la ricevuta del pranzo. Grazie di aver offerto, a proposito!» (… That was the lunch receipt. Thanks for offering, now that we're talking about it!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Sapete, dovremmo fare un concerto a Soglioland uno di questi giorni...» (You know, we should have a concert at Wahoo World one of these days…) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ottima idea!)» (Ay! (Great idea!)) |
Morena «Assolutamente! Ma su quale attrazione vogliamo esibirci?» (Absolutely! But what attraction shall we perform on top of?) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Io non muovo una pinna senza controfigura!)» (Ay! (I won't move a fin without a double!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man! (Oh, la ruota panoramica di Soglioland è tutta illuminata per il festival!)» (Ay! (Oh, the Ferris wheel at Wahoo World is all lit up for the Splatfest!)) |
Morena «Sììì! Sono contentissima!» (Yeahhh! I'm so happy!) |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «От вращающегося пола в луна-парке «Язь» у меня постоянно кружится голова...» (I'm constantly dizzy because of the spinning floor in the Wahoo World...) |
Кулла «Ты ПОЭТОМУ меня в тот раз плюхнула?!» (Is THIS why you splatted me that time?!) |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Плюхи не важны на самом деле... Я хожу в луна-парк за мороженым!» (Splats aren't really important... I visit the amusement park for the ice cream!) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик?! (Ты же купила годовой абонемент на мороженое? КТО его придумал?!)» (Ay? Ay?! (And you bought the annual ice cream membership, right? WHO came up with that?!)) |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Я никак не могу разобраться с таймингом выдвижных мостков в «Язи»...» (I struggle with figuring the Wahoo's retractable bridges timing out...) |
Биг Ман «Ик? Ик! (Серьезно? Я на каждом шагу видел расписания и предупреждения!)» (Ay? Ay! (Seriously? I saw timetables and warnings at every turn!)) |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «А помните, фанаты в луна-парке как-то окружили Биг Мана?» (Do you remember how the fans surrounded Big Man at the amusement part?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. (Еще бы! У меня даже автограф попросили.)» (Ay! Ay. (For sure! They even asked me for an autograph.)) |
Кулла «А я думала, это был счет от официанта... Кстати, спасибо, что пригласил нас!» (And I thought that it was a bill from the waiter... By the way, thanks for inviting us!) |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Нам надо будет обязательно дать концерт в луна-парке «Язь»!» (We'll definitely have to give a concert in the Wahoo World!) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Отличная идея!)» (Ay! (Great idea!)) |
Мурия «ЙО-ХО, я за! Только на каком аттракционе будем исполнять песни?» (BOOYAH, I'm in! It's just, on which attraction will we sing songs?) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Я тебе не каскадер, Мурия!)» (Ay! (I'm not a stuntman or whatever, Frye!)) |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Ого! В «Язи» к Сплатфесту такая красивая подсветка у колеса обозрения!)» (Ay! Ay! (Woah! There's such a beautiful backlight at the Ferris wheel prepared for the Splatfest at Wahoo!)) |
Мурия «УХ! Обожаю яркие огоньки! И вообще все яркое!» (OH! I adore the bright lights! And everything bright in general!) |
Spanish (Europe)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «Esa zona de Pirañalandia donde gira el suelo me desorienta del todo.» |
Megan «¿Te refieres a esa donde sin querer me derramaste encima varios litros de tinta?» |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Quién quiere combatir en Pirañalandia? ¡Yo solo voy para comer helado!» |
Rayan «Zasss... (¿Y solo para eso te sacaste el abono anual? Vaya desperdicio...)» |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Nunca soy capaz de pillarle el truco a ese puente central que hay en Pirañalandia.» |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿En serio? Pues solo tienes que ver las indicaciones sobre cómo funciona.)» |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿Recordáis la horda de fans desbocados que perseguían a Rayan en Pirañalandia?» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¿Desbocados? ¡Pero si solo me obligaron a firmar quince mil autógrafos!)» |
Megan «Yo creo que en realidad te confundieron con la mascota del parque de atracciones.» |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «A ver si organizamos algún concierto en Pirañalandia, que ya va tocando.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Buena idea!)» |
Angie «Los asientos de la noria los cobraremos más caros, que tendrán mejor vista al escenario.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡O los reservamos para los cien canales de televisión!)» |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Anda! ¡La noria de Pirañalandia se ilumina por la noche!)» |
Angie «¡Sí! ¡Tantas bombillitas me dan ideas de lo más perverso!» |
Spanish (North America)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “Esa zona de Pirañalandia donde gira el suelo me desorienta completamente.” |
Megan “¿Fue por eso que me entintaste a mí sin piedad cuando íbamos en el mismo equipo?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Quién quiere combatir en Pirañalandia? ¡Yo solo voy para comer helado!” |
Rayan “Zasss... (¿Y solo para eso te compraste el pase anual? Qué desperdicio...)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “Nunca soy capaz de agarrarles la onda a esos puentes que hay en Pirañalandia.” |
Rayan “¿Zasss? (¿No viste las pantallas que te indican cuándo van a cambiar de posición?)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie “¿Recuerdan la horda de fans que seguían a Rayan en Pirañalandia?” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Me encantó! Nunca había firmado tantos peluches).” |
Megan “Yo creo que en realidad te confundieron con la mascota del parque.” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan “A ver si organizamos algún concierto en Pirañalandia.” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Buena idea!)” |
Angie “¡Y convertimos la rueda en la sección VIP!” |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Y guardamos unos asientos para nuestras familias!)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan “¡Zasss! (¡Miren! ¡La rueda de Pirañalandia se ilumina por la noche!)” |
Angie “¡SÍ! ¡Quiero subirme!” |
Chinese (Simplified)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “一站上醋饭海洋世界的旋转地板, 我就会分不清自己正朝着哪个方向……” |
莎莎 “所以你在那时攻击了身为同伴的我?” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “醋饭海洋世界的冰淇淋特别美味! 大家也尝尝看吧!!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(我记得, 曼曼好像为了冰淇淋买了年票吧。)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “我完全搞不懂醋饭海洋世界 中央的桥什么时候可以通行……” |
鬼福 “鲼!(桥的前面和开始地点附近 有招牌会提示过桥时机哦!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “之前去醋饭海洋世界的时候, 鬼福被粉丝们包围,场面很混乱呢!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼~!(我很高兴能和粉丝们合影哦~!)” |
莎莎 “那一定是大家把你认错成其他角色了吧……” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “希望以后有机会在醋饭海洋世界开演唱会。” |
鬼福 “鲼~!(不错,感觉气氛会很火热!)” |
曼曼 “一边自由落体,一边唱歌怎么样?” |
鬼福 “鲼?(那不就成综艺节目了吗?)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼!(醋饭海洋世界的摩天轮点亮灯光了!)” |
曼曼 “我开始兴奋起来了——!!” |
Chinese (Traditional)
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「一旦站上醋飯海洋世界的旋轉地板, 就會搞不清楚自己到底面朝哪個方向……」 |
莎莎 「所以你當時才那麼猛烈地攻擊同隊的我嗎?」 |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「醋飯海洋世界的冰淇淋超好吃的喔! 你們可以吃吃看!!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(我記得曼曼為了吃冰淇淋 甚至還買了年票吧!)」 |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「我完全搞不懂醋飯海洋世界中央的橋 可以通行的時機……」 |
鬼福 「魟!(橋的前面跟開始地點附近 都有看板會提示過橋的時機喔!)」 |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「前陣子去醋飯海洋世界的時候, 鬼福還被粉絲給團團包圍,場面很混亂呢!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟~!(我很高興可以跟粉絲們合照喔~!)」 |
莎莎 「那些人肯定是把你跟某個吉祥物搞混了吧……」 |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「真希望以後有機會能在醋飯海洋世界開演唱會。」 |
鬼福 「魟~!(好像不錯耶~感覺應該會很火熱!)」 |
曼曼 「一邊自由落體一邊唱歌怎麼樣!?」 |
鬼福 「魟?(那不就變得跟綜藝節目一樣了嗎?)」 |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟!(醋飯海洋世界的摩天輪點燈了!)」 |
曼曼 「我已經興奮起來了——!!」 |
Regular dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “초밥 월드의 회전 바닥에 서 있으면 내가 어느 방향을 향하고 있었는지 모르겠느니라…” |
후우카 “그래서 그때 같은 팀인 나를 공격했다 안 카나” |
Regular dialogue #2:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “초밥 월드는 아이스크림이 정말 꿀맛이니라! 다들 먹어 보거라!!” |
만타로 “만타?(우츠호, 아이스크림 먹으려고 연간 회원권을 샀다고 했던가?)” |
Regular dialogue #3:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “초밥 월드의 중앙 다리는 어느 타이밍에 생기는지 감이 안 온데이…” |
만타로 “만타!(다리 앞이랑 스타트 지점 근처에 타이밍을 알려 주는 전광판이 있어!)” |
Regular dialogue #4:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “저번에 초밥 월드에 갔을 때 만타로가 팬들한테 둘러싸였던 게 생각나는구나!” |
만타로 “마안타~!(팬분들이랑 사진도 찍고 너무 좋았어~!)” |
후우카 “그 사람들 다른 캐릭터랑 헷갈린 게 분명하데이…” |
Regular dialogue #5:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “조만간 초밥 월드에서도 라이브를 하고 싶구마” |
만타로 “만타!(좋다, 엄청 신날 것 같아!)” |
우츠호 “하늘에서 떨어지면서 노래 부르면 어떻겠느냐?!” |
만타로 “만타?(그럼 라이브가 아니라 예능이 되는 거 아냐?)” |
Splatfest dialogue #1:
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만타!(초밥 월드의 관람차에 조명이 들어왔어!)” |
우츠호 “흥이 나는구나~!!” |
Big Run quotes
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “AAAY! (A swarm of Salmonids is approaching Wahoo World! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!)” |
Frye “But why Wahoo World? Can Salmonids even ride rides?” |
Big Man “Ay? Ay! (Don't you see? First it's Wahoo World, then it's the rest of the world!)” |
Shiver “...We are still talking about Salmonids right? Maybe dial it back a tad.” |
Shiver “But that's not to say we shouldn't give them a warm Splatlandian welcome, hm?” |
Frye “That means beat 'em up, right? Yeah! Let's show the Salmonids who's boss.” |
Big Man “Ay... (Well, if we'll be working for Grizzco, then technically THEY'RE the boss, but...)” |
Big Man “Ay! (It sounds like they're offering some kind of special reward for helping out!)” |
Shiver “Well, well. I'm not above a special reward.” |
Shiver “Prepare yourselves, Deep Cut. Let's get to Grizzco at the start of the Big Run!” |
Frye “Wooo! I mean wahoo. As in Wahoo World. Let's go get'em and save the city.” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Oh! It looks like Wahoo World is temporarily closed for the Big Run.” |
Frye “No! I haven't been there in years, but i was totally going to go this weekend! Probably.” |
Shiver “Well, Grizzco is hiring if you want to help clean up the Salmonid mess...” |
Big Man “Ay! (I could use a job! How many Salmonids per hour? And can I keep them as pets?)” |
Shiver “No mention of pay...but it says something about a thank-you gift!” |
Frye “So I can get into Wahoo World when it's closed...AND get a free gift? Sign me up!” |
Big Man “...Ay? Ay. (...And you want to help save the city, right? Good for you.)” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Shiver “Have you seen Wahoo World since the Big Run started? It's a bit fishy for my taste.” |
Big Man “Ay. Ay! (I'm hearing that Grizzco could use all the help it can get. All hands on deck!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “Yeah! C'mon, we can't let those stinking Salmonids take over our amusement park!” |
Big Man “Ay! (You're right. We've got to fight for our right to go on dangerously outdated rides!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay?! (Why would they target Wahoo World in the first place? Do they hate fun?!)” |
Shiver “They're fish, Big Man. All they do is swim, spawn, eat, repeat. Sounds nice, actually...” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “I just hope the Wahoo World mascot is OK. Fresh Fish, wiggle your tail if you're safe!” |
Shiver “Oh, I'm sure Fresh Fish and the Salmonids are getting along swimmingly.” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Big Man “Ay. (I'm being told that the Salmonids that invaded Wahoo World have been driven out.)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Frye “A-are those scores real? How are people so good at this?!” |
Big Man “Ay! Ay. (Practice makes perfect! I guess they must practice...a LOT.)” |
Shiver “Don't worry, you two. All participants will get a gift, regardless of score.” |
Big Man “Ay... (Whew...)” |
Big Man “Ay! (Well, it was touch-and-go for a bit there, but...we did it! We saved the city!)” |
Frye “That'll teach those Salmonids to mess with the Splatlands! I mean...to NOT do that.” |
Shiver “Well done, everyone. On behalf of all of us, I want to thank you for your service.” |
Frye “So, now...do we get to ride the coaster or nah? I want the wind in my tentacles!” |
Big Man “Ay! (Great idea, Frye! I want to be all flapppppp-flappp-flappity-flap in the wind!)” |
Shiver “Then it's settled. A trip to Wahoo World is in the cards...as soon as it reopens.” |
Frye “Giddyup!” |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エエエイー!(シャケの大群がスメーシーワールドに接近中! どどどうしようーーー?!)」 |
ウツホ 「シャケも遊園地が好きなんかのう…」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?!(スメーシーワールドを足がかりに ボクらの街を 乗っ取るつもりかな?!)」 |
フウカ 「ん~ どやろねぇ…」 |
フウカ 「ま、あちらさんが その気なら たっぷり おもてなしせんとなぁ?」 |
ウツホ 「ワシらの大事な遊び場を シャケどもにはやらんぞ! のう、マンタロー!」 |
マンタロー 「エ、エイ!(そうだね、クマサン商会もしっかり 準備してくれるみたいだし…)」 |
マンタロー 「エーイ(ちなみに、当日クマサン商会に協力すると お礼の品をもらえるそうです)」 |
フウカ 「よっしゃ もろた!」 |
フウカ 「ええか、みんな? ビッグランが始まったら クマサン商会に集合やで!」 |
ウツホ 「気合いで街を守るのじゃー!」 |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「ビッグラン発生中につき スメーシーワールドは臨時休業やって」 |
ウツホ 「シャケのせいで せっかくの週末が台無しじゃな…」 |
フウカ 「クマサン商会では、現地で対応にあたるバイトを 大・大・大募集中やで!」 |
マンタロー 「エイッ!(みんなでシャケに立ち向かおう!)」 |
フウカ 「バイトに参加すれば お礼の品がもらえる っちゅう話やったな?」 |
ウツホ 「ニヒヒ… 見のがせないのう?」 |
マンタロー 「エイ?(街を守るためのお仕事だからね?)」 |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
フウカ 「今は ビッグランのせいで スメーシーワールドが えらいコトになってんで」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(力を貸してくれる方は クマサン商会まで!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「シャケどもに ワシらのスメーシーワールドはわたさんぞ!」 |
マンタロー 「エイエイ!(オーーーッ!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エエイ?!(それにしても遊園地をねらうなんて… まさか、ボクらの心を折る作戦?!)」 |
フウカ 「そこまで考えてへんやろ」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「マスコットの ひれおくんは無事じゃろうか…」 |
フウカ 「シャケとも仲良うなってたりしてな」 |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
マンタロー 「エイエ~イ!(スメーシーワールドに押し寄せていたシャケが 海へ帰っていきましたー!!)」 |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
ウツホ 「こ、こんなに高いスコアを出した連中がおったんか?!」 |
マンタロー 「エ~イ!!(ファンタスティック!!)」 |
フウカ 「このスコアに届かんかっても お礼は全員もらえるさかい、安心してな~」 |
マンタロー 「エイ…(ホッ…)」 |
マンタロー 「エイ!(一時は どうなることかと思ったけど みんなのおかげで街を守れたね!)」 |
ウツホ 「うむ、バンカラもんの強さを シャケどもに見せつけてやったのじゃ!」 |
フウカ 「みんな ほんまにようやったね! バンカラを代表して お礼を言わしてもらいますえ!」 |
ウツホ 「あー、久しぶりに あのジェットコースター 乗りたくなってきたのう!」 |
マンタロー 「エイ~(最近プライベートでは 行ってなかったもんね~)」 |
フウカ 「ほな、営業再開したら 3人で行こか!」 |
ウツホ 「ヨッシャ! 決まりじゃな!!」 |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “AAAY! (Een school Salmonieten is op weg naar Waterwonderland! DIT IS GEEN OEFENING!)” (AAAY! (A school of Salmonids is on its way to Wahoo World! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!)) |
Muriël “Maar waarom Waterwonderland? Passen Salmonieten überhaupt in de achtbaan?” (But why Wahoo World? Do Salmonids fit on a rollercoaster in the first place?) |
Ray “Ay! Ay! (Wat maakt dat uit! Eerst nemen ze Waterwonderland in, en dan de hele wereld!)” (Ay! Ay! (What does that matter! First they conquer Wahoo World, and then the whole world!)) |
Haya “...We hebben het over dezelfde Salmonieten, toch? Zo'n vaart zal dat vast niet lopen.” (...We're talking about the same Salmonids, aren't we? I'm sure it will not be that big of a deal.) |
Haya “Maar we moeten ze natuurlijk wel welkom heten. Op z'n Splatlands!” (But we naturally have to welcome them. Splatlands style!) |
Muriël “Je bedoelt door een pak slag uit te delen, toch? Ze laten zien wie hier de baas is?” (You mean by serving them a good beating, don't you? By showing them who's boss here?) |
Ray “Ay... (Technisch gezien zou Beer & Co de baas zijn, maar dat zijn details...)” (Ay... (Technically speaking, Grizzco would be the boss, but those are details...)) |
Ray “Ay! (Ze schijnen een speciale beloning uit te loven aan iedereen die meehelpt!)” (Ay! (They seem to offer a special reward to everyone who helps out!)) |
Haya “Ik zeg geen nee tegen een beloning. En een speciale beloning klinkt helemaal... speciaal.” (I won't say no to a reward. And a special reward sounds especially... special.) |
Haya “Zet je schrap, Deep Cut. Als de Big Run van start gaat, melden wij ons bij Beer & Co!” (Brace yourself, Deep Cut. As the Big Run gets underway, we report to Grizzco!) |
Muriël “Water! Wonder! Waterwonderland! Laten we het pretpark redden, en de stad!” (Wahoo! World! Wahoo World! Let's save the amusement park, and the city!) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “O! Zo te zien is Waterwonderland tijdelijk gesloten vanwege de Big Run.” (Oh! From the looks of it, Wahoo World is temporarily closed due to the Big Run.) |
Muriël “Neeee! Ik ben er al jaren niet geweest, maar ik wilde van het weekend net gaan!” (Nooooo! I haven't been there in years, but I wanted to go this very weekend!) |
Haya “Nou, je kunt je melden bij Beer & Co als je je geroepen voelt om Salmonieten te verjagen.” (Well, you can report to Grizzco if you're motivated to drive off the Salmonids.) |
Ray “Ay! (Ik kan wel een zakcentje gebruiken! En mag je de Salmonieten houden als huisdier?)” (Ay! (I could use some pocket money! And are you allowed to keep the Salmonids as pets?)) |
Haya “Ze zeggen niks over betaald worden... Maar wel dat je een beloning krijgt, of zo.” (They don't say anything about getting paid... But they do say that you get a reward, or something.) |
Muriël “Dus dan mag ik naar Waterwonderland én krijg ik een cadeautje? Waar meld ik me aan?!” (So I get to go to Wahoo World AND I get a present? Where do I sign up?!) |
Ray “...Ay? Ay? (...En je doet het om de stad te redden? Ja toch?)” (...Ay? Ay? (...And you're doing it to save the city? You are, aren't you?)) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Haya “Heb je gezien hoe Waterwonderland erbij ligt door die Big Run? Meer een wanordeland...” (Have you seen what has become of Wahoo World because of that Big Run? More like a disorder world...) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Beer & Co is op zoek naar iedereen die kan helpen. Alle hens aan dek!)” (Ay. Ay! (Grizzco is looking for anyone who can help. All hands on deck!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Kom op! We laten ons pretpark toch niet afpakken door die vieze vismonsters!” (Come on! Surely we won't let those dirty fish monsters take away our amusement park!) |
Ray “Ay! (Het is een suf en ouderwets pretpark, maar het is ONS suffe, ouderwetse pretpark!)” (Ay! (It's a dull, old-fashioned amusement park, but it's OUR dull, old-fashioned amusement park!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay? Ay?! (Waarom vallen ze überhaupt een pretpark aan? Haten ze pret?!)” (Ay? Ay?! (Why do they attack an amusement park in the first place? Do they hate amusement?!)) |
Haya “Ray, het zijn vissen. Die eten wat en zwemmen wat en meer niet. Hm, klinkt niet zo gek...” (Big Man, they are fish. They eat some and swim some and nothing more. Hm, doesn't sound that bad...) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Ik hoop dat de mascotte in orde is. Vismaatje, flapper met je vinnen als je veilig bent!” (I hope the mascot is doing okay. Fresh Fish, flap your fins if you're safe!) |
Haya “O, ik denk dat Vismaatje en die Salmonieten het prima met elkaar kunnen vinden.” (Oh, I think Fresh Fish and those Salmonids get along very well.) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Ray “Ay! (De Salmonieten zijn weer verdreven uit Waterwonderland!)” (Ay! (The Salmonids have been driven out of Wahoo World again!)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muriël “Zijn dit echte scores? Hoe kan iedereen hier nou zó goed in zijn?!” (Are these real scores? How can everyone be SO good at this?!) |
Ray “Ay. Ay! (Oefening baart kunst. En dit soort scores durf ik wel kunst te noemen!)” (Ay. Ay! (Practice makes perfect. And this kind of scores I do dare to call perfect!)) |
Haya “Maak jullie maar geen zorgen. Alle deelnemers worden beloond, wat hun score ook was.” (You folks don't have to worry. All participants will be rewarded, no matter what their score was.) |
Ray “Ay... (Gelukkig maar...)” (Ay... (Thank goodness for that...)) |
Ray “Ay! (Het water heeft ons even aan de lippen gestaan, maar we hebben de stad gered!)” (Ay! (We were in grave danger for a while, but we've saved the city!)) |
Muriël “Hopelijk weten die Salmonieten nu wie er de baas is in de Splatlands!” (Hopefully those Salmonids now know who's boss in the Splatlands!) |
Haya “Heel goed gewerkt, allemaal. Ik wil alle deelnemers ook namens ons bedanken.” (Very good work, everyone. I also want to thank all the participants on our behalf.) |
Muriël “Dus, eh... Nu is de achtbaan weer vrij, toch? Ik wil de wind voelen in mijn tentakels!” (So, uh... Now the rollercoaster is clear again, isn't it? I want to feel the wind in my tentacles!) |
Ray “Ay! (Helemaal mee eens, Muriël! Ik wil mijn vinnen laten flapperen!)” (Ay! (Totally agree, Frye! I want to let my fins flap!)) |
Haya “Prima, wij gaan naar Waterwonderland! Zodra het weer open is, tenminste.” (Very well, we're going to Wahoo World! As soon as it's open again, at least.) |
Muriël “Driedubbel afgesproken!” (Triple promised!) |
French (North America)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « AAY! (Un banc de salmonoïdes nage vers le parc Carapince! Ce n'est pas un exercice!) » |
Angie « Pourquoi le parc Carapince? Je parie qu'ils peuvent même pas utiliser les attractions. » |
Raimi « Ay? Ay! (Tu comprends pas? C'est le parc d'abord... et le monde ensuite!) » |
Pasquale « On parle bien des salmonoïdes, hein? T'exagérerais pas un chouïa? » |
Pasquale « Enfin, s'ils débarquent, on se doit de leur réserver un accueil à la claboussienne! » |
Angie « C'est-à-dire leur mettre une trempe, hein? Ouais, ils vont voir qui commande. » |
Raimi « Ay... (Euh, techniquement, si on bosse pour M. Ours Cie, c'est lui qui commande...) » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oh, il paraît qu'il y a une récompense spéciale si on participe!) » |
Pasquale « Hmm... Une récompense spéciale, ça se refuse pas. » |
Pasquale « Tenez-vous prêts, les Tridenfer. Le Big Run de M. Ours Cie nous appelle! » |
Angie « Ouais, on a une cité à sauver! Le parc Carapince sera pas le parc CATA-pince! » |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Oh! Le parc Carapince est temporairement fermé pour cause de Big Run. » |
Angie « Oh non! J'y vais jamais, mais je voulais justement y faire un tour en fin de semaine! » |
Pasquale « M. Ours Cie recrute, si tu veux aider à faire le ménage parmi les salmonoïdes... » |
Raimi « Ay? (Ça me va! On peut les garder comme animaux de compagnie, après?) » |
Pasquale « Je vois rien au sujet de la paie... Mais il est question d'un cadeau de remerciement! » |
Angie « On peut entrer dans le parc alors qu'il est fermé et on a un cadeau en plus? Super! » |
Raimi « Ay... Ay? (Et accessoirement, on doit sauver la ville... t'es au courant?) » |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Les gens parlent que du parc Carapince en ce moment... Le Big Run fait des vagues. » |
Raimi « Ay! (M. Ours Cie a besoin de toute l'aide disponible. Tout le monde doit se mouiller!) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ouais! On va pas laisser ces salmonoïdes fétides piquer notre parc d'attractions! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Oui, défendons le droit de s'amuser sur des montagnes russes branlantes!) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay? (Et pourquoi le parc, d'abord? Ils aiment pas les trucs le fun?) » |
Pasquale « C'est pas des lumières, tu sais. Ils y vont à l'instinct, faut pas chercher une raison. » |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « En tout cas, ils ont pas intérêt à toucher à Scott la mascotte! » |
Pasquale « T'en fais pas! Avec les salmonoïdes, Scott doit se sentir comme un poisson dans l'eau. » |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay. (Les salmonoïdes qui avaient envahi le parc Carapince ont été repoussés.) » |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « C-C'est des vrais pointages? Comment on peut être aussi bon? » |
Raimi « Ay. (Le secret, c'est l'entraînement. Et il faut croire qu'ils s'entraînent... beaucoup.) » |
Pasquale « Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit une récompense, quel que soit le pointage. » |
Raimi « Ay... (Ouf...) » |
Raimi « Ay! (On a eu chaud à certains moments... mais on a réussi, la ville est sauvée!) » |
Angie « Ça apprendra aux salmonoïdes à débarquer dans la contrée... Ou plutôt à pas le faire! » |
Pasquale « Bravo, tout le monde. En notre nom à tous, je veux vous remercier pour votre aide. » |
Angie « Et donc... On le fait, ce tour en montagnes russes? Je veux m'aérer les tentacules! » |
Raimi « Ay! (Ouais, moi aussi, je veux sentir des rafales à fond la caisse dans les nageoires!) » |
Pasquale « Alors, c'est décidé. On fera une virée au parc Carapince... dès qu'il aura rouvert. » |
Angie « Youhou! » |
French (Europe)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « AAY ! (Un banc de Salmonoïdes nage vers le parc Carapince ! Ce n'est pas un exercice !) » |
Angie « Pourquoi le parc Carapince ? Je parie qu'ils peuvent même pas utiliser les attractions. » |
Raimi « Ay ? Ay ! (Tu comprends pas ? C'est le parc d'abord... et le monde ensuite !) » |
Pasquale « On parle bien des Salmonoïdes, hein ? T'exagérerais pas un chouïa ? » |
Pasquale « Enfin, s'ils débarquent, on se doit de leur réserver un accueil à la claboussienne ! » |
Angie « C'est-à-dire leur mettre une trempe, hein ? Ouais, ils vont voir qui commande. » |
Raimi « Ay... (Euh, techniquement, si on bosse pour M. Ours SA, c'est lui qui commande...) » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oh, il paraît qu'il y a une récompense spéciale si on participe !) » |
Pasquale « Hmm... Une récompense spéciale, ça se refuse pas. » |
Pasquale « Tenez-vous prêts, les Tridenfer. Le Big Run de M. Ours SA nous appelle ! » |
Angie « Ouais, on a une cité à sauver ! Le parc Carapince sera pas le parc CATA-pince ! » |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Oh ! Le parc Carapince est temporairement fermé pour cause de Big Run. » |
Angie « Oh non ! J'y vais jamais mais je voulais justement y faire un tour ce week-end ! » |
Pasquale « M. Ours SA recrute, si tu veux aider à faire le ménage parmi les Salmonoïdes... » |
Raimi « Ay ? (Ça me va ! On peut les garder comme animaux de compagnie, après ?) » |
Pasquale « Je vois rien au sujet de la paie... Mais il est question d'un cadeau de remerciement ! » |
Angie « On peut entrer dans le parc alors qu'il est fermé et on a un cadeau en plus ? Top ! » |
Raimi « Ay... Ay ? (Et accessoirement, on doit sauver la ville... t'es au courant ?) » |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pasquale « Les gens parlent que du parc Carapince en ce moment... Le Big Run fait des vagues. » |
Raimi « Ay ! (M. Ours SA a besoin de toute l'aide disponible. Tout le monde doit se mouiller !) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « Ouais ! On va pas laisser ces Salmonoïdes fétides piquer notre parc d'attraction ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Oui, Défendons le droit de s'éclater sur des montagnes russes branlantes !) » |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay ? (Et pourquoi le parc, d'abord ? Ils aiment pas les trucs marrants ?) » |
Pasquale « C'est pas des flèches, tu sais. Ils y vont à l'instinct, faut pas chercher une raison. » |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « En tout cas, ils ont pas intérêt à toucher à Scott la mascotte ! » |
Pasquale « T'inquiète ! Avec les Salmonoïdes, Scott doit se sentir comme un poisson dans l'eau. » |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Raimi « Ay. (Les Salmonoïdes qui avaient envahi le parc Carapince ont été repoussés.) » |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie « C-C'est des vrais scores ? Comment on peut être aussi balèze ? » |
Raimi « Ay. (Le secret, c'est l'entraînement. Et il faut croire qu'ils s'entraînent... beaucoup.) » |
Pasquale « Je vous rassure : tout le monde reçoit une récompense, quel que soit le score. » |
Raimi « Ay... (Ouf...) » |
Raimi « Ay ! (On a eu chaud à certains moments... mais on a réussi, la ville est sauvée !) » |
Angie « Ça apprendra aux Salmonoïdes à débarquer dans la contrée... Ou plutôt à pas le faire ! » |
Pasquale « Bravo, tout le monde. En notre nom à tous, je veux vous remercier pour votre aide. » |
Angie « Et donc... On le fait, ce tour en montagnes russes ? Je veux m'aérer les tentacules ! » |
Raimi « Ay ! (Ouais, moi aussi, je veux sentir des rafales à fond la balle dans les nageoires !) » |
Pasquale « Alors c'est décidé. On fera une virée au parc Carapince... dès qu'il aura rouvert. » |
Angie « Youhou ! » |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „AAAY! (Salmoniden nähern sich dem Flunder-Funpark! DAS IST KEINE ÜBUNG!)“ (AAAY! (Salmonids are coming to Wahoo World! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!)) |
Muri „Aber warum der Flunder-Funpark? Können die damit überhaupt was anfangen?“ (But why Wahoo World? What can they do there?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay! (Ist doch klar! Erst vergnügen sie sich im Park, dann wird die Welt erobert!)“ (Ay! Ay! (Of course! First they go to Wahoo World, then the world will be conquered!) |
Mako „...Wir reden immer noch von Salmoniden. Regt euch mal wieder ab.“ (...We're talking about salmonids. Calm down.) |
Mako „Wir sollten sie willkommen heißen. Auf Splatsville-Art!“ (We should welcome them. Splatsville style!) |
Muri „Also verpassen wir ihnen eine Abreibung, oder? Zeigen wir ihnen, wer der Boss ist!“ (So we're going to give them a beating, right? Let's show them who's boss!) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Rein technisch gesehen wäre dann die Bär GmbH der Boss, aber...)“ (Ay... (Technically Grizzco would be the boss, but...)) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Anscheinend gibt es eine besondere Belohnung, wenn man mithilft!)“ (Ay! (There is a special reward for helping out!)) |
Mako „Eine besondere Belohnung werde ich jedenfalls nicht ablehnen.“ (Anyway, I won't refuse a special reward!) |
Mako „Macht euch bereit, Surimi Syndicate. Wenn der Big Run losgeht, gehts zur Bär GmbH!“ (Get ready, Deep Cut. When the Big Run starts, go to Grizzco!) |
Muri „Auf geht! Zeigen wir der Bande, dass sie im falschen Revier rumglibbern!“ (Let's go! Let's show those salmonids they're in the wrong territory!) |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „So was! Der Flunder-Funpark ist wegen des Big Runs erst mal geschlossen.“ (Also! Wahoo World will be closed for the time being because of the Big Run.) |
Muri „Neiiiin! Ich war da schon Jahre nicht mehr, aber dieses Wochenende wäre ich hin!“ (Noooo! I haven't been there in years, but I was supposed to go this weekend!) |
Mako „Wobei die Bär GmbH ja immer Leute braucht, die sich um die Salmoniden kümmern...“ (In that case, Grizzco needs people to take care of those salmonids...) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay? (Das wär was für mich! Darf man die Salmoniden als Haustiere behalten?)“ (Ay! Ay? (That's something for me! Can you keep the salmonids as pets?)) |
Mako „Von Bezahlung steht da nichts...Aber anscheinend gibt's ein Geschenk!“ (It doesn't say anything about payment...but apparently there's a gift!) |
Muri „Ich kann also Salmoniden klecksen und krieg dazu noch was geschenkt?!“ (I can splat salmonids and also get something for free?!) |
Mantaro „...Ay? Ay? (...Und die Stadt willst du natücrlich auch retten, oder? Ist doch so?)“ (...Ay? Ay? (...And of course you also want to save the city, right? Is that right?)) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mako „Habt ihr den Flunder-Funpark gesehen, seit der Big Run losgegangen ist? Puh...“ (Have you seem Wahoo World since the Big Run started? Ugh...) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Ja, die Bär GmbH kann wohl jede Hilfe gebrauchen!)“ (Ay! (Yes, Grizzco could use some help!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „So weit kommt's noch, dass diese miesen Salmoniden unseren Funpark übernehmen!“ (There's still time before those nasty salmonids take our park!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Wir mücssen für unsere gefährlich veralteten Parkattraktionen kämpfen!)“ (Ay! (We must protect our dangerously outdated park attractions!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay?! Ay? (Was wollen die überhaupt da?! Mögen die keinen Spaf?)“ (Ay?! Ay? (What do they even want there?! Don't they like fun?)) |
Mako „Die sehen mir irgendwie nicht so aus, als würden sie groß vorausplanen.“ (It doesn't look to me like they're planning much ahead.) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Hoffentlich geht es dem Maskottchen des Parks gut. Flosso, pass auf dich auf!“ (I hope the park's mascot is doing okay. Fresh Fish, take care!) |
Mako „Ach, Flosso fühlt sich bei den Salmoniden bestimmt wie ein Fisch im Wasser!“ (Oh, I think Fresh Fish must feel like a fish in water with all those salmonids!) |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaro „Ay. (Die Salmoniden wurden aus dem Flunder-Funpark vertrieben.)“ (Ay. (The Salmonids have been kicked from Wahoo World.)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Muri „Sind die Zahlen echt? Wieso sind die Leute so gut?“ (Are these numbers real? Why are people so good?) |
Mantaro „Ay! Ay. (Übung macht den Meister! Und die üben bestimmt 'ne Menge.)“ (Ay! Ay. (Practice makes perfect! And they definitely practice a lot.)) |
Mako „Keine Sorge. Alle Teilnehmer kriegen ein Geschenk, unabhängig vom Highscore.“ (No worries. All participants get a gift, regardless of their score.) |
Mantaro „Ay... (Puh...)“ (Ay... (Phew...)) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Es hat eine Weile übel ausgesehen, aber die Stadt ist gerettet!)“ (Ay! (It looked scary for a while, but we saved the city!)) |
Muri „Das wird diesen Salmoniden zeigen, wer die dicksten Fische in Splatsville sind!“ (We showed those salmonids who's the bigger fish!) |
Mako „Gut gemacht! Ich möchte ebenfalls allen Teilnehmern in unserem Namen danken.“ (Well done! I would like to thank everyone on my behalf.) |
Muri „So, jetzt ist die Achterbahn wieder frei, oder? Ich will den Wind spüren!“ (So now the roller coasters are free, right? I want to feel the wind!) |
Mantaro „Ay! (Spitzenidee, Muri! Ich will die Flossen flattern lassen!)“ (Ay! (Great idea, Frye! I wan't to flap my fins!)) |
Mako „Dann auf zum Flunder-Funpark... Sobald er wieder geöffnet hat.“ (Then off to Wahoo World... as soon as it opens.) |
Muri „Abgemacht!“ (Deal!) |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «MAN! (Un'orda di Salmonoidi si avvicina a Soglioland! NON È UN'ESERCITAZIONE!)» (AY! (A horde of Salmonids is approaching Wahoo World! IT'S NOT A PRACTICE SESSION!)) |
Morena «Ma perché Soglioland? I Salmonoidi sanno usare le attrazioni, almeno?» (Why Wahoo World though? Do the Salmonids at least know how to use the attractions?) |
Mantaleo «Man? Man! (Ma non capisci? Prima Soglioland, poi il resto del mondo!)» (Ay? Ay! (Don't you understand? First Wahoo World, then the rest of the world!)) |
Pinnuccia «... Stiamo sempre parlando dei Salmonoidi, giusto? Forse stai esagerando un po'?» (…We're still talking about the Salmonids, right? Maybe you're going a bit over the top?) |
Pinnuccia «In ogni caso, perché non accoglierli con un caloroso benvenuto splattoniano, eh?» (Anyway, why not give them a warm Splatlandian welcome, huh?) |
Morena «Intendi prenderli a calci nelle pinne? Sì! Facciamogli vedere chi comanda.» (You mean kicking their fins? Yeah! Let's make them see who is boss.) |
Mantaleo «Man... (Beh, se lavoriamo per la Ursus & Co, tecnicamente sono loro che comandano...)» (Ay… (Well, if we work for Grizzco, they are technically the boss...)) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Sembra che offrano una qualche ricompensa speciale a chi aiuta!)» (Ay! (It looks like they will give some special reward to whoever helps!)) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ma sembra che offrano una qualche ricompensa speciale a chi aiuta!)» (Ay! (But it looks like they will give some special reward to whoever helps!)) |
Notes: This quote was changed in the version 3.0.0 update. | ||
Pinnuccia «Beh, beh. Non dico mai di no a una ricompensa speciale.» (Well, well. I never say no to a special reward.) |
Pinnuccia «Prepariamoci, Trio Triglio. Presentiamoci alla Ursus & Co all'inizio della Big Run!» (Let's prepare ourselves, Deep Cut. Let's show up at Grizzco at the start of the Big Run!) |
Morena «Sì! Vogliono attaccare Soglioland? Bene, alla fine le sogliole saranno loro!» (Yes! They want to attack Wahoo World? Well, eventually they will be the flatfish!) |
Notes: Frye makes a pun with the Italian name of Wahoo World ("Soglioland", meaning "Sole/Flatfish Land". |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Oh! Sembra che Soglioland sia temporaneamente chiusa per la Big Run.» (Oh! Looks like Wahoo World is temporarily closed due to the Big Run.) |
Morena «No! Non ci vado da secoli, ma questo weekend ci sarei andata di sicuro! Credo.» (No! I haven't gone there in centuries, but I sure would have this weekend!) |
Pinnuccia «Beh, la Ursus & Co assume, se vuoi contribuire a spazzare via i Salmonoidi...» (Well, Grizzco is hiring, if you want to contribute sweeping the Salmonids off…) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Quanti Salmonoidi all'ora? E posso tenerli come animali domestici?)» (Ay! (How many Salmonids an hour? And can I keep them as pets?)) |
Pinnuccia «Non dice niente della paga... ma parla di un regalo di ringraziamento!» (It says nothing about the paycheck… but talks about a thank-you gift!) |
Morena «Quindi posso andare a Soglioland anche se è chiusa... e mi danno un regalo? Ci sto!» (So I can go to Wahoo World even if it's closed… and they hand me a gift? I'm in!) |
Mantaleo «... Man? Man. (... E soprattutto vuoi salvare la città, giusto? Brava.)» (…Ay? Ay. (... And you want to save the city above all, right? Good.)) |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Pinnuccia «Avete visto in che stato è Soglioland da quando è iniziata la Big Run? Uno squalore!» (Seen what condition Wahoo World is in since the Big Run started? It's squalid!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Si dice che alla Ursus & Co serva tutto l'aiuto possibile, senza eccezioni!)» (Ay! (They say Grizzco needs all help possible, no exceptions!)) |
Notes: Shiver makes a pun on "squalo" (shark) and "squallore" (squalor). |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Non possiamo lasciare che quelle bestiacce si prendano il nostro parco divertimenti!» (We can't let those ugly beasts take our amusement park from us!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Già. Dobbiamo lottare per il diritto di salire su attrazioni antiquate e traballanti!)» (Ay! (Yeah. We should fight for our right to get on antiquated and shaky attractions!)) |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man?! (Perché poi proprio Soglioland? Odiano il divertimento, per caso?!)» (Ay?! (Why Wahoo World out of all things anyway? Do they perhaps hate fun?!)) |
Pinnuccia «Sono pesci semplici, Mantaleo. Nuotano e mangiano. Non è così male, se ci pensi...» (They're simple fish, Big Man. They swim and eat. Not so bad, if you think about it…) |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «Spero solo che la mascotte stia bene. Fresh Fish, muovi la coda se sei al sicuro!» (I only hope the mascot's doing well. Fresh Fish, move your tail if you're safe!) |
Pinnuccia «Oh, sono sicura che Fresh Fish e i Salmonoidi vadano di mare e d'accordo.» (Oh, I'm sure that Fresh Fish and the Salmonids get along sea well.) |
Notes: Shiver makes a pun on "[andare] d'amore e d'accordo" ([get] along well) and "mare" (sea). |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Mantaleo «Man. (I Salmonoidi che hanno invaso Soglioland sono stati scacciati.)» (Ay. (The Salmonids that invaded Wahoo World have been driven off.)) |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Morena «S-Sono veri quei punteggi? Come fa la gente a essere così brava?!» (A-are those scores real? How can people be this good?!) |
Mantaleo «Man! Man. (La pratica rende perfetti. Praticheranno un sacco, immagino.)» (Ay! Ay. (Practice makes perfect. They must practice a lot, I think.)) |
Pinnuccia «Tranquilli. Tutti i partecipanti ricevono un regalo, qualunque sia il punteggio.» (Don't worry. All participants will receive a gift, no matter the score.) |
Mantaleo «Man... (Uff, menomale...)» (Ay… (Oof, thank goodness...)) |
Mantaleo «Man! (C'è stata un po' di incertezza, ma ce l'abbiamo fatta! Abbiamo salvato la città!)» (Ay! (There has been a bit of insecurity, but we did it! We saved the city!)) |
Morena «Così i Salmonoidi imparano a invadere Splattonia! Cioè, a NON farlo.» (That way the Salmonids will learn how to invade the Splatlands! I mean, NOT to.) |
Pinnuccia «Ben fatto, gente. A nome di tutti noi, voglio ringraziarvi per l'impegno.» (Good job, people. In the name of every one of us, I want to thank you for your effort.) |
Morena «Quindi adesso... saliamo sull'ottovolante o no? Voglio il vento tra i tentacoli!» (So now…shall we get on the rollercoaster or not? I want wind in my tentacles!) |
Mantaleo «Man! (Ottima idea, Morena! Le mie pinne faranno flapflapflappi-flap al vento!)» (Ay! (Great idea, Frye! My fins will go flapflapflappity-flap in the wind!)) |
Pinnuccia «Allora è deciso. Faremo una bella gita a Soglioland... appena riapre.» (It's been decided then. We'll have a nice trip to Wahoo World… when it opens again.) |
Morena «Evviva!» (Hooray!) |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «И-И-ИК! (Косяк самонидов направляется к луна-парку «Язь»! ЭТО НЕ РОЗЫГРЫШ!)» (A-A-AY! (A school of Salmonids is heading to the Wahoo World! IT'S NOT A PRANK!)) |
Мурия «Но зачем им в луна-парк? Самониды на аттракционах - малькам на смех...» (But why would they go to an amusement park? Salmonids on the rides are enough to make small fries laugh...) |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик! (Так они весь мир заполонят! От луна-парка до луны!)» (Ay! Ay! (At this rate they'll fill the entire world! From the Luna Park to the moon!)) |
Notes: The pun is based on the Russian phrase "луна-парк" "luna-park" (amusement park, Luna Park) containing the word "луна" "luna" (moon) in it. | ||
Кулла «Эй, отставить панику! Где самониды и где луна?» (Hey, stop panicking! Where are the Salmonids and where's the moon?) |
Кулла «Давайте передадим им пламенный плюхтонский привет.» (Let's give them our warmest Splatsville greetings.) |
Мурия «Наш плюх-привет? Я за! Покажем этим самонидам, кто тут босс!» (Our splat-greetings? I'm in! We'll show these Salmonids who's the boss!) |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Вообще-то, если мы работаем на «Потапыч Inc.», то боссы они...)» (Ay... (Actually, if we work for «Grizzco», then they're the bosses...)) |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Но я согласен – раз дают особую награду за участие!)» (Ay! (But I agree, since they give a special reward for participation!)) |
Кулла «Особая награда и мне пригодится.» (A special reward would come in handy.) |
Кулла «Готовьтесь, Deep Cut. Как начнется Big Run, сразу бежим в «Потапыч Inc.»!» (Get ready, Deep Cut. Once Big Run starts, let's head to «Grizzco» immediately!) |
Мурия «Йо-хо! Айда спасать город! До связи в «Язи»!» (Booyah! Let's save the city! Catch ya later at «Wahoo»!) |
Notes: Both "Луна-парк «Язь»" ("«Ide» Luna Park", the Russian name of Wahoo World) and "До связи, язи!" ("See you soon, ides!", the Russian version of "Catch ya later!") has the word язь yaz' (ide) in them. The pun is a play on these two phrases and can be translated literally as "See you soon in «Ides»!". |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Ого! Похоже, луна-парк «Язь» временно закрыт из-за Big Run.» |
Мурия «Не-е-т!!! Я там не была уже целую вечность! Как раз собиралась... Хнык!» |
Кулла «Ну, «Потапыч Inc.» сейчас набирает бригаду для зачистки. Это твой шанс!» |
Биг Ман «Ик! (А мне подработка не помешает! Да и самонида-питомца бы завел. Можно?)» |
Кулла «Подработка? Про оплату у них ни слова. Но зато есть подарок в благодарность!» |
Мурия «Вечеринка в закрытом луна-парке... И подарок в придачу?! Где подписаться?!» |
Биг Ман «Ик? (А город спасать ты тоже будешь, или предоставишь это мне?)» |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Кулла «Вы заглядывали в луна-парк «Язь»? С тех пор как начался Big Run, там тухловато.» |
Биг Ман «Ик. Ик! (В «Потапыч Inc.» уже не знают, что делать. Настоящий аврал!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «Эй! Мы не дадим каким-то гадким самонидам урвать себе наш луна-парк!» |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Точно, мы должны сражаться за любимые допотопные аттракционы!)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик?! (Кстати, почему именно «Язь»? Неужели самониды ненавидят развлечения?!)» |
Кулла «Думаешь, в их рыбьих головах водятся мыслишки, Биг Ман? Кроме как о «поесть».» |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «А что с талисманом луна-парка? Плавнишка, шустрее шевели плавниками!» |
Кулла «Не беспокойся, я уверена, Плавнишка уже нашел с самонидами общий «Язь-зык»!» |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Биг Ман «Ик. (Сообщают, что наконец разогнали самонидов, занявших луна-парк «Язь».)» |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Мурия «А результаты настоящие? С трудом верится, что есть такие асы!» |
Биг Ман «Ик! Ик. (Вода камень точит! Думаю, они свои навыки в краске лица добывали.)» |
Кулла «Можете не переживать, подарки дадут всем — независимо от количества очков!» |
Биг Ман «Ик... (Уф, пронесло...)» |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Был момент, когда я уже думал, что все... Но мы спасли город! Ура!)» |
Мурия «Пусть эти самониды навсегда запомнят: с плюхтонцами шутки плохи!» |
Кулла «Молодцы! Я бы хотела поблагодарить всех участников и от нашего имени.» |
Мурия «Так что, айда на инкопольские горки? Проветрю тентакли!» |
Биг Ман «Ик! (Отличная идея, Мурия! Обожаю, когда мои плавники хлопают на ветру!)» |
Кулла «Договорились! Луна-парк «Язь» ждет нас... после капитального ремонта.» |
Мурия «ЙЕС!» |
Spanish (North America)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Se aproximan por montones a Pirañalandia! ¡Y no es un simulacro!)» |
Angie «¿Qué les interesará de ahí? No creo que sean las atracciones...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Si se adueñan de Pirañalandia, luego irán por el resto del mundo!)» |
Megan «Bueno, al fin y al cabo son salmónidos. Tampoco exageremos...» |
Megan «Nos encargaremos de darles una bienvenida tinteliana como es debido. Je, je...» |
Angie «¡Claro que sí! Les mostraremos quién manda aquí. ¡Ya me hierve la tinta!» |
Rayan «Zasss. (Bueno, si trabajamos para Don Oso, técnicamente el que manda es él, pero...)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Parece que todo el que colabore se llevará una recompensa especial!)» |
Megan «Vaya, vaya... ¡Una recompensa especial no suena para nada mal!» |
Megan «¡No se diga más! ¡El Clan Surimi participará en el Big Run!» |
Angie «¡Por Pirañalandia, por Tintelia y... por Don Oso, S. A.! ¡Aquí vamos!» |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Oh! Parece que Pirañalandia está cerrado temporalmente por lo de Big Run.» |
Angie «Y yo que iba a ir este finde... probablemente.» |
Megan «Pues en Don Oso, S. A. están desesperados buscando trabajadores para ese asunto...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡A mí me interesa! ¿Me dejarán quedarme algún salmónido como mascota?)» |
Megan «No sé si pagan bien, pero por lo visto dan una recompensa a quienes participen.» |
Angie «Entonces... ¿se puede ir a Pirañalandia y encima te dan un regalo? ¡Yo quiero!» |
Rayan «Zasss. (Además ayudamos mantener la ciudad a salvo, ¿no?)» |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Parece que las cosas andan movidas por Pirañalandia desde que hay Big Run...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Así es! Y Don Oso, S. A. tiene trabajo de sobra para repartir). [sic]» |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡No podemos permitir que unos salmónidos indeseables se apoderen de ese escenario!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Pues no! Aunque esté viejito, ese parque de diversiones es nuestro). [sic]» |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Por qué la agarraron contra ese sitio? ¿Odiarán el algodón de azúcar?)» |
Megan «Son salmónidos, Rayan. No hay que buscarle la lógica a su comportamiento.» |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Ojalá no le hayan hecho nada a la mascota del parque! Pobre pececito indefenso...» |
Megan «¡No te preocupes! ¡Esa mascota es tan simpática, que seguro les cae bien!» |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «Zasss. (Los salmónidos que habían invadido Pirañalandia ya fueron expulsados). [sic]» |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿E-esas puntuaciones son reales? ¡¿De verdad hay gente con ese nivel?!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss, zasss! (¡Ese es el resultado de practicar y practicar! ¡Tomemos ejemplo!)» |
Megan «Independientemente de las puntuaciones, todos los participantes se llevan un premio.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (En algunos momentos temí lo peor, pero ¡al final logramos salvar la ciudad!)» |
Angie «Espero que los salmónidos hayan aprendido a no meterse con los tintelianos.» |
Megan «Todos los participantes tienen nuestro agradecimiento y admiración.» |
Angie «¿Qué tal si vamos a la montaña rusa? Creo que nos lo ganamos.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Yo quiero! ¡Me encanta aletear al viento a toda mecha! ¡Flap, flap, flap!)» |
Megan «Buena idea. En cuanto reabra Pirañalandia, ¡ahí estaremos!» |
Angie «¡Vamooos!» |
Spanish (Europe)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Montones de ellos se aproximan a Pirañalandia! ¡Y no es ningún simulacro!)» |
Angie «¿Qué les interesará de allí? No creo que sepan cómo funcionan las atracciones...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Si se hacen con Pirañalandia, luego irán a por el resto del mundo!)» |
Megan «Bueno, son salmónidos al fin y al cabo. Tampoco exageremos...» |
Megan «Nos encargaremos de darles una bienvenida que no olviden jamás. Je, je...» |
Angie «¡Eso desde luego! Lamentarán habernos provocado así. ¡Ya me hierve la tinta!» |
Rayan «Zasss. (Y le demostraremos a Don Oso profesionalidad y compromiso empresarial.)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Dicen que todo el que colabore se llevará una recompensa especial!)» |
Megan «Pues mira, ¡a nadie le amarga un dulce!» |
Megan «Donde haya Big Run, allí estará dando caña el Clan Surimi. ¡Que se vayan preparando!» |
Angie «¡Por Pirañalandia, por Tintelia y... por Don Oso, S. A.! ¡Vamos allá!» |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «¡Oh! Parece que Pirañalandia está cerrado temporalmente por ese asunto de Big Run.» |
Angie «Vaya... Justo pensaba ir este finde. Ya me han chafado el plan los salmónidos.» |
Megan «Pues en Don Oso, S. A. están desesperados buscando trabajadores para ese asunto...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡A mí me interesa! ¿Dejarán que me quede algún salmónido como mascota?)» |
Megan «No sé si pagan bien, pero por lo visto dan una recompensa a todos los que participen.» |
Angie «Entonces... ¿se puede ir a Pirañalandia y encima te dan un regalo? ¡Me apunto!» |
Rayan «Zasss. (Además colaboramos en mantener la ciudad a salvo, ¿no?)» |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Megan «Parece que las cosas andan moviditas por Pirañalandia desde que hay Big Run...» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Ya lo creo! Y Don Oso, S. A. tiene trabajillos para dar y regalar.)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡No vamos a permitir que unos salmónidos indeseables se apoderen de ese escenario!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Desde luego! Aunque esté algo anticuado, ese parque de atracciones mola.)» |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «¿Zasss? (¿Por qué la habrán tomado con ese sitio? ¿Odiarán el algodón de azúcar?)» |
Megan «Son salmónidos, Rayan. No hay que buscar lógica alguna a su comportamiento.» |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¡Ojalá no le hayan hecho nada a la mascota del parque! Pobre muñecote indefenso...» |
Megan «¡Descuida! ¡Esa simpática mascota les cae bien hasta a los peces!» |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Rayan «Zasss. (Los salmónidos que habían invadido Pirañalandia han sido expulsados.)» |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
Angie «¿E-esas puntuaciones son auténticas? ¡¿En serio hay gente con ese nivel?!» |
Rayan «¡Zasss, zasss! (¡Es lo que tiene practicar y practicar sin parar! ¡Tomemos ejemplo!)» |
Megan «Independientemente de las puntuaciones, todos los participantes se llevan premio.» |
Rayan «Zasss... (Ah, menos mal...)» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (En algunos momentos temí lo peor, pero ¡al final logramos salvar la ciudad!)» |
Angie «Espero que los salmónidos hayan aprendido que con los tintelianos no se bromea.» |
Megan «Desde aquí va nuestro agradecimiento y admiración para todos los participantes.» |
Angie «¿Nos damos unas vueltas en la montaña rusa? Creo que nos lo hemos ganado.» |
Rayan «¡Zasss! (¡Me apunto! ¡Me encanta aletear al viento a toda mecha! ¡Flap, flap, flap!)» |
Megan «Buena idea. En cuanto reabra Pirañalandia, ¡allí que nos plantamos!» |
Angie «¡Vamooos!» |
Chinese (Simplified)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼鲼鲼——!(成群的鲑鱼正在逼近醋饭海洋世界! 怎怎怎、怎么办啊——?!)” |
曼曼 “是不是鲑鱼也喜欢游乐园啊……” |
鬼福 “鲼?!(鲑鱼是打算把醋饭海洋世界作为据点, 然后占领我们的城镇吗?!)” |
莎莎 “唔~这可不好说啊……” |
莎莎 “不过,要是它们真的有那个打算, 那我们可得好好招待一番才行啊。” |
曼曼 “我们绝不会把重要的游乐园拱手让给鲑鱼! 对吧,鬼福!” |
鬼福 “鲼、鲼!(是啊,而且熊先生商会 好像也会为此做足准备……)” |
鬼福 “鲼——(另外,如果在当天协助熊先生商会, 好像还能获得礼品。)” |
莎莎 “好,礼品我拿定了!” |
莎莎 “各位都听好了, 大型跑开始后,就前往熊先生商会集合!” |
曼曼 “靠气势守护城镇吧——!” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “据说醋饭海洋世界正在发生大型跑, 所以临时停业了。” |
曼曼 “难得的周末要因为鲑鱼而泡汤了呢……” |
莎莎 “熊先生商会正在大、大、大量募集 负责处置现场的打工人员!” |
鬼福 “鲼!(大家一起去对抗鲑鱼吧!)” |
莎莎 “据说只要参加打工就能获得礼品, 是这么宣传的吧?” |
曼曼 “嘻嘻嘻……这种好事可不容错过呀?” |
鬼福 “鲼?(毕竟这是保护城镇的工作哦?)” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 “受大型跑的影响, 现在醋饭海洋世界的情况很糟糕啊。” |
鬼福 “鲼!(愿助我们一臂之力的人请前往熊先生商会!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “绝不能将我们的醋饭海洋世界拱手让给鲑鱼!” |
鬼福 “鲼鲼!(没错——!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼鲼?!(但没想到鲑鱼会盯上游乐园…… 莫非它们的作战目的是挫败我们的内心?!)” |
莎莎 “鲑鱼肯定没想那么多吧。” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “吉祥物鱼奇奇没事吧……” |
莎莎 “说不定会和鲑鱼成为朋友呢。” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 “鲼鲼~!(涌向醋饭海洋世界的鲑鱼 都回到海里去了——!!)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 “居、居然有人获得了这么高的分数?!” |
鬼福 “鲼~!!(简直难以置信!!)” |
莎莎 “即使没有达到这个分数, 礼品也是人人有份,放心吧~” |
鬼福 “鲼……(呼……)” |
鬼福 “鲼!(我当时都不知道事情会怎么发展呢, 不过多亏大家的协助,成功守护了城镇呢!)” |
曼曼 “嗯,这下鲑鱼应该见识到 我们蛮颓之民的厉害了吧!” |
莎莎 “大家的表现真的很棒哦! 请允许我作为蛮颓代表向大家表示感谢!” |
曼曼 “啊——我久违地想乘过山车了呢!” |
鬼福 “鲼~(毕竟最近在私人时间都没去过游乐园嘛~)” |
莎莎 “那就等游乐园恢复营业之后,我们3个一起去吧!” |
曼曼 “好!就这么说定了!!” |
Chinese (Traditional)
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「吼吼魟——!(成群的鮭魚正在逼近醋飯海洋世界! 怎、怎、怎麼辦——!?)」 |
曼曼 「看來鮭魚也喜歡遊樂園呢……」 |
鬼福 「魟!?(牠們該不會是打算利用醋飯海洋世界 來占領我們的城鎮吧!?)」 |
莎莎 「嗯~誰知道呢……」 |
莎莎 「總之,既然牠們不請自來, 那我們也得好好地「招待」一下才行吧?」 |
曼曼 「絕對不能把我們寶貴的遊樂場所讓給那群鮭魚! 對吧,鬼福!」 |
鬼福 「吼、魟! (是啊,而且熊先生商會似乎也有所準備了……)」 |
鬼福 「魟——(對了,如果當天有協助熊先生商會的話, 好像還可以拿到禮物呢。)」 |
莎莎 「好!我一定要拿到!」 |
莎莎 「所有人都聽好囉! 等大型跑開始之後就到熊先生商會集合!」 |
曼曼 「我們要靠毅力保護城鎮!」 |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「聽說因為現在發生了大型跑, 所以醋飯海洋世界臨時停業了。」 |
曼曼 「都是鮭魚害的,難得的週末全都泡湯了……」 |
莎莎 「熊先生商會正在大舉招募打工的人手 前往現場處理此狀況!」 |
鬼福 「魟!(大家一起挺身對抗鮭魚吧!)」 |
莎莎 「我記得你說過 只要參加打工就可以拿到禮物對吧?」 |
曼曼 「嘻嘻嘻……那怎麼能不參加呢?」 |
鬼福 「魟?(這可是為了保護城鎮的工作喔?)」 |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
莎莎 「因為受到大型跑的影響, 醋飯海洋世界現在變得一團亂了。」 |
鬼福 「魟!(願意提供協助的人還請前往熊先生商會!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「絕對不能把我們的醋飯海洋世界讓給那群鮭魚!」 |
鬼福 「魟魟!(沒錯——!)」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「吼魟!?(話說會來,沒想到鮭魚會盯上遊樂園…… 難道是為了讓我們內心受挫才使用這種戰略嗎!?)」 |
莎莎 「牠們應該沒有想那麼多吧。」 |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「不知道吉祥物魚奇奇是否平安無事……」 |
莎莎 「搞不好會跟鮭魚變成朋友呢。」 |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
鬼福 「魟魟~! (湧入醋飯海洋世界的鮭魚已經回到海裡了!!)」 |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
曼曼 「居、居然有人拿到了那麼高的分數嗎!?」 |
鬼福 「魟~!!(太優秀了!!)」 |
莎莎 「即使沒有達到這個分數也可以儘管放心, 所有人都一樣會拿到禮物喔~」 |
鬼福 「魟……(呼……)」 |
鬼福 「魟!(我原本一時之間還在擔心事情會怎麼發展, 不過都是多虧大家的幫忙才能成功地守住城鎮!)」 |
曼曼 「嗯,那群鮭魚現在應該知道 我們蠻頹之民的厲害了!」 |
莎莎 「大家真的都做得很棒! 在此我要代表蠻頹向各位致謝!」 |
曼曼 「啊—— 我已經開始想搭久違的雲霄飛車了!」 |
鬼福 「魟~(畢竟這陣子的私人行程都沒有去那裡呢~)」 |
莎莎 「嗯,那等恢復營業之後就3個人一起去吧!」 |
曼曼 「好耶!就這麼說定了!!」 |
- Announcement
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “마아안타~!(연어 대군이 초밥 월드에 접근 중이래! 어, 어, 어떡하지~~~?!)” |
우츠호 “연어도 놀이공원을 좋아하나 보구나…” |
만타로 “만타?!(초밥 월드를 시작으로 타운을 점령하려는 걸까?!)” |
후우카 “흠~ 글쎄다…” |
후우카 “뭐, 그 양반들이 그럴 생각이라면 우리도 단디 대접해 드려야지 않겠나?” |
우츠호 “우리의 소중한 놀이터를 연어 녀석들에게 빼앗길 순 없지! 그렇지 않느냐, 만타로!” |
만타로 “마, 만타!(맞아, Mr. 베어 상회도 철저하게 준비 중인 것 같고…)” |
만타로 “만~타(참고로, 빅 런 당일에 Mr. 베어 상회에 협력하면 사례를 준다나 봐)” |
후우카 “좋았어, 해 보자꼬!” |
후우카 “다들 들었나? 빅 런이 시작되면 Mr. 베어 상회에서 모이는 기다!” |
우츠호 “다 같이 힘을 합쳐 타운을 지키자꾸나~!” |
- Introduction
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “빅 런 발생으로 초밥 월드는 임시 휴업이구마” |
우츠호 “연어들 때문에 모처럼의 주말이 엉망이 되었구나…” |
후우카 “Mr. 베어 상회에서는 현장에서 대응할 아르바이트생을 대・대・대모집 중이데이!” |
만타로 “만타!(다 함께 연어와 맞서 싸우자!)” |
후우카 “아르바이트에 참가하면 사례를 준다 캤던가?” |
우츠호 “니히히… 놓칠 수 없겠구나” |
만타로 “만타?(타운을 지키고 싶다는 뜻이지?)” |
- Extended introduction
- Initial dialogue
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
후우카 “지금 빅 런 때문에 초밥 월드가 엉망이다이가” |
만타로 “만타!(돕고 싶은 사람은 Mr. 베어 상회로 와 줘!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #1
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “우리의 초밥 월드를 연어 녀석들에게 빼앗길 수 없느니라” |
만타로 “만타만타!(옳소~~~!)” |
- Subsequent dialogue #2
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “마안타?!(그나저나 놀이공원을 노리다니… 설마 우리의 동심을 파괴하려는 작전인가?!)” |
후우카 “거까지는 생각 못했을 끼다” |
- Subsequent dialogue #3
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “마스코트인 히레오는 무사하려나 모르겠구나…” |
후우카 “설마 연어랑 짝짜꿍하고 있는 건 아니겠제?” |
- Big Run ended
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
만타로 “만타만~타!(초밥 월드에 몰려왔던 연어들이 바다로 돌아갔대~!!)” |
- Results
Dialogue | Dialogue | Region |
우츠호 “이, 이렇게 높은 스코어를 기록한 녀석들이 있단 말이냐?!” |
만타로 “만~타!!(판타스틱!!)” |
후우카 “이 스코어를 넘지 못해도 사례는 모두 받을 수 있으니까 안심하래이~” |
만타로 “만타…(휴…)” |
만타로 “만타!(한때는 어떻게 되는 거 아닌가 싶었는데 모두가 도와준 덕분에 타운을 지킬 수 있었어!)” |
우츠호 “음, 연어 녀석들도 카오폴리스의 저력을 톡톡히 깨달았을 것이니라!” |
후우카 “다들 참말로 욕봤데이! 카오폴리스를 대표해서 인사하고 싶구마!” |
우츠호 “아~ 오랜만에 제트 코스터를 타고 싶구나!” |
만타로 “만타~(요즘 좀 뜸하긴 했지~)” |
후우카 “그럼 영업 재개하면 셋이서 가까!” |
우츠호 “좋구나! 약속이니라!!” |
“ | Let's meet at Wahoo World! This amusement park stage, which is also a hot date spot for hip Inklings, will be added to the rotation tonight. Near the rides in the middle of the stage the floor will rotate and the paths above will connect or disconnect after certain intervals. | ” |