Inkipedia:Requests for Rights/Squidtent

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Squidtent (talk | contribs | logs)


I am requesting patroller rights. I've been waiting for this moment from the very beginning, and I'm now ready!
I've been an active editor here at Inkipedia for almost seven months and have extensive editing experience, including on other wikis. I am passionate about the Splatoon series and I would love to patrol pages and assist new and existing users on the wiki as much as I love the video game!

Here are some points to consider if I become a patroller:

  • I edit this wiki many times a week and spend my free time on it. I also have 1500~ mainspace edits.
  • I have been an editor since February 29th, 2024. Since then, I have added information to pages, expanded content, and provided Italian and Spanish translations.
  • I have experience dealing with mistranslations and vandals, so I will utilize the patroller tools effectively.
  • Due to school commitments, I may be partially offline, mostly on weekdays. However, I will be more active from June to September and frequently available during weekends.
  • I will try to be more active on the wiki when I can edit.
  • I can admit that sometimes I make mistakes, but I always correct myself to avoid them.
  • I have many plans for this wiki as I have for other wikis and intend to remain as an active editor.

If I am not suitable for the patroller role, I'll be fine and wait.

I hope to edit as a patroller in this wiki! Thank you for considering my request!

Squidtent ~ (Talk) 05:00, 25 August 2024 (UTC)


# Dedicated and experienced with editing. I read the opposition comment and mostly agree, but personally that isn't enough for me to vote oppose for an entry-level staff position. Heddy (talk) 13:12, 26 August 2024 (UTC)


  1. User is a quality contributor, but I believe they are misrepresenting their level of experience with correcting the edits of others, particularly vandalistic users. In fact, almost all of their limited pool of reversions are to their own edits, not those of others, and their activity on talk pages (which are often used for educating users unaware of policy or warning vandals) are, again, almost entirely on their own talk page.
    Users are capable of being quality contributors and fixing minor issues on pages where they may arise without needing to be staff, and currently I believe that area is where Squidtent falls. I think they need considerably more experience with deeper community engagement before I could consider them patroller material. That said, they've been very responsive to constructive criticism in the past and I'm hoping that will be the case here also; I would love to be able to approve a future request if they are able to take this to heart! Driftin Soul [Talk!] 19:36, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. Agree with the above; Squidtent is a great editor but at this time I'm not eager to entrust them with patroller tools.
    Skimming through their contributions, recent edits such as this one from just today suggest they don't have enough experience with our wiki; an individual edit dedicated to adding a thus unconfirmed name to a commented out, not yet relevant section is frivolous. They very frequently make several individual edits to the same page in quick succession... while the need for hastily corrective double-edits arises for everyone from time to time, their unusually frequent several back-to-back maintenance edits to the same page within the same hour editing pattern reads as messy and suggests they aren't proofreading their edits well enough. Yoshifan52 (talk) 19:09, 26 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Squidtent is a dedicated editor on Inkipedia and I commend them for that. However, I do not think that they are ready for staff rights yet. My reasons are similar to those above: not having enough experience and not particularly mentioning why patroller tools such as patrol tool and/or rollback will help them in editing. Like Driftin Soul said, Squidtent is an active user that makes good edits but does not really need to be in a staff position just yet. However, with enough time and experience I am sure they can be eligible! OrderSquid38 [Talk] 04:20, 27 August 2024 (UTC)
  4. Other editors have pretty much covered the on-wiki content reasons why I'd be opposed—I don't think you do enough to actually warrant patrol tools. That said, the primary reason that I am opposed to the move is that you're already calling yourself a patroller prior to actually being one or at least insinuating that you are, through your sandbox draft on Fandom and also commented out on your own userpage. I find this pretty concerning. Particular regards given to the Fandom account, this seems like it is more of a power grab to get promoted there instead of an actual desire to actively patrol things or use the patrol tools to bolster the edits that you do. The inclusion of the comment on the user page to me says this is about getting a fancy title. I can't in good faith vote for somebody who is effectively saying they have power and permissions that they ultimately do not. Firm negative from me. Trig Jegman - 13:56, 31 August 2024 (UTC)
  5. I was initially supportive, but I'm changing my vote; Trig's oppose comment reveals weirdness that goes over my weirdness tolerance threshold. Also, the fact that you requested this only 2 days after I made you autopatrolled is concerning to me, as it shows a lack of patience. Normally, users stay in a new role (like autopatrolled) for at least a few months, rarely for less than ta few months. This might sound like nitpicking, but the thing is, patrollers are supposed to be something of a role model. Patrollers don't have to be perfect, but a model user certainly wouldn't seek to get promoted on multiple wikis simultaneously (and doing it in a somewhat dishonest or rushed way) like it's about doing a speedrun or getting an achievement, rather than about helping a community. It's possible that you might be Inkipedia patroller material in 6 to 12 months, but only if concerns are addressed and experience is gained, and you understand what it means to be a patroller. If becoming patroller is about gaining status/achievements here or on another wiki, then it isn't for you. Heddy (talk) 15:07, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
  6. I've seen SquidTent around Inkipedia for a while, and while I was going to vote in favor of them, after reading Trig's and Heddy's comment I can't do that. Don't get me wrong, you're a great editor but not quite ready for patroller rights. That being said, if you keep editing and keep getting experience, you will one day be eligible! ssdrive (TalkContributions) 20:28, 11 September 2024 (UTC)


  • Where do you have experience dealing with mistranslations and vandals? On Inkipedia, or another website? Do you currently review others' edits on Inkipedia's recent changes? Heddy (talk) 22:14, 25 August 2024 (UTC)
    • I have experience dealing with mistranslations, mostly in Inkipedia. I hardly ever experience dealing with vandals here, but more frequently encountered them in other wikis, such as at a fandom wiki, and probably in Inkipedia ES, if I remember correctly. Yes, I am currently reviewing others' edits on Inkipedia's recent changes, and it is also becoming a hobby for me. Squidtent ~ (Talk) 07:57, 26 August 2024 (UTC)
  • First of all, I want to express my gratitude for your votes. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and concerns I may have caused. It exposes my lack of patience and experience, possibly due to my young age.

    However, my motivation for being a patroller is genuinely to help, not for personal gain or popularity. I really want to help others and this wiki. My actions were a result of my excessive worry.

    Anyways, I am sincerely grateful that I decided to create this request rights on this page. If I didn't create this, it wouldn't been a valuable learning and I would continue with my past mistakes!

    I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from this! Once again, thank you for your votes! I learned so much from this page, just as much as I did from this wiki; it truly feels like a second home to me!

    Thank you once again. I will take these lessons by heart and wait until the appropriate time! Squidtent ~ (Talk) 17:14, 1 September 2024 (UTC)