
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

This is S3 Badge Marina.png DJ Order-Squidev Talk OE Icon Marina.png's sandbox, this sandbox is used to write my plans for translating pages and more.


Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass (DONE)

Wave One


Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Attention.png

«OK, ho una notizia buona e cattiva. Quale volete sentire prima?»

(OK, I have good and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?)
Frye Expression Attention.png

«Quella buona! Così dopo posso far finta di non aver sentito quella cattiva.»

(The good one! So later I can pretend I didn't hear the bad one.)
Shiver Expression Happy.png

«D'accordo, Allora, che ci crediate o no, la stazione ferroviaria è finalmente ultimata!»

(Alright, So, believe it or not, the train station is finally finished!)
Big Man Expression SurprisedA.png

«Man? Man?! (Davvero? Davvero hanno terminato i lavori?!)»

(Ay? Ay?! (Really? Have they really finished the work?!))
Frye Expression Talk LookOther.png

«Wow! Ci sono voluti secoli, ma sono sicura che sarà valsa la pena aspettare!»

(Wow! It took centuries, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait!)
Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! Man! (Sì! Adesso possiamo andare e tornare da Coloropoli in un batti balena!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Yes! Now we can get to Inkopolis and back in a flash!))

Big Man Expression DisappointedA.png

«Man? (Però aspetta... Qual è la notizia cattiva?)»

(Ay? (But wait... What's the bad news?))
Shiver Expression GoodGriefB.png

«La gente di Coloropoli potrà venire QUI. A casa nostra. Parcheggiare sarà un incubo!»

(The people of Inkopolis will be able to come HERE. At our home. Parking will be a nightmare!)
Frye Expression DisappointedA.png

«Cosa? Nooooo! Già adesso fatico a trovare parcheggio per le mie murene.»

(What? Nooooo! I'm already struggling to find parking for my moray eels.)

Big Man Expression SurprisedB.png

«...Man? (... Ma se prendono il treno, perché dovrebbero parcheggiare?)»

(...Ay? (... But if they take the train, why should they park?))

Wave Two

Rumor Fillet

Dialogue Dialogue Region
Frye Expression Happy.png

«È il momento della nostra rubrica: Olezzo di Pettegolezzo!»

(It's time for our column: Rumor Fillet!)
Big Man Expression SurprisedA.png

«Man? Man. (Questa sarebbe una rubrica? La cosa mi puzza.)»

(Ay? Ay. (Could this be a column? This stinks to me.))
Shiver Expression Point.png

«Il pettegolezzo sarebbe la gente allo sbando che invade piazza Coloropoli

(The rumor would be the disarrayed people invading Inkopolis Square?)
Big Man Expression DisappointedA.png

«Man. Man? (Ah, ne ho sentito parlare. Credete che sia tutto vero?)»

(Ay. Ay? (Ah, I heard about it. Do you think it's all true?))
Shiver Expression Attention.png

«Beh, le mischie mollusche sono meno affollate e pochi timbrano il cartellino...»

(Well, Turf Wars are less crowded and few clock in...)
Frye Expression SurprisedB.png

«Adesso che mi ci fai pensare. L'ho notato anch'io. Che sta succendo?!»

(Now that you make me think about it. I noticed it too. What's going on?!)
Frye Expression Fighting.png

«Forse hanno scoperto quant'è forte Splattonia e hanno gettato la spugna?»

(Maybe they discovered how strong the Splatlands is and give up?)
Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! Man! (Ci sono! Facciamo una diretta da piazza Coloropoli per scoprire la verità!)»

(Ay! Ay! (I'm here! Let's go live from Inkopolis Square to find out the truth!))
Shiver Expression GoodGriefB.png

«Mantaleo... è una scusa per farti pagare il viaggio a piazza Coloropoli?»

(Big Man... is this an excuse to make you pay for the trip to Inkopolis Square?)
Big Man Expression DisappointedA.png

«Man... (Pensavo solo di far vedere un altro lato di Coloropoli ai nostri spettatori...)»

(Ay... (I just thought I'd show another side of Inkopolis to our viewers...))

After Clearing Side Order Once

Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Wait.png

«L'ultima canzone è stata chiesta dall'incredibile SplatvilleRulz e si chiama...»

(The last song was requested by the incredible SplatsvilleRulz and it's called...)
Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! (#47 onward, di Dedf1sh feat. Tenta Cool!)»

(Ay! (#47 onward, by Dedf1sh feat. Off the Hook!))

Frye Expression Angry.png

«Eh? Artisti di Coloropoli?! Ma non rappresentavano Splatville? ANARCHIA!»

(Huh? Artists of Inkopolis?! But didn't they represent Splatsville? ANARCHY!)
Shiver Expression Talk Smirk.png

«Beh, sì, Morena, ma ricordo che mi avevi detto grandi cose su di loro.»

(Well, yes, Frye, but I remember you telling me great things about them.)

Shiver Expression GoodGrief.png

«A proposito, pare che le Tenta Cool saranno di nuovo a piazza Coloropoli dopo il tour.»

(By the way, it seems that Off the Hook will be back in Inkopolis Square after the tour.)
Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Proprio così! Avete visto che hanno annunciato una nuova canzone?)»

(Ay! (That's right! Did you saw that they announced a new song?))

«Man. (In un'intervista, Alga ha detto: "La battaglia non è ancora finita!")»

(Ay. (In an interview, Pearl said: "The battle is not over yet!"))
Frye Expression GoodGrief.png

«Eh? Ma il loro tour non era finito? Forse devono regolare i conti con qualcuno.»

(Huh? But their tour wasn't over? Maybe they have to settle the score with someone.)
Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Non so bene cosa significhi, ma quando l'ha detto era davvero cool!)»

(Ay! (I'm not sure what that means, but when she said it she was really cool!))
Shiver Expression Wait.png

«Eh? Pare che queste non siano le uniche notizie di oggi.»

(Huh? It seems that these are not the only news today.)
Frye Expression SurprisedB.png

«Uuuh! Dici tutto!»

(Oooh! Say it!)
Shiver Expression Wait.png

«Le mischie mollusche fanno il loro ritorno a piazza Coloropoli! È ufficiale!»

(Turf Wars are making their return to Inkopolis Square! It's official!)
Frye Expression Angry.png

«Ancora notizie su Coloropoli? Non hai delle VERE notizie da darci?»

(More news on Inkopolis again? Don't you have any REAL news to give us?)
Shiver Expression Attention.png

«E poi l'ultima volta piazza Coloropoli non era piena di fannulloni mezzi stravolti?»

(And wasn't Inkopolis Square full of half-distraught idlers last time?)
Big Man Expression Angry.png

«Man... (Pare che molti si siano ripresi, mentre altri ancora non del tutto...)»

(Ay... (It seems that many have returned, while others still not at all...))
Frye Expression Point.png

«E vabbè, ogni tanto siamo un po' stravolti. Capita anche a te, Mantaleo!»

(Alright, sometimes we get a little upset. It happens to you too, Big man!)
Big Man Expression SurprisedA.png

«Man... (Dice quella a cui ho dovuto chiedere tre volte lo zucchero l'altro giorno...)»

(Ay... (Says the one I had to ask for sugar three times the other day...))
Shiver Expression Happy.png

«Bah. Ma in fondo noi cosa c'entriamo con quello che succede a piazza Coloropoli?»

(Bah. But after all, what do we have to do with what happens in Inkopolis Square?)
Frye Expression Happy.png

«Niente di niente, hai ragione.»

(Nothing at all, you're right.)

Deep Cut/Quotes (Working)

Anarchy Splatcast Intro done


Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Greeting.png

«Aprite le orecchie, apriamo le danze!»

(Open your ears, let's start the dance!)

Shiver Expression Wait.png

«Splattonia rappresentiamo, siamo il Trio Triglio e spacchiamo!»

(We represent the Splatlands, we are Deep Cut and we rock!)
Frye Expression Happy.png

«In diretta su Splatcast Anarchia

(Live on Anarchy Splatcast!)

Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Su il sipario!)»

(Ay! (Up the curtain!))
Shiver Expression Special.png

«Voi suonate in playback, noi spariamo una hit al sec-sec-sec-sec!»

(You play in playback, we shoot a hit per sec-sec-sec-sec!)
Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! (Pinnuccia, Morena, e Mantaleo!)»

(Ay! (Shiver, Frye and Big Man!))

Current Stages done


Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Point.png

«Vediamo gli scenari delle partite attuali!»

(Let's see the stages of the current battles!)
Frye Expression Point.png

«Rullo di tamburi! Dan-dan-dan-dan... BAM!»

(Drumroll! Dan-dan-dan-dan... BAM!)

Great Zapfish Missing done


Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man
Big Man Expression Point.png

“Man-man! (Notizia dell'ultima ora! Fresca di pesca!)”

(Ay-ay! (News of the last hour! Fresh of fishing!))
Shiver Expression Talk.png

“Oh, hai qualcosa da dire, Mantaleo? Sentiamo!”

(Oh, do you have something to say, Big Man? We're hearing you!)

Shiver Expression DisappointedA.png

“EH? Ma fornisce energia a tutta la città! Dobbiamo ritrovarlo o avremo un blackout!”

(HUH? But it supplies energy to the whole city! We have to find it again or we'll have a blackout!)
Frye Expression SurprisedA.png

“Uhm, quella notizia volevo darla io. Il Gran pescescossa è sparito!”

(Um, I wanted to give you that news. The Great Zapfish is gone!)
Notes: Frye's quote appears first.

Frye Expression Fighting.png

“Per ora, conserviamo energia. Spegniamo le luci e teniamoci al freso, tipo a 32°.”

(For now, let's conserve energy. Let's turn off the lights and keep to the heat, like at 32°.)

Big Man
Big Man Expression Point.png

“Man! (32° sarà fresco a casa tua! Chiamateci se trovate il pescescossa.)”

(Ay! (32° will be cool in your house! Call us if you find the zapfish.))

Great Zapfish Returns

Note: Some of the text are still in english and placeholders. Some of this is already done by someone


Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man
Big Man Expression Talk.png

“Ay... Ay! (I...can...BEARly...contain myself!)”
Frye Expression Talk LookOther.png

“What is it, Big Man?”

Big Man
Big Man Expression Point.png

“Ay! Ay! (Breaking news!)”

Frye Expression SurprisedB.png

“Is this about the return of the Great Zapfish?”
Shiver Expression SurprisedA.png

“Oh yeah...I almost forgot about that.”

“...Is that how it always looked?”
“Who cares? It's safe! Yay! Is that all you got, Big Man? What's next?”

Big Man
Big Man Expression Talk.png

“Ay! Ay! (No, there's more! Broken news!)”
Shiver Expression Talk.png

“That's breakING. So hurry up and break it already!”

“Ooo, lemme guess. This is about the new Squid Sisters single, right?”

“Because if so, YEAH, I've heard about it, and YEAH, I'm big MAD about it!”
“ says Squid Sisters on the label, but look at these two!”

Big Man
“Ay? (Is it really them?)”

“Th-that's Boss Marie! And her assistant lady! They're the Squid Sisters?!”

Big Man
“Ay! (Forgive us, Boss Ladies!)”
Shiver Expression Wait.png

“They really are our bosses...”

Shiver Expression Special.png

“Deep Cut will open for the Squid Sisters any time! When are we going on tour?!”
Frye Expression Special.png

“Yes! Great idea, Shiver. Deep Cut and Squid Sisters World Toooooour!”
Shiver Expression Fighting.png

“Well...until then, let's just play their latest. Here's Wave Goodbye! Catch ya later!”

Anarchy Splatcast End done

Note:Some of this is already done by someone(The catch ya later thing)


Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Talk LookOther.png

«Ed è tutto... per ora.»

(And that's all... for now.)

Frye Expression Talk LookOther.png

«Sempre sulla cresta dell'onda, gente!»

(Always on the crest of the wave, people!)
Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Forza, andiamocene!)»

(Ay! (Come on, let's go!))
Notes: Either one of the two above quotes is said after the previous quote.
Shiver Expression SignatureReady.png

«Da Splatville è tutto.»

(That's all from Splatsville.)

Shiver Expression Signature.png

«Ci peschiamo dopo!»

(Catch ya later![note 1])
Frye Expression Signature.png

«Ci peschiamo dopo!»

(Catch ya later![note 1])

Big Man Expression Signature.png

Notes: All three idols change their expressions, but only Shiver and Frye are saying this quote.
  1. 1.0 1.1 from this language's respective catchphrase for "catch ya later!"

Big Run/Quotes (Working)

Note: Some of the text are still in english and placeholders. Some of this is already done by someone


Big Run announcement
Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man
Big Man Expression SurprisedB.png

“Ay! Ayayay! (Hot off the press! Big Man here with super big news!)”
Frye Expression Talk.png

“Are you okay? You're shook!”

Big Man
Big Man Expression Angry.png

“Ay! (I'm okay—it's just that I have this urgent announcement from Grizzco.)”
Shiver Expression GoodGrief.png

“Right, they're hiring. They're always hiring. It's not really news. Lemme see the report...”

“GYAAAH! This is a Big Run alert!”
“Wait—we're under attack? Is that what that means? The Salmonids are coming?!”

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Sembra che offrano una qualche
ricompensa speciale a chi aiuta!)

(Ay! (Looks like they're giving some special reward to those who help!))
Shiver Expression Happy.png

«Beh, beh. Non dico mai di no a una
ricompensa speciale.»

(Well, well. I never say no to a special reward.)

Shiver Expression Wait.png

«Prepariamoci, Trio Triglio. Presentiamoci
alla Ursus & Co all'inizio della Big Run!»

(Let's get ready, Deep Cut. Let's show up to Grizzco at the start of the Big Run!)
Frye Expression Fighting.png

«Sì! Riduciamo quei Salmonoidi in sogliole!»

(Yes! Let's turn those Salmonids to soles!)

Big Run results Sobborgo Siluriano

Note: Some of the text are still in english and placeholders

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! Man... (Restate in linea! Sto ricevendo notizie succose...)»

(Ay! Ay... (Stay on line! I'm getting some juicy news...))

Frye Expression Attention.png

«Che c'è, che c'è?»

(What's there, what's there?)

Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! (I am, I am! Because the Big Run results are in!)»

(Ay! ()

Frye Expression Point.png

«Ooo! He's got a letter!Big Run»
Shiver Expression SurprisedB.png

«Really? Grizzco sent a letter? Why don't you let me read it? Ahem...»

Shiver Expression Talk LookOther.png

«"Thank you for participating in an official Grizzco Big Run™."»

Shiver Expression Attention.png

«"We appreciate your support and have prepared a small token of gratitude."»
Frye Expression Talk Smirk.png

«What is it? What is it? EEEEEE!»
Shiver Expression Greeting.png

«Huh. Now there's a list of high scores along with the prize info...»
Frye Expression Wait.png

«Hurry UUUUUUP!»

Introduction: Eeltail Alley done

Note:Some of this is already done by someone

Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Special.png

«Non userei scorciatoie nel Sobborgo Siluriano quando la Big Run è in corso.»

(I wouldn't take shortcuts in Eeltail Alley when the Big Run is in progress.)
Frye Expression Fighting.png

«Però resta la soluzione più rapida per ripulire il terreno dai Salmonoidi!»

(But it remains the quickest solution to clean the land of Salmonids!)
Shiver Expression Wait.png

«Beh, la Ursus & Co assume, se vuoi
contribuire a spazzare via i Salmonoidi...»

(Well, Grizzco is hiring, if you want to contribute sweep Salmonids away…)
Big Man Expression Angry.png

«Man! (Quanti Salmonoidi all'ora?
E posso tenerli come animali domestici?)

(Ay! (How many Salmonids an hour? And can I keep them as pets?))
Frye Expression Talk Smirk.png

«Più uova d'oro raccogli, migliore sarà la ricompensa, vero?»

(The more golden eggs you collect, the better the reward, right?)
Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man. Man! (Sì... ma anche se batti il record, puoi continuare a raccogliere!)»

(Ay. Ay! (Yes... but even if you beat the record, you can keep collecting!))
Shiver Expression Happy.png

«Aaaah, sì. La promessa di un regalo sfavillante è un grande motivazione...»

(Aaaah, yes. The promise of a dazzling gift is a great motivator...)
Big Man Expression SurprisedB.png

«... Man? Man. (... E soprattutto vuoi
salvare la città, giusto? Brava.)

(…Ay? Ay. (And you want to save the city most of all, right? Good.))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man Expression Point.png

Shiver Expression Talk.png

Frye Expression SurprisedA.png

Big Man Expression Happy.png

Shiver Expression Attention.png

Frye Expression Happy.png

Frye Expression Talk.png

Big Man Expression Angry.png

Shiver Expression Talk Smirk.png

Frye Expression Angry.png

Shiver Expression Wait.png

Big Man Expression Wait.png

Shiver Expression Point.png

Frye Expression Point.png

Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Wait.png

Big Man Expression Talk.png

Drums vs. Guitar vs. Keyboard (DONE)



Notes: The announcement is done by someone

Introduction done

Dialogue Dialogue Region
Shiver Expression Attention.png

«Se foste in una band, quale strumento vi piacerebbe suonare?»

(If you were in a band, what instrument would you like to play?)
Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (Partecipate scegliendo un team al terminal di voto in piazza!)»

(Ay! (Participate by choosing a team at the Pledge Box in the square!))
Frye Expression Greeting.png

«Siamo tutti pronti a lanciare qualche sfera pirotecnica?!»

(Are we all ready to launch some Fizzbangs?!)
Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Man! (Andate al bollibattaglie nella lobby per imparare a usarle e consultare le regole!)»

(Ay! (Go to the battle pot in the lobby to learn how to use them and consult the rules!))

Results done

Dialogue Dialogue Region

Big Man Expression Happy.png

«Maaan! (Trionfo del Team Tastiera! E per gli altri sono solo tasti dolentii!)»

(Aaay! (Triumph of Team Keyboard! And for the others they are just sore keys!))

Frye Expression DisappointedA.png

«Argh! Mi sa che le nostre chitarre erano un po' scordate...»

(Argh! I think our guitars were a little out of tune...)
Shiver Expression DisappointedB.png

«Il Team Batteria stava andando alla grande, ma poi abbiamo perso il ritmo...»

(Team Drums was doing great, but then we lost the rhythm...)

Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man! (I nostri virtuosismi sui tasti hanno funzionato anche sul campo di battaglia!)»

(Ay! (Our virtuosity on the keys worked on the battlefield too!))

«Non restate giù di corda, amici del Team Chitarra. Il rock non morirà mai!»

(Don't feel down, Team Guitar friends. The rock will never die!)
«Ci abbiamo provato, Team Batteria. La prossima volta li disorienteremo con i tempi dispari.»

(We tried, Team Drums. Next time I'll confuse them with the odd tenses.)

Big Man Expression Talk.png

«Man? (La vittoria mi ha fatto tornare in mente quando mi sono unito a voi. Vi ricordate?)»

(Ay? (The victory reminded me of when I joined you guys. Do you remember?))
Shiver Expression Point.png

«Ovvio! In un certo senso, senza tastiere il Trio Triglio non esisterebbe nemmeno.»

(Obvious! In a certain sense, without keyboards Deep Cut wouldn't even exist.)

Frye Expression Wait.png

«Secondo voi cos'avremmo fatto se non avessimo creato il trio?»

(What do you think we would have done if we hadn't created the trio?)
Shiver Expression Angry.png

«Bleah, di sicuro qualcosa di noioso. Non ci voglio nemmeno pensare!»

(Yuck, definitely something boring. I don't even want to think about it!)

Frye Expression DisappointedB.png

«Io non riesco nemmeno a immaginarla, una vita lontana da voi due.»

(I can't even imagine it, a life away from you two.)
Big Man Expression Angry.png

«Man... (Probabilmente sarei un autore semisconosciuto per qualche tempo...)»

(Ay... (I would probably be a semi-known author for some time...))

Big Man Expression SurprisedA.png

«Man? (Visto che alla fine siamo tutti contenti per la vittoria della tastiera?)»

(Ay? (See that we're all happy with the keyboard's victory in the end?))
Shiver Expression Happy.png

«Beh, se me la metti così, diciamo che hai toccato... il tasto giusto della questione.»

(Well, if you put it that way, let's say you've hit... the right key of the issue.)

Frye Expression GoodGrief.png


Big Man Expression DisappointedA.png

«Man... (E su questa nota... direi di chiudere.)»

(Ay... (And on that note... I would say to close this.))

Suffer No Fools Italian Lyrics (DONE)

Singer Legend
Alga: Pearl

Nori: Marina

Morena: Frye Pinnuccia: Shiver

Suffer No Fools Lyrics (Italian Version)

Alga:Resta nella tua boccia, avannotta.
Noi incassiamo, tu sei già cotta.
In anteprima,
ti insegno l'arte della rima!


Alga:Taci! I tuoi versi sono fallaci.


Alga:Ci aspetta la gloria, faremo la storia...

Morena:Ora tocca a MEEE!

Morena:Principessa, tu qui non sei nessuno.
Se cerchi applausi resterai a digiuno!

Alga:Tu e il tuo amicone blaterate di evolvere.
Stonati, stressati, uno per tutti e
tutti nella polvere!

Morena:Bla-Bla-Bla, dai aria alla bocca
come un pesce fuor d'acqua.
I tuoi gregari?
Calamari immaginari!

Alga:E invece no: è divina, una beniamina,
voce cristallina, mente sopraffina!

Una fantica!

Alga:Certo, come no. Ascolta, piuttosto!

Nori:Spata ratikuda

Alga:Jibata diya diya

Wigoss darinaee

Alga:Chunoss gari baeera

Dijukk peun ridori

Alga:Jibos toori duya

Chunoss gari vaeera
Dion dangari dangareera

Alga/Nori:Dion dangari dangara

Pinnuccia:La tua voce rimbomba in testa per ore.
Dev'essere un piacere per i tuoi fan.

Nori:Grazie mille, sei troppo gentile!
Io ho molto da imparare dal tuo stile.

Pinnuccia:Per caso dei un'imitatrice?
Mi ricordi i ragazzini del quartiere.

Nori:Oh, le tue lodi mi hanno commossa.
Grazie a te migliorerò ogni mossa!

Pinnuccia:Beh, si è fatto tardi, no?

Nori:Per niente! Ho benzina
per arrivare fino mattina.

Vi arrendete?!

Suffer No Fools Lyrics (Translated Italian Version)

Alga:Stay in your bowl, fry.
We collect, you're already cooked.
In preview,
I'll teach you the art of rhyming!


Alga:Shut up! Your verses are fallacious.


Alga:Glory awaits us, we'll make the history...

Morena:Now it's my TUUURN!

Morena:Princess, you are nobody here.
If you're looking for an applause, you'll be starving![a]

Alga:You and your buddy blathering about evolving.
Out of tune, stressed, one for all and
all in the dust!

Morena:Blah-Blah-Blah, you give air to your mouth
like a fish out of water.
Your wingmen?
Imaginary squids!

Alga:And instead not: she is divine, a darling,
crystalline voice, refined mind!

Morena:You'll understand!
A fanatic!

Alga:Sure why not. Listen instead!

Nori:Spata ratikuda

Alga:Jibata diya diya

Wigoss darinaee

Alga:Chunoss gari baeera

Dijukk peun ridori

Alga:Jibos toori duya

Chunoss gari vaeera
Dion dangari dangareera

Alga/Nori:Dion dangari dangara

Pinnuccia:Your voice echoes in my head for hours.
It must be a good for your fans.

Nori:Thank you very much, you are too kind!
I have a lot to learn from your style.

Pinnuccia:By any chance are you an imitator?
You remind me of the neighborhood kids.

Nori:Oh, your praises moved me.
Thanks to you I will improve every move!

Pinnuccia:Well, it's getting late, isn't it?

Nori:For nothing! I have fuel
to get to the morning.[b]

Alga:And so?
Do you give up?!

Translation Notes

  1. As in "If you are looking for clappings, you'll receive nothing"
  2. As in "I have the energy to stay until the morning."

Future Request for Patrolling

  • I dream of becoming a patroller on this wiki, but I'm not ready yet as I've only been here for a month. For the request, here's what I've done so far:
Inkipedia:Requests for Rights/Squidtent

Squidtent (talk | contribs | logs)
The description needs to be fixed.
 Hello, I am requesting for patroller rights. I've been on Inkipedia for 6 months now (estimated), and I've had a lot of editing experience. With this in mind, I've finally decided that I want to be a patroller. But, there thing that needs be in mind. This a list is what to keep in in mind if I become a patroller.
*I've been on this wiki for quite some time and have learned a lot of editing skills. I also have over 1000 mainspace edits (presumed).
*I help a lot with Italian Translation. 
*I have also encountered misintranslation and vandals before and I know how to deal with them so I will use patroller tools correctly.
*I will try be active on this wiki more frequently during the days I can edit.

*Since I have school, I will be partially offline during most of the weekdays due to schoolwork being an obstacle to my activeness, especially April-June (I'm in graduating year). 
*Because of my frequent absences I may not be the best patroller to be notified when something happens if something happens such as policy proposals.
 If you think I'm not fit for this position, I'm fine with being an autopatrolled user.
 Also, I will be fully active July, which is the month where I finish school exams. I will also be active frequently during the weekends.

S3 Badge Marina.png  DJ Order-Squidev  Talk OE Icon Marina.png 17:00, 29 July 2024 (UTC) (Estimated date.)


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