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Crisscross.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order.


Defeat the fleeing foes!
Difficulty Difficulty Easy Easy
Base reward Membuxs 35
Appearance On a normal climb:
Fleeing foes
Music je2ting

Crisscross.Floor is a floor in the Spire of Order. The objective is to defeat all the fleeing foes.

Danger-Magnet_Crisscross.Floor (tower)

Escort the turbine tower!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 155
Appearance On a normal climb:
Checkpoint count
Music jitter2

The objective is to escort the turbine tower to its goal.

Open-Season_Crisscross.Floor (∞-balls)

Sink the ∞-balls!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 175
Appearance On a normal climb:
∞-ball count
Music 2ouvenir

The objective is to sink the all the ∞-balls.

Frantic_Double-Decker_Crisscross.Floor (zones)

Protect the zones!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Rigorous
Base reward Membuxs 570
Appearance On a normal climb:
Zone count
Countdown start ticks
Checkpoint 1 ticks
Music routine2

The objective is to protect the zone.

Floor features

Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese バッテン坂のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Kriskras.etage Crisscross.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.chassé_croisé
Germany German Überkreuz.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_incrociato Crossed_floor
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Икс.floor
Fayl etazha: Iks.floor
Floor file: X.floor
SpainMexico Spanish Encrucijada
China Chinese (Simplified) 陡坡的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 陡坡的樓層
South Korea Korean 교차 플로어
 Internal map_x [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese せまりくる バッテン坂のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Gevaarlijk_kriskras.etage Dangerous_crisscross.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.chassé_croisé\zone_périlleuse
Germany German Gefahrenzone_Überkreuz.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_incrociato//pericoloso
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Горячая_точка(Икс).floor
Fayl etazha: Goryachaya_tochka(Iks).floor
Floor file: Hot_spot(X).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Encrucijada_Asedio.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Encrucijada opresiva
China Chinese (Simplified) 步步逼近 陡坡的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 步步逼近 陡坡的樓層
South Korea Korean 밀려드는 교차 플로어
 Internal x_lift [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ねらわれる バッテン坂のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Jachtseizoen_kriskras.etage Huntingseason_crisscross.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.chassé_croisé\proie_aux_abois
Germany German Feindbeschuss_Überkreuz.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_incrociato//bersaglio
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Сезон_охоты(Икс).floor
Fayl etazha: Sezon_okhoty(Iks).floor
Floor file: Hunting_season(X).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Encrucijada_PuntoDeMira.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Encrucijada en el punto de mira
China Chinese (Simplified) 紧迫盯人 陡坡的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 緊迫盯人 陡坡的樓層
South Korea Korean 표적이 되는 교차 플로어
 Internal x_ball [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 上も下も いそがしい バッテン坂のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Hectisch-dubbeldekker_kriskras.etage Hectic-doubledecker_crisscross.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.chassé_croisé\base_et_sommet_survoltés
Germany German Hektik:Stockwerkzone_Überkreuz.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_incrociato//doppio frenetico
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Двухъярусная_суматоха(Икс).floor
Fayl etazha: Dvukh'yarusnaya_sumatokha(Iks).floor
Floor file: Tro-tier_bustle(X).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Encrucijada_FrenesíDoble.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Encrucijada doblemente frenética
China Chinese (Simplified) 无论上下皆忙碌 陡坡的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 無論上下皆忙碌 陡坡的樓層
South Korea Korean 위도 아래도 분주한 교차 플로어
 Internal x_area [1]
