Talk:Big Man

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Big Man boss fight

I've seen the Big Man boss fight and I realized that it is clearly a parody/inspired by that Manta storm boss in Mario sunshine. Even the ink color is the same and the attacks too. Once S3 comes out, we can add that to the trivia. Just wanted to put this here before I forget Woomy? (talk) signature signature 23:31, 8 September 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Huh never noticed that. Since we can't put any info yet (despite the game being released already in different countries) let's wait till tomorrow, like you mentioned. OrderSquid38 [Talk] 23:33, 8 September 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
ok guys (ive played sunshine btw) and think we need 2 put more info on Big Man
partioly just cause u can read his page in a millisecond more deitails nessisary Big Man fan (talk) 23:58, 5 March 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

THIS BOY IS SO FULL OF URANIUM (AKA: splatfest changes?)

We noted this in the edit notes, but in case someone is wondering, we did actually notice a distinct "difference" for Big Man during a Splatfest and his normal model; his sheen. What do we mean by that? Well, since he's a manta ray, Big Man has a very noticeable perpetual "shine" to his entire model, much more pronounced than the other two idols. We forget what this is called in actual 3D modelling, if that was the Diffuse Texture or the Normal Texture. However, we know for a fact this lies in the external shading of the model itself, not necessarily the colors of the base textures!

Actual documentation of what is going on is... Nigh impossible to find, so our best source came from, of all things, someone's Splatoon aesthetics blog with a GIF set of Big Man dancing about. As silly as it sounds, he has a very prominent Team Fun Green glint to his body, almost as if he's glowing. (Incidentally, we looked it up, some species of rays do hold bio-luminescence, so this tracks for Big Man.) We also think it "pulses" a bit? But this may just be because his model is outright spinning around and dancing, causing environment lighting to clash a bit (you can see it happen in a few frames where Big Man gets splotches of environmental Oranges and Purples. This is, in fact, from the current Splatfest and not the last one; the background in the actual images showcase as much.

This leads us to the conclusion that, yes, actually, Big Man does change like the other idols do! It's just been emphasized on a detail that, up until our edit adding it, nobody even thought to mention (his perpetual sheen). It does make us wonder if his boss fight actually tints him a bit and if it changes with Color Lock... That's for later when thinking about actually playing Splatoon doesn't give us a lump in our throat from Splatfest woes. Still, we hope this documentation allows people to hopefully come up with a better source. (There's not even a Favicon for citing Tumblr blogs aside from SRL on this wiki!) ~Camwoodstock & Tori! (talk) 19:41, 25 September 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hello! I looked into it somewhat :]
I can explain the gifset from Tumblr where he looks so green. When the idols are on their individual platforms during the first half of the splatfest, the lighting is very heavy in their team colors. You can see this effect on Big Man himself here in this short clip of a Youtube video I got from ZackScottGames. Big Man's platform is illuminated in green and because his model is a plastic like texture, he reflects the lighting a lot.
I do think this is merely a result of the lighting and not actually Big Man changing color. To add, I took some screenshots of him currently as he is on stage without being on his individual platform. The screenshots were taken a couple seconds apart. As you can see, because the green light isn't so heavy anymore, he is not as green, and can even appear purple or orange-ish as the lights change.
Green Tint On Stage
Purple Tint On Stage KingPink (talk) 20:09, 25 September 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
That much would also make sense; though, without someone somehow getting a full model and figuring out what is going on on Splatfests, it's a bit hard to say for complete certain. Would definitely suggest someone with a bit of technical knowledge looking into it, seeing if there's anything happening (either in the model itself or in the actual game) to cause this, because honestly, it seems both equally likely either Big Man is bio-luminescent to some capacity or it's basically an in-universe stage trick/practical effect to make Big Man occasionally glow the various team colors. Also, if someone has footage of him glowing Team Grub Orange (or, any colors from Rocks vs. Paper vs. Scissors), that would be nice to have to complete that trifecta. (It did cross our mind that he could possibly reflect just about any color and glow it as long as there was enough ambient lighting during a Splatfest, but we felt that sounded a bit too stretch-y and silly at the time. Now, there's a non-zero chance that may very well be the canonical explanation for it, which is quite funny how that works, huh?) Worst-case scenario, we at least have proof that Big Man's sheen is like, an actual facet of his character design that you're meant to put stock into, and not just some sort of bonus texture trickery; which, hey, is information we didn't have before! ~Camwoodstock & Tori! (talk) 21:12, 25 September 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Having personally looked at the materials and texture for his model, he does actually have a similar hue-mapping texture to those used to change tentacle color. Granted, this could very well just be to further sell the colored lighting and in-universe his color is completely unchanged, but nonetheless, this is a deliberate effect. The fact he's distinctly blue in the promotional art for the Grass vs. Fire vs. Water Splatfest could he really does change color, though.
LimitedEditionJuddMug (talk) 14:08, 29 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
During the Grass vs. Fire vs. Water splatfest, my friend made art of Deep Cut. I noticed Big Man had a bluish tint to him, but I decided not to ask. I never actually noticed that in-game though, I'll try to see if I can spot it in the next splatfest. Obsession-with-splatoon- (talk) 20:01, 4 March 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Signature Color

His signature color is red; the only thing he wears is a headpiece that is mainly red, his dialogue icon and name color are red in return of the mammalians, and team scissors' color was red, whereas the other team's colors were their respective idols' signature colors. Aqua68080 (talk) 21:17, 8 October 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

His signator color has been talked about a lot and I get where the confusion is coming from but his signature color is indeed gray as Deep Cut's logo and the standart Splatfest logo show. However, he has a secondary color with red, which is used in his name tag in Return of the Mammalians. It was also used during the Splatfest, but this is simply due to the fact that grey ink wouldn't work.  Perfectionist  (talk) 23:01, 8 October 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Even if his name tag being red is just because Nintendo couldn't use grey, shouldn't we still keep his name tag as red, since that's the color of his name tag in game? Hated 16:38, 1 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
His name tag is grey outside of Return of the Mammalians. FancyRat 02:09, 11 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
We have separate name colours for Big Man in Return of the Mammalians and Big Man in Anarchy Splatcast. But regarding the page stating "[his] signature color is gray", I think the red colour used in RotM is also worth noting in the same sentence. Harimaron (talk) 10:34, 11 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
could the grey be darker i can barely see it User:Randomnamehere/Sig 15:58, 11 April 2023 (UTC)
coincidence? Big man=BIGGER MAN (talk) 00:57, 11 April 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

is Big Man actually a manta ray or not?

discussion of understanding oceanic biology MintK (talk) 18:22, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

He's a manta ray, however his design differs from what a real Manta Ray looks like. You could most likely just blame Nintendo for their confusing designs; or you could just chalk it up to Manta Rays going through so much evolution they changed designs. User:Randomnamehere/Sig 18:24, 5 May 2023 (UTC)
I have done tons of research onrays, mantas, skates and many other similar ocean creatures as manta rays are my favorite animal, to see that people are calling Big Man a manta ray doesn't seem to make sense to me, I understand it could just be chalked up to "it's Splatoon and all cartoony" but doing so much research on a topic I am truly passionate about just to see people may be getting it incorrect.
A giant oceanic manta ray ends up to around 7 meters in wing span and a reef manta ray with a wing span of 5 meters. and while yes many of the sea creatures have changed shape and sizes I don't think a manta ray would shrink down to a couple of inches.
this really is a silly topic but I would just like to bring to light that big man is really not the "right" shape of a manta. I personally like my own theory of him being something like an eagle ray or something who wants to be a big manta ray. In the sunken scrolls as well (pg. 12) they talk about the food they eat enhances bodily toxins, which manta rays are completely harmless leaning him more towards a sting ray! The scrolls also state that this family has been here for generations allowing the possibility of him being more of a mix of all sorts of different rays while the family name is Manta which stays passed down even if the species is different.
there really isn't a canon answer either we have one tweet that can be interpreted differently.
(and sorry to the editors for starting a mini edit war I'm just very passionate about this) MintK (talk) 18:37, 5 May 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
I understand your frustration; it's fine, I go on rants aswell.
Nintendo is just one of those companies which make designs which don't really make much sense, and aren't logical. A lot of people are angry about the fact Inklings and Octolings don't have much animal features; knowing that they are still animals.
Society has evolved a lot in Splatoon, I don't find it hard to believe A Manta Ray shrinked by a lot; especially with the fact he's on two legs. He's humanoid, so he's shrunk into the size of a human (albeit a very wide one).
All I have to go off to know that Big Man is a Manta ray is the fact that in the German translation Shiver exclusively states that Big Man as a baby was a manta ray (with context), and also a lot of official ENG content... User:Randomnamehere/Sig 18:54, 5 May 2023 (UTC)

Big Dad

Where are we getting this from tho? *aggressive introverting* Mariefan 23:36, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Deep Cut dialogue for Um'ami Ruins is the source. P.J. GT(talk) 23:44, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
one of the dialogues for um'ami ruins, its the 4th one for umami in User:Harimaron/S3_Stage_Dialogues
Adalent {talkcontribs} 23:49, 8 June 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OHH OK I thought this was speculation lol *aggressive introverting* Mariefan 11:44, 9 June 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Big Man could very well have a lack of confidence!

No, this isn't just coming from the fact that he was team Courage during Power vs Wisdom vs Courage. One sign that someone lacks confidence is by them not finishing a lot of their thoughts. In almost every Splatfest, there is at least one time where Big Man trails off his sentence, not finishing it. Even in the latest one, Vanilla vs Strawberry vs Mint Chip this is apparent, as one of his lines reads, "Ay... (Wouldn't the spotlights just...)" never finishing it. When asked randomly for a strategy, he panics. When Shiver is in the lead for halftime, Big Man asks if his advice is motivating, clearly showing self-doubt, and a lack of confidence. Although Shiver and Frye seem to be able to take the suspense of Splatfest results, Big Man clearly states that he can't (Although Frye also did state that she couldn't take the excitement at one point). He says he's not a big fan of fighting, which, although can be linked to other things, also could link to a lack of confidence.

Sorry for how long this was, just was pointing it out... Might have a mild obsession with dialogue over here. EeveeBest11 (talk) 03:38, 18 July 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Big Man's real name?

Do we think it'd be a good idea to include his real name? I found it in a fan translation that we've already used as a source. My main concern is that I'm not quite sure how to localize it into english naming conventions.

"His full name is Manta Tarou Kizaemon Munekiyo, but since his full name is too long, he goes by Big Man."

sourced from this translation

I know we've done similar things for dedf1sh, like including her name "ahato mizuta" in her page, so I was wondering if it'd work for Big Man as well. Thanks! Moonjelly (talk) 06:07, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

His full name is in the Names in other languages section, which is similar to the page for Pearl. There is no meaning for his full name yet though.  GX_64 (talk)  06:36, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
ah, thank you. i missed that lmaoMoonjelly (talk) 06:41, 2 August 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Does Big Man have a last name or not?

Shiver and Frye both have last names (as such as everyone else on earth) but Big Man does not have his last name on the page. Shiver’s and Frye’s last names are on the family crest, but “does Big Man have a last name” is my question. If he does it should be on the page, if not than (a) Nintendo did not list his last name any where in the game, but they listed it for Shiver and Frye, (b) we should list in the trivia that we don’t know he has a last name, or (c) we remove the last names for Shiver and Frye but list their last names in the trivia. This is all just a thought, so please think bad of me. Splat girl File:S3 Icon Shiver.png(talk) 19:15, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Meant to say “please don’t think bad of me”. Sorry :)! Splat girl File:S3 Icon Shiver.png(talk) 19:16, 11 September 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]