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Uneven.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order. Although there is no single base version of this floor, it is divided into five types that can appear during a climb.


Uneven.Floor is a floor in the Spire of Order.


Escort the turbine tower!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 350
Appearance On a normal climb:
Checkpoint count
Music jitter2

The objective is to escort the turbine tower to its goal.


Sink the ∞-balls!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 135
Appearance On a normal climb:
∞-ball count
Music 2ouvenir

The objective is to sink the all the ∞-balls.


Destroy the portals!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 340
Appearance On a normal climb:
Portal count
Music demoli2h

The objective is to destroy all the portals.


Protect the zones!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 360
Appearance On a normal climb:
Zone count
Countdown start ticks
Checkpoint 1 ticks
Music routine2

The objective is to protect the zone.


Defeat the fleeing foes!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 165
Appearance On a normal climb:
Fleeing foes
Music je2ting

The objective is to defeat all the fleeing foes.

Floor features

Enemies and mechanics


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Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Ongelijkterrein.etage Uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire
Germany German Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso Floor_disconnected
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Кочки.floor
Fayl etazha: Kochki.floor
Floor file: Bumps.floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares
China Chinese (Simplified) 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal map_lunarSurface [1]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 四六時中 ねらわれる デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Permanent-jachtseizoen_ongelijkterrein.etage Permanent-huntingseason_uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire\proie_toujours_aux_abois
Germany German DauerFeindbeschuss_Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso//bersaglio_senza_sosta Floor_disconnected//relentless_target
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Экстрим_сезон_охоты(Кочки).floor
Fayl etazha: Ekstrim_sezon_okhoty(Kochki).floor
Floor file: Extreme_hunting_season(Bumps).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares_PuntoDeMira.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares en el punto de mira incesante
China Chinese (Simplified) 无时无刻紧迫盯人 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 無時無刻緊迫盯人 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 24시간 표적이 되는 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal lunarSurface_lift [1]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese せまりくる デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Gevaarlijk_ongelijkterrein.etage Dangerous_uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire\zone_périlleuse
Germany German Gefahrenzone_Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso//pericoloso Floor_disconnected//dangerous
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Горячая_точка(Кочки).floor
Fayl etazha: Goryachaya_tochka(Kochki).floor
Floor file: Hot_spot(Bumps).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares_Asedio.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares opresivas
China Chinese (Simplified) 步步逼近 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 步步逼近 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 밀려드는 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal lunarSurface_ball [1]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese こんなに のびる デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Gestrekt_ongelijkterrein.etage Stretched_uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire\télescopique
Germany German Erweiterung_Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso//con_allungo Floor_disconnected//with_extension
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Тянемся_вовсю(Кочки).floor
Fayl etazha: Tanemsya_vovsyu(Kochki).floor
Floor file: Stretching_with_might_and_main(Bumps).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares_Mirador.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares estiradas
China Chinese (Simplified) 大幅延伸 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 大幅延伸 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 길게 늘어나는 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal lunarSurface_spawner [1]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese けっこう 飛んでくる デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Projectielen(veel)_ongelijkterrein.etage Projectiles(many)_uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire\déluge_de_projectiles
Germany German ExtremKreuzfeuer_Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso//saturo_di_proiettili Floor_disconnected//saturated_with_bullets
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Экстрим_снаряды(Кочки).floor
Fayl etazha: Ekstrim_snaryady(Kochki).floor
Floor file: Extreme_projectiles(Bumps).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares_AsaltoMúltiple.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares al asalto intenso
China Chinese (Simplified) 大量飞来 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 大量飛來 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 마구 날아오는 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal lunarSurface_area [1]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 飛びはねる デコボコ床のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Springen_ongelijkterrein.etage Jumping_uneventerrain.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.lunaire\trampoline
Germany German Sprung_Gelände.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_sconnesso//salterino Floor_disconnected//jumper
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Прыгуны(Кочки).floor
Fayl etazha: Pryguny(Kochki).floor
Floor file: Jumpers(Bumps).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) DunasLunares_Brincos.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Dunas lunares con brincos
China Chinese (Simplified) 飞跃 凹凸地板的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 飛躍 凹凸地板的樓層
South Korea Korean 펄쩍거리는 울퉁불퉁 플로어
 Internal lunarSurface_chase [1]
