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Divided.Floor is one of the available floors in Splatoon 3: Side Order. Although there is no single base version of this floor, it is divided into five types that can appear during a climb.


Divided.Floor is a floor in the Spire of Order.

Bombarded_Whirling_Divided.Floor (∞-balls)

Sink the ∞-balls!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 265
Appearance On a normal climb:
∞-ball count
Music souv3nir

The objective is to sink the all ∞-balls.

Flying_Springing_Open-Season_Divided.Floor (tower)

Escort the turbine tower!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Rigorous
Base reward Membuxs 740
Appearance On a normal climb:
Checkpoint count
Music jitt3rs

The objective is to escort the turbine tower to its goal.

Powerful_Danger-Magnet_Divided.Floor (zones)

Protect the zones!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 515
Appearance On a normal climb:
Zone count
Countdown start ticks
Checkpoint 1 ticks
Music routin3s

The objective is to protect the zone.

Projectile-Spam(Med)_Divided.Floor (fleeing foes)

Defeat the fleeing foes!
Difficulty Difficulty Normal Normal
Base reward Membuxs 260
Appearance On a normal climb:
Fleeing foes
Music j3sting

The objective is to defeat all the fleeing foes.

Springing_Open-Season_Divided.Floor (portals)

Destroy the portals!
Difficulty Difficulty Hard Hard
Base reward Membuxs 495
Appearance On a normal climb:
Portal count
Music d3molish

The objective is to destroy all the portals.

Floor features

Enemies and mechanics


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Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Splitsing.etage Splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé
Germany German Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso Divided_floor
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Половинки.floor
Fayl etazha: Polovinki.floor
Floor file: Halves.floor
SpainMexico Spanish Frontera
China Chinese (Simplified) 左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 좌우 플로어
 Internal map_valley [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 投げこまれ 反射する 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Bombardement_wervel_splitsing.etage Bombardment_vortex_splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé\mitraillage_tornade
Germany German WirbelAnsturm_Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso//bombardato_vorticoso Divided_floor//swirling_bombarded
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Вертушки_под_обстрелом(Половинки).floor
Fayl etazha: Vertushki_pod_obstrelom(Polovinki).floor
Floor file: Spinners_under_fire(Halves).floor[a]
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Frontera_BombardeoOscilante.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Frontera con rebotes bajo presión
China Chinese (Simplified) 投掷反弹 左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 投擲反彈 左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 공격하며 반사하는 좌우 플로어
 Internal valley_ball [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 飛びはねて 飛来して ねらわれる おそろしい 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Vliegen_springen_jachtseizoen_splitsing.etage Flying_jumping_huntingseason_splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé\envol_proie_aux_abois_et_trampoline
Germany German FlugSprung:Feindbeschuss_Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso//salterino_volante_bersaglio Divided_floor//flying_jumper_target
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Охота_прыг_летунов(Половинки).floor
Fayl etazha: Okhota_pryg_letunov(Polovinki).floor
Floor file: Hunt_of_jumping_flyers(Halves).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Frontera_Brincos_AsaltoAéreo_PuntoDeMira.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Frontera temible en el punto de mira con brincos y asedio aéreo
China Chinese (Simplified) 飞跃 飞射 紧迫盯人 可怕的左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 飛躍 飛射 緊迫盯人 可怕的左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 펄쩍거리고 날아오고 표적이 되는 무서운 좌우 플로어
 Internal valley_lift [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ひたすらに 永遠に せまりくる 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Krachtig_gevaarlijk_splitsing.etage Powerful_dangerous_splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé\zone_ultra_périlleuse
Germany German Ultra_Gefahrenzone_Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso//potentemente_pericoloso Divided_floor//powerfully_dangerous
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Сверхгорячая_точка(Половинки).floor
Fayl etazha: Sverkhgoryachaya_tochka(Polovinki).floor
Floor file: Extra_hot_spot(Halves).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Frontera_AsedioPerpetuo.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Frontera opresiva perpetuamente con afán
China Chinese (Simplified) 永远持续步步逼近 左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 永遠持續步步逼近 左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 그저 끝없이 밀려드는 좌우 플로어
 Internal valley_area [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese いろいろ 飛んでくる 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Projectielenstorm_splitsing.etage Projectilestorm_splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé\averse_de_projectiles
Germany German Kreuzfeuer_Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso//saturo_di_proiettili Divided_floor//saturated_with_bullets
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Норм_снаряды(Половинки).floor
Fayl etazha: Norm_snaryady(Polovinki).floor
Floor file: Med_projectiles(Halves).floor[b]
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Frontera_AsaltoMúltiple.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Frontera al asalto múltiple
China Chinese (Simplified) 万物飞来 左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 萬物飛來 左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 이것저것 날아오는 좌우 플로어
 Internal valley_chase [1]

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese おびただしく 飛びはねて ねらわれる 右と左のフロア
Netherlands Dutch Springen_jachtseizoen_splitsing.etage Jumping_huntingseason_splitting.floor
CanadaFrance French étage.divisé\proie_aux_abois_et_trampoline
Germany German Hüpf:Feindbeschuss_Teilterrain.Etage
Italy Italian Piano_diviso//salterino_bersaglio Divided_floor//jumper_target
Russia Russian Файл этажа: Охота_прыгунов(Половинки).floor
Fayl etazha: Okhota_prygunov(Polovinki).floor
Floor file: Hunt_of_jumpers(Halves).floor
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Frontera_Brincos_PuntoDeMira.pso
Spain Spanish (NOE) Frontera en el punto de mira con brincos excesivos
China Chinese (Simplified) 盛大飞跃紧迫盯人 左与右的楼层
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 盛大飛躍緊迫盯人 左與右的樓層
South Korea Korean 엄청나게 펄쩍거리고 표적이 되는 좌우 플로어
 Internal valley_spawner [1]

Translation notes

  1. The word вертушки vertushki can also mean "pinwheels", "whirligigs", "spinning tops" and other spinning mechanisms and toys
  2. Норм norm is short for нормальный normal'nyy ("regular" or, in terms of difficulty level, "medium")
