The Sheldon Sampler Challenge

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The Sheldon Sampler Challenge
Make the most of random weapons!
Type Online multiplayer mode, Challenge
Players 8 (4v4)
Ranked No
Weapons All
Controllers Joy-Con, Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Release Date 15 June 2023

The Sheldon Sampler Challenge is a Challenge in Splatoon 3. Information about it was first available on 3 June 2023 at 20:00 UTC on SplatNet 3 after the conclusion of the first New Season Challenge and it was first available on 15 June 2023 during Sizzle Season 2023 as the third available Challenge in Splatoon 3.


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During the Challenge, each player's weapon is randomly assigned before each battle regardless of if the player owns that weapon.

In-game info

"I'm happy to loan out my entire inventory for this Challenge. Try something different, and see if you find a new favorite!" -Sheldon
Weapons will be randomly assigned before each battle.
Sheldon will be graciously loaning these weapons out, so don't worry if you don't own every possible weapon.

List of Challenges

Duration Mode Stages Rankings
15 June 2023 at
Splat Zones

Inkblot Art Academy

Um'ami Ruins
The Sheldon Sampler Challenge/Top 100 (June 2023)
2 August 2023 at
Splat Zones

Um'ami Ruins

Inkblot Art Academy
The Sheldon Sampler Challenge/Top 100 (August 2023)
27 September 2024 at
Splat Zones

Um'ami Ruins

Inkblot Art Academy
The Sheldon Sampler Challenge/Top 100 (September 2024)


SRL Challenge Team here with another update. The Sheldon Sampler Challenge will be held on 6/14 from 7 PM to 9 PM PT, and on 6/15 from 3 AM to 5 AM PT and 11 AM to 1 PM PT. You'll be assigned a random loadout before each battle, so it helps to be a splatter of all trades!
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]


Names in other languages

Translation needed
Translate all the missing languages. edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese いろんなブキをかわいがるブキチ杯
ブキがランダムで決まるでし! いろんなブキを使いこなすでし!
Sheldon Cup to Pet Various Weapons
Weapons are decided randomly! Master various weapons!
Netherlands Dutch Krabberts proeftuin
Een wedloop van willekeurige wapens!
Sheldon's pilot project
A competition of random weapons!
Canada French (NOA) La touche Cartouche
Tire le meilleur parti d'armes aléatoires!
France French (NOE) La touche Cartouche
Tire le meilleur parti d'armes aléatoires !
The Sheldon style
Make the most of randomized weapons!
Germany German Probeklecks auf Arty-Art
Spaß und Chaos mit Zufallswaffen!
Sampling the Sheldon way
Fun and chaos with random weapons!
Italy Italian Assaggio d'armi
Sfrutta al massimo le armi casuali!
Weapon taste
Make the most of random weapons!
Russia Russian Пробы Пушкина
Настройся на случайное оружие!

Proby Pushkina
Nastroysya na sluchaynoe oruzhie!
Sheldon's samples
Tune it to a random weapon!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Antología de armamento
¡Compite con armas asignadas al azar!
Weapons Anthology
Compete with randomly assigned weapons!
Spain Spanish (NOE) Antología de armamento
¡Saca partido a numerosas armas al azar!
Weapons Anthology
Take advantage of numerous random weapons!
China Chinese (Simplified) 爱惜使用各种武器的武器子杯
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 愛惜使用各類武器的武器子盃
South Korea Korean 다양한 무기를 애호하는 부치키 배
무기가 랜덤으로 정해짐다! 다양한 무기를 마스터해 주십쇼!
 Internal EventMatch_RandomWeapon_Title
EventMatch_RandomWeapon_Subtitle [2]
