
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki

Species human
Hair color
Eye color
Location the usa
Maximum HP
Other forms


i'm tons-of-ducks, welcome to my page. pull up a chair.

the reason i'm here is because:

A) i get pissed off whenever i see something that doesn't look formal enough (example: using second person when talking about the player. please stop doing that people.),

B) music article key signatures are missing and/or incorrect,

and C) splatoon is my hyperfixation.

other games i like include League of Legends (yes, people on there can be rude, but there are still nice people too), Hollow Knight (currently putting off like 5 boss fights), the Ori games (started replaying Will of The Wisps but forgot to finish), and Pikuniku (pikuniku means either picnic or pink meat. either one makes sense.)

weapons i main:

  • Custom Dualie Squelchers (S2)
  • Octo Shot Replica (S2)
  • E-Liter 4K (S2)
    • they should've kept it with ink storm in splatoon 3. WHY DID THEY GIVE IT WAVE BREAKER OF ALL THINGS.
  • Splat Charger (S3)
  • Splash-o-Matic (S3)
  • Dualie Squelchers (S3)
  • N-ZAP '89 (S3)

how i got into splatoon:

i don't remember exactly when (my memory is trash) but i first got into it around 2015, back in ye olde splatoon 1 days. anyway, i got hyperfixated on it and then forgot about it a couple years later. i never really thought about it after that. a few years later (a year-ish ago) i was on youtube going through my recommended, when i saw the s3 announcement trailer. i thought "hey i used to be into it, didn't realize they were making a third one" and the hyperfixation came back for revenge.

and now i'm here, checking for punctuation and grammar and spelling and all that stuff in random articles that no one ever looks at. it's fun though.

some other things you might wanna know:

things i like about splatoon:

things i don't like about splatoon (and its fanbase):

  • people who don't like idols for petty reasons (Pearl and Frye are beautiful)
  • "A communication error has occurred."
  • one-way ride through target town. the whole damn thing.
  • no squidbeatz 3.
  • i absolutely loathe the people who keep vandalizing Acht's page so it has the wrong pronouns. like dude, you're not being a hero by changing something that's canon, you're just being transphobic. cut it out.

things about me:

  • i'm a troper on TV Tropes. yes, it has ruined my life.
  • i'm on the autism spectrum
  • i know english (native), some japanese (my parents forced me to learn it), and some hindi

things i like:

  • favorite bands / music artists include Patricia Taxxon, PUPtheband, Graham Kartna, Gorillaz, and Louie Zong
  • art, music, linguistics, and history

splatfest choices

never participated in any splatfests until splatoon 3.

i was going to make a separate page for this, but it wouldnt let me. said something about an error. whatever.

Splatfest Team I Chose Winning Team Reason Why I Chose The Team
Rock vs. Paper vs. Scissors Scissors Rock personal preference.
Gear vs. Grub vs. Fun Grub Gear if im gonna be stuck on some random island for god knows how long, i may as well have some snacks
Grass vs. Fire vs. Water Fire Water fire is cool i guess.
Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour Sweet Sweet all the best foods are sweet or savory, but savory isn't one of the options, so sweet it is
Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate vs. White Chocolate Milk Chocolate White Chocolate i like all three but milk chocolate is my favorite.
Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot Nessie Nessie nessie seems like the most likely to exist/have existed. also, my scottish ancestors will smite me if i don't choose nessie.
Power vs. Wisdom vs. Courage Power Power im already wise, and who needs courage when you can have power?
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip Mint Chip Vanilla all three are great, but mint is nice, especially in the summer
Money vs. Fame vs. Love Love Money love wins.
Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man Big Man Shiver what can i say? im a big man big stan
Zombie vs. Skeleton vs. Ghost Ghost Ghost
Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug Fist Bump Handshake handshakes and hugs have always been awkward to me
Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki None Ōban-yaki i have no idea what it is.

splatfests i couldn't partake in but support

splatoon 1

basically just all the splatfests i wasn't there for.

Splatfest Region Team I Support Winning Team Reasoning
Cats vs. Dogs NA Cats Dogs i have four cats.
Rock vs. Pop EU Rock Rock i listen to more rock, and pop music is kind of boring.
Rice vs. Bread JP Bread Rice i like both but i eat way more bread.
Roller Coasters vs. Water Slides NA Neither Roller Coasters i don't trust roller coasters or water slides.
Eating vs. Sleeping EU Sleeping Eating sleeping is nice.
Red Fox vs. Green Tanuki JP Red Fox Red Fox i used to not like tofu, but it's grown on me.
Marshmallows vs. Hot Dogs NA Marshmallows Marshmallows do you know anyone who actually roasts hot dogs over a campfire? no? didn't think so
North Pole vs. South Pole EU Neither South Pole man they weren't lying when they said EU fests were weird...
Lemon Tea vs. Milk Tea JP Milk Tea Milk Tea lemon tea is nice but milk tea is my preference. also look at the ink colors lmao
Autobots vs. Decepticons NA Neither Decepticons i don't watch transformers.
Singing vs. Dancing EU Singing Singing i like singing. im not good at dancing. but dancing is still awesome
Grasshopper vs. Ant JP Ant Grasshopper i tend to get homework/chores done right away, unless i forget
Art vs. Science NA Art Art i do digital art a lot. science is really interesting though
Messy vs. Tidy EU Both Messy my room is messy but my desk is clean. so that's ironic.
Airhead vs. Wisecracker JP Tsukkomi Tsukkomi i'm both, but mostly tsukkomi.
Cars vs. Planes NA Neither Cars ugh.
Squid vs. Octopus JP Both Squid they taste the same, and they're both delicious
Pirates vs. Ninjas NA Pirates Pirates do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate
Zombies vs. Ghosts EU Ghosts Ghosts ghosts are cooler.
Love vs. Money JP Love Love i am very lonely.
Burgers vs. Pizza NA Burgers Burgers why not?
Delicious vs. Disgusting EU Neither Disgusting i haven't tried pineapple on pizza before, so i can't really say if it's good or not
Mountain Food vs. Sea Food JP Mountain Food Sea Food i eat "mountain food" more.
Naughty vs. Nice NA Neither Naughty meh.
Fit vs. Rich EU Fit Fit who needs money when you're buff? (something like that)
Perfect Body vs. Perfect Brain JP Perfect Body Perfect Body ↑↑↑
Past vs. Future NA Future Past i don't feel like causing a time paradox
Barbarian vs. Ninja EU Barbarian Barbarian "NO PRISONEEEEEEEERRRRRRRS!!!!!!!!!!" -Kled
Pokémon Red vs. Pokémon Green JP Neither Pokémon Green haven't played either of 'em
Pokémon Red vs. Pokémon Blue NA / EU Neither Pokémon Blue ↑↑↑
Snowman vs. Sandcastle NA Snowman Sandcastle i hate sand. it gets everywhere.
Hoverboard vs. Jetpack EU Jetpack Hoverboard jetpacks are more useful (but it's all fun and games 'till u run out of fuel mid-air...)
Go all out! vs. Focus on healing JP Go all out! Focus on healing defense is for nerds.
Spongebob vs. Patrick NA / EU Patrick Patrick LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE
Tuna Mayonnaise Onigiri vs. Red Salmon Onigiri JP Red Salmon Onigiri Tuna Mayonnaise not a huge fan of mayo. it's fine on chicken sandwiches and meh on everything else. salmon, on the other hand, is great.
Fancy Party vs. Costume Party All Regions Costume Party Fancy Party finally, an excuse to go to a party in full cosplay and not get weird looks
Early Bird vs. Night Owl NA Night Owl Night Owl i prefer nighttime
World Tour vs. Space Adventure EU World Tour World Tour space is terrifying. 'nuff said.
Mushroom Mountain vs. Bamboo Shoot Village JP Mushroom Mountain Bamboo Shoot Village i haven't tried chococones. chocorooms are yummy
Callie vs. Marie All Regions Callie Marie personal preference


This user loves drawing!
This user is a fan of Pearl.
This user is a fan of Frye.
This user is a fan of Turquoise October.
This user is a fan of Diss-Pair.
This user beat Inner Agent 3!