Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip

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Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip is an upcoming Splatfest in Splatoon 3. It will be the first Splatfest to take place during Sizzle Season 2023. It was announced via the 21 June 2023 Nintendo Direct.


The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest will be Barnacle & Dime.



Translation needed
add French (NOE), Japanese, Italian, Chinese (Traditional) and (Simplified), Portuguese and Korean dialogue edit



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Which flavor of ice cream is best? We have vanilla vs. strawberry vs. mint chip!”

“Usually there's no wrong answer on a hot day. But after this-THERE WILL BE!”

“Our first delicious scoop is the arrestingly classic taste of vanilla!”


“Right there with it is the mothwateringly sweet-yet-tart flavor of strawberry!”

Big Man

“Ay! (And, of course, the refreshing, invigorating, one and only mint chip!)”


“Daaang, they all sound so good. How am I supposed to choose just one?!”


“Psych! There's only one ice for me. The others are gonna get creamed.”

“You sound pretty sure of yourself there.”


“You'd be sure too if you had strawberry in your blood like me.”


“I've had every flavor, and strawberry's the only one that never steered me wrong. Ever!”


“The tart strawberries and sweet cream are a perfect flavor duet! Get 'em onstage!”
Big Man
“Ay... (Wouldn't the spotlights just...)”

“You're overcomplicating it. What comes to mind when you hear "ice cream"? Vanilla.”


“Coffee floats, cream soda... What flavor goes with those? Do I even need to say it?”


“Vanilla is the foundation that ice cream is built on. It's THE ice cream. Not that I care.”
“I dunno. You got that look that says you're ready to die on this van-hill-a.”

Big Man

“Ay! (Well, I like mint chip! It's nice to have a little crunch with that smooth flavor.)”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (The mint tempers the sweetness of the chocolate and cream. It's perfect!)”
“So...toothpaste, then? How epicurean.”

Big Man

“Ay. (You're trying to get a rise out of me, but mint-chip lovers always play it cool.)”

Big Man

“Ay! AY! (Also mint chip ISN'T toothpaste! It's cold! Refreshing! The ULTIMATE TREAT!)”
“That cool of yours melted pretty quick.”


“At any rate...vanilla's rich body and aroma make it the default flavor for a reason.”


“Don't count out the wild card of strawberry! There's no taste fresher than that!”

Big Man

“Ay! (Team Mint Chip, rise up, and grind our foes into paste!)”



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Welk ijs is het lekkerst? We hebben
vanille tegen aardbei tegen choco-munt!”

(Which flavor of ice cream is best? We have vanilla against strawberry against mint chip!)

“Normaal is elk ijs best op een warme dag, maar
wij gaan bepalen welke smaak het allercoolst is!”

(Normally any ice cream is best on a warm day, but we're going to decide which flavor is the coolest of all!)

“We beginnen met vanille, een zacht
bolletje met een subtiel aroma.”

(We begin with vanilla, a soft scoop with a subtle aroma.)


“Vervolgens is er het fruitige aardbei,
een mix van zoetigheid en zurigheid!”

(After that there's the fruity strawberry, a mix of sweetness and sourness!)


“Ay! (En het eigenzinnige choco-munt, wat
lekker is na de maaltijd en voor de maaltijd!)”

(Ay! (And the idiosyncratic mint chip, which is delicious after meals and before meals!))


“Dat klinkt allemaal goed! Waarom nemen we
geen hoorntje met alle drie de smaken?”

(That sounds nice all around! Why don't we have an ice cream cone with all three flavors?)


“Geintje! Iedereen wil natuurlijk liever drie
bolletjes aardbei dan die andere twee erbij!”

(Just kidding! Everyone would naturally rather have three scoops of strawberry than those other two with it!)

“O, dus je denkt dat je al gewonnen hebt?”

(Oh, so you think you've already won?)


“Dat zou jij ook denken als er aardbeien-
siroop door je aderen stroomde.”

(You would think that too if there was strawberry cordial coursing through your veins.)


“Ik heb alle smaken geproefd en aardbei
heeft me nooit in de kou laten staan! Nooit!”

(I have tasted all flavors and strawberry has never left me out in the cold! Never!)


“Zure aardbeien en zoete room stelen samen
de show! Die kunnen zo het podium op!”

(Sour strawberries and sweet cream steal the show together! These can take right to the stage!)
“Ay? Ay...? (Huh? Zou het ijs niet smelten
door de schijnw...?)”

(Ay? Ay...? (Huh? Wouldn't the ice cream melt because of the spotl...?))

“Dat klinkt als ijs met extra stappen. Als je
ijs zegt, zeg je vanille-ijs.”

(That sounds like ice cream with extra steps. When you say ice cream, you say vanilla ice cream.)


“En er is natuurlijk ook vanillevla en vanille-
suiker. Het is dé smaak voor toetjes.”

(And naturally there's vanilla vla and vanilla sugar too. It's THE flavor for desserts.)


“Vanille is de basis die alle andere smaken
ijs de baas is!”

(Vanilla is the base that dominates all other flavors of ice cream!)
“Goed, ga jij voor je basissmaak en dan
gaan wij lekker voor ijs met extra stappen.”

(Fine, you go for your base flavor and then we'll nicely go for ice cream with extra steps.)


“Ay? Ay! (Ja, wat als je meer wilt dan de
basis? Choco-munt is twee smaken in één!)”

(Ay? Ay! (Yes, what if you want more than the base? Mint chip is two flavors in one!))


“Ay! Ay! (Dat maakt het lekker afwisselend!
Het is frisheid met een beetje bite!)”

(Ay! Ay! (That makes it nicely varied! It's freshness with a bit of bite!))
“Dus je kiest tandpastasmaak? Ik denk dat
je daarna nog steeds moet poetsen, hoor.”

(So you choose toothpaste flavor? I think you still have to brush after that, you know.)


“Ay. (Ik weet best dat ik nog moet poetsen,
want in tandpasta zit geen chocolade.)”

(Ay. (I know quite well that I still have to brush, because there's no chocolate in toothpaste.))


“Ay!? (Of wou je zeggen dat je wel tandpasta
met chocoladestukjes kent?!)”

(Ay!? (Or did you mean to say that you do know toothpaste with chocolate chips?!))
“Geen tandpasta eten, Ray! Maar goed... we
moeten dit maar weer in de strijd beslissen.”

(Don't eat toothpaste, Big Man! But anyway... we'll just have to decide this again in battle.)


“Oké, maar dan krijgen jullie het wel met
Team Vanille aan de stok!”

(Okay, but then you guys will pick a fight with Team Vanilla!)

Notes: Shiver makes a pun with vanille ("vanilla"), stok ("stick"), and vanillestokje ("vanilla bean").


“Team Aardbei is erbij! We zitten vol
pit en hebben nu al een kroontje!”

(Team Strawberry will be there! We are full of spirit and already have a crown!)
Notes: Frye makes a pun with vol pit meaning both "full of spirit" and "full of pit[s]", and with kroontje both meaning "crown" and the top part of a strawberry.


“Ay! (Dat kroontje gaat naar Team Choco-munt,
want wij hebben het op de overwinning gemunt!)”

(Ay! (That crown goes to Team Mint Chip, because we are aiming at victory!))
Notes: Big Man makes a pun with munt ("mint") and munten ("to aim at, to target").

CanadaFrench (Canada)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Quelle est la meilleure saveur? Vanille, fraise, ou menthe choco? »

(Which is the best flavor? Vanilla, strawberry or mint chip?)

« En temps normal, on dirait « toutes », mais bientôt, seule une réponse sera la bonne! »

(Normally, we would say "all of them", but soon, only one answer will be the right one!)

« Qui refuserait une boule onctueuse de crème glacée à la vanille? »

(Who would refuse an unctuous scoop of vanilla ice cream?)



« Et qui résisterait au plaisir acidulé d'une boule à la fraise? »

(And who would resist the acidic plesure of a strawberry scoop?)


« Ay? (Et qui dirait non à d'la crème glacée menthe choco, gourmande ET rafraîchissante?) »

(Ay? (And who would say no to tasty AND refreshing mint chip ice cream?))


« Aaargh, trois saveurs délicieuses! JAMAIS je pourrai choisir, c'est impossible! »

(Uuugh, three delicious flavors! NEVER would I be able to choose, it's impossible!)


« ... Je plaisante. Je sais quelle saveur est la meilleure, et les autres iront se faire fondre. »

(... I'm joking. I know which flavor is the best, and the others will get melted.)

« Comme si tout le monde avait les mêmes goûts que toi. »

(As if everyone has the same tastes as you.)


« Ouais! La fraise, c'est la vie! J'ai de la confiture de fraise dans les veines! »

(Yeah! Strawberries are life! I have strawberry jam in my veins!)


« Chaque fois que je goûte une autre saveur, je regrette de pas avoir pris la fraise! »

(Everytime I taste another flavor, I regret not getting strawberry!)


« Fraises acidulés + crème onctueuse = duo gagnante! Je fonds! »

(Acidic strawberries + unctuous cream = a winning pair! I melt!)
« Ay... (Tant que c'est pas ta crème glacée qui fond...) »

(Ay... (As long as it's not your ice cream that's melting...))

« C'est absurde. À quoi est indéniablement associé le mot « crème glacé »? À la vanille. »

(That's absurd. What is undeniably associated with the word "ice cream"? Vanilla.)


« La racinette, la tarte aux pommes, on les sert avec quoi? Une boule de vanille! »

(What do we serve rootbeer and apple pie with? A scoop of ice cream!)


« La vanille, c'est LA saveur originelle! C'est scientifiquement prouvé. »

(Vanilla is THE original flavor! It's scientifically proven.)
« Scientifiquement mon œil! Bientôt tu vas dire qu'on en a retrouvé des fossiles. »

(Scientifically my foot! Soon you'll say that we've found fossils.)


« Ay. (Moi, je ne jure que par la menthe choco! Pour le côté crousti-fondant.) »

(Ay. (I myself swear only by mint chip! For the crunchy-melty side.))


« Ay, ay! (ET puis le côté subtilement mentholé, ça rafraîchit le palais!) »

(Ay, ay! (AND for the subtle minty side, it refreshes the palette!)
« Un peu comme le dentifrice donc? Ça donne envie... ou pas. »

(A little bit like toothpaste then? That gives me a craving... or not.)



« Ay! (Tu compare la menthe choco avec du dentifrice?! C'est de la diffamation!) »

(Ay! (You're comparing mint chip with toothpaste?! That's slander!))


« Ay! (D'ailleurs, tout le monde a déjà tenté de goûter son dentifrice!) »

(Ay! (On the other hand, everyone has already tried to taste their toothpaste!))
« Tu t'emporte, mon chum! Pas de quoi en faire un affaire personelle. »

(You're getting carried away, my friend! It's nothing personal.)


« Reste que la vanille, crémeuse et parfumée, c'est la vie. Un point c'est tout. »

(Still, creamy and fragrant vanilla is life. That's all there is to it.)



« Mais la fraise, avec son goût frais et fruté, y'a rien de mieux en été! »

(But there's nothing better during the summer than strawberry, with it's fresh and fruity taste!)


« Ay, ay! (Équipe Menthe choco, expédiez les saveurs ennemies au congélateur!) »

(Ay, ay! (Team Mint chip, send the enemy flavors to the freezer!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Welche Eissorte ist am leckersten? Vanille? Erdbeer? Oder doch Minz-Schoko?“

(Which ice cream flavor is the most delicious? Vanilla? Strawberry? Or perhaps Mint-Chocolate?)

„Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten... ABER GENAU DARUM TUN WIR'S!“

(There is no arguing about taste... BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHY WE DO IT!)

„Hört, hört! Dann hätten wir als ersten Kandidaten... das verführerische Vanille!“

(Hear, hear! Then we have as the first candidate... the tempting Vanilla!)


„Und gleich danach kommt Erdbeer! Fruchtig, fröhlich, frisch!“

(And right afterwards comes Strawberry! Fruity, happy, fresh!)


„Ay! (Und als Drittes etwas, das nicht jeder kennt: Das elegante Minz-Schoko!)“

(Ay! (And third, something that not everyone knows: the elegant Mint-Chocolate!))


„Oje! Drei tolle Sorten, da kann ich mich doch nie und nimmer, NIEMALS NICHT entscheiden!“

(Oh my! Three great flavors, but I could never and never, NEVER NOT decide!)


„...Haha! Reingelegt! Klar gibt's eine von den dreien, die viiiel leckerer ist als der Rest!“

(Haha! Gotcha! Of course there is one of the three, which is muuuch more delicious than the rest!)

„Nanu. Da schmeckt wohl schon jemand den süßen Sieg auf der Zunge, wie?“

(Well. Someone's already tasting the sweet victory on their tongue, eh?)


„Klar wie Konfitüre, Kollegin! Erdbeer her, nichts schmeckt mehr!“

(Clear as Jam, colleague! Strawberry here, nothing tastes better!)

Notes: "Colleague" is used as a synonym for "friend", similar to addressing somone with "buddy" or "pal".

„Als offizielle Jede-Sorte-Kennerin ist Erdbeer für mich von ALLEN der Topfavorit!“

(As official Every-Flavor-Knower, Strawberry is my top favourite out of ALL of them!)


„Säuerlich, süß und superzart! Genau wie wir drei!“

(Sour, sweet, and super tender! Just like the three of us!)
„A-ay? (B-bitte was war das am Ende?!)“

(A-ay? (S-sorry, what was that at the end?!))

„Wer braucht schon Trios von Aromen! Wer an Eis denkt, denkt zuerst an Vanille!“

(Who needs trios of flavors! Who ever thinks of ice cream, thinks of Vanilla first!)


„Es passt zu Süßspeisen, in Getränke... Einfach DAS Eis für alle Anlässe!“

(It fits with desserts, in drinks... Easily THE ice cream for all occasions!)


„Vanille ist das Eis und Alles, ganz einfach. Objektiv gesprochen. Mir auch einerlei.“

(Vanilla is the ice and only, plain and simple. Objectively speaking. It doesn't matter to me.)
„Tu nicht so cool! Ich weiß doch, für Vanilleeis schmilzt du dahin!“

(Stop acting so cool! I know that you melt for Vanilla ice cream!)
Notes: Shiver makes a pun on "one and only" by replacing the word "one" with "ice".


„Ay! Ay. (Und Minz mit Schoko ist für mich! Frisch und knackig, einfach ein Starpaar.)“

(Ay! Ay. (And Mint with Chocolate is for me! Fresh and crunchy, easily an amazing pair.))


„Ay. Ay! (Pfefferminzeis ist eben süß, aber, nun ja, diskret. Ein Eis mit Klasse!)“

(Ay. Ay! (Mint ice cream is sweet, but, well, discreet. An ice cream with class!))
„Ich sag dir diskret, dass Pfefferminzeis für mich wie Zahnpasta schmeckt. So.“

(I'll tell you discreetly, that mint tastes like toothpaste to me. There.)


„Ay! Ay! (Das verbitte ich mir! Wie Zahnpasta, dass ich nicht blubbere!)“

(Ay! Ay! (I won't stand that. Like toothpaste? Don't make me bubble!))


„Ay... (Nebenbei is auch Minzzahnpasta viel feiner als der Rest, also Eukalyptus oder...)“

(Ay... (By the way, Mint toothpaste is way better than the rest, like eucalyptus or...))
„Ich glaube, wir schweifen gerade eine Minzigkeit vom Thema ab, Mantaro...“

(I believe we have gotten a little bit off topic, Big Man...)

Notes: Frye sais "Minzigkeit" instead of "Winzigkeit" (tininess, a bit), with "Minze" meaning "mint".

„Jedenfalls hat sich Vanilleeis nich ohne Grund so etabliert. Der sahnige Standard!“

(Anyways, Vanilla ice cream has not firmly established itself. The creamy standard!)


„Standard ist gut, besonders ist besser. Besonders fruchtig und peppig wie Erdbeer!“

(Standard is good, special is better. Especially fruity and lively like Strawberry!)


„Ay! Ay! (Team Minz-Schoko! Bescheren wir den Banausen ihr knackig-grünes Wunder!)“

(Ay! Ay! (Team Mint Chocolate! Let's give these philistines a crispy green miracle!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Какой вкус мороженого лучше? Ваниль, клубника или мятный шоколад?»

(Which ice cream flavor is better? Vanilla, strawberry, or mint chocolate?)

«В жаркий денек обычно любой сгодится, но НЕ СЕГОДНЯ!»

(On a hot day, usually anything will do, but NOT TODAY!)

«И первый вкус – наисладчайшая классика: ваниль!»

(And the first flavor is the sweetest classic: vanilla!)


«Встречаем сладкую, но с яркой кислинкой клубнику!»

(Let's meet strawberry, sweet but with a hint of bright sourness to it!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! (И конечно, освежающий и питательный мятный шоколад!)»

(Ay! (And of course, refreshing and nourishing mint chocolate!))


«Они все такие классные, как прикажете мне выбирать?!»

(They all are so amazing, how do you tell me to choose?!)


«Ха, лишь один вкус решает и плюхает! И это мой вкус!»

(Ha, only one flavor works and splats out! And it's my flavor!)

«М-да, уверенности тебе не занимать...»

(Yeah well, you don't lack confidence...)


«Конечно, ведь клубника у меня в крови!»

(Of course, strawberry is in my blood after all!)


«Я перепробовала все вкусы, и только клубничный меня никогда не подводил!»

(I tried out all the flavors, and only the strawberry flavor never let me down!)


«Сладкая, кисленькая, нежная! Прямо как наше трио!»

(Sweet, sour, tender! Just like our trio!)
Биг Ман
«Ик? (Интересно, кто из нас кисленький?..)»

(Ay? (I'm curious, which one of us is sour?..))

«Это слишком сложно. Мороженое номер один – ваниль!»

(This is too complicated. The ice cream number one is vanilla!)


«Можно и со сладким есть, и к напиткам подходит. Идеальный вкус!»

(You can eat it with sweets, and it suits drinks. A perfect flavor!)


«Ваниль – основа основ. Вершина вершин. Точка...»

(Vanilla is the foundation of the foundations. The top of the tops. Period...)
«Такое впечатление, что при слове «ваниль» ты прямо таешь...»

(Seems like you just melt at the word «vanilla»...)

Биг Ман

«Ик! (А я люблю мятный шоколад! Классно похрустеть, да еще и освежиться.)»

(Ay! (And I love mint chocolate! It's awesome to crunch some and refresh on top of that.))

Биг Ман

«Ик! (Мята делает мороженое менее приторным и более сбалансированным!)»

(Ay! (Mint makes the ice cream less cloying and more balanced!))
«Так обычно в рекламе про зубную пасту говорят.»

(That's what they usually say in toothpaste commercials.)

Биг Ман

«Ик?! Ик! (Какая еще зубная паста?! Зубная паста у тебя в голове!)»

(Ay?! Ay! (What toothaste?! Your brain is a toothpaste!))

Биг Ман

«Ик?! (Ну и потом, кто из нас не хотел хоть раз попробовать зубную пасту?!)»

(Ay?! (And besides, who among us hasn't wanted to try toothpaste at least once?!))
«По-моему, мы самую мятность отклонились от темы...»

(In my opinion, we've gotten a little mint off topic...)

Notes: In her pun, Frye changed the word малость malost' ("a little bit") for a made up consonant word мятность myatnost' ("mintness").

«В любом случае, никакой вкус не сравнится с богатым ароматом и текстурой ванили!»

(Anyway, no flavor compares to the rich aroma and texture of vanilla!)


«Клубника лучше ванили во всем! Нет ничего круче – и быть не может!»

(Strawberry is better than vanilla in every way! There's nothing cooler – and there can't be!)

Биг Ман

«Ик... ик! (Мята сотрет все другие вкусы в... зубной порошок!)»

(Ay... ay! (Mint will grind all the other flavors to... tooth-powder!))

MexicoSpanish (NOA)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué sabor de helado es el mejor? ¿Vainilla? ¿Fresa? ¿Chocomenta?»

(Which ice cream flavor is the best? Vanilla? Strawberry? Chocomint?)

«Cualquiera vendría bien en un día de calor asfixiante... ¡pero no en esta discusión!»

(Any one would be useful on a sweltering hot day... but not in this discussion!)

«Como primera opción y futuro campeón, ¡el suave y arrebatador gusto de la vainilla!»

(As the first option and future champion, the soft and captivating taste of vanilla!)


«No y no. ¡El favorito es sin duda el sabor dulce y ligeramente ácido de la fresa!»

(No and no. The favorite is without a doubt the sweet and slightly sour taste of strawberry!)


«¡Zasss! (¡Quítense todos y abran paso al refrescante combo de chocomenta!)»

(Ay! (Everyone take off and make way for the refreshing chocomint combo!))


«Ay, qué difícil elección...¿No se puede pedir los tres juntos?»

(Oh, what a difficult choice...Can't you order all three together?)


«¡Para poder tirar los otros dos a la basura! ¡Viva el helado de fresa!»

(To be able to throw the other two away! Long live strawberry!)

«Uy, uy, uy... Detecto cierta exceso de confianza.»

(Ay, ay, ay... I detect a certain overconfidence.)


«Lo entenderías si sintieras como yo la roja pasión de la fresa en tus venas.»

(You would understand if you felt like me the red passion of strawberry in your veins.)


«He comido miles de helados en mi vida... ¡y es el único sabor que nunca decepciona!»

(I have eaten thousands of ice creams in my life... and it is the only flavor that never disappoints!)


«La dulzura de la fresa con esa textura tan cremosa... ¡es una elección imbatible!»

(The sweetness of the strawberry with that creamy texture... it's an unbeatable choice!)
«¿Zasss?... (¿Pero no hay que batir el helado para que te quede cremoso?)»

(Ay!... (But don't you have to beat the ice cream to make it creamy?))

«No se enreden. Cuando digo "helado", ¿qué se le viene a la mente? La vainilla.»

(Don't tangle. When I say "ice cream", what comes to mind? Vanilla.)


«Van de la mano, como "café con leche" o "churros con chocolate".»

(They go hand in hand, like "coffee with milk" or "churros with chocolate".)


«Incluso diría que todos los demás sabores deben su existencia a la vainilla.»

(I would even say that all other flavors owe their existence to vanilla.)
«Digas lo que digas, vas a sufrir una derrota a manos del Equipo Fresa.»

(Whatever you say, you're going to suffer a loss at the hands of Team Strawberry.)


«Zasss. (Pues a mí me gustan la menta y el chocolate. ¡Y juntos son invencibles!)»

(Ay! (And I love mint and chocolate! And together they are invincible!))


«Zasss. (Esa sensación de la dulzura y el frescor en perfecto equilibrio es increíble).»

(Ay! (That feeling of sweetness and coolness in perfect balance is amazing).)
«Acabas de describir una pasta de dientes. ¡Guácala!»

(You just described a toothpaste. Disgusting!)


«Zasss. (Te burlas de mí, pero los del Equipo Chocomenta mantenemos la cabeza fría).»

(Ay. (You make fun of me, but Team Chocomint keeps a cool head.))



«Claro, claro... Tienes la cabeza fría como una estufa.»

(Well, well... You have a head as cold as a stove.)


«En fin, todo paladar refinado reconoce que la vainilla es el sabor por excelencia.»

(In the end, every refined palate recognizes that vanilla is the flavor par excellence.)


«¡Te equivocas! El helado de fresa es pura perfección, ¡y te lo demostraremos!»

(You're wrong! Strawberry ice cream is pure perfection, and we'll prove it to you!)


«¡Zasss! (Amantes del chocolate y la menta, ¡llegó nuestro momento! ¡VAMOOOS!)»

(Ay! (Chocolate and mint lovers, our time has come! LET'S GOOO!))

SpainSpanish (NOE)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué sabor de helado es el mejor? ¿Vainilla? ¿Fresa? ¿Menta y chocolate?»

(Which ice cream flavor is the best? Vanilla? Strawberry? Mint and chocolate?)

«Cualquiera vendría en un día de calor asfixiante... ¡pero no en esta discusión!»

(Any one would be useful on a sweltering hot day... but not in this discussion!)

«Y, como primer y primordial contendiente ¡el suave y arrebatador gusto de la vainilla!»

(And, as the first and main contender, the soft and captivating taste of vanilla!)


«Ni hablar. ¡El favorito es sin duda el sabor dulce y ligeramente ácido de la fresa!»

(No way. The favorite is without a doubt the sweet and slightly sour taste of strawberry!)


«¡Zasss! (¡Ninguno tendrá opción contra el refrescante combo de menta y chocolate!)»

(Ay! (Nobody will have a choice against the refreshing mint and chocolate combo!))


«La verdad es que cuesta decidirse. ¡Ninguna alternativa es peor que las otras!»

(The truth is that it's hard to decide. No alternative is worse than the others!)


«¡Bah! Para mí está claro. ¡Nuestro bando os va a dejar congelados a los demás!»

(Bah! For me it's clear. Our side is going to freeze the rest of you!)

«Uy, uy, uy... Me parece que detecto cierto exceso de confianza...»

(Ay, ay, ay... It seems that I detect a certain excess of confidence...)


«Lo entenderías si sintieras como yo la roja pasión de la fresa en tus venas.»

(You would understand if you felt like me the red passion of strawberry in your veins.)


«He comido miles de helados en mi vida... ¡y es el único sabor que nunca decepciona!»

(I have eaten thousands of ice creams in my life... and it is the only flavor that never disappoints!)


«Si además lo acompañas con un poco de nata... ¡es una elección imbatible!»

(If you also accompany it with some cream... it's an unbeatable choice!)
«¿Zasss?... (¿Imbatible? Ya me dirás cómo haces para preparar la nata sin batirla...)»

(Ay!... (Unbeatable? Tell me how you do to prepare the cream without beating it...))

«Os estáis liando. Lo que está clarísimo es que "helado" y "vainilla" van de la mano.»

(Don't tangle. What is very clear is that "ice cream" and "vainilla" go hand in hand)


«Son dos conceptos siempre vinculados, como "café con leche" o "patatas con huevos".»

(They are two concepts always linked like "coffee with milk" or "potatoes with eggs".)


«Os diría incluso que la cultura del helado no sería lo mismo si no existiera la vainilla.»

(I would even tell you that ice cream culture won't be the same if vanilla didn't exist.)
«No sé... Eso tampoco garantiza que la "pandilla vainilla" vaya a combatir mejor.»

(I don't know... That doesn't guarantee that the "vanilla gang" will fight better.)


«¡Zasss! (¡Si no sucumbís al chocolate, lo haréis a la menta! ¡Venceremos nosotros!)»

(Ay! (If you don't succumb to chocolate, you'll succumb to mint! We'll win!))


«Zasss. (En una combinación tan equilibrada estará la clave de la victoria.)»

(Ay! (In such a balanced combination will be the key to victory.))
«Puaj, helado con menta... ¿Sabor a pasta de diente contra el calor? Qué ascazo...»

(Yuck, mint ice cream... Toothpaste flavor against the warm? Disgusting...)


«Zasss. (Di lo que quieras. Esta vez no vas a conseguir que me irrite.)»

(Ay. (Say what you want. You're not going to get me to irritate this time.))


«¡ZASSS! (¡Nuestra frescura en combate os dejará convertidos en pasta a vosotros!)»

(AY! (Our freshness in combat will turn you into paste!))
«Claro, claro... Se nota la frialdad con que controlas tus nervios...»

(Well, well... It shows the coldness with which you control your nerves...)


«Lo dicho: la vainilla está por encima en cuanto a toque clásico y saber estar.»

(As said: vanilla is above in terms of classic touch and knowing how to be.)


«¡Yo insisto en que se impondrá el espíritu energético y afrutado de la fresa!»

(I insist that the energetic and fruity spirit of the strawberry prevail!)


«¡Zasss! (Amantes del chocolate y la menta, ¡demostrémosles que se equivocan!)»

(Ay! (Chocolate and mint lovers, let's prove them wrong!))


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Splatfest Tees

Promotional images


Names in other languages

Short name
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese バニラ vs. ストロベリー vs. チョコミント
Banira vs. Sutoroberii vs. Chokominto
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Choco mint
Netherlands Dutch Vanille vs. Aardbei vs. Choco-munt Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Chocolate mint
CanadaFrance French Vanille vs. Fraise vs. Menthe choco Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Choco mint
Germany German Vanille vs. Erdbeer vs. Minz-Schoko Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chocolate
Italy Italian Vaniglia vs. Fragola vs. Cioccolato e menta
Russia Russian Ваниль против Клубника против Мятный шоколад
Vanil' protiv Klubnika protiv Myatnyy shokolad
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint chocolate
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Vainilla vs. Fresa vs. Chocomenta Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Chocomint
Spain Spanish (NOE) Vainilla vs. Fresa vs. Menta y chocolate Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint and chocolate
China Chinese 香草 vs. 草莓 vs. 薄荷巧克力 Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint chocolate
South Korea Korean 바닐라 vs. 딸기 vs. 민트초콜릿 Vanilla vs Strawberry vs Mint Chocolate
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) Baunilha vs. Morango vs. Menta com chocolate

Which flavor of ice cream is best?
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アイスといえば?
Aisu to ieba?
Which ice cream is good?
Netherlands Dutch Welk ijs is het lekkerst? Which ice cream is the most delicious?
Canada French (NOA) Quelle est la meilleure saveur?
France French (NOE) Quel est le meilleur parfum ? What is the best flavor?
Germany German Welche Eissorte ist am leckersten? Which ice cream type is the most delicious?
Italy Italian Qual è il gelato più buono?
Russia Russian Какой вкус мороженого лучше?
Kakoy vkus morozhenogo luchshe?
Which ice cream flavor is better?
SpainMexico Spanish ¿Qué sabor de helado es el mejor? Which flavor of ice cream is the best?
China Chinese (Simplified) 说到冰淇淋你会想起?
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 說到冰淇淋你會想起?
South Korea Korean 아이스크림은 이거지!
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) Que sabor de gelado preferem?

Long name
Vanilla is best!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アイスといえば? 「バニラ」
aisu to ieba? 「Banira」
Which ice cream is good? “Vanilla”
Netherlands Dutch Vanille is het lekkerst! Vanilla is the most delicious!
Canada French (NOA) Vive la vanille!
France French (NOE) Vive la vanille !
Germany German Vanilleeis ist am leckersten! Vanilla ice cream is the most delicious!
Italy Italian Il gelato alla vaniglia è il gelato più buono!
Russia Russian Ваниль лучше всего!
Vanil' luchshe vsego!
Vanilla is the best of all!
SpainMexico Spanish ¡El helado más rico es el de vainilla! The more delicious ice cream is vanilla!
China Chinese (Simplified) 说到冰淇淋你会想起? "香草"
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 說到冰淇淋你會想起? 「香草」
South Korea Korean 아이스크림은 이거지! 「바닐라」

Strawberry is best!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アイスといえば? 「ストロベリー」
aisu to ieba? 「sutoroberii」
Which ice cream is good? “Strawberry”
Netherlands Dutch Aardbei is het lekkerst! Strawberry is the most delicious!
Canada French (NOA) Vive la fraise!
France French (NOE) Vive la fraise !
Germany German Erdbeereis ist am leckersten! Strawberry ice cream is the most delicious!
Italy Italian Il gelato alla fragola è il gelato più buono!
Russia Russian Клубника лучше всего!
Klubnika luchshe vsego!
Strawberry is the best of all!
SpainMexico Spanish ¡El helado más rico es el de fresa! The more delicious ice cream is strawberry!
China Chinese (Simplified) 说到冰淇淋你会想起? "草莓"
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 說到冰淇淋你會想起? 「草莓」
South Korea Korean 아이스크림은 이거지! 「딸기」

Mint chip is best!
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アイスといえば? 「チョコミント」
aisu to ieba?「chokominto」
Which ice cream is good? “Choco Mint”
Netherlands Dutch Choco-munt is het lekkerst! Choco mint is the most delicious!
Canada French (NOA) Vive la menthe choco!
France French (NOE) Vive la menthe choco !
Germany German Minz-Schoko-Eis ist am leckersten! Mint chocolate ice cream is the most delicious!
Italy Italian Il gelato al cioccolato e menta è il gelato più buono!
Russia Russian Мятный шоколад лучше всего!
Myatnyy shokolad luchshe vsego!
Mint chocolate is the best of all!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡El helado más rico es el de chocomenta! The more delicious ice cream is chocomint!
Spain Spanish (NOE) ¡El helado más rico es el de menta y chocolate! The more delicious ice cream is mint and chocolate!
China Chinese (Simplified) 说到冰淇淋你会想起? "薄荷巧克力"
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 說到冰淇淋你會想起? 「薄荷巧克力」
South Korea Korean 아이스크림은 이거지! 「민트초콜릿」