Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday: Difference between revisions

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File:S3 Splatfest artwork Friday vs Saturday vs Sunday.jpg|[[Deep Cut]] artwork
S3 Team Friday win.jpg|Team Friday win

Revision as of 02:36, 19 February 2024

Friends vs. Family vs. Solo
NAOC Splatfests
Friends vs. Family vs. Solo
EU Splatfests

What's the best day of the weekend?
Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Teams   Friday
Regions The Americas, Australia and New Zealand
Hong Kong and South Korea
Start 17 February 2024 at 00:00 UTC
End 18 February 2024 at 23:59 UTC
Length 48 hours
Winner Friday

Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday was a Splatfest event exclusive to the The Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and Hong Kong and South Korea regions in Splatoon 3. It was the second Splatfest to take place during Chill Season 2023 and was announced on social networks on 1 February 2024.[1]

The Japan region exclusive Red Bean Paste vs. Custard vs. Whipped Cream Splatfest took place concurrently with this Splatfest.


This was the second Splatfest in Splatoon 3 to differ by region: players who had selected the The Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Europe or Hong Kong and South Korea region were able to participate in this Splatfest as a combined group, whereas players who have selected the Japan region instead were able to participate in the Red Bean Paste vs. Custard vs. Whipped Cream Splatfest, which was being held at the same time.

The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Bluefin Depot.


Results will be announced in-game on 19 February 2024 at 02:00 UTC

Halftime Report

At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.

  Friday   Saturday   Sunday
33.39% 32.75% 33.86%


Category   Friday   Saturday   Sunday
Conch Shells - 7p 33.05% 33.70% 33.25%
Votes - 8p 22.53% 66.57% 10.90%
Clout (Open) - 12p 33.51% 33.32% 33.17%
Clout (Pro) - 12p 35.20% 31.37% 33.43%
Tricolor - 18p 32.04% 31.87% 36.09%
Total 24p 15p 18p


USAUnited KingdomEnglish


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“What's the best day of weekend?
Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?”

“Your weekends only have three days?
Huh. OK. Interesting.”

“A weekend is best when it's fresh, so I say
Friday. And no, I will not call it Frye-day.”

“Fine by me! Everyone knows Saturday is
where it's at on the weekend anyway.”

Big Man

“Ay? Ay... (Am I the only one who likes
Sunday? It's the perfect day to relax...)”

“You think weekends are for relaxing? There
are so many better ways to use that time!”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay. (They're for whatever you want!
As long as it isn't more work.)”

“Which is why it can't be Friday. Whether
it's work or school, Fridays are half boring!”


“Yes, but that's what makes them great.
That feeling when the clock ticks over.”


“In an instant, the cares of the week are
gone. The evening is all yours.”
Big Man
“Ay? Ay? (All mine? When's the last time
I got to pick what we did on a Friday?)”


“OK, sure, free evenings are cool. But you
know what's better?”


“A WHOLE FREE DAY! Saturdays are for doing
whatever you want, no matter how weird!”
“Remind me again what you actually do with
all that free time on your Saturdays?”


“Couldn't tell you. I forget 'em as soon as
they happen. That's the point of Saturday!”
Big Man
“Ay?! (How great can Saturdays be if you
never remember them?!)”
“Alright, then, what's so cool about
Sundays? Let's hear the pitch!”
Big Man

“Ay. (Well, I usually spend my Fridays with
you and Saturdays with the fam.)”

Big Man

“Ay. (And so I need a whole quiet Sunday to
myself just to recover.)”

“So...your idea of a good day on the
weekend is just "less stressful"?”
Big Man

“Ay... (Hey, you take your victories where
you can get them...)”

“Booo! You can think bigger than that.
That's no weekend—it's a WEAKend!”


“Don't worry—I plan big enough for us all
every Friday. Which, again, is the best day.”


“Nah. Saturday's what matters. You should
see what I call breakfast on the weekend!”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (Nope! Sunday's the mic drop of
the weekend. Big Man out!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“The Splatfest is now on! and the theme is...
What's the best day of the weekend?”
Big Man

“Ay! (Join in the fun by choosing a team at the Pledge Box Outside!)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Hah! Friday wins! I knew everyone out there would see things my way.”


“What?! Did my peeps have better things to do on Saturday than rep the cause?!”
Big Man

“Ay... (Maybe they were like me and didn't get a spare moment until Sunday...)”

“Thanks to everyone who made it happen! May your Friday nights be forever full.”


“I know Team Saturday tried. You coulda done anything, but you were here with us!”
Big Man
“Ay. Ay. (Team Sunday must've been too relaxed to push us over the top. I get it.)”

“Let's celebrate this Friday night. We could blow off steam with some Grizzco shifts!”


“Then it's back to the studio to rehearse some lyrics I've been writing. Sound good?”

“You want to celebrate going off the clock with... more work?!”

“Not more work. DIFFERENT work. Fun work!”
Big Man

“Ay? (Shiver... are Fridays your favorite because of the work part?)”

“Alright, you caught me. But why not? I love what I do, and on Fridays I get to do it.”

“Weird, but I kinda get it. I mean, it's the one weekend day I know I'll see you two!”

Big Man

“Ay! Ay. (True! If weekends are for hanging out with friends, maybe Friday IS best.)”

“Yes, we just established that. Welcome to the winning team!”



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Wat is de leukste dag van het weekend?
Vrijdag, zaterdag of zondag?”

(What's the best day of the weekend?
Friday, Saturday or Sunday?)

“Het weekend duurt voor jullie maar drie
dagen? Hm. Oké, interessant.”

(The weekend lasts only three days for you guys? Hm. Okay, interesting.)

“Het weekend is het beste als het nog vers
is. En dat is op vrijdag. Duidelijke zaak.”

(The weekend is the best when it is still fresh. And that is on Friday. Clear-cut case.)

“Het is pas echt weekend op zaterdag, dat
weet toch iedereen!”

(It is only truly weekend on Saturday, surely everybody knows that!)


“Ay? Ay! (Ben ik de enige die van zondagen
houdt? De perfecte dag om te ontspannen!)”

(Ay? Ay! (Am I the only one who likes Sundays? The perfect day to unwind!))

“Ontspannen? Jij hebt tijd om te ontspannen
in het weekend? Er is zoveel beters te doen!”

(Unwind? You have time to unwind in the weekend? There are so many better things to do!)


“Ay! Ay... (Alles mag in het weekend! Behalve
meer werk, alsjeblieft...)”

(Ay! Ay... (Anything goes in the weekend! Except more work, please...))

“Daarom is 'vrijdag' ook zo'n misleidende
naam. De helft van de dag ben je niet vrij!”

(That is why "Friday" is such a misleading name. Half of the day you are not off!)

Notes: Vrij as in vrijdag ("Friday") means "free, off (as in "not working")".

“Maar daarom voelt de vrijheid juist extra
vrij! Er gaat niks boven vrijdagavond!”

(But that is precisely why the freedom feels extra free! There is nothing better than Friday evening!)


“In één klap moet je niks meer en mag je
alles. Het is jouw avond!”

(In one fell swoop you no longer have to do anything and anything goes. It is your evening!)
“Ay? Ay? (Mijn avond? Wanneer mocht ik voor
het laatst kiezen wat we deden op vrijdag?)”

(Ay? Ay? (My evening? When was the last time I was allowed to choose what we did on Friday?))


“Oké, ik ontken niet dat een vrije avond
leuk is. Maar weet je wat nog leuker is?”

(Okay, I do not deny that a free evening is enjoyable. But do you know what is more enjoyable?)


“Een hele vrije dag! Op zaterdag kun je het
zo bont maken als je wilt!”

(A whole free day! On Saturday you can overdo it as much as you like!)
“En wat doe jij ook alweer met al die vrije
tijd op je zaterdagen?”

(And what is it that you do again with all that free time on your Saturdays?)


“Geen flauw idee, ik vergeet ze meteen weer.
Daarom zijn zaterdagen ook zo speciaal!”

(I don't have a clue, I forget them right away. That is also why Saturdays are so special!)
“Ay?! (Hoe leuk kan je zaterdag zijn, als je
hem meteen bent vergeten?!)”

(Ay?! (How enjoyable could your Saturday be, if you forget it right away?!))
“Nou, vertel mij dan maar eens wat er zo
speciaal is aan zondag? Ik ben benieuwd!”

(Well, then try telling me what is so special about Sunday? I am curious!)

“Ay. (Nou, vrijdagen ben ik meestal met
jullie, en zaterdag met familie.)”

(Ay. (Well, on Fridays, I am usually with you guys, and Saturday with family.))


“Ay. (Dus dan heb ik een heerlijke zondag
voor mezelf nodig om wat bij te komen.)”

(Ay. (So then I need a glorious Sunday for myself to take a breather.))

“Wat? Een dag met iets minder stress is
al genoeg om je lievelingsdag te zijn?”

(What? A day with somewhat less stress is already enough to be your favorite day?)

“Ay... (Wie het kleine niet eert...)”

(Ay... (If you can't appreciate the little things in life...))
Notes: From the proverb wie het kleine niet eert, is het grote niet weerd (literally "Who does not honor small things, is not worthy of great things").

“Booee! Je moet groter denken! Jouw
weekend klinkt slaapverweekend!”

(Boooo! You have got to think bigger! Your weekend sounds soporific!)

Notes: "Slaapverweekend" is a combination of slaapverwekkend ("soporific") and weekend.

“Daarom zijn mijn vrijdagen groots genoeg
voor een heel weekend. En dus de beste dag.”

(That is why my Fridays are great enough for a whole weekend. And thus the best day.)


“Nee, joh. Alles draait om zaterdag. Je zou
mijn ontbijt moeten zien op zaterdagochtend!”

(No, dude. Everything revolves around Saturday. You should see my breakfast on Saturday morning!)


“Ay. Ay! (Nah, zondag is het slotakkoord van
de week. En daarna volgt altijd applaus!)”

(Ay. Ay! (Nah, Sunday is the final chord of the week. And is always followed by applause!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Tijd voor een nieuw Splatfest! De vraag is...
Wat is de leukste dag van het weekend?”

“Ay! (Ga naar de stembus op het plein en kies je team om mee te doen!)”



Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Was ist der beste Wochenendtag? Freitag, Samstag oder Sonntag?“

„Deine Wochenenden haben nur drei Tage? ...Na, auch gut. Kann man machen.“

„So ein Wochenende ist am besten, wenn es noch frisch ist. Also ganz klar Freitag!“

„Soll mir recht sein! Aber weiß doch jeder, dass Samstag am meisten los ist!“


„Ay? Ay... (Bin ich der einzige, der Sonntage mag? Der perfekte Tag zum Entspannen...)“

„Du willst am Wochenende nur schnöde entspannen? Da gibt es Besseres zu tun!“


„Ay! Ay. (An Wochenenden ist doch alles möglich! Nur bitte keine Arbeit.)“

„Deswegen kann Freitag unmöglich der beste Tag sein. Da ist doch Arbeit oder Schule!“


„Aber darum geht's ja! Dieses Gefühl, wenn endlich das Wochenende da ist...“


„Die Pflichten der Woche sind vergessen. Aber Abend gehört dir allein.“
„Ay? Ay? (Ja? Wann durfte ich das letzte Mal bestimmen, was wir Freitag machen?)“


„Okay, klar, freie Abende sind super, aber weißt du, was noch besser ist?“


„Ein ganzer freier Tag! An Samstagen kann man machen, was man will, egal wie schräg!“
„Und was machst du noch gleich mit all der freien Zeit an deinen Samstagen?“


„Keine Ahnung, vergess' ich gleich wieder. Darum geht's doch beim Samstag!“
„Ay?! (Wie toll können dann Samstage sein, wenn du sie immer vergisst?!)“
„Na, dann sag doch mal, was an Sonntagen so toll sein soll, hm? Immer raus damit!“

„Ay. (Na ja, Freitage verbringe ich ja immer mit euch und Samstage mit der Familie.)“


„Ay. (Also brauche ich einen ruhigen Sonntag für mich, um wieder Kraft zu tanken.)“

„Hö? Dir reicht für einen guten Tag am Wochenende einfach schon weniger Stress?“

„Ay... (Also mir hilft's...)“

„Buuuh! Denk mal 'n bisschen größer! Das ist doch voll öde!“


„Genau daher plane ICH ja unsere Freitage. Deswegen sind die auch am besten.“


„Nee. Auf den Samstag kommt es an. Ihr müsstet da mal mein Frühstück sehen!“


„Ay. Ay! (Nein! Sonntag ist der Abschluss der Woche. Und das ist mein Schlusswort!)“


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Das Splatfest läuft, mit der Frage...
Was ist der beste Wochenendtag?“

„Ay! (Wähle ein team am Splatfest- Wahlstand auf dem Platz und mach mit!)“



Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Какой день недели лучший?
Пятница, суббота или воскресенье?»

(Which day of the week is the best? Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?)

«Это все твои выходные? Тебе, может,
и хватит, но не мне!»

(That's all your weekend days? That may be enough for you, but not for me!)

«Лучший день – это когда выходные
только начинаются! Пятница!»

(The best day is when the weekend just begins! Friday!)

«Пятница, фу! Самые крутые вечеринки
всегда в субботу!»

(Friday, ew! The coolest parties are always on Saturdays!)

Биг Ман

«Ик? Ик... (Мне одному нравится
воскресенье? Оно такое спокойное...)»

(Ay? Ay... (Am I the only one who likes Sundays? They're so calm...))

«Считаешь, что выходные для отдыха? Их
всегда можно эффективно использовать!»

(You think that weekend is for relaxation? You can always use it efficiently!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик. (Они для чего угодно!
Но главное, не для работы.)»

(Ay! Ay. (It's for anything! But most importantly, not for work.))

«Вот! Вот поэтому пятница и тухлая!
Работа, школа, фу! Скукотища!»

(Exactly! That's why Friday is dry! Work, school, ew! So boring!)

Notes: Тухлый tukhlyy ("rotten") is a weapon freshness equivalent to "dry".

«Нет, именно поэтому она свежачок!
Это ощущение, когда дел больше нет...»

(No, that's exactly why it's fresh! That feeling when there's no more work left to do...)


«Сразу забываешь про накопившийся за
неделю стресс. Весь вечер твой!»

(You immediately forget about the stress that has accumulated over the week. The whole evening is yours!)
Биг Ман
«Ик? Ик? (Мой? Напомни, когда я решал,
что мы делаем в пятницу вечером?)»

(Ay? Ay? (Mine? Remind me when I was deciding what we're going to do on Friday evening?))


«Ну, свободный вечер,[sic][a] это, конечно,
кул. Но знаешь, что лучше?»

(Well, a free evening is cool and all. But do you know what's better?)


«СВОБОДНЫЙ ДЕНЬ! В субботу хоть на
ушах стой! Она для безумных планов!»

(A FREE DAY! On Saturday, you can go nuts if you want! It's for the crazy plans!)
«Расскажи-ка подробнее про свои великие
субботние планы. Всем интересно!»

(Come on then, tell us more about your great Saturday plans. We're all curious!)


«Э-э. Не помню! Я их сразу забываю.
В этом весь смысл субботы!»

(U-uh. I don't remember! I forget them instantly. That's the whole point of Saturday!)
Биг Ман
«Ик?! (Что хорошего может быть в том,
что так легко забывается?!)»

(Ay?! (What so good can come from something that gets forgotten so easily?!))
«Эй! Ладно, а вот чем ты по воскресеньям

(Hey! Okay, and what are you doing on Sundays?)
Биг Ман

«Ик. (Ну, пятницы я провожу с вами,
а субботы с семьей.)»

(Ay. (Well, I spend Fridays with you two, and Saturdays with my family.))

Биг Ман

«Ик. (И после всего этого мне нужно
воскресенье, чтобы прийти в себя.)»

(Ay. (And after all this I need a Sunday to recover.))

«Тогда твой идеальный выходной –
всего лишь денек без стресса?»

(Then your perfect weekend is just one day without stress?)
Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик. (Иногда меньше значит больше...
Меньше общения, больше отдыха.)»

(Ay... Ay. (Sometimes less is more... Less talking, more rest.))

«У-у-у!!! Я бы со скуки стухла! Что это
за выХУДной от слова «худо»?!»

(Bo-o-o!!! I'd rot of boredom! What's this WEAKend from the word «weak»?!)

Notes: The word худо khudo means "something bad/ill" or "harm".

«Вот поэтому я и организую наши пятницы.
Лучший движ в лучший день недели!»

(That's exactly why I organize our Fridays. The best events in the best day of the week!)


«Я предпочитаю вкусный движ! Зацените
мой субботний завтрак, потом поговорим!»

(I prefer delicious events! Check out my Saturday breakfast first, then we can talk!)

Биг Ман

«Ик. Ик! (Не-а! Вива воскресенье, и точка!)»

(Ay. Ay! (Nah-uh! Viva Sunday, period!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Сплатфест открыт! Наша тема: «Какой
день в конце недели лучший?»»

(Splatfest is open! Our theme is: «Which day in the end of the week is the best?»)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале
для голосования на площади, и вперед!)»

(Ay! (Make your choice at the voting terminal in the square and go!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Ха! Победила пятница! Я так и знала,
что мое мнение – самое популярное!»


«Команда, вы чего?! В субботу
самонидов считали, а не плюхали?!»
Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик. (Может, у них просто были дела
до воскресенья... Как у меня.)»

«Спасибо, команда! Пусть все ваши пятницы так зажигают!»

«Я знаю, что вы старались, «Суббота»! Могли
и чем другим заняться, но вы выбрали нас!»
Биг Ман
«Ик. Ик. (А команда «Воскресенье», видимо,
слишком расслабилась. Я их понимаю.)»

«Ну что, отметим мою победу? Как насчет
смены в «Потапыч Inc.» в эту пятницу?»

«А потом в студию, порепетируем
мою новую песню! Как вам?»

«Ты отмечаешь конец рабочей недели...
ТОЙ ЖЕ работой?! Ау?!»

«Не той же, а другой. Классной работой!»
Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик. (Кулла... Только не говори мне,
что любишь пятницу из-за работы.)»

«Ладно, признаюсь, да. Ну и что? Я люблю
работу, а пятницы для того, что любишь!»

«Хм, а еще пятница – единственный день
в конце недели, когда мы с вами видимся!»

Биг Ман

«Ик. (Вообще да, если смысл выходных
в друзьях, то пятница и правда лучшая.)»

«Ну вот! Добро пожаловать
в победившую команду!»

MexicoSpanish (NOA)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué día del fin de semana prefieren?
¿El viernes, el sábado o el domingo?»

(Which day of the weekend do you prefer? Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?)

«¿Eh? ¿Sus fines de semana solo tienen
tres días?... Uff.»

(Uh? Your weekends only have 3 days?... Ugh.)

«¡La mejor parte del fin de semana es el
comienzo! Yo voto por el viernes, claro.»

(The best part of the wekend is the beggining! I vote for Friday, of course.)

«¡Como quieras! Todos saben que el sábado
es el mejor día del finde.»

(Whatever! Everyone knows Saturday is the best day of the weekend.)


«Zasss... (¿Soy el único al que le gustan los
domingos? Son perfectos para relajarse...)»

(Ay... (Am I the only one who likes Sundays? They are perfect for relaxing...))

«¿Relajarse? ¡Se puede hacer tanto más
con ese tiempo!»

(Relax? You can do so much more with that time!!)


«¡Zasss! (¡Ese tiempo es para lo que cada
cual guste! Excepto trabajar...)»

(Ay! (That time is for what each one likes! Except work...))

«Por eso no me encantan los viernes. ¡Pasas
la mitad del día trabajando o en la escuela!»

(That's why I don't like Fridays that much. Fridays are still days of work or school.)


«Pero justo cuando terminan las obligaciones
y te sientes libre... ¡empieza lo mejor!»

(But right when you finish all your obligations and feel freedom... the best begins!)


«Puedes olvidar todas tus preocupaciones.
¡La noche es toda tuya!»

(You can forget all your concerns! The night is all yours!)
«Zasss... (Pues yo no recuerdo la última
vez que tuve tiempo libre un viernes...)»

(Ay... (I don't remember the last time I had free time on a Friday...))


«Pues sí, está bien disfrutar de una noche
libre. Pero hay algo mucho mejor...»

(Well yes, it is good to enjoy a night.. But there is something better...)


«¡Un día ENTERO libre! ¡El sábado es todo
tuyo para hacer lo que quieras!»

(A WHOLE free day! Saturday is all yours to do whatever you want!)
«¿Un día entero para hacer exactamente
qué? Vamos, cuéntanos...»

(Come on then, a full day for yourself to do what exactly?)


«¡Qué sé yo! ¡Lo que se me ocurra! Esa es
la mejor parte. ¡Cada sábado es especial!»

(I don't know! Whatever comes to mind!! That's the best part, every Saturday is special!)
«¿Zasss? (¿No tienes ningún plan fijo,
pero dices que son días especiales?)»

(Ay? (You don't have a settled plan, but you say they're special?))
«Exacto. Seguro que son bastante más
emocionantes que tus fines de semana...»

(Exactly! I'm sure they're more exciting than your weekends...)

«Zasss. (Yo los viernes estoy con ustedes
y los sábados visito a mi familia).»

(Ay. (On Fridays I'm still with you two, and I visit my family on Saturdays).)


«Zasss. (Así que aprovecho el domingo para
estar por mi cuenta y recuperar energías).»

(Ay. (So ​​I take advantage of Sunday to be on my own and regain energy).)

«O sea, para ti un buen día de fin de semana
es... ¿uno en el que te estresas menos?»

(So, for you, a good weekend day is... one in which you stress less?)

«Zasss... (Pues sí. Cada uno necesita
lo que el cuerpo le pide, ¿no?...)»

(Ay... (You are. Everyone needs what they really feel, right?... ))

«¡Bah! Un fin de semana puede ser mucho
más que eso. ¡Piensa en grande, Rayan!»

(Bah! A weekend can be much more than that. Think big, Big Man!)

Notes: Frye tells Big Man in Spanish "¡Piensa en grande, Rayan!" ("Think big, Big Man!") referring to his height and his name in English

«Ya verán el plan que tengo preparado
para el viernes. ¡Los haré cambiar de idea!»

(You will see the plan I have prepared for you two this Friday. I will change your mind!)


«Ya quisieras. ¡Nada va a superar los planes
que tengo para el desayuno del sábado!»

(You whish. Nothing is going to beat the plans I have for Saturday breakfast!)


«¡Zasss! (¡No me van a convencer! El
domingo es el día perfecto. ¡Hasta luego!)»

(Ay! (You're not going to convince me! Sunday is the perfect day. See you later!))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Hay festival en marcha y el tema es:
¿Qué día del fin de semana es mejor?»

«¡Zasss! (¡Únanse a su equipo preferido desde el kiosco del festival!)»

SpainSpanish (NOE)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué día del fin de semana preferís?
¿El viernes, el sábado o el domingo?»

(Which day of the weekend do you like the most? Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?)

«¿Vuestros fines de semana tienen tres días solamente? Que curioso...»

(Your weekends only have 3 days? How curious...)

«¡Que empiece la marcha cuanto antes!
Yo voto por el viernes, obviamente.»

(Let the party begin as soon as possible! I vote for Friday, obviously.)

«Como quieras. Todos sabemos que el núcleo conceptual del fin de semana es el sábado.»

(Whatever. Everyone knows Saturday is the core of the weekends.)


«Zasss... (Llamadme rarito si queréis, pero me chiflan los domingos para descansar...)»

(Ay... (Call me strange if you want, but I love Sundays because I can relax...))

«¿Descansar? ¡Yo prefiero aprovechar el finde para tener actividad a tope!»

(Relax? I preffer enjoying weekends with lot of activity!)


«¡Zasss! (¡Pues vale! Cada cual tiene su gustos. Mientras no haya que trabajar...)»

(Ay! (Ok then! Everyone has their own tastes. As long as you don't have to work...))

«Por eso no me gustan tanto los viernes.
En parte son aún días de trabajo o escuela.»

(That's why I don't like Fridays that much. Fridays are still days of work or school.)


«Pero justo cuando terminan tus obligaciones y te sientes libre... ¡es todo un subidón!»

(But right when you finish all your responsibilities and feel freedom... Such a buzz!)


«¡Te olvidas de los malos ratos! ¡Todo lo mejor esta por venir! ¡La noche es joven!»

(You forget about bad times! The best is yet to come! The night is young!)
«Zasss... (Pues yo no recuerdo la última vez que tuve tiempo libre un viernes...)»

(Ay... (I don't remember the last time I had free time on a Friday...))


«Ya, ya. Mola pasarlo bien hasta las tantas de la noche. Pero hay algo mucho mejor...»

(Well, staying up late is cool. But there's something better...)


«¡El sábado es puro disfrute! ¡Tienes el día libre enterito para hacer lo que te plazca!»

(Saturday is full enjoying! You have all day for yourself!)
«¿Un día entero para hacer exactamente qué? A ver, cuéntanos...»

(Come on then, a full day for yourself to do what exactly?)


«¡Yo qué sé! ¡Lo que me apetezca! Esa es la mejor parte. ¡Cada sábado es especial!»

(I don't know! All I want! That's the best part, every Saturday is special!)
«¿Zasss? (¿No tienes ningún plan fijo, pero dices que son días especiales?)»

(Ay? (You don't have a settled plan, but you say they're special?))
«Exacto. Seguro que son bastante más emocionantes que tus fines de semana...»

(Exactly! I'm sure they're more exciting than your weekends...)

«Zasss. (Yo los viernes estoy con vosotras aún, y los sábados visito a mi familia.)»

(Ay. (On Fridays I'm still with you two, and I visit my family on Saturdays.))


«Zasss. (Así que aprovecho el domingo para relajarme y estar tan a gusto yo solo)»

(Ay. (So I use the Sunday to relax and be at ease with myself.))

«O sea, para ti el concepto de fin de semana es estresarte menos que otros días, ¿no?»

(So, your definition of weekend is to feel less stress than other days, am I wrong?)

«Zasss... (Pues sí. Cada uno necesita lo que el cuerpo le pide, ¿no?...)»

(Ay... (You are. Everyone needs what they really feel, right?... ))

«Que rollo de fin de semana, entonces...
¡Desmelénate un poco alguna vez, Rayan!»

(What a weekend of boredoom! Get wild once, Big Man!)


«Ya veréis el plan que os tengo preparado para el viernes. ¡Os haré cambiar de idea!»

(You'll see the plan I have prepared for you two this Friday. I'll change your mind!)


«Ya quisieras. ¡Nada mejorará lo que tengo previsto yo para el desayuno del sábado!»

(You whish. Nothing will top the breakfast I have planned for Saturday!)


«¡Zasss! (¡Pues yo el domingo pienso hacer huelga de micrófonos caídos! ¡Hasta otra!)»

(Ay! (Then on Sunday I won't say a word! See ya!))
Notes: In a real scenario, a strike of fallen microphones (huelga de micrófonos caídos) would imply that the microphones (used for public speaking or transmitting information) are 'fallen', meaning that nobody is using them. This idea can be extrapolated as a situation in which nobody wants to speak or communicate.


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¡«Habemus» festival! ¿Cuál es vuestro día favorito del fin de semana?»

(We have an Splatfest! Which day of the weekend is your favourite?)

«¡Zasss! (¡Apuntaos a la diversión votando en el terminal de ahí fuera!)»

(Ayyy! Join in the fun by voting on the terminal right outside!)



Splatfest Tees


In-game screenshots


Idols: Day 1
Idols: Day 2


  • The celestial bodies shown on the calendars in the icons for each team correlate to the etymology of the day they represent, with Venus representing Friday, Saturn representing Saturday, and the Sun representing Sunday.
    • Furthermore, the calendar for Friday has no sheets torn off, the calendar for Saturday has one sheet torn off (signifying a day after Friday), and the calendar for Sunday has two sheets torn off (signifying two days after Friday).
  • This is the first region-locked Splatfest in Splatoon 3 to not share ink colors with its counterpart region's Splatfest.
  • In the announcement dialogue, Big Man mentions he spends Friday with Shiver and Frye, Saturday with his family, and Sunday by himself to relax, possibly referencing the theme of Friends vs. Family vs. Solo.
  • The unique versions of Ego Overboard from Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man return in this Splatfest for when players win a 10x, 100x, or 333x Battle.[2][3]

Names in other languages

Translation needed
Add and translate names in all applicable languages. edit
Short name
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Vrijdag vs. Zaterdag vs. Zondag Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
France French (NOE) Vendredi vs. Samedi vs. Dimanche Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Germany German Freitag vs. Samstag vs. Sonntag Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Italy Italian Venerdì vs. Sabato vs. Domenica[4] Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Russia Russian Пятница против Суббота против Воскресенье
Pyatnitsa protiv Subbota protiv Voskresen'e
Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
SpainMexico Spanish Viernes vs. Sábado vs. Domingo Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 星期五 vs 星期六 vs 星期日
xīngqíwǔ vs. xīngqíliù vs. xīngqírì (Mandarin)
sing1 kei4 ng5 vs. sing1 kei4 luk6 vs. sing1 kei4 jat6 (Cantonese)
Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
South Korea Korean 금요일 vs 토요일 vs 일요일」 Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday
Portugal Portuguese Sexta-feira vs. Sábado vs. Domingo Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday

What's the best day of the weekend?
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Wat is de leukste dag van het weekend? What is the most enjoyable day of the weekend?
France French (NOE) Quel jour du week-end préférez-vous ? Which weekend day do you prefer?
Germany German Was ist der beste Wochenendtag? Which is the best weekend day?
Italy Italian Qual è il giorno migliore del weekend? Which is the best weekend day?
Russia Russian Какой день в конце недели лучший?
Kakoy den' v kontse nedeli luchshiy?
Which day in the end of the week is the best?
SpainMexico Spanish ¿Qué día del fin de semana es mejor? What day of the weekend is the best?
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 週末最好的是哪一天?
zhōumò zuìhǎo de shì nǎ yī tiān (Mandarin)
zau1 mut6 zeoi3 hou2 dik1 si6 naa5 jat1 tin1 (Cantonese)
Which is the best day of a weekend?
Portugal Portuguese Que dia do fim de semana preferes? What day from the weekend do you prefer?

Long name
Friday is the best day of the weekend!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Vrijdag is de leukste dag van het weekend! Friday is the most enjoyable day of the weekend!
Russia Russian Пятница – лучший день в конце недели!
Pyatnitsa – luchshiy den' v kontse nedeli!
Friday is the best day in the end of the week!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡El mejor día del fin de semana es el viernes! The best day of the weekend is Friday!

Saturday is the best day of the weekend!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Zaterdag is de leukste dag van het weekend! Saturday is the most enjoyable day of the weekend!
Russia Russian Суббота – лучший день в конце недели!
Subbota – luchshiy den' v kontse nedeli!
Saturday is the best day in the end of the week!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡El mejor día del fin de semana es el sábado! The best day of the weekend is Saturday!

Sunday is the best day of the weekend!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch Zondag is de leukste dag van het weekend! Sunday is the most enjoyable day of the weekend!
Russia Russian Воскресенье – лучший день в конце недели!
Voskresen'e – luchshiy den' v kontse nedeli!
Sunday is the best day in the end of the week!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡El mejor día del fin de semana es el domingo! The best day of the weekend is Sunday!


  1. A punctuation error, the correct punctuation mark would be "–"
