Money vs. Fame vs. Love

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Revision as of 00:54, 14 August 2023 by Hyper Princess (talk | contribs) (Resumed some Japanese dialogue)
This article is about the Splatfest in Splatoon 3. For the Splatfest from Splatoon, see Love vs. Money. For the Splatfest from Splatoon 2, see Money vs. Love.
Vanilla vs. Strawberry vs. Mint Chip

Money vs. Fame vs. Love was a Splatfest in Splatoon 3. It took place during Sizzle Season 2023 and was announced on social networks on July 27, 2023.


The Tricolor Turf War stage for this Splatfest was Eeltail Alley.


Currently, the Splatfest is in the Second Half phase:

Results will be announced in-game on 14 August 2023 at 02:00 UTC

Halftime Report

At the halfway point in the Splatfest, Deep Cut revealed the team currently with the most overall Clout, and congruently announced that the mode Tricolor Turf War would be open.

  Money   Fame   Love
33.32% 32.83% 33.85%


Category   Money   Fame   Love
Conch Shells - 7p 35.45% 31.89% 32.66%


Translation needed
Add French (France), Italian, both Chinese, and Korean. Translate Japanese and French (Canada). edit



Dialogue Dialogue Region

“What's most important in life? Money, fame, or love?”
Big Man

“Aaay! (Ooo, that's a spicy topic!)”

“Let's start with money, shall we? If money can't buy it, I don't want it.”


“What about fame though? Legions of fans chanting your name... That's priceless!”

Big Man

“Ay? Ay! (Is any of it worth it without love? Love and peace for all!)”

Big Man

“...Ay? Ay! (...So, it's obviously love, right? Splatfest canceled!)”
“Awww, who knew Big Man was such a softy? It's me. I knew.”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (C'mon, Shiver. Love is important! Not just romance. Friends and family!)”

Big Man

“Aaay... (You don't want to live in solitude... even if you sleep on a pile of money.)”
“But I thought you looooooved living by yourself, Big Man!”


“Anyway, if you get famous enough, you get hangers-on! Never lonely with them around!”


“We only get one life, right? I say go BIG with it! Anything else would be boring.”

“Eh. Being famous isn't fun if you're not also rich. Who pays for the fancy dinners?”
“Oooh! Is it always all about food with you?”

“It's not just food. It's everything! Money buys it all! The world RUNS on money!”

Big Man

“Ay. Ay! (If I had money, I'd just spend it on the ones I love. Love is most important!)”

“Well, popularity is a sort of love. Sorry-it's still fame for me.”


“Money buys fame. Fame is love. Money wins yet again. Put it in the bank.”



Dialogue Dialogue Region

「人生で大事なのは?富 vs 名声 vs 愛~!!」

「エェ~イ! (おお~つ!)」

「対決するんは, おカネで買えないものはない?! 欲しいもんを手にできる幸せ「富」と!」



















Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Waar draait het om in het leven?
Geld, roem, of liefde?”

(Which is most important in life? Money, fame, or love?)

“Ay! (Oh, wat een diepzinnige vraag!)”

(Ay! (Oh, what a profound question!))

“Laten we beginnen bij geld. Als iets niet te
koop is, is het de moeite niet waard, toch?”

(Let's begin with money. If something is not for sale, it's not worth the effort, right?)


“Wat dacht je van miljoenen fans die voor je
juichen? Roem is onbetaalbaar!”

(What do you think about millions of fans cheering for you? Fame is priceless!)


“Ay. Ay! (Maar daar heb je geen echte band
mee. Ware liefde brengt je pas echt samen!)”

(Ay. Ay! (But with them you have no real bond. True love only truly brings one together!))


“Ay. Ay? (Liefde overwint alle verschillen.
Dus zullen we dit Splatfest annuleren?)”

(Ay. Ay? (Love conquers all differences. So shall we cancel this Splatfest?))
“Ah, wie had gedacht dat Ray zo'n grote
romanticus was? Ik. Ik had dat wel gedacht.”

(Ah, who would've thought Big Man was such a great romantic? Me. I would've thought that.)


“Ay. Ay! (Lach maar, Haya. Liefde gaat ook over
familie en vrienden, niet alleen romantiek!)”

(Ay. Ay! (Laugh all you want, Shiver. Love is also about family and friends, not just romance!))


“Ay? (Je wilt toch niet zielig en alleen als een
kluizenaar op de top van je geldberg wonen?)”

(Ay? (You surely don't want to live sad and alone like a hermit on top of your pile of money?))
“Huh. Ik dacht dat jij het fijn vond om
op jezelf te wonen, Ray!”

(Huh. I thought you enjoyed living on your own, Big Man!)


“En voor gezelschap is geen liefde nodig. Als
je beroemd bent, komt iedereen naar je toe.”

(And for companionship there's no need for love. When you're famous, everyone will come to you.)


“En je leeft maar één keer, toch? Dus ik zeg
dat je er vol voor moet gaan!”

(And you only live once, right? So I say you have to go full steam ahead!)

“Bah, roem stelt niets voor zonder rijkdom. Hoe
zou je bijvoorbeeld voor luxediners betalen?”

(Bah, fame means nothing without wealth. How would you pay for luxurious dinners, for example?)
“Pfff. Het gaat bij jou ook echt altijd om
eten, hè?”

(Pfff. It really is always about food with you, eh?)

“Als er iemand beroemd is om haar eetlust, ben
jij het wel. Wil je dan geen geld voor snoep?”

(If there's anyone famous for her appetite, it'd be you. Don't you want money for candy then?)


“Ay. Ay! (Liever een lege portemonnee dan een
leeg hart. In het leven draait het om liefde!)”

(Ay. Ay! (Rather an empty wallet than an empty heart. Love is most important in life!))

“Populair zijn is ook liefde, maar dan in het
groot! Ik ga nog steeds vol voor de roem!”

(Being popular is also love, but then on a large scale! I'm still going full steam ahead for the fame!)


“Met geld word ik vanzelf beroemd en geliefd.
Deze uitslag is al zo goed als gekocht!”

(With money I naturally become famous and loved. This result is already as good as bought!)

CanadaFrench (Canada)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

« Qu’est-ce qui compte plus dans la vie? L’argent, la gloire ou l’amour? »

« Ayyy! (Ohhh, gros sujet aujourd’hui!) »

« Tout s’achète, alors le calcul est vite fait : je prends les sous et je vous laisse le reste! »



« Et la gloire, t’en fait quoi? Une foule qui hurle ton nom, ça a pas de prix! »


« Ay! (Tout ça vaut pas un pet de marlin sans amour! Vive l’amour toujours!) »


« Ay! (… Alors on est d’accord, hein? Pas besoin de festival : vive l’amour!) »
« Ah, qui aurait cru que Raimi était un cœur d’artichaut? Oui, je sais : tout le monde. »



« Ay! (Vive l’amour, j’en démords pas. Ça englobe aussi la famille et les amis!) »


« Ay… (Personne n’aime être tout seul tout le temps. Même assis sur un tas d’or.) »
« Ah bon? Je croyais que tu adorais vivre seul, Raimi! »



« Bref, être célèbre, c’est être entouré de fans. Alors la solitude, c’est pas un souci! »


« On a q’une vie! Alors moi je dis : il faut viser la lune! Sinon, c’est l’ennui mortel. »

« Mais la célébrité sans l’argent, c’est nul! Comment tu paies les buffets à ta gloire? »
« C’est pas vrai! Tu pense vraiment qu’à la nourriture, toi! »

« Non, c’est juste un exemple. Avec l’argent, on peut tout avoir. L’argent, c’est la base! »



« Ay! (Si j’était riche, je dépenserais tout pour mes proches. Vive l’amour! »

« La popularité, c’est une forme d’amour, au fond. Alors, autant prendre la gloire. »


« Bref l’amour, c’est la gloire, et la gloire, ça s’achète… Alors, par ici la monnaie! »




Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Was ist das Wichtigste im Leben? Geld, Ruhm, oder Liebe?“

(What is the most important thing in life? Money, Fame, or Love?)

„Ay! Ay! (Ui! Diesmal geht's ja wirklich um die ganz wichtigen Sachen!)“

(Ay! (Wow! This time it's about the really important stuff!))

„Geld zuerst. Wenn etwas kein Geld wert ist, ist es GAR nichts wert!“

(Money first. If something is not worth money, it is not worth ANYTHING!)


„Aber der Ruhm! Wenn ein Riesenpublikum deinen Namen ruft, das ist doch toll!“

(But Fame! When a huge audience is calling your name, it feels amazing!)


„Ay. Ay! (Ohne die Liebe ist alles einerlei! Liebe und Frieden für alle!)“

(Ay. Ay! (Without love, nothing matters! Love and peace for all!))
„Mantaro, der Romantaro. Wer hätte es gedacht? ...Ich, ganz klar.“

(Big Man, the ro-Man-tic. Who would've thought? ...Me, of course.)

„...Ay? Ay! (...Also gewinnt Liebe, oder? Klasse, Splatfest gestrichen!)“

(...Ay? Ay! (...So Love wins, right? Alright, Splatfest over!))
Notes: Shiver is making a play on Big Man's German name ("Mantaro") and the word romantic ("Roman-taro").


„Ay. Ay! (Ach, Mako. Liebe ist SOOO wichtig! Denk mal an Freunde oder deine Familie!)“

(Ay. Ay! (Oh, Shiver. Love is SOOO important! Think about your friends or your family!))


„Aaay! (Niemand will doch allein sein, selbst mit allem Reichtum der Welt!)“

(Aaay! (No one would want to be alone, even with all the wealth in the world!))
„Hö? Und ich dachte immer, du wärst total gern der einsame Seewolf, Mantaro!)“

(Huh? And I always thought you liked being the lonely sea wolf, Big Man!))

Notes: A play on the saying or term "lone/lonely wolf".


„Jedenfalls reicht Ruhm auch, um nie allein zu sein. Dann hat man immer wen um sich!“

(Anyways, fame is so great that you'll never be alone. You always have someone around you!)


„Schließlich lebt man nur einmal! Da sollte MINDESTENS Superstar-Ruhm drin sein!“

(After all, you only live once! There should AT LEAST be Superstar-fame in there!)

„Pffft. Ruhm ohne Geld ist eine halbe Sache. Wer zahlt denn die Luxusresteraunts?“

(Pffft. Fame without money is only half of it. Who will pay for the luxurious restaurants?)
„Mann, irgendwie denkst du echt dauernd ans Essen!“

(Man, you think about food all the time!)

„Essen ist das eine, aber überleg mal: ALLES auf der Wlt dreht sich ums Geld!“

(Food is one thing, but think about it: EVERYTHING in the world revolves around money!)


„Ay. Ay! (Ich würde mein Geld mit denen teilen, die ich lieb habe. Nur Liebe zählt!)“

(Ay. Ay! (I would share my money with the ones I love. Only love matters!))

„Hm, Ruhm ist ja eigentlich auch eine Art, geliebt zu werden. Also nehm ich Ruhm, so!“

(Well, fame is also a way to be loved. So I'm taking fame!)


„Ruhm ist Liebe und Ruhm kann man kaufen. Also gewinnt wieder das Geld. Ganz einfach!“

(Fame is love and fame can be bought. So money wins again. Simple!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Was ist das Wichtigste im Leben? Darum geht's JETZT in unserem Splatfest!“

(What is the most important thing in life? This is our Splatfest theme!)

„Ay! (Wähle ein Team am Splatfest-Wahlstand auf dem Platz und mach mit!)“

(Ay! (Choose a team at the Splatfest voting booth to join in on the fun!))



Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Что в жизни важнее всего? Деньги, слава или любовь?»

(What's the most important thing in life? Money, fame, or love?)
Биг Ман

«И-ик! (Вот это спорная тема!)»

(A-ay! (This is such a controversial topic!))

«Для меня ответ прост: деньги! Все, что меня интересует, стоит денег!»

(The answer is simple for me: money! All I'm interested in costs money!)


«Не слава? Миллионы визжащих фанатов даже тебе не по карману!»

(Not fame? Even you can't afford millions of screaming fans!)

Биг Ман

«Ик... (Как будто без любви во всем этом есть смысл...)»

(Ay... (As if there's any sense in all this without love...))

Биг Ман

«Ик, ик! (Так что Сплатфест можно отменять, победитель выявлен!)»

(Ay, ay! (So we can cancel the Splatfest, the winner is revealed!))
«Кто бы мог подумать, что наш Биг Ман такой сентиментальный? Я! Я так и знала!»

(Who would've thought that our Big Man is so sentimental? I! I knew it!)

Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Ну же, Кулла! Любовь – это не только романтика, но и дружба!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Come on, Shiver! Love isn't just romance, but also friendship!))

Биг Ман

«Ик... Ик. (Одному грустно... Даже если спишь на матрасе, набитом деньгами!)»

(Ay... Ay. (It's sad to be alone... Even if you sleep on a mattress stuffed with money!))
«Ты чего, Биг Ман? Я думала, тебе нравится жить одному!»

(What's wrong, Big Man? I thought you like living alone!)


«Звездам вот не до скуки! Поклонники ходят за ними повсюду!»

(The stars can't afford to get bored! The fans follow them everywhere!)


«Поэтому нужно брать от жизни все! Прославиться и наслаждаться славой!»

(That's why you need to take everything from life! To become famous and enjoy the fame!)

«Прославиться и разбогатеть, не забудь. В ресторанах автографами не отделаешься!»

(To become famous and get rich, don't forget. You can't get off with autographs in restaurants!)
«Ага, еда как всегда у Куллы в приоритете. Вот это я понимаю!»

(Sure, as always, food is Shiver's priority. That's the spirit!)

«Я не только про еду! А вообще про ВСЕ! Мир держится на деньгах!»

(I'm not talking about food alone! But about EVERYTHING in general! The world runs on money!)

Биг Ман

«Ик. (Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы просто потратил их на тех, кого люблю.)»

(Ay. (If I had money, I'd just spend it on the ones I love.))

«Популярность – это тоже любовь! Что-то вроде того. Я все еще за славу!»

(Fame is also a type of love! Something like that. I'm still for fame!)


«Если деньги покупают славу, а слава – это та же любовь... Вы меня поняли!»

(If money buys fame, and fame is a type of love... You get what I mean!)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Сплатфест открыт! Наша тема: «Что в жизни важнее всего?»»

(The Splatfest is open! Our theme: «What is the most important thing in life?»)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (Сделайте свой выбор в терминале для голосования на площади, и вперед!)»

(Ay! (Make your choice at the voting terminal in the square and go!))

MexicoSpanish (NOA)


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué es lo más importante en la vida? ¿El dinero? ¿La fama? ¿El amor?»

(What is most important thing in life? Money? Fame? Love?)

«¡Zasss! (¡Es una difícil elección!)»

(Ay! (It's a difficult choice!))

«No es difícil. No importa cuál sea la pregunta, ¡el dinero es la repuesta!»

(It's not difficult. No matter what the question is, money is the answer!)


«¿Y la fama? Que miles de fans griten tu nombre... ¡eso no tiene precio!»

(And fame? Having thousands of fans screaming your name... that is priceless!)


«¿Zasss? (Pero ¿qué importa todo eso si no lleva a una vida llena de amor?)»

(Ay? (But what does all that matter if it doesn't lead to a life full of love?))


«Zasss. (Ya está decidido. ¡Ganó el amor, suspendamos el festival!)»

(Ay. (It's already decided. Love won, let's suspend the festival!))
«¡Ja! Qué tierno eres, Rayan.»

(Ha! How tender you are, Big Man.)


«¡Zasss! (¡Lo digo en serio, Megan! ¡El amor es lo más importante del mundo!)»

(Ay! (I'm serious, Shiver! Love is the most important in the world))


«Zasss... (A nadie le gusta sentirse solo, aunque duerma en una cama de oro).»

(Ay... (Nobody likes to feel lonely, even though they sleep in a gold bed.))
«¡Pero siempre dices que te encanta vivir solo, Rayan!»

(But you always say that you love living alone, Big Man!)


«En fin, con la fama, la soledad no existe. ¡Para eso están las legiones de fans!»

(In the end, with fame, loneliness doesn't exist. That's what legions of fans are for!)


«Todo se trata de no aburrirse y disfrutar al máximo. Solo se vive una vez, ¿no?»

(Everything is about not getting bored and enjoying life to the fullest. You only live once, right?)

«La fama no sirve de nada si viene sin dinero. ¿Cómo le pagas al chef privado»

(Fame is useless if it comes without money. How do you pay the private chef?)
«Ay, siempre con la comida...»

(Uh, always with the food...)

«¡No hablo solo de comida! ¡Sin dinero no se consigue nada! ¡Es lo que mueve el mundo!»

(I'm not just talking about food! Without money, you can't achieve anything! It's what moves the world!)


«Zasss. (Yo digo que el dinero solo sirve para hacer felices a mis seres queridos).»

(Ay. (I say that money only serves to make my loved ones happy.))

«Pues la fama se parece mucho al amor si entrecierras los ojos. ¡Que me adulen, y ya!»

(Well fame is a lot like love if you squint your eyes. Let it flatter me, and there!)


«¡Y el dinero compra la fama y el amor! Ya verán, al final siempre gana el dinero.»

(And money buys fame and love! You'll see, in the end, money always wins.)

Notes: Shiver uses the saying "El dinero compra la fama y el amor" ("Money buys fame and love") which is equivalent to saying "money buys happiness".


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«¿Qué importa más en la vida? ¡El festival ya está en marcha!»

(What matters most in life? The festival is already underway!)

«¡Zasss! (¡Voten en el kiosco del festival para elegir un equipo!)»

(Ay! (Vote at the festival kiosk to choose a team!))


Team Logos

Splatfest Tees

Promotional images

In-game screenshots


Idols: Day 1
Idols: Day 2


  • This Splatfest's theme has been featured in every game in the Splatoon series so far; it succeeds the Love vs. Money Splatfest from Splatoon and the Money vs. Love Splatfest from Splatoon 2.
    • This variant of the Splatfest theme is the first time the theme will be available in all regions, as Love vs. Money was Japan-exclusive and Money vs. Love was North America-exclusive.
  • Shiver's Splatfest choice aligns with her hobby of counting money, which was mentioned in The Art of Splatoon 3.
  • When Callie represents Team Love, and Marie represents Team Fame, the Squid Sisters are in the colors they debuted in.

Names in other languages

Translation needed
Translate Italian and Portuguese. Add Japanese, French (NOE), Italian, Spanish (NOE), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), and Korean. edit
Short name
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 富 vs 名声 vs 愛
Tomi vs Meisei vs Ai
Wealth vs Fame vs Love
Netherlands Dutch Geld vs. Roem vs. Liefde Money vs. Glory vs. Love
Canada French (NOA) Argent vs. Gloire vs. Amour Money vs. Fame vs. Love
France French (NOE) L'argent vs. La gloire vs. L'amour Money vs. Fame vs. Love
Germany German Geld vs. Ruhm vs. Liebe Money vs. Fame vs. Love
Italy Italian Denaro vs. Fama vs. Amore
Russia Russian Деньги против Слава против Любовь
Den'gi protiv Slava protiv Lyubov'
Money vs. Fame vs. Love
SpainMexico Spanish Dinero vs. Fama vs. Amor Money vs. Fame vs. Love
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 財富 vs 名聲 vs 愛 Wealth vs Fame vs Love
South Korea Korean 부 vs 명성 vs 사랑 Wealth vs Fame vs Love
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) Dinheiro vs. Fama vs. Amor

Which is most important in life?(NA)[a] / Which is most important to you?(EU)[b]
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 人生で大事なのは?
Jinsei de daiji na no wa?
What's important in life is...?
Netherlands Dutch Waar draait het om in het leven? What does life revolve around?
Canada French (NOA) Qu’est-ce qui compte le plus? What matters most?
France French (NOE) Qu'est-ce qui compte le plus dans la vie ? What matters most in life?
Germany German Was ist das Wichtigste im Leben? What is the most important thing in life?
Italy Italian Cosa è più importante per te? What is most important to you?
Russia Russian Что в жизни важнее всего?
Chto v zhizni vazhneye vsego?
What is the most important thing in life?
SpainMexico Spanish ¿Qué importa más en la vida? What matters most in life?
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 人生中最重要的是什麼? What is the most important thing in life?
South Korea Korean 인생에서 중요한 것은? What is important in life?
Portugal Portuguese (NOE) O que conta mais para ti?

Long name
Money is most important in life!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch In het leven draait het om geld! In life it revolves around money!
Canada French (NOA) L’argent, c’est le plus important dans la vie! Money is the most important in life!
Germany German Geld ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Money is the most important thing in life!
Russia Russian Самое важное в жизни – деньги!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – den'gi!
The most important thing in life is money!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡Lo más importante en la vida es el dinero! The most important in life is money!

Fame is most important in life!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch In het leven draait het om roem! In life it revolves around glory!
Canada French (NOA) La gloire, c’est le plus important dans la vie! Fame is the most important in life!
Germany German Ruhm ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Fame is the most important thing in life!
Russia Russian Самое важное в жизни – слава!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – slava!
The most important thing in life is fame!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡Lo más importante en la vida es la fama! The most important in life is fame!

Love is most important in life!
Language Name Meaning
Netherlands Dutch In het leven draait het om liefde! In life it revolves around love!
Canada French (NOA) L’amour, c’est le plus important dans la vie! Love is the most important in life!
Germany German Liebe ist das Wichtigste im Leben! Love is the most important thing in life!
Russia Russian Самое важное в жизни – любовь!
Samoe vazhnoe v zhizni – lyubov'!
The most important thing in life is love!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) ¡Lo más importante en la vida es el amor! The most important in life is love!

Translation notes

  1. North America
  2. Europe