Power level

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Splatfest Power, shown before battle in Splatoon.

Power level, also known as Splatfest Power, League Power or X Power, is a rating feature introduced in version 2.6.0 in Splatoon that replaced the vibe meter during Splatfests.

The concept of power level was extended to all multiplayer battle modes in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3. In a post-launch update, Splatoon 3 began tracking Anarchy Power in Anarchy Battle (Open), a team-based power level similar to League Power from the previous game, separately from the mode's regular solo power level.


Before 2.6.0, for the Japanese Splatfests, Top 5 of each team were the MVP of that Splatfest and were announced in Nintendo official Japanese Splatoon website.

In version 2.6.0, the power level feature was added to replace the vibe meter during Splatfests.

Previously, Splatfest matchmaking favored grouping players with similar play styles.[1] After version 2.6.0, players were more likely to play with those of similar Splatfest power level.

The top 100 players in each team are titled as the "Splatfest Top 100". Rankings were based on players' Splatfest Power earned throughout the duration of Splatfest.

The player with the highest Splatfest Power on the winning team received a slightly larger boost to their Splatfest Power than their teammates after the match. The higher a team's average Splatfest Power level, the more Splatfest Points they earned after winning.

The initial Splatfest Power level depended upon the player's current Ranked Battle rank, and their Splatfest Power level changed depending on wins or losses during Splatfest Battles.

Initial power
Approximate Rank Initial Splatfest Power
Below Level 10[a]
B 1200
A 1400
S 1600
S+[b] 1700
  1. 800 prior to version 2.7.0.
  2. 1600 prior to version 2.7.0.

In version 2.7.0, the initial Splatfest power of players who were in Rank S+ was changed from 1600 to 1700, and the initial Splatfest power of players below Level 10 was changed from 800 to 1000.

The Splatfest Top 100 rankings were announced at the Nintendo official Japanese Splatoon website for Japan, Squid Research Lab Live from Squid Research Lab for North America and Facebook SplatoonUK for Europe and Oceania.

In the lobby, at the top-left corner of the box showing the player's Splatfest Power was a pair of eyes representing the Squid Sister they had sided with: players on Callie's team saw scowling eyes and those on Marie's team saw more laid-back eyes. Both versions had their signature pupils, but with a dark red color instead of the usual gold.

Splatoon 2

In Splatoon 2, the power rating got changed to Glicko-2 rating system.[2] The power level rating had expanded to all multiplayer battle modes of Splatoon 2.

The opponents' power ratings are put together as a single value and used when calculating a new rating power for the player.

After a win or a loss, the rating doesn't always go up or down by the same amount. A few things can affect how much the player's rating changes after they play a game. Some things that can affect this are:

  1. The difference in rating between the player and their opponent
  2. How confident the system is of the player's rating
  3. How confident the system is of the opponent's rating

Number one is, if the player wins against a team who has a much higher rating than them, their rating will go up by a higher amount than if they win against a team of the same rating, or of a lower rating.

Similarly, if they lose against a team with a lower rating, their rating will go down more than if they lost to someone with a higher rating.

Numbers two and three on the list are about confidence. Confidence in the rating is the main reason for big changes in the player's rating after a game.

Part of the Glicko-2 system is a number called a 'rating deviation' or RD, which measures how confident the system is of what the player's rating is. The lower the number, the more certain the system of what the player's rating is. The RD itself decreases after playing a game, but it increases slowly over time of inactivity.

Another part of this system is the 'rating volatility' or RV, which measures the degree of expected fluctuation in a player's rating.

Regular and Splatfest Battles

Regular Battle has an internal power level[3] that is not exposed to the player. The initial Power is 1,600, with 250 RD and 0.6 volatility. The rating affects the initial starting values of the Splatfest Power level.[4]

  • More Splatfest Power is gained if the opposing team had a higher average Splatfest Power.
  • Since version 4.0.0, Splatfest Power was no longer displayed in Normal mode, only in Pro mode. However, the game still keeps track of it internally, even in Normal mode, to determine how much a team gets for a winning bonus.
  • As of version 5.3.1, the names and levels of all players in a match were removed from the lobby waiting screen and replaced with question marks if the player's Splatfest Power was above 2,200. Due to this, players were made able to battle against people blocked in their Nintendo Switch system settings as long as their power was also this high.

The Splatfest Top 100 rankings are announced in SplatNet 2.

Ranked Battle

Power Level of the lobby, displayed in the bottom left corner. (Visible after completing ten matches for player's power level)

The player has a power level for each Ranked mode, although it is never exposed to the player until they reach Rank X. The initial Power is 1,600, with 250 RD and 0.6 volatility[5]. There are ten calculation matches and after that, the player can see in the bottom left corner before every match, the power level of the lobby.

The game has a list of target power levels - one for each rank. If the player's power exceeds one of these thresholds when they rank up, the game skips them to that rank.

X Rank

With the addition of Rank X at version 3.0.0, the rank bar was replaced with an "X Power" level. Each month, X rank players get their power level reset. The power level is exposed after the calculation period that lasts 10 matches. After every month, for each of the 4 different Ranked Battle modes, 500 players with the highest X Power are announced on SplatNet 2 alongside their most used weapon in the last 50 matches in that mode.[6]

  • The starting X Power seeded for the initial calculation is between 2,000 and 2,300. The initial 'rating deviation' or RD, is 250.
  • If the player ends up below 2,000 power at the end of the month, they rank down to S+9.
  • If the power is revealed to the player and is below 1,900 power during the month, they get "Danger" warning. If they lose while they are in danger, they rank down to S+9.[2]
  • X rank players can not rank down during the calculation period, this may lead to:
    • Players getting significantly below 1,900 power if following initial calculation matches places them there.[7]
    • Players ranking down at the end of the month instead.
  • As of Version 5.3.1, like with Splatfest Power, the names and levels of all players in a match were removed from the lobby waiting screen and replaced with question marks. Due to this, players were made able to battle against people blocked in their Nintendo Switch system settings as long as they are in the top 2,000.

League Battle

The initial starting values of League Power is based on the players' Ranked Battle power.[4] The players' power ratings are put together as a single value and used when calculating a new rating power for the team. Players get their League Power revealed to them in the lobby after seven matches. Only the League Power of the enemy team can be seen before the match begins. Every change of rotation, the mode and stages change and with that the League Power resets.

Groups whose League Power is high enough receive commemorative medals, either Gold Medals, Silver Medals, or Bronze Medals and the top 100 of the rotation are displayed in past records.

Since February 2019, every month there is a scheduled League Battle rotation announced on Twitter @SplatoonJP Twitter for Team of four with set mode and stages. The top three teams, plus one additional team, receive a unique picture of their characters with their weapons and gear at one of the stages played. The criteria for the additional team cycles every month, alternating between being the 101st team, the team with the median score overall, and the highest-scoring bronze team.

Splatoon 3

Splatoon 3's implementation of Glicko-2 remains largely unchanged at its core. The way it is used in multiplayer modes varies between each mode. The lowest possible power level in any mode is 500.

Anarchy Battle (Open)

When playing with friends in Anarchy Battle (Open) as of Sizzle Season 2023, the team is assigned an Anarchy Power level after five matches. Anarchy Power is then affected immediately after the results of each match. Anarchy Power is tracked separately for every team composition, and the highest Anarchy Power for each individual is uploaded to Nintendo's servers. After the map rotation ends, players can check the results at the Lobby Terminal. In-game trophies are awarded to high-ranking players identically to Splatoon 2's League Battle medals. Teams who place high enough can see their exact position.

X Battle

X Power is reset at the start of each season and concealed from the player for five matches. After the calculation period, X Power changes after a set of matches similar to a series. As of version 6.0.0, the amount of X Power gained or lost has a minimum or maximum depending on the player's X Power before the series and the wins/losses of that series.[8]

Prior X Power 0-3 1-3 2-3 3-2 3-1 3-0
<2500.0 -75.0 -50.0 -25.0 +25.0 +50.0 +75.0
2500.0 to 3000.0 -45.0 -30.0 -15.0 +15.0 +30.0 +45.0
>3000.0 -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 +10.0 +15.0 +20.0

Also as of version 6.0.0, players with less than 2000.0 X Power are not matched with players with 2000.0 X Power or greater.

Players are ranked using their X Power at the end of the season. The top 500 players for each mode, along with the top player for each main weapon, are shown in the Nintendo Switch Online mobile app. The top 500 players are also awarded a locker decoration trophy for the mode they ranked in.


Each player's Challenge Power is recorded separately for each time slot in a Challenge. Challenge Power is revealed to the player after a five-match calibration period and changes immediately after each match. The highest Challenge Power for the current time slot is uploaded to Nintendo's servers, and players are awarded in-game trophies just like in Anarchy Battle (Open).

Splatfest Battle (Pro)

Each player's Splatfest Power is calculated after seven matches and is affected by the results of every individual match. Unlike the other power levels, Splatfest Power is not immediately visible, and can only be checked by either stopping matchmaking and checking the Clout counter in the match menu or by checking the battle logs in the Nintendo Switch Online app. After the results of a Splatfest are revealed, the top 100 players on each team are listed in the Nintendo Switch Online app.

Version history

Version Adjustments
Splatfest Battle
  • The Vibe meter has been changed to a Splatfest Power meter.
    • Splatfest Power will be decided when Splatfest starts and is based on factors such as rank.
    • Splatfest Power will change based on the player's wins and loses of Splatfest matches.
    • The player with the highest Splatfest Power in a team will gain a slightly bigger amount of points.
    • Players were previously matched up based on playstyle, but will now be matched up with players with similar Splatfest Power.
    • More Splatfest Power will be gained after a match if the opposing team had a higher average Splatfest Power.
    • Players in a team who chose "Continue" after a game will have the number of consecutive games they have played displayed.
Splatfest Battle
  • Changed the initial Splatfest Power value for Rank S+. 1,600 → 1,700.
Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Glicko-2 rating system.
Ranked Battle
  • Adjustments have been made to refine matchmaking criteria in Ranked Battles so players with much closer Power Rating will get matched up even in the same rank. How much ranks rise or fall will be adjusted based on this criteria. The tendency for ranks above S+0 to be matched up will not change with this update.
Splatfest Battle
  • In Splatfest Battle (team), when the player with the highest Splatfest Power on a team has a power exceeding 2200, all players on the team will be treated as having that higher Splatfest Power value for matchmaking purposes.
League Battle
  • Fixed an issue where immediately after a team's Highest League Power was updated, if results could not be uploaded due to a poor network connection or other reasons, that Highest League Power was not reflected in the online ranking list until Highest League Power was updated again.
Ranked Battle
  • A new rank type, "X Rank" is now available. (Individual power level is exposed to the player.)
Splatfest Battle
  • Splatfest Battle (Pro)
    • This category is closer to what you've experienced when battling solo in previous Splatfests. Players join battles on their own, and seek to increase their Splatfest Power while putting their turf war skills to the test.
    • When you win a battle, you increase your own Splatfest Power and receive Clout equal to the opposing team's approximate Splatfest Power. The side with the most Clout when the Splatfest concludes wins.
      • Clout is not added for battles between the same side.
    • Battle participants are chosen from players that are as close in Splatfest Power as possible.
    • The top 100 players in the Splatfest Power rankings on each side will be displayed on SplatNet 2 in the Splatfest Top 100 list.
  • The amount of Splatfest Power does not increase in '10x Battles' and '100x Battles'.
Ranked Battle
  • Fixed an issue occurring on the X Rank results screen while calculating X Power in which the highest X Power would temporarily be displayed incorrectly, preventing the actual number from being displayed.
Ranked or League Battles
  • When playing Ranked or League Battles as a pair, your rank meter, X Power, or League Power will no longer decrease when playing with fewer members on your team due to internet disconnections for an even shorter period than was previously the case.
  • If internet disconnections prevent a player from finishing enough matches out of the last few dozen matches played, the decrease to their rank meter or X Power for each subsequent unfinished match will be greater than it was previously.
Ranked Battle
  • Adjusted settings for X Rank battles so that during times when there are many players online, players with high X Power will be more likely to match with each other.
    • Further changes may be made depending on how the situation develops.
  • Made it so that for X Rank battles, other players' names are not displayed on the screen while waiting for players to join.
  • Made it so that for X Rank battles, you may battle with someone even if they're blocked via console settings if that player's estimated rank is within the top 2,000.
Splatfest Battle
  • Made it so that in Pro-mode Splatfest Battles, other players' names are not displayed on the screen while waiting for players to join when Splatfest Power is considerably high. (Above 2,200)
  • Made it so that in Pro-mode Splatfest Battles, you may battle someone even if they're blocked via the console settings if that player's Splatfest Power is considerably high.



Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese パワー
Netherlands Dutch Kracht Power
France French (NOE) Power Power
Germany German Power
Italy Italian Energia Energy
Russia Russian Сила
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Fuerza (Fza.) Force
Spain Spanish (NOE) Energía Energy

See also

External links
