Judd's trial

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Reason: Trial #4, #11, #13, #15, #16, #25, #29, and Special Weapon need images
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Reason: "Judd's trial" is assumed from the way quotes in the game's files are ordered and Judd giving the player the trial. The names of the trials are based on the game's files. For example, trial #4 in the game's files is ordered as Tips_4_Trial. Except for trial Special Weapon, which is named Tips_SpecialWeapon_Trial.

Judd's trials are tutorials for in-game mechanics and weapons. When talking to Judd in the lobby, he will give the player advice. Sometimes this advice is paired with a trial. The player can repeat the trial by talking to Judd again right after one is completed. Only after starting another match and then returning to Judd, will he give the player a different piece of advice.

Trial #4

Judd's Advice
Meow! (Purrress to reset the camera to its default pawsition.)
Meow. (If you look straight ahead as you move, it'll be easier to ink turf and splat opponents.)
Meow! (Why not practice it now? Brrreak a target while keeping it in sight with !)
Time for target practice! Take aim and shoot with . You can reset the camera with .
— During the trial

In the fourth trial, the player is taught how to reset the camera to keep a target in sight.

Trial #5

Trial #5
Judd's Advice
Meow! (You can purrress Up or Down on to send signals to your teammates!)
Meow. (Press Down on to send a "Booyah!" Use this when you're fired up about something.)
Meow! (Press Up on to send a "This way!" Use this to call teammates to your pawsition!)
Meow... (Get splatted, and Up on changes to "Ouch..." so you can let your teammates know.)
Meow! (Sending signals may not guarantee victory, but it'll impurrrove your teamwork!)
Meow. (Take a minute and send out a few signals to see how you like them.)
Send out three signals using . Press for "This way!" or press for "Booyah!"
— During the trial

In the fifth trial, the player is taught how to send out signals and must send out three of those complete this trial.

Trial #6

Trial #6
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Swimming around fast in ink will make little ripples that your opponents can see.)
Meow! (Tilt gently to swim slowly and sneak up on opponents without splashing!)
Meow! (There is a way to swim fast and not splash though: wear gear with the Ninja Squid ability!)
Meow! (You can never be too sneaky!)
Sneak up without making a splash, and break the targets! Gently tilt to swim without splashing.
— During the trial

In the sixth trial, the player is taught how to swim without splashing and must splat all three Squid Bumpers with the Splattershot equipped to complete this trial.

Trial #8

Trial #8
Judd's Advice
Meow! (In the heat of battle, it's impurrrtant to know when you're dealing damage to opponents!)
Meow. (So listen furrr the satisfying "pop" sound when you're roughing someone up.)
Meow! (You can hear how this works when trying out weapons too, so give it a go!)
Shoot the targets, and try to notice the feedback! A solid hit will make a nice "pop" sound.
— During the trial

In the eighth trial, the player is taught to notice the sound when they are hitting their target and must splat all five Squid Bumpers with the Splattershot equipped to complete this trial.

Trial #11

Judd's Advice
Meow! (Press to use your sub weapon!)
Meow. (They're great for helping your team push, or for inking spots normal weapons can't reach.)
Meow... (Sub weapons use more ink than main weapons, though, so watch your ink tank...)
Meow. (Go to the Equip menu, select a weapon, and hit twice to learn more about sub weapons.)
Meow! (Why don't you take a few sub weapons for a spin at the test range?)
Break the target using your sub weapon! You can throw your bomb sub weapon by pressing .
— During the trial

In the eleventh trial, the player is taught how use their sub weapon.

Trial #13

Judd's Advice
Meow! (Ever run out of ink at a critical moment? Press to dive into your ink and refill!)
Meow. (Pro tip: swimming in your team's ink is the fastest way to refill your ink tank!)
Meow? (Why not put that fast ink refilling to work with some target practice?)
Break targets with bombs! You can throw them with . Also, holding to submerge in ink will refill your ink tank faster.
— During the trial

In the thirteenth trial, the player is taught how to submerge them self in ink to refill the Ink tank faster.

Trial #15

Judd's Advice
Meow! (Press during battle to open the Turf Map—it's supurrr useful!)
Meow. (One glance, and you'll see where each team has inked. Then you can plan your next move!)
Meow! (Don't believe me? Try opening the Turf Map with now!)
Find a target by opening the Turf Map with , then go break it!
— During the trial

In the fifteenth trial, the player is taught how to use the Turf Map.

Trial #16

Judd's Advice
Meow! (To Super Jump to a teammate, open the Turf Map, select them with , and press .)
Meow. (Super Jumping is super good at getting you back to the front lines after being splatted.)
Meow. (You can also tilt your controller to select which teammate you want to Super Jump to.)
Meow! (And! If there's a Squid Beakon on the map, you can Super Jump to that too. See for yourself!)
Super Jump your way to the target, then break it! Open the Turf Map with , choose the Squid Beakon, then press to Super Jump.
— During the trial

In the sixteenth trial, the player is taught how to Super Jump.

Trial #25

Judd's Advice
Meow? (Ever have trouble aiming at opponents or changing your direction purrrcisely?)
Meow! (Tilt to change direction, or tilt the controller to aim with extra purrrcision!)
Meow... (I happen to know of a few targets you can break if you want some purrractice...)
Time for target practice! Aim by moving or tilting your controller.
— During the trial

In the twenty-fifth trial, the player is taught how to aim.

Trial #29

Judd's Advice
Meow! (If you hold to go into swim form, you can slip through chain-link fences and grates!)
Meow. (Even better, your main weapon's attacks will pass through too!)
Meow... (I'm sure there's a grate or two around here you can practice swimming through...)
Slip through a grate by holding , then break the target!
— During the trial

In the twenty-ninth trial, the player is taught how to swim through grates while in squid/octopus form.

Trial #35

Trial #35
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Splat Bomb is the most basic kind of sub weapon.)
Meow. (The explosion timer starts when it lands. You can make it explode faster by rolling it.)
Meow! (Try throwing some Splat Bombs, and see how many targets you can break at once!)
Break the targets using a Splat Bomb! Throw one with , and it will explode shortly after it lands.
— During the trial

In the thirty-fifth trial, the player is taught how to use Splat Bombs and must splat all three Squid Bumpers with such bombs to complete this trial.

Trial #36

Trial #36
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Suction Bombs are bombs that attach to the ground or to walls.)
Meow. (They take slightly longer to explode than Splat Bombs, but the blast radius is a bit larger.)
Meow! (You should try breaking a few targets with Suction Bombs. It's purrretty fun!)
Break the targets with a Suction Bomb! Throw one with , and it will stick to the wall or ground.
— During the trial

In the thirty-sixth trial, the player is taught how to use Suction Bombs and must splat all three Squid Bumpers with such bombs to complete this trial.

Trial #37

Trial #37
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Burst Bombs detonate on impact.)
Meow! (They aren't very strong, but they don't use much ink, so you can throw two back to back!)
Meow. (But don't take my worrrd for it. Go bust a target with some Burst Bombs!)
Break the target using Burst Bombs! Throw one with , and it will explode as soon as it hits the ground or a wall.
— During the trial

In the thirty-seventh trial, the player is taught how to use Burst Bombs and must splat the Squid Bumpers with such bombs to complete this trial.

Trial #38

Trial #38
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Curling Bombs slide on the ground and bounce off walls.)
Meow. (You can also adjust the detonation timing by holding to keep them at the ready.)
Meow! (Try throwing one into a fight, then use the path it creates to chase opponents!)
Meow! (Curling Bombs can be hard to get the hang of, so why not practice on some targets!)
Break the targets using Curling Bombs! Press , then release to throw. Release quickly to send it far or hold to shorten its travel.
— During the trial

In the thirty-eighth trial, the player is taught how to use Curling Bombs and must splat all three Squid Bumpers with such bombs to complete this trial.

Trial #39

Trial #39
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Point Sensor is a sub weapon for marking and tracking enemies, even if they hide in ink.)
Meow! (Marked enemies can be seen by your whole team, so never pass up a chance to mark one!)
Meow. (The effect of the Point Sensor lasts for a bit, so if you get hit by one, play it safe.)
Meow! (Try throwing a few Point Sensors around!)
Throw out three Point Sensors. Press to send one out to mark targets.
— During the trial

In the thirty-ninth trial, the player is taught how to use Point Sensors and must send out three of such subs to complete this trial.

Trial #40

Trial #40
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Splash Wall is a sub weapon that shields you from enemy fire.)
Meow! (But! Your team's ink passes right through it, so it's great for fighting on the front lines.)
Meow. (It takes a little while to set up, though, so be careful about when and where you use it.)
Meow! (You might want to try using up a Splash Wall here before you use one in battle!)
Set up a Splash Wall to create a defensive wall of ink three times. Press to deploy one!
— During the trial

In the fortieth trial, the player is taught how to use Splash Walls and must send out three of such subs to complete this trial.

Trial #41

Trial #41
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Toxic Mist sub weapon makes a cloud that slows down your opponents.)
Meow! (Even better, opponents caught in the cloud will also start losing ink!)
Meow? (The longer they're in the Toxic Mist, the more ink they'll lose. Purrretty cool, huh?)
Meow! (If you like, you can use the Toxic Mist here and see how it works!)
Set up three clouds of Toxic Mist. Throw one out with . The mist will slow down any enemies inside of it.
— During the trial

In the forty-first trial, the player is taught how use the Toxic Mist and must use three to complete the trial.

Trial #42

Trial #42
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Autobomb can chase down opponents on its own.)
Meow. (As soon as it lands, it detects nearby opponents, then heads toward the nearest one.)
Meow! (If you think an opponent is hiding out, these are great for making them break cover!)
Meow. (Autobombs are really fun. Try breaking a few targets with them!)
Practice breaking targets with an Autobomb! Throw one out with , and it'll walk to the nearest target and explode.
— During the trial

In the forty-second trial, the player is taught how to use Autobombs must splat all three Squid Bumpers with such bombs to complete this trial.

Trial #43

Trial #43
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Tenta Missiles special weapon can lock on to lots of opponents and fire missiles at them.)
Meow! (If your opponents clump together, you could even splat the entire enemy team at once!)
Meow! (That's not all! It also tracks its targets, showing you where they are for a little while.)
Meow! (You really should try it for yourself. Go launch a few Tenta Missiles at some targets!)
Break the targets with Tenta Missiles! Press to activate them, lock onto a few targets, then hit to launch.
— During the trial

In the forty-third trial, the player is taught how use the Tenta Missiles and must send out three missiles to complete the trial.

Trial #46

Trial #46
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Ink Mines let you set traps that detect and damage opponents who get too near.)
Meow. (When an opponent sets one off, it explodes, which marks them and deals damage.)
Meow! (You can place two Ink Mines at once. Put them on paths you think your opponents will use.)
Meow? (Why don't you practice placing a couple Ink Mines?)
Place three Ink Mines. Press to set one out. Once a mine is in place, it will explode if a target gets too close!
— During the trial

In the forty-sixth trial, the player is taught how use the Ink Mines and must place one of such sub to complete the trial.

Trial #48

Trial #48
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Inkjet is a special weapon that's both a jet pack AND a missile launcher!)
Meow. (The rockets explode on impact, dealing damage to nearby opponents.)
Meow. (You should try to aim down at the enemy's feet, which is where the jet pack comes in.)
Meow... (Just be careful. Flying above everyone using the jet pack makes you an easy target...)
Meow. (You need to keep moving up there, so hit to boost upward, or use swim with to drop.)
Meow! (That was a lot, but I purrromise it's easy. Go use the Inkjet to break some targets!)
Use the Inkjet to break the targets! Press to activate it, aim at a target's feet, then fire with .
— During the trial

In the forty-eighth trial, the player is taught how use the Inkjet and must splat three Squid Bumpers to complete the trial.

Trial #50

Trial #50
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Ink Storm is a special weapon that creates a cloud that rains ink.)
Meow. (You just throw out the cloud with , and it'll rain down ink as it moves along.)
Meow! (You'll slowly start to take damage under an Ink Storm, so either get out quick or weather it.)
Meow... (You know, the targets here are having a purrretty good day... Go hit 'em with an Ink Storm!)
Use an Ink Storm! Press to get it ready, then throw it with to create a rain cloud.
— During the trial

In the fiftieth trial, the player is taught how use the Ink Storm and must send out such special to complete the trial.

Trial #53

Trial #53
Judd's Advice
Meeeow! (The Sprinkler is a sub weapon that sprays ink all around it.)
Meow. (It keeps working even if you move away from it, so it's great furrr guarding an area.)
Meow... (It gets weaker over time, though, so be sure to set up a new one every now and then.)
Meow! (Sprinklers are purrretty handy! Try one out for yourself.)
Set up three Sprinklers. Just hit to throw one out, and it'll start spraying ink all over the place.
— During the trial

In the fifty-third trial, the player is taught how use Sprinklers and must set up three of such subs to complete the trial.

Trial #54

Trial #54
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Squid Beakon sub weapon lets you place a signal that your team can Super Jump to.)
Meow. (You can use it to give your team another way to get into the battle quick.)
Meow! (Pro tip: if your opponents set out a Squid Beakon, act fast to find it and destroy it!)
Meow! (Maybe seeing Squid Beakons in action will make more sense. Try placing a few yourself!)
Set a Squid Beakon and Super Jump to it! Place it with , open the Turf Map with , pick the Beakon, and hit . THEN do it twice more!
— During the trial

In the fifty-fourth trial, the player is taught how use Squid Beakons and must set up one of such sub to complete the trial.

Trial #58

Trial #58
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Splash Walls and Big Bubblers can block your ink from hitting an opponent.)
Meow! (But! If either gets hit by a Splat Bomb or a Suction Bomb, the bomb will explode right then!)
Meow. (Don't give opponents hiding near a Splash Wall a chance to relax. Outsmart them!)
Meow... (But on the other paw, if you set up a Splash Wall, opponents CAN do this to you...)
Press to throw Suction Bombs and break the targets! They'll explode as soon as they touch a Splash Wall.
— During the trial

In the fifty-eighth trial, the player is taught how to break barriers such as Big Bubblers and Splash Walls with various sub weapons.

Trial #66

Trial #66
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Wanna do a Squid Surge? Swim onto a wall, hold , then release it, and off you'll go!)
Meow. (The Squid Surge is perfect when you need to climb a wall fast to get the drop on someone.)
Meow? (If you've got a minute, why not practice your Squid Surge?)
Climb a wall using a Squid Surge, then break the target. Swim onto the wall with , hold , then release to surge!
— During the trial

In the sixty-sixth trial, the player is taught how to perform a Squid Surge and must splat the Squid Bumper to complete this trial.

Trial #67

Trial #67
Judd's Advice
Meow! (When you're swimming in a hurry, you can tilt the other way and tap to do a Squid Roll)
Meow! (It's the perfect move for when a bomb lands in your face and you gotta get out of there FAST.)
Meow. (You can also Squid Roll when swimming on a wall. Just tilt away from the wall and tap .)
Meow! (Squid Rolling out of a wall is a great way to surprise an opponent. They almost never see it coming!)
Meow! (You should try doing a few Squid Rolls. Purrractice makes perfect!)
Do a Squid Roll and break the target! Swim onto a wall, then tilt away from the wall and quickly hit to Squid Roll.
— During the trial

In the sixty-seventh trial, the player is taught how to perform a Squid Roll and must splat the Squid Bumper to complete this trial.

Trial #71

Trial #71
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Angle Shooter sub weapon shoots in a straight line and leaves a trail along its path.)
Meow! (But the really fun part is that if it hits a wall or the ground, it will BOUNCE!)
Meow! (Opponents get marked if they touch the trail, or if they're hit. And it's pretty damaging too!)
Meow! (Try bouncing shots around corners to mark opponents so your team can see where they are!)
Meow! (In fact, since you're here, you could bounce a few Angle Shooter shots around right now!)
Use the Angle Shooter to make three lines! Press to throw out a line that marks and damages targets.
— During the trial

In the seventy-first trial, the player is taught how use Angle Shooters and must set up three of such subs to complete the trial.

Trial #72

Trial #72
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Trizooka special weapon launches a trio of powerful shots that spiral toward their target.)
Meow. (Press in on to get your special and start its timer. You can fire up to three times with .)
Meow. (Oh yeah! The Trizooka launches ink in an arc, so tilt your aim upward to hit faraway opponents.)
Meow? (Why not take that Trizooka for a spin and smash some targets?)
Use the Trizooka to break the targets! Press to activate it, then fire with . You can fire it up to three times.
— During the trial

In the seventy-second trial, the player is taught how use the Trizooka and must splat three Squid Bumpers to complete the trial.

Trial #73

Trial #73
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Big Bubbler special weapon makes a force field to protect you and your team.)
Meow... (The force field will stop ink and bombs... except when an opponent walks inside and fires!)
Meow! (If an opponent uses a Big Bubbler, hit the device inside or the top part to break the barrier.)
Meow... (You know, I bet that'll make more sense if you try using a Big Bubbler for yourself...)
Press to set up a Big Bubbler. The force field it creates will shield you from enemy ink.
— During the trial

Trial #74

Trial #74
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Killer Wail 5.1 special sets up devices that can lock onto and attack up to three targets.)
Meow! (The lasers they fire can even go through walls, so there's nowhere to hide if one's locked on!)
Meow! (There's a delay between when each device activates too. Use that to chase down opponents!)
Meow! (The Killer Wail 5.1 is also great at breaking targets. Try it for yourself!)
Break the target using the Killer Wail 5.1. Press to activate it. If a device locks onto a target, it'll track it with its laser!
— During the trial

Trial #75

Trial #75
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Zipcaster special weapon lets you zip around the stages and stick to walls or floors.)
Meow! (Aim where you want to go, and hit to zip over. You can even chain zips together!)
Meow! (Try zipping to a wall right behind an opponent, then attacking with ! Surprise!)
Meow. (The Zipcaster is fun, but it can be tricky, so go get some practice while you break targets.)
Zip over and break targets with the Zipcaster! Press to activate it, hit to zip, then to use your weapon.
— During the trial

Trial #76

Trial #76
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Set up a Wave Breaker special weapon, and it'll send shock waves in all directions.)
Meow! (Use to set it near a hiding spot, and the shock wave will damage AND mark opponents.)
Meow! (Oh! And just so you know—if an opponent sets one up, you can jump over the shock wave!)
Meow! (Go set up a Wave Breaker so you can see how they work. You're in furrr some fun!)
Use the Wave Breaker. Press to get it ready, then hit to throw it, and it'll send out a trio of shock waves.
— During the trial

Trial #77

Trial #77
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Crab Tank special weapon is, well... It's a tank in the shape of a crab!)
Meow. (Hold for rapid-fire attacks from its claws, or press to fire its mouth cannon!)
Meow. (It's a little slow, but if you hold , it'll turn into its mobile mode so it can move faster.)
Meow. (Want to take the Crab Tank for a spin? Go furrr it! Smash up some targets!)
Break targets with the Crab Tank. Press to start it up. Attack with and , and roll around with .
— During the trial

Trial #78

Trial #78
Judd's Advice
Meow. (With chargers, such as the Splat Charger, you build up a charge to fire a powerful shot.)
Meow! (You can even hold a charge for a li'l bit while swimming by holding as you press to swim.)
Meow! (Try charging up out of sight, then hop into swim form, and POW! Surprise attack!)
Meow! (But don't let me tell you how to do it. Go charge up some shots of your own!)
Hold to build up a fully charged shot, then break the target! You'll briefly keep the charge if you hold and swim with .
— During the trial

Trial #79

Trial #79
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Rollers, like the Splat Roller, are main weapons that can attack either side to side or up and down!)
Meow. (If you're standing still or moving, pressing will fling ink horizontally, side to side.)
Meow! (But if you're jumping, pressing will fling the ink vertically, up and down. It flies real far too!)
Meow. (You'll need to use both attacks if you want to get good with rollers, so go get some practice.)
Use a roller to break the targets! Press for a wide horizontal attack. Or press it while jumping to do a long-range vertical attack!
— During the trial

Trial #80

Trial #80
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Blasters like the, um...Blaster...are main weapons that shoot big blobs of exploding ink.)
Meow! (You can catch enemies around corners in the explosion, or land a direct hit for big damage!)
Meow! (Why don't you give blasters a try? I have a feeling you'll like 'em!)
Use a blaster to break the targets! Press to attack. Direct hits deal extra damage, while the explosion hits everything nearby.
— During the trial

Trial #81

Trial #81
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Brushes like the Octobrush let you sprint toward enemies while painting the ground under you.)
Meow. (Hold and tilt to sprint, then ink defense lines or create ink paths for your team.)
Meow! (But be careful! If you run out of ink, your running speed will drop back to normal.)
Meow! (Why don't you brush up on your brush skills for a while?)
Break the targets with a brush! Attack with , or tilt while holding to ink the ground with a speedy sprint!
— During the trial

Trial #82

Trial #82
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Splatlings like the Heavy Splatling can fire ink so fast it's almost like one big stream!)
Meow. (How far they can fire, and for how long, is based on how long you charge them.)
Meow. (Hold to start charging, then watch your targeting reticle. Two charges is the max.)
Meow. (The first charge maxes out the range. The second maxes out how long the shooting lasts.)
Meow! (Get a full charge, then let go of to start your weapon firing. Give it a try!)
Use a splatling to break targets. Hold to charge it up, and release to fire. More charge means more distance AND more firing!
— During the trial

Trial #83

Trial #83
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Dualies, such as the Splat Dualies, give you a weapon for each hand!)
Meow. (Dualies also let you do a speedy Dodge Roll. While firing with , tilt and press .)
Meow. (It takes a second to recover after rolling, but you'll have better aim for a short while after.)
Meow! (Also! Dodge Rolls use a lot of ink, so try to keep enough ink to dodge your way out of danger!)
Meow! (Now, get out there with your dualies and do some Dodge Rolls!)
Use dualies to break the targets! Attack by pressing . While attacking, tilt and hit , and you'll do a Dodge Roll!
— During the trial

Trial #84

Trial #84
Judd's Advice
Meow... (Sloshers such as, well...the Slosher are weapons that throw out great big splashes of ink.)
Meow. (With most sloshers, swinging the controller as you attack will control where the ink flies.)
Meow! (Purrrfecting the controller-swing trick is tough, but it's what makes sloshers so powerful!)
Meow? (Speaking of purrractice, why not spend time with some sloshers now?)
Use a slosher to break the targets! Press to attack. Tilting the controller at the same time lets you control where the ink goes!
— During the trial

Trial #85

Trial #85
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Brellas, such as the Splat Brella, are main weapons that can block attacks.)
Meow! (Holding opens one up so it can block. Be careful—they'll break after too many hits.)
Meow! (Also, some brellas can be launched forward if you hold long enough!)
Meow. (Once launched or broken, brellas can't be opened for a bit. But don't worry—they'll be back!)
Meow! (If you're going to purrractice with brellas, be sure to try both shielding AND launching!)
Use a brella to break the targets! You can attack with . Hold to open it to block attacks, then keep holding to launch it!
— During the trial

Trial #86

Trial #86
Judd's Advice
Meow. (Stringers, such as the Tri-Stringer, are main weapons that launch several ink shots at once.)
Meow. (Hold to charge, then release to shoot. Charging boosts the weapon's range and power.)
Meow. (If you release while standing or running around, you'll fire a side-to-side spread of shots.)
Meow! (But if you're jumping when you release , the shots will launch vertically, up and down!)
Meow. (Stringers are a bit like chargers, except it's tougher for opponents to see where you're aiming.)
Meow! (Give stringers a try sometime. I bet you'll like them!)
Use a stringer to break targets! Quickly press and release for a short, wide attack, or hold to charge up a long-range attack!
— During the trial

Trial #87

Trial #87
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Splatanas like the Splatana Stamper are main weapons that can fling a powerful arc of ink!)
Meow. (Press to do a horizontal slash, or hold it and release to send ink flying with a charged slash!)
Meow! (Also, when you do a charged slash, if you tilt forward on , you'll do a powerful rush attack!)
Meow. (Splatanas slice up targets nicely. Go see furrr yourself!)
Break targets with a splatana! Quickly press and release for a horizontal slash, or hold and release for a long-range charged slash!
— During the trial

Trial #88

Trial #88
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Ultra Stamp special weapon is basically a giant hammer.)
Meow! (Just hold to start swinging, and steer yourself with !)
Meow. (You can also press to throw the stamp. Watch your aim—it doesn't come back!)
Meow! (Go give the Ultra Stamp a few swings and break some targets!)
Break the targets with the Ultra Stamp! Press to activate it, then hold to swing as you move. Or just throw it with !
— During the trial

Trial #89

Trial #89
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Tacticooler special sets up a stand with drinks to give your team a boost.)
Meow! (Press to set it up by your team, then allies can walk up to it to get a boost.)
Meow. (Drinks give brief boosts, such as moving faster while on an opponent's ink.)
Meow! (And if you're splatted while boosted, you can come back right away. That ends the boost though.)
Meow! (Anyway, you look thirsty. Go try setting up a Tacticooler!)
Get a drink from a Tacticooler, and break the targets! Press to get it ready, set it up with , then walk by it for a power-up drink!
— During the trial

Trial #90

Trial #90
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Ink Vac is a special weapon that sucks up opponents' ink and launches it back at them.)
Meow. (Holding will start pulling in your opponents' ink before it fires it all back.)
Meow! (It'll also suck in ink from bombs and special weapons too!)
Meow! (Why not give the Ink Vac a try? I'm purrretty sure you'll like it!)
Use the Ink Vac to suck up ink! Activate it with , hold to pull in enemy ink, then release —or hit it again—to fire the ink back!
— During the trial

Trial #91

Trial #91
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Fizzy Bomb can be charged up so that it will explode up to three times.)
Meow. (Hold to start charging, then release it to throw. Each explosion is kinda small, so aim well.)
Meow! (You can charge faster by holding and shaking the controller, or by moving around a bunch!)
Meow. (You should try throwing a few Fizzy Bombs and get the hang of them. Go break some targets!)
Throw out three Fizzy Bombs! Hold to charge one up, then let go to throw. Move around or shake the controller to charge faster!
— During the trial

Trial #92

Trial #92
Judd's Advice
Meow. (The Reefslider special weapon is a shark-shaped float that you ride into your opponents.)
Meow. (The float travels in a straight line, exploding at the end of its range, or earlier if you hit .)
Meow! (This weapon is great for pushing deep into enemy territory or chasing down opponents.)
Meow! (See how you like it. Go ride a Reefslider into some targets!)
Break targets with a Reefslider! Aim first, then press to launch. It'll explode at the end of its range, or if you hit .
— During the trial

Trial #93

Trial #93
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Torpedo sub weapon is basically an opponent-seeking missile!)
Meow. (Press to throw it. It'll detect an enemy, then fly toward them before exploding.)
Meow! (They can be shot down in flight, though, so you'll need to think before using one.)
Meow! (You should definitely try throwing out a Torpedo or two!)
Throw out three Torpedoes, and see what they hunt down! Press to send one out, and it'll lock onto and chase its target.
— During the trial

Trial #94

Trial #94
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Triple Inkstrike special weapon sends out beacons that call torpedoes down from above!)
Meow. (Press in on to get it ready, then hit to put out a beacon. You can use up to three.)
Meow! (You can try setting them out all over, or set them all in the same spot to REALLY blast an area!)
Meow! (Try the Triple Inkstrike on some targets, and see how you like it!)
Use the Triple Inkstrike to break the targets! Press to get it ready, then you can throw up to three of them with .
— During the trial

Trial #95

Trial #95
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Booyah Bomb lets you gather power into a big ball of exploding ink to throw at enemies!)
Meow! (If you and your allies Booyah! with , you'll charge up faster so you can attack sooner!)
Meow. (Anyone who does a Booyah! to help you charge gets a little of their special gauge filled.)
Meow. (It'll make sense once you see it in action, so go break some targets with a Booyah Bomb!)
Break targets with the Booyah Bomb! Press to activate it, Booyah! with to charge it up, then launch it with .
— During the trial

Trial #102

Trial #102
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Super Chump is a special weapon that litters the field with exploding (decoys. Nasty!)
Meow. (The decoys look like Super Jump landing points. What a cat...astrophe for campers!)
Meow. (Now, if someone uses it on you, don't fret. You can destroy decoys if you act fast.)
Meow? (Why not give Super Chump a try for yourself?)
Try out the Super Chump special for yourself! Activate it by pressing , then use to launch decoys.
— During the trial

In the one-hundred-and-second trial, the player is taught how to use the Super Chump and must send out the special to complete the trial. During the trial, the player is unable to use their main weapon and sub weapon, and they cannot go into swim form nor can they jump in kid form.

Trial #103

Trial #103
Judd's Advice
Meow! (Kraken Royale is a special weapon that turns you into a huge squid or octopus!)
Meow? (And what does that do for you? Well, for one, it allows you to repel enemy ink.)
Meow! (That means you can ink a huge path into enemy territory, unbothered by attacks!)
Meow! (And there's a charge attack! Hold down and release to burst forward powerfully.)
Meow. (You can't submerge while transformed, but you can jump with . It's a fair trade.)
Meow. (Attacks will slow you down, so pick the right moment to make your big bloop forward.)
Meow! (I hope you give the Kraken Royale a try!)
Break targets as the Kraken Royale! Press to transform, jump with , and hold before releasing to charge.
— During the trial

In the one-hundred-and-third trial, the player is taught how to use the Kraken Royale and must splat two Squid Bumpers to complete the trial. During the trial, the player is unable to use their main weapon and sub weapon, and they cannot go into swim form nor can they jump in kid form.

Trial #104

Trial #104
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Triple Splashdown allows you to charge and deploy a three-fisted slam attack!)
Meow. (You don't even need three fists! One of yours will combine with two summoned fists.)
Meow. (If you're on the receiving end, try attacking while this special is still charging.)
Meow? (Why not give it a try? Take the Triple Splashdown for a test drive!)
Break targets with the Triple Splashdown! Press to float up, then slam to the ground with the power of three fists!
— During the trial

In the one-hundred-and-fourth trial, the player is taught how to use the Triple Splashdown and must splat five Squid Bumpers to complete the trial. The player is equipped with the Enperry Splat Dualies and has an unlimited amount of special weapon uses, which replenish shortly after using one. During the trial, the player is unable to use their main weapon and sub weapon, and they cannot go into swim form nor can they jump in kid form. Sending signals is also disabled.

Trial #105

Trial #105
Judd's Advice
Meow! (The Splattercolor Screen blurs the line between offense and defense!)
Meow. (Press to summon a large, ethereal sheet that slowly advances.)
Meow! (Enemies, beware! Touching the screen hurts, AND you will briefly lose color perception!)
Meow. (Just remember—the sheet is not a shield. Shoot through it or sneak around it!)
Meow! (Set up a private screening for the Splattercolor Screen today! Try it out, I mean.)
Test out the Splattercolor Screen! Press to activate, then place it with . Watch the weird screen advance slowly!
— During the trial

In the one-hundred-and-fifth trial, the player is taught how to use the Splattercolor Screen and must watch the special weapon for most of its duration. The player is equipped with the Foil Squeezer. The player can move around, jump, and go into swim form. When the special is active, they also have access to their main weapon and sub weapon. Sending signals is disabled, however.

Trial Special Weapon

Judd's Advice
Meow. (As you cover turf with ink, your special gauge will fill.)
Meow! (Once it's full, press to bust out your special weapon!)
Meow! (You know, the Trizooka is GREAT at breaking targets. Give it a try!)
Break the target using your special weapon! Activate it by pressing , then attack with .
— During the trial