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Revision as of 03:50, 2 July 2024

Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass

Logo for the Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass
Battle-boosting bonuses 9 February 2023
Wave 1 - Inkopolis 28 February 2023
Wave 2 - Side Order 22 February 2024
Media Digital download (Nintendo eShop)
Game size(s) 2.6 GB

Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass is paid downloadable content for Splatoon 3. It is a bundle consisting of two waves: Wave 1 - Inkopolis and Wave 2 - Side Order. "Battle-boosting bonuses" are also given to the player upon purchasing the DLC. It was revealed during the 8 February 2023 Nintendo Direct.

Inkopolis was released on 28 February 2023 at 01:00 UTC along with the Version 3.0.0 update, and Side Order was released on 22 February 2024 along with the Version 7.0.0 update.

Battle-boosting bonuses

The battle-boosting bonuses as they are awarded in-game
When you purchase Splatoon™ 3 Expansion Pass, whether in advance or after launch, you'll receive immediate access to additional in-game currency, plus food and drink tickets.
— eShop description

Included in the bundle are bonuses consisting of Cash 123,000, three tickets for Pescatariat Royales, one ticket for each of the fourteen available drinks, and a banner of the Squid Sisters. A banner of Off the Hook was later added in version 5.0.1.

Pre-ordering the DLC awarded the bonuses to the player immediately. After the DLC's launch, they are received upon purchase.[1] The bonuses can be picked up via the Lobby Terminal.

These bonuses were added to the game when pre-orders were made available in Version 2.1.1,[2] though the Squid Sisters banner was not added until Wave 1 released in Version 3.0.0 and the Off the Hook banner came with the 5.0.1 update shortly after the showcase of the second trailer for Wave 2. With the upcoming 8.0.0 update, players who purchase or already purchased the DLC will be rewarded ten Sheldon Licenses when interacting with the Lobby Terminal.


Wave 1: Inkopolis

Promotional image for Inkopolis
Inkopolis Plaza in Splatoon 3
Make Inkopolis from the first Splatoon game your stomping (err...splatting?) grounds with the first wave of the Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass paid DLC! Another major metropolis of the Splatoon universe, Inkopolis has changed a bit in the past several years with some new shopkeepers. Ready to jam? Then come to Inkopolis to see some fresh Squid Sisters performances during Splatfests.
— eShop description

Wave 1 was released on 28 February 2023 and added Inkopolis Plaza from Splatoon as an alternate hub world accessible via the subway station found in Splatsville. From here, players have access to services as they originally appeared in Splatoon, including Ammo Knights, Cooler Heads, Jelly Fresh, Shrimp Kicks, and Spyke, although they share the same lineup as their Splatsville counterparts. Certain shops are run by new characters. Additionally, the Squid Sisters perform City of Color (2023) in concerts during the first half of Splatfests and sing Tomorrow's Nostalgia Today during the second half, both while wearing their original outfits from Splatoon.

Additionally, the Great Zapfish can be seen atop Inkopolis Tower and the amiibo box retains its functionality. Other features from Splatoon 3 have also been added, such as a Grizzco Industries building and a Tableturf Battle Dojo hidden behind the Booyah Base. The grate leading to Octo Valley is blocked off by a tire and a stack of boxes, the arcade machine is covered up and replaced with a terminal to remotely access Hotlantis, and the Battle Dojo has been replaced by a branch of the Shoal.

When Wave 1 is installed, Inkopolis News, Inkopolis Lobby, Ink Me Up, Now or Never! (Squid Sisters), City of Color, Maritime Memory, Calamari Inkantation, Bomb Rush Blush, and Tide Goes Out will be unlocked in the jukebox.


Promotional artwork

Promotional screenshots

Trailer screenshots

Wave 2: Side Order

Promotional image for Side Order
A new single-player campaign called Side Order super jumps to the Splatoon 3 game in the second wave of this DLC. See what has become of Inkopolis Square, the central area featured in the Splatoon 2 game!
— eShop description
Main article: Side Order

Wave 2: Side Order is a new single-player campaign mode[3] that released on 22 February 2024, featuring Agent 8, returning from the Octo Expansion. The campaign is set in the Order Sector, and features the Spire of Order, a tall tower that resembles Deca Tower, but devoid of life.

Off the Hook play a major role in the campaign, with the player being accompanied by the Pearl Drone, and Acht also appears as a major character. Gameplay is designed to be played repeatedly and utilizes new mechanics such as Palettes and color chips to vary the player's abilities while battling new enemies.


Promotional artwork

Character art

Teaser trailer screenshots


SRL checking in - did you catch the Nintendo Direct? Our team sure did, and we're already overanalyzing the news about the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass – Inkopolis & Side Order DLC! Here, take a look at this video and join us!
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[4]
Introducing the #Splatoon3: Expansion Pass! Make Inkopolis your stomping ground when Wave 1 launches this spring, then look forward to a new story when Wave 2's Side Order launches in the future.
— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[5]

Wave One

Translation needed
Add other languages, translate added languages. edit

USAUnited KingdomEnglish

Dialogue Dialogue Region

“OK, I've got some good news and some bad news. Which do you want to hear first?”

“Good news! Then I can pretend I didn't hear the bad news afterward.”

“Alright! Well, if you can believe it, they're finally done rebuilding the train station!”
Big Man

“Ay? Ay?! (Seriously? It's actually done?!)”

“Wow! That took forever, but it's gonna be totally worth the wait.”
Big Man

“Ay! Ay! (Yeah! Now we can get to Inkopolis and back in a flash!)”

Big Man

“Ay? (So, wait... What's the bad news?)”

“Folks from Inkopolis can also come HERE. Our TURF. Think of how hard parking will be!”

“What? Noooooo! I can barely find a place to park my eels as it is!”

Big Man

“...Ay? (...But if they're riding the train, why would they need to park?)”


Dialogue Dialogue Region

「いいニュースと わるいニュースがあんねんけど


「なんと! 延期しまくりやったの工事が、


「ついにか! 長い工事じゃったのうー!」



「エイ…?(それでその… わるいニュースって?)」




「…エイ?(それって いいコトなんじゃない?)」


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Oké, ik heb goed nieuws en slecht nieuws. Wat wil je eerst horen?”

(Okay, I have good news and bad news. What do you want to hear first?)

“Het goede! Dan kan ik daarna net doen alsof ik het slechte nieuws niet verstond.”

(The good news! That way I can pretend I didn't understand the bad news afterwards.)

“Oké! Nou, geloof het of niet, maar het treinstation is eindelijk af!”

(Okay! Well, believe it or not, but the train station is finally finished!)

“Ay? Ay?! (Serieus? Ze zijn echt klaar met bouwen?!)”

(Ay? Ay?! (Seriously? They're really done building?!))

“Wauw! Ik ken dat station eigenlijk alleen als een bouwput.”

(Wow! I really only know that station as a construction site.)

“Ay! Ay! (Geweldig nieuws! Nu kunnen we vliegensvlug heen en weer naar Inkopolis!)”

(Ay! Ay! (Wonderful news! Now we can go back and forth to Inkopolis in no time!))


“Ay... Ay? (Maar... Wat is dan het slechte nieuws?)”

(Ay... Ay? (But... What's the bad news then?))

“Die lui uit Inkopolis kunnen nu ook hierheen. Ik kan nou al nooit een parkeerplek vinden!”

(Those folks from Inkopolis can also come here now. I can never find a parking spot as it is!)

“O neeeee! Waar laat ik mijn aaltjes?! Dat wordt hier één grote file!”

(Oh noooo! Where will I leave my little eels?! This is going to be one big traffic jam here!)


“Ay... Ay? (Maar ze komen met de trein... Waarom zouden ze moeten parkeren?)”

(Ay... Ay? (But they come by train... Why should they have to park?))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Also! Ich habe eine gute und eine schlechte Nachricht. Welche zuerst, Muri?“

(So! I have good news and bad news. Which one's first, Frye?)

„Die gute! Und nacher tu ich einfach, als, hätte ich die schlechte gar nicht gehört.“

(The good! And afterwards I can just pretend I didn't hear the bad.)

„Gut, dann Achtung: Es ist kaum zu glauben, aber der Bahnhof ist endlich fertiggebaut.“

(Well, then watch out: it's hard to believe, but the train station[a] is finally finished.)

„Ay? Ay?! (Echt? Das Ding ist fertig?!)“

(Ay? Ay?! (Really? That thing's finished?!))

„Boah! Dachte ja, der bleibt auf ewig zu. Aber jetzt können wir ZUGFAHREN!“

(Woah! I thought it would stay closed forever. But now we can TRAVEL!)

„Ay! Ay! (Genau! Nach Inkopolis hin und weider zurück im Flossenumdrehen!)“

(Ay! Ay! (Exactly! There and back to Inkopolis in the flip of fins!))


„Ay? (Aber stopp mal... Was war denn die schlechte Nachricht, Mako?)“

(Ay? (But wait... What was the bad news, Shiver?))

„Na, die aus Inkopolis können auch zu UNS! In UNSER Revier! Allein die Parkplatzlage...“

(Now, the folks from Inkopolis can also come to US! In OUR turf! The parking lot alone...)

„Was? GAAAH! Ich krieg meine Muränen ja jetzt schon nirgendwo ordentlich geparkt!“

(What? GAAAH! I can't park my moray eels properly anywhere!)


„...Ay? (...Äh. Wer braucht denn einen Parkplatz, wenn er mit dem Zuf kommt?)“

(...Ay? (...Ah. Who needs a parking space, when they're coming by train?))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«OK, ho una notizia buona e cattiva. Quale volete sentire prima?»

(OK, I have good and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?)

«Quella buona! Così dopo posso far finta di non aver sentito quella cattiva.»

(The good one! So later I can pretend I didn't hear the bad one.)

«D'accordo, Allora, che ci crediate o no, la stazione ferroviaria è finalmente ultimata!»

(Alright, So, believe it or not, the train station is finally finished!)

«Man? Man?! (Davvero? Davvero hanno terminato i lavori?!)»

(Ay? Ay?! (Really? Have they really finished the work?!))

«Wow! Ci sono voluti secoli, ma sono sicura che sarà valsa la pena aspettare!»

(Wow! It took centuries, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait!)

«Man! Man! (Sì! Adesso possiamo andare e tornare da Coloropoli in un batti balena!)»

(Ay! Ay! (Yes! Now we can get to Inkopolis and back in a flash!))


«Man? (Però aspetta... Qual è la notizia cattiva?)»

(Ay? (But wait... What's the bad news?))

«La gente di Coloropoli potrà venire QUI. A casa nostra. Parcheggiare sarà un incubo!»

(The people of Inkopolis will be able to come HERE. At our home. Parking will be a nightmare!)

«Cosa? Nooooo! Già adesso fatico a trovare parcheggio per le mie murene.»

(What? Nooooo! I'm already struggling to find parking for my moray eels.)


«...Man? (... Ma se prendono il treno, perché dovrebbero parcheggiare?)»

(...Ay? (... But if they take the train, why should they park?))


Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Так. У меня, как водится, хорошие новости и плохие. Какие сначала?»

(So. I have, as usual, good news and bad. Which ones first?)

«Давай хорошие! А плохие я потом просто слушать не буду!»

(Give us the good news! And then I just won't listen to the bad ones!)

«Ладно. Мне самой с трудом верится, но, похоже, вокзал наконец-то достроили!»

(OK. I can hardly believe it myself, but it looks like they're finally done rebuilding the railway station!)
Биг Ман

«Ик? Ик!!! (Серьезно? Наконец-то!!!)»

(Ay? Ay!!! (Seriously? Finally!!!))

«Ого! Давно пора, сколько можно ждать! Надеюсь, оно того стоило...»

(Wow! It's high time, how long can you wait! I hope it was worth it...)
Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Еще бы! Теперь в два счета можно съездить в Инкополь и обратно!)»

(Ay! Ay! (You bet! Now you can go to Inkopolis and back in no time!)

Биг Ман

«Ик? (Погоди... А плохая новость?)»

(Ay? (Wait... And the bad news?))

«Ну, народ из Инкополя ведь тоже сможет сюда ездить. В наш город. Парковаться будет негде!»

(Well, the people from Inkopolis will also be able to come here. To our city. There will be nowhere to park!)

«Что?! О не-е-ет! Мне и так своих мурен ставить негде!»

(What?! Oh no-o-o! I already have nowhere to park my moray eels!)

Биг Ман

«Ик?.. (Но... раз они приедут на поезде... Что им парковать-то?)»

(Ay?.. (But... since they will arrive by train... What would they need to park?))

Wave Two

Rumor Fillet

USAUnited KingdomEnglish
Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Time for our next segment, Rumor Fillet!”
Big Man

“Ay? Ay. (That's a segment? Sounds fishy.)”

“Would this be the rumor about the spaced-out wretches packing Inkopolis Square?”
Big Man

“Ay. Ay? (Yeah, I heard about that. Do you think it's true?)”

“I have seen fewer people from Inkopolis Square in Turf War or punching the clock...”

“Hey, you're right, now that I think of it. What's up with that?!”

“Did they find out how rad the Splatlands are and throw in the towel?”
Big Man

“Ay! Ay! (I know! We should go live from Inkopolis Square to get the truth!)”

“Big Man, are you just angling for a way to expense a trip to Inkopolis Square?”
Big Man

“Ay... (I just thought it'd be cool for our viewers to see another side of Inkopolis...)”

Dialogue Dialogue Region


「エイ?(そんなコーナー あったっけ?)」

ボ〜っとしとるヒトだらけ っちゅうアレとか?」


「そういや最近 ナワバリバトルでもバイトでも、
ハイカラスクエアのヒトら あんま見ぃひんな」



「エイ!(よーし! ウワサの真相を探るためにも
今度ハイカラスクエアから 生放送してみない?)」

「マンタロー… さては取材にかこつけて


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Tijd voor onze volgende rubriek:
'Roddels en geruchten!'”

(Time for our next rubric: 'gossips and rumors!')

“Ay? Ay. (Is dat een van onze rubrieken?
Die hoor ik voor het eerst...)”

(Ay? Ay. (Is that one of our rubrics? First I have heard of that one...))

“Over welk gerucht wil je het hebben? Dat
van die verdwaasde lui op het Inkopolisplein?”

(About which rumor you want to talk about? That one of those dazed folk in Inkopolis Square?)

“Ay. Ay? (Ah ja, daar heb ik over gehoord.
Denk je dat het waar is?)”

(Ay. Ay? (Ah yes, I have heard about that. Do you think it is true?))

“Ik kom wel weinig luitjes van het Inkopolisplein
tegen in Grondoorlogen en bij Beer & Co...”

(I do come across few folks of Inkopolis Square in Turf War battles and at Grizzco...)

“Nu je het zegt... Hoe zit dat?!”

(Now you mention it... What is that about?!)

“Misschien hebben ze ontdekt hoe tof de
Splatlands zijn en durven ze niet meer?”

(Perhaps they have discovered how great the Splatlands are and they don't dare anymore?)

“Ay! (Laten we een liveshow doen op het
Inkopolisplein om de waarheid te ontdekken!)”

(Ay! (Let's do a liveshow in Inkopolis Square to discover the truth!))

“Ray... Ben je nou gewoon op zoek naar een
excuus om het Inkopolisplein te bezoeken?”

(Big Man... Are you now simply looking for an excuses to visit Inkopolis Square?)

“Ay... (Ik dacht gewoon dat het voor de kijkers
ook leuk zou zijn om Inkopolis te zien...)”

(Ay... (I simply thought it would also be nice for the viewers to see Inkopolis...))

Dialogue Dialogue Region

„Zeit für die nächste Rubrik, nämlich unsere Gerüchteküche!“

(Time for our next section, namely, our gossip factory!)

„Ay? Ay. (Das soll eine Rubrik von uns sein? Hör ich zum ersten Mal.)“

(Ay? Ay. (There is a section like that? This is the first time i've heard of it.))

„Geht es um die apathischen Gestalten auf dem Inkopolis-Platz?“

(Is this about the apathetic shapes in Inkopolis Square?)

„Ay. Ay? (Oh, davon hab ich gehört. Glaubt ihr, da ist was dran?)“

(Ay. Ay? (Oh, I've heard all about it. Do you think it's true?))

„Man sieht weniger Leute aus Inkopolis bei Kämpfen oder der Bär GmbH als sonst...“

(There are less people from Inkopolis in fights or at Grizzco than usual...)

„Jetzt, wo du's sagst... Das stimmt. Was'n da los?!“

(Now that you mention it... that's true. What's going on?!)

„Haben die aufgegeben, weiil sie gemerkt haben, dass wir einfact spritziger sind?“

(Did they give up because they realized that we're better?)

„Ay! Ay! (Ich hab's! Wir sollten selbst mal auf dem Inkopolis-Platz nachforschen!)“

(Ay! Ay! (I have an idea! We should go to Inkopolis Square and investigate outselves!))

„Mantaro... Willst du etwa auf Studiokosten zum Inkopolis-Platz?“

(Big Man... do you want to go to Inkopolis Square at the studio's expense?)

„Ay... (Dachte ja nur, dass das für unsere Zuschauer bestimmt interessant wäre...)“

(Ay... (Just thought that it'd be interesting for out viewers...))

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«È il momento della nostra rubrica: Olezzo di Pettegolezzo!»

(It's time for our column: Rumor Fillet!)

«Man? Man. (Questa sarebbe una rubrica? La cosa mi puzza.)»

(Ay? Ay. (Could this be a column? This stinks to me.))

«Il pettegolezzo sarebbe la gente allo sbando che invade piazza Coloropoli

(The rumor would be the disarrayed people invading Inkopolis Square?)

«Man. Man? (Ah, ne ho sentito parlare. Credete che sia tutto vero?)»

(Ay. Ay? (Ah, I heard about it. Do you think it's all true?))

«Beh, le mischie mollusche sono meno affollate e pochi timbrano il cartellino...»

(Well, Turf Wars are less crowded and few clock in...)

«Adesso che mi ci fai pensare. L'ho notato anch'io. Che sta succendo?!»

(Now that you make me think about it. I noticed it too. What's going on?!)

«Forse hanno scoperto quant'è forte Splattonia e hanno gettato la spugna?»

(Maybe they discovered how strong the Splatlands is and give up?)

«Man! Man! (Ci sono! Facciamo una diretta da piazza Coloropoli per scoprire la verità!)»

(Ay! Ay! (I'm here! Let's go live from Inkopolis Square to find out the truth!))

«Mantaleo... è una scusa per farti pagare il viaggio a piazza Coloropoli?»

(Big Man... is this an excuse to make you pay for the trip to Inkopolis Square?)

«Man... (Pensavo solo di far vedere un altro lato di Coloropoli ai nostri spettatori...)»

(Ay... (I just thought I'd show another side of Inkopolis to our viewers...))

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Пришло время перейти к нашей рубрике
«Филе из слухов»!»

(It's time to move to our segment called «Rumour fillet»!)
Биг Ман

«Ик? Ик. (Какая-то дурно пахнущая
рубрика, судя по названию.)»

(Ay? Ay. (Some sort of a foul-smelling section, judging by the title.))

«Это будут слухи про народ, который
запрудил Инкопольскую площадь

(Will it be the rumours about the folks who flooded Inkopolis Square?)
Биг Ман

«Ик. Ик? (Да, я слышал про это.
Думаешь, это правда?)»

(Ay. Ay? (Yes, I heard about it. Do you think it's true?))

«Ну, в последнее время что-то немного
желающих побиться в боях за район...»

(Well, there haven't been a lot of people wanting to fight in Turf War lately...)

«Да, а ведь правда! С чего бы это?»

(Yes, how true! Why would that be?)

«Может, все поняли, что с Плюхтонией
и ее обитателями шутки плохи?»

(Maybe everyone realised that Splatlands and their inhabitants aren't to be trifled with?)
Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! (Нам нужно выйти с прямым эфиром
прямо с Инкопольской площади!)»

(Ay! Ay! (We need to go live right from Inkopolis Square!))

«Биг Ман... ты что, хочешь за казенный
счет сгонять на Инкопольскую площадь?»

(Big Man... You want to visit Inkopolis Square at government expense or something?)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Я думал, что зрителям будет интересно
взглянуть на Инкополь под другим углом...)»

(Ay... (I thought that the viewers will be interested in looking at Inkopolis from a different angle...))

After Clearing Side Order Once

USAUnited KingdomEnglish
Dialogue Dialogue Region

“That last song was a request from the redoubtable SplatsvilleRulz, titled...”
Big Man

“Ay! (#47 onward, by Dedf1sh feat. Off the Hook!)”


“Hold up–artist from Inkopolis?! I thought we repped Splatsville! ANARCHY!”

“You say that, Frye, but i've heard you gush over their talent before.”


“Speaking of Off the Hook, word is they're back in Inkopolis Square after the big tour.”
Big Man

“Ay! Ay? (That's right! Did you see they announced a new song after the tour?)”

Big Man
“Ay. (I caught an interview with Pearl where she said, "We're not done fighting yet!")”

Big Man

“Ay! (I don't know what that means, but it SOUNDS cool!)”

“Uh, isn't their world tour over? Maybe they still have a score to settle with someone.”


“Hm? Apparently that's not all the news we have for you today.”

“Whoa! Whatcha got?!”

“Turf War is making a comeback at Inkopolis Square. The hype is real, it seems.”

“Another Inkopolis story?! Don't we have any REAL news?”

“Wasn't Inkopolis Square filled with spaced-out slouches, last we heard?”
Big Man

“Ay... (Seems like most folks snapped out of it, but some people still aren't all there...)”

“C'mon, everyone zones out sometimes. You've been a li'l spacey yourself, Big Man!”
Big Man

“Ay?! (Didn't I have to ask someone to pass the soy sauce three times yesterday?!)”

“What of it? It's not like we're involved in whatever's happening at Inkopolis Square.”

“Yup. Nothing to do with us, that's for sure!”

Dialogue Dialogue Region

「え〜 いま聞いてもろた曲は、ラジオネーム
「バンカラサイコー」はんからの リクエストで…」

「エイ!(Dedf1sh feat. テンタクルズ の
「#47 slumber」でしたー!)」


「って ハイカラもんの曲ではないかーッ!
この番組はバンカラジオじゃぞ バ•ン•カ•ラ•ジ•オ‼︎!」

「まぁまぁ、ウツホかて あんヒトらの実力は



「エイエイ!(そうそう! ツアー直後に新曲を発表して、

「「アタシらの戦いは まだ終わっちゃいねー!」」





「…ん? なんや臨時ニュースがあるらしいで」

「ほう! なんじゃ?」

「ハイカラスクエアで ナワバリバトルが再流行!
バトルに参加する若者たちで 街は大にぎわい‼︎」


「ハイカラスクエアは ボ〜ッとしとるヒトばっかりの

「エイ…(なぜか急にみんな やる気を取りもどしたらしいよ

「ま、だれしも多かれ少なかれ ボーッとするもんじゃ!
マンタローなんか 最近ボーッとしまくりじゃったぞ!」

「エイエッ⁈(それを言うなら ふたりだって、
しょっちゅう ポカーンとしてたでしょ⁈)」

「まぁ、その話はええやん? ウチらのコレは


Dialogue Dialogue Region

“Dat laatste nummer was een verzoek van
de roemruchte SplatsvilleRulz, en heette...”

(That last song was a request of the notorious SplatsvilleRulz, and was called...)

“Ay! (#47 onward, door
Dedf1sh feat. Tentacool!)”

(Ay! (#47 onward, by Dedf1sh feat. Off the Hook!))


“Wacht even, artiesten uit Inkopolis?!
Wij komen toch uit Splatsville! ANARCHIE!”

(Hang on, artists from Inkopolis?! Though we are from Splatsville! ANARCHY!)

“Dat zeg je nou wel, Muriël, maar ik weet
best hoezeer je ze bewondert.”

(You say that, Frye, but I know well how much you admire them.)


“Over Tentacool gesproken, die zouden weer op
het Inkopolisplein uithangen na hun tournee.”

(Speaking of Off the Hook, they would hang out at Inkopolis Square again after their tour.)

“Ay! Ay... (Precies! En ze kondigden een
nieuw nummer aan, en Lorelei zei...)”

(Ay! Ay... (Precisely! And they announced a new song, and Pearl said...))

“"Ay!" ("Ons gevecht is nog niet voorbij
en wij blijven knokken!")”

("Ay!" ("Our battle is not over yet and we are continuing to fight!"))


“Ay! (Geen idee wat ze bedoelde, maar het
klinkt wel stoer!)”

(Ay! (No idea about what she meant, but it does sound tough!))

“Maar hun wereldtournee is voorbij, toch?
Hebben ze ruzie met iemand of zo?”

(But their world tour is over, right? Are they arguing with someone or something?)


“Hm? Blijkbaar hebben we vandaag nog meer

(Hm? Apparently we have even more news...)

“O! Wat is er dan?”

(Oh! What is it?)

“Ze vechten weer Grondoorlogen uit bij het
Inkopolisplein. De stad staat op z'n kop!”

(They are battling out Turf War battles again at Inkopolis Square. The city has been turned upside down!)

“Weer nieuws over Inkopolis? Hebben we
geen belangrijk nieuws vandaag?”

(Again news about Inkopolis? Don't we have important news today?)

“Ik dacht dat er vooral veel verdwaasde lui
rondhingen op het Inkopolisplein?”

(I thought there were especially many dazed folk hanging around in Inkopolis Square?)

“Ay... (De meesten lijken weer in orde, maar
een paar zijn er nog niet helemaal bij...)”

(Ay... (The majority of them look like to be in order again, but a couple are still not quite there yet...))

“Ach, iedereen heeft wel eens een warrige
dag. Jij niet in de laatste plaats, Ray!”

(Oh well, everyone has a disorderly day sometimes. You not least, Big Man!)

“Ay?! (Pardon, wie moest ik gisteren drie
keer vragen om de mayo door te geven?!)”

(Ay?! (Excuse me, who did I have to ask three times to pass the mayo yesterday?!))

“Ach, wat zou het? Wat hebben wij ermee te
maken wat ze op dat Inkopolisplein uitspoken.”

(Oh well, what of it? What has it to do with us what they are up to in Inkopolis Square.)

“Precies. Dat gaat ons helemaal niks aan!”

(Precisely. It is none of our concern!)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«L'ultima canzone è stata chiesta dall'incredibile SplatvilleRulz e si chiama...»

(The last song was requested by the incredible SplatsvilleRulz and it's called...)

«Man! (#47 onward, di Dedf1sh feat. Tenta Cool!)»

(Ay! (#47 onward, by Dedf1sh feat. Off the Hook!))


«Eh? Artisti di Coloropoli?! Ma non rappresentavano Splatville? ANARCHIA!»

(Huh? Artists of Inkopolis?! But didn't they represent Splatsville? ANARCHY!)

«Beh, sì, Morena, ma ricordo che mi avevi detto grandi cose su di loro.»

(Well, yes, Frye, but I remember you telling me great things about them.)


«A proposito, pare che le Tenta Cool saranno di nuovo a piazza Coloropoli dopo il tour.»

(By the way, it seems that Off the Hook will be back in Inkopolis Square after the tour.)

«Man! (Proprio così! Avete visto che hanno annunciato una nuova canzone?)»

(Ay! (That's right! Did you saw that they announced a new song?))

«Man. (In un'intervista, Alga ha detto: "La battaglia non è ancora finita!")»

(Man. (In an interview, Pearl said: "The battle is not over yet!"))


«Man! (Non so bene cosa significhi, ma quando l'ha detto era davvero cool!)»

(Ay! (I'm not sure what that means, but when she said it she was really cool!))

«Eh? Ma il loro tour non era finito? Forse devono regolare i conti con qualcuno.»

(Huh? But their tour wasn't over? Maybe they have to settle the score with someone.)


«Eh? Pare che queste non siano le uniche notizie di oggi.»

(Huh? It seems that these are not the only news today.)

«Uuuh! Dici tutto!»

(Oooh! Say it!)

«Le mischie mollusche fanno il loro ritorno a piazza Coloropoli! È ufficiale!»

(Turf Wars are making their return to Inkopolis Square! It's official!)

«Ancora notizie su Coloropoli? Non hai delle VERE notizie da darci?»

(More news on Inkopolis again? Don't you have any REAL news to give us?)

«E poi l'ultima volta piazza Coloropoli non era piena di fannulloni mezzi stravolti?»

(And wasn't Inkopolis Square full of half-distraught idlers last time?)

«Man... (Pare che molti si siano ripresi, mentre altri ancora non del tutto...)»

(Ay... (It seems that many have returned, while others still not at all...))

«E vabbè, ogni tanto siamo un po' stravolti. Capita anche a te, Mantaleo!»

(Alright, sometimes we get a little upset. It happens to you too, Big man!)

«Man... (Dice quella a cui ho dovuto chiedere tre volte lo zucchero l'altro giorno...)»

(Ay... (Says the one I had to ask for sugar three times the other day...))

«Bah. Ma in fondo noi cosa c'entriamo con quello che succede a piazza Coloropoli?»

(Bah. But after all, what do we have to do with what happens in Inkopolis Square?)

«Niente di niente, hai ragione.»

(Nothing at all, you're right.)

Dialogue Dialogue Region

«Наша последняя заявка – от
слушателя-сенсации SplatsvilleRulz...»

(Our last request is from a sensational listener SplatsvilleRulz...)
Биг Ман

«Ик! (#47 onward в исполнении
Dedf1sh и Off the Hook!)»

(Ay! (#47 onward performed by Dedf1sh and Off the Hook!))


«Эй-эй! Какие инкопольцы?! Мы тут
за Плюхтон болеем! АНАРХИЯ!»

(Hey-hey! Inkopolitans?! We're rooting for Splatsville here! ANARCHY!)

«Только не делай вид, будто ты мне не
прожужжала все уши про их талант!»

(Please don't pretend like you didn't buzz my ears out about their talent!)


«Кстати, я слышала, что Off the Hook вернулись
из турне и снова на Инкопольской площади.»

(By the way, I heard that Off the Hook returned from the tour and are back to Inkopolis Square.)
Биг Ман

«Ик! Ик! Ик... (Точно! Они же еще и новую
песню объявили! По словам Жемчика...)»

(Ay! Ay! Ay... (Right! And they also announced a new song! According to Pearl...))

Биг Ман
««Йо, бой продолжается, пока есть краска!»»

(«Yo, the fight continues as long as there's any ink left!»)
Notes: Here, Big Man doesn't use his usual "Ay" quotation format.

Биг Ман

«Ик. Ик! (Я поймал ее ТВ-интервью. Не уверен,
что она имела в виду, но это ЗВУЧИТ!)»

(Ay. Ay! (I caught her TV interview. I'm not sure what she meant, but it SOUNDS WELL!))

«Разве их мировое турне не закончилось?
Может, за кем-то остался должок?»

(Isn't their world tour over? Maybe someone owes a favor?)


«Интересно... Оказывается, это не все
новости за сегодня!»

(Interesting... Turns out, this isn't all the news for today!)

«Ха! Что там?!»

(Huh! What's up?!)

«Камбэк боев за район на Инкопольской
площади! Весь Инкополь стоит на ушах.»

(A comeback of Turf War on Inkopolis Square! The whole Inkopolis is on ears.)

«Опять этот Инкополь?! У нас что,
нет СВОИХ новостей?»

(That Inkopolis again?! Don't we have OUR OWN news or something?)

«Хм. По Инкопольской площади же недавно
бродили какие-то... загипнотизированные?»

(Hm. Weren't some... hypnorized ones wandering around Inkopolis Square?)
Биг Ман

«Ик... (Вроде большинство пришло в себя,
но некоторые до сих пор в трансе...)»

(Ay... (Seems that most've come back to their senses, but some are still in a trance...))

«Ну и что, замечтались! С кем не бывает?
Я тебя не раз ловила на этом, Биг Ман!»

(They went daydreaming, so what! Who doesn't it happen to? I've caught you doing this more than once, Big Man!)
Биг Ман

«Ик?! (А кого я вчера три раза просил
передать мне соевый соус?!)»

(Ay?! (But who did I ask to pass me the soy sauce three times yesterday?!))

«Ну, нас Инкопольская площадь вообще
не касается. Так что какая разница?»

(Well, Inkopolis Square doesn't concern us at all. So who cares?)

«Точно. Пускай сами разбираются!»

(Right. Let them figure everything out on their own!)

Translation Notes

  1. Can also be translated as "station"


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese スプラトゥーン3 エキスパンション・パス
Supuratūn 3 Ekisupanshon Pasu
Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass
Netherlands Dutch Uitbreidingspas voor Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass for Splatoon 3
Canada French (NOA) Passe d'extension pour Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass for Splatoon 3
France French (NOE) Pass d'extension pour Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass for Splatoon 3
Germany German Splatoon 3: Erweiterungspass Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass
Italy Italian Pass di espansione di Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass for Splatoon 3
Russia Russian Splatoon 3 Талон на расширение
Splatoon 3 Talon na rasshirenie
Splatoon 3 Expansion ticket
SpainMexico Spanish Pase de expansión de Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 斯普拉遁 3 擴充票
Sīpǔlādùn 3 Kuòchōng piào
Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass
South Korea Korean 스플래툰 3 익스팬션 패스
Seupeullaetun 3 igseupaensyeon paeseu
Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass
Brazil Portuguese (NOA) Pacote de expansão de Splatoon 3[6]
Pacote adicional[7]
Expansion pack for Splatoon 3
Additional pack
