Jelleton Field Guide

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The Jelleton Field Guide is a manual available in Side Order, unlocked after the first climb of the Spire of Order is complete. It contains a list of Jelleton types with an entry for each one. Each entry contains an image of the Jelleton, its name and "habitat", and notes about it from Acht, Marina, and Pearl. Pressing on an entry causes one of the Jelleton's voice clips to play.

By defeating enough of a specific Jelleton type, the player fills out its entry with commentary from Acht, Marina, and Pearl that provides tips on combat with them. Defeating one of a Jelleton type unlocks its entry with only Acht's comment, with Marina's comment added if the player defeats a certain number of them, followed by Pearl's comment if the player defeats another certain number. The number of additional enemies that must be defeated to unlock the next comment is shown in an incomplete entry. Once all three notes are unlocked, a brief "conclusion" is added and the entry is completed. Completed entries have a darker background, with the Jelleton's image becoming holographic and slowly moving back and forth, and the Jelleton's name gains a yellow outline. Completing an entry also rewards the player with that Jelleton's name as a Splashtag title.

The final two entries in the Jelleton Field Guide, Marina Agitando and Overlorder, are unique in that the full entry with all notes is unlocked after defeating the enemy only once, and the completed entries do not reward Splashtag titles. The space for the Overlorder entry in the menu is not present until the entry is unlocked, unlike the other entries, which are grayed out on the menu before being unlocked. Additionally, the conclusion in Overlorder's entry uses white text with a yellow outline, unlike the other entries' conclusions, which use red text.

Manual contents

Habitat: Anywhere
These ink the ground to ease the
way for the big guys. Get rid of
them quick, Eight, before they
bog you down with their trails.
I've noticed them getting faster
and more aggressive if left alone.
They're easy to defeat, but that
doesn't mean you can ignore them.
Sure, they're small and weak,
but they can be trouble too!
Squash 'em, Eight!
They're trash, so take 'em out!

Habitat: Anywhere
These can take a little more of a
beating. They'll paint over your
ink if you let them. So don't.
They're about as tough as the
practice targets you see around.
Does that help give you an idea
of what it takes to beat one?
Getting mobbed by these punks
is bad news! Treat 'em like target
practice, Eight!
Just like slow, moving targets!

Habitat: Anywhere
If you let them in close, their
lunge attack seriously hurts. But
they don't ink turf, so draw them
into your territory and finish
them off once they're weakened.
Sometimes they give enemies
rides, and sometime they push
others out of the way. Does that
make them good or bad allies?
They're weirdly drawn to ∞-balls.
Do NOT let these bruisers
headbutt you, not even on a dare.
I like to ink the ground in front of
'em and laugh as they crawl
through it.
The more distance, the better!

Habitat: Jelleton central
They'll regenerate any amount of
damage if you let them. So once
you start attacking, don't let up
until the job is done.
Actually, my research shows they
won't regenerate if you ink the
ground at their base. If you have
Poison Ink, you can even damage
them further that way.
It's the best feeling to watch 'em
go BOOM! Get splatted, all you
fishy freaks!
At least ink the base!

Habitat: Over inkable floors
I can't stand these things. They'll
spill ink all day if you let them.
Do yourself a favor, and take
them out before the whole floor's
a mucky mess.
If you defeat them early, they
don't pose much of a threat. And
they don't have much health
either. Try to take them down
as soon as you see them!
They're a good reminder to look
up every now and then. Keep your
head on a swivel, Eight!
Keep it your turf, not theirs!

Habitat: Octoling-free spaces
These cowards run when Eight
gets close. But your ink slows
them down, so chase them onto
ground you've inked, and it's like
shooting fish in a barrel.
They'll run from your bombs
too. You can use that to your
advantage to flush them onto
your own turf.
You're never gonna outrun these
suckers, so you've gotta
outsmart them instead. Make
me proud, Eight!
They can't escape a good plan!

Habitat: Walled-off areas
Their heads are their weak spot.
Wait until it pokes out before you
shoot. Until then, while they're
spinning around...hope you're
light on your feet.
When you defeat one, it leaves
the shell behind. They make great
weapons! Just touch one, and it'll
slam into enemies and ink a path
for you as it goes!
So we can splat 'em to turn the
tables, huh? You know what to
do, Eight. Take these out, and
make its friends regret it ever
showed its sorry face!
Primo targets to use as weapons!

Habitat: Hopping grounds
They'll try to splash down on you
when you get close. But you can
fix that. Just look up and splat
them before they hit the ground.
The pedestal they leave behind
can launch you if you touch it.
It can be a handy escape route if
you ever find yourself swarmed!
It's also just fun! Are you cool
with heights, Eight? Because
Beating 'em is your ticket upward!

Habitat: High-clearance ceilings
Shoot down the capsules it
spews. It'll self-destruct and
save you some trouble.
You can also shoot the capsules
after they're launched to convert
them to your ink! They contain
things like bombs and Toxic Mist.
Huh?! You're telling me THAT'S
what was spamming those Splat
Bombs at us?!
Make it eat that capsule!

Habitat: Scenic elevations
The seeds growing out of them
become missiles that home in on
you. Never mind the base. Break
all the seeds, and they'll self-
destruct in a big explosion.
Destroying at least SOME of the seeds
is a good idea. Otherwise you'll
wind up with missiles seeking you
from every angle!
That sounds like work! Can't we
just go for the body? Ugh, looks
like it has WAY too much health
for that.
Treat those seeds like targets!

Habitat: Near Spawning Accordos
These are the missiles that come
flying if you leave those weird
tree things alone. They home in
on you, but slowly, so don't panic."
Don't try to run from them, Eight!
They'll just chase you down. They
leave nasty ink splatters wherever
they hit too.
Yo, you do NOT want to take one
of these to the face. Get 'em
before it's too late, Eight!
Shoot 'em before they get you!

Habitat: Scenic elevations
The head at the top is where you
want to aim. Take that out, and
what's left will explode to damage
any enemies nearby.
If the head's out of reach, cut
the body down to size. But finish
the job, or they'll regrow the
tower part! They'll get more
aggressive, too, so watch out.
They attack like someone gave
'em a charger! If they miss with
the first shot, don't give them a
second chance, Eight!
Take it out at the head!

Habitat: Boss floors
The face-like nodes on the rim
are its weak spots. Bad things
happen if the searchlight catches
you, so hide in its blind spots or
duck into your ink until it passes.
You'll need to destroy the lit-up
layers to win. You can work your
way up from the bottom, or try
for the higher layers first if you
have a long-range weapon!
Wait, is that a symbol under the
searchlight? I think it's showing
what kind of attack it'll do or
Don't get caught in the searchlight!

Habitat: Boss floors
When it's rolling around, aim for
its exposed parts. If it hits a
bumper, it'll bounce off and leave
behind a swarm of fish. Not ideal,
but a chance for a Lucky Chain.
The other thing that happens
when it bounces is the shell opens
a little, making the insides easier
to hit. Go with whatever tactic is
best for your weapon.
Nobody's gonna talk about how it
suddenly charges you full steam,
huh? Better lay down some ink
and scram when that happens!
Think ahead and fight smart!

Habitat: Boss floors
They're tough opponents who
look...a lot like Eight. It goes past
looks too. The more powered-up
your Palette is, the more
resourceful they get.
Don't get caught in a pincer
maneuver! Use the high ground
in the middle to force one-on-
one skirmishes.
They can do Triple Splashdowns
out of nowhere?! Where'd these
biters learn THAT trick?
Pick 'em off one at a time!

Habitat: The top floor
I'm just glad Marina's OK. We have
Eight and Pearl to thank for that.
Thanks for getting me out of
there, everyone! I'll try to repay
the favor with my hacking skills.
We can stop Order if we all work
How DARE Order put Marina
through the wringer like that!
That thing's on my LIST!
We're gonna make Order pay!

Habitat: The top floor
Order was vicious. But we're no
slouches ourselves. I always knew
Eight and Pearl could do it. And so
we returned to the real world,
happily ever after.
Wasn't that li'l Order cuuute?
I wonder where it went.
That's the last we'll see of THAT
creep, I bet. And if not, then
Eight, Marina, Acht, and me are
gonna fry it up all over again!
Even here, we stay Off the Hook!

When the player has not yet unlocked an entry (i.e. has never defeated that enemy type before), its image is grayed out, its name is given as "???", and the space for the notes only has the following text:


No clue what this thing is yet.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese スケルトーンずかん
Sukerutōn zukan
Jelleton encyclopedia
Netherlands Dutch Drilgruwelveldgids Jelleton field guide
Canada French (NOA) Guide des squelécailles Guide to jelletons
France French (NOE) Guide des Squelécailles Guide to Jelletons
Germany German Viskelloid-Leitfaden
Italy Italian Guida Ossimolli Jelletons Guide
Russia Russian Справочник консервиторов
Spravochnik konservitorov
Jelleton directory
SpainMexico Spanish Álbum de esquealetas Jelletons album
China Chinese (Simplified) 骷髅鱼图鉴
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 骷髏魚圖鑑
South Korea Korean 스켈레톤 도감