Tentakeel Outpost: Difference between revisions

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
(→‎Quotes: Dutch)
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===[[File:S2 Icon Marie.png|45px|frameless|left]] [[Marie]]{{color|'s|green}} {{color|Quotes|green}}===
===[[File:S2 Icon Marie.png|45px|frameless|left]] [[Marie]]{{color|'s|green}} {{color|Quotes|green}}===
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; '''Trapped in the snow globe:'''
; '''Trapped in the snow globe:'''
====[[File:S2 Icon Marie.png|45px|frameless|left]] Marie's Quotes====
; '''Introduction:'''
*''"O nee..."''<br>(Oh no...)
*''"De Octarianen komen..."''<br>(The Octarians come...)
*''"O, hallo."''<br>(Oh, hello.)
*''"Daar ben je! Zodra ik je doelloos over het plein zag lopen, wist ik dat jij bijzonder was."''<br>(There you are! As soon as I saw you aimlessly walking around the square, I knew you were special.)
*''"Ja, ik ben het, {{color|Marie|orange}}. Je hoeft me niet zo aan te staren, hoor. Ik ben alleen maar beroemd."''<br>(Yes, it is me, {{color|Marie|orange}}. You don't have to stare at me. I am only famous.)
*''"Ja, echt, DIE {{color|Marie|orange}}. De betere helft van de {{color|Squid Sisters|orange}}."''<br>(Yes, really, THAT {{color|Marie|orange}}. The better half of the {{color|Squid Sisters|orange}}.)
*''"Wat?! Dat zegt je niets? Neem je me nou in de paling?"''<br>(What?! That doesn't ring a bell? Are you squidding me?)<br>'''''NOTE:''' 'in de maling nemen' is a Dutch saying meaning “to fool” and 'paling' means “eel”.
*''"Nou, je culturele opvoeding laat wel wat te wensen over... Maar daar is nu niets aan te doen."''<br>(Well, your cultural education leaves much to be desired... But there is nothing that can be done about that now.)
*''"Ik kan namelijk wel wat hulp gebruiken..."''<br>(Because I could use some help...)
*''"Je hebt ondertussen vast al gehoord dat de {{color|Megavoltvis|orange}} die het {{color|Inkopolisplein|orange}} van stroom voorziet, is verdwenen."''<br>(You have probably heard it by now that the {{color|Great Zapfish|orange}} which provides {{color|Inkopolis Square|orange}} with power, has disappeared.)
*''"Nou, die is niet zomaar verdwenen... De {{color|Octarianen|orange}} hebben hem ontvoerd!"''<br>(Well, he did not disappear for no reason... The {{color|Octarians|orange}} have kidnapped him!)
*''"Hoe ik dat weet? Ik zie er misschien uit als 'n belachelijk getalenteerde popster..."''<br>(How do I know this? I might look like a ridiculously talented popstar...)
*''"Stiekem ben ik agent 2 van de nieuwe Kraakcommando's, een verbond dat strijdt tegen de Octarianen!"''<br>(Secretly I am agent 2 of the New Squidbeak SPlatoon, an association that fights against the Octarians!)
*''"Al kan een drukbezette griet niet altijd een oogje in het zeil houden..."''<br>(Although a busy chick can't always keep an eye on things...)
*''"{{color|(In mijn guppy, zonder Callie om te helpen...)|grey}} Ahem..."''<br>({{color|(All by myself, without Callie to help...)|grey}} Ahem...)<br>'''''NOTE:''' 'in mijn guppy' come from 'in zijn uppie', a Dutch saying meaning “all by oneselves”, and 'guppy' (“guppy”).
*''"Daarom zul JIJ de {{color|Megavoltvis|orange}} terug moeten halen uit de tentakels van die slijmerige Octarianen! Wat zeg je ervan?"''<br>(Therefore YOU will have to retrieve the {{color|Great Zapfish|orange}} from the tentacles of those slimy Octarians! What do you say?)
*''"Wie zwijgt stemt toe, zeggen ze toch altijd?"''<br>(Who keeps silent, agrees, don't they always say?)
*''"Welkom bij de club! Vanaf nu ben je {{color|agent 4|orange}} van de {{color|nieuwe Kraakcommando's|orange}}."''<br>(Welcome to the club! From now you are {{color|agent 4|orange}} of the {{color|New Squidbeak SPlatoon|orange}}.)
*''"Ik heb zelfs een vloednieuw {{color|heldenpak|orange}} voor je als inschrijfbonus."''<br>(I even have a brand new {{color|Hero Suit|orange}} for you as a sign-up bonus.)<br>'''''NOTE:''' 'vloednieuw' comes from 'vloed' (“flood”) and 'gloednieuw' (“brand new”).
*''"En kijk toch eens... het past precies! {{color|(Niet slecht voor een gejut tweedehandsje.)|grey}}"''<br>(And look at that... it fits exactly! {{color|(Not bad for a beach-combed secondhand.)|grey}})
*''"Zo, laten we nu die Octarianen eens een poot uitdraaien! Of twee. Of drie. Of... Nou ja... je snapt me wel."''<br>(So, let's get those Octarians pay an arm and a leg. Or two. Or three. Or... Well... You get the point.)<br>'''''NOTE:''' 'een poot uitdraaien' is a Dutch saying equivalent to the English saying “to pay an arm and a leg”.
*''"O, dat is waar... De schuilplaatsen van de {{color|Octarianen|orange}} hebben onzichtbare ingangen. Met een likje inkt kun je ze onthullen!"''<br>(Oh, that is right... The shelters of the {{color|Octarians|orange}} have invisible entrances. You can reveal them with a small amount of ink!)
*''"Als je iets tegenkomt wat er {{color|raar uitziet|orange}}, beschiet het dan met inkt! Altijd uitkijken dat je nergens inktstinkt, zeg ik maar."''<br>(If you come across something what {{color|looks weird|orange}}, shoot at it with ink! Always watch out that you won't be fooled by anything, so to speak.)<br>'''''NOTE:''' 'inktstinkt' comes from 'inkt' (“ink”) and 'instinken' (“to fall for”, “to be fooled by”)

Revision as of 11:11, 23 April 2021

Tentakeel Outpost is the first sector of Octo Canyon in Splatoon 2. It holds 3 Kettles and 1 Boss Kettle and is the only sector to hold a small fort and an Ammo Knights Enhancifier with which to upgrade Agent 4's Main Weapons and purchase Sub Weapons. Starting from the Version 3.0.0 update, after the player beats the final boss of Octo Canyon and subsequently enters Tentakeel Outpost for the second time, Callie will appear at Cuttlefish Cabin, alongside Marie. Players can join the Squid Sisters' conversations, and hear their stats from the last 50 multiplayer battles from Callie.


Kettle location
Kettle location
  • Mission #3: Sunset Octocopter
    • Location: The path is blocked by a stack of small boxes. Shoot at the boxes to reveal the path and there is a kettle sitting at the center of the octagon.
Kettle location
  • Mission 1B: Industrial Toast
    • Location: Passing the hallway, there is a Boss Kettle found in front of a ledge.



Climb up the wall to the west of the Boss Kettle. There is a small box on the small tower. Break it to reveal the Sardinium.

Shoot the wall and climb up, then jump onto the grate
Shoot the box to collect your Sardinium

Sunken Scroll

A Yellow Balloon can be found southwest of the Boss Kettle. When the game tells Agent 4 to follow the balloon, this means that this balloon is a Sunken Scroll Balloon. The second balloon is close to the small tower. The third and fourth balloons are near the Boss Kettle. The fifth balloon is next to the kettle to the first mission. The sixth balloon is between the second and third mission kettles, but at a high altitude. Climb the wall to reach the balloon. The seventh and last balloon is on the set of platforms adjacent to the wall. Once all seven balloons have been popped on time, the sunken scroll will appear on the set of platforms.



Marie's Quotes

The Octarians...
You showed up!
As soon as I saw you aimlessly wandering around the square, I knew you were the one.
I'm Marie. I know you're a bit starstruck, but I need you to get over it.
Yes, I'm THAT Marie. You know...from the Squid Sisters.
You've never heard of me? For eel?
Well, you obviously aren't very cultured, but you'll have to do.
See, I've got a little...thing I need some help with.
By now you've heard that the Great Zapfish that powers Inkopolis Square is missing.
Well, it's not just missing-it's been squidnapped by the Octarian menace!
How do I know this? On the surface, I may just look like an absurdly talented pop star...
But in truth...I'm Agent 2 of the New Sqidbeak Splatoon, a secret society of heros who save the world from Octarians!
Now, I've been trying to keep an eye on the Octarians in my downtime, but I'm a busy girl.
(If only Callie was around to lend a hand...) Ahem...
I need YOU to go get the Great Zapfish back from those slimy Octarians! What do you say? Are you in?
I'll take your awkward silence as a yes.
Welcome aboard! You are now Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
I even bought you a brand-new Hero Suit as a signing bonus.
And look at that-it fits like a glove! (Not bad for an old hand-me-down.)
Now, let's go tear those Octarians limb from limb from limb from limb from limb from- Well...you get the picture.
Oh, yeah-the entrances to the Octarian realm are invisible, so you'll have to ink them to reveal them.
Arriving after defeating the Final Boss:
Ah, Agent 4...
I've been waiting for you.
Thanks to you, both the Great Zapfish and Callie are back, and peace has returned to Inkopolis.
That being said, no one except us knows what truly happened, so don't expect the city to throw a parade or anything.
It's like they always say: "The path of the hero is a lonely one."
Wait... They don't say that?! But "they" say all sorts of things!
Well... Whatever.
I was able to confine DJ Octavio in this snow globe. I'm keeping an eye on him to make sure he stays out of trouble.
I'm gonna slow roast him until Grandpa- I mean... Uh...
Until the leader of the New Squidbeak Splatoon comes back.
Bahaha! Love it.
Anyway, you've really impressed me. I can't thank you enough.
Hm? Ah, you're wondering about that? I had Sheldon put that there.
It'll allow you to listen to the latest single from the Squid Sisters, "Fresh Start," anytime you want!
Hope you like it! Stay fresh!

DJ Octavio's Quotes

Trapped in the snow globe:


Marie's Quotes

  • "O nee..."
    (Oh no...)
  • "De Octarianen komen..."
    (The Octarians come...)
  • "O, hallo."
    (Oh, hello.)
  • "Daar ben je! Zodra ik je doelloos over het plein zag lopen, wist ik dat jij bijzonder was."
    (There you are! As soon as I saw you aimlessly walking around the square, I knew you were special.)
  • "Ja, ik ben het, Marie. Je hoeft me niet zo aan te staren, hoor. Ik ben alleen maar beroemd."
    (Yes, it is me, Marie. You don't have to stare at me. I am only famous.)
  • "Ja, echt, DIE Marie. De betere helft van de Squid Sisters."
    (Yes, really, THAT Marie. The better half of the Squid Sisters.)
  • "Wat?! Dat zegt je niets? Neem je me nou in de paling?"
    (What?! That doesn't ring a bell? Are you squidding me?)
    NOTE: 'in de maling nemen' is a Dutch saying meaning “to fool” and 'paling' means “eel”.
  • "Nou, je culturele opvoeding laat wel wat te wensen over... Maar daar is nu niets aan te doen."
    (Well, your cultural education leaves much to be desired... But there is nothing that can be done about that now.)
  • "Ik kan namelijk wel wat hulp gebruiken..."
    (Because I could use some help...)
  • "Je hebt ondertussen vast al gehoord dat de Megavoltvis die het Inkopolisplein van stroom voorziet, is verdwenen."
    (You have probably heard it by now that the Great Zapfish which provides Inkopolis Square with power, has disappeared.)
  • "Nou, die is niet zomaar verdwenen... De Octarianen hebben hem ontvoerd!"
    (Well, he did not disappear for no reason... The Octarians have kidnapped him!)
  • "Hoe ik dat weet? Ik zie er misschien uit als 'n belachelijk getalenteerde popster..."
    (How do I know this? I might look like a ridiculously talented popstar...)
  • "Stiekem ben ik agent 2 van de nieuwe Kraakcommando's, een verbond dat strijdt tegen de Octarianen!"
    (Secretly I am agent 2 of the New Squidbeak SPlatoon, an association that fights against the Octarians!)
  • "Al kan een drukbezette griet niet altijd een oogje in het zeil houden..."
    (Although a busy chick can't always keep an eye on things...)
  • "(In mijn guppy, zonder Callie om te helpen...) Ahem..."
    ((All by myself, without Callie to help...) Ahem...)
    NOTE: 'in mijn guppy' come from 'in zijn uppie', a Dutch saying meaning “all by oneselves”, and 'guppy' (“guppy”).
  • "Daarom zul JIJ de Megavoltvis terug moeten halen uit de tentakels van die slijmerige Octarianen! Wat zeg je ervan?"
    (Therefore YOU will have to retrieve the Great Zapfish from the tentacles of those slimy Octarians! What do you say?)
  • "…"
  • "Ehm..."
  • "Duuuuuuuuus..."
  • "Wie zwijgt stemt toe, zeggen ze toch altijd?"
    (Who keeps silent, agrees, don't they always say?)
  • "Welkom bij de club! Vanaf nu ben je agent 4 van de nieuwe Kraakcommando's."
    (Welcome to the club! From now you are agent 4 of the New Squidbeak SPlatoon.)
  • "Ik heb zelfs een vloednieuw heldenpak voor je als inschrijfbonus."
    (I even have a brand new Hero Suit for you as a sign-up bonus.)
    NOTE: 'vloednieuw' comes from 'vloed' (“flood”) and 'gloednieuw' (“brand new”).
  • "En kijk toch eens... het past precies! (Niet slecht voor een gejut tweedehandsje.)"
    (And look at that... it fits exactly! (Not bad for a beach-combed secondhand.))
  • "Zo, laten we nu die Octarianen eens een poot uitdraaien! Of twee. Of drie. Of... Nou ja... je snapt me wel."
    (So, let's get those Octarians pay an arm and a leg. Or two. Or three. Or... Well... You get the point.)
    NOTE: 'een poot uitdraaien' is a Dutch saying equivalent to the English saying “to pay an arm and a leg”.
  • "O, dat is waar... De schuilplaatsen van de Octarianen hebben onzichtbare ingangen. Met een likje inkt kun je ze onthullen!"
    (Oh, that is right... The shelters of the Octarians have invisible entrances. You can reveal them with a small amount of ink!)
  • "Als je iets tegenkomt wat er raar uitziet, beschiet het dan met inkt! Altijd uitkijken dat je nergens inktstinkt, zeg ik maar."
    (If you come across something what looks weird, shoot at it with ink! Always watch out that you won't be fooled by anything, so to speak.)
    NOTE: 'inktstinkt' comes from 'inkt' (“ink”) and 'instinken' (“to fall for”, “to be fooled by”)


  • There are a couple of parabolic antennae around Tentakeel Outpost with the text "Ikavision" written on them, which makes it one of the few in-game appearances of any written human language outside Splatfests.[1]
  • The caged insect from Marie's Grasshopper vs. Ant Splatfest artwork can be seen next to Cuttlefish Cabin.[2]
  • On the side of Cuttlefish Cabin there is a phone that looks like the Telephone from the Octo Expansion.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アシサキ前線基地
Ashisaki Zensen Kichi
Feet (Tentacle) Tip Frontline Base
Netherlands Dutch Weekdierenwachtpost Mollusc guard post
France French (NOE) Base Tentacule Tentacle base
Germany German Tentakel-Vorposten Tentacle Outpost
Italy Italian Avampolpo Tentacolo From avamposto (outpost) and polpo (octopus)
Russia Russian Форпост «Тентакль»
Forpost «Tentakl'»
Tentacle outpost
Spain Spanish (NOE) Base Tentáculo Tentacle base

Cuttlefish Cabin

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese シオカラ亭
Calamari Cottage
Netherlands Dutch Kraakkot Kraken Shack
