Agent 4

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Agent 4

Female Agent 4
Species Inkling
Hair color Variable (Splatoon 2, Octo Canyon)
Eye color Any
Age 14 (Splatoon 2)[1]
Likely 19 (Splatoon 3)[2]
Gender Any
Location Inkopolis Square, Octo Canyon
Maximum HP
Other forms
As soon as I saw you aimlessly wandering around the square, I knew you were the one.

Agent 4 is the code name given to the player character of Splatoon 2 by Marie in Octo Canyon.


Agent 4 can have a variety of appearances, depending on the player's choice of gender, skin color, eye color, and hairstyle, as well as their current ink color. They wear an upgraded version of the Hero Suit that once belonged to Callie.[3] They can pick up Armor to wear as well. They wield the Hero Shot by default but are later able to use a variety of other Hero weapons given to them by Sheldon.

Unlike other Agents who are locked to a single hue outside of levels, Agent 4 sports different ink colors depending on which Sector of the Octo Canyon they are in. These ink colors are respectively   Marigold in Tentakeel Outpost (also used in most promotional art),   Green in Suction-Cup Lookout,   Soda in Beaker's Depot,   Turquoise in Slimeskin Garrison and   Night Lumi Green in Cephalon HQ.

In official artwork, Agent 4 is frequently depicted as a girl Inkling with the Haircut hairstyle, orange eyes, wearing the upgraded Hero Suit, with Marigold as their signature ink color.

Personality and traits

Agent 4 is described as a silent squid who goes with the flow even in raging waters, and values freedom and flexibility.[4] They also "blast through any situation with ease."[3] Agent 4 did not initially know who the Squid Sisters were, but later came to respect them after their journey in Octo Canyon. Agent 4, as seen in promotional pictures and art, has a diligent work ethic, a lot of confidence, and is extremely free-spirited. Compared to Agent 3, they are shown to be more easygoing and relaxed, yet slightly upbeat in their mannerisms and are constantly depicted as smiling in official art.

Their favorite weapon class appears to be shooters, as evidenced by their signature Hero Shot as well as their Palette in Side Order. The Order Shot is not only the weapon associated with Agent 4's Palette, but also the weapon used by the leading figure of Parallel Canon, who is a direct copy of Agent 4.


Agent 4, Callie and Marie in Tentakeel Outpost.

Early life

Not much is known about Agent 4's background, except that they came from a town about 40 minutes from Inkopolis by train.

Splatoon 2

Agent 4 initially went to Inkopolis for an unknown reason but got swept up in Marie's quest to save the Great Zapfish and her cousin Callie. In Octo Canyon, Agent 4 completes various missions to retrieve stolen Zapfish, defeating many Octarians along the way. Eventually, Agent 4 confronts DJ Octavio and a brainwashed Callie, rescuing the Great Zapfish, freeing Callie, and finally restoring Inkopolis' power supply once again.

After Splatoon 2

Sometime after the events of Splatoon 2, Cuttlefish introduced Off the Hook to Agent 4. Marina wanted them to be in charge of the Memverse's system security. Order took part of Agent 4's soul, turning it into a Palette.


Agent 4's Palette

Order Shot

Splat Bomb


THIS is who Mawina wanted in charge of
Memverse secuwity? This unfwappable,
fwee-spiwited so-and-so? I would never
abide it! weason such stwength
shouldn't be used to pwotect a world
of order.

An Order Defense Force is MUCH cooler
than a New Squidbeak Splatoon anyway!
No lawless do-gooder would be beyond
our gwasp!
Most common Tone:
Second Most common Tone:



  • In the Splatoon manga, Gloves is Agent 4, with Skull and Vintage appearing later as Agent 4.1 and Agent 4.2, respectively.
  • Marie's dialogue exclusive to certain localizations suggests Agent 4 is "two years older" than Agent 3, suggesting they are 16 to 18 years old. This directly contradicts the developers' statement that the playable Inklings in Splatoon 2 are around 14 years old.
  • Most promotional artwork and screenshots depict Agent 4 to be a girl Inkling with the Haircut hairstyle, with few concept arts and segments of the credits depicting a boy version with the Slick hairstyle. This is less variable than the first game, which had multiple official artwork pieces depicting both Inkling girls and boy as Agent 3.
    • This is further evidenced by the final portion of the end credits, which depicts a girl Agent 4 celebrating alongside a reunited Callie and Marie.
  • An Inkling girl on the artwork for Tower Records has the same features commonly used for Agent 4. She is seen with an Octoling that resembles Agent 8, implying it could be both of them.
  • Agent 4 is nicknamed "Four" and "Agent Snore" by Marie.
  • According to the official Splatoon 2 relationship chart and The Art of Splatoon 2, Agent 4 does not watch TV because they are busy with extracurriculars.[3] Therefore, they are unfamiliar with the Squid Sisters, to Marie's surprise.
  • The Octo Expansion art book, HaikaraWalker, includes a mid-development mockup of Agent 4 in a prototype version of the Deepsea Metro.[5]
  • A map of Inkadia reveals that Agent 4's home is very far away from Inkopolis.
  • In The Art of Splatoon 3, Agent 4 was shown to be in an early concept for Splatoon 3's story mode.
  • In an interview with Famitsu, it is said that Order created the Parallel Canon boss in Side Order by using Agent 4's data due to rumors of them being the strongest.


Members of the New Squidbeak Splatoon are referred to by numbers. Similar to how Agent 3 was named so by Cap'n Cuttlefish because Agents 1 and 2 are Callie and Marie, Agent 4's title is given by Marie in continuation. Their real name is never revealed as it is initially dependent on the name of the player's username.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 4号
Number Four
Netherlands Dutch Agent 4 Same as the English name
CanadaFrance French Numéro 4 Number 4
Germany German Nr. 4 Number 4
Italy Italian Numero 4 Number 4
Russia Russian Агент 004
Agent 004
Agent 004
SpainMexico Spanish Agente 4 Agent 4
China Chinese (Simplified) 4号
Sì Hào
Number 4
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 4號
Sì Hào
Number 4
South Korea Korean 4호
Number 4


  1. An interview with Hisashi Nogami confirmed the playable characters of Splatoon 2 (therefore Agent 4) are age 14.
  2. An Nintendo Ask-the-Developer-Interview confirmed five years passing between Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3 launch.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Art of Splatoon 2 page 50
  4. Squid Research Lab The Chaos vs. Order description of Agent 4's reason for joining Team Chaos
  5. HaikaraWalker page 10