
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Hello, inklings! I'm 5p1k3, a Splatoon 2 player and theorist since summer 2018. Welcome to my page! I'm looking to get into the community hopefully, and figure Inkipedia is a good place to start.

A Little About Me

My Mission

I'm interested in supporting the Splatoon 2 competitive community as best I can, and seek to make it as accessible as possible. In Inkipedia, my focus is to ensure that the information presented in the articles is clear, concise, and up to date. A large portion of my editing will be dedicated to articles related to the PvP multiplayer modes, my area of expertise. I will be active in talk pages, asking and answering questions. See my talk page for all the questions I've ever asked. In short, my mission is to be an ambassador to connect the casual and competitive communities as well as enrich the wiki as a whole.

Currently, I'm also working on a project regarding the world of Splatoon titled "Gettin' Wet 'n' Wild!!!: Explorations and Explanations of Splatoon Canon. It's still in progress, so it's not publicly available yet. I'm also in the process of transcribing a selection of Splatoon and Splatoon 2 music and turning them into full-length songs. These are also works in progress and publicly unavailable.

What Else I Do

I'm a semi-professional musician who plays piano and organ. I'm also an aspiring composer/producer/improviser/transcriber (i.e, taking existing music recordings and putting it on paper), vocalist, lyricist, theologian, and fanfiction author.

My Character (Nov. 12, 2018)

  • Appears As: "SqSq!5p1k3"
  • Favorite Position: Backline
  • Favorite Role: Anchor-Flex

I just got a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller! Unfortunately, making the transition is proving to be quite difficult. You won't see me in Ranked for a while.

My Accomplishments

My Favorites

  • Favorite Splatoon Fictional Band: Squid Squad
  • Least Favorite Splatoon Fictional Band: None
  • Favorite Splatoon 2 Fictional Band: Wet Floor
  • Least Favorite Splatoon 2 Fictional Band: Diss-Pair
  • Favorite Splatoon Multiplayer Music: Metalopod
  • Least Favorite Splatoon Multplayer Music: None
  • Favorite Splatoon 2 Multiplayer Music: Inkoming!
  • Least Favorite Splatoon 2 Multiplayer Music: Kinetosis
  • Favorite Squid Sisters Song: Fresh Start
  • Favorite Off The Hook Song: Ebb And Flow
  • Favorite Solo Song: #$@%* Dudes Be #$@%* Sleepin
Splatfest History
Team Result Clout Comments
Pulp Victory N/A Pretty stupid question, and not because it's easy. Pulp is just more fun to me. Shifty Station was okay.
Squid Victory N/A Inklings are the original and the best until we get hairstyle equality. Octolings are okay too, but I'm content to be an Inkling for the rest of my days. Shifty Station was okay.
Spoon Defeat N/A Why? Whoever thinks forks are more versatile is ignoring the facts. How does one eat soup with a fork? Huh? HUH?! ...why am I complaining? We were the popular side. I also used a fork a total of only three times the week leading up to and during the Splatfest, spaghetti and sideways glances included. Shifty Station was cool.
Modern Victory c. 10,000 Marina's side finally won! it was about time, honestly. Had far too many Modern vs. Modern battles to really get a handle on the new formulas, though, which in retrospect was a pretty good indication that Modern was the popular side. Great Shifty Station, too.
Treat Victory c. 130,000 Not a prank person. All I really cared about was the ride rails, honestly. Forty-eight hour Splatfests are a great idea. Shifty Station was absolutely the best.
Salsa Victory c. 30,000 Difficult choice, actually. Had about 10% Salsa vs. Salsa battles, which is actually a lot more than the ratio might allude one to believe. Shifty Station was cool, but not perfect. Very control-oriented, which resulted in a lot of solo-queue frustration.

...Maybe there will be more stuff here soon. Thanks for visiting! :D