
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
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A promotional image for Splatoon 3 featuring the Splat Brella.

Brellas are one of the main weapon classes in the Splatoon series.

As a shotgun-like weapon class, brellas fire a narrow cone-shaped spray of ink 'pellets' each time the weapon is fired. As their name suggests, they also feature unfolding canopies that can serve as shields to protect the user and their allies.

Brellas were first introduced in Splatoon 2.

General mechanics

If the player holds down , the brella will unfold, providing a protective shield that is capable of absorbing enemy attacks while taking damage in the process. The shield can be broken if enough damage is taken, and there are a variety of potential damage multipliers to make this act easier for certain weapons (see "Shield mechanics" below).

With most brellas, if the player holds down the trigger even longer, the brella will detach from the main weapon and propel itself in the direction it is aimed, inking the ground as it travels. It will still protect anyone behind it from enemy fire until it vanishes.

Detached or broken shields will regenerate and become deployable once again after a delay.

List of brellas

Note: The series are arranged by their respective order in the weapon select screen with the Main filter.

Series Description Variants Games

Splat Brella
The standard brella, featuring middling range, damage, and shield durability. Splat Brella
Sorella Brella
Hero Brella Replica
Order Brella Replica

Tenta Brella
A heavy brella with a larger, more durable shield. Its shots have more range and it can deal lethal damage in one shot, at the cost of a slow rate of fire. Tenta Brella
Tenta Sorella Brella
Tenta Camo Brella

Undercover Brella
A lightweight brella that can be fired while its shield is open. It has a quick rate of fire, but its damage and shield durability are low. It cannot launch its shield. Undercover Brella
Undercover Sorella Brella
Kensa Undercover Brella

Recycled Brella 24
A brella with extremely low shield durability, but powerful shots with very little spread. The shield launches and regenerates very quickly. Recycled Brella 24 Mk I
Recycled Brella 24 Mk II

Special brellas

The following brellas are only available outside of battles as part of other modes:

Weapon Description Games

Hero Brella
A brella similar to the Splat Brella only used in Octo Canyon. Upon completion of all missions in Octo Canyon using the Hero Brella, the player will unlock the Hero Brella Replica for use in battles.

Grizzco Brella
A modified rare weapon based on the Splat Brella, only available in Salmon Run and Salmon Run Next Wave. Uniquely, it entirely lacks a canopy and instead focuses on a wider spread and extremely rapid automatic fire.

Order Brella
A brella similar to the Splat Brella only used in Side Order when equipping Marina's Palette. Upon successful completion of a run with this Palette equipped, the player will unlock the Order Brella Replica for use in battles.


Brellas in Splatoon 2
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Hero Brella Replica 6002 Sprinkler Ink Storm 190p 9 Cash 9000 Brella 12 August 2017​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Kensa Undercover Brella 6022 Torpedo Ink Armor 190p 24 Cash 14800 Brella 7 November 2018 (4.2.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Sorella Brella 6001 Autobomb Splat-Bomb Launcher 200p 15 Cash 12000 Brella 31 March 2018
Splat Brella 6000 Sprinkler Ink Storm 190p 9 Cash 8300 Brella 12 August 2017​​​​​​​​​​
Tenta Brella 6010 Squid Beakon Bubble Blower 200p 23 Cash 14200 Brella 30 September 2017
Tenta Camo Brella 6012 Ink Mine Ultra Stamp 210p 30 Cash 29800 Brella 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)
Tenta Sorella Brella 6011 Splash Wall Curling-Bomb Launcher 170p 28 Cash 18600 Brella 1 July 2018​​​
Undercover Brella 6020 Ink Mine Splashdown 150p 13 Cash 9100 Brella 30 December 2017
Undercover Sorella Brella 6021 Splat Bomb Baller 180p 19 Cash 11900 Brella 1 June 2018
Brellas in Splatoon 3
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Splat Brella 6000 Sprinkler Triple Inkstrike 200p 5 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Sorella Brella 6001 Autobomb Inkjet 190p 19 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 5.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2023)
Order Brella Replica 6005 Sprinkler Triple Inkstrike 200p 1 Brella Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)
Tenta Brella 6010 Squid Beakon Ink Vac 190p 16 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Tenta Sorella Brella 6011 Ink Mine Trizooka 200p 22 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 4.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2023)
Undercover Brella 6020 Ink Mine Reefslider 180p 18 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Undercover Sorella Brella 6021 Torpedo Splattercolor Screen 180p 23 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 6.0.0 (Chill Season 2023)
Recycled Brella 24 Mk I 6030 Angle Shooter Big Bubbler 190p 13 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 7.0.0 (Fresh Season 2024)
Recycled Brella 24 Mk II 6031 Toxic Mist Triple Splashdown 200p 20 Sheldon License 1 Brella Version 8.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2024)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Splatoon 2

Spawning in before a match starts:

  • Both Inklings and Octolings hold their weapon forward before positioning it beside them like normal after shaking off excess ink.


  • Inklings: Holds their brella like a cane before twirling it in a circle, then pose with the brella open while periodically spinning it.
  • Octoling girl: Floats down with the shield open until landing on the ground to close it and proceeds to play the weapon like a guitar before posing.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to Octoling girl, but slightly leaning down with both eyes open during the guitar pose.


  • Inkling girl: Holds the weapon with two hands while brella is open, twitches a couple times before looking down at the ground and shaking her head.
  • Inkling boy: Similar to Inkling girl, except his legs are bent outwards.
  • Octoling girl: Slides hand down brella and collapses, dropping the weapon and rubbing her head.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to the Octoling girl, but shakes his head instead.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: Inspects brella for a second, taps their hand with it a few times, and the opens it looks inside before closing it.
  • Octolings: Opens the brella and looks inside before closing it.

Splatoon 3

Spawner pose:

  • All styles: Smiles while holding the brella with their hands on their hips.


  • Flip Out: Picks up the weapon's base while folded, swings it with force in the style of a golf club, then throws it into the air and rests their hands on it when it lands.
  • Reppin' Inkopolis: Spins the weapon around, throws it into the air, then catching it and playing it like a guitar. (Added in version 7.0.0. Versions prior used the same animation for Flip Out.)

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: The player will look the brella over before putting the end of it on the ground, tilting it to the right and then left before picking it up and holding it above their head with the brella closed the whole time.
  • Octolings: The player will hold the brella in their right hand before grabbing with both hands and swinging like a baseball bat, briefly glancing up before moving it back to their right hand and nodding.


Squid Research Lab Ballistics here with a weapon type that looks far more innocent than it is. Meet the brella! Open one up to defend against enemy barrages, then launch it right into their surprised faces. Brellas can also fire ink, of course. When it rains...
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]

Shield mechanics

  • Brella shields have different incoming damage multipliers for each weapon type.[2]
    • After being launched, the shield takes half the normal damage from enemy attacks.
  • The shield absorbs Rainmaker shots, taking damage from them but not allowing them to explode. This is not the case for bombs, which will explode on impact, dealing damage to anything in front of the shield.
  • The shield is unaffected by Object Shredder. No additional damage will be dealt.[3]
  • The Sting Ray and Ink Storm ignore the shield, dealing damage directly to the player.
  • A released shield can break Ink Armor and Sprinklers on impact.
  • A released shield will break if it touches a Splash Wall, another brella shield, the Rainmaker shield, or the spawn point barrier.

Splat Brella Canopy damage:

Weapon Multiplier
Main weapon
Dualies 0.7×
Shooter 0.7×
Splatling 0.7×
H-3 Nozzlenose 0.8×
.52 Gal 0.85×
L-3 Nozzlenose 0.85×
Brush (Running)
Roller (Running)
Rainmaker Shot
.96 Gal 1.1×
Squeezer 1.1×
Brush (Swinging) 1.5×
Dynamo Roller 1.5×
Bloblobber 1.6×
Roller (Flicking) 1.7×
Brella (Shot)
Rainmaker (Explosion)
Blaster 2.2×
Bamboozler 14 Mk I 2.4×
E-liter 4K 3.5×
Luna Blaster 3.6×
Brella (Canopy)
Sub weapon
Curling Bomb
Splash Wall
Splat Bomb (Explosion)
Burst Bomb
Ink Mine
Splat Bomb
Suction Bomb
Fizzy Bomb 3.6×
Special weapon
Bubble Blower
Tenta Missiles 1.5×
Sting Ray
Inkjet (Exhaust)
Tenta Missiles (Explosion) 2x
Booyah Bomb 2.5×
Inkjet (Shot) 2.5×
Ink Storm
Baller (Touch)
Ultra Stamp (Throwing)
Baller (Explosion) 9.5×
Splashdown 9.5×
Ultra Stamp (Swinging) 20×

Undercover Brella Canopy damage:

Weapon Multiplier
Main weapon
Dualies 0.7×
Shooter 0.7×
Splatling 0.7×
H-3 Nozzlenose 0.8×
L-3 Nozzlenose 0.85×
Brush (Running)
Roller (Running)
Rainmaker Shot
Brush (Swinging) 1.5×
Roller (Flicking) 1.5×
Blaster 1.6×
Bloblobber 1.6×
Brella (Shot)
Rainmaker (Explosion)
E-liter 4K 2.4×
Brella (Canopy)
Sub weapon
Curling Bomb
Splash Wall
Splat Bomb (Explosion)
Burst Bomb
Ink Mine
Splat Bomb
Suction Bomb
Fizzy Bomb 3.6×
Special weapon
Bubble Blower
Tenta Missiles 1.5×
Sting Ray
Inkjet (Exhaust)
Tenta Missiles (Explosion) 2x
Booyah Bomb 2.5×
Inkjet (shot)
Ink Storm
Baller (Touch)
Ultra Stamp (Throwing)
Baller (Explosion)
Ultra Stamp (Swinging) 20×


Promotional renders from Splatoon 2

2D icons

Promotional renders from Splatoon 3

Tableturf Battle cards from Splatoon 3


  • The Splat Brella was inspired by developer Seita Inoue's memories of "play-fighting" with umbrellas as a child.[4]

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese シェルター
Netherlands Dutch Plenzer From plenzen ("to rain heavily"). Suffix -er forms agent nouns from verbs
CanadaFrance French Para-encre From parasol ("umbrella, parasol") and encre ("ink"). The prefix "para-" also means "protecting from", referencing the canopy
Germany German Pluviator From pluvia (Latin for "rain") and the suffix -tor used for machines.
Italy Italian Sparasole From sparare ("shoot") and parasole ("parasol")
Russia Russian Зонтган
SpainMexico Spanish Paratintas From paraguas ("umbrella") + tinta ("ink").
China Chinese (Simplified) 防空伞
fáng kōng sǎn (Mandarin)
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 防空傘
fáng kōng sǎn (Mandarin)
South Korea Korean 셸터
