Carbon Roller Deco

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The Carbon Roller Deco is a main weapon in the Splatoon series. It is a Deco-branded variant of the Carbon Roller, having the same stats but a different sub weapon and special weapon.


The Carbon Roller Deco is nearly identical in appearance to the Carbon Roller. The only difference between the two is that the Carbon Roller Deco has stickers bearing the Deco logo placed along the red supports. In Splatoon 3, the Carbon Roller Deco is based on the redesign of the Carbon Roller, though it still is colored red and has the stickers along the supports.


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Carbon Roller Deco

Carbon Roller Deco

Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Seeker
Special Bomb Rush
Special points
Special depletion Special gauge 40%
20 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
65 / 100
60 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 13
Cost Cash 7,600
Added in 3 October 2015
Base damage 25–125 (Splash)
70 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 3.5% (Splash)
0.1% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant Carbon Roller Carbon Roller

The Carbon Roller Deco was released on 3 October 2015 at 02:00 UTC.[1][2]

It comes in a set with Seekers and the Bomb Rush.


  • The Carbon Roller Deco is a middleweight weapon.
  • Ink consumption while rolling is 6% per second.
  • Ink consumption per attack is 3.5%.
    • This allows players to attack 28 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • The weapon can attack with a depleted ink tank, but the damage of that attack is reduced to 40% of the normal amount.
  • Rolling with a depleted ink tank will not leave a trail or damage opponents.
  • When attacking, it takes 9 frames to lift the roller (0.15 seconds).
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.44 units per frame.
  • When rolling on an uninkable surface or with a depleted ink tank, the player's movement speed is set to 0.96 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.67 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 70 damage.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 125.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 45 units and stops losing damage at 80 units. The minimum damage is 25.
  • Ink globs travel straight for 3 frames.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that flies to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 71 units and stops losing damage at 80 units. The maximum damage is 50 and the minimum damage is 25.
  • When rolling, the Carbon Roller Deco leaves an ink trail that is 44 units wide.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Players can only splat their opponents in one hit with the center of the roller.
  • Opponents cannot be splatted in one hit when the player is out of ink.
  • Amount of damage given when the roller is repeatedly swung balanced.
  • Special gauge loss: 50% → as low as 40%.
  • Ink consumption per flick: 5% → 3.5%.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Carbon Roller Deco is a Carbon Roller specially decorated by top designers. It can be hard inking a path quickly with a roller, but Seekers and Bomb Rush can help you to do just that! Now you can approach foes quickly and swing your roller in their face! Perfect for hit-and-run tactics!(NA)[a]

Sheldon's Introduction

The Carbon Roller Deco is a Carbon Roller specially decorated by top designers. Rollers can make it difficult to ink ahead, but Seekers and Bomb Rush can help you to do just that! Now you can approach foes quickly and swing your Roller in their face! Perfect for hit-and-run tactics!(EU/OC)[b]

A snazzier version of the Carbon Roller. The Seeker sub weapon not only attacks the opponent but draws a path right to them. The special lets you send out a swarm of Seekers.
— In-Game Description(NA)[a]
A snazzier version of the Carbon Roller. The Seeker Sub Weapon not only attacks the opponent but draws a path right to them. The Special lets you use Seekers with abandon.
— In-Game Description(EU/OC)[b]
Have you ever looked at your Carbon Roller and through[sic] to yourself, "Hey, I wish this looked jazzier!"? Well your prayers are about to be answered when the Carbon Roller Deco goes on sale tonight! The Carbon Roller Deco comes with not one, but TWO ways to use Seekers - as a sub, or as a special that unleashes a whole swarm of 'em.
  1. 1.0 1.1 North America
  2. 2.0 2.1 Europe and Oceania



Splatoon 2

Carbon Roller Deco
Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Burst Bomb
Special Autobomb Launcher
Special points 190p
Special depletion
20 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
63 / 100
65 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 10
Cost Cash 8,500
Added in 1 June 2018
Base damage 25–100 (Ground)
40–120 (Midair)
70 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 4% (Splash)
0.1% per frame (Roll)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant Carbon Roller Carbon Roller

The Carbon Roller Deco was released on 1 June 2018 at 00:00 UTC.[4] It comes with Burst Bombs and the Autobomb Launcher.


  • The Carbon Roller Deco is a lightweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 95. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while rolling scales from 1.2% to 6% depending on the rolling speed.
  • When rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 1.28 units per frame.
  • After rolling for 0.5 seconds, the player begins to dash.
  • When dashing, the player's movement speed is set to 1.52 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 70 damage. Main Power Up increases rolling contact damage up to 80.5.
  • When rolling, the Carbon Roller Deco leaves an ink trail that is 44 units wide.

Horizontal swing (while grounded)

  • The ink consumption of 3.96% allows players to attack 25 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 1.98%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 25% of the normal amount.
  • When attacking, it takes 10 frames to lift the roller (0.17 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.6 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.67 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 100. Main Power Up increases damage up to 115.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 50 units and stops losing damage at 90 units. The minimum damage is 25. Main Power Up increases minimum damage up to 28.75.
  • The lethal range is 50 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • In situations where ink falls down, the ink will lose damage as it falls. The minimum damage for falling ink is 12.5.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that is flung at an angle greater than 12 degrees to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 35 units and stops losing damage at 75 units. The maximum damage is 100 and the minimum damage is 25. Main Power Up increases maximum damage up to 115 and increases minimum damage up to 28.75.

Vertical swing (while in midair)

  • The ink consumption of 3.96% allows players to attack 25 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 1.98%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 50% of the normal amount.
  • When attacking, it takes 12 frames to lift the roller (0.2 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.48 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.75 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 120. Main Power Up increases damage up to 138.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 50 units and stops losing damage at 150 units. The minimum damage is 35. Main Power Up increases minimum damage up to 40.25.
  • In situations where ink falls down, the ink will lose damage as it falls. The minimum damage for falling ink is 17.5.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
Base game
  • Splash attacks in midair changed to slower vertical swings that are narrow and have increased range.
  • Ground splash range decreased by about 19%.
  • Max ground damage: 125 → 100
  • Ink consumption per flick: 3.5% → 4.5%
  • Movement speed while rolling increased: 1.45 → 1.52
  • When rolling you need to accelerate to max rolling speed: 1.28 → 1.52
  • When inking ground continuously by holding ZR, player will now reach maximum movement speed one second faster.
  • Made it easier to ink the ground in front of you when using a horizontal swing.
  • Decreased the knock back distance when coming into contact with a roller that has run out of ink or is in mid-air.
  • Extended the distance at which maximum damage is dealt when landing an attack at the extent of a horizontal swing by roughly 35%.
  • Decreased ink consumption when inking the ground with the roller while moving at top speed by roughly 33%.
  • Horizontal swing now inks more area in front of the player.
  • Decreased time after making a horizontal swing before you can switch into squid or octo form or use a sub weapon by roughly 2/60 of a second.
  • Increased damage dealt to opponent Splat Brellas increased by 13%.
  • Ink consumption per flick: 4.5% → 4%
  • Increased damage dealt to the Booyah Bomb armor by roughly 2%.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Carbon Roller Deco is a Carbon Roller specially decorated by top designers. Burst Bombs enable you to quickly finish off wounded opponents! The Autobomb Launcher allows you to control giant areas of turf. If you're looking to rampage around the battlefield, you'll want to give this set a try!

The Carbon Roller Deco is a Carbon Roller specially decorated by top designers. Burst Bombs enable you to quickly finish off wounded opponents, and the Autobomb Launcher allows you to gain control of giant areas of turf. Recommended for players who like making big messes in a short amount of time.



Carbon Roller Deco

Carbon Roller Deco

Basic information
Category Main
Class Roller
Sub Burst Bomb
Special Trizooka
Special points 190p
Special depletion
20 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
63 / 100
65 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 22
Added in Chill Season 2022 (2.0.0)
Base damage
Base duration
Ink consumption
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant Carbon Roller Carbon Roller

Splatoon 3

The Carbon Roller Deco returns in Splatoon 3 in Chill Season 2022 with its design from the previous games, minus the silver spots on the roller frame. It comes with Burst Bombs and the Trizooka.


  • The Carbon Roller Deco is a lightweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 9.5. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • Ink consumption per second while rolling scales from 1.2% to 6% depending on the rolling speed.
  • While rolling, the player's movement speed is set to 0.128 units per frame.
  • After rolling for 0.33 seconds, the player begins to dash.
  • When dashing, the player's movement speed is set to 0.152 units per frame.
  • After rolling, there is a 0.33 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Hitting an opponent while rolling deals 70 damage.
  • While rolling, the Carbon Roller Deco leaves an ink trail that is 4.4 units wide.

Horizontal swing (while grounded)

  • The ink consumption of 3.96% allows players to attack 25 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 1.98%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 25% of the normal amount, and the speed in which the globs of ink move is reduced to 50% of the normal amount, effectively reducing its range.
  • When attacking, it takes 10 frames to lift the roller (0.17 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.06 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.67 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 100.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 4.7 units and stops losing damage at 8.7 units. The minimum damage before time-based falloff is applied is 25.
  • The lethal range is 4.7 units, as this is the farthest distance where ink deals 100 damage.
  • If a glob of ink is in the air for more than 24 frames after being flung, it loses damage each frame until frame 44, at which point it will deal 50% of its original damage. Thus, the minimum damage that can be dealt per glob is is 12.5.
  • Ink flung from the center of the roller does the greatest damage. Ink that is flung at an angle greater than 16.0 degrees to the left or right will have lower damage. This low-damage ink starts losing damage after traveling a distance of 3.2 units and stops losing damage at 7.2 units. The maximum damage is 100 and the minimum damage is 25.

Vertical swing (while in midair)

  • The ink consumption of 3.96% allows players to attack 25 times before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When attacking with a nearly depleted ink tank, the ink consumption of that attack is reduced to 1.98%. The damage of that attack is reduced to 50% of the normal amount, and the speed in which the globs of ink move is reduced to 70% of the normal amount, effectively reducing its range.
  • When attacking, it takes 12 frames to lift the roller (0.2 seconds).
  • When attacking while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.048 units per frame.
  • After swinging, there is a 0.75 second cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Attacks have a base damage of 120.
  • For normal attacks, ink loses damage based on distance traveled. Ink starts losing damage at 4.2 units and stops losing damage at 14.2 units. The minimum damage before time-based falloff is applied is 35.
  • If a glob of ink is in the air for more than 30 frames after being flung, it loses damage each frame until frame 45, at which point it will deal 50% of its original damage. Thus, the minimum damage that can be dealt per glob is is 17.5.
  • Damage does not change based on the angle of the ink.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Fixed an issue that made the ink from a Carbon Roller, Carbon Roller Deco, or Flingza Roller look like a different texture than that of the ink from other rollers.
  • When the player holds the Button to ink while moving forward, they will now reach top speed approximately 1/6th of a second faster than before: 30 frames → 20 frames.
  • Widened the angle at which horizontal swings deal maximum damage: 12 degrees → 16 degrees.
  • Damage dealt by horizontal swings and vertical swings to Splash Wall increased by about 10%: 2.4x → 2.64x.
  • Adjusted the damage-falloff rate based on distance for horizontal swings, allowing it to deal 50.0 damage/100 damage farther than it did before.
    • Distance where 100.0 damage is dealt: 4.2 units → 4.7 units.
    • Distance where 50.0 damage is dealt: 6.2 units → 6.7 units.
    • Minimum distance where 25.0 damage is dealt: 8.2 units → 8.7 units.
  • Slightly expanded vertical swings' collision detection with players to make it easier to hit opponents.


Sheldon's Introduction

Feel like the Carbon Roller could use a little more zazz? Then the Carbon Roller Deco might be for you, friend! With a look created by top designers, this special roller comes with Burst Bombs to take your inking abilities to a whole new level. You'll cover so much turf that your opponents will find it hard to move - and then you can hit 'em with the Trizooka from way downtown. It really is that simple with this set. If you like sticking with a tried-and-true strategy - ink first and ask questions never - then give it a try!

SRL Ballistics back from vacation. We're padlocking the office fridge from now on, but first... behold the Carbon Roller Deco! This spiffed-up roller comes with Burst Bombs and the long-range Trizooka. If you ever felt like you were outgunned with your roller, give this set a try!
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[9]


Main article: Badge#Weapon Freshness badges

Reaching certain Freshness levels with the Carbon Roller Deco will reward the player with special badges that they can use on their Splashtag.

Carbon Roller Deco badges
4★ Carbon Roller Deco User
5★ Carbon Roller Deco User



For competitive tips about the Carbon Roller Deco

Click to view the strategy for Carbon Roller Deco. View the strategy page.



Carbon refers to carbon fiber, a very light material from which the Carbon Roller Deco is made. Many bicycle frames are made of carbon fiber, which alludes to the possibility that the Carbon Roller Deco was made from salvaged bicycle parts. Deco is short for either decorated or decoration, or may also refer to Art Deco, and is used to differentiate it from the Carbon Roller. This trait is shared among the other alternate sets of the Deco brand.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese カーボンローラーデコ
Kābon Rōrā Deko
Carbon Roller Deco
Netherlands Dutch Carbonroller Deco Carbon Roller Deco
CanadaFrance French Rouleau carbone chic Chic Carbon Roller
Germany German Karbonroller Deko Carbon Roller Deco
Italy Italian Rullo di carbonio DX Carbon Roller DX
Russia Russian Валик ЛАЙТ «Деко»
Valik LAYT «Deko»
Roller LITE «Deco»
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Rodillo de carbono chic Chic Carbon Roller
Spain Spanish (NOE) Rodillo de carbono DX Carbon Roller DX
China Chinese (Simplified) 碳纤维滚筒 装饰
tàn xiānwéi gǔntǒng zhuāngshì
Carbon Fiber Roller Deco
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 碳纖維滾筒 裝飾
tàn xiānwéi gǔntǒng zhuāngshì
Carbon Fiber Roller Deco
South Korea Korean 카본 롤러 데코
kabon rolleo deko
Carbon Roller Deco
 Internal Roller_Compact_01[10]
