Douser Dualies FF

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Douser Dualies FF are main weapons in Splatoon 3, made by Custom. They are a pair of dualies with low damage. Shooting while standing, the Douser Dualies have a long range but middling fire rate. They can perform only one dodge roll[1], after which the turret mode activates, dramatically increasing the firing rate at the expense of shorter range and high ink consumption. They also have the farthest dodge rolls of the dualie class.


The Douser Dualies FF appear as a set of dualies with miniature fire extinguishers on the bottom. They have yellow warning labels and instructions on the red canisters, and silver and red nozzles at the firing ends of the dualies. They are designed like the nozzles of firefighting hoses, with switchable nozzles representing the two firing modes.

After dodge rolling, the primary red nozzles compress and the secondary green nozzles attached to the miniature fire extinguishers detach and fall into place below the main nozzle.

Splatoon 3

Douser Dualies FF

Douser Dualies FF

Basic information
Category Main
Class Dualie
Sub Ink Mine
Special Killer Wail 5.1
Special points 200p
Special depletion
78 / 100
20 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
Ink speed
25 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 22
Added in Fresh Season 2024 (7.0.0)
Base damage 25.5
40 ( SRNW)
Base duration
Ink consumption
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variant Custom Douser Dualies FF Custom Douser Dualies FF

The Douser Dualies FF were revealed in the Fresh Season 2024 trailer on 13 February 2024 and released on 1 March 2024. Its kit consists of Ink Mine and the Killer Wail 5.1.


  • The Douser Dualies FF is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 19.1. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption is 1.2% per shot, allowing the user to fire for 11.11 seconds on a full ink tank.
  • When firing continuously, it shoots a bullet every 8 frames (7.5 shots per second).
  • When firing from humanoid form, the first shot takes 3 frames to come out. When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 12 frames to come out.
  • The interval between firing the weapon and being able to enter swim form or use a sub weapon is 4 frames.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.07 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 20 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 25.5 and minimum damage of 12.8.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 9 frames after being fired, it will lose about 1.59 damage every frame until it reaches 12.8 damage at frame 17.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.25 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 2.5 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 8.0 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The weapon starts off having a 10% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
    • This chance increases by 4% per shot, and maximizes at a 30% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle, meaning that it takes 5 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 8 frames after the player stops shooting. The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle decreases by 0.5% per frame, if the chance is not already at the minimum, meaning that it takes 48 frames to reach maximum accuracy. (68 after shooting while jumping.)
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 2.8 units per frame for 5 frames. Shots travel straight for 14 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 2.7 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The effective range is about 18.24 units.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.


  • Each roll consumes 10% of the ink tank capacity.
  • The user can roll 1 time without interruption. After this, there is a delay before the player can roll again.
  • Rolls cover an initial distance of 5.5 units during the rolling animation, plus an additional 1.2 units of sliding afterwards.
  • After performing a roll, it shoots a bullet every 4 frames.
    • The ink consumption per shot remains the same, so the player can fire for 5 seconds after rolling once if they have a full ink tank before rolling.
  • Damage per shot does not change after rolling.
  • After rolling, shots have a radius of 0.25 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate in the post-roll state is 2.3 degrees.
  • After performing a roll, the two individual reticles will merge into a single reticle. The rate of shot deviation remains the same.
  • The Douser Dualies FF cannot shoot while rolling. Shots will only fire once the rolling animation is completed.
  • The rolling state can be broken down as follows:
    • After a 4 frame startup, the roll animation lasts for 16 frames, after which the player can input another roll if they have not yet exhausted all available rolls.
    • After the roll completes, it takes 6 frames before the weapon can be fired. After an additional 36 frames, the user will regain their rolls and reenter a normal state if they move or stop firing.
    • In total, this takes 62 frames.
  • After rolling, shots initially travel straight at a rate of 2.4 units per frame for 4 frames. Shots travel straight for 9.6 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 2.35 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The effective range is about 13.58 units.
    • This number may vary when firing at different angles.
  • Rolling creates a pool of ink with a radius of 2.0 units.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed when firing by approximately 14%: 1.4% → 1.2%.
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed by Dodge Rolls from 12% of the ink tank to 10%.
  • Reduced the time between the end of a Dodge Roll and being able to take another action by approximately 1/20th of a second: 45 frames → 42 frames.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Douser Dualies FF are long-range dualies with different properties before and after a Dodge Roll. Normally, their rate of fire is on the low side, but their long range makes up for it! Who wouldn't want to keep distant foes at bay and bend the battlefield to their whim? But things change after a Dodge Roll. The range gets shorter, while the rate of fire increases significantly, turning you into a close-combat machine! Soften up foes with the Ink Mine sub, then go in blazing with your main weapon or Killer Wail 5.1 special! The weapon has its quirks, and it'll take some getting used to. But if you put in the work, you'll definitely reap the reward!

Say hello to the latest in dualie tech, the Douser Dualies[sic]!

This weapon features a unique adjustable nozzle that can be switched depending on the situation.
The regular nozzle is used for longer ranges while the secondary rapid-fire nozzle can make short work of nearby targets!


Main article: Badge#Weapon Freshness badges

Reaching certain Freshness levels with the Douser Dualies FF will reward the player with special badges that they can use on their Splashtag.

Douser Dualies FF badges
4★ Douser Dualies FF User
5★ Douser Dualies FF User



For competitive tips about the Douser Dualies FF

Click to view the strategy for Douser Dualies FF. View the strategy page.



FF likely stands for "firefighting", given its extinguisher-like appearance and its names in other languages. FF in hexadecimal also corresponds to the number 255, referencing its maximum damage being 25.5.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ガエンFF
Gaen FF
From 臥煙 gaen (a term for local firefighters in the Edo period) + English firefighter(s)
Netherlands Dutch Blusknallers BW From blussen ("to extinguish") and dubbelknallers ("dualies") + brandweer ("fire department")
CanadaFrance French Double ignifugeur Double Fire-proofer[a]
Germany German Lösch-Doppler FW From löschen ("to extinguish") and Doppler ("Doubler") + Feuerwehr ("fire department")
Italy Italian Repolper estintori FF From revolver, polpo ("octopus") and extinguisher FF
Russia Russian Краскотушители 255
Kraskotushiteli 255
Paint extinguishers 255
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Extintor dual FF Dual Extinguisher FF
Spain Spanish (NOE) Extintor Dual FF Dual Extinguisher FF
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 滅熄FF
miè xī FF (Mandarin)
mit6 sik1 FF (Cantonese)
Extinguishing FF
South Korea Korean 소방 FF
sobang FF
Firefighting FF
 Internal Maneuver_Long_00[4]

Translation notes

  1. From ignifuger ("to fire-proof")
