Competitive:Douser Dualies FF

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For information about the Douser Dualies FF, see Douser Dualies FF.

Splatoon 3

Douser Dualies FF

Douser Dualies FF

Abbreviations Dousers
Sub Ink Mine
Special Killer Wail 5.1
Base damage 25.5
Base duration
Ink consumption 1.2%
10% (Dodge Roll)
Special points 200p
Special depletion
Role Anchor[1], Support/Slayer Flex[2]
Strengths Range, versatility, high DPS in turret mode
Weaknesses Low fire rate and damage, single Dodge Roll consumes a lot of ink and leaves little room for error

The Douser Dualies FF is a new weapon in the dualie class in Splatoon 3. It has the longest range of any dualie, and compared to long-range shooters, the Douser Dualies FF slightly outranges the Squeezer, but is just shy of the Jet Squelcher. It can perform just one Dodge Roll at a time, and the distance travelled is further than other dualies. After rolling, the range is shorter, around the range of the Dualie Squelchers, but the fire rate, shot velocity and accuracy increase drastically, at the cost of high ink consumption. Because of these qualities, the Douser Dualies FF finds itself positioned further back than most weapons, flexing between a support and a slayer-type role.[1][2][3]


  • The Douser Dualies FF's main strength is its range in its spread mode, which also has a fairly fast strafing speed. This mode should be used most of the time, which can pressure opponents at range, and provide long-range chip damage and turfing support for teammates. At 25.5 damage per shot, they will need 4 shots to splat an opponent.[2]
    • In this mode, the weapon outranges a large amount of weapons in the game, so use this to your advantage. Try to stay in your most effective range, as they have poor fall-off damage.[2]
  • Dodge Rolls must be used more strategically compared to the other dualies, and should be used sparingly. As it only has one Dodge Roll, this leaves little room for error. They should mainly be used for confirmed splats on opponents, or as a defensive measure if you find yourself being rushed down.[2]
    • The long Dodge Roll distance of the weapon can be used to pursue and splat fleeing opponents.[4]
    • Although the range in turret mode is shorter, the range in this mode outranges a number of short-ranged weapons.[4]


  • Ink Mines can be used aggressively and defensively. They can be placed in high-traffic areas where the enemy is expected to go through. They combo with the weapon, inflicting anywhere from 35 to 45 damage to opponents while also marking them, meaning one less shot to splat an opponent.[2]
  • Killer Wail 5.1 has great synergy with the weapon. It is quick to activate, can finish off a damaged opponent, and can give the user an opportunity to move in with its Dodge Roll. Activating the special can also cancel the Dodge Roll's end-lag, essentially giving the user a second Dodge Roll. The special also acts as a quick ink tank refill, which helps mitigate its high ink consumption.[2]
  • The Douser Dualies FF favors stages with flat, open terrain, and performs well on stages such as Crableg Capital, Barnacle & Dime, and Undertow Spillway:[5]
    • On Crableg Capital, the weapon can take advantage of the various uninkable grates with Run Speed Up.
    • Barnacle & Dime has several areas the weapon can take advantage of, with some flat and open terrain in the middle and upper sides of the stage, as well as more enclosed, sloped areas which the Dodge Roll can take advantage of.
    • Undertow Spillway caters to the weapon's long range, featuring long and narrow routes, being able to reach the enemy's snipe from the middle of the stage, high ground near the spawn area being able to fire at enemies safely, and several spots to utilize the weapon's long Dodge Roll to catch opponents off guard, particularly around the pillar structures.


Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Run Speed Up

Since the Dousers' normal firing mode should be used most of the time, Run Speed Up will improve its strafing speed, while also helping it to paint more effectively. 1 main of Run Speed Up is recommended.[1][6]

Swim Speed Up

A useful ability for any weapon. 2-3 subs is recommended.[6]

Intensify Action

This ability works somewhat well on the weapon to improve its jump accuracy, as they can utilize dualie hopping. 2-4 subs is recommended.[6]


While Comeback is often seen on more aggressive weapons, it is a good choice for the weapon, as the abilities it provides are extremely beneficial for it. This ability is also used in more aggressive builds.[3][6]

Special Charge Up

A useful ability to have extra of, due to Killer Wail 5.1 being able to cancel the Dodge Roll's end-lag and quickly refilling the ink tank. 2-3 subs is recommended.[6]

Stealth Jump

While the Dousers play further back than most weapons, Stealth Jump is a great ability to have on almost any weapon.[6]

Quick Super Jump Special Saver Ink Resistance Up

One sub of each is recommended as utility subs.[6]

Sub Resistance Up

If there is room in the build, one sub can be used, as it is a useful ability to have.[6]

Quick Respawn

Since the weapon is more likely to fight at close range than other anchor weapons, this ability can be useful. Some players use the Dousers more aggressively with its Dodge Roll, where Quick Respawn fits this playstyle.[1][3]

Thermal Ink

Could be useful due to its low damage per shot.[1][6]

Last-Ditch Effort

Could be useful on Splat Zones.[6]

Object Shredder

Could be useful in Rainmaker or for fighting enemy Splash Walls due to its low object damage.[6]

In competitive play

To be added.
