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For information about the Blaster, see Blaster.




Abbreviations Blaster
Sub Disruptor
Special Killer Wail
Base damage 25–40 (Splash)
50–80 (Blast)
125 (Direct hit)
Base duration
Ink consumption 8%
Special points
Special depletion 40%
Strengths High damage, splash damage
Weaknesses Requires good accuracy and the ability to lead shots, low ink efficiency, slow firing rate, poor turfing, lack of mobility after shots, non-lethal bomb


The Blaster is different than its appearance in Splatoon 2

  • The weapon consumes 8% of the ink tank compared to Splatoon 2 where it consumes 10%.
  • The blast radius in Splatoon 2 is 7% decreased than in Splatoon, meaning the user will not need to shoot as close.
  • The maximum splash damage is 80 compared to 70 in Splatoon 2.
  • In Splatoon, the Blaster has no shot deviation when jumping instead of in Splatoon 2 where the weapon has shot deviation when jumping, meaning that the weapon has more accuracy than in Splatoon 2.

Disruptor while similar to Toxic Mist works differently than the other, which can provide a Blaster user with many advantages.

  • Once thrown, a Disruptor will explode on contact and affect anyone surrounding the area. Use this to spot any hiding opponents.
  • Opponents under the effects of a Disruptor will be slowed down severely, making them easy targets. This could pair well with the Blaster's slow fire rate.
  • Opponents will also be marked with a glow while swimming, meaning that they can be found easily.
  • If they try to fight back, opponents will a heavier ink consumption and slower ink recovery rate, which could lead them to having an empty ink tank quickly.
  • Opponents will be under the effects of Disruptor for five seconds, so use the five seconds to splat the opponent quickly.

The Killer Wail is a special that can be used from far away, and still pressure the frontlines.

  • Activate Killer Wail in a safe position. Once activated, the player will walk very slowly and cannot use their main weapon, making them easy targets for opponents.
  • Once launched, the Killer Wail will send out a laser that will splat any opponents that are in the laser.
  • Killer Wail is best used on narrow corridors as opponents will have little room to move away from.
  • Killer Wail can help in stopping Rainmaker and Tower Control pushes as opponents will be forced to stay away from the specific area.
  • Opponents under the effect of Bubbler or Kraken will be knocked back severely if touching Killer Wail, which can be a good counter to those specials.


While a team might get away with having one or two users of short-ranged weapons, such as the Blaster, having a team composition with too many short-ranged weapons and no longer-ranged weapons to provide support fire is often disadvantageous for a number of reasons:

  • An opponent with a long-ranged weapon can more aggressively position themselves to zone out the entire shorter-ranged team.
  • The opposing slayers can play more aggressively, knowing that there is no long-ranged threat to pick them off from afar.

While Disruptor may be useful in some circumstances, having no bomb — particularly either Splat or Suction Bombs can put a team at a disadvantage for a few reasons;

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.


  • If an opposing Blaster user uses Disruptor to restrict your movement, Super Jumping out of the area may be a solution if the Blaster user if far away.
  • Attacking a Blaster user while under the effects of Disruptor may very weaken the user, but it is possible to splat the Blaster user quickly, especially with the Blaster's slow fire rate.
  • If an opponent activates Killer Wail in an unsafe position, try attacking them as they are very vulnerable and cannot fight back.

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Damage Up

Damage Up increases damage of the main, sub, and special weapon. It is possible for a Blaster user to reach splash damage of 99.9 damage, splatting opponents who are slightly damaged from enemy ink.

Quick Respawn

Quick Respawn will always shorten respawn time after getting splatted in this game, encouraging a Blaster user to remain aggressive even after getting splatted and is in general useful for brute forcing your way back into the stage.

  • One main, or 10 ability points, reduces the respawn time from 8.5 seconds to 7.29 seconds.
  • Two mains, or 20 ability points, drops this further to 6.29 seconds.

Splatoon 2



Abbreviations Blaster
Sub Toxic Mist
Special Splashdown
Base damage 25–35 (Splash)
50–70 (Blast)
125 (Direct hit)
Base duration
Ink consumption 10%
Special points 170p
Special depletion
Role Slayer
Strengths Splatting, high damage, splash damage, flexible with abilities
Weaknesses Requires good accuracy and the ability to lead shots, low ink efficiency, slow firing rate, poor turfing, lack of mobility after shots

The Blaster and its reskin, the Hero Blaster Replica, are categorized as shooters by the game. However, the shots fired from this weapon have different properties than that of a standard shooter.


The Blaster is a slayer weapon with a unique playstyle compared to a standard Splattershot, with an emphasis on rewarding good positioning.

  • The primary trait of blasters are the powerful exploding shots. Shots will travel a fixed distance (103.312 DU in this case)[1] before exploding, with damage widely varying depending on whether a target is hit directly, and if not, how close to the shot's explosion the target is and whether the shot exploded on a solid surface:
    • 125 health points (HP) of damage per direct hit — enough to splat most opponents in one hit
    • 50-70 HP per hit of splash damage if the shot's explosion does not hit a solid surface
    • 25-35 HP per hit of splash damage if the shot's explosion hits a solid surface, also known as sparks
    • Thus, when firing up a ledge or around either an obstacle or an opponent's brella shield for splash damage, avoid hitting solid surfaces to maximize damage.
  • The explosions produced by blaster shots allow it to hit opponents hiding behind objects or around corners, such as the pole on the Tower in Tower Control or even behind a brella shield for high damage.
  • When factoring in its blast radius of 33 DU, this means that the Blaster has a splash damage range of 136.312 DU, giving it a very slight range advantage against short-ranged weapons like Splattershots and N-ZAPs (116.99 DU).[1] However, these weapons have the mobility to negate this small range advantage and have a significantly faster splatting time in this range if the Blaster does not land a direct hit.
  • Spacing is key while playing blasters, as they have a blindspot in which the shot flies past an opponent and explodes behind them, dealing no damage.[2] Make sure to keep opponents in range of indirect shots, rather than going extremely up close. Putting yourself in positions where you do not need to land direct shots to survive is important while playing a blaster.
  • In exchange for high damage and more leeway with aim due to indirects, blaster shots tend to have many downsides:
    • Unlike standard shooters, blasters have a very slow fire rate, with the standard Blaster firing every 50 frames; for comparison, a Splattershot fires every 6 frames.
    • Its shots also travel slower than those of rapid-firing weapons — 9.45 units per frame versus 22 units per frame for the Splattershot, for example. This means that a Blaster user has to lead their shots in order to be accurate.
    • The Blaster becomes less accurate (by 10 degrees) immediately after jumping. While many other weapons also become less accurate after jumping, the slow fire rate and wider shot deviation makes this even more of a problem on blasters, especially if the shot collides with a wall or the floor instead of the intended target, making low damage sparks.
      • Waiting 25 frames – during the descent of a jump – will allow the outer reticle to shrink back and the accuracy to improve for up to 70 more frames.
      • Main Power Up reduces the shot deviation during a jump by up to 40%.
    • In addition, the Blaster suffers a longer lag time after each shot compared to rapid-firing weapons, making it easily punishable after a miss; the interval between firing and either morphing or using a sub weapon is 23 frames — far longer than the 4 frames of Splattershot.
    • Its movement speed while firing (0.45 units per frame) is very slow compared to weapons of comparable range.
    • Last but not least, each shot costs 10% of the ink tank, allowing for only ten shots total. Coupled with 60 white ink frames, or a full second of delay to begin recovering ink after a shot, this makes ink management more important than other weapons while playing the Blaster. Also, be sure to avoid overextending into the opponents' territory, as its poor ink efficiency and turfing make it prone to getting surrounded by opposing ink if fired recklessly.
    • Due to all of these drawbacks, it is highly recommended to not hold ZR to fire the weapon. The Blaster is rather immobile and vulnerable to attack after each shot, so shots must be fired judiciously. A common strategy is to fire, swim to reposition, and fire again.
  • While not as mobile as other slayer weapons, the Blaster can still be effective at flanking, and its high damage makes it devastating at sharking.
  • The Blaster operates best in areas and stages that are less open, such as in an alley or beneath a short ledge, where an opponent has less room to avoid shots and outmaneuver the Blaster user. Walleye Warehouse, MakoMart, and Camp Triggerfish are just a couple stages well suited for a Blaster.
  • The Blaster is good for hitting opponents protecting themselves with Bubble Blower because of its splash damage. While most other weapons have to constantly hit the bubbles, the Blaster's splash damage can pierce right through them.

While Toxic Mist cannot damage opponents, it can cripple their ability to advance, attack, or flee:

  • Throwing Toxic Mist in front of the opponents' positions can either slow their offensive rush or prevent them from quickly reacting on defense. However, beware of any opponents' bombs thrown into or through the Mist.
  • Ink-guzzling weapons – such as chargers, splatlings, sloshers, and most blasters – are most affected by its ink tank-draining effects.
  • Throwing Toxic Mist onto areas frequented by opponents, such as their snipe or the Tower, can dissuade them from remaining there.
  • Dropping a Toxic Mist behind while fleeing an unfavorable situation can buy precious time to escape.
  • Opponents wielding heavyweight weapons – including the Explosher, the Tenta Camo Brella, and especially the Rainmaker – are extremely vulnerable to attack if caught in Toxic Mist. Note that the Rainmaker does not depend on its wielder's ink tank and can still fire shots while within a Toxic Mist.
  • Starting from Version 4.2.0, opposing dualie wielders will have to spend 3.5 times the usual amount of ink to perform a dodge roll, reducing their ability to strafe, rush forward, or zone out targets.
  • As of Version 5.2.0 onwards, Toxic Mist can also slow opponents using a Baller, preventing them from taking over space for their teammates.

The Splashdown can either turn the tide of a battle or be canceled quite easily.

  • Splashdown can combo well with the main weapon due to the special's large splash damage radius combined with the main weapon's long range. Any opponent that takes damage from a Splashdown (55-70 damage) can be splatted in one blast shot from the main weapon (50-70 damage).
  • Be careful when using this special, as competent opponents can shoot you out the air before you attack. In general, avoid "panicking" the Splashdown, or using it in response to being shot at by surprise.
  • The safest way to execute a Splashdown is by super jumping to a teammate.
    • Using Super Jump can be a surprise for opponents that are not aware of the UI that indicates specials ready from the opponent team.
  • Most weapons can cancel the special mid-Splashdown, so it is best to make sure that the opponent you are confronting has a weapon that takes multiple shots for a splat or has low range.
  • The Splashdown can cancel formation of Bubbles making it a quick and fast way of removing them.
  • The Splashdown can be used from higher ledges making it more powerful and extending its radius of splash damage.
  • The worst scenario for a Splashdown is when used as a panic button to get out from a sticky situation, as it can be predicted and aimed for it to be canceled.
  • Splashdown can be used to counter certain specials, such as Bubble Blower, Baller, Booyah Bomb, or any Bomb Launcher. When these specials come close to the Splashdown's explosion, they are typically instantly destroyed.
    • Booyah Bomb armor will either be completely shattered or heavily damaged from a Splashdown; either way, it only takes a few more attacks from the main weapon to splat the opponent.
  • Using Splashdown on the objective in Ranked Modes can either delay an enemy push or give your team control:
    • Due to the large explosion from the Splashdown, it can be used to cap a Splat Zone, or at least neutralize it. Coordinate with your teammates, particularly their own specials, to ensure the zone gets capped.
    • Splashdowning on the Tower in Tower Control can secure possession of it, especially at a checkpoint.[3] However, take care not to use this when the Tower is over water or out of bounds; the Tower can move away and send you plummeting into the water or off the map.
    • The Rainmaker shield is instantly popped by a Splashdown.


The Blaster's lack of lethal bombs can also be a liability to a team composition. Lethal bombs – particularly either Splat or Suction Bombs – provide their user's team a couple advantages over another team that has no lethal bombs in its composition:[4]

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.

The specific weaknesses Splashdown has compared to other special weapons reduces its effectiveness if possessed by more than one player in a team:[4]

  • Without a teammate or Squid Beakon to Super Jump to, Splashdown is relatively static. It cannot push back opponents as effectively as Baller, Bomb Launcher, Booyah Bomb, or even Ink Storm can.
  • An opponent who is skilled at splatting Splashdown attempts could effectively neutralize the special weapon of anyone with Splashdown due to its mostly consistent height, duration, and pattern.

If you regularly keep track of your teammates' locations with the map (by pressing X), you might find opportune moments to use a Super Jumping Splashdown to secure control of important areas, such as onto the Tower or just underneath the opponents' clam basket.


  • Any weapon that has a combination of longer range, better mobility, or higher rate of fire without sacrificing too much damage can counter a Blaster. For example, both the Splattershot Pro and Dualie Squelchers and their respective variants meet all of these requirements.
  • The Splat Brella and Undercover Brella and their variants cannot sufficiently protect their users from the splash damage of the Blaster.
  • Whenever possible, exploit the Blaster's poor ink efficiency and turfing by surrounding it with ink. Sub weapons and teammates can help accomplish this.
  • It is preferable to engage an opposing Blaster in a more open area – where there is more room to avoid its shots, outmaneuver it, and surround it with ink – than in a closed area. If this is not possible, remain farther back on a ledge or further around a corner to avoid splash damage.
  • A long-ranged weapon, such as a charger or most splatlings, can attack a Blaster from long distance with impunity. But if the Blaster user gets close, it can easily splat its slower firing opponents.
  • A competent Blaster user is likely capable at both flanking and sharking:
    • Keep track of all four members of the opposing team – which ones are present, which ones are splatted, and which ones are back at their spawn point.
    • Check the map periodically for opposing ink forming around flanks to anticipate a flanking attack.
    • To prevent sharking, check suspicious puddles of the opponents' ink, preferably with a thrown sub weapon.
    • Weapons that track opponents, such as Point Sensors, temporarily prevent an opponent from sharking and makes them an easier target for long-ranged teammates to pick off.
  • When pursued by a Blaster, using almost any sub weapon (except for Squid Beakons) can either delay their pursuit or deter them from chasing.
  • If an opposing Blaster user uses Toxic Mist to restrict your team's movement, consider throwing bombs either into or beyond the Mist to prevent them from travelling through it.
  • Keep an eye on the HUD to know when an opposing Blaster user has Splashdown ready to use, and be ready for activation when fighting them.
  • If you have good aim, you can try to shoot the Splashdown out of the air:
  • Watch out for any suspicious Super Jump markers. If a Super Jump marker appears in a risky spot, such as on the front lines, it is likely that the opponent is attempting a Super Jumping Splashdown. Instead of camping it with your main weapon, toss a bomb over to the marker instead if you have one.
  • Protective special weapons, such as Ink Armor and Baller, can reduce or mitigate the damage taken from an opponent's Splashdown, but be wary of the large knockback.

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Quick Respawn

Quick Respawn shortens respawn time after getting splatted (under specific conditions). Like other slayer weapons, the Blaster benefits from abilities that promote aggressive play, such as Quick Respawn and Stealth Jump.

  • One main, or 10 ability points, reduces the respawn time by 1.21 seconds.
  • Two mains, or 20 ability points, saves 2.21 seconds for respawning.[5]
Swim Speed Up

Swim Speed Up can help close the distance towards an opponent, more quickly respond to an opponents' push, or escape unfavorable situations.

Stealth Jump

Stealth Jump hides its user's Super Jump landing marker from opponents (and allies) who are not too close to it — about three tile lengths in the middle of Inkblot Art Academy.[6] This encourages its user to Super Jump back to the frontlines more often.


Splatoon 3



Abbreviations Blaster
Sub Autobomb
Special Big Bubbler
Base damage 70 (Near explosion)
50–70 (Near blast)
125 (Direct hit)
Base duration
Ink consumption 10%
Special points 180p
Special depletion
Role Slayer
Strengths Splatting, high damage, splash damage, flexible with abilities
Weaknesses Requires good accuracy and the ability to lead shots, low ink efficiency, slow firing rate, poor turfing, lack of mobility after shots

The Blaster is a weapon that originates in the identically named Blaster weapon class. This weapon currently has no variants unlike previous games, however the Range Blaster is a very similar weapon within the same class.


The Blaster is a slow-shooting weapon that has the capabilities to pierce through opponents. The blaster has limited turf-coverage and increased attack potential compared to most shooters. This weapon requires more skill to wield efficiently and aiming is vital to destroying enemies. Adding to the simple one-shot tactics, shooting toward the opposing player's general area can cause this player to take damage. Depending on the proximity, the splat will require more or less shots.

The Blaster in Splatoon 3 has statistically adjusted from Splatoon 2.

  • Ink consumption is 10% per shot, which has not changed from Splatoon 2.
  • 1.2 shots can be emitted per second (one shot for every 50 frames) which has not changed from Splatoon 2.
  • A direct hit is 125 damage, which has not changed from Splatoon 2.
    • This damage amount is the same as the base damage the weapon deals, which hasn't changed between games as well.
  • A bullet explodes 13 frames after being fired, which has not changed from Splatoon 2,
  • There is a 60 frame cooldown for after a shot is fired before the ink tank begins refilling, which has not changed from Splatoon 2.
  • The amount of special points required for a special are 180p, which has increased by 10p from Splatoon 2.

The Autobomb is a lethal bomb that follow an enemy for a limited amount of time before exploding.

  • The bomb can deal a direct hit with a base damage of 180 and splash with a base damage of 30.
    • This can be advantageous if the user wants to retreat and also finish off an enemy.
  • The Autobombsare also particularly effective when thrown at slower weapons, and this can be utilized when an out of range weapon such as a Competitive:Hydra Splatling is in the middle of fire and cannot move quickly.

The Big Bubbler is a special that can be placed as a sort of force field.

  • The Big Bubbler has a duration of 12 seconds and has a weak point at the center.
  • The weapon user can utilize a point in a map with high traffic and shoot at oncoming enemies with the protection of the shield.


In many cases, a team requires more than aggressive play-style weapons. A weapon with better ink coverage can provide a stable composition for a team with a Blaster user.

Weapons such as the ones listed are useful while playing with a Blaster for their abilities to ink turf.

Blasters require more aim and precision to attack. Having a weapon to easily splat enemies is of high convenience for a team. Weapons such as the ones listed are valuable to help a team make strong pushes in a match.


Blasters have a noticeable weakness in the time spent firing shots. Countermeasures to attack while this weapon is in fire include:

  • Using a form of a charger to attack during the 14 frames.
    • This might exclude two or more- shot chargers.
  • Any attack from behind can be executed on most occasions.
  • Throwing a bomb with a fast explosion rate (or two Burst Bombs quickly) can also eliminate the user.
  • Using a special such as Reefslider or Ultra Stamp can work, but mainly aggressive specials that do not have a slow attack speed or charge up- for example, Booyah Bomb- will splat the Blaster user.
  • The Big Bubbler can be a point of weakness, and when being used for protection a opposing player can attack the top or the beakon in the middle.
    • Every shot that hits the force field damages the Bubbler.

Gear abilities
