Competitive:Classic Squiffer

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For information about the Classic Squiffer, see Classic Squiffer.

Splatoon 2

Classic Squiffer

Classic Squiffer

Abbreviations Squiffer, Charger
Sub Point Sensor
Special Ink Armor
Base damage 40–80 (Partial charge)
140 (Full charge)
Base duration
Ink consumption 1.9% (No charge)
10.5% (Full charge)
Special points 170p
Special depletion
Role Slayer[1]/Support[2][3][4]/Anchor Flex
Strengths Range, one-shot splat, mobility from midair charging and charge storing, Ink Armor farming[3][4][5]
Weaknesses Less range than other chargers, vulnerable at close range, lack of bombs versus its other variants

The Classic Squiffer is a charger that, compared to the Splat Charger, has a shorter charge time and more ink efficiency at the cost of some range and damage. Compared to its other variants, it has a kit – including Ink Armor with the lowest special gauge requirement in all of Splatoon 2 – that enables its user to also play a supportive role on their team.[3][4][5]


While the Squiffer series can flex between slayer's and anchor's weapons, the Classic Squiffer comes with a supportive kit:

  • Like most other chargers, it can fire three different types of shots that vary in charge time, base range from the muzzle, and damage:
Shot type Charge time
time (s)
Tap 0 0 93 40
0 - 45 0 - 0.75 93-167.65 40-80
45 0.75 167.65 140
  • In general, use tap shots for turfing, partially charged shots for close quarters combat, and fully charged shots for sniping.
  • Like most other chargers without a scope, the Classic Squiffer can store a full charge while submerged in ink, providing its user more mobility and making left-side peeking more viable in Splatoon 2.[7]
  • Unique to the Squiffer series is the ability to charge a shot at full speed while in midair, allowing a Squiffer user to snipe at opponents from underneath a short ledge — a position more associated with slayers.[1][4][5]

The Classic Squiffer has a few weaknesses:

  • It has the shortest range among all chargers — 167.65 DU versus the Bamboozler's 195.64 DU and the Splat Charger's 240.37 DU. Not only does this put the Classic Squiffer at a disadvantage against other chargers and other longer-ranged weapons (e.g., versus the Jet Squelcher at 212.64 DU), but it also leaves less room for error when sniping against opposing shorter-ranged weapon users.[1] Fortunately, its range – along with its turfing – can be increased to exceed the minimum range of a Heavy Splatling (178.05 DU) with a reasonable amount of Main Power Up.[6][8]
  • While not as immobile or slow-charging as most other chargers, the Classic Squiffer is still poor at close range compared to a rapid-firing weapon. Keep your distance from opponents and always watch for any flanking attempts by the opposing team.

While unable to inflict any damage onto opponents, the Point Sensor can aid its user and their teammates if used wisely:

  • It temporarily makes an opponent an easier target to snipe or for more mobile teammates to pursue.
  • It can check around corners for flanking opponents and scan behind obstacles or within suspicious puddles of the opponents' ink for any sharking opponents.
  • If you are about to get splatted or fall into an unfavorable situation, marking an opponent provides your teammates the opportunity to, at best, provide assistance or, at worst, give them a chance for a revenge splat.

Ink Armor enables its user's team to either push into opposing turf more aggressively or more staunchly hold its ground, such as while locking out the opponent:

  • Time the activation of Ink Armor carefully so that you and your teammates receive its protection before engaging the opponent.
  • Try to use Ink Armor when most or all teammates are active. Slayers, who risk getting splatted more often, benefit from Ink Armor more than anchors do.
  • Upon activation, Ink Armor will protect its user and their teammates except for those either carrying the Rainmaker or using either Baller or Booyah Bomb. Also, players protected by Ink Armor lose it upon gaining possession of the Rainmaker.
    • The Classic Squiffer is less capable than conventional slayer weapons of turfing paths and may instead be expected to carry the Rainmaker through said paths. If you plan on carrying the Rainmaker, whenever possible, farm Ink Armor and use it just before picking up the Rainmaker.


The Classic Squiffer's range and one-shot splat potential allow its user to maintain spatial control and pressure without having to thoroughly ink large swaths of turf. However, its requirement to charge before firing leaves its user vulnerable at close range. Therefore, it is generally advised not to add more than one other long-ranged weapon to a team composition for a few reasons:[9]

  • A team with too many long-ranged weapons will have fewer mobile weapons that can quickly capture turf and wrest control of the objective, hindering its ability to begin an effective push into the opponents' territory. Such a team will also have difficulty breaking out of an opponent's spawn camp.
  • Longer-ranged weapons, such as the Foil Squeezer, are generally less effective at close range, so a team with too many of them is more prone to getting flanked and sharked than usual.

While quicker and more efficient at turfing than most other chargers, the Classic Squiffer still turfs less efficiently than many typical slayer weapons, such as the Splash-o-matic and the Splattershot. A team whose composition lacks sufficient turfing ability will struggle to maintain map control, which can make games seem like a constant uphill battle:[9]

  • A team whose composition lacks enough turfing ability can be rendered immobile if the other team dominates map control.
  • A lack of turfing also makes it difficult to alter the course of a game, even after wiping out the other team.

It is also an undeniable fact that the Classic Squiffer lacks bombs — particularly either Splat or Suction Bombs. Lethal bombs provide their user's team a couple advantages over another team that has no lethal bombs in its composition:[9]

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.
  • They can be used for poking at and zoning out opponents during the neutral phase, stalling an opponent's push, providing its user time and space to escape, or denying opponents safe access to important areas of the stage, such as the Tower, that might not be easy to fire at with the main weapon.
  • The turf inked by the resulting explosion contributes to both maintaining map control and building up the special gauge.

Given the Classic Squiffer's unique set of strengths and weaknesses, its user will benefit from having teammates with mobile, short-ranged weapons; quick-turfing weapons; and lethal bombs:[10]

  • The Neo Splash-o-matic, the Kensa Splattershot, and the L-3 Nozzlenose D are just a few slayer's weapons whose users can be of mutual benefit to a Classic Squiffer user. They all turf well, have bombs included in their kits, and are mobile enough to take advantage of the Classic Squiffer user's Point Sensors and Ink Armor.
  • Having a second support player team up with a Classic Squiffer user can be valuable if the former is good at turfing and has bombs. These weapons can include the Aerospray MG, the N-ZAP '85 (be wary of Ink Armor stacking, see below) or '89, and the Mini Splatling.

While Ink Armor is a valuable global special weapon, having more than one reduces the number of unique special weapons your team can have. Plus, multiple Ink Armors used by the same team do not stack. Therefore, it would be redundant for a team to have more than two Ink Armor users.[9]

  • If another teammate has Ink Armor, they should at least provide something that the Classic Squiffer is lacking. A friendly N-ZAP '85 or Tri-Slosher user are a couple good examples.
  • Conversely, a Rapid Blaster Pro Deco or a Custom Hydra Splatling would add a second long-ranged weapon without providing either enough turfing or a throwable bomb.

While special weapons used in combination are beneficial in general, a user of either Inkjet or Ultra Stamp would particularly benefit from the added survivability provided by Ink Armor:

  • An armored Inkjet pilot can fly more aggressively with less worry of getting splatted in one shot by an opponent's blaster, roller, or charger.
  • An armored Ultra Stamp wielder is less vulnerable to attacks from either the sides or behind. However, they are easier to spot when submerged in their ink.


A skilled, opposing Classic Squiffer user is a threat from distance, beneath a ledge, and around a corner. Their ability to support their team with Ink Armor further increases their value to their team. Splatting them will temporarily remove their ranged pressure and Ink Armor for their team.

  • Shorter-ranged weapon users should not rush haphazardly at an opposing Classic Squiffer user — especially if they are fully charged; they will punish those who move predictably.
    • Instead, rely on flanking and sharking to get within range and neutralize their range advantage. If they tag you with a point sensor, either briefly keep a distance from opponents to avoid getting splatted or lure them away from the objective or another important area to distract them.
    • Throwing bombs or Toxic Mist at an opposing Classic Squiffer user can briefly force them out of position and throw off their aim. While Toxic Mist does not damage them, it drains their ink tank and limits their movement, making them more vulnerable to a direct assault.
  • Longer-ranged weapon users each have to confront an opposing Classic Squiffer user differently:
    • Other chargers, most long ranged sloshers and splatlings, the Jet Squelcher, and the Squeezer outrange the Classic Squiffer — especially one without Main Power Up. However, an opposing Classic Squiffer user is usually more mobile.
    • The Nautilus out-turfs the Classic Squiffer and is more mobile (due to being able to store a charge longer), but the Classic Squiffer can splat in one shot and has a longer range.
  • Keep an eye on the HUD to know when the opposing Classic Squiffer user has Ink Armor ready to use, and both watch and listen for when it is activated.
    • Splatting an opposing Classic Squiffer user before or while they activate their Ink Armor will prevent it from being applied to their teammates.
    • Fight fire with fire by having and using Ink Armor to counter the opposing Classic Squiffer user's Armor.
    • Ink Armor can negate up to 30 HP of damage, so there are a few means to remove an opponent's Ink Armor in one hit:
      • Most rapid-firing weapons inflict at least 30 HP of damage per shot, and a few more can reach this threshold with enough Main Power Up.
      • Object Shredder triples damage inflicted onto armored opponents, allowing weapons that cannot otherwise inflict 30 HP of damage to remove an opponent's Ink Armor in one shot.[11][12] Combining Object Shredder with Ink Storm can nearly neutralize armored pushes by the opponent.
      • The splash damage of most bombs will destroy the Ink Armor of opponents who have no Bomb Defense Up DX equipped.[11][13][14][15] Burst Bombs are quite effective at this due to their instant explosion and low ink consumption.[16]

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Bomb Defense Up DX

Ever since its introduction in version 4.3.0, Bomb Defense Up DX will not only reduce the damage taken from opposing sub and special weapons that are not one-hit-splat but will also reduce the duration of the tracking effects of certain opponent's sub and special weapons, such as Point Sensors and Ink Mines, allowing the user of this ability to evade detection more easily. While this is a useful ability for any player, a Classic Squiffer user would want it to reduce the splash damage taken from bombs, Tenta Missiles, and Inkjet shots. Just three ability points, or one sub, offer a great amount of utility:[11][13][14][15]

  • The splash damage of most bombs is reduced from 30 HP to 28.6 HP. This reduction in damage provides two benefits:
    • It prevents its user from being exposed on their opponents' map by the splash damage of most single bombs.
    • Ink Armor will not break due to splash damage from a single bomb whose splash damage normally inflicts 30 HP of damage.
  • The splash damage of near-misses from either Tenta Missiles or Inkjet, the minimum splash damage of bubbles, and the collision damage from Baller are all reduced from 50 HP to 48.3 HP,[13] enabling one to survive two hits from any of these specific means of special weapon damage.
Ink Resistance Up

Every player, especially a Classic Squiffer user who swims while storing a charge, is expected to come in contact with the opponent's ink on various surfaces, which can both be damaging and reduce mobility. Ink Resistance Up not only partially offsets the reduction in mobility but also delays the damage taken from contact with opposing ink:[11][14]

Mains Subs Invulnera-
bility time
Rate of
Run speed
in opposing
ink (DU/f)
Jump height
in opposing
0 0 0 0 0.3 40.0 0.24 0.800
3 0 1 10 0.2 38.0 0.33 0.854
6 0 2 15 0.2 36.2 0.39 0.888


Main Power Up

Main Power Up enhances the performance of the Classic Squiffer in two areas:[8][11][13]

  • It lengthens the range of fully charged shots by up to 8.95%.
  • It increases the Classic Squiffer's ink coverage by up to 24%.

Each of these benefits respectively improve the main weapon's capability to snipe further targets and turf quickly. Of the 284 Classic Squiffer builds submitted to, over 45% of them have between 19 and 32 ability points of Main Power Up:[18]

Mains Subs Increase in
fully charged
shot range (%)
Fully charged
shot range
Increase in
ink coverage
per shot (%)
0 0 0 0.00 167.65 0.00
19 1 3 4.74 175.59 12.71
29 2 3 6.53 178.60 17.52
32 2 4 6.97 179.34 18.71


Quick Super Jump

Quick Super Jump decreases both the "charge" time before and the travel time of a Super Jump, helping its user escape unfavorable situations more quickly. A Classic Squiffer user tends to be vulnerable in close-quarters combat and would prefer to quickly retreat and preserve precious special gauge progress for Ink Armor, which can prevent a disadvantageous situation from becoming a losing one.[11][14]

  • Three ability points, or one sub, of Quick Super Jump decreases the "charge" time from 80 frames (1.33 seconds) to 58 frames (0.97 seconds).[17]
Special Charge Up

Special Charge Up accelerates building up the special gauge for Ink Armor, effectively reducing the turfing required. While a Classic Squiffer user has the lowest special gauge requirement for Ink Armor, this is partially offset by their reduced ability to turf when compared to shooters, such as the N-ZAP '85.[11]

  • Six ability points, or two subs, are enough to reduce the special gauge requirement from 170p to 161p.[17]
Swim Speed Up

A universally valuable ability for almost any weapon, Swim Speed Up is particularly useful for a Classic Squiffer user, who often swims while storing a charged shot. Swimming faster enables one to both more easily close the distance between themselves and a longer-ranged opponent and maintain enough distance between themselves and a shorter-ranged opponent.[11]

  • Six ability points, or two subs, increase the swim speed from 1.92 DU/f to 2.01 DU/f.
  • Ten ability points, or one main, further increase the swim speed to 2.07 DU/f.[17]


In competitive play

The Classic Squiffer at the start of the game was seen not as viable due to its range. While it had what would be considered a good kit, its range made the weapon too risky to play than other convenient chargers with range. The Classic Squiffer also did not have its notable strengths such as in-air charging or potential range increase with Main Power Up, which left the weapon less mobile and around the same mobility as other chargers. The Classic Squiffer was left at the bottom end of tier lists for most of the start of the game. It was even seen by competitive player Sorin as one of the worst weapons in the game because of its range and its kit which at the time was seen as weak. [20][21][22]

Version 4.6.0 had the same thoughts as the versions before but now it would be considered the better kit than the other variants.[23]Around version 5.0.0 is when thoughts on the weapon changed. The Classic Squiffer would be put on high tiers by competitive player Chara. Its low points for Ink Armor allows the weapon to spam Ink Armor just as much as other support weapons such as the Splattershot Jr.. Main Power Up also increases its ink coverage which aids the user to get more Ink Armors. Its mobility also allows the weapon to move around quickly and splat opponents, especially due to the fact that it can charge in the air at the same speed as on the ground. [24]. In the beginning part of version 5.5.0, it was considered the weakest kit among the Squiffers,[25] but now it has the best kit among the Squiffers because of it being able to substitute for other Armor weapons and still being as good at spamming Armor. [26]

Splatoon 3

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Classic Squiffer

Classic Squiffer

Abbreviations Squiffer, Charger
Sub Point Sensor
Special Big Bubbler
Base damage 40-80 (Partial charge)
140 (Full charge)
Base duration
Ink consumption 1.8867% (Tap)
10.5% (Full charge)
Special points 190p
Special depletion
Role Slayer/Anchor Flex


While the Classic Squiffer itself is a flex between a slayer and anchor, its kit encourages the user to be very supportive with the Big Bubbler allowing the user to position more aggressively.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 YouTube "The BEST AGGRESSIVE WEAPONS in Splatoon 2" by Kyo of FTWin
  2. YouTube "Splatoon 2 - Weapon Roles and Playstyles (Classifying every Weapon)" by Wadsm
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 YouTube "Splatoon 2 - Tearing It Up W/ Classic Squiffer (HITTING THE IMPOSSIBLE!)" by ThatSrb2DUDE, formerly of Team Olive
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 YouTube "The Splatoon 2 Weapons With The Most POTENTIAL - Patch 5.5 Tier List (High-Upper Tier)" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 YouTube "Top 10 Most Underrated Splatoon 2 Weapons" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  6. 6.0 6.1 Splatoon 2 range list compiled by DrFetus
  7. YouTube "Splatoon 2 - Weapon Analysis: Splat Chargers & SplatterScope (A Weapon That Requires Dedication!)" by ThatSrb2DUDE, formerly of Team Olive
  8. 8.0 8.1 YouTube "How Much EVERY WEAPON Needs Main Power Up" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 YouTube "Splatoon 2 - What is a good team comp? (TOP 6 mistakes)" by Sendou, formerly of Team Olive
  10. YouTube "How To Build An AMAZING Team Comp (Splatoon) Ft. Dr. Prodigy" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 YouTube "Splatoon 2 - The Ultimate Gear Guide! (Tips and Tricks + all Abilities explained)" by Wadsm
  12. YouTube "Some Of The Best Main Only Abilities - Shoe Exclusives (Splatoon 2 Gear Guide Pt 4)" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 GitHub - Stat Calculator & Gear Planner for Splatoon 2, applicable for version 4.8.0
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 YouTube "How To Make A PERFECT Gear Build for ALL WEAPONS?! (Gear Building Guide) | Splatoon 2" by ThatSrb2DUDE, formerly of Team Olive
  15. 15.0 15.1 YouTube "Add 3 Abilities To EASILY Improve Your Gear on ANY Weapon (Splatoon 2 Gear Guide Pt 1)" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  16. YouTube "Splatoon 2: Educational Perfect Placement Matches (Splat Zones)" Kiver of Radiance (EU) destroys an opponent's Ink Armor with a Burst Bomb
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Splatoon 2 Build Analyzer
  18. Classic Squiffer Builds
  19. GitHub Lean's Loadout Database - Usage of abilities in Ranked modes, data based on version 5.2.0
  20. YouTube "Splatoon 2 Sendou's Tier List 1.0 - BEST and WORST weapons in the game" by Sendou, formerly of Team Olive
  21. YouTube "SPLATOON 2 - 3.0 WEAPON TIER LIST (In-depth Analysis)" by Sorin, formerly of Team Olive
  22. YouTube "SPLATOON 2 - 4.0 WEAPON TIER LIST (In-depth Analysis)" by Sorin, formerly of Team Olive
  23. YouTube "Splatoon 2 4.6 Tier List Part 1 - Bottom and Low Tiers" by Chara of Climb
  24. YouTube "Splatoon 2 5.3 Tier List Part 5 (Main Weapons - Top Tiers) (Splat Zones Only)" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  25. The Splatoon 2 Weapons With The Most POTENTIAL - Patch 5.5 Tier List [High-Upper Tier by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb
  26. YouTube "ProChara's Final Splatoon 2 Tier List (Mains/Subs/Specials)" by Chara, formerly of Prophecy and Climb