Competitive:Splash Wall

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For information about the Splash Wall, see Splash Wall.

Splatoon 2

Splash Wall

Splash Wall

Base damage 30 per half second
Base duration
Ink consumption 60%
Special points
Special depletion
Strengths Area denial, zoning, protection[1]
Weaknesses Less effective on offense

Returning from Splatoon, the Splash Wall fulfills the same function in Splatoon 2: restricting opponents' movement and blocking opposing fire. While it lost the ability to instantly splat opponents, ever since Version 3.0.0, its user may now place a new wall before the previous one is either depleted or destroyed. The introduction of brellas does not reduce the value of Splash Walls, which can actually counter them and quickly destroy their shields.


When placed properly, a Splash Wall can provide great utility, even in stages and areas that are more open:

  • A Splash Wall has a minimum amount of delay time before it can deploy, regardless of the terrain it is placed on. Therefore, throwing a Splash Wall while facing an upward slope or another stage feature that causes the Wall to plant itself onto the ground more quickly than if it were thrown onto either a flat or a downward sloping surface will not speed up the Wall's deployment.[2]
  • Upon deployment without the aid of Sub Power Up, a Splash Wall begins with 800 HP and lasts for 7 seconds. Equipping a maximum amount of Sub Power Up will increase the durability to 1500 HP.[3]
  • Any bombs thrown by an opponent that hit a Splash Wall will instantly explode, potentially splatting the Splash Wall's user or their teammates.
    • Refrain from either showering in or rushing through the wall until it is certain that the opponent has no bombs available in the area.
  • Defensively, it can allow its user to evade a pursuing opponent[4] or hinder the opponents' push, blocking both their movement and their fire.
  • Offensively, a Splash Wall can restrain the opponents' movement and range, allowing its user and their teammates to push forward or gain map control.
  • Throwing a Splash Wall behind an opponent can prevent them from fleeing.[5]
  • A Splash Wall can nullify a Brella shield — even a Tenta Brella shield.
    • If an opposing Brella user launches their shield, dropping a Splash Wall in front of it will cause both to negate one another, potentially denying a Rainmaker or Power Clam push.
    • At maximum, it takes 36-41% of the ink tank to launch a Brella shield and 60% to drop a Splash Wall. However, the Splash Wall can be deployed far more quickly, allowing its owner more time to reload ink or reposition themselves to a more favorable location.
  • In Splatoon 2, the Tower will destroy any Splash Wall it collides into. However, a Splash Wall may be placed onto the Tower to protect its user or their teammate while riding it. (Once again, watch out for the opponents' bombs.)
  • Placing a Splash Wall in front of yourself before activating any Bomb Launcher (e.g., Firefin Splat Charger/Splatterscope, Tenta Sorella Brella, Flingza Roller) provides frontal protection during the special weapon's duration.


A Splash Wall is great for protection from opposing fire and impeding opponents' movement. However, if the opponent is not compelled to contest your position (e.g., maintaining a lockout), a Splash Wall is less versatile than most bombs, which can be used to poke at the opponents. Therefore, if one member of a team has a kit with Splash Wall, it is advised for one of their teammates to have lethal bombs in their kit. Splat or Suction Bombs provide its user's team many advantages over another team that has no lethal bombs in its composition:[6]

  • Their one-hit-splat offers its user's team chances of instantly gaining a numbers advantage, from which a game-winning push can arise.
  • Their lethal explosion provides space for its user's team to either push into an area held by the opponent or stall an opponent's push.
  • The turf inked by the resulting explosion contributes to both maintaining map control and building up the special gauge.

Weapon kits that include Splash Wall enable their users to restrain the opponents' movement and spatial control, especially in closed areas with fewer alternative routes, making it easier for their teammates to maintain map control. How each weapon user employs Splash Wall to aid in this role depends on the characteristics of their main weapon:

  • A user of a more mobile, shorter-ranged weapon, such as the Kensa .52 Gal or the Glooga Dualies Deco, can lead a push and deploy their Splash Wall to either shield their teammates from opposing fire or stall the opponents' advance into a contested area while allowing their teammates to claim it.
  • Longer-ranged weapons, such as the Rapid Blaster Pro Deco and the Firefin Splat Charger/Splatterscope, enable their users to control long passages while using their range and Splash Wall to dissuade frontal assaults from the opponents.

While thought of as a personal protection aid, a Splash Wall can also provide protection for teammates, especially those whose roles require them to remain in one general area, such as an anchor using an E-liter 4K, an Explosher, or a Hydra Splatling.

  • When throwing a Splash Wall nearby a teammate, make sure that it lands in between them and the opponent(s), as an opponent's bomb thrown into a misplaced Splash Wall can instantly splat your teammate.


An opponent's Splash Wall is often a hindrance, but it can be worked around:

  • Object Shredder multiplies damage inflicted onto an opponent's Splash Wall by 125%.
  • Lethal bombs are generally the most efficient means to damage and destroy opposing Splash Walls. Their explosions can also splat opponents who either stay too close to the Splash Wall or attempt to rush through it.
  • If bombs are unavailable, rapidly-firing shooters and some quicker-charging splatlings are more effective at destroying an opponent's Splash Wall than slower-firing weapons, such as blasters and sloshers.
  • If wielding a Brella, refrain from launching the shield at an opposing Splash Wall user unless it is to clear out a planted Splash Wall.
  • An Ultra Stamp will easily destroy a Splash Wall, breaking through any chokepoints the opponent may be defending. The Ultra Stamp wielder can then proceed to splat or chase out opponents while teammates follow behind to either mount or continue a push.
