Competitive:Flingza Roller

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For information about the Flingza Roller, see Flingza Roller.

Splatoon 3

Flingza Roller

Flingza Roller

Abbreviations Flingza
Sub Ink Mine
Special Tenta Missiles
Base damage 35–150 (Ground)
40–150 (Midair)
125 (Roll)
Base duration
Ink consumption 8% (Ground)
12% (Midair)
0.1% per frame (Roll)
Special points 210p
Special depletion
Role Support
Strengths Turfing, Tenta Missile farming
Weaknesses Non-lethal bomb, less consistent damage, less mobile than Splat Roller.

The Filngza Roller in Splatoon 3 plays similarly to the Foil Flingza Roller in Splatoon 2, farming Missiles and being able to turf very well, although not as well due to it not having a bomb and its more expensive special cost.


The Flingza Roller's traits and kit make it suitable for a support role:

  • Like other rollers in Splatoon 3, it has a horizontal and a vertical swing. However, unlike other rollers, the Flingza Roller has a quick (42 frames), short-ranged horizontal swing and a slow (70 frames), long-ranged vertical swing:
    • The horizontal swing has…
      • …a lethal range of 80 DU,…
      • …a two-hit range of about 100 DU,…
      • …and a maximum range of about 110 DU, at which the minimum damage is 30 HP.
      • Ink flung from an angle greater than 25 degrees to either the left or right will lose damage starting from 28 DU and reach its minimum value at 90 DU. Even more so than with the Splat Roller, aiming is important when using a Flingza Roller.
      • As with other rollers, damage will suffer falloff to as little as 15 HP if the flung ink falls below the Flingza Roller wielder. Thus, targets who are below a Flingza Roller user will take less damage than those either above or on the same level.
      • Overall, the Flingza Roller's horizontal swing is less consistent in delivering damage than the Splat Roller. While it can be used with similar tactics as those intended for a Splat Roller, such as sharking just below the opponents' perch, note that it will not be as reliable in splatting opponents.
    • In contrast, the vertical swing has…
      • …a lethal range of 105 DU,…
      • …a two-hit range of 145 DU,…
      • …and a maximum range of 205, at which the minimum damage is 40.
      • Damage will suffer falloff to as little as 20 HP if the flung ink falls below the Flingza Roller user. Because a vertical swing requires a roller user to be in mid-air after a jump or performing a Squid Roll or Squid Surge, falloff tends to affect the vertical swing more often than it affects the horizontal swing.
      • Because all of these ranges pale in comparison to those of the Dynamo Roller (130 DU, 200 DU, and 240 DU), a Flingza Roller's vertical swing is not as capable of suppressing the opponents' movement or punishing overextension. It can still turf large swaths of territory to create lanes or build up the special gauge and provide support fire for teammates from afar.
  • Besides less consistent damage, the other weakness of the Fingza Roller is its relative lack of mobility:
    • Ink Mine does not help the user with its mobility unlike other subs such as Curling Bombs (with the Splat Roller) or Fizzy Bombs.
    • The Flingza Roller's most reliable means of turfing is through its slow, high ink consuming vertical swing, which can be a problem if an opponent were to rush you down. Avoid getting surrounded by opposing ink and know when it is time to flee via Super Jumping.

Ink Mines operate differently from conventional bombs but have unique applications:

  • They may be planted on any non-vertical surface, after which they remain hidden from opponents.
  • Once planted, they detonate when…
    • …opposing ink appears within a five DU radius from the center of the mine.
    • …an opponent enters a 20 DU radius from the center of the mine.
    • …their user plants two more Mines before any are detonated.
  • Upon detonation, an Ink Mine…
    • …inflicts 45 HP of damage onto any opponent within a 40 DU radius (as of Version 4.0.0).
    • …inflicts 35 HP of damage onto any opponent within an 80 DU radius (as of Version 4.0.0).
    • …tracks any opponents surviving the damage for a base duration of five seconds.
    • …turfs the area around it within a radius of 50 DU.
  • Planting an Ink Mine or two at or around the objective of a Ranked Battle can provide some objective control:
    • An Ink Mine planted in a Splat Zone will re-turf the area around it once detonated. While this is usually not enough to either hold or recapture a zone, it can stall the opponents' efforts to capture it.
    • Although no longer able to inflict lethal damage, an Ink Mine's chip damage and tracking effects can still deter opponents from immediately taking possession of the objective when placed either on the Tower or nearby the Rainmaker (when its shield is popped).
    • Placing an Ink Mine in an area where clams spawn can help track opponents who attempt to gather them.
  • An Ink Mine's tracking ability can provide its user's team valuable information:
    • If placed on a potential flank route used by the opponent, its detonation can track an opponent's movement and dissuade them from sharking.
    • Even if a detonated Ink Mine neither splats nor tracks an opponent, the first Mine's detonation should indicate that the opponent was in its vicinity (unless its user planted a third Ink Mine).
  • If pursued by an opponent, quickly planting an Ink Mine can provide a measure of protection, inflicting chip damage to make it easier to splat a pursuer.[1][2]
  • The greatest drawback of Ink Mines is the inability to plant them in areas that cannot be reached. Therefore, in Splat Zones, a team that is locked out will be unable to use Ink Mines effectively to push its way back to the zones.

Tenta Missiles can be used to locate and pressure opponents and force them out of position without having to commit too far forward:

  • It is recommended to only activate the Tenta Missiles at a safe distance from opponents, not only because a Tenta Missile user is vulnerable to close-range attacks but also because opponents who are further back are easier to track and home missiles on.
  • Sometimes, it may be more beneficial to target a specific opponent or two instead of all of them, based on their weapons, location, and situation:[3]
    • Opponents wielding heavy, slow firing weapons will have a harder time escaping the missiles.
    • Opponents who are bunched together are more likely to cause their teammates to receive collateral damage than those who are spread apart.
    • Tenta Missiles are also a reliable means of forcing opposing anchors to cede their ground and lose focus while aiming.[4] Sometimes, this is the only reliable means to push back into a zone or another important area of the stage.
    • Tenta Missiles can counter an opponent's Sting Ray or Booyah Bomb if anticipated early enough; an opponent will be forced to either delay or interrupt it to avoid getting splatted by the missiles, throwing off their aim.[5]


While the Flingza Roller has a means of attacking from long range, it is not reliable enough to be treated as a long-ranged weapon. It is more effective at close range when its user has to splat opponents and should be treated as a short-ranged weapon. While a team might get away with having one or two users of short-ranged weapons, having a team composition with too many short-ranged weapons and no longer-ranged weapons to provide support fire is often disadvantageous for a number of reasons:[6]

  • An opponent with a long-ranged weapon can more aggressively position themselves to zone out the entire shorter-ranged team.
  • The opposing slayers can play more aggressively, knowing that there is no long-ranged threat to pick them off from afar.

While having multiple players on the same team launching Tenta Missiles might seem like a fun and easy means to cause opponents to scramble for cover, having too many players equipped with them – no more than one or two – can reduce the effectiveness of a team composition:[6]

  • Other special weapons, such as Crab Tank or Trizooka, are intended for splatting opponents and more capable at this than are Tenta Missiles.
  • Tenta Missles cannot reliably turf highly contested areas of the stage as well as certain other special weapons, such as Triple Inkstrike or Ink Storm.

Coordinating with your teammates can greatly increase the Tenta Missiles' effect during a battle:

  • Launching Tenta Missiles just before a push can cause opponents to scatter, giving your team opportunities to pick off any opponents caught fleeing the Missiles.
  • Firing Tenta Missiles on defense can help stall an opponent's push, but make sure that your teammates are nearby the front lines to follow the Missiles up.
  • Launching Tenta Missiles while a teammate is using a special designed to splat opponents, such as Crab Tank or Trizooka, can limit the opponents' escape options and even prevent them from Super Jumping to safety.


  • Any weapon with an effective range longer than the lethal range of the Flingza Roller can counter an opposing Flingza wielder who attempts to challenge opponents head-on. However, if an aggressive Flingza user relies on flanking or sharking, take a few proactive measures to avoid getting caught unaware:
    • Keep track of all four members of the opposing team – which ones are present, which ones are splatted, and which ones are back at their spawn point.
    • Check the map periodically for opposing ink forming around flanks to anticipate a flanking attack.
    • To prevent sharking, check suspicious puddles of the opponents' ink, preferably with a thrown sub weapon.
    • Weapons that track opponents, such as Point Sensors, temporarily prevent an opponent from sharking and makes them an easier target for long-ranged teammates to pick off.
    • Try to confront an opposing Flingza Roller user in a more open area to have more space to avoid their lethal range.
  • If you see opposing turf, use bombs, a Sprinkler, or medium- to long-ranged weapons to sweep the area of any mines to avoid getting tracked. Special weapons that turf large areas without endangering their user – such as Triple Inkstike, Ink Storm, and Booyah Bomb – can also remove any hidden mines.
  • If caught by the tracking effects of an opponent's Ink Mine, consider either retreating or diverting the opponents' attention away from the objective.
  • Be mindful of both when the opponent has Tenta Missiles ready and when the missiles are launched:
    • If an opponent attempts to launch them when nearby you, splat them quickly to reduce or even cancel their deployment.
    • When the opponent deploys their Tenta Missiles, avoid getting close to teammates - even when not targeted, as a targeted player crossing paths with a teammate might cause the other to get injured or splatted.
    • Whenever targeted by opposing Tenta Missles, unless actively engaging an opponent, only move enough to avoid damage and reduce the amount of turfing by the Missiles.

Gear abilities

Gear abilities provide different effects in battle that benefit the player with their equipped weapon. This is a guide to gear abilities in relation to the weapon. Strategy, synergy, viability, and purpose may be written here.

Ink Saver (Main)

The Flingza Roller uses a large portion of the ink tank per swing. Ink Saver (Main) not only allows its user to swing more often per ink tank but also conserves ink for Ink Mines or flanking enemies.

  • Six ability points, or two subs, of Ink Saver (Main) are enough to increase both the number of horizontal swings from 12.5 to 13.66 and the number of vertical swings from 8.33 to 9.1.
  • Thirteen ability points, or one main and one sub, increases the number of horizontal swings to 15.11 and vertical swings to 10.07.
Last-Ditch Effort

Last-Ditch Effort is a Headgear-exclusive ability that, under specific conditions, grants its user 1 to 24 ability points each of the following abilities:

These abilities only begin to take effect under either of the following conditions:

  • There are at most 30 seconds remaining on the game clock, or Overtime has begun in a Ranked Battle, at which the maximum 24 ability points will be granted for each of the above abilities.
  • In a Ranked Battle, the opposing team's countdown has at most 50 points remaining. The effects of Last-Ditch Effort increase as the opposing team's countdown decreases from 50 to 30 points remaining, starting with 1 ability point for each ability and maxing out to 24 ability points.

A Flingza Roller user benefits from both the overall reduced ink consumption and quicker ink recovery, allowing them to more freely use either the main weapon during either a crucial defensive stand or a late attempt to reclaim the lead.

Quick Super Jump

Quick Super Jump decreases both the "charge" time before and the travel time of a Super Jump. A Flingza Roller user will benefit since Quick Super Jump allows them to escape unfavorable situations more easily to preserve special gauge progress.

  • One sub, or 3 ability points, of Quick Super Jump decreases the "charge" time by 22 frames, or 0.36 seconds.
Special Charge Up

Special Charge Up accelerates building up the special gauge for Tenta Missiles allowing for more constant successful pushes and counter-pushes.

  • 16 ability points – one main and two subs – are enough to reduce the special gauge requirement to 185p.
Special Saver

When splatted, half of the special gauge progress is lost. For example, a player with 120p of special gauge out of 180p upon getting splatted will lose 60p of the special gauge. Special Saver allows its user to keep more of their special gauge progress whenever they are splatted. This allows a Flingza Roller user to more quickly build up Tenta Missiles after respawning.

Swim Speed Up

The Flingza Roller is both short-ranged and lacks mobility, so any improvements to its swimming speed will help its user tremendously. Swim Speed Up enables its user to more quickly close the distance towards an opponent, more quickly respond to an opponents' push, and – most importantly for the Foil Flingza Roller user – escape unfavorable situations.

  • 16 ability points – one main and two subs – increase the swim speed from 1.92 to 2.14 units per frame.


  1. YouTube "Splatoon 2 U.S./Canada Inkling Open 2018 Finals" Winners Semifinals, Game 1, Penguitt (StDx) uses a quickly planted Ink Mine to finish off Fake JP (quantuM)
  2. YouTube "Splatoon 2 U.S./Canada Inkling Open 2018 Finals" Winners Finals, Game 3, Penguitt (StDx) quickly plants an Ink Mine and lands a direct hit to splat Zig (Saikai)
  3. YouTube "Tenta Missiles Vs Ink Armor: How To Design A Simple Special (Splatoon 2 Special Design Pt 1)" by Chara of Climb
  4. YouTube "Splatoon 2 5.3 Tier List Part 2 (Specials) (Splat Zones Only)" by Chara of Climb
  5. YouTube "Splatoon 2 European Championship 2018-2019 – Day 1" emil (Team ?) launches Tenta Missiles to counter Duracell's (Hexagone) Sting Ray, splatting him
  6. 6.0 6.1 YouTube "Splatoon 2 - What is a good team comp? (TOP 6 mistakes)" by Sendou, formerly of Team Olive