Kensa Mini Splatling

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The Kensa Mini Splatling is a main weapon in Splatoon 2. It is a Toni Kensa-branded variant of the Mini Splatling.


The Kensa Mini Splatling shares its overall design with the Mini Splatling. However, the Kensa Mini Splatling has a black handle and white barrels and supports. The Toni Kensa signature red clothespin is attached to one of the supports.

Splatoon 2

Kensa Mini Splatling
Basic information
Category Main
Class Splatling
Sub Toxic Mist
Special Ultra Stamp
Special points 180p
Special depletion
62 / 100
Fire rate
Charge speed
80 / 100
Ink speed
90 / 100
Obtainable at
Level 29
Cost Cash 18,800
Added in 3 October 2018
Base damage 32
Base duration
Ink consumption 17.25% (Full charge)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants Mini Splatling Mini Splatling
Zink Mini Splatling Zink Mini Splatling

The Kensa Mini Splatling was announced on 4 December 2018. It was added to the game on 5 December 2018 alongside the Kensa Collection No.4, as part of the version 4.3.0 release.[1]

  • While Main Power Up increases the number of shots fired, it does not increase ink consumption relative to the amount charged, making the weapon comparatively more ink efficient.


  • While Main Power Up will increase the number of shots fired, it will not increase the ink consumption relative to the amount charged, making the weapon comparatively more ink efficient.
  • The Kensa Mini Splatling is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 150. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The full charge ink consumption of 17.25% and ink tank capacity of 100% allows players to fully charge 5 times before needing to refill the ink tank.
  • The Kensa Mini Splatling cannot store its charge.
  • The Kensa Mini Splatling is not rechargeable while firing.
  • When charging the weapon, it will take 20 frames in order to charge its first ring and 30 frames in total for a full charge.
  • With a single ring charged, it will have a firing duration of 36 frames. With a full charge, it will have a firing duration of 72 frames.
  • When charging with an empty tank, the charge time is multiplied by 6.
  • When firing, it shoots a bullet every 4 frames.
  • When firing, the player's movement speed is set to 0.86 units per frame.
    • When charging, the player's movement speed is set to 0.72 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 30 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 32.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 11 frames after being fired, it loses 2 damage per frame until it reaches 16 damage at frame 19.
  • Shots have a radius of 2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 4 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 8 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The Kensa Mini Splatling has a 30% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 30%.
  • Within the first charge ring, initial shot velocity scales from 10.5 to 15 units per frame. Within the second charge ring, initial shot velocity is always 15 units per frame. Shots travel straight at the initial velocity for 8 frames.
    • So at maximum charge, shots travel straight at a rate of 15 units per frame for 8 frames. Shots travel straight for 120 distance units.
  • After shots stop flying straight, the velocity is set to 11.05 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and decreases further as it travels.
  • Ink droplets occur every 100 units.
  • The frequency at which ink drips from a shot occurs at a rate of 1.6 droplets per shot.
  • There are a total of 5 different droplet patterns that can be created while firing this weapon.
  • Droplets that occur within 10 units of the player have a radius of 19 units, and a width of 0 units.
    • These droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.4 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.2 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • Droplets that occur when they travel past 200 units of the player have a radius of 18 units.
  • All other ink droplets have a radius of 12.6 units.
  • Droplets that are far from the player and all other droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.4 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.4 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • If no ink droplets have occurred within 10 units of the player for 0 shots, the next shot the player makes will force a paint droplet to appear at the player's feet.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Increased the effect of the Main Power Up gear ability.
  • The increase to the duration of rapid fire with the maximum number of Main Power Up gear abilities equipped has been raised from roughly 30% to roughly 35%.
  • The effect provided by Main Power Up is now more easily triggered, even with fewer instances of the gear ability equipped.
  • You can now jump higher than previously when the Splatling is fully charged.
  • Increased movement speed while charging by roughly 3%.
  • Increased movement speed while firing by roughly 8%.
  • Ink consumption increased: 15% → 17.25%


Sheldon's Introduction

The Kensa Mini Splatling is a limited-edition Mini Splatling created in collaboration with Toni Kensa!
Use the Toxic Mist sub to hem in the movement of your foes, then chase them down with your main!
In close quarters, bring opponents up short with your sub, then flatten their dreams with a hammer blow from your Ultra Stamp!
This set is for those who use every tool available to get the job done, and would never think of neglecting their precious sub weapon!




  • While not usually apparent on other splatlings, the hair-clip on the barrel clearly demonstrates that splatling barrels do not have fixed resting positions.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese スプラスピナーベッチュー
Supura Supinā Betchū
Splash Spinner Bespoke
Netherlands Dutch Toni Kensa Mini-Spetling Toni Kensa Mini Splatling
Canada French (NOA) Badigeonneur XP Thony K Toni Kensa Inkspreader XS
France French (NOE) Badigeonneur XS K Inkspreader XS K
Germany German Kensa Klecks Splatling Kensa Splatter Splatling
Italy Italian Mini Splatling Nero Marlin Mini Splatling Toni Kensa [a]
Russia Russian Брызгомет-М от С.Кусаки
Bryzgomet-M or S.Kusaki
Sprayshot-M by T.Kensa
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Garabateador Tonken Toni Kensa Doodler
Spain Spanish (NOE) Tintralladora ligera elegante Elegant light ink-machine gun

Translation notes

  1. Nero Marlin is the "Toni Kensa" brand in Italian
