Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

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The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is a main weapon in Splatoon and Splatoon 2. It is a Sheldon's Picks-branded variant of the H-3 Nozzlenose and comes with a different sub and special.


Main article: H-3 Nozzlenose#Appearance

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose shares its overall design with the H-3 Nozzlenose. However, the hose of the Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is slightly darker and is wrapped differently, the reel and nozzle use red and pink tones, and there is a decal of a pair of cherries on the hose.


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Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

Basic information
Category Main
Class Shooter
Sub Splash Wall
Special Bubbler
Special points
Special depletion Special gauge 40%
72 / 100
60 / 100
Fire rate
30 / 100
Charge speed
Ink speed
Obtainable at
Level 20
Cost Cash 12,400
Added in 2.8.0
Base damage 41
Base duration
Ink consumption 1.6% (4.8% per ZR)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants H-3 Nozzlenose H-3 Nozzlenose
H-3 Nozzlenose D H-3 Nozzlenose D

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose was released on 8 June 2016 as part of Sheldon's Picks Volume 2. It comes with the Splash Wall and the Bubbler.


  • The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is a middleweight weapon.
  • Each shot consumes 1.6% of the ink tank capacity.
    • This allows players to fire 62 shots before needing to refill the ink supply.
    • This stat can be changed with Ink Saver (Main).
  • When pressing ZR, three shots will be fired at a time, as long as there is enough ink to fire all three.
    • If there is not enough ink to fire all three shots, then zero, one or two shots will be fired instead, depending on how much ink is left in the ink tank.
  • When firing a burst, a shot is fired every 5 frames.
  • After the last shot in a burst is fired, another burst cannot be fired for 20 frames.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.45 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 30 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 41.
  • Shots travel straight for 6 frames. After that, they may lose damage. A shot will lose damage until it reaches 20.5 damage at frame 15.
  • Shots have a radius of 2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 1 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 6 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. The outer reticle will finish shrinking after 60 frames.
  • The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle increases by 2% per shot, and maximizes at a 25% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle.
    • This means that it takes 13 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 5 frames after the player stops shooting.
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 22 units per frame for 6 frames. Shots travel straight for 132 distance units.
  • Ink droplets occur every 48 units.
  • The frequency at which ink drips from a shot occurs at a rate of 4 droplets per shot.
  • There are a total of 5 different droplet patterns that can be created while firing this weapon.
  • Droplets that occur within 11 units of the player have a radius of 22 units.
  • Droplets that occur when they travel past 200 units of the player have a radius of 22 units.
  • All other ink droplets have a radius of 14.5 units.



Sheldon's Introduction

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is an entry-level H-3 Nozzlenose designed with user-friendliness in mind. It's super cute with its fruity color scheme and cherry-themed sticker! The sub weapon is the Splash Wall, which lets you halt the enemy and pick them off at your leisure. With a Bubbler as the special, this set suits those who believe the best offense is a good defense!(NA)[a]

Sheldon's Introduction

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is an entry-level H-3 Nozzlenose designed with user-friendliness in mind. It's super cute with its fruity colour scheme and cherry-themed sticker! The Sub weapon is the Splash Wall, which lets you halt the enemy and pick them off at your leisure. With a Bubbler as the Special, this set suits those who believe a good defence is the best form of offence!(EU/OC)[b]

An H-3 Nozzlenose remodeled by Sheldon. The Splash Wall sub weapon lets you leverage the great range of the main, while the Bubbler is perfect for turning the tables in a pinch.
— In-Game Description(NA)[a]
An H-3 Nozzlenose remodelled by Sheldon. The Splash Wall Sub weapon lets you leverage the great range of the Main, while the Bubbler is perfect for turning the tables in a pinch.
— In-Game Description(EU/OC)[b]
Check out the super sweet Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose. The Splash Wall sub weapon lets you leverage the great range of the main, while the Bubbler is perfect for turning the tables in a pinch. As Sheldon puts it: "It's super cute with its fruity color scheme and cherry-themed sticker!"
  1. 1.0 1.1 North America
  2. 2.0 2.1 Europe and Oceania



Splatoon 2

Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose
Basic information
Category Main
Class Shooter
Sub Splash Wall
Special Bubble Blower
Special points 180p
Special depletion
70 / 100
58 / 100
Fire rate
30 / 100
Charge speed
Ink speed
Obtainable at
Level 30
Cost Cash 26,600
Added in 4.6.0
Base damage 41
Base duration
Ink consumption 2.25% (6.75% per ZR)
Base range
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity
Base accuracy

MPU effect
SPU effect
SPU effect
Other variants H-3 Nozzlenose H-3 Nozzlenose
H-3 Nozzlenose D H-3 Nozzlenose D

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose was released on 3 April 2019 at 01:00 UTC as part of version 4.6.0.[3] It comes with the Splash Wall and the Bubble Blower.


  • The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 170. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption of 2.25% and ink tank capacity of 100% allows players to fire 44 shots before needing to refill the ink supply.
  • When initially firing the weapon in humanoid form, the first shot takes 3 frames to come out.
  • When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 12 frames to come out.
  • When pressing , three shots will be fired at a time, as long as there is enough ink to fire all three.
    • If there is not enough ink to fire all three shots, then zero, one or two shots will be fired instead, depending on how much ink is left in the ink tank.
  • When firing a burst, a shot is fired every 5 frames.
  • After the last shot in a burst is fired, another burst cannot be fired for 20 frames.
  • When a burst is started, it takes 35 frames before the user can enter swim form or use their sub weapon.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.6 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 25 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 41.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 8 frames after being fired, it loses 1.28125 damage per frame until it reaches 20.5 damage at frame 24.
  • The bullet hitbox has a radius of 2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 1 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 1 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 20 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 50 frames.
  • The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose starts off having a 1% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
    • This chance increases by 1% per shot, and maximizes at a 25% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle, meaning that it takes 24 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 5 frames after the player stops shooting. The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle decreases by 0.5% per frame, if the chance is not already at the minimum, meaning that it takes 53 frames to reach maximum accuracy. (83 after shooting while jumping.)
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 28.75 units per frame for 4 frames. Shots travel straight for 115 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 22.698 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and decreases further as it travels.
  • Ink droplets occur every 60 units.
  • The frequency at which ink drips from a shot occurs at a rate of 3 droplets per shot.
  • There are a total of 5 different droplet patterns that can be created while firing this weapon.
  • Droplets that occur within 11 units of the player have a radius of 21 units, and a width of 13.5 units.
    • These droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1.2 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.4 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • Droplets that occur when they travel past 200 units of the player have a radius of 21 units.
  • All other ink droplets have a radius of 14.2 units.
  • Droplets that are far from the player and all other droplets have their radius multiplied by a value ranging from 1 if they fell from a height above 100 units to 1.2 if they fell from a height below 30 units.
  • If no ink droplets have occurred within 11 units of the player for 3 shots, the next shot the player makes will force a paint droplet to appear at the player's feet. This ensures that firing a single burst will always paint the player's feet, so long as they have enough ink to fire all 3 shots.


Version history

Version Adjustments
  • Increased ink consumption by roughly 25%: 1.8% → 2.25%.


Sheldon's Introduction

The Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose is functionally identical to the original H-3, but it adds some swanky design with a cherry on top! This set gives you the Nozzlenose action you know and love, while also letting you launch your attack from the safety of a Splash Wall! Coat the battlefield in bubbles with your Bubble Blower special, and you'll find the confidence you need to move about the map! This right here is just the set for anyone who feels the best defense is...well...a good defense!




For competitive tips about the Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose

Click to view the strategy for Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose. View the strategy page.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese H3リールガンチェリー
eichisurī rīrugan chierī
H3 Reel Gun Cherry
Netherlands Dutch H-3 Langsnuit Kers H-3 Long Snout Cherry
CanadaFrance French Arroseur lourd Cerise Cherry Heavy sprinkler
Germany German S3 Tintenwerfer Kirsch S3 Inkthrower Cherry
Italy Italian Triplete ciliegia Triplet cherry
Russia Russian Т-каплетрон «Вишня»
T-kapletron «Vishnya»
H-droptron «Cherry»
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Manguera pesada cereza Cherry Heavy hose
Spain Spanish (NOE) Tintambor pesado cereza Cherry Heavy Inkdrum


  1. North America
  2. Europe and Oceania
