User:The Thing/Sandbox

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Welcome to my Sandbox, I do things here. As you see I really like coming up with theoretical changes for weapons to make the game more balanced.


My dream S-BLAST '91, with Burst Bomb and Kraken Royale at 180p.


  • The The Thing/Sandbox is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 16.5. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption is 8.5% per shot, allowing the user to fire 11 shots on a full ink tank.
  • When firing continuously, it shoots a bullet every 50 frames (1.2 shots per second).
  • When firing from humanoid form, the first shot takes 14 frames to come out. When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 24 frames to come out.
  • The interval between firing the weapon and being able to enter swim form or use a sub weapon is 23 frames.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.04 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 60 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Shots cannot ever deviate from the inner reticle while on the ground.

Grounded shot

  • The damage on direct hit is 140.
  • Targets within 1.0 units of the explosion center always take 70 damage. Targets outside of this radius but inside the full blast radius of 2.0 units will take between 70 and 50 damage, depending on how close to the center they are.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • Shots cannot ever deviate from the inner reticle.
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 1.84 units per frame for 7 frames. Shots travel straight for 12.88 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 1.8 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The bullet explodes 11 frames after being fired, covering a total distance of about 15.54 units.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.

Jump shot

  • The damage on direct hit is 140.
  • Targets within 1.0 units of the explosion center always take 70 damage. Targets outside of this radius but inside the full blast radius of 4.0 units will take between 70 and 50 damage, depending on how close to the center they are.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate is 6.0 degrees.
  • The shot has a 50% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 0.92 units per frame for 7 frames. Shots travel straight for 6.44 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 0.9 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The bullet explodes 11 frames after being fired, covering a total distance of about 7.77 units.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.



Version Adjustments
  • Reduced the interval between shots by about 1/12th of a second: 55 frames → 50 frames.
  • Increased flight range of the long range shot by approximately 8%: 14.34 units → 15.54 units.
  • Increased direct hit damage of both firing modes from 125.0 to 140.0.
  • Decreased shot variance when jumping by approximately 25%: 8 degrees → 6 degrees.

Splattershot Nova

My dream Splattershot Nova, with Fizzy Bomb and Splattercolor Screen at 200p.


  • The The Thing/Sandbox is a lightweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 16. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The ink consumption is 0.88% per shot, allowing the user to fire for 9.47 seconds on a full ink tank.
  • When firing continuously, it shoots a bullet every 5 frames (12 shots per second).
  • When firing from humanoid form, the first shot takes 3 frames to come out. When firing from swim form, the first shot takes 11 frames to come out.
  • The interval between firing the weapon and being able to enter swim form or use a sub weapon is 3 frames.
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.079 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 20 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 24 and minimum damage of 12.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 10 frames after being fired, it will lose about 0.75 damage per frame until it reaches 12 damage at frame 26.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 4.0 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 8.0 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The weapon starts off having a 10% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
    • This chance increases by 1.5% per shot, and maximizes at a 25% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle, meaning that it takes 10 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 40%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 5 frames after the player stops shooting. The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle decreases by 2% per frame, if the chance is not already at the minimum, meaning that it takes 13 frames to reach maximum accuracy. (20 after shooting while jumping.)
  • Shots initially travel straight at a rate of 2.75 units per frame for 4 frames. Shots travel straight for 11 distance units.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 2.11 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • The effective range is about 14.49 units.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.



Version Adjustments
  • Reduced the amount ink consumed by approximately 8%: 0.96% → 0.88%.
  • Reduced the interval between shots by about 1/60th of a second: 6 frames → 5 frames.
  • Increased the time it takes for the chance of shots scattering, which increases when firing continuously, to reach its maximum.
    • Increase in chance to shoot toward the outer reticle per shot: 3% → 1.5%.
  • Increased shot velocity without increasing flight range.
    • Base velocity: 2.2 units/frame for 5 frames → 2.75 units/frame for 4 frames.
  • Decreased shot variance when on the ground by approximately 27% and when jumping by approximately 33%.
    • On the ground: 5.5 degrees → 4 degrees.
    • When jumping: 12 degrees → 8 degrees.


My dream Tri-Stringer, with Splash Wall and Wave Breaker at 190p.


  • The The Thing/Sandbox is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 25. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The The Thing/Sandbox fires 3 arrows per shot.
  • Ink consumption scales with charge level. It starts at 5% of the ink tank at no charge, 6% of the ink tank at one charge circle, and 8.5% of the ink tank at full charge.
  • The The Thing/Sandbox can store its charge while submerged in ink.
    • A stored charge can be held for up to 75 frames (1.25 seconds). The animation of coming out of a stored charge lasts for 25 frames, and a shot can be fired 31 frames after coming out of ink.
  • If charged to the first circle or higher, the shots become explosive.
    • The shots explode after 45 frames (0.75 seconds), dealing 30 damage to players with a 2.0 unit radius.
  • The weapon cannot fire until it has charged for 9 frames. The first circle is reached after charging for 35 frames (0.58 seconds), and full charge is reached after 70 frames (1.17 seconds).
  • After firing, there is a delay before another shot can be charged. This delay is 12 frames at no charge, 15 frames at one charge circle, and 15 frames at full charge.
  • The delay between firing a shot (charged or uncharged) and submerging in ink is 10 frames.
    • When charging while out of ink, the amount of time it takes to charge is multiplied by 3. When charging in the air, the time it takes to charge is also multiplied by 3.
  • The movement speed while charging is set to 0.068 units per frame.
  • Initial shot velocity scales with charge level. It starts at 2.1 units per frame at no charge, 2.1 units per frame at one charge circle, and 3.85 at full charge.
    • Shots travel straight for 4 frames, regardless of charge level.
    • The effective range is 12.83 units at no charge, 12.83 units at one charge circle, and 23.52 units at full charge.
      • This number represents the range in which the crosshair changes shape when placed over an enemy. However, since stringer weapons do not have damage falloff, these numbers are otherwise arbitrary.
  • Damage scales with charge level. It starts at 30 damage at no charge, 40 damage at one charge circle, and 40 at full charge.
  • Arrow angle changes with charge level. It starts at 8.0 degrees at no charge, 8 at one charge circle, and 0 degrees at full charge.
  • The arrows fire 0.4 units apart from each other.



Version Adjustments
  • Decreased charge time of a full charge by 1/30th of a second: 72 frames → 70 frames.
    • Increased charge time of the first charge circle by 1/12th of a second: 30 frames → 35 frames.
  • Increased the projectile damage of both the first charge circle and a full charge from 35.0 to 40.0.
  • Made it so that it can keep a full charge in ink for 1.25 seconds. (75 frames)

Heavy Edit Splatling

My dream Heavy Edit Splatling, with Splat Bomb and Super Chump at 200p.


  • The The Thing/Sandbox is a middleweight weapon.
  • The matchmaking range is 17. The game's matchmaking system looks at a team's average matchmaking range value, and matches them against a team with a similar average.
  • The full charge ink consumption is 20% per shot, allowing the user to fully charge 5 times on a full ink tank.
  • The The Thing/Sandbox can store any charge by submerging in ink. Stored charges last for 75 frames (1.25 seconds).
    • The delay between being submerged in ink with a stored charge and being able to fire the charge is 18 frames.
  • It takes 60 frames to charge the first circle (1 seconds) and 110 frames to fully charge (1.83 seconds).
    • When airborne or low on ink, it takes 180 frames to charge the first circle (3 seconds) and 330 frames to fully charge (5.5 seconds).
  • The The Thing/Sandbox is not rechargeable while firing.
  • When charged to the first circle, the weapon will fire for 120 frames (2 seconds). When charged to the second circle, the weapon will fire for 240 frames (4 seconds). When fully charged, the weapon will fire for 180 frames (3 seconds).
    • The firing duration is 2 times longer than the charging duration when charged to the first circle, 2.18 times longer when charged to the second circle, and 1.64 times longer when fully charged.
  • When releasing a partial charge, it shoots a bullet every 4 frames (15 shots per second). When releasing a full charge, it shoots a bullet every 3 frames (20 shots per second).
  • When firing while moving, the player's movement speed is set to 0.086 units per frame.
    • When charging, the player's movement speed is set to 0.086 units per frame.
  • After firing, there is a 40 frame cooldown before the ink tank starts refilling.
  • Each shot has a base damage of 26, regardless of charge level.
  • If a shot is in the air for more than 11 frames after being fired, it loses damage every frame until it reaches 13 damage at frame 19.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with players has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The bullet hitbox for collisions with the environment has a radius of 0.2 units.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while on the ground is 3.0 degrees.
  • The angle its shots can deviate while in the air is 6.0 degrees.
  • The outer reticle immediately expands after jumping. After 25 frames, the outer reticle will start shrinking, and will finish shrinking after 70 frames.
  • The The Thing/Sandbox starts off having a 10% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle.
    • This chance increases by 2% per shot, and maximizes at a 30% chance to shoot towards the outer reticle, meaning that it takes 10 shots to reach minimum accuracy.
  • When jumping, the chance to shoot towards the outer reticle instead of the inner reticle is immediately set to 30%.
  • Accuracy starts recovering 4 frames after the player stops shooting. The chance to shoot towards the outer reticle decreases by 1% per frame, if the chance is not already at the minimum, meaning that it takes 24 frames to reach maximum accuracy.
  • Initial shot velocity scales with charge level. At minimum charge, it is 1.05 units per frame, and at once charge circle or more, it is 1.8 units per frame. Shots travel straight for 8 frames, regardless of charge level.
    • After that, the shot's velocity is set to 1.105 units per frame if it is not already lower than the listed value, and it loses 36% of its speed every frame (including the first frame after it stops traveling straight). Once the shot velocity decreases below a certain threshold, it will begin to be slowed less and fall faster.
  • Effective range scales from 9.78 units to 15.85 units, depending on charge level.
    • This number may vary at different firing angles.



Version Adjustments
  • Increased movement speed when charging by approximately 19%: 0.072 → 0.086.
  • Decreased charge speed of the second charge circle by 1/6th of a second: 60 frames → 50 frames.
  • Made it so that it can keep a charge in ink for 1.25 seconds. (75 frames)

Other changes I want

Splattershot Jr.

Version Adjustments
  • Decreased shot variance when on the ground by approximately 17%: 12 degrees → 10 degrees.
  • Decreased shot variance when jumping by approximately 20%: 15 degrees → 12 degrees.


Version Adjustments
  • Decreased shot variance when on the ground by approximately 15%: 13 degrees → 11 degrees.
  • Decreased shot variance when jumping by approximately 19%: 16 degrees → 13 degrees.

.52 Gal

Version Adjustments
  • Slightly decreased the number of spray droplets created by shots.
    • Droplets per shot: 2.4 → 2.

Luna Blaster

Version Adjustments
  • Increased explosion radius by approximately 5%: 3.57 units → 3.75 units.
  • Increased direct hit damage from 125.0 to 140.0.


Version Adjustments
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed by approximately 10%: 10% → 9%.
  • Increased firing speed by about 1/12th of a second: 50 frames → 45 frames.
  • Increased direct hit damage from 125.0 to 140.0.

Range Blaster

Version Adjustments
  • Reduced the amount of ink consumed by approximately 9%: 11% → 10%.
  • Increased direct hit damage from 125.0 to 140.0.


Version Adjustments
  • Decreased the time before the first swing by 2/15ths of a second: 23 frames → 15 frames.


Version Adjustments
  • Changed weight class from middleweight to lightweight.


Version Adjustments
  • Decreased damage dealt when fully charged from 68.0 to 65.0.


Version Adjustments
  • Increased damage dealt by each blob from 30.0 to 32.0.

Dread Wringer

Version Adjustments
  • Decreased damage dealt by the first slosh from 48.0 to 45.0.
  • Increased damage dealt by the second slosh from 42.0 to 45.0.
  • When sloshing with between 4.5% and 9% of an ink tank, one slosh will come out.

Mini Splatling

Version Adjustments
  • Made it possible to charge in midair at the same speed as when on the ground.
  • Changed weight class from middleweight to lightweight.

Glooga Dualies

Version Adjustments
  • Maximum damage in the standard firing mode increased from 36.0 to 40.0.
    • Minimum damage: 16.0 → 20.0.

Recycled Brella 24

Version Adjustments
  • Increased the amount of time the until the brella disappears from the stage after being launched by 1/20th of a second: 170 frames → 180 frames.

Angle Shooter

Version Adjustments
  • Tripled damage against nonplayer objects. (Splash Walls, brellas, etc.)
  • The trail left behind now deals 20.0 damage.
    • Each opponent can only take damage once per use.

Ink Mine

Version Adjustments
  • Roughly doubled the radius of ink coverage when placed: 1 unit → 2 units.

Toxic Mist

Version Adjustments
  • When an enemy is caught in the mist upon activation, they will get a Disruptor-like effect for 3.5 seconds.
    • The Toxic Mist will still linger, and the opponent will still loose ink when in the mist.

Wave Breaker

Version Adjustments
  • Increased the damage dealt by approximately 33%.
    • Waves: 45.0 → 60.0.
    • Contact: 30.0 → 40.0.


Version Adjustments
  • Made it so that when the rails get obstructed, the player will start moving.
    • There will be a minimum startup of 0.25 seconds. (15 frames)

Kraken Royale

Version Adjustments
  • Increased damage of the jump attack by approximately 33%: 60.0 → 80.0.

Super Chump

Version Adjustments
  • Increased the damage a chump needs to take to be destroyed from 60.0 to 70.0.

Triple Splashdown

Version Adjustments
  • Increased the amount of damage dealt from 60.0 to 70.0 when getting caught in an explosion at long range.
  • Each explosion will cause a non-locating wave to appear.
    • The waves do 25.0 damage and have a radius of 12 units.

Drop Roller

Version Adjustments

Now we wait for 9.0.0.
