Sink into the Ink and SWIM!
Site | The Crater | |||
Fee | No Fee | |||
Lives | ∞ | |||
Weapons |
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First-time Clear Rewards |
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Subsequent Clear Rewards |
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Music | Crater Eighters Routine |
StrategyWiki has an article about: Sink into the Ink and SWIM! |
Sink into the Ink and SWIM! is the 2nd level in Splatoon 3's story mode, Return of the Mammalians.
Accessing the second level is yet again a straightforward process, as the player has to simply continue walking down the corridors until their path is blocked once more by more Fuzzy Ooze. Then they simply have to go to the right and will find the kettle.
Checkpoint 1
The level starts off with the player going to a Launchpad. After landing, they will see a path of their own ink alongside a trail of Power Eggs and enemy ink on the sides. The player can swim through the ink and easily collect the Power Eggs and jump through some additional Squid Rings. The path will split at certain points; however, both lead to the same destination. The player will soon stumble upon Dash tracks which can be used to quickly jump over large gaps. If the player does fall down, they can be attacked by a patrolling Blobby Octotrooper, but can easily get back up.
Final Checkpoint
The final section begins with another dash track which leads to a tower. The player has to climb their way up the tower with the help of multiple dash tracks; however, at one point, they will be forced to manually jump over two slight gaps. At these gaps, the player will notice that there is an ink trail on the wall. If the player ignores the wall and jumps towards the next dash tracks, they will be brought back to an earlier part of the tower. If the player decides to climb up the wall, they will be confronted with another Blobby Octotrooper and the Zapfish. Then they simply have to pop the barrier and finish the level.
Enemies and Mechanics
First Introduced
Previously Introduced
The first and only checkpoint.
Clearing the level for the first time.
Clearing the level on subsequent attempts.
Cuttlefish's Quotes
- After the mission:
“ | Nicely done, Agent 3. But did those Octarians look different? They used to be a little more...smooth...if memory serves. Hey, I ain't one to judge a deadly tentacle creature by its cover. More power to 'em. Uh...but not really. Anyhow, as long as you're sportin' that Hero Suit, you can stand up to any Octarian, bearded or not!
Didja even read the label? Here, I'll do it for ya... "You're wearing the latest in apocalyptic survival fashion! Avoid enemies and navigate the Splatlands in style with your own high-end sensor! Dry clean only." You gotta learn everything about your gear! That's another battle-tested rule of the battlefield! |
” |
- 「ダッシュ板があるぞィ! 上に乗れば バビューンじゃ!」
- 「ナイスじゃ! あとはデンチナマズをゲットじゃな!」
- 「ム? 同じトコをグルグル回っておらんか?」
- 「で ジャンプじゃ!」
- 「でもぐると インクの中を泳げるぞィ!」
- After the mission:
- 「3号よ! グッドじゃった! しかし、タコのヤツら見た目が変わっておったの 前はもっとこう、ツルッとしておったはずじゃが… イメチェン…というヤツじゃろか まぁ どんなタコが相手でも、 最新式のスーツがあれば問題なかろう むー、なになに… 「近くの敵などをマーキングする高性能センサーを始め、 ハイテクな機能がてんこ盛りです」…じゃ! そうびの性能を正しく理解! 戦場の鉄則ーーーッ!」
- "Hé, er zijn daar springbanden! Je raadt nooit wat er gebeurt als je daar bovenop duikt!"
- (Hey, there are dash tracks there! You'll never guess what happens when you dive on top of it!)
- "Bam! Nou, die voltvis is van ons!"
- (Bam! Well, that zapfish is ours!)
- "Ik weet niet precies wat je zoekt, maar ik denk niet dat je het hier kunt vinden, jonkie."
- (I don't know precisely what you're seeking, but I don't think you'll find it here, little one.)
- "Vergeet niet dat je kunt springen met !"
- (Don't forget that you can jump with !)
- "Druk op en zwem lekker snel door de inkt!"
- (Press and swim through the ink nice and fast!)
- After the mission:
- "Mooi werk, agent 3. Maar vond jij die Octarianen ook anders lijken? Als ik het me goed herinner... waren ze altijd... gladder... Ik bedoel, ik wil geen vooroordelen uiten over dodelijke tentakelmonsters. Ze zijn vrij om te doen wat ze willen. Nou ja... vrij zolang ze ons niet lastigvallen... Ach, zolang jij dat heldenpak aanhebt, ben je tegen elke Octariaan opgewassen, met of zonder baard! Heb je het etiket wel gelezen? Ik lees het even voor... "De nieuwste mode voor een stijlvol postapocalyptisch leven! Vermijd vijanden en verken de Splatlands met je eigen geavanceerde sensor! Alleen chemisch reinigen." Je moet alles weten over je uitrusting! Dat is een van de belangrijkste regels op het slagveld."
- (Nice job, Agent 3. But did you find those Octarians looked different too? If I remember right... they were always... smoother... I mean, I don't want to prejudice deadly tentacle monsters. They are free to do whatever they want. I mean... free as long as they don't bother us... Oh, as long as you have on that Hero Suit, you are able to withstand every Octarian, with or without a beard! Have you even read the label? I will read it to you... "The latest fashion for a stylish postapocalyptic life! Avoid enemies and explore the Splatlands with your own advanced sensor! Dry clean only." You must know everything about your gear! That is one of the most important rules of the battlefield.)
French (North America)
- « Des tapis roulants! Bondis dessus et envole-toi! »
- « Joli! Plus qu'à empocher le poisson-charge et à mettre les bouts! »
- « Je sais pas c'que tu cherches, mais c'est pas ici que tu l'trouveras, p'tite tête. »
- « Je te rappelle que tu peux sauter avec ! »
- « Ha ha, on va bien s'calmarrer! Appuie sur pour te transformer et nager dans l'encre! »
- After the mission:
- « Beau travail, Numéro 3. Mais ces octariens avaient une drôle de tête, non? Dans mes souvenirs, ils étaient... mieux rasés. Enfin, si on s'met à juger les tentacules maléfiques sur leur apparence, où va-t-on? Et de toute façon, avec ta tenue héroïque, aucun octarien peut t'faire peur, barbe négligée ou pas! T'as lu l'étiquette, au fait? Attends, j'regarde... « La dernière mode de la survie post-apo! Évitez les ennemis et parcourez la Contrée Clabousse avec style grâce au détecteur dernier cri! Nettoyage à sec. » Bien connaître son équipement, c'est important! C'est même la règle numéro 1 du combat! »
French (Europe)
- « Des tapis roulants ! Bondis dessus et envole-toi ! »
- « Joli ! Plus qu'à empocher le poisson-charge et à mettre les bouts ! »
- « Je sais pas c'que tu cherches, mais c'est pas ici que tu l'trouveras, p'tite tête. »
- « Je te rappelle que tu peux sauter avec ! »
- « Ha ha, on va bien s'calamarrer ! Appuie sur pour te transformer et nager dans l'encre ! »
- After the mission:
- « Beau travail, Numéro 3. Mais ces Octariens avaient une drôle de tête, non ? Dans mes souvenirs, ils étaient... mieux rasés. Enfin, si on s'met à juger les tentacules maléfiques sur leur apparence, où va-t-on ? Et de toute façon, avec ta panoplie héroïque, aucun Octarien peut t'faire peur, barbe négligée ou pas ! T'as lu l'étiquette, au fait ? Attends, j'regarde... « La dernière mode de la survie post-apo ! Évitez les ennemis et parcourez la Contrée Clabousse avec style grâce au détecteur dernier cri ! Nettoyage à sec. » Bien connaître son équipement, c'est important ! C'est même la règle numéro 1 du combat ! »
- „Schau mal, Schleuderbänder! Lauf da drauf, und ab geht die Post!"
- „Ha! Hol dir den Elektrowels und dann nix wie weg!"
- „Ich weiß ja nicht, wonach du eigentlich suchst, aber hier ist es wohl eher nicht."
- „Denk daran... Spring mit !"
- „Halte gedrückt und schwimme durch die Tinte!"
- After the mission:
- „Sehr gut, Nr. 3. Kamen dir diese Oktarianer auch seltsam vor? Die waren doch sonst nicht so... flauschig, oder? Na, egal. Die können von mir aus machen, was sie wollen. Also, jetzt nicht so wirklich. Du verstehst schon, was ich meine. Und solange du den Heldenanzug trägst, kann dir kein Oktarianer die Tinte reichen, egal, ob er Fell hat oder nicht! Hast du das Etikett gelesen? Ach so, das ist ja hinten, aber ich kenn's auswendig... „Der letzte Schrei in Sachen postapokalyptische Mode! Finden Sie Ihren Weg vorbei an Gegnern mit ihrem Spezialsensor! Nur Trockenreinigung." Du musst alles über deine Ausrüstung wissen! Regel Nr. 1 im Kampf!"
- «Ah, quelle sono turborampe! Saltaci su, da bravo mollusco, e vedrai che volo!»
- (Oh, those are dash tracks! Jump on it, like a good mollusk. and you'll see how you fly!)
- «Bene! Ora prendi quel pescescossa e taglia la lenza!»
- (Good! Now take that Zapfish and cut the line!)
- «Non so cosa tu stia cercando, ma non credo sia qui, caro il mio mollusco.»
- (I don't know what you're looking for, but I don't think it's here, my dear kiddo.)
- «Ricorda che puoi saltare con !»
- (Remember that you can jump with !)
- «Forza, tentacoli in spalla! Premi per diventare mollusco e nuotare nell'inchiostro!»
- (Come on, tentacles on your shoulders! Press to become a(n) squid/octopus and swim in ink!)
- After the mission:
- «Ottimo lavoro, Numero 3. Ma quegli Octariani non erano diversi? Una volta erano più... glabri... se ricordo bene. Beh, chi sono io per giudicare una creatura tentacolata dalle sue ventose? Buon per loro. Ehm... O forse no. In ogni caso, finché indossi quella divisa élite, puoi affrontare qualsiasi Octariano, irsuto o meno! Hai letto l'etichetta, almeno? Guarda, lo faccio io per te... "Il meglio nel campo della sopravvivenza apocal-ittica. Evita i nemici ed esplora Splattonia con il tuo sensore esclusivo! Eleganza garantita. Lavare a secco. "Devi sapere tutto del tuo equipaggiamento! È un'altra delle basi della battaglia!»
- (Good job, Number 3. But weren't those Octarians different? They used to be more... hairless... if I remember correctly. Well, who am I to judge a tentacled creature by its suckers? Good for them. Um... Or maybe not. Regardless, as long as you wear that Hero Suit, you can take on any Octarian, hirsute or not! Did you read the label, at least? Look, I'll do it for you... "The best in apocalyptic survival. Avoid enemies and explore Splatlands with your high-end sensor! Elegance guaranteed. Dry clean. "You need to know everything about your equipment! It's another of the battle bases!)
- «Ого, впереди треколеты! Залезай на один из них и лети-и-и!!!»
- (Woah, dash tracks are ahead! Climb one of them and fly-y-y!!!)
- «Йо-хо! Хватай вольторыба и погнали отсюда!»
- (Booyah! Grab the Zapfish and let's get outta here!)
- «Что это ты вынюхиваешь, малек? Тут ничего нет!»
- (What are you sniffing out, fry? There's nothing here!)
- «Прыгай, нажимая !»
- (Jump by pressing !)
- «Шевели щупальцами! Нажми и плыви в краске!»
- (Shake your tentacle! Press and swim in the ink!)
- After the mission:
- «Хорошая работа, агент 003. Но тебе не кажется, что осьморяне выглядят иначе? Раньше они были более... гладкими, что ли. Если память мне не изменяет. Небось имидж решили поменять. Ну, не мне судить современную молодежь... Как бы там ни было, даже самые пушистые осьморяне тебе не страшны, пока на тебе костюм героя! Гляди, тут даже этикетка есть. Сейчас зачитаем... «Последний писк апокалиптической моды. Костюм оснащен универсальным датчиком, позволяющим скрываться от врагов и т. п.! Только сухая стирка». Прежде чем ринуться в бой, разберись, как работает твое снаряжение! Еще одна военная мудрость.»
- (Good job, Agent 3. But don't you think that octarians look different? They used to be more... sleek or something. If my memory doesn't fail me. They probably decided to change their image. Well, I'm not the one to judge the modern youth... Whatever it is, even the fluffiest octarians won't scare you while you wear the Hero Suit! Look, it even has a label. Let's read it... «The latest apocalyptic fashion. The Suit is equipped with a universal sensor which allows to hide from the enemies, and so on! Dry wash only». Before rushing into a fight, figure out how your equipment works! Another one of the military wisdoms.)
Spanish (North America)
- «¡Recórcholis! ¡Pero si son cintas aceleradoras! Pasa sobre ellas y saldrás volando.»
- «¡Excelente! ¡Ahora agarra el volbagre!»
- «No sé qué andas buscando, pero dudo que encuentres algo por aquí, joven.»
- «No olvides... ¡que puedes oprimir para saltar!»
- «¡Si oprimes , puedes sumergirte en la tinta y nadar por ella!»
- After the mission:
- «Muy bien hecho, Agente 3. Pero ¿serán ideas mías o esos octarianos son diferentes? Normalmente se veían un poco más... afeitados, si mal no recuerdo. Pero no vamos a juzgar por su apariencia a unos mortíferos seres con tentáculos, ¿verdad? Para gustos, los colores... En fin, ese traje de élite te capacita para enfrentar a cualquier octariano, ¡tenga barba o no! ¿Leíste la etiqueta siquiera? Pues yo te la leo. "Moda de vanguardia para escenarios apocalípticos. Evade a los enemigos y recorre la región de Tintelia luciendo un sensor de alta tecnología. Lavar en seco." Tienes que conocer todos los secretos de tu equipamiento. ¡Es la regla cardinal del combate!»
Spanish (Europe)
- «¡Repámpanos! ¡Pero si son rampas aceleradoras! Pasa sobre ellas y verás lo que es salir volando.»
- «¡Magnífico! ¡Ahora hazte con el siluro!»
- «No sé qué andas buscando, pero dudo que encuentres nada por aquí, joven.»
- «No olvides... ¡que puedes pulsar para saltar!»
- «¡Si pulsas , puedes zambullirte en la tinta y nadar por ella!»
- After the mission:
- «Muy bien hecho, Agente 3. Pero ¿soy yo o esos octarianos son diferentes? Suelen ir un poco más... afeitados, si no me falla la memoria. Pero no vamos a juzgar por su apariencia a unos mortíferos seres con tentáculos, ¿verdad? Cada cual tiene sus gustos... En fin, ese atuendo de élite te capacita para hacerle frente a cualquier octariano, ¡tenga barba o no! Ah, ¿que no has leído lo que pone? Pues ya te lo leo yo. «Moda de vanguardia para escenarios apocalípticos. Elude a los enemigos y recorre la región de Tintelia luciendo un sensor de alta tecnología. Lavar en seco.» Ya tardas en aprender todos los secretos de tu equipamiento. ¡No hay regla de combate más esencial!»
Chinese (Simplified)
- "这里有冲刺板! 乘上它就会咻~地飞出去哦!"
- "干得漂亮! 接下来去获得电池鲶鱼吧!"
- "嗯?你是不是一直在同一个地方打转啊?"
- "按跳跃!"
- "按潜入墨汁,就能在墨汁中游泳哦!"
- After the mission:
- "干得漂亮!3号! 不过,那些章鱼的外貌和以前不太一样啊。 感觉以前……看起来更光滑一些…… 这莫非是所谓的……改变形象? 不过,不管面对什么样的章鱼, 只要有最新型的装备在,就没问题。 唔——让我看看…… "除了能标记附近敌人的高性能侦测器之外, 还具备了各种其他高科技功能"……哇! 正确理解装备的性能!这是战场上的铁则——!"
Chinese (Traditional)
- 「有衝刺板喔! 只要站上去就能咻一聲地飛出去了!」
- 「漂亮! 接下來就去拿電池鯰魚吧!」
- 「嗯?你是不是一直在同個地方打轉啊?」
- 「按下跳躍吧!」
- 「按下下潛就能在墨汁中游泳了!」
- After the mission:
- 「3號!做得好! 不過那群章魚的外觀變得不太一樣了呢。 感覺以前應該是挺光滑的才對…… 這就是所謂的……改變形象吧。 總之,無論遇到什麼樣的章魚, 只要有最新型的裝備應該就不成問題了。 嗯……我看看…… 「包含能夠對附近的敵人進行標記的高性能偵測器在內, 具備了多種高科技功能」……嗯! 正確地理解裝備的性能!這是戰場的鐵則——!」
- "대시 벨트가 있구먼! 위에 올라타면 앞으로 슉 튀어 나갈 수 있다네!"
- "나이스일세! 이제 전지메기만 획득하면 되겠구먼!"
- "음? 똑같은 곳을 빙글빙글 돌고 있지 않은가?"
- "로 점프하게나!"
- "로 잠수하면 잉크 속을 헤엄칠 수 있다네!"
- After the mission:
- "3호! 굿이었네! 그런데 문어 녀석들의 모습이 변한 것 같구먼 전에는 조금 더 반들반들했던 것 같은데… 이미지 변신…이라도 하고 싶었나? 뭐, 어떤 문어가 상대라 해도 최신식 슈트가 있으면 문제없겠지 흐음, 어디 보자… 「근처에 있는 적 등을 마킹하는 고성능 센서를 비롯하여 첨단 기술을 사용한 기능이 가득 탑재되어 있습니다」…라는구먼! 장비의 성능을 바르게 이해할 것! 그게 바로 전쟁터의 철칙일세~~~!"
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | 疑惑!インク沼の中央にアヤシイ光を見た?! Giwaku! Inku numa no chūō ni ayashii hikari wo mita?! |
Suspicion! Did you see the bright light in the center of the ink swamp?! |
Dutch | Dompel je onder en zwem! | Immerse yourself and swim! |
French (NOA) | Plonge dans l'encre et NAGE! | Dive into the ink and SWIM! |
French (NOE) | Plonge dans l'encre et NAGE ! | Dive into the ink and SWIM! |
German | Folge der Tinte! | Follow the Ink! |
Italian | Immergiti e nuota! | Dive in and swim! |
Russian | Ныряйте в краску и ПЛЫВИТЕ! Nyryayte v krasky i PLYVITE! |
Dive into the paint and SWIM! |
Spanish (NOA) | ¡Sumérgete en tinta y a nadar! | Dive into ink and swim! |
Spanish (NOE) | ¡Zambúllete en tinta y a nadar! | Dive into ink and swim! |
Chinese (Simplified) | 疑惑!墨汁沼泽中央发出可疑的光芒?! Yíhuò! Mòzhī zhǎozé zhōngyāng fāchū kěyí de guāngmáng? |
Confusing! Suspicious light emerges from the ink swamp center?! |